HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-11, Page 6SSIANS LOSE HEAVILY Officers Killed and 18 Wounded in a Fierce Battle With Chinese. A doepaten from St. Petersburo PAM -Jinn Ruseette gena1 staff ha ceived dejteh dealwale the op:m.344n13 nrtJ o OM Nianehevang, wleich Gaye thet Genera' Flencleer' a 0,0e9 men, wien artillery, engaged tbe Chinese en a vast plain coyeeed witit high gra.s.s. The Rus - stens Wet two °inners killel eald woutele,e. .Voording to the same adviees Col. Arteneooffwhile reconnoitrino with too egoatiroes of ea valry, (tame into aeavittwhj feurteen tustjeliseip- lined Chinese. These General Fleis- cher is exreoted to engage. len'PEDITION TO PAO-TING-Flee Tim movement a Lilian troops will begin he ten daye. Tb e British anti the Germans contin.ue seeding troops to Pekin. Taere are renewed preparations for are expedition in force against Pao- Ting-Fte The troops will probably leave fet a fortnight, a.na columns from Pekin well co-operote with the expedition. Resistance is expeoted, tne Boxere are there en narge mune bere. EBRO AT STAKE.IFIGIITING RULE ?UNI -INT METED ODT BY A MOB AT ALABAMA, Ila.aaucl of the Itntlianat TfIrtitu Flee the lane. nsoaten from Wetumplea, eays: Tewueend, aliaa Floed1 en lamed at the eqekeiji tbe town oe 1i-eke:tie, lei miles trona once. ilut erime with, o inch he cha rj mpt- aule unite elre, Lonna> Herring- ton, ...hose huaband set fire to the breeds whin reduced Townseud's be.iy to ,Ishes. Rowe of the alit -repent aenanit ontent sapalle. Ael the aturea in annenc oone olosel, an tieet terAtee ainat dowel. Tbe proven ' azietniett for Vag:Alt; Q Lara:rted: elaae areeal klaieee, -once newer:nig tile tenon Neer ehe aceee the %rime, end eent to ehe pertitentiery fn .49. lrecein eneepeereti. 4c. en ebase ?tinted. Tlie neon reeneeti fiertny at. 4 tree on the e, en rite town. Tiel eroud. see uj. niseuvertei the negro en,- tipt ..-, 4,h nada Lie ea.e bruusht deo n at 4A.Et• age teken to tee oceue of his eL :nee 'Mere he wee confronted by bis voe en, en') ineitively identified bitn. A rei wed of etsveral hundred people in the vinage. The negro nee teeu takitu to the edge of tbe ere' errroungled by the nein The it 1r,o,iums for Iitatit were quiekly ulnae iimaiiner of death mete die- aste.a. by the :nob. To decide the online a vote WAS taken, and the be. Ali:len shireed amajority of the ozone to fevour death on the etake, 11USBAND FlItEll PILE. list eon:. oas prepared, and the mope was buand to it with chains. Into: knuts were piled about WM, and tbe flames were fired by the hinhand of the nogro's victim. As they leaped to the wretcla's Desh hs wati cone up- on God for mercy and help could be &nod for miles, The erowt1 looked to. dteet to his ories, and in an hour tie• negro wee reduced w ashes. Tend, before being bound, con- feesed elae crime, and said he was al - se Implicated, with Alexander Floyd, Nein was hung a couplei of weeks, ago fur an attempted assault on Miss Kate i'earsoca. He said he and Floyd hied planned tither crim.es of a like ehareeter. te I REDUCING COST OF LIVING. Immense Cut in Prices in South Africa. despatch from Pretoria; says;-- T.he stew prices for supplies deeided on by the military authorities bas Wen published. All merchants are prthebited from charging anything en excess of these standard rates. The pieces fixed on show on enormous re - dual= from those in vogue before the war. Caffee must be sold for eightpenee per pound, while formerly it cost a shilling Jame are schedul- ed at save -apemen Before the war the /nice was a shelling. It is estiraated that the reduetions all round will average about 25 per cent. STRATHCONA'S