HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-11, Page 2CURTSflIPOF SAVAGES. 37 'Volum Iletteutets, Zatisheal Beaux and Youthful. Wales Wtvee, Meow; the land Dyalte no yeutlf dare ventare to pay addeeeses to a metelen unless he ten threw at her feet a net - fel of skalle, it being neceesary forlelea to prove his prowess by killing a few men, women or ehtlelren. Amoug these tribes the lover offere the maid - on a hie oh.oiee seme. betel nuts. tehe emeenta hoIshannea Put if sbe zefese owl says, "be geod enough o blew iiire the fire." it means that he dieeeiesed. Sentatimes the courting is carried on thrnagli a medium a A latV It Of Jew's Peary, oati hanaing it t tie other, askIng gneetioue and Ve- t ttrorq. anewers. When a yeiii4 troetentoi goes court- EADII IkAli IS A HURTER" SOXE INTERESTINQ INFORIIIATION ABOIrr BRABAT'S tIORSE. er or lids nrovo Mud or Coloal try Alt a Warrlor-A GlImpSe 0 -Able Old Ylart. ' kes 4 piottere it to till au eye, an4 never hail a Portrait e setting than this old warrior d when Cast I saw bim. He steed •apon the jegged edge of a little rough • roelty kopee, watching the for- ward movemeate a biz troops noon heielat, where Dritaia'e ene- ley waiting the onslaught. Be- a hollow, which looked a dlratple in the cheeko Na.ture, y camp, the cenep a the far - ter of Qanon Robinson, a Canterbury - At tlus age of 25 he retuned to the Cape Colony and joined, tl* Coma Corps as captain. When this corps wee dishancled and. reerganieed ie threwUP setclieriag and took to farin- log. He else' took an aotive interest in.politics and was returned to Parlia- meiat for the ifistrict o Eaet Landow a position he has held ever sinee with - break. Tie it war with aaUves, hziown as the Gailea War, promptly brought hbo to the field, aud he served right through t as a ea.ptain. Then fol- lewed a spell a peace, which was broken at last by THE RISING OF THE DAS-OTOS, n& once again the English soldier letl as:deh.Es reaping hook and. toole p the sword, serving right through sthe storny times ate colonel of the Virst Cape Yeomanry. 'Who or berta raised bine to e :eh of (general a throb, of pride we rough every British heart in al South iiefriea,. for every Mall in 0 e I..wi new a ell that be lent reapeil what he ha) so feerleesly sown, and gernered -where auoilaer had ploughed. HO dial not ask other liege 'ehetian to se.nd tbeir eonet whilst his wa e•emainel at home in comfort. One of 4' boy, the ellest, Lieutenant tbur Brabant, felldeed at the Iva f menadhe Idght Horse t itlenislaagte. in the beginning .. war. Ma yonagest eon* Guy. 'le a sergeant in 13ay1ey's Horse; and nil eldest, John. is now eery-. th as a lieutenant M DrIscoll's cheats, and there ie Do keener mar ing under the PoupIre'e flag in Rug, to readee illinent more at traetare, famed coloniel division. 'Mere every - hie rose, etteeles and forebeed thing that spoke of mtary orher and Araiattz stn=e to,4e5 a hied.; strict dieene failed to catch the agaevar Lae bays decorate their 'lona eye, cheee reigned, Elia soma un- locks witb lee, fiowees wad featt -4 crowned deepoe, horses straggled ers, "Pri?..,y orSee piease the. ewe- It Edieer and her, dragging their men." Io teat:nee ef New Britain raw Mile tetbering reins through the bi ghee. :dem of :Saar fla ft Eiti grass tieseee them_ Naaaers sprawiea £'4,- sit:Li...Ili% knee tote that otheredW; in the awe idhe toole Ole the Mudd.). thiit hen tke eish ‘4. tkini; veteried IstY Margo of esUn swenne, saddles enes vf theg ehoiee on eeetennt ard brliles hey eirewu areenel. Ithe geeinae. a, eienne in %het thetetifol, diet heane waiting for the duetnian wealii, "egoeta to acegot the ad -h; ee peeyeennut meeting town, camp tirdides Pose:5441a' wto teesh, coati:id; fixes tliekere.i III the wintry Lae a dog or a Idea" A girl vilio has i4 FA:m.141g between the tent*. whiele theog.: meranottehle ant* 8...i-> her epeo.wled abeet the place Ilice the Vet :4 filed• crew of a North. See whaler on the `the beetle: of Zambeel file the meddle'. floor of a dile:king doe, het ',Lh. thouviltta the Corm Pt The soldiers wiebiu the lines loung- e eaelhee s taii. in PUP tilec.ince ot ; ed around „tat *ye in mouth, esre. T3, -u-:..,41;3. ttebeiii440. nearlybok oar