Exeter Times, 1900-10-17, Page 2LEGAL. DICKSON St CARL NG, •!••••••••••• Pr -!ex. Soldiers. Notaries, Conveyancers, Ctuitoig,i r„, tete Miney to Leen at 4,i per cent, 418.5 p ccsot 10Et-FANSON'S BLOCK. ha'nrott, cannuco. A.L t. nicascoi. n ember of he firm Wibe at Itatt•all et, Iluatuey of each week. MEDIC.ft.it I . 11 J.. B. TORONTO NI Jhi P. C. II. 1.suity Utt.ver etiy. filte-t.:Kaillon, Out . • ..Kti,U‘‘Nlixtt ., ttrndeate '.7Lo - un,v ^11 1 refouence. 4.to lahora- 1 eter. I:NI/MAN. coroner fo • the Votadv ufIDA ,u °thee, op OS:40 .1 14 1 - L'I LW'S ;IRV; lentient & ennen emanate cf the Prwa7Zo Vetorinary eet, ape. ce-enao di or e nth Tewn ini wtTFIti.m). 4UIkJM. iNkii'llANCI Oct . Cott a intalt sad to tad% AD OffICE h4TIflUO1 03/1" (uvt-„ttseert over rwvitv-eiek tor.o,91:0. ,;,:.:-AtidaXe4ttra I Unit...W.1,i CtInt :PAW-, 4.: N... ire:101,14! laid lir Cat:ire oy 1irt,,f 4A^, c.15, o:her ',iocTiPtiO.li 4 b tioallotr, 11.ev:r. i zr.,rtrors 4.014 It 44 ettl iMqZ: Oa. WO Prow eti keo hnrirfi Er,'ac Fn.?, fc:yesrStitit company bas itr,o ti voverins vroperir we! tt:t o nett paid in lest,es rulato 4.1 . rfe,too.o0, emend:az or aise le • ae.,,,,seleema E.1,3 gatISS•Fen* etd Len ,P=4 „3„ • t ,,a neeirti I. 1 nry - • .„. nl too ere re fee heeler un st.int:y. UNREQUITED. LOVE.. eaa-F041:•*:; More at peace, yea!, It was peaee tug In the middle ot (Lycidae,' and she sighed for. At the castle shelled stoppei or the threshold, spellbound, till the poem was finished." uot been at peace. 'rhea* had been passionate, revolt for ever goiug on 1 pity you did not secare ie. her soul, a revolt against the serv- her by a mare hieding engagem.eata, itude which she bore so meetly, , sense of Wouride4 pride which 4 Prih- ces-s of the blood royal might have felt. And she had never suftered tlaat goat, of inward shame eo acutely SS wba Vieforriun was at the castle. So the fr:endly compact between tbe deamagogue'e daughter end that holic and soMewhat reCid Radical, Mr.Chap- men was seated. Stella W33 CO occupy the little room ou the half -flight s !erg as she Eke& ace was to have a many little store bottles of ink out of the 313013 and an many a those steel rats which Mr. Chapraen bought tevenoeuce a gross and retai1et1 at oenny as ever ehe chose to resume. Polly spent the whole day 4evour- 1 bag a. manuscript story and wholly abtorbed ha the fietion and even of. feriuo the writer the tribute of an oceasional tear, OOM. Barnsby dropped in at tea -time noe the elegant five Veleck tea a re liTER Ei .1 14, Tneral, morrf.ng Tinto, Priutiu4 polite life, but a stolid eeven eielcelt 1 ht la merked the clase, of the al at once for aneered Clarice; "you ehould have, made her Lady Lasolintor and then be wOuld have been -always on the spot o rid to you and yoor mother." Laehmar reddened angrily, but re- ined from, epeech. "1 canaot help being amused. at your simplicity in eupposing that this yVtinf,:, pereon hae gone no further ha.n the nearest town," exclaimed 1 rice with open scorn. la it loor uch more likely that ehe is in Lort- on or Poriat" If you v. -ill take the trouble to omprelieud thatt ehe bad alteolotely 0 Troney when elm lett the curtly -re-" Tan Laelovar nagrily. "B;a. 1 ca.nuot comprehend that. I .an3sre, jadging by Mr, Neetoriets's aiz wLn thcese two were walking in the ark together at duet; the other eveantrO. if be had seta, 'Lend illy ratty pountio," be would hove rushed to his chectelotele that, imatent." ' - I do not thinhat she would ask Mr. Neet()rins for fifty pounds or five pounds." ILady Lasionar had not appeared that day. She was much Y Stenah flight • and 3Orely Missed her quiet ministrations; but ant Was troubled far more by the way Vic- tor:an bad taken the event. Why houtl he be eu grieved. so weary t f 1 tea to (lest:lee and " Miss Bolclwood teek a ba.g awae wit4 her," he said, atter a • long 1euQe " You lattiew what was Lt P "Only a few her b0Olts. neY lord. jest those she was foudest of -and a ohotage alothos, perhaps, -nothing more, It wae only a small careett labor an sei e troubled b jays i -._- PP" Very earory was the h hits. Chapman spread i ittle kuteben where the meale were visually eaten; with OE e ceremonious excepttou made in favor of Stinday tea. which Was a- way; served iu the parlor. Jena Listened:intently to the aceount " • • trorlivi- 1, " I should not tbink her wardrobe woe very extensive,' said Lashmar. "She always wore the Same goWa." She had just the same as the rest of us, my lord, Three gowns a year- twa everyday and one betterment.