HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-17, Page 3The hole TrutM T ' J '-here9 s nothing _ so bad for a cough as coughing., There's nothing so good for a cough,� as Ayer Cherry Pectoral. The 25.ceot size is just right for Itre arainaty, everyday cold, The So cent size is better for the cough of bronchitis. croup. grip. used booseness. Thea dollh size is the best for chronic coughs, as is consumption, chronic bron- cldtis, wham), etc, MONEY TO LOAN, We lime:unlimited private tundefor invest- nelootupon farm or village property at 1oWeet *tee of lntereet. DICKSON' 8.e CARL'iNG Tweeter. F. W. GLADIVAN (Successor to Elliott AI Ciadronu) Barrister ,Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Etc. Mone" to loop an Farm and village properties at Lowest rates ae interest. OFFIOE MAIN STREET EXETER KINSMANS�- »R . KINSMS. AN, L. D. S. T D. Universy,Dns ovtrn Twithoutneed vin or Teeth , badnfter ofroets, Office in Fann- sOn's block, West side of Main 'Ikea, Exeter' DR- ANDERSON. (D. D. S. i. D. S' 1 DENTIST. NAD BOIHH18 UGS GUT OFF. Honor 'Graduate of the Toronto University. and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of cataria. 4Utbrllgo work, Crowns, and Pinto work done in thu neatest possible manner. A harmless aniesthotio for painless oxtraotion. Thestricteet attention given to the preservat- on of the natural teeth. Office opposite Coni taai /fete'. Exeter, Ontario. CUT THIS OUT Berlin, Ont,,, Man Probably Fatal- ly injured at Detroit. The Filipinos Capture 14 Ameerleene-- Rritish Ship ',masks% Bound For Acts- tralia Isl Cott^ Out 136 Days—Suspectcil Bubonic I'laguo Carse iu Stepney, Lun- don--Queeta Wilheimitra of itoilond Betrothed to Dolce Rears'. of Meeklees • send us with Oconts in silver. and you will net MODS return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF i3WDS that will bring you in MORE MoxEv, In one month, than anythingelse in America. A. w, KINEY, E. T.. Salem—Yarmouth, N. S Five 'Packs of Cards Freer One pack, 'May I C U;' $ome,' One pack Escort, Onepack Flirtation,' One pack 'Hold - w -light' One pack,'Otr Sofa Just Holds Two.' Samples of 20 othor styles with book full of no- arsons. Sena 5c. silver for postage. A. W. K1NNE E. T„ Salam—Yarmouth, N. S r1ORTGAGE SALE Or FARM PROPERTY IN TELE VOWNH I P OF STF PHFN. burg-Sclaweriu, The death is announced of cdenoko I ibich. the veleinrated Bohemian composer. Lord Roberts has honory colonel of the new regiment .5f frisk (Wards. The total of gold engaged for iut- portattotr to the United States to date is S9,1.50,000. The uprising in San t)oriugo is ended, the rebels have scattered and business is reviving. Queen A'ilheltuina of holland has piroclainhed her betrothal to Puke Henry of Meelcleuberk-Schwerin. Sir Henry Wentworth Dyke Akland Radcliffe. librarian at Oxford vexsity^ since 3851, died on Tuesd,ly. . t case of illness, suspected to be bubonic plague. is reported at. Step - MY. rt parish and suburb of Lone- England. ong'•' ng lin►tl. The 14ing--ston bylaw granting $50,- 000 to queen's University was voted upon en Tuesday, and carried by over 50(1 majority. Thomas F. Lane, sou-in.law of ex- +enator Blackburn, committed itli- ride at his house in Washington on Alonday 1►i;ht, Mr. Andrew ('arnegie has presented the town of llawick, Roxburt; Coun- ty, Scotland, with tl►e soul er £10,- 000 for a, public library. Viro d atuaged St. Ca harino las 11' P i t n fh n $ t 4 ..,� extent 9 .tell "1 rte, f .l, :',ay ;Horning. An explosion in the generating room caused it. been gazetted Under and by virtue of the powers contain - .ed in a certain mortgage, whichwill be produc- ed, at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, THE THIRD DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1900 At the hour of TWO O'CLOCK P. M., at Brenner's Hotel, Grand Bend, Ont., by John Gill, auctioneer, the following valuable pro- perty, namely:— Lot number six in tbo Lake Road West