toraung with a skin aura of 1021.6„, eraeee were once iesued forinalg. prctecee tbe eye of fj()MS wandein d•co, ft,„ ose at octere and grease, for Lag mule or arovoiy eon oe Hem, the eeraeg men feaeed the lose 0:1 Others squattei about esamining tddts' 'di she t14 v- wiele loving cue the magaziue of a .eraee. Aneeng the thlasteteh the fondly bomered rifle. Others, with ee:, es. onaa h'hrild for doll's !i heele coideed r.inverde beeween the cr: L.ee 'dee 4,4% latmg , ai-Med. with his battle club. i v uneien women do the court- , erayed 22222eb aureigaeti, from meg ilc.f.5* %%1.411 agr44-4°5 ul"lz -5t.e 'etVil` to mean, and threw nth toingb stroug eheer, 1GiNe5 her et ring of voehei eerape of aewe they (deemed doge:. Tin Eiiztt,c eieya to ter broth -4 te comrades aneded about en ant_ ".14-`,:btr. 1 b -we Cc111 flei"s for hills or piles of blunt:eta. An U wihng ' ITN'SOLDIBRIN 1/X)KING LOT W*". 44I'l l'rtP46" "Po oi IN.,rs these, if one Is to judge "tra rade and them by the loido- There hi more than tel'rs.v ideloeue itilees Vlachs: 2 O. FUSDIC:011 of untidiniss about their 11/.41; ''1%/14 rae Prrt.`" drees, something alniost slovenly ,eeiceed* -.6a "a° '1)11 ImmItt'" lay I the way they hang around. Ilut. Jae is aeogot, ye dzieelieueeia °mad a poor observer who do,es not notice " .1 the splendid development of thew and t"'"1°' )" '7 Ileitsew ;he clear cut of the powerful 1 Ore if?..11 altogether. `Your shin f mistress of g.4,04,es et waggea wheels. their beeeis freeta heed tn a ed hips bored in tire soft, warm el the aneient uewspapers, ehoullere. the depth of chest which 'The girl, ansVu.; to clinch the mat- topers to the %mast, proof positive. of he when t hoy are to be married.strength and aetivity. The hard, io . o e. "I. nal ra , if vim, brown bees, (dean as an athlete's in e. ere is a mock f.ght aben full treining; the bright, bold eye, they ter. their relative4, inal tevery- whale glittete oofalteringdy in eun or borne and reeetved fall partusulars thing i4. settled. atuies sr...alitag nf. reedy watchful- from Mrs. Daboadd. i'l eau pleteeed," In Maland ta.. girl generally nes in time of trial; the firm snap said Mrs, Dabgaid. "to bagthe pub- begin-. tile curing. 'flie love token of the jean, which stand like mute 10 made 11, -Ware of tbe. fads of ray u 1.4.ch z he.girl pirates at the feet of reoriumentr, to hours of danger fated boy's case if it is likely to help eorael eyes..., iswit manly courage. A drill ser- other suM fferer. Marley is now ten her laver i- a little int of fern, made shertifieel by puliing the knot tight. geent's heart, would ache to look at 1 years of age. In infant** he was a irate a sort of half knot. 'No,'" by leaving th& matriremnial theril, but a fighting general would delicate child, but trornafour to seven neoeh alone. ae.k for no better men at Ms right he scarcely pessed a well day. At VP ' hand when the tide of battle eves four years of age be began to tout - SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE running against him- Such was the plain of frequent lie adacbes, which The New Tea, Ceylon and India Green Tee, is rapidly whg i fair - or NYttlf 310:EriAlU tea drinker's, begause, aweigh it is .6.7/1Wxr in taste to the finest ,TaPoh tea, it ie infinitely mOre delitious read far nage health- ful in use. It as belogIntrodneed The "Salada" Tea Company ta their well known sealed 1.se1 Paekete and they say it de goieglto diespla.co japan teait as"Saledad blaoh tee. leas dis- plaoed all other biaok teas. VE11 HER BOY. HE HAD N WEAK AND AILIN 0111 INFANCY. 01••••••"..1 Ur +Grew Older Ills Trimble Seemed litirrease awl Ms ray:ruts Tkotrest 1.1tut %teemed le aw lsVf ^IVA% tire oar. Wu: Pam.' Ptak Pine Cored Wm Vilma 1100e U.d .4.1nioet Departed. Thom !ha Post, Thorold. Ont. Ja11128 Duban141 and wUr. are two of tbe best known residents. 