* "I want you to give me a piece of one of her everyday gowne," said Laehro.er, "just a senate of the stuff, out off aeywhere-a cuff, for in- etancee' Yee. ray lord," anewerea Betsy, ae. if he had asked for a glass of watee. 2do n mott• ;dte•ei ranee ihtterre iewe,ry ot Mree woe tia.ito OF ADVE4111.1411:skil 02 th0 saiy she bad just been read- e,eltish lonhoed. How different them li 4 e 11 e uho a a e railehhe his dea,1 brother's protege. leo, be bad been hard, unsympethe you can go awl fetch it %tile etser here." Betsy came lio.olt with a black mer- ino cliff cut neatly oft the sleeve and pinned in n 'sheet a tiotepaper- " came ott one of everthlots goame. I ouppose, one that she hag worn a good deal," "Yee, sir; I took it off the oldest of her gown. 'rhe is almost threadbare." 'That will do." Ke put it in bis pocket, ring 'hat the clitiereet Betsy was thirahina Laslamar begged the servant to ten Mrs. Machin that he would wait wood her at four o'cloek precieely, but that if she could find it in 'her heart te receive ithat sooner a telegram te that affeet" would gad. to his sense of ob- ligation. And you eau tell your mietres that hie lordship le 4 staimoit believ- er," added Stokes.. "Nothiug wooed induce her to see Win if she, didn't thiule that," answer- ed the servaut, "We all have. to be be- lievers here." There wan rr0- more to be done, Lash - mar. deove Yr. Stokes beck te Avon- dale through the Autumn. dualeamidet °dere of damp fatten leaves, newly up- urned earth and weed buraing, To Be Continued. bl"-e• Ces and to p,511sr, glowieg deeTripthen:etle, cruel, with tlie inherent cruelty 6: :rliNt?„ Proprietors. 4 It, 7, 14- - •dcome . lug. that teuder uature Ilia brether's, et:',411•Vi•T•M^ttlaCn.rt.r: !e " 4 CCaloi stt QUi3. 4t. 3 bla t 0 12 d Bore- wia' c b. he hod entre despised and which 'it 4104- aierit.tn, erivi tiatnia oliaa 'A41a; . you to do at our place," ‘. he now began to admire. t t teti .n cut ,t..,u uetincia,ty reer.c.1,0, thing tor Bpiarrii,aa aaatettemeo tisane said Oem, grandly, with the air of °I weut to the corrider outcside her LI:111,,a,g,d,h`httwa tttrtasthee'dholTetcoatotladtirdhutortre, ; a sub -editor at the very least. "Do 'latlyellip's rooms and knocked at the think you could manage a Lon- I door or that small apartment wideli Svas eacred to 13erber. "I want to ewe your niece, 13arber, the young woman who treed to leek after Stella." Betay was sent for, and appeared with Swo.len eyelids and all the traces of a night of tears. "What hove yon been crying about" asked his lerdship sternly. "1 could not.:Itelp it my lord; it was such a blow. Inshe should bave drowned. herself-'' behind that eerioue countenanee ot when be wet down to the bah. lie %Mae Stalpriaing facts. One le that Op to 1$75 not a eiugle government in that only stopped to inquire it thore were continent had sent out any expeditions any telegrams, and finding no thl- money to explOra the un - Inge from the suspected Nesterius, he Qr spent any thdrro of at 01400 au 346 way back known parts of their territeries, -Until to Brumna. within the past tow years nearly all the exploration of this otattary In that OR arriving at the commercial coo- eoritinent, exeepting in Argentina, and tre, Lord Lastnuar went strW.ght to Chili, has been tla4 result of prIvate en - the. police station. Lashtuar asked if fee., se A few explorera from North there Was any persou professing to --d'i " be a. clairvoyany reeideut in Drumm. Anielrie4 and 13:14nY ulcIre ir°14 414114)5 have made most of this eentury's addl. The. sergeant thought not, There was no call for clairvoyants. There tions to our geographical knowledgeot oath Anaeriea, except in the southern wasn't a living to be made in that ;art of the continent. Thus it happens that none of the liue, Vlore was nothing for him to do c • ordilleran States from Venezuela to but go back to the castle tia SOOT? as chill. has as vet jemerasd irom hie horses' rnouths bad been washed ---- --- -- - - -- - tb° FIELD Fos EXPLORBES. ape for ThArir With surto 0eidres fsuntb , Americo. When. we recall that the Spaniards crossed Sttuth A•merica from see to Sen more than three centuries age and that nearly every city en its Omit% Was foutided in the age of the Colunibian explerers it seems strange that to -day our Southern oeighbor tbe leaet Wit QC ail the ematinente. There era . many big white spews oo the of Atrioa. 