con- cession,Townsbip of Stephen,County of Huron, containingthirty-five aures of lend more or less. This is a esirable property, only one mile from Grand Bend. TERMS OF SALE. -20X ofhe , the purchase money ace t aid be paidnwithin 30 time or the bal- for payment of balance may be made to suit purchaser. For further particulars and conditions of sale Apply to J. G-STANBURY, Exeter, Ont. Vendor's Solicitor. Dated at Exeter, the 2nd day of 'October, 1900 Mrs. Fred Laino, St. George. Ont. writes : "'My little girl would cough so at night that neither she nor 1 could get any rest. Igave bee Dr, Wood's Norway Pine syrup and thankful to say it cured her cough quickly. BEWARE OF WORMS. Don'tlot worms gnaw at the vitals of your children. Give them Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup and they'll soon be rid of those parasites, Price 25c. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS FRENGH Nfls BEEN FLGHTING. 1 Senora! Mahon Has Likewise Been Doing execution. Viotory Was C.aiteod Bowerer, Only by Severe Losses --'Boers dete've. Over Wide Field—British. lee -Entered Blocmleo' Near Kimberley, i:noopased and. caught 0Q Boers --hour Leaders Cult Flob Wag, • hondon, Oct. 17, ---Lord Roberts reports from Pretoria, under date of Oct. 15, as follows: 'French has started from 'ilacha- dedorp towards Heidelberg to clear tt part of iho country not yet visit- ed by our troops. "Mahon, conlnlanding the mounted troops, successfully engaged the ene- my on Get. 13, but our losses were severe, the officers and eight wren being killed, and three officers and ','-5 men wounded. "French. occupied C'ar'olina yenter- day, ralituring a convoy during Ili march.', Lord Roberts also reports a num- ber of minor affairs, showing that the Boers are still active over at wide field. The illness of King„ Albert tat Sa c Any" 11:15 bet'orue more tondo recently. llis thi3'sty fainted on Tuessday, a aiming considerable alarm. The Italian iiuke de Ahrua2i la planning a new kind of ball inn for leis nest polar eNpedition. 'Cif* imi:.- tary, balloon proved a failure.. A big gold strike is reports -I (root i � Stewart River all. Yukon tcrrdt,.ry. Miners nit. getting, .$25 to the pan, Another good strike is reported iron Arlin, Max Brill, a prominent real estate lawyer of Brooklyn, shot himself in tho head with it revolver on Tuesday in his ollice in that city. No reason is assigned. Newton J. Kerr, Assistant ('ity En- ginesr of 0tEawa, has been appoint- ed City Engine:r isl place of Jolr:1 Quit. who resigned. Mr. Galt dist s pay till the end of the year. Adapt Mnesch, a Chicago wool- worker. lens been shot and probably fatally wounded. It is supposed strikers did it because Maesolt went to work with non-union men. .Tohn Eopts, a Russian Polish min- er, who had saved 5100, and was re- turning with it to Germany, was robbed on a Baltimore and Ohio train near Marietta, Ohio, on Mon- day night. Ile is left without a cent. Fire destroyed 13,000,000 feet of lumber, valued at $250,000, at Oak- wood, Wisconsin, on rueeday, The sufferers are the Hollister -Armes ('o., the Diamond snatch Co., the Challon- er & Sons Co. And other smaller owners. Jeff Jones, his wife and their four children were blown to atones by dynamite in their home at Selis, Montgomery County, Alabama, on Monday evening. It is believed a dispute over property prompted the outrage. Tlie British ship Lansing, which left Port Blakely, Cal., on June 1, bound for l'ort Piere, Australia, is not, out 136 days. and 20 per cent, re -insurance has been offered on her. She has a cargo of nearly 2,000,000 feet of lumber. Magistrate Ramsdell has committed Edward Taverner for trial at the fall Assizes on a charge of moo - slaughter, arising out of the death of Isaiah Warner, superintendent of the Humber (near Toronto), piggery. Taveernc'r ls. out on bail. A man named Ireson was killed, and eight other persons, including four girls, were injured in a fire caused by an