HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-11, Page 8T H E EXETE It•`l'.'`� 131 0 ,81-1 5TORE. a11C•s*1Dllliilllltl.atl •kti 11 ill tt`t1:iu.•11.�1t:.11 Mt Il <tri'tlaasse;Il3Pllllllif:ft l u' 11v GAM OR PIODUGg--'-- ONLY OIL, PRIG- „ Furs for Ladies. Our stock of fancy furs for ladies is the largest we have ever shown, When. we say we A '£3 the ltl W � 'largest blit ,lc.si.let', ill: the county,. a are not boasting for we Lave the. goods to show you. This week we aro showing a very swell lot of Ladies' Fur Ruffs, Collars sad Caper nes. Como in and See our latest fur novelties. Don't buy unless you want to. Electric seal caperine • $35.00 for ladies' new star shaped grey chiuchillie, cometh caperine, beat persi.i,n lamb, with sable'i.eno edging and sable tails, and large sable: collar, This ie the swellest caaperine we h.eve ever shown, :MOO for ladies' new. star shaped eaperine, hest electric seal and sable combination, (shamed iazgesable tails, at. beauty, $1000 for ladies' very swell catperhne, electuie seal and astracbau coinbina. • #ioa, finished with sable. tails, this is a. lovely caperine. Electric ear?erinee. first quality seal, triniuued with heads. and roils, l Ladies' choicest coon shaped muffs, "beauties" $10.00 and 511.50. trimmed with heads and teals. Some- - thing swell 54.50, Black oppasum caperine ling points trimmed in $9 00 With beads and tails. A box- gain Ladies' grev' oppasuum ruff, tru cued gwith tails. Very swell 5 $1.00. alamed with very swell Electric real caperine trimmed with black astrachan, it mozuey saver $5.50. The above are only as few of the many linea that we are showing btu new and stylish caperines. You're welcome to see all that's • new. Drop ain. r asscrrtttteaiip or Tor neck ruffs is complete. Black fust ruffs trine - with tails, 7.1c, 00c, S1,00 and J. Aa STEWART Grigg's Fey Marriage Licenses, W - ercici,z 'n - i n s Weetcleesr 010Pits s„ Book more! sena.; ess A full stock oaf School Books for Public Schools. A full stock of Sunday School LibraryBooks at wholesale rices p Family and Peach re Bibles Full Line. Everything in Stationery, wholesale and retail. Jower>l r Spectac1exsi, etc 0.1.1 R. HIDES. Wa tcix Repairing a Specialty. STR*TFGRai. A school that: is doing the best work in business education in Canada, Our magnificent catalogues give full infor- Matian. Write to -day for one. Sev- eral Canadian colleges and many large American schools employ our grad- tes as teachers. This is one strong point in our favor. Enter naw if pos- bre. sl W. J ELLIOTT, Principals; JOTU AD�fERfiISEI S, J11 3 The copy for changes must btu left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual. Exei eR INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, L i A.gen or t11G NyR$TBRN AQsnziaztcR C OT.f• A t ofToronto; o• 0 bofor 1 'P t al the k'slicv x Finn JN COMPANY, 0 ivsoxs cs vx f London England - and t; Lona. INStrxtZTC>1 Co, iPe.ty, of Eng advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Miss Gertrude Hicks Inas returned from visiting friends in Fing ua-on-the lake. R. 5. Lang has already this season packed upwards of 20,000 barrels of apples. les. The plate glass front has been placed in It. Knight's new store, and presents a nice appearance a James Abbott has closed i.s os his ro- P THURSDAY. lith ,I000 OCTOBER 11t 1000 diieebasiness here an 1 d opened a s'tn'la op z t r business in London, Mrs. Stein and daughter Edna, of London, spent the forepart of this week visiting friends in town. Work has commenced. on Dickson & Mrs. John Vale. of Exeter. North, Carling's new oaface. lost a valuable cow the other day, li.av- Misses Mabel Follicle and Edna Ac- ing choked to death while eating ap- Callum spent Sunday visiting friends pies. in Mitchell. LOCAL HAPPENINGS Sam'' Jamieson, Regina N. W. T., Mrs. Simpson has rented the'Tem-1 and Miss Ella Creighton, of St. Marys, perance hotel at Cromarty and . has visited at T. M. Kay's and with other moved thereto_ friends in town, on Monday. Mrs. Levitt has. returned home from Roy Lewis, son of Mr. Lewis, of the the hospital in4th c n. of idd 1 h had - not much- a