011 that a Seutli erica. It 'we etudy the history PH DATE OF °DATUM, cOMPUTINO Tag WORLD'S AOR BY OBOWTI-i. OF STALACTITBS, Scientists Differ ma the age of the World -Some Mee It al 10,000,00 Years 0 kers 90,0ao,900, Professor Farrington, of Chicago University. has returned from an ex., ploration of the famous caves ot In- diana, where he obtaioed speoimena et carboniferoue formation, by ilAeane ot which he hopes to establish a fairly accurate eetinaote of the earth'e age. The ebanee of large inaccuraciee has been admitted by all Who haVe wreet- led with the queetion, but Prof, Par, - hem hbaetaa was at tao hoor South Ameriean exploration we fold attemon, Otrismit,Itenardtu,-; Notvopisprim. 1--.ettn, ye .in wit, toi.0-9. tegulavir funs the Dee,oil,cc. waciher tort ttea UPI unit,e or 0.eihceo,er woet tier ho root Nutocrt td or not, lie rcnato.bie to. laYttlenr* revolt erne:0 tper Lean t %ay &nears or the Pub is -her mos temente to seee unni the nt4. stem, et MA AO, Ate ‘3.t WI AMORE4. Whet:lee e pipe uttai7.e1 fraat net, , 3- rat sa b.for e•tib-ernit, ono, tt10 salt may be inst. tut ed intim pave waero the p 4,0er is pu cieheugh the au ifteriber may reside 1.en ted..14 t naneR away. 4-1:h- =Atte It:t% fleet 'edthat refusing to 101,:c zn-w ;antis or periodicido train Vie poet tint r. taniuving Auld icartug them uneat.ut or. Winds tette miden o of intentional CARTERS ITTLE IVER Pitts. don letter I" "Lore dem, why she's never been In Loudon in her likid' "Ab," sighed htr. Bernsby, "that's against it, ain't it? or clefs if a harl a nice smart way ot putting any little lett of news or scandal she could pick up I might get out folks tostart a "I.ounger at the CitibsO don't you seer, The Chaproans saw tltear possibility of this, had Stella been altogether a different person. "3)rowned herself 1" cried Lashanar, urgical ward; compound fracture,-, , coasts, are still on the threshold of the "Or if sled been thoroughly up to 1 in an awful voice. " How dere you i 4 very pretty ease; and old Pettiterl beginnings ot exploration. Brazil with say such a thing I" toed me you had been inquiring for a , a territory nearly as large as our , meemeriat. What a very odd Caulor. 1 Own, bas aot a single establishment "It isn't a game at all," answer"' to raake a careful geographical study part of its vast domain. All the "But, my dear Jerre" remonstrated !self. There shall be no talk, or scan- estiLafeohrm:vra.n"uInhtravteo alip:artaicumlaesrrareettr: 1 al ltnall explorations that have been terecotch with our subscribers. ; dark. rn go out with the men my - Polly vexed et her admirer's obtuse-' dal." ist, and .1 thought Dr, Pettifer it pre- 1 mode in any , part Of Brazil are . the ' two in the corridor he went back to e ne is" answered Stokashpleasatit- Scarcely work a some of the individual States. a traveller has crossed any of roes, "Mies Boldwood is a novelist -1 Then, after *ii, hurried thought or judiced old fool." a horn novent. She has written the ere he ha.d left Betsy. I loveliest story I have read for ever so ly. " You were quite right there. But , the northeastern States from Ilaran- long." "I want you. to oive me something if a medium can be of any use to hao to Pernambuco and tnueh of the ties lleatlacheand rel eve all the troubles Incl. dent to a bilious state of the system. such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after eating. Pain in the Side, &c. "While their most remarkable success bus been shown in curing Reedville. yet aterza's Lunt= LITER PILLS are equo.ny valuable In