CASUALTIES -- Troopers Burnett and Whitely Slightly Wounded. • A despatch from Ottawa, says; -The Militia Department to -clay received a somewhat belated. enessage giving fuller particulars of the casualties to Stratheanaae Horse at Machaciodorp on August 28t1;--622, Trooper D. Bur- nett, was nightly wounded in the forebead, and 266, F. C. Whitely, in the chest and ann. BRITISH OCCUPY FOUR VILLAGES, OF TIM INSURGENTS. A•••••••••• nem. Prices o fCattle,, Cheese& Grain, ‘ke In the Leading Marketo. alvz sT.R.RET irtatwP.T. Toronto, Oct. 9. -On the street to- day 700 bus li wititte wheat sold /at 09e; 409 blest. reee wheatia 69oe 11000 bush •goose wheat at 09o; a load of spring wheat. at 70o; 51500 bush barley, at 43 to 18 1-20,, 400 bosh oats at 28 bo 2901 and cum eoad of rye at 54o. Twenty-five loadof bay sold at ere' to $13 a ton, and od4 loads of straw at eu.1 to e12. demesne hoo,s were steady at $8. to -$8.25, Wheat, wit., straight.6 00 6 0 69 Waeat, red, . . 00 059 Wheat, spring.. . . 00 070 Wheat, noose, . 000 01)9 Ozts 028 029 Barley. . . 0_4,3 0045841-2, ItYe. • .....,t1U0 Peas. . . 01)0 054 lIay, per ton. . 12 00 14 00 uawper ton- . . 1101) 12 00 • Dressea hogs.. . • 801) 8 e5 Butter in lb, rolls, . 020 024 Begs, new ii1.. 018 0 19 (Wakens, per pair„ 05) 060 Turkeys, per . 0 11 0 13 Duclts. par nein 0.50 080 Potatoes, p.,,r lettge 030 095 ,-'eppies, pr bbl. . . 0 40 1 00 Beef, hiniquorters. , 701) 900 Beef, forequartere. . 409 .550 Beef, earense. . 550 775 . 00 81)0 Lamb. spring, per lb: 008 009 Veal, caroase. . 800 950 DitheiSED HOGS AND PRONTInIONS. Dreseed togs coninitte eearce and very Civet. Tbey ore bringing $3 to ne.e5. Tb. provi,sion tratle Ls gon:1 and last year's pack Es being grade, trete. Mame:lett Three Ilea !ante't end van:tiers Teo nun ell -1.ty log Column ; tient v.) Vara:att. A. despatca from London says: -.A correepondent of the Iltornrng Poet from Kuneaeei reports tbat beevy figheing took place lest Sunday be- tween Col. Wi:levalie• cotunte anal the Ashantie at etbueAeu." .e,fter heavy firing," as the despatch, "the Bri-. tish column made ;en effectual attempt to cberge the ensbeent positiorts, but was obliged to retire and resume the; rifle duel white awaiting reinforenj roeuts. Eventuallo, after hard work, - eon Wnlicoeiptured the poeitions. end oceupied the village of lean.stee Subeequently the British carried three other vilia,oes ae the point a the lononot and burned them. Seventy ahants were killed. " The Braisli losses wore Major feline and Cwt. Luard severely tided, three men killed, and iniath- ere wounded. " A flyiug column of 890 men with two gun* was sent in pureuit o ale erterae."' MRS: KRUGER DYING Wife of the ex -President in a Seriou • Condition. A deepatela from London; says --,A Pretoria de,spatcei to, the Daily Tele- graph says Mrs. Kruger, the Wife of the President of the Transvaal, is eo 111 that th,e autherities have issued an order forbidding tee drivers of vehi- cles to peas the h&r pt at a walking gait. SAVED HIS CATTLE. I.••••••• asmus' Armistice Was Merely a - eve' vougo. A nespateh from. Pretoria, eons ;- One lowered and nteiy prisoners leave a.rriend here from lierelefabriaaera and a number of Gains are on the way here fromethe eat. Thee enemy ors as have no horses, and who belong in eau...hien districts to -u.rrenier. 