B n the misfor P London, m �P , proved in health. tune of falling from a_ladder` one day Mr. Boulton and the Misses Parker, recently and fracturing his arm at the of St. Marys, spent Sunday visiting t lower end of radius. the Misses Levitt. Mr. I+ollick and Mr. Wood who last O. Shoemaker has sold his paper,the Lumen Sun, to Mr. V. Soverign, of Tervis, who takes possession this week. Wm, Bawden, Geo. Samwell. and T. G. Stanbury attend the South Huron Liberal convention in. Brucefield to- day, (Thursday.) Bert L d don who has as een yisiting b v his aunt, Mrs. A. Q. Bobier, for .some time left yesterday for his home in Lennox, Iowa. Principal Maybnry, of the Stratford HiglaeSchool,: has been given $50 in- crease in S 1 a ar which makes - y, his year - y sal r $1,550. a Y $> Y W. Levitt has rented A. Sheere's re- hill, was the scene of a very pretty siclence on Andrew et., occupied by S. and fashionable wedding on Sept 26th, Davis, and will move thereto as soon I when his third; daughter, May, was as vacated by the resent occupant, ant united in wedlock to Thos French, of who intends moving hisfamilyto sen- i Ferguson, Ont. tralia. As a family remedy nothingsurpas- Caven ' Presbyterian church will tees Winer's Liniment for external. and observe their anniversary on. the 28th land internal use. It is especially use and 29th inst. Rev. Mr. Larkin, of f fur in influenza, sore throat, la, grippe, Seaforth,willconduct the Sunday ser- S cramps, catarrh, collo in infants, ete: vices, and on Monday evening the' Give it a trial and you will always 27th, Rev: Thomas Wilson, of London, keep it in the House. For sale at will lecture on the "South African Lutz's Drug Store. Only25c' a bottle. >• War" aided by stereoptican views. On Saturday last Tohn Mallott and Judd Davidson,' who has been an em- Miss Lydia Finkbeiner, daughter of lo. e of E. J. S � ackman for the Matthew Finkbeiner,of Crediton were P ,,Y P past Crediton, were this (Thursday) morn• married. at London by Rev. Harold. ing for Mancelona, Mich., where he They have leased the rooms to be 'va- has secured a situation in a store in sated by W. Levitt in Fanson's block. thatg v pa lace. Judd is general favorite Mr..Mallott has secured a' situation and will ill be missed by many friends, as with R. N. Rowe, also in musical circles. T. V. Hodgins, of Biddulph, has The Presbytery "of Huron met at sold his farm stock and implements, Blake on1and"-has t taken n A the Sit, i s' a n section of land. in h n t., :and inducted p i Rev. Thomas Davidson to theastoral'" Agricola, Alberta. He. intends to de - charge of Varna and Blake. Rev. Mr. vote his time to stock raising and Larkin preached, and the Rev. Messrs. farming and has taken some fine Stewart and Sawers , addressed_the thoroughbred cattle with him from Ministers and people respectively. this district. was largeJames .Jeckell,f the London road Therea congregation; Pres- ; o ent. In the evening a;platform meet- north, narrowly escape.. having his 'lag and concert was held. Addresses eye: injured the other day. He was were given by the Rev. Messrs. Martin, driving the horses through the stable Acheson and Finkbeiner, and the pas- door, when a pair of hames hanging in n o. ethin and; tor elect filled the chair.' The choir of the stable, caught o stn z g i the face,in- Eyang.church Zurich, rendered ood flew back,strikinry.ham en z 1 D g D week suffered loss by Are have had their claims satisfactorily adjusted. The building is being refitted as speed- ily as possible. Rev. Mr. Henderson, of the Staifa circuit preached in Main st. church on Sunday morning last,Rev.Mr.. Milyard preaching anniversary services for him. Mr. Mil. and took his own work y in the evening. Turkish Scalp Food cures baldness, stops falling hair, removes dandruff, restores faded and gray hair to its na- turalcoler and vitality. Foreiale by C Lutz. Only 50 cents a bottle. The residence ofG eo' March, Park - u DE<3,Tii OE Maas. '4Yrr. 048E. --At Alrzz,t. Alieh%gan, on October 2nd,there passed away one whose days were mans, being in her SQtb year; Essy Hawkins, relict of the late William Case, orta.of