Constipation. curing end preventiregthis annoying complaint, white they also cOrreet all disorders et the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Evan IL they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them.. But e.fter all sick head, it is Che bane a so many lives that here wh ere .re make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CA.E.TER'sl,rrrtic LPTER PILLS are very smell eaul very easy to take. One or two pills make & dose. They are strictly vegetable and do 204 gripe or purge but by theirgentle action nlease all who use'them. In vials at 25 cents; nye for $1. sold everywhere, or sentby CASTElt MEDICI= CO., Bev Tort, 111. Da loll ha Estimates of the time required for the formation of the earth have been ooropiled from various data, among which, are the followingr 1. 'Time whielt has elapsed since the separatioo ct the earth and m09%50,000,000 years, Minintlun estimate by Prot G. Bar - win, 2, Since the consistentier stra- tus, 20 million to 40 millien Yeans, by Since the ttondense-, tion of the oceans, 09.000,009 to 90,- 000,000 years, maxbrauna eatimate by Prof, J. J. joly. Lord Kelvin'e estim- ate, WhiCh he would inahe nearer twenty millions than forty millions, is toundad on the assumptien that since the period of the eon.sietentier strataa the earth has cooled simply as a solid body, the transferrence of rhagton, while not Malting. anY 0193138 the heat from within outward being for hi itudioga advalleea believes acComPlinhed Solely by conduction, that his method is the most plausible Prof. Joie- arguee that the oceans of all yet tried and, the Mont likely COnsisteci first of fresh water,, and that to give Satisfactory resnits. , its Saltness is due to the dissolVed The SPeein1313 which. turnishos -IggX Matter that is betrao carried into It Stage of rough, pioneer exploration. Et, out. oart 01 their eerritory, as He left the phaeton in the hotel' flIsklerabl'3 iu the southeastern part of Oolooltda, yard and sauntered listlessly along is still almost wholly unkoown. Some the Street, looiring at Chop windows oE them, like Bonvia, hove made no at - and window bille in eheer VaCtillay of. tempt whatever, except in small dis- mind; and it was in this condition! , Wets around their chid towns, to that he almost ran into bin old no - a Avordme,, terry oat official surveys. They have que.intanee, Mr. Stokes, to the compotetion waa taken trona 00aetttntly by the rivers. fly deter- mining how much salt the rivers bring the Wyandotte Qom. A. stalactite , which WaS broken, Off /850 has in down each year the eea calcul - the fifty yearo sine% then volorged sups was tbsja sasdo by this es. perh tbrata-fdtbr3 an too/d leagtb and , reenter aa he the uumber of yearn it i)40 SiZtt QC 3 goose quill. This riQr• required eepoia the ooze with ail that it now coutoine, Ooprelatie wet/ with the Australian tbe salt stalactite that enlarged three-quar-i AuQultr eetimete was on the att. tors of an loch in thirty-five years. Sumptiou that the. total maximum By haling thiti ratio ot depesit Prof, thickness of etratilled rock is 205,400, Farringtee will apply it in deterrain- accurauloted St the rate of one lug how long it lute talteu tile . foot in a centory more thee 2a.a(10,000 of the Conetitution," to form The F11.- year a muet boVe elapsed during the lar ie' an aceumulatien a St. Louie formation, limeeteue, 25 toot high, awl 70 feet in oirounaference, found in tile Wyan- dotte cave, With this accomplielied EVOLI.ITION On' TIIE POCEBT. the Chicago scientist believes that The ancieut wore a sinole ooueli at ill have a fairly accurate idea of hie belt; the inelern hte-how /Petty , to thank foreign explorers for most the family practitioner. '. that tbeY themselves know of their are the very wage I want. o„ countries. - to see," said Stokei. "I heard of you -'1":Ishe mime condition of affairs is to at the hospital 'tarot nom inquiring be observed among the Atlantic States Lor a mestudist. I'd been up there as far eolith as Uruguay. 