HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-17, Page 1TWENTY–EIGHTH YEAR NO. 9. H. 11 URON 1V111)01,4EX GAt EXETER ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER 17th, 1900 LSHOP 45c Sl'1V are .t2 tvl'.sr Rsa rs�i •S tlrul'a uxTC,�e- G' a1 inert aiF FnouR Wirmi Fare Per Rit G:EFBr1Pta ie calm a}' PaPEHS SAT. Y.. :,,, Fido F;.,i`,R A44F, a A, M60 'S Famous Stovesld Awarded Cold Medal at the WORLDS Exposition Paris 1900^ . ► a Witho11t 0� E.J t} f doubt the hosta economical base burner in Canada. It cost $8000 to produce original pattern of this stove. -Famougmocio GOOK The newest and best wood stove an Canada,with theremolneter,ventilated oven c;emeted bottom, steel oven bottom, asbestus oven front, sectioned top,to prevent cracking fully nickel plated.• KItGnPIIPI' GORL or WOOD GOOK NlcOlary's newest stove. Burrs wood or coal equally as well. Beautifully finished. Mantles Fit well.-.rEeel well, Look we11.--Prices ixl themselves are not conclusive- All people who buy want the best prices will never satisfy, unless Quality goes with them. Remember our mantles are guaranteed in every respect and are from the best makers then note these specials for the week, Ladies' curly cloth or nigger head jacket, well trimmed and comfortable for.. .. , . , , . , ., ..4.5o Ladies' beaver jacket, mercerized linens,beaut- ifully finished, stylish cut, ..... ....... . .. 5 .99 Ladies' fawn •acket,the very newest satin lined beautifully finished, very stylish cut, well worth IQ,00, spoeal,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,o Furs Our stock is complete., —Everything new and stylish, We are offering a few specials this weekf that will intetest economical buyers,read them and remember we suss r guarantee ,everything. � Ladiies' caperine, Russian otter, triin,enned with sable tails,silk lined,very stylish,special price zd,o Ladies' astrachan caperine, trimmed with mink tails, beautifully lined, very stylish cut and comfortaliie special , , , ,,,, , 1111.09.04* r very y P6,2 Men's UnUerciothillU We are making an experiment. 1'f the plan should prove successful we shall continue it, if not we shall drop it. Our idea is to offer each week some one article at a figure far below its true value. The "Mark down"price is to continue only for that one week. The first article to feel the knife is Men's Fleece lined undershirts and draw- ers, well made, double stiched and double col- lar, well worth hoc, special . . . . . . . . ..... . 39C : U N1 Y'S G LEhKf1TBD STOVES THE SOUVEoNJR GOOK One of the best features of this stove is the aerated oven, which prevents burning and -allows admission of fresh air and drives impurities arising from cooking out, also areat many new features for this year. g Moore's Famous Stoves CROWN TREASURE Coal heater This stove is an entirely new creation for 1900, and combines all the new features which have been found necessary to make this class of stove, the most powerful heater and the lightest coal eater. With large oven if desired. NEW FLORIDA Wood heater A fine large heavy stove with newest improvements. Oven throroughly ventilated and made of Superior COLD ROLLED SHEET STEEL. The New Florida is economical on fuel, moderate in price and a SPLENDID BAKER. EVERY STOVE GUARANTEED TO _BE ALL THAT WE CLAIM IT H. 13184-10P & 80M P. S.—A large number of. good second hand cooks, heating stoves on hand. THE NEW STORE —AT— HENSALL HAS ON DISPLAY New Fall Dress Goods, New Opera Flannels, " t " Silks, TRIMMINGS, &e., Sew Fall Jackets and Capes, —ALSO A COMPLETE RANGE OF 'Gents' Furnishings and Clothing. g. (GOODS UHT. PRICES cis elaHr, PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. ald, L F Goodwin ; boar and sow of SMITH BROSg & CO. DURHAM:.