explosion of rubber cement in a building occupied by Witchell Sons & Co., shoe manufact- urers. at Detroit, on Tuesday. It is officially announced that Lora Alverstone, formerly Sir Richard Webster, has been appointed Lord Chief Justice of England, in succes- sion to the late Baron Russell of Ki.11owen. Justice A. L. Smith suc- ceeds Lord .Alverstone as Master of the Rolls. The tribal risings among the I{urds are assiuining threatening propor- tions. The Turkish authorities are greatly concerned. The troops have had to intervene in the Diarhoki,r district, where a number of Chris- tian and Mussulman villages have been razed. A shooking accident occurred Tues- day afternoon at the railroad cros- sing on St. Aubin avenue, Detroit, Henry Clayton of Berlin, Ont., being run over by a Michigan Central freight train, and having both legs cut off. ' His recovery is believed to be impossible. AN OLA AND WELLARTBD REMEDY.—MTS. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for YYnouof here for their over refifty years to thing. it mot success. with perfect children while teething, It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pe{n, cures wind colic. and 3s the beet remedy for Diarrhcea.: It is pleasant to the tanto. Sol' by druggists in every part of the world. 25 gents a bottle. Its value is incaleplabie. Be ;.onto and ask for Mrs Winslows Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. R Chiidren +Cry., for STORIA sa. Twenty men of the 24th U S. Regiment, who were repairing tele- graph wires in the Island of Luzon (Philippines), wore surrounded by Filipinos Oct. 10, and 14 of the AMerico.tie were captured. A party .01 United 'States scouts were also surpri't1 and three of them killed, The report' of 'the Ontario Board of iieltlth,ior September,, read at' the quarterly meeting in Toronto on Tuesday, showed that 1,988 deaths were . reported ellp•ing the Month, of. which 40 were ,roan diphtheria, 54 from _ typhoid and 151 from tuber- cillosis. The figures for- September last year were respectively 21, 55, 1.90. 1. Ued ugv 1gSkirinlait. 'lttrban, Oct. 16. --Near S'rybeid, commando was taken int ant- boa•..• .' by Bethuen's mounted info'', try, the Boers losing 60 killed, 85 wounded, and 65 taken prisoners. Ftftr Doers Captured, Cale Town, Oct. 10. --The British re-entered Illoeudliof, near lkiuhberley, Oct. 14, uai'ipipoicd, anti captured 50 Boers, Y.471Eiz X.Ed.»ERS Corlruusnclants Muller and Erasmus 17e c1sle to Surreeder,. I'.reioria, Oct, la.---Coultttandant Muller, with a number of burghers. has surrendered to the British ill Standerton. The ren►ainder of the commando. it is s«tlti. intendedto hold out until yesterday. when they would also surrender if they -ver: not joined by tt large force of Amleri- Ca119 who. it was said, would arrive, on that day to aid then[. The Ilot'r•, have burned anumber of faro[ house•,• in the Standerton district belonging do Englishmen. Commandant Era s, Imus is coining in to arrange terms ttf surrender. T1ieui in A Tsap. Gens. .Barton and Clements have surrounded a commando on ?;wart ICop, and it is expected that the whole force will be captured. The British at last reports were shelling then, and had killed and wounded a nunlber. Some prisoners had been taken. Gens. Barton and Clements fought for three days to drive the Boers into the position they are now trying to bolsi. The, Colonial Regiments. The men of the colonial regiments have been given the option of receiv- ing their discharge or taking a three weeks' furlough, after which they must rejoin their commands. If they choose to take their discharge they Will lose certain emoluments. About forty members of the Imperial Li t;lit Horse have signified their intention to take furloughs. The others will take their discharge. The volunteer companies of some of the regiments are beginning to leave for home. Itoborta fraises ]Fuller, Gen. Roberts has issued an order announcing that Gen. Sir Redvers