'The Gulanes, t� eee one olf My OarishioneOs In tile. except for a narrow strip along the POW nonlY years it took the whole pooaete orklluAry costume for limestone etratum to aceumulate. out,loarsi. Tot ea eeeet tteola ea, The work was attended with cou-; the trousers five, in the %waistcoat stout ditficulties and much dauger. five, in the jecket five, in the overeoot Tbe Wyandotte being the oldest and nee, meaena twethy 411_4 lull moot interestiug of the Indiana caves Ooore ot pokes or bop, ar- more tinae was spent there and more ranged so conveniently tltat they are thorough investigations made. The scarce noticed, Truly that le an eve - Marengo, another of the large caves, 'Wawa; now long nt it be before the Shiloh and tbe Cohn ca.vee were we have packets in our htthuntlx-- also vielted.' It was neeessary for the where the Irishmun earr;es pipe, professor to penetrate the Wyandotte the slo lier his toothbrush, and, later - cave far two mike and then crawl oullYt tho PottlIOgger lenal Ponerhi ty feet through a passage only six- th3 Papers thAt his psi:de/season& n inches wide. As the exploror is a • thrust tato tile tIltihol "green hngr man of good proportions, he found it "How Deng before there may be pookete a tight squeeze. To turn was out of ,7 Qux gloves -for tire are, I believe, tbe queetioo. Through this little; Patents coverIng th:s invention - passage he removed bis epechneus. hand in our hltoedt Tito 0Alla The Wyandotte firtVe proved oE great it h dorew top. begins to be a interest becauee ot the many indica-: Wein]. the -Thiele. Two rat) leo tions that it eve* once inhabited by trona, pew, so the mon with a long Indians. There were putts of part. toresight eau clearly see, the main ly burned, torches, Rortious of instru- Wee underlying tbe wearing of elothee ments partly completed, and to Prof.! will have entireln changed. lhecleief Ferrington it seemea that the Indiana I, Purpose of garmente will 00 longer be considered to protect. tbe body. They will be regardel, ftret ot all, :as textile foundations for Innumerable pookets. trap about the theatres. now 1 Half column of greenroom goraip three times a week would go down like but - "I will have the river dragged to- night," he thought "aceratly, after " Ali 1 but that's a big line. Idol:et you, I think I Gan introduce you to1 interior, except along the river courses., that belonged. to Miss Boldwood," he one (4., the beet in Englarld. I was is still quite unknown. The wide wil- going to the Lima on the chance of ,dernesses between the large tribu- finding you when you very nearly a taries of the Amazon are oompletely capsized me." 1 a terra incognita. " How kind of you, Stokes. A rae-1 In Argentina, however, Very satis- dium ? You mean spirit-ra.pping, and factory progress has been made in ex - that kind of tbieg." 1 ploration in the past quarter of a can - "I believe it is something in that tury. It was in 1882 that the first way. I have never seen the young 11 collected results of the Government's lady perform, but I am told she is : activity in this direction were seen in the large atlas of the country prepared really wonderful." "Th she a public performer -a' per- under the direction of the geographer son who exhibits her supernatitrai Seelstrang. Argentina has the ;Wynn- scarcely admitted his body and climb- pr essi,ng. This is accomplished by 1 powers for moneo rt " tags of „geological _and meteorological. .ed a fifty feet wall before he felt Tea- first shaping the camphor into the Nothing ice e in . ...,4 see a chance for her with that game. Why, our proprietors give their thou- sands and fifteen hundreds down for a fooliton, and they want bit names. If she were only to make a success now, they'd have her to -morrow. Per- haps if site wah knock off a little story for the Christmas number, I might get our chief to look at it, and if he were to like. it, and could. find room for it, there'd be a frpun' note in Miss Boldwood's pocket, and it would be getting in the thin end of the wedge into the bargain." " try," said Stella.; "it is very kind of you to interest yourself for me." NERAI E oravei is,11,1,1 ere ro T., • covery ths14.mlre the 'womb of Nervous Lost _Vigor dna: BEANS.weakne. of body or .mied =Mad Failingletanhood4 restores ths- by over -work, or tha,eereto trot. CeliSeS yOntia. This Nan:marsh. Solutely cures the most obstinate mica when all other Mmormasts bale failedevento tchafen.,1.1rold by drug. slits at 01 per pachaR, or fiXi"gy,‘p„ or seut by Mall or, of mic- . A kir YEETlIc,?.,1f • kola at hrownine'a Drug Store- Ulx Ler Oholly-Yaas, indeed, If any girl should wefuse me it slaould hwehle uje Tall up. MI -8s Pepproy-Ah hot then youlra so simpleS it would be easy To 4rr.tt you together again. ,;.