'I he armistios of five days which Commander Erammus re- quested Gen. Paget to grant on Sep- tember on the plea that he wish- ed to confirm, the roort of the col- lapee of the Boers' main army prior to sterrendering, will result in nothing exoept be having provided him with an opportunelyfor driving his cattle rtarth to Pietersburg plateau. It is eetimated that there, are 50,000 cattle along Olifanns river and 1,000 more at Bussveld. Lord Reberts will review the Ciey of Lan aon Imarerial volun- teers to -morrow prior to leaving for ally cleanee up. Quotations for provisions are fellow:it-Dry salted shouldere. long (neer bacon, oer lots, 10e; ton lots, 10 to 10 1-8e: case lots, 10 1-4 to 10 1,20; stall eat park, 319.50 to e20; heavy mees, na.51) to 312. Smoked meats -Hares, teeny, tle; atedium, 13e; light, 13 lole; breakfaet bacon. 12 1-2 to 13 1-2e; Picnic benne 10e; roll baeon, llo; smoked backs, 13c. AU meats out of piekle lc less than prices quoted for smoked elevate. Lard -Tierces, 9 34 to 10e; tune 10 to 10 1-1c, pans 10 1-1 to 101-2e. DetIRY MARKETS. Butter/I- Easier. Creamery been. dropped another le to -day, selling al. low as 19e. Commission houses melt to the trade as followe;-Dairy, tubs and pans, choice, 17 to 18o; and second quality, at 14 to 15e; dairy prints, alnico, 19 to 20o; creamery, boxes, 19 to 21e; and pounds, 22 to 23c. Obeese-Full creamery, July and August makes, sells at 11 1-2 to 12e. THE CHEESE MARKETS, Brookville, Ont ,Oct, 9. -At the Meese Board to -day 3,009 boxes were • boarded, of wallah 2,077 were coloured; balance White; 10 1-2o was freely bid by the buyers for their cheese of white and coloured, but the salesmen reiused this price. The factory men seem to be looking for 10 34e. Mho board adjoarned without any busi- ness being done. PRODUCE. Eggs -Scarce and firm. Consider- ably more could be sold than are coming in. Single cases sold to the trade as followsnarresh, 18c; held, trade as follows; -Fresh 18e; hold 16c; and. culls, 9 to 10e. Poultry -No dressed poultry is com- ing to hand as yet. Live birds, in crates, sell at 500 per pair. Potatoes. Market steady Car 'ots on track, sold at 28 to Vie per bag. Sales out of store, were made at 35 to 40c, Field produce, etc. -Turnips, out of store 30e per bag; onions, le per lb; apples, per bbl, 500 to 31. Dried fruits -Apples plentiful and easy. Breed sell at 3 to 3 1-2c, and evaporated at 4 1-2 1.0 5e. BOERS DERAIL A TRAIN A Number of the Coldstream Guards Killed and Injured. A despatch from London, says : - Loral Roberts reports to the War Of- flee: - "A convoy of ne waggons, escorted by sixty mounted men, was attacked by, 110 Boers on October 1, near De Sager's drift, while on the way to Vryhein. Twelve of the men eocaped. The fate of the others is not known. "The Boers derailed a train near Pan yesterday evening. Five Cold- stream Guards were killed and nine- teen were injured. "Coramandant Dierksen, who has been opposing Paget, has surrendered. after a personal visit to Kaman- poort to assure ,himself that Kruger had gone into Portuguese territory." MAY DETAIN KRUGER. --- Irish-America/Is Want Their Pay From the President. A despatch. from. London says :-The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph at Lorenzo Marques says the Irish - Americans threaten ,,,to detain Presi- dent knIgex unless they receive their deterred pay before 'a certain date. leonine is eXpP.Ctea. BOERS CAPTURE CONVOY. And the Home -Going of Natal Volun- teers is Postponed. •A despatch from Durban says: -In oonsequenee of the Boers capturing, a ootavoy of Natal Volunteers between Dejagers drift and Blood river, burn- ing envereet waggons and capturing the eeeert, the intencleV„horae-going of the Natal volunteers h1i.2 been indefinite- ly postponed. This hes caused a pain- ful impressioe throughout the colony. Beans -Quiet. New beans bring 31.20 to 161.25. Choice hand-picked beans are quoted at 31.55 to 31.60 for oldnotek. Honey -Dealers quote from 