Buller has relinquished the command of the Natal force. In the order Gen. Roberts thanks Gen. Buller for his services, and says that his abil- ity and great success caused the col- lapse of the Boer army in the east- ern part of the Tranavaal. Boor Depredntlnns. Y=l • The Least flair Casts a Shadow." A single drop of poison blood'wises, finless checked in time, make the whole impure„ Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great leader in blood purifiers.. It casts no shadow, but brings suit - Shine and health into every household, Running'Sore--" Afy mother watt troubled wth rl:epmatlsm in her :knee for a nuraber of yearn, and it broke out into s running sore. She took three bottles of Iiood'a Sarsaparilla and is now well. Food's Olive Ointment helped to heal the eruption. " Mas, Joins BARS, Cloverlawns, A feaster, Ontatie. RhCutntn " I was badly afflicted with sciatic rheumatism. Consulted doc- tors without relief. Was persuaded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and five bottles gave nee relief and enabled me to go to work." WiLr,rttc R. RoAcll, Margaretvllle, N. 8. s/.!t' rover pils4kpain a ` 13ood'e i'tllseare [icer life; the non- az-luting sad only cauisrllc to take with Hood's 5areaparl0a.. S'ddherland Innes Co .,IB, t11LE P1�.wP,RED TO PURCHAfii+' IE;I-..1VV� —AND OTHER TIMBER, EITHER BR STANDING OR IN THE LOGS, Apply`` to E. Ca Kassel, FOREMAN, S alt, O,•T. A train has been derailed at Caap River. Three persons were killed in the accident. The Boers have broken the railway at Vrakfontein. They fought a small force that was sent to repair the line, killing several and wounding a number. Some others were taken prisoners. The rifle •brigade is pro- ceeding to clear therm out. Gen. Knox is in Heilbron, Gen. DeLisle in Reitburg and Gen. Barton in Krugcrsdorp. All of them have skirmishes with the Doers. Five.hundred prisoners taken by the British in Lydenburg, have been sent o Cape Town. BET CANED CANADIANS. SWEET Begs to announce to the people of Exeter and surround- ing country that he has taken the stock of Harness, Boots & Shoes of Mr J. Treble, livid will continue business in the wine .stand, • In order to clear out this STMT.: of Boots % Shoes WE OFFER TIMM Sergt.-Major tt idgery and Five Others Arrive in Xoronto. Toronto, Oct. 17.—Serge.-Maj or Widgery of the Royal Canadian Dra- goons arrived in the city from South Africa last night. He was escorted to his home, at 44 Clifford street, by a crowd of friends, where an en- thusiastic reception was given him, about 500 people taking part. The house and street was gaily decorated for the occasion with flags and Chi- nese lanterns. Five invalided Canadian soldiers reached Toronto on Tuesday. They were: Pte. A. Marshall, A1landale; Pte. Geo. A. Barrett,' St, Thomas; Pte. W. McKnight, St. Catharine; and Pte. C. H. Koehler of Toronto, and Pte. W. Townley, formerly- of the Governor -General's Body Guard. The arrival of the boys Was somewhat unexpected, and but few persons be- side relatives were at the station to meet them. They all looked the pia tore of heath Capt. Pears. Dangerously Ill. Ottawa, Oct. 17.—A cable froze Sir Alfred Milner to the dovernor- l}eneral yesterday* states that a mis- take was made in the a ltlereporting Corporal - St. Aubyn £estse da*&er- ouely ill at Prlatt ria; It should' have been Capt: .q.. SE, A. Pearse est the Mounted' Infantry.,. Capt." Potreo is 'a,. Toronto malt, in the Royal C04411an Orsjootut at sea, • Ali stationed1 y >i IFt':F, AT and BELOW RBST MARKETS. ;Exeter, OCTOBER hili 1900, Wheat per bushel .64 ts 4 to 61 B23 arley,,,,... ,... .. a"ll t0 36 63 to 03 Butter..... .-17 to Eggs,..... ,.,,,, ,., 14 to 14 Turkeys ... . 9 lei 10 Geese.,,... ..,,., 6 to a Chickens per It ...... , 6 to Ducks ,,., 7 to Wool..,. „ ... 16 to 13 Dried ''0ook ased..... . -".. .. 87.0 t 7.00 LONDON AiiKETS.. London. OCTOBER17th 1904. Wheat per bushel,., .-.t$ to 65 oats, „ ...... ,33 w 3.: Peas., --ale to tit Barley . 