•iow, 'Willie, said Mr. Towne, on the day they moved ,thei-r new ' sabarban home. ,' Why don't you', ge oder area play in that ,big field ? , I goess Sentt, theree CHAPTER XX. Lord Lashmar's telegram to Mr.Nes- tortus, sent as soon as the„ village post -office opened on the m.ornin.g af- ter -Stella's flight, brought no reply until- late in the afternoon, when tifei•e came an answer from o ducal 3fat. ill the neighborhood of Edinburgl3 to1h e.ffect that Mr. Nestoriue would` - „ beett Lashraar Castle, next morning. `Ile is not afraid to face us," said Edslaradr, relieved by this replee for in spite of her ladyship's conviction teethe contrary, he had beee tortured all last night and. all that ,Aay by Palled the ItttIO ei r-do"d. any "Keep off; graeO said; " something she has worn or was fond of." Betsy stared at him in blank won- der. What motive could he have in asking anch a thing, he who had nev- er shown the slightesr kindness to her, poor dear? Perhaps you would. like to see her old rooms," she faltered." There's lots of things belonging to her there."' "Yes, let me eee the rooms." He ran up to the tower followed breathlessly bY Betsy. " There's been nothing touched since his lordship, died," said Betsy. You mean that Stella never had any these things in her possession after my brother's death ?" interro- gated Lashmar. " No, nay lord, her la5.1Ys'hip sent her to sleep 'in the housemaids' dormitory at the' aChee en -d of the caStde, and this room has 'been locked up ever since. Her ladyship thought the roonis might.he Wanted some day for visi tore,. and then there were alter- atiens to be made; bet till her.lady- 'ship gave fresh' orders everything • , terthlrog suspicion that Nestorius had noinged Stella to elope with him and Lhat J115 intentions were not altogeth- . hoMarable,'' ,s1.Y--.C.arrainow did not attempt to• hiclelaelc,disgast at the files that was rie4D:g• made about Stella's,. flight. ( 'Ils.adito..idea that Lady,.1,ashmar's. ailing Ws:it-was the moat, important", .peeocht the house, she ssid at lunch - very important . to ray ^ittiEWer6d- LaShilldr, innodiln was .1)b left ie. it 'West' But these things ,belong to -Miss Bc,idavocal," ,said La.shm a r, " They ere her personal •proheaty.". • • had worked. the "Pillar of theConsto- tution." Tbere were the prints of moccasins in the sand, and hollowed out places in the walls which evident- ly eervea as seate. The cave has been known to whites sbace 1812 and must have been familiar to the Indians long before that. The entrance first used is yet a mystery, an opening having been made by drilling. An experience in the Cohn cave was accoinpa.nied by no little peril. The explorer was lowered forty feet by means of a repo into a cavity about the size of a well. In order to get the desired specimens some blasting was necessary. and, as no one could ba found who would undertake the job, Prof. Farrington did it himself. Af- ter being lowered .he lit the Ease and retreated as rapidly as poor facilities would permit. He Grossed a pool nine feet in depth by means of a plank that he had taken down with him, then crawled through a. hole that Theyoddeie ,ceehaially te; h.er ' replied Betsy meal -1Y.; but wttb a child of her age of obarse‘that.doesn't tint 1 • 'e:iiiirPt;" muttered T4ash.mn1,,,,'.'.Nohody, has the right to ;break faith . with; .a chitd If my brother gave her ' tha'Se' things they' are HOW cAztPaoa IS PREPARED. Camphor is obtained by oteaming ca.mphorwooa chips hi roughly' built fuonaces set tip iu -the hill distriets., A vapor arises from the steaming. wood and condenses in eooleal wooden rime/Orioles, forruing a snowIllte de- posit of camphor, bontaining, 110W- eVar, some que.ntity of oil. After re- moving the camphor from. the con- denser it is allowed to drain in tubs until a considerable portion of the oil has run off. The crude caniphor is then platted la.rge iron retorts and after the openings in the lattet have been closed and &tiled, ale 'is. foreed in to hasten the evaporation. Here it crystalizes as flowers of cam- phor. The camphor is now ready for young wonirin who lives with. a very cree.n.hlettOOKOhicent theState and the ae-beatitifel peel; the -aides of WhiCh form of .a block by the use of wooden d She sa establish.nients and foreign scientific Sona.blY secure. In this cave there is this town. She diseovered reinarkable ' enho,heed the'V alneof dB offiCial geo- ,gleam like drolithontle. errand's for her dressmaker. Old Mrs. have eVidencee la the Shiloh Cave whioh dis- I to the rashore tor a few wee whicheboth intgentirie and 'Chili: on the outskixteef i•universil lea, wheselebore have largely are, tined with crystals of calcite that • . eccentric old lad3r rt gifts in a little girl who used to run graphical work. The-systetehtic .atdai ° ric...h•p` lirmieoeor say -s that he found Mr. Pitt: Do you'. kriovi :oh* we rip ks in the then about ' nine pars Old,... that, she along their common frontier have eformed by earthquakes, Be says it. is ••lsio; we go o e . Th w re- proire - the old" theory that caves are summer t Ur. Penn: To rest, of course. Ofinchin was se struck with this child for 'some years given' ;.to the - rangee adopted her.. She is highly 'hosteri- made this the best-known part of the ! turii home to be smoked. After that, brought about by water running over :cal . and slightly. epileptic i, and I be- Soup, American C/ordilleres. • -; , :.. -, ald-diegeliiiigt lielfineafeci-C"- '. *-4,.'n;e" kali" lititir the ''ast ile4'101On. neve she .has worn out her young Iiie J ast as. sportsmen travel thousands calling Up spirite for •ned: Mtg.' Min- ert,railesete eniiph ,.the big game -of chin. 11 you would like &I gee ,herL," central " Africa, India and Menolturia, "I should, above all things," inter- .so.exploi.ers 1Vill turn, In the neXt Oei-, noted Lashmar. ' ,L . tufyh. to thelarge, anti:evened areas Of: " I think I nail rdadage it. Elave 'you ...outh, America as . the hest .fieicis the otte else: cari road as well; and to read '16' is the oily relief ter' rns; eame to drive as Oa r Therleighe", world ,ha's now; to offers -for original,. ., 1' It :was, ,,fiefr, clyship',s' .wish • that :nothing 'shonid be rern'tived .f.rOna this: rohiner jid Bt6,1''"'apd there he things areanistf as, they were ,le,f.t af his .1e4iedship's ,death. Night, after'. -Elfie-41'rusetb to gib :::iip;•ewith: her „eeeedlithie, enhe , ------------iereng O'er , "fdirraiiiirriada'',0''Pd'ii4aiChboiii' .3' D: ' ; t 4,•)3.10,1101,1111e!,d,W,f7 liothohoS eyes, out: -tirsti.';', it" the' Ei"aine "tinder she did" , aln t hie :4)* kliegi',,ifti'a'e-W'A.,•4 recut -end of • . .,.! e. rjii-ri:iii'firs„,and ,:.i3zer :::dio-tiestb:ries; , r adoexhal vvakiiiggs, an."difeetaOf abase maid:in any thinga‘ ..-It lvv.1,t4i .6.,,;Iliard life". mother'S nerves." 6S b4.,:p0.11,p), " you. should write tcp -Mrs.-Dall as Wore. if . vp,oa,„ The Greai :Daglis71, .4erae4y, ro'y . good reader. I dare say in her, sold and recomarientled. )st en, - ,,r-, • ' • . druggsrs•in denadtti, oeiger,eoe, 'elecution, calsses she has a dozen girls paeleages guaranteed to cure. all or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive Use et To- ' t - ' '''' le d" for suCh a young Orel! .11te to a of price, ortepaoko ge,$1, six, $5, Gle will4)I ,sei ,;" YetirltA.,-,r 'AS pioo nrd a life. ,Iler saceo, Opium or stimulants. Mailed en receipt Te yea,r1. uiRrior, windier, ladYShili- kihodlif ha.ve,,sent . ,her to -''(z Ida curspz, Faintihlet'S Irepto V trY 8 ddres hie medicine oiscoveie . whe eau read better than miee Beide Wood." , • • doebt it ; with her reading was a gift ----voice, enunciation, all were per - feet. To hear her read Mifliox1). wad , ruwuing, 'druggist. into her ladysiairi's room one morn- ,sa Laslimar ' shoTtly,.. .44 -,..Lthe cleCtoe,heckho the- hotel Pitineet 'reSearch in' the way of gad - end they . both got into' ;the" phaeton graphicatdiscovery.,. itiact drove off 'tit 'Thorleigh: ' .:. .• , '.. -,, , '''----•---,.^---,- . . .:. . hli...yend.. the raoderit suhetb ,ot Ttar-' . CHINESE :VIN:Etty CAPTURED BY ,lergle :titers , was, a sqagglisig, old-.,y,,i„, - .... , .., ;„ .,.: . ...,..,.... , la ge ,of ;shabbiest cot tageSdand heStilld- ' Poking '' ' ' ' '' ' '' 'I -• i,001'Ell'S * .`:' ' ' ' hfi:Juld ban in:Leresing Elie ,iillige".,:there:Ortmed• tiaehenie:',41 7 sight whe.n the: fashionable .mer1' whos• e, ' 1\k -r6: .Nrii3Ain:.,-' ''' ' . ';r1 ;'.:" .., ... ' liEtk're''ficl'ironi: .th8 Eat'oP(COn'•tro'op ' -Lashrnar and. Stokes were -,shown. In- • "{:arn.-a-gain dieir ,,haus-oe: •Theee •ed the .niciSt d'istnal aaabtiaaa oh. hahoy ihmey t ions 'former' had eVer: ,Th+de;',...-eiasi.Mir • .,;,Tn6,3,5,, -01e$, and Rad 'fiie'"and' the .i.6(3:ili'i)1.'e,1t;T 0441a€3--vv.i oV thqr ------- Here they Waiied-i, quarter of an hopr in, the %hope least. seeing, Ehe 64„ilY!parlfor whb had C -4- e311, S.69100.-4.0ftsRe re0.0.P'Ye(1 atter thari laptserofl ime and ,,inforM.- :6Vgag-, It was altruist as intich.;es place Worrilh 'to` let " anr4o,n,s, tr,o, , oblige .y,OU; She will see Loird Lash,triarje-3horrow arO hitio 64-ijhoeljarn 861 church 'Innisic. liappolled to go ,was. mo place for ," ,tereoon" at four o'clock, :a: he would, - • , J's, SAVED FRO II 0 ERATION With Its, .Dangers, Pain and Expense and Thor- oughly Cured of Torturing Itching Piles by Dr. Chase's Ointment., • Is it any wonder,; that Ohysicians .eue414X:..euxed Wat-‘the lupipe and druggists are 'unaninious in ,re- disappeared and also the external ceremertalhe'vDr.' Ohase.'s Ointment as ,swe'lling. I feel' like a ail:tam:a plan th only ectaeleoikr for:piles ? I'S it to -day and have not the least doubt any -worid,O,r that rniniisters ivattinl'oin-, that Dr. „Chase's Ointment ,seeted me, Ineat"bui§1:neso 'and, :yjr•efessional m.eo; ' from a ter3Vidinger'ffkie.: and-paInfe: wilIingly testily to the:: 'Merits cif ,operati.pn, and ma,py Aears: a , cures,,Pilea, ing. 'L'is • With' 'the greatFst: pleaKiire" and puts. eihd to the tekturing„ and will). thaT310:13-.YOTL.,that: g•i7te asper i,tchifi.g,?, Oporatiolis'tthie test imo ni al, kneWii'ig th a t Dr. Will; the a:he-Om:phi:thing,: risik.„:expease iChase's bintment; has .done P9-,x,Y-?1,1,6h 1°r kriti pair! are .riki"lcitiger 'neceisary. 'me. You ate ,at'lpe,Vtedt '1,11.1i'g-ty to use inost Dr Olie'Oe"s ''Oliettiont ...ixdiitively ' oiie'. ithis teetirnoniel qs,.yeeeetee tit,:ter thteet ' 173111SSin& 1 he' allied officers are said .,'; , fl... . • -,, ,: -.• -' , - , , ) ,,,,,••:4•,:i.,,vr,1 •It?,, 101,7-4;,,,J,, to -4:•06,0,1,,i,71,: . \ .• • - •, I evel'y .fo M. of P.165:0*hethi3r, itching', ' "L'' -,.",°4 ° ' 4gts':•'", , , • : • ' , to 1111g,eTt, tO have PAIrG11^ACI. :: 01. the most gor- i oieeehev.oe; hOeteotrioehh', o ,, ' - • • ' Rev. r. A:. Bald,win• Bep,,t ist ni Inhe .),1 I fgshion-dale 6nabthicl- '• Arkons . geous ."‹ ' .1 eve .A.. Ditheeinolttethcaint ill 1110 • • • ) t- • 3.1.1' " ori' '''!•fhefdbeerti te' sP • .1 (1 ip.‘" !"11'(1.1' I n' „ ueccon, rince aya34 ,oan, e a C., 'sufferer f.rorn itch i T1 iS and pro, °tit' ,:f;ro'IP•14di, '•,t,/,•„eue ee.ed y remedione • et , • • • • so e • • hi6oclin4 41.3itfet year.s .0414. ana aoautless tberi, set?. tn.em „. • • ^ ,,-,"" aan(uarwc,1,144.'„,,ii •• et s ulientateie • „e saeee te,. rt„. , , . "O' at Obi, ihha'Iols.' 'We; elit:leir°ts- avbc,le'vev,ms.,,1;:a,;r.,1°,/ti-nic;...,'.t,'a•,rva,ta.lna-an1511,;-K.I.L'Iat,`41;,,ili 4..trit*WasV-thoP1(-. , - • e.!iilug,"1:6,11,Yri,:;;AKiv-ITIPAIS • - CI and, the'(rese. yeo, ,g et • Kr 47,14 Dr, g Intna,on dwl s1 ii ' • ; y • Ed: Nr,ri•ats' ta? l• , • „ taste fox tho d eostly thua- (4, .0C,Easas- t rai, .0)1e. hame ther supply or ,e1se o „it .1 Ir,11g,- ;, Ale or no al. 1.)4 In 11,1 as ad, „tx,..t.c.•,u, 'icit..letA's • i'o it; • ileviug ..td,iin's'a.•.." i, ,n-oa-7 eh . ''" ' 1v?a-: fsN001 e-• rtteclnpiec,iesal,. 'bye, and ..'*Lb "no • : '. 'st heeblitY-orquoatSetovsreturresedo.Shi y hentbe,eig uO, 1.uinorronn 'itoagratand.jnyOnAatalldetler th anol-j len iifi ,f,g;