9 to 10e per lb. for 5,10, or 60-1b. tins. Comb honey sells at 32.25 to 32.50 per dozen seetions. Baled hay --About steady. Arrivals on track mindere:ie. No, 1 timothy, car lots, on track here, 39.25 to 310; two- toni lots, delivered, sell at §10.50. , Baled- strasv-Oar lots of good oat straw; are quoted at 45 to 35.50 on tratk; and ton lots, delivered, at 36 to 36 50 • Hops -Offerings liberal, a.n4 priaellt easy. New 1900 crop, is now quoted • ab 11 to 13o, and yearlinge, at. 8 to One Wan STOCK. Toronto, Oct, 9. -Only 35 earloatle of live stook were received this looming at the westera Gattle yards, inoludietir 700 hogs, 270 cattle, awl abeut 800eheep ann laiens. There was no marnet; only A few oft deals of no quotable consequence hap- online-. Where was no eVOrt. trade, For the little good quality lonelier cattle here we had a demand at un, changee penes, but the buile qf the stuff was unsold. Stockers, feeders, and export bulls are unchanged. For stockers we bad fair enquiry, been are unchanned and steady, with alight demand. lots of choice lambe sold unt to 4cper lots of eleoice lambs sold on to 4oper emend, Hogs are nuohanged and eteady. Prime Itoga are selling at 81-2e per Ib. Sows are wortb, 3 1-2c per lb., and stage nc per lb. For fat and light boo tie outside price ;was 514 per lb. Hogs to fetch the top prift must b at prime quality. end scale not below 160 nor above eoa lbs. , 1 Buffalo, Oct. 9.. -.-'ring wheat -No, , spot, carloads, 89 1-4e; No. 1 Nortli- n, omen 80 3.4e, 'Winter wbeat-No. red, 784t; No. 1 velete, 76e 4. mixed, Ten Corn -Firm; No. ll yellow, 40 3-4e; No. 3 yellow, 46 1-2c 1e'en 2 oorn, 40c. No. 3 corn, 43 3-1e. Oats -Strong; No. 2 white. 26 3-4 to e7e; No. 4 white, 25 - c ; Nix 2 naleell, 24 14 to. 21 1-2e; . 3 mixed, 23 3-1 to 24c. Berle.y-Obio traek, 57'; Weetero 511 to (ne aien- d, Itere-No. 2. nominally 5e 1-2 to 57e. Ploar-enteady. Detroit, Oeinhz,r 9. -Wheat eloevit-- No. 1 white, teeth, 77 1-4e; No. 2 red, cash, '79 1-1e; Oetober, 79 1-2o; De- cember, 82e. Toledo, Oct. 9. -Wheat -Spot, 80e; November, 81e: December, 82 1-1e. Corn -No. 2 easle 42e; October; 40 3-4o; December. 35 nale. Oats -No. 2, easb, and October, 23 1 -le; Deretraber 24 1-4c. Rye -No. 2 °fifth, We. Clover seed- Ootober, 37.35; December, 37.12 1-2 No. 2, 36.30. Oil-Unobanged. atinneapolie, Oct. 9.-Wheat-Ooto- ber, 790; December, 79 to 79 1 -So; May, 1-2e; to arrive, 82 1 -So; No. 1 Neale - n, 80 1-2; No. 2 Northeru, 77 1-2 to 79 1-8e. F1our-5e higher; first pat- ent, 34.35 to 34.45; necond patents, 34.15 to 84.25; fleet cleara 33.15 to 33,25; second (entre, 32.15 to 32.25. Bran -In bulk, 312 to 812,25. 1 Duluth, Oet. 9. -Wheat closed :-Na. 1 hard, melon? 9-8c; to arrive, al ' October, 82 5-8o; December, 83; May. 1 85 5-8e; No. 1 Northern. caelo 80 5-8e; Deeember, 81c; May, 83 3-8o; No. 2, to arrive, 89 3-4o; October, 80 5-80; 1 Northern, 75 5-80. Corn-ile. Oats -23 3-4 to 23 1-2o. Milwaukee, Oct. 9. -Wheat -Higher; No. 1 Northeon, 81 1-4 to 82 1-2o; No. 2 a*, 79 to 80 1-2o. Rye -Steady; No. 1, 55 to 55 1-2e. Barley -No. 2, 58 to 59c; sample, 45 to 52o. PAY1110 OFF LIERGEHAMES, Boer 0111eials Ship 500 to Various Destinations. A. despateh from London, says -A desoatele to the Daily Telegraph from „Lorenzo Marques says five hundred mercenaries who have been fighting ; with the Beers sailed. for Europe to- • aa.y. They received their passage luioney and part of their war pay from the Boer officials. They were also as- . suxed that they would get the 'rest of their money when they arrived at their destinations. I Most of the Irish-Aam- ericans, who have been making threats :against President Kruger