024 te town 02 Thatorolab where tbestartle reseed many yea.rs. In their family " ttey htve a little son, who, al- though but tew yearsi of ago, Ilea' ex.' Mritifteed match affliction, and Ids au -exits expended many a dollar in the Bench for Is renewed health - all in vain, however, until Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills wore brought into %Ise. A Post 4reporter bearing of tthe euro called at 5tr. Daba.uld'S cosy THE TOWER OF BABEL cote•o SUPPOSED ANCIENT REEK DOCU NENT THROWS LIGHT UPON IT. he4:131IntieltiesTledene"riber:v7romtucti_buoltrimIlitittbter; NelfttchuAllSe4ftrt FOr centuries IKientists have been ndeavouring to ascertain the exact imeneioaa and the other seerets of he architecture of the Tower of Ba- bel, but, though many ingenious the - °ties have Wert broached and SOInes Ida rata have been gathered. no thorita,tive statement in regard to e famous tower has keen fortheont- i g until now, when it reaches us e form of an ancient Greek manu- script, whieh was recently discovered by 51e1y, the distinguished in French archaeologist. The exact date this manuscript does not seem to be known, but 5f. de 5Iely and several his colleagues of the Aeaderay of scriptions who have examined it are oath:tent that it is one of the olde,st eXistenee and that the facts con- ned therein may be accepted. as his- ' 1. the moderu wOrld this ancient etunout is of value becansei It con - ins a very clear dancription of the Tower of Babel, The Tower, it says, eighty-four kilometres distant Babylon, and its basement er ory was 181 =tree on each Aide and seventy-five feet high, In the middle was a square tower, construct- ed of six stories, placed one above the her, and at tho SUMItlit waa asnaall eanettlarl The height of these etoriee Was Metres, and 0,11 exterior stairway, con- taining 365 stewi, led to the sanctu- ary. These steps, of which 805 were fashioned ot silver and 60 of gold, were designed. to represent the 005 days 44 the year. Furthermore, the sevon !stories were intended to eorree- pond, to the seven days of the week, and also to the weeks of the year,sinee 365, the number a the steps, divided by '7, the nuanter de the stories, giveed us 52. the nureber of the weeks In each ; rail; and ooe of his first etas after I he ascended the throne Was to order that it be restored, with great 'splen- dor, The present mina nonstat at a huge irregular nine, whiola rises abrupt- ly from a wide desert Plain and which orowned by the ruins of a tower, the height et mound and tower being 15.3 feet. Most eg the bricks which haVe been e:ecavated erone this mound bear he cuaeiform ohaxaeters the name of larelmehadnezzar, and on one, of hem is an inscription which says that a Tommie king had built this tower, but had not completed the uppermost story, and that the people had aban- doaed the building ages ago. heow the suggestion has been made that the dimensions as given in the Greek Illttlatiseript may be those of the original tower and not eg the batwing. as restored by Nebothadeezzar. This, however, is not likely to be the case. In the tiret place, there is ample teat - tawny that the original building was practieally he ruins when Nebuchad- nezzar began his work of restoration, and ie hardly probable that an ellthentio dencription of it was lwaci- tid down from generation to. genera- tion, and in the eecond place, there evidence that the author of Greek reanieseript was referriag to tewer or its ruins as they exieted vimmonoi camp that lay behind the greatest of later beearae almost oontinnous, and Generals. Around Wm, to soon symptoms of genaral debility memo an I.:titivated Chliteee Ine.e to Say Abent It. the right and left, Nature's master. developed. His appetite was poor The Chinese language is a purely . and he grewhpale and emaciateid„ and piece in. Africa. the black, burnished, symbalic language, all other Ian - barren raountains, in front of him the least exea-tion °wawa a. severe gueges are phonetic or alphabetical. the foe. WItet better framework for Palpite.tion and fluttexing of the In all the phonetic languages the a portrait could a soldier ask than heart, and dizzinese. At times there soerals that are heard in the spokee. thist.his friendsbeside bite, the enemy was considerable derangement of his ineeniage are analyzed or split tip into in front, and overshading all the stomach; a blueness of the lips andt nhortness of breath. He would often lie awake at night and rise in the morning haggard and. tinrefreshed. During his illness he was treated by two doctors. Both differed in the diagnosis of his case. One said