38 to e6 Buckwheat .,,.. -45 to 4 Rya .., , .51 to 66 Corn... .... .,..,,42 to 47 Beans .,_..,. 65 to 70 Butter .... ,.••, -••• 14 to 14 Dars ks •..,,. 60 to Turkeys per to..,. ....,,10 to 12 Geese peril,Chicks ..9 to Cheesens ,..,..* 8 o 10 10 Potatoes per bag .. .ee to 45 Hay per ton ,..,.. . ,.e 6.00 to *3 r1,0 Pork per Cwt... ,. • FORTRB NEXT 30 DAYS. Harness in'alI lines either in stock or anode to drier. Repairing promptly and carefully attended to. • CALL AND INSPECT OUR GOODS. R. H. SWEET J. Treble's old stand B.B.B. Cures to Stay Cured 16 .. 84.00 to $5.110 To TRE Due.. --A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Bead by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has sent £1,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people rumble to procure the Ear Drums may have thele free, Ap ply to Dept. A. S. V, the Institute, 7SO Eighth Avenue, New rorlt,U. S. A. MUSCULAR RRH1 LMATISM. Il, 3Filkinson, Stratford, Ont., sa s: "lt Weeds Ole much pleasure to say that Iy experi- enced great relief from Muscular Itheumatit+n1 bee n$ln two boxes of )iilburn'e Rheumatic Pills." i'rico 60oa box. There is nothing haralr about Taxa -Liver Pills They cure constipation, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. and k3itious Spells withorlt griping purging ee sjgk chips. Price S'._=ic. The most chronic diseases of the Stomach, Liver, bowels and Blood. Thousands of testimonials from those who have been permanent- ly cured by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters speak of its unfail- ing efficacy in Dyspepsia, Bilious- ness, Sick Headache, Liver Com- plaint, Eczema, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Hives, Ringworms, and all blood humors. If you want to be cured to stay cured, use only B,B.B; THE Clothing QUESTION A `tick Meat Market undersigned has ope7ted up w meat inarhet one door 'l91 plea South of Carlinn's Stor re he will keep the choicest of constantly on band. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T. TiANNINO R. NR ROWE TV : UNDERTAKER. Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price, and selling at the old prices. Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show a big range at moderate prices in Scotch and Canadian. tweeds we cary a large and well as- sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- est goods voa oercfor singe: from $10 up. GIVE US A CALL and see y what we can do for you. Jr H. Griever MERCHANT ANT TAILOR P I Ca;itoria is for Infants and childreni Castor' a is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, props: and Soothing Syrups, It contains neither Qp1wn,. 1Iorj'hine ROI:' other NitrcotiG substance, It Is rleasant, lts guarantee is thirty years' use by 11Tittiona of Mothers. Castoriat destroys Worn2S and a .flays Feverish- xtess, Castori . cures Diarrhoea awl Wind Colic. rCasto r relieves Teething Troubles, cures ConstipaYtion aid Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels QfTnfants anti Children, el l g, Realty and n_atukral. sleep. Castoria, is the Ctl,TldreA's L'anaeea The Mother's Friend. '`ic`1<Stor a. asto 4" 1 P '"Qaatttirltt Is sa well uaia leis to children C'aatoria is on excellent medicine for F ,children.. .mothers 1►trve repeatedly told roc + that I recommend it us superior to any prey of its good sil et upon their children." ecriptiaa known to inc." I)a. G. C. 066401, lv:4<11,slfass. 11. A.4stcgna,S3.1?,.