and the Boer officials because they have not receiv- ed; the tn,oney promised therefor their services, .were appeased ixt this way. BULLER TO RETURN. BOER CHIEFS GONE NORTH. Botha, Reitz, and Viljeon With 1,500 Men Now in the Zoutspanberg District, deSpatell trona Pretorio. says ;-•-• Definite intormetion bas :been re- eetvea nere to the Wirt tho.twhea e Beeloi:y,. Viljoen, the second in CCM - MAD& IA teraporaribi the head of the Preeldent Kruger .onessea thborder veto Pornaguene territory: the leaders sons Se arencorlerta.titeletwel,:zaaseidhn arghetxh3r: be left behind; him, held a raeeting at litaidea'e commando. AR .the Boer lead- Hectorepruit, and re.seaved to take ers recognize Wet the struggle is use - all the beet mounted and go north less, but they are obstinately deter - natal the Egliter guns. / The intention mined not to abandon it until they is to work' around Pietersbinee, and are compelled to. The poorly mounted continue the. final atruggle in the burghers bave been left behiad to is7414GS8tri4f elli:" ntgbr ga fai srl" 05. x itoreQ1 Zat EY6'. naritralYttaileli Be 1 eteee'w;cirs:njeas."11113;Veti:earl'Is'nvt2o74,e7itlio.: 113(131°:rtari ebr°17es1,690tri FROM WIRES Newsy Items About Onreelvea and Our lieighbore-Oomethiug of Intereat Front Every Quar- ter of the Globe, -CANADA. I is 37.59 a UM in Ottawa, Peter Beenett is deea at bis home near Welland, Ile \vas one of Monele comity's oldeet chimes. The funeral g the late Premier 'Marchand took place at Qtvelne on Saturday. Galt welcoraed Campbell Perry, the first of the towan five laeroee to re- turn front the front. Belleville welcome Ile. John C. McNair, an.d Stratford gave tiergt. T. t3mith a reception. It Ls said, at Montreal that Judge Langelier may resign his seat on the bench ane become Premier of Quebec. Duncan Mereillop, a well known $t. Thomas district farmer, dropped dead ou his farm. near St. Thomas. Hon. S. N. Parent is the new Prime Minister of Quebec. There will to very few eho.nrees itt the preeent Alinietry. David Robertson, hostler, Was barn. ed to deatb, in a fire whioli destroy- ed the alausion Howie stables at Wel- land. aim hotly of Wm. Moore, aged 70, was found in the lake near Dune karch, His hands were tied. Sup- posed suicide., The contraet for the new bridge over the Ottawa River at Des :foe - onus hes been awarded to 'Keating & Wilson, of Ottawa. The chibleen of the Vice -Regal hou.sebold have returned to Ottawa. Their Excelleneles, still at Brandon, return Oct. nth. Ligatning destroyed Mrs. Richard - eon's barn near $t. eau's, and one on the Park farm, Arciherstburg. Both held season's' °roe. Winn loading sheep on a vessel at Kingston, Arthur Page was butted a rain on the bead. lEle lxae oncuse sion of tale brain and, may die. The Grand Silty at Belleville has Pinioned "No bill" on the charge of manslaughter, preferred against Con- ductor Wm. Kerr and lengineerjames Maybee. Arrangements are being made at Halifax to give the officers and mem- bers of the Royal Canadians return- ing from South Africa on the Idaho a rousing welcome. Slice Pearson of Winnipeg, aged 19, who was married to a middle-aged man named Charles Mills last Thursday af- ternoon, took carbolic acid and died in two hours. Lieut. -Col. Sam Hughes, Chaplain Lane and Lieut. Wilkie, -with a. bot of other soldiers invalided from South Af- ricee arrived at Quebec yesterday on the steamer Cambroman. The Canadian contingent, ander Col. Pelletier, sailed on Saturday from Cape Town on board th'e transport Idaho. The people of Cape Town accorded them a splendid farewell. The schooner Gold Hunter has been Kitchener Will Remain in Command seized at Amherst, harbour by Halifax in South Africa • Customs officers. • She is charged with Redvers Buller," says the Daily Mairs A. despatch from London says :-"Sir bringing from St. Pierre spirits in pronibited packages. Al the Alantitti matches of the 77th Regiment, Miss Lizzie Bibby tied for first place in the regineenta,1 match and carried off first prize in the com- manding officers' matcle, Mr. J. W. &tackle architect of the new St. Lawrence 'Market, Toronto, has issued a weit against Ald. Shep- pard foe 310,000 damages for stating that Siddall had betelied the worlo from the beginning. Hon. Alexander 1V1. Ross, Clerk of of the County Court of York, form- erly Peovtineial. Treasurer of Ontario, died at •Grace Hospital on Saturday afternoon of malarial fever after an illness of some months. ' The charges against Chairman Ald. Hurd of the House of Refuge Cominit- tee at Flamilf.on of receiving benefit from the contract to supply fruit and vegetables to the home, have been "thrown out." ale bad •given some of both to the home free. The Business Men's League of Mont- real has already secured three con- ventions for their clay next year -the National Who!esale Druggists of Ain - correspondent • at Pietermaritz- burg, "will return to England, Iltear, wine Lord Roberts and Lord Kitch- ener will remain in the chief command in South Africa." 29 ENGAGEMENTS --29 DAYS. Hart's Good Work Brought to a Successful Con= clusion-Buller's Captures Near Lydenburg. A despatch from London aa,ys:-The War Office has received the 1 ollowing despatch from. Lord Roberta; " Bullex returned to Lydenlaurg yes- terda,y, after a sucoessful naarch from Spitzkop. • He reached Pilgrims.' East Sept. 27, the enemy retiring, The Boers • brought to guns into action on Oet. 1, but afterward disappeared, taking the guns with them. During the march. 600 head of (Attie, 6,000 sheep, and 159 waggon loads of aupplies were cap - hired. One hundred and nine burghere surrendered, aud 181,000 roundel of anaall arin ananaunition was cleetroy. ed. " Hart has returned to Krugersdorp 'having engaged tlae, enerny on twen- ty-nine occasions in as many daya. Hie casualties were three killed and 24 wounded. Many Boers were killed and 95 raade prisoners. He captured 2,720 head ef cattle and 3,281 sheep." "The Dublin Fusiliers made a night assault with the bayonet on a Boer 'eager between Preteria and Johannes- burg and captured nine men, mostly important ;Boers, who have troubled the district. • "A party of Boers haVe peneteated , the Canadian Manufacturers' the eoutharn part of Orange River Cel- `` enY entering De Wetedora and Wee- Association, ' and • tile Proprietary ener. Detachane,nts are after them" IVIedieine Asaociaticm of Canada. TO ARRIVE OCTOBER 25. Transport Offleer at cape Town Noti- • fies ifautax oirleigas. A deepatoh from, Halifax, says;-. telegram be the d,00k-yard from the transport officer at Cape Town Rona fies the officials here to make pre- paration for tbe disertabarleatino et 1 th.e Canadian Regiment on October 25. A. geumia.1 movement is on foot to have a memorable demonstration on the ocoaelon of the sonliers' arrival bore. One proposal is to ereot a num- ber tif triumphal erchea in the prince-, pal streets. Mayor Hamilton Jean • called a special meeting ot the City Cennoll for Monday evening to decide wbat the muneeipality ellen do, and to appoint committees to earry out details, Satistaetory reports were read at the annual Meeting of the Ottawa «New York Railway-, U W. Gays, of Ote tame, G. ne and G., J. Peabody, 13; lend, B. Moffat, A. M. White, A; Nicholas, S. Trask and lie S. Snow, all of New York, were elected direot- ern Harry Jamieson was leillea by a fall at Perrin's ceetectIonery and biscuit worke at i,ondon, Ont. Jeseple Vance, the son of a protein - eat farmer of Ow Townelaip oe ford, eommitted suieltle by beingieg, Brakeman G, W, West of Sateen died ' at the Stratford Hospital from injuries reveived in an acoideut at Now liAL11., The Minister of Agriculture haa completed arrangements for the None gation et truit trees at the ports of etttry where, wider the Sau Jose scale amendment aet. nursery ,stoek may OW be imported lute Canada, Civil service entranee examinatious will be held at Charlottetown, nt. John, Halifax, Quelne. MoUtreel, Kinston, Toronto, Ilemiltun, Louduu, Winnipeg, Vietorie and Vim - (louver, commencing on Tuenlay, the day et November next. D McGinn, Secretary of the MIR WORK IS DOM British Army Headquarters in U. S. to be Closed. despatch trora chkago, aaese-A, special to the necorn from NeW Or- leans eaye:-.• "The Britian army headquarters ha this city are to be eloaed soon. Since the English offioers were sent here in August, to purobase supplies, 15,e 00t1 homes and 12,000 raulea have been shippedto Cape 'Deo as wellas largo quantities of forage anti other eup- plies, the pay vueretore beieg about 310,00p,00g. in Englisb. gold." . ICS INSULATION FOR et -lunette 014 the wet mane Tole- veuience, but • of vital impartatten areett Linen It is =Atter not Simply ot eon,. that observatorlea situated on the tops ot high mountains should be able to keep up constant telegraphic coon. municationi with. stations at a lower level. Stamen often rage for days and weeke blab altitudes, witle each via - treat Quid Storage Company. and 1 rbeenanass fish tleolrbeLtrvearlai attteeTell:tat;ht Alex alteCulloch of the dairy firm ot PSS'tS'' are sviraPt dawn by havldb4 CroU & McCulloch, who had large don. Win"' and buried under =assets et legs with the company, have loom ao. while the wires themselves fre- rested at the instance of the Mere e quently give way under tae severity chants' Bank of Halifax, obarged with of thstrain, snow, conspiring to defraud the bank out ot nealizing these difficulties, th 3220,000 on bogus warehouse receiptsauthorities of Mont Blom wisely 1 At CentruaTilTeB:juisclii4?\Evtit Bros., whether the ice which perennially c thought therm:11M of Winne bank was robbed a 310,000. ers the slopes at the mountain rano A. bulldog bit utf a boy's nose while the lad was feeding the brute at ee to replo.ce both telegraph poets and not possess suffielent insaleting powe Lebanon, Pa. porcelain insulators. Joseph Howard is to be hanged at 1 To ascertain this, some interesting Frankfort, Kentucky, on December 7 experiments, were made by 11. Les - for the murder of Governor Goebel, plan, at th.e requeet of Dr. Janssen, Stnks, stones and rotten eggs were t the need of the observatory. A doubl hurled at Oovernor Roosevelt and his tline was laid between tne Grand party by Bryan supporters on Victor. Mulets at the summit and the peculiar Col. raaos 01 rooks known as the Petite Officers at New York are watching Mullins, near the base. Ordinary gal. every ineoraiug ship tor Luigi Buret- vanized iron, an eighth of an inch in tonic, the aecomplice of 13resei, the diameter, was used. It was stretchee assassin of King Humbert. bare on tbe ice, the two conduotorn BRITAIN. (L- each of 5500 feet in length, lying about Ire Aid. Frank Green has been elected 10 feet apart. , Lord Mayor of London. For the purpose of testing the luau.. It is officially announced that Lord lation of the line, the two wires were Roberts has been appointed Cone. left disconnected at the lower station, tl circuit