—Mach cow, Albert Ham- TAMw0RTH':—Boar, And. Wright; ilton, Fred Kerslake; 2 -year-old heifer;' sow aged, and sow of 1900, L F Good- :'1-lENSALL GODERICN Albert Hamilton, Hugh Norris; 1 win. T H E STA F'FA FA I R. year-old heifer, Albert Hamilton. Thos Vivian ; heifer' calf, Hugh Norris, Albert Hamilton ; bull calf, W J Rogers, I and 2 ; herd, Albert Hami1- ton. AYRSHIRES.—Cow, John A Norris. JERSEYS.—Cow, John A Norris ; 1 - year -old heifer, Thos Annis ; heifer calf, John A Norris. GRADE.—Cow, Thos Hoggarth, Al- bert Hamilton, Fred Kerslake ; 2 - year -old heifer, John Smale, Fred Kerslake, John Vipond ; yearling, Hugh Norris, Fred Kerslake, Thos Hoggarth ; heifer. calf, Thos Hoggarth, J Vipond, Thos Vivian. ALL CLASSES.—Herd, Albert Hamil- ton ; 2 -year-old steer, Thos Hoggarth, Albert Hamilton ; 1 -year-old steer, John Vipond, Albert Hamilton ; steer calf, Thos Tioggartb, John Vipond ; fat cow or heifer, John Smale ; fat ox. or steer, Thos Hoggarth, Albert Ham- ilton. SHEEP. FAT SHEnP.—L. F Goodwin. LEICESTERS.—L F Goodwin won 1st for aged ram, shearling ram, breeding ewes, shearling lambs, ewe lambs, and; 1 and 2 for ram lambs. Dowers.—Oswald Walker took 1st for shearling ram, breeding ewes, shearlin rams and ewe lambs. BEST PEN OP SHEEP.—L F y Good- win. The Staffa Farr was held on Wed- nesday last. The weather was fine, the attendance large, and keen com- petition in all classes. In fact it was themostsuccessful fair in the history of the society. The followiug is the prize list :— HORSES. • DRAUGHTS.— Imported brood mare with foal, Geo Rutherford, 1 and 2, CANADIAN DRAUGHT AND AGRICUL- TURAL^ -Brood mare with foal, James Fawcett, Thos Colquhoun, James Scott, sr ; foal of 1900, James Fawcett, Thos Colquhoun, Wm Pepper ; 2- year-old, Andrew Wright, Jas Scott, sr. GENERAL Punnose.-Span in har- ness, Thos Colquhoun, brood mare with foal," Albert Hamilton, George Rutherford, Wm Pepper ; foal of 1900, Hugh Hamilton, Wm Pepper, George Rutherford 2 -year-old, Thos Coign- houn; 1 -year-old, Thos Hoggarth,. Hugh McMillan; ROADAND CARRIAGE. -Span Jas Wil- liams, M Hamilton ; brood mare with foal, Thos Colquhoun, Henry. Yeo ; foal of 1900, John Vipond, Henry Yeo; 2 -year-old, Jos Speare,. Henry Yeo ; 1 -year -o4 Jos Speare, Robt Barbour. SADDLE AND BUGGY.—Slagle horse in saddle, Jos Speare, Chas Tuffin; SiVINE. singled r Iver, Frank Kling, W S Mc- ERIfsHIRE.-Boar, Angus McDon- L aren. CATTLE. 1900 both, W. J Rogers. VonxeseexRE.--Boar of 1950, Angus McDonald, L F Goodwin, ; sow of 1900, L F Goodwin, 1 and 2. Porizity---t Brahnnas., Charles 'Ruf- fin uffin ; plymouth roeks, Hugh Hamilton, 1 and 2; red caps, Jas Williams ; leg - horns, L F Goodwin 1 and 2 buff cochins, Chas Tiiliin ; nninorcas, Wm. Pepper, 1 and 2 ; turkeys, Geo Swale ;. geese, Thos Annis, John Swale; ducks, Joe Speare, John Swale, Wm Sadler. Guene--white fall wheat, Ili Bre- hour, Andrew Wright ; red fall wheat, M Brethour, Robt Norris ; spring wheat, M Brethour; white oats, Robt Norris, M Brethour ; black oats, large P a% small peas, barley. timothy seed, clover Beed, One seed, all, Id Brethour • beaus, John A Norris, Andrew Wright ; Indian corn, Geo Swale, John Carmichael. N Rammitir.s.---.Early potatoes, Phos Vivian, Win Sadler ; ate potatoes, (deo Swale, John Carmichael ; collec- tion potatoes. John (,areeeicleael. Chas Ttetfn ; Swede turnips, John Kemp. Chas Tian ; other turnips, Hugh Ilanielton ; interenediatewurtzel,Jarues Barh,I�I�i•, 1'4'ru Sadler ; Tong iinnigel wurtzdi, Jalxses Barbour, GPO Swale ; field carrots. AI Brethour. Chas T'uhin; garden carrots, Thos Vivian. John Carmichael ; pare -tape, 1' I, Hamilton, WVui Sadler ; blood beet, Chas Tuan. ZF 1 m Sadler twain be • ; to cis 1• I , � I ani - I ik `tan, Chas Tuffin ; reel anions, G'bas ! TtJfin, Win Sadler ; yellow onions, Geo Srnale, John Kemp; white onions, Geo Swale ; cabbage, W'i're Sadler, Jos Speare ; watermelons, Jno Carmichael; pumpkin, Andrew Wright, Jas Handl- ton ; table squash, John C arnnicbael, F L H'atnittcin ; mammoth squash,. Andrew Oliver, Thos Arita; citrons. a n Sadler, John Vi pend, tcuiato's Geo SndeJu1i Kemp ; collection table vegetables, John t':arnaleliael, Wm Sadler ; celery, Joseph Speare, John Carmichael, Deirer.