the last, .of the pioneers. of Huron County, arrived with her husband from the motherland as early as 153.5, For over sixty years as hue.. band and wife, they shared touch hap- piness Rndcontentnuent,inauy of which were spent at their comfortable home south of Exeter, nutil they went to Alma to reside. Devoted and loving children cheered the Autumnof their lives, which were truly east in pleas- ant places. Three sons and live dangle. tersaxe left to mourn the ideal of all that was bound up in their hearts of mother. Interment took place on the 5th inst., from private ear, to Exeter ceuuetery, six nephews of the deceased acting es bearers. The impressive Episcopal sergice was, read byBev. Ten Eyck of this parish, •a ■ lr e ■ ,,, aY333YY11i1W3YwMR4R�lrR■G�RN.�Mi�KiRa!/i TrAeiu id's CONVENTION. — A flunk ber of the teachers in District No. I, West Huron, met in the Exeter Pub- lic School pursuant to notice. On ac- count or the absence of Mr. Bloomfield the president of the District Convene tion, Mr. Boyd was elected to the chair. In opening the meeting Mr, Boyd reviewed the object for which the DistrictConvention was bastituted. Ile stated tbat these meetings were a great beneft to those who attended, a, fact that was clearly* proven by the marked success of the last convention of the teachers of'West Huron. If the district convention is a benefit, why should not a larger uutnber of the teachers attend it., Come one, coque all, let us make the December meeting a great success, Mr. Iiaoper read a. well written paper an the introduction of history to the third class. Nearly all the teachers present discussed the subject and the general opinion seem- ed to be (1) that the present text book is not suited for beginners, (2) that the subjects for au Jr. III class should he a c i r la.i collection of histor cal stories e t n to our country,not. a collection of facts as presented in our present text hook, A lively discussion en the subject of School Management, followed this. i- w 1* and discus - ed. ei.�a..s ed.ru s sed.y he following question was ask- ed:---Oould this convention not buy a number of report cards and then retail theca to the individual teachers'? ,as thew bad never been any treasury es- tablished rio action could be takenin the natter except the adoption of tiro following zuuation,that a fee cif 19 cents be charged the iuenbers of the district. The election of o it cera for the follow- ing year was as follows; --President, Mr. Gowan ; Sec'yyTreas,, Mr. Garai., nor ; Executive C« atnmittee,Miss Rusk, ikliessrs. Anderson and. Hooper. Alex. Stewart bas returned honia from Detroit, The Presbyterian Manse WAS wired this week for electric light. Evangelistic services are in progress nightly in Main Street Methodist church. 337z.11s. ]'resh and true, just in at Stewart's, lillies, uarcisuss and hya- cinths. W. H. Parsons will hold au ° auction' sale on Oct. 20th, of his Household ef- fects. Miss Annie McCord and Mrs Douglas are visiting with Mrs. Oyens, at Maple Lodge, Miss Vino Fisher has returned from visitiug her sister, Mrs. W. Davis, in Hamilton. Miss Jennie Armstrong, of Thames Road, isvisiting isi r' t g f rends in Sarnia and Port Enron. The Hay Fire Insurance nsi , iianca Co. have levied anassessment of 1 to pay los- ses and expenses. Mrs. D. Jotins and daughter, Miss Ida have a e r eturnascl from a visit with friends in Parkhill, Norman Phair leaves for Port Huron in afew days, where he will trade follow his , i as ca bnet-maker. Miss 0: Johns left. Wednesday even- ing for St. Marys, to visit her father, Mr. Whimster,.who is seriously The Firemen desire to thank Dan'l Wood for bis generous donation, in consideration of services at the recent fire. Use Winan's Cough Balsam for Coughs, Colds andBronchitic troubles. Only 25e a bottle at. C. Lutz's Drug. store. 