wheitkuappdeernothateeyasffinivereeteprlaacnedd mander-in-Chiet of the British arfmile. whiile at Fifty-nire Ministerialjsts, Libarsds and two Nationalists have a battery of eighteen large Leclanche been returned to the British House of cells. On pressing down the key, the Commces by acclamationneedle of the ammeter del not move News has been received that Solo- at all, but remained steadily at its man City, at the mouth of Solomon zero. River, was devastated by the recent The' ends of the wires at the lower storm on the coaat of Alaska. station were then pinned together, and At Lake Charles, La., yesterday, when the battery was reduced to three Paul Sloan, a deputy sheriff, was celhs, the needle flew, at once over the limit of the scale and remained there, shot aad killed while saving the life pointing to 50 milliamperes. These of a negro from a mob's vengeanoe. two measurements clearly indicated , that the insulation of the line was exo cellent. • The 11m:1:tense tunnel, under the Cas- cade range, on the Great Northern Railway bas been completed. Over 1,000 men have been at work on it three years. It will coat 65,000,000. The scheme for the sale of tbe Camp ffra gold mine, in Colerado, to an English syndicate, has failed, and the 37,000,000 deposit, the first • instal- ment of the purchase money, has been returned. The steamships Queen and Charles Nelson, from Cape Nome, are at Port Townsend with 598 passengers and 3200,000 in gold. Fears are enter- tained for the safety of the steamer Robert Dollar, winch soiled from Port Townsend for the Cape on A.ugu,st 25. Mr. John Penn, Conservative, had the distinction of being the first mem- ber returned for tbe new British Parliament, havbag been re-elected for Lewisham, Which he has represented since A.ug., 1.91, without opposition. Mr. W. F. D. Smith was also return- ed for the Strand district of London. GENERAL. Superstitious peasants tortured an alleged witch to death at Lepeshy, near Moscow. Belgian women socialists are play- ing the leading roles in the Socialist Congress at Paris. • There is a, movement in Santo Domingo to overthrow the Govern- ment of President Jiminez. Mgr. Ireland, at Paris, from Rome, says the Pope is in better health and stronger than two years ago. Prof. Edward Albert, noted surgeon and lecturer in the 'University of Vie/lure is dead.. He was etrongly op, peead to women doctors. Hints Par Travelers. First Traveler -How do you manage to make such nice acquaintances in strange cities? Second Traveler -In New York I fol- low tbe crowd, and it takes me in all the respectable places. in Chicago I keeg out of the crewd. A. Choice of 'Method. Heratius was holding tbe bridge. "Why so quiet?" inquired a friend. "I am thinking," be responded. "Ot what?" • "Thinkiag whether I can attain to' fame by keeping the bridge or die' it."-Philadelpitia Record, Popular Prieeq., Summer lioarder-,Your charges aro exeraboditiaonid. • L - Jos, so• . "But you advertised popular prices." "Yes; they seem to be ,popular, Tbe house is full right along." --New York. Weekly, The Rind She Wanted. Gentleman -My wife has lost her wit' terproof, and she wished Inc to stop in here and order another sent up at once, as lt looks like rain. Dealer -Yes, sir. What sort, sir? Gentleman -Um ----I've forgotten the same, but it's one of those that make a woman look better dressed in wet weatb.4 er titaa eke is in dry weather. The native mutiny in the CDilg,r0 Free State has ended. Aretric, has received a higher total of awards at the ,Pari,,s ic)11 than any olhror coUnt.ry save Franee. Q7rolfxman'y'grshenclell FP'-drizfe.hsre' gr t'es 1?- un. be eeee kee., ;,4•L tiitn`rat, WA...A. • 6."...#