it was catarrh of the stomach, and while his treatraent was persisted in there was no improvement. The sec- ond also attended hine for some' them with no better results. Some time aftea my attentioa was attracted by ray aunt to Dr. Williams' PinkhiPills, and about September, 1897, I pro- cured the pills and he began taking them. We had long,,before come to the conclusion he would be an invalid for life, but believing it a duty 1 owed to my obild to procure all means of relief, I was deitern1in.ed to give Dr. Williams' Piok Pills a fair trial. The good effects of the first box was apparent, and five boxes were used, which were taken in about six months' time„, when he was strong and well, and could attend sehool, and ally' and frolic as other healthy boys ad As every symptoro of hie old trouble has vanished, I consider his cure complete. The pills have ,certainly done him a world of gcgad, as nearly three peers have since, passed. ,away and he has next seen a sick day in that length of time. I" shall ever feel that we owe cnir boy's health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, and believe that their prompt LISP would relieve much suffering." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are just as valuable in the case of children as with adults, and puny little ones would soon thrive and grow fat tin- der this treatment, which had no equal or building up the blood and giving renewed strength to brain, body and nerves. Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Ckt,, Brockville, Ont, Do not be perettad- ed. to try something else said to be "just as. coed." a fee- elementary sounds, vehicle by eerabination, form words. To each of the few elementary sounds an ar- ba eery sign on paper is assigned and 'signs constitute the alphabet. lous, in any European language, and in one- other language, except Chi- eteee, the sound of the voice in speak - Mg is the basis off the written lan- guage -they are all phonetic. If the same sound is used to represent two or MOM" ideas, this makes no differ ence, the appropriate letters of the alphabet are used, and the writer re- lies upon the neighbouring words to prevent absurdity. The Chinese written language Ls totally different from this, It has no alphabet at all, and no approach to an alphabet, but proceeds on a differ- ent basis, which will be. best brought home by a simple illustration, Recent- ly in Belgium a traaveller had occa- sion to examine a railway time table., and there found that oertain. railway atations where refreshinents raight be procured were raarked by a little rep- resentation of a wine oup, This is Chinese writing. What mode a writing could be briefer, or more to the purpose. or more unmis- takable ? "i1c4u. see the drawing of a Mass, it etares you. in the face, and you know that refreshments there await your exhausted frame. The symbol expresses an idea quite apart tram the spoken utterance of that idea. The obief disadvantage of any pho- netic systena Is that since the writing folio -we the eictuud, and sound of a lengaage is constantly cleanging, the written languages changes, too. This thange is less rapid sirtce the disoov- massive handiwork of the Great Creator The shadows lay beneath, the sun- light kissed him. where he stood, a hale obi man, upon whose face sixty- five long stormy years had cut aide tracks, as rivers leave the imprint of their passage down the'gorges and the glens ha Scottish mountains. The soft slouch hat, cocked jauntily to shade hie face, laid bare a portion, of hiS head, showing his hair as white as driven snow. The face beneath% the sonabrero's brim was keen, alien> featured, full of life and fire. The pale blue eyes, steady and true, no sign of fading power in THAT WAN, WORu.'sT PAGE, though the moustache that hid the upper lip was as white as -a girl baby's conscience. His figure, just a shade below six feet in height, built as a oavalryman's should be for speed. strength and endurance, without a solitary ounce of waste flesh from bead to heel. He wore no' ornaments, no fancy gew-gaws, everything about the man was siraplicity embodied. The yellow-brown Jeloari cloth jacket fitted his body as if he had grown in it. Over bis shoulders