4. meeting of the Liberal-c)onserva- tives of Exeter, will be held in the Town Hall, on Friday evg at 8 o'clock. A full attendance requested. Mrs. Thos. Dearing leaves this (Thursday) morning for Mancelona, Mich„ to visit her daughter Mrs.Birk,. who recently lost her husband. She will. remain there three months. Missionary services will be held in the. two Methodist churches of the town next Sunday. Rey. J. Endicott, a returned Missionary who has spent seven years in China, will preach in James St. church in the morning, and •n Main St. church i n the ev . g Albert Penwarden b has leased his farm on the 4th concession of 'lUsborne to Daviel Rowcliffe,for a term of years. Mr. Penwarden held a very successful sale on Thursday last,horses and other stock selling well. Mr. Penwarden in. 1tendsleaving for Port Huron, as soon las the health of his sick child. will per - Messrs. Bawden & McDonell yester- day ste r- da sold one of their three year old Shire stallions,6Catthorp Loyalty, to W. Wray Sc Co.,' of St. Marys, for a handsome figure. This animal was a winner of first prize at the Toronto and London Exhibitions thisy year, also a winner at the Royal Show in Eng- land last year. He ' is a fine type of horse, and said to be one of the best animals eyer imported. These gentle- men last year purchased'Black Prince' from this firm. IT GIRDLES THE GLOBE. Tele tame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, , as the best in the world,extends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only infallible Pule cure. 25c a box at ' any drug store. Milburn's,Sterling Headache"Powdecs give: women prompt relief from monthly 'pains and leave no badaftereffects tyiaer Be sure you got Milb rn's, Price 10 and 2a cents, all mus'c . flirting' an ugly and painful 'wound. dealers. ltirri 9lKar 31111iYGwl113t1A!MmA•ciw ■Yq•t9maNgiMq IOJ ICKAR N a a 4404 .4# ,Y .R„R i1Rw E et r Some Unusual Chances 'S I�u 11.. IIV 1 wr9Set USii•WSW i.:.M.. gniIFR• a .r i r wY • _ Y w r r i• r. •R i .. a es., . ARLINa BROS. I The unusually warm weather of the last week or ten days has interfered somewhat with our plans for auturn n lousiness, and in consequence uence sales have not been quite up to the mark for October heti er niind,wta'll catch up and make good the shortage, but we'll need your her to do it. That is why we are going to after you these special inducements to buy goods now. Here are ten good reasons why should comm to this store we are going to sella-- as fob pairs Ladies' plain black cashmere hose, the regular 3sc kind for.... .... ../........ ........:... ........ 25c iso yards new Plaid Dress Goods in various shades; this line is regularly sold at 40c the yard, our price now is , . 312c Sao yards of Cotton Huck Towelling, usually sold at se per - yard, our special priced yds for . . ..... .. , ..... , , , , . , zsc so Ladies' long sleeved open front vests,good weighty goods regularly'retailed for 40c, special at, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 25c >!'Q doz Male pleaf Salmon, regular market price is now i7c a cans: ...,.. .. , we stir it � saris for . , .. zea yds fine bleached table linen, goodwidth, a splendid pat- tern, would be good value at 90c a yd, our price . , . , 20 men's fine beaver overcoats, farmer satin linings, stitched with silk and made up in first-class style, a line worth more money, you may now have them for , , , ... , .. , . , ica,00 i s iaaen's brown check tweed suits, well lined and made and splendid fitters, would be good value at 9.00, special price while they last .,•, • .. ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,• 6.50 ,00 lbs new season's Japan tea, sold all over the country at 3sc per ib, our special price ... , ... . , , , 1 o men's Rubber Coats, latest cutjust new in, special rgain price each ..,•.... .,•• ••.,111.1•••• ,,., .•,• fR 0i 400 We want a large quantity of butter, eggs and dried ap pies for which we will pay highest market prices. ri 7 sc 25c PICKARD'S Direct Importers Mrs. Joseph Senior .� Mr: and .tif s, Jos h Sen o have re- turned from Chicago. W. J. Hempen has commenced the erection of coal sheds at the station. Mrs. Tames Abbott wastnLondon n on Wednesday to rent a house prior to moving to that city. Alex Dow's "Sydnee Pointer" won three straight beats in the250trot at St.Marysaiz last week. The Exeter foot ball team out -kick- ed ed the Crediton team on Saturday, by a score of 4.0. The sane was quiet but interesting. Ed T. Bishop, son of H Bishop,town,' was last week elected treasurer of the Osgoode Legal Literary Society of Toronto, by acclamation. A meeting of the Liberal -Conserve - ti es of Exeter, oil y ter, 't 1 be held in the Town Hall, on Friday evg at 8 o'clock. A full attendance requested. In London on Wednesday last, Miss Carrie Fink, daughter of Henry Fink, of Rat Portage, formerly of Exeter, was married to ,Sohn D. Collins, of London. Farmers and others who intend having auction sales !should insist on having their bills printed at Tug fru Es office. Free notice, given. in ,the paper with each order for bills. Death has 'visited Colborne once more, at the twine of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Million, taking from their midst their third oldest son, Aleck, on Monday morning last, after a few days' illness of diphtheria. We learn that Fred, son of W. Sper- ling, formerly of Clinton,, died at Mount Clemens, Mich., the cause be- ing typhoid fever, after a short illness. Thbody was taken for burial to Winnipeg, where his folks live. This week we have to record the death of oneof the well known far- mers,of Goderich township,David Orr,. who passed away on Sunday after a long and painful illness. It ` is not quite a year since his wife was laid at rest. Five thousand dollars has been se- cured in good subscriptions by Rey. R. Hobbsfor the erection of anewMetho- dist o dist church in Wingham. A building costing nearly $12,000 is contemplated. The canvass is not yet nearly com- pleted, and the energetic pastor ex- pects to secure the necessary amount. Exeter Municipal Gounell. Council me tpttrsuant to aud'ourn- ment at TownHall, Oct. Oth d All present except J. Evans. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Armstrong -Muir- That the £ollosving accounts begsed a a d orders n drawn on Treasurer for same:—Jos. Cobble - dick, lime, 2 m , $ .50 ; W. H. Parsons, ac, $4.60 ; James Murray & Co., balance of account for pipe. 8305.33 • Thomas Barbi-loll, labor, 86.45; W. Westcott, do6 , 2;T. W. Creech. do $2.50 ; Jas. Creech, charity to Mrs. McIntosh, $9 ; Mrs. Sutton, do $9 ; Geo H. Bissett, part salary. $25 ; Tremaine & Snell, ac 1, to Oct. lst, $75 ; Fees $3 for water Carried. Levett Arm strong - That the Reeve and Treasurer as be instructed to borrow the suns of $1000 to meet, current ex- penses. --Carried. Muir—Levett—That the clerk get prices for a forty foot extension ladder and afuel cart for steamer. Carried.', Muir—Armstrong—That council ad- journ to Friday, Oct. 12th,at 8 o'clock. Carried GEO. H. BISSEaa CoxcEET Nov 21en.—The date for Miss Eva Roblin's concert and enter- tainment nter tainment has been fixed for Friday Nov 2nd. Besides local talent she 1 will to assisted. by Miss Currie, a pleasing contralto of London, and i Miss Walker, teacher of elocution, in 4 Alma Ladies' College and Harding i Hall. Miss Roblin is a prime favorite in Exeter and will nodoubt cord- ially o bt be co ially received. Big Drop IN Ti.THE PRICE QIP fle'adymadeCIothing They were NEVER LOWER THAN NOW, We do not know whether "Laurier" is the cause of it or not but the fact remains which slakes us and our ,customers happy. The variety is also large. The reduc- tion comes at anopportune time, when mothers are getting their boys ready tostart school and want to buy most for theirmoney. WO y have , line of boys suits that were $2,15 to $3.25 <l. suit which we offer at $1.50 to •clear.#,and many other lines proportion ately low. We are also Clearing ' out su- mer goods, blouses worth 50c for 40o, 75o for 50,1.00 for 75% musliris and a number of other lines at your own price; If you want good good at right prices we are with you. IfXou want shoddyor the like o will have go elsewhere. ' Give us a call. Highest prices paid for produce. ► L.I RC) API'REl\TIOL'' WANTED to learn printing. Apply at Tams OfTtcn. An event occurred on Wednesday evening' at the, home of Mr. - and Mrs. Wm Tiplady, Goderich township, when his daughter, Mary Almeda, was united in marria,e to Geo W. Wray. g Mr. and Mrs. Wraywill s zv 1 . immediately take up the duties of home -making on Mr. Wray's farm in Hallett. as Baxter, T t of Shipka, and Chas. Watson, of Corbett, were in Wiarton last week on their way up to the pen- insula on a habiting expedition. [On Monday afternoon last they called on the Canadian on their way home, and reported a successful tri . The best. P of the bag was a fine black bear,weigh- ing about. 300 pounds, which they shot in the `Eastnor swamps, just the other side of Hope Bay. They were justly proud of their prize, which was indeed a' beauty. THE PIANO square piano in good order, for sale cheap. The ad- vertiser hal two, Can be seen at the Metropolitan hotel. Without Question Thebest equipped Business and Shorthand School in Canada Is the Forest City Business &. Shorthand College, London, Ont. Largoenrot• went and atrong faculty. Ilan (Weds of students in good positions, Years of excellent won its credit Catalogue of eider course, tree. Co demo invited. EXETER ROLLER, MILLS JUST RRCEI Ery fi Car of $ Kansas Red Seed WHEAT - J. COBl3LEDIOK SON. W. H. PARSONS WILL SELL 33V PUBLIC AUCTION k at eri� +� Oct.■A■ 000• batulyda ! 0c 20 ON A quantity of blacksmith's toolssuc'b` J. W. wEsT7 Rt 1::7.'1', as ,ANVILS, VICES, I3J�3LLOWS stud: Principal. some stock. at180 ,"same HOUSI I:Iow F1' RNi' URE. Look out for poster's. Bargains IN Bicycles We have a few second band 1000 models Cleveland BcycIeso Only been used a short time and guaranteed in first-class condition which we - will sell at w R it 1.I U► ?Ki Also a few other makes vera' cheap. In Second-hand Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, we are - holding out inducements to people looking for good values. ' Our new goods are all eight both in quality and price and are sure to. please. x11 and see them.. No trouble to ex- plain to you :their good qualities. ■ S. Martin. W. H. Parsons All accounts must he settled Leifer tb elate, L.EVITTS' FAIR Glass Jars, Fruit Fillers, Choppers, Ricers,Raisin Seeders, Granite Kettles, Ra n ed s i` and Spoons,.t'ails Padding dishes etc. g A nice assortment of Vitces, Bottles and. Tooth Brush Boxes just arrived. Headquarters presents. u ra, for wedding res nts q w g P Glass and.China four -piece inafoui.p�_ece setts,and Fruit Setts, Trays and Water Glasses. Fresh Fruit arrives nearly every day, Peaches, Plums, Grapes and Watermelons,(' Levitt's Fair AGENT ' FOR PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY.,: Laundry sent away every Thursday. �TtIE NSW 6fSt1 STOR! DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. Wo D. YEO. New Furniture STORE Opposite J. Grigg's. New Customers EveryDap �. J it is surprising how quickly the P g q Y people find out where they can get the best bargains, the best goods for g , . the least money. We carry a large stock, and our prices are right and quality equal' to any fine furniture in the province. Ifyou « ant a good a job in up-to-date J. in r Ca HCl n Llne�a g GO TO On Monday morning Thos. ..Pearson, while gathering apples' on thefarm of; �UlI1P1 B01161'100 William Gould,Goderich township, fell from a tree, the result being the breaking of both banes of the left fore I.Is calors ARE. arm. VERY MODERATE. Fall is coming, so is our new fall goods. Cottons,Cott Denims n Tweeds, e s an cl hih " S tl s(Special value in• the lines.)Flannels nnel and � lann all h, a s c T a ettes iu a l theli p l'lac h o rices. alne in n Also.special v e s Underwear,per suit 5 7 c 01..00, and 2 Vests, 1.5x.00. Ladies 0 �. d c,s longsleeves from .:150 to c $1.00 's „speca v ue at 5c 50c and 75c. Just reserved a r choice lot ofBoys and .Mens Caps, plain and fancy. ..lhese ;L n ,Y !ilatest and 0o are the a are s,l ti o ©r nobby; also gy Y� so several lines of i Men's Brown apd Black lecloras' just in, and the very latest in young Men's Stiffs, expected this week Call and see them. Don't forget our groceries,they are. all new and fre•_s lt. We keep Chase and tianborni s best Coffee and our Teas are No. T., � .Call Solicited.: Produce t k n 1 exchange. We want Butterter'anl Eggs Remember t the place first door north of postoffice. W. D. YE O