--21 lbe, exalt better, Mee Keel, er, George Swale ; butter in tells or Tints, John Kemp, John Vipond. I(=T.----I`7orthern spy apples, Thies ' iviao, Thos .Annis ; Rhode Island g�reenings, Henry Yee, PLHamilton l►aldwins, John Kemp, Thos Annis ; olden russets, Henry Yeo.Jos S e;irc; ing tompkins, Thos Vivian, F1.,hane- ilton , snow apples, , Tilos Antis. Gla, Tuft ; tallm le sweets, Henry' Yeo, Gn iSmale;1 maiden's blush, Tames Hamilton, A here Vipond ; fallawater and colverts, Thos Vivian ; wealthy, Sohn Kemp ; apples any other var- iety,John Vipond, ;. " and P Eames; pales, Gfi.ime s golden, John Kemp, John Carmichael; cb apples, 1 Carmichael,adler, Thos Vivian; tap , .r n j1` L Itamll- ton., peas, Vm Sadler, F 14 Hamil- Hoetn Menneeery ;n;I.r•,.--Maple sugar, Henry Yeo, John,A Norris ; honey in comb, James Ilamiitee ; home made bread John Kemp, John Vipond, home- made soap, John Vipond, Mrs. D hfc- Intyre ; peaches preserved, Shomas Vivian, Miss Creighton ; pears, Miss Creighton, F L Hamilton.; plums, M Brethour, John S Mcllraith ; cherrios. John A Norris, M Brethour ; goose- berries, M Brethour, F L Hamilton ; strawberries, John A Norris, John. S Mcllraith ; raspberries, 31 Brethour ; tomatoes, Thos Vivian, Sohn S Mc- Ilraith ; jelly, John Carmichael, F L Hamilton ; specimen writing, John Kemp, John A Norris ; out flowers, John S Mcllraith, John Kemp ; potted plants, M Hamilton ; pickles, John S McIirait'h, John Vipond ; tomato cat- sup, John Vipond, F L Hamilton. MANIIFAcpuans. — Home - made blankets all wool, Miss Maggie Creigh- ton, Miss M Jamieson ; home-made flannel, all wool, Miss Jamieson ; home- made union blankets, Miss Creighton, 1 and 2 ; home-made union flannel, not twilled, also rag carpet with cotton warp, Al Brethour ; home-made horse blankets, Hugh McMillan, Miss Creighton ; calf boots, also coarse boots, John S Mcllraith. IEPLEMENTS.—Top buggy, cart and root cutter or pulper, all, F L Hamil- ton ; iron -beam plow, J Fleury's Sons, F L Hamilton. Lamas' Wonec.—Fine shirt home- made, Miss Creighton, Miss Jamieson ; flannel shirt, el Brethour ; woollen stockings from homespun yarn, Miss Creighton, 1 and 2 ; woollen socks, Miss Jamieson, Miss Creighton ; woollen mitts, Miss Creighton, John Vipond ; homespun woollen double yarn, M Brethour, Miss Creighton ; do, single yarn, Miss Creighton, 1 and 2 ; patchwork quilt, John Kemp, Al- bert Vipond ; crochet or knitted quilt, Miss Creighton, Miss Jamieson ; crazy work. Miss Creighton ; sofa cushion, Mrs. D McIntyre, Albert Vipond ; em- broidery in silk or satin, Miss Creigh. ton, M Brethour ; do, in wool, Mrs. D McIntyre, Miss Creighton ; arrasene work, Mrs. D McIntyre ; drawn -work, Miss Creighton, Mrs. McIntyre ; table drape, Miss Creighton, 1 and 2 ; pillow sham, fancy panel, ladies' underwear, also button holes, Miss Creighton,Miss Jamieson ; toilet sett, M Brethour, Albert Vipond ; patches on old pants, Miss Creighton, John A Norris rag mat, L P' Goodwin, John Vipond ; darning specimen, Miss C Dighton, 1 and 2 ; roman embroidery, D Mc- Intyre, M Brethour; Sensing Eon em- broidery, Mrs. D McIntyre, Miss Jamieson ; java canvas work, Albert Vipond, Miss Creighton ; crochet in wool, and do, in cotton, Miss Creigh- ton 1 and 2 ; fancy pin cu"shion, Miss Creighton, John Kemp ; painting ore silk, plush or velvet, Miss Creighton, Mrs. D McIntyre ; fancy work not on List, Albert Vipond, J(Dca•Es.-Horses, Simon Cennpbell, Usborne. Cattle, Wm Rogers, Hib- bert ; Jos, Atkinson, Tuckersniith ; Sheep and Swine, John Shepherd, Hensall W Delbridge, Usborne. Poultry, H Brown. Winchelsea.. Ladies' Work, Mrs. J'Bryan, Staffa. Fruit, T Skinner, Mitchell ; F Hamil- ton, Hibbert. Manufactures, Joseph Bryan, Staffer. Crain and . Roots, Simon Cam bell Usborne em nW p , ; Rogers, Hibbert. Horticultural,' Home Manufactures and Dairy, Mrs. Simon Campbell, Usborne. Implements, D McNichol, Farquhar. lNew pack clover. leaf Salmon 14c." arge tin at the R.Pickard Co's, Exeter Hensati G. J.Sutherlae+d, nTet.ry Peelle,. Convey eeeee, cera ni>ti-.inner. Fire Insurance agent anasesetrerot:atorrnage/demises. Legal docu- ments ea efully drawn at rekeonable rates,. Mouey to loan no reel estate at low rates or in- terest, Ofiice at the Post office-Densall. H. J. D. CODES. (Late with Darrow & Proudtootl Be--rlster Boliator, Notary Public, Ueasail. Ont. -n• A. Seilery, lin. Ii, S. D. L. S.,Iionor Gradu- ate or Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted withoutpain or hand effects. ©thee in Petty's $dock. 13eaEanl. At Zurich crew Monday,coumneaeln alav lth. elleF. t MILL. vk::: re Hensall steam power eider :aad je:ly mils lin cr�ranureaee wort on he„ ith of tuns month. ^=goeaga:eity, D. I: I1QF.'IlART Bal .---Considerable grain is at present being brought in to market and meets with ready demand and highest market prices. -m Our mer- chants glsartieularly those in the dry weathergooi to3 are improve gbt sines, cold the past very fine weather being unfavor- able for trade. ---Politics are now the order of the day and little else is spoken of on the streets or where risen congregate.—Rev. [r. Deihl. of Ailsa Craig was in the village for a short tiirre3 this week renetr rag acsluain- �I t, n4c . Special services are loeinr, held in the Methodist chinch, and the attendance has been very good. They will be continued for several weeks i. at least.—The pulpit of Carmel church will be supplied on Sabbath first by the pastor of nelgrave congregation, the pastor of Carmel preaehing at.Bel- grAave on that :S;sblaatb, ;Miss \Vhite- cedes returned hoe n d xie onTuesday a frni Chicago where she had been spending few weeks withher i a. e s :; ster . Illrs, Bute tail,-�J�aliu Goetz returned home this., week from Manitoba, where be had br enc s__pp. aiding the summer mouths.— Airs. - Airs. Heavy* took returned home si t'ew cuss ago trona Chicago where s-iie had been visiting her sons. 'lite press- ing needs of the village for c nvenieriee and greater eafetyare street light.,and aaotber'good hand fine engine, and we think that with the present handsome brick. blinks that are in come of erec- tion, to say nothing of all the fine dwellings and other business blocks, Chas thevillage, trendy in ill ge, that they are well worthy of all the reasonable pro- tection that can be given, end we ven- ture to say that there is not an intelli- gent ratepayer who taaim kes pride in o village or has property therin that would find fault with the very small trifle be would soave to pay for a, good second band. engine which could readily be secured at a small price;and as in time of peace is the time to pre- pare for wn.r, so in time of rest from Are is the time to prepare for what might happen alont�ythat line.—The friends of .Tohn. McMartin will regret to learn of his death which occurred on Thursday of last week, Mr. Maar. tin's home was in Paisley and be was here on a visit to his parents, when he was taken very ill and passed away. After a service in itis father's home the remains were conveyed by his Brother Foresters of this village to the depot where they were put on the Friday morning express for his ,home in Paisley. The deceased was a mar- ried man, and leaves a wife and child- ren to mourn his loss„and much sym- pathy is felt here for the bereaved family.—William Bell had the misfor- tune last week while assisting his son, James A. Bell, to pull apples, to fall off a high portable ladder and sustain: ed serious injuries in the way of broken ribs and bruised arms and wrist. He was standing on the top of the high ladder nearly 20 feet when the board on which he was standing split off at the edge, causing Mr. Bell to fall and in so doing he carne in contact with the wheel. He was knocked breath- less, so bard was the fall, and had to be conveyed home, but we are pleased to learn that under medical attend- ance he is getting along nicely.—Mrs. F. C. McDonell was in Exeter this week visiting relatives and friends.— Mrs. Rumball, of Godericb, was here last week visitingher mother, Mrs. McGregor.—Miss va Warring and Miss L. Reichert were in London this week on a visit. ---D. Urquhart is ship- ping away large quantities of oat meal. —Miss Johns of Exeter, was in the village on Wednesday of lost week. _.- THE ONLY HOME PACKAGE DYES IN THE WORLD THAT GIVE PERFECT RESULTS. The scientific preparation of the dyestuffs and putting them up in proper shape for family dyeing has been brought to perfection by Wells & Richardson Co., who are proprietors of the celebrated Diamond Dyes. These popular dyes have banished from the homes of Canada madder, fustic, logwood, cochineal and all other antiquated dyestuffs. The work of home dyeing is now done quickly and successfully by Diamond Dyes ; the process is one that would astonisle our grandparents. To -day millions all over the world use the scientific. Diamond Dyes in preference to all others. Diamond Dyes commend themselves to all who use them, because they are the strongest, brightest and fastest, and the easiest to "work, with. . Diamond Dyes, like all other perfect and popular : preparations are largely imitated in style of package and the way they are put up. These imitations are worthless and adulterated dyes, ruinous to all kinds of goods and dangerous to handle. Great caution is advised when buying dyes for home use. Ask only for the "Diamond” ; see that the name is on every packet. t Children Cry for CASTOR Children Cry for CASTOR IA. Best green coffee 9c. per pound at e R. Pickard Co's, Exeter.- Sexsmitii OBITUARY.— On Mondaythe Soh cost;,, 31r, and Mrs- Wan. Campbell of t this place received the sad intelligence of the very sudden death of their sou James, of Nelson, B. C., where be went. about three years ago, Mr, Campbell; was a young man of twenty years and five mouths, and always enjoyed the very beat of health, and also enjoyed the goers will of everyone who was acquainted with him. About. a week previous to his death be was stricken " dose n with rheumatic:. fever which proved to lie too ranch for even his strong constitution. His remains were brought home and interred in the Exeter cemetery where they were followed by a large concourse of sympathising neighbors and friends, on Tneedav last. The heartfelt syue- pathy of the many friends Is extended :, to the Family hi this their sell bereave- relt. NenttTEL.-•-RP$ er Nortl►eott and Isaac' Iltsivey have returned frons. the North T4�est.---died McTaggart bas taken charge of the school. --Q, H. Russell has returned to Toronto to resume his studies. --C. P. Aldworth bas sold his wteheendeltx .---Atbn iargefitn e nu;tmberofthe lfrons hereate;osat-is' r l . Jos. Gould, of Ilensall. which took place ou Friday the ;,th inst. Qentraila. EgurERb L MUFIf D, .tsirgesluct: of Lenneatcr tine and beitd'Ao^G. di 1 K.ne ce t at4a:uu^- a r2 R ?. 1 tTn rr. tar taaria ere„ ate sled uit•). 1a'Fe:and c dar ra 1'r.:ce rra_sinitb e. JA`3 11 J2J.J5. 1ar4: !Ulu st. Make Ready for Winter, Our new stack of j'o'inter Goode le eomin; iu thick and fast. Now is the time to buy your UNDERWEAR. Ai We leave this year better value than ever, which is saying a good deal. DRESS GOODS. FLA,NNBLIrTTES ALL KINDS AT ALL PRICES. frog srmeric& AL1 ':.'i a (lI*; Httlr'D. Tim BEST.. FULL LINE Of WIRD R All kinds of Farm; Produce for which highest pricers Wili be paid. Cr'oditon •, U. sr.��inc�Lrv, a,} �.a., aIwrer.. a;�, . .4.4:4V4kbMCf Iv 4y Once &Ca.,`T Wren. ,-. ;'..' ..: ;,aa , Motley A n t M E.a c tt. of ,Iicliignnia, iQ.aa.. out�,e8ca rnes]ga,enpYc:ibyt.-edi�,»s�, is yisitiu,g bee aunt leis, John Evens. -;aatetary aver t .' -'.; - 9 cut. -Mr. and ..Ira. Sydney Andrews. of Blzcn l: '.-- ('bris Zwiel er, traveller, ]El'arnati-ille, spent Sunda' the g rests of spent Sarteday with Ws brother Charles Thomas :Mitchell. of Eden.- S.:urauel and i.Iiss Z -rick-r:er.d, Katie are weed. has moved back to our town naiad . hag tke week here eiso.- -3frs, taken possession of the brick cottage i:.ariliieok returned to her home on opposite the parsousage. We welcome Tuesday after spending za few days Idea beck to our town,— Rev. Mr. Mil- vieiting.- -Til ankegir'ii,g Day t Tn ly yard of Main st. church, Exeter, 'tilled . we have mucic to he thankful for. May the vacauc 'bf :1tr, Learoyti, who Inas we not be guilty of the sin of ingraate. sustained the loss of his beloved part- taide.-=The Eckhart Family of bell- ner.--The anniversary services were ringers ;;ave two concerts in our town well attended and a very profitable a hall lasts week:. Program good but at - time was spent. --C. L. Ulagglth who tendauec small.- Esti Heywood, of ius for the last three years been Exeter, occupied the pulpit in M. E. teacher of the public school south of chenrch last Sunday evening a and Crediton and secretary of the cream- preached a very practical sermon to ;i. ery since i t started, leavesIcavee next week large congregation. --Count layaI iiu, for the Nnitlewest to take a situation au Armenian studing for medical Anis- es clerk and bookkeeper., We all wish sionary, preached in Evangelical him every success, --Nelson Baker's church last Sunday afternoon.. He sale on Friday hist and Thomas Wil- willnleo give an entertainment in same sot's en . Tuesday well attendees ; church nest Friday evening.---NVe are and brotaght. goofs Prices,—Atr.aneleirs.: glad that our streets have two lights Thomas Neil spent Sunday in London ° en dark Sunday eights. F. E. Sxigner visiting ather father's, Wm. Lewis.-- ' our hardware merchant and Wm. The Epworth League held a very in- Lewis sr., should have the thanks of teresting literary meeting ou Tuesday fall our citizens for thou' generosity. evening. A good number were -resent---•-.. and enjoyed the singing, recitations TESTIMONIAL OF MR. ABRAHAM and readings. This is agood stars for DE ARING. the League after the holiday. --An Ar- menian willpreach E; 'VALUE here next Sabbath TO THE OF evening.•—Ms. Foster, of Granton, is visiting here the guest of Richard ENGLISH STOCK FOOD. Ilzxndford. The French mint coined last year 468,900,000 in neW money. Of this 443,- 666,300 was in French coin, $4.965,000 was .silver and bronze for Indo-China, 44,000,000 silver coin for Russia, and. ;600,000 gold coin for Tunic. Small amounts were coined for Ethiopia, Morocco and Lichtenstein. Labouchere, of London Truth, in his latest attack on the Douse of Lords di- vides its members into the "mentals," the "ornamentals," and the ."detrl- mentals," and thinks that if the latter two classes were dispensed with room might be found for the "mentals" in the House of Commons. This is to certify that 1 have used English Stock Food for calves, zilch cows and pigs, and in all cases heve found it most satisfactory. The calves have grown faster and done better tban ever before ; the ranch eows have improved in condition,the flow of milk has increased 20 per cent. and is of greater richness ; the young pigs haye done better on English Stock Food than 1 ever knew them do before. English Stock Food is a most excellent and valuable article and should be us- ed by all stock raisers. It only re- quires to be given a trial in order* to prove its merits. I have much pleas- ure in recommending it to stock rais- ers. AIIRAH.3I DEARING. ae Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory. HE RADIANT HOME. rft QS4 0 CEMENT, We have just put into stock another car of Gement