$rp,2X1im,,1V 1' THE FAC-SIIVIILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. Tte1 ARtltAtiit CQMIASY. R1' MNeitlar 555 iii. re5W'ttttl>R 0r1 (. Always keeps on band a com- plete stock of caskets and trimmings at different kinds. Also the largest stock of furn- iture ever shown in Exeter or any town in the county. Prices as low as can be made. Do not fail to see our immense stock in our two storey building. Our desire is to please every- body. Rowe's Buy the Best and Ignore the Rest In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc. GET SOMETMNG tuGE.' We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE and you will find what you are' looking for S CIDLEY SON FURNITURE Alen UNDERTAKERS. Opera House Block, ABSOLUTE SES '' ITYe nam-..._sem 04) Catrs Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fan:-Slensfe Wrapper Below. Vsery stmaoii, aural as ow/ to tame as Braga CbtADACWE0 ARTSEo RS R DIIZIN $. oo lluousiliS$.; PID EIYER. TQR R_ • ' 0165'tiPAT101l. C ftR. fpR >jAL1,OW,iKIR, id#•TIIlEC01Al4ElIiDN i ' ; • twrrsare *suite GtIRR.eiCK HIEALIACHE. The output eel "` Slater hoes'" a utrol their ov: a ta't;tage iu st.o Yt 1 Canucl,. Calf," utalle front the b icl medium tau a'l s::;;l b -own. " I idducl:" in biaa3t and seal brown, froth selected Patna patski Both leathers are wear and. water resisting, porous and therefore sanitary. There are also "Best rrenckt Patent," " French Eaatuel, " Peerless Russia" and "American Calc.`[ Slater Shoe Polish only should be • these leathers, retains their elasticity and keep's VTa., soft. Tire soleleatberis the best (.11ihi11i3;, able,and ou every sole is the makers" name and price iu a slate frame, when. the finished shoe has passed. its rigorous e'auiination. Catalogue. en elected calfskilts, in Mac' 0 �. SPACKMAN, SOLE LOCAL AGENT. SPRAINED ARM, T{. A Mary Ovington, Aglow, Ont., writes : "My Y mother had a badly sprained arni Nothing we; usoddld herany good. Then father got 'hug TwEEDs - yard's iw day . and it dined mother's term n} SPECIAL LOT OF KIDNEY DISEASE FOR TEN YEARS.' A Glen Miller Man's Terrible Trial. He Found a Cure at Last in Doan's Kidney Pills. Mr. P. M. Burk, who is a well-known resident of Glen. Miller, Hastings Co., Ont., was atlieted with kidney trouble for ten years. So pleased is he at having found in Doan's Kidney Pills a cure for his ail- ments, which he had begun to think were incurable, that he wrote the following statement of his ease so that others simi- larly afflicted may profit bybis experience: " I have been afflicted with kidney trouble for about ten years and have tried several remedies but never reeeived any real benefit until I started taking Doan's Kidney Pills. My back used to constantly ache and my urine was high colored and milky looking at times. Sinee I have finished the third box of Doan's Kidney Pills I am happy to state that I am not bothered with backache at all and my urine is clear as erystal. I feel confident that these pills are the best kidney specific in the country," At Cost Price FOR TRF NEXT 15 DAYS. A good Assortment ALSO HEAVY I.'ANTL1 GS AT COST.. We want to clear these lines at once. WOMEN WILL TALK, W, 'JOHNS,. The Tarot• minamfmmolmsadmilk Can't Blame them fbr Tel. ling each other about Mil. buries Heart and Nerve Pins. ills, h will work while you sleep„without a gripe or pain, curing Constipation, $iliousness, Sick Head- ache and Dyspepsia, and Make you feel better in the morning. TIN GREAT RERIEDY FOR WEAK NERVOUS womg , It's only natural that a adman finda a remedy which cures her of aerviuttne andweakness, relieves her •, .alas surd aches,?pots color in her cheek anddvitatit , ih her whole system, she Should ..ba anxhoutt to tether suffering sisters know of Mrs. Hannah Holmes, St. James Street, St. John, N.B., relates her egpe rieriee wikh this remedy as follows : " Feer gosaer y 1 have been troubled with duttering of the► heart and dizziness, secernj anijth �tae. smothering feelin which p� �tited from resting. My appetite ww poor said i wits much run down uand a ,i�t[tafaef. .'Since I started usingM iburn's ; � Heart `and Nerve Pills, the s tl snug feteliptg has gone, my heart beat now reul ai r the utterin has disappeared,andIhava ileepRlnderfu!]y built up throuj;h the tartlet effect of the pills. I now feel stranger' and better than for many: 'ars, and cit iia, Saytoll much' in raise or t �p P he remedy e+�l`9lil restored my long lost health." y