he wore his field -glasses, shing ready for use. Ills bower limbs were encased in close - fitting corduroy pants and riding boots. His brown hands were guiltless of gloves. A fine fig-ure of, a fighting soldier he looked from the crown of his hat to the glittering spurs at his heels. Good as he looked, his re- cord stands well worthy of his appear- ance. He comes of a Devonshire fam- Hy, and when merely a lad be pur- chased a commission ha the British army and followed Ms regiment to South Africa when only seventeen years of age. He mold out of the army Just before Uhe great Indian mutiny broke out, and when his old teem:eat was ordered out to that theatre of 'horrors Jae dld Dot accompany Later on he returned to Ragland and married Mies Mary Itoteleon, dausla ery oe the art of printing, but there is still a gradual change. There is no Datotht no element of permanency in ouch a Iange.age, But eyrabolic lan- guage never changes. Ate long as the Idea to be expeeneed remains tem dame lane, it is expressed the segos way. The week written in Chinese thousande of years ago can be read now with eatte d eext9duty. It's ever too late fo learn the good points of 2105r4r-!•3,34417' Vg'•=.406- Many people hero already laarnott what a good tea reallY Xou may do so, also if you give it a feir ro Toad reek*, 25, O. 40. eta 60. slitok",v,iiv-4,14,14.14.4wwfokikorvitewilyikikiwwwwwwwww eQoa Paint Shiaes It giyaa the Rause a newaesa of appear- - ea whioh la . It Shines A OANARY BIRD'S FOObt. eat Many canaries die of ener- I . A gluttouous bird ehould be a /Waited supply of food, l'and )revolted from gorging himeellie preetieo whieh will in time bring" atty degeneration of the nearh'e leoacie which carries off a great men Erre cage birds berore tbelr time. is a raletake fatal to the he.ailla of bird to give it cake or any rich . Seed and a little green fooddike sb hieleweed, lettuce or watererese that is desirable. Change tbe water in the bird's cage twice a slay least in summer. Claange the food daily, 50 there is no danger of the bird getting sour food. A ranary should be kept in a room of even tem- perature. It is a foolish Al/stake sitielt Is fatal to the bird to imagine bat it is better off outside of the age. A bird that has been brought in a cage, and very likely was lobed In a eagc, is as helpless to ake core of itself as a little child put adrift in the woods. Such birds fall victims to the sentiment of those who turn them out. (Copy of a lelfter wider. appeared 1 the Ceylon Observer.) eanustism of the lam Uric Acid leftist the hlotsi by disordered itidestyss ledges along the nerve -which branch's from the eye over the forehead; st; d across the cheek to the side of the nose. The cause it the same as in all dieordered Itidneys. Theeure is Ilke- *MSC the Seine-. AWAY PAINTS not only shine but wear. You will like the way they go on, and the way they in on. They are reasonable sn price. ' Ask your dealer. 1 BNISCHER'S -WISE ADVICE. The, ativion once given to his son by yoa.r. Henry Ward Beecher is deserving of Iourthernaure. a very old legentl4saYs high consideration. It was as follower that tbe varions stories were painted When working for others sink so as to respreaent the planets whicat ydurself oat or sight; seek their hater - are snpposed to rule over the days gat. lIalre yourself neceeso.ry to those of each week. Thus the lowest story who employ you, by industry, fidel- was painted black, this being Saturn% ity and scrupulous intergrity. Sef- Dolor ; the next was painted orange, fishness in fatal. in honor of Jupiter; the third was, Tau must not go into debt. Avoid painted red to represent Maas; the ' debt as you would tlae devil. Make it fourth, was of a golden hue, the sun a fundamental rule: No debt-oash or being symbolized in this fashion; the nothing. fifth was painted yellow in honor of Make few promises. Religiously Venus; the sixth was blue, this being cheerio% the smallest promise. A man Mereury's color, and the seventh was who means to keep his peomises can sliver, in honor of the moon. not afford to make many. H R wlinson the famous 33e scrupuleusly careful in 01 state - oir Orientalist, atter loog investigation ments. Aim at accuracy and perfect concluded that the tower was com- frankness, no guesswork - either posed of seven stages, eaeh of which nothing or absolute truth, was an exact square, and that on the Head yourself responsible for a seventh wee placed the ark, or tab- higher staudara than anybody expecte ernaele. erybady else. each way, and 25 feet in height ; sec- ond, 230 teet each way and 26 feet in height ; third, 188 feet square and 15 feet high; fourth, 146 feet square and 15 feet high; fifth, 101 feet square and 15 feet high; sixth, (32 feet square and 15 feet higb, and seventh, 202eet virulent mictobe. Kill the microbe, The dimensions of the building he Never of you. Ideep your owo standard .high. Never excuse yourself to yourself. business• do not tarn off. Be con- stant, steadfast, persevering. hay that excites youtr malady -but a Cancentrate your forte on your own Here's a pointer for you. It is not „ Nay Favor Victims. pity yourself. be lenient to gives as follows :-First story, 27Z feet ev .....-0.-- , es raore:nitgitlie subs tance5 square and 15 feet high. The height the fever ceases awd healnthwetarskehtieurlsl elostr: of the ark he pla:cesc at 15 feet and =7./1 vcd. ililliei:oi6inatf he thinks that it covered the entire powders. seventh story. The original height of cannot go where the microbe builds its nest. Ca tarrhozone will go for the tuWer, he says, Was 155 feet. it If carried by the air you breathe Now, a comparison of thee° figures, and wherever -air goes Oatarrhozone with those in the Greek manuscript cannot help but go; that ineansi that., will show a striking discrepandy in it goes to tho moat minute air pass - some important particulars. Sir Henry age in iise head or throat. Catarrhea Z000 gimes relief instantly, it cures evidently had an admirable conception of the tower as it existed in the time of Nebuchadnezzar. but if the Ilene- nie writing is correct the dimensions as givert by the English archaeologist and as reptoduced in Mr„ Palmer's model are not accorate. Tbe biiildiag. according to these newly discovered data, was evidently of greater lisight and width than Sir Henry Rawlin- son imagined it to be. • RIM & PM MOW FORMAL EWA 1$4a Flue feathee milliner they us kefInssel5biluie. birds, but wit.. " CO be de aNth...." Colombo, A,ug. 154 ASK the Editor of the "Ceedoa Obser- ver." Dear Siraal have carefully examined ad tasted the enaall sample of Tea marked "Saleda" Pure ttnaolored Cry - Ion Green. Tea .elou sent me Ina night and find it is es stated. The tea has excepliOnal leaf fra- grance and draws a choice, flavoury, cowslip water, somewhat resembling a best grade Japan. As a spee'imen of what Green Tea 'should be in tine top it would. be; al- most logiomsible to improve on it. If Ceylon plantere will only be care- ful to ehip Greens up to tide standard of excellence, the eapture f the American und Canadian markets iz tertain and assured.. Yours raithfully, Signed. F. P. STitEET, fl A fact, however, which should be borne in neind is that the existing ruins of the tower, which are known as Bars Nrimt ad and Which may be seen in 13arsippa, a former suburb of Babylon, cannot peopeely be said to represent the original building, since they are neerelf the relics of the old tower as restored by Nebuchadnezzar. About the original tower we know very little, except, wbat the Bible tells us. Tradition says -that 'it was a sanctuary bff Nebo or Nebo, the special god of Babylon, and, accord- ing to Herodotas, the upper taber- bacle was furnished with a bed, -which ihe peeple believed was used by their god as a resting place. Long before Neleuthadnezzar's time the wonderful old building ha.d be411111 ts CTUTY1191e into absolutely in twenty-four hours - your Money baok if you do not find this so. Druggists sell Catarrho- zone, or we will send it to you. in Canada or United States, post and duty paid, for 31. N. C. Poison & Co., Mig, Morelia* Kinston, Ont.. Among some war relies of Spion 0 ROTE. tos lII _ 4414r:Isclelotuciltss4714-411. ix, Frame, bad 4 del. 1014. 'Midshipman O. 0. Dix, who, at the taking of the Taltu forts, aceounted for two Chinamen and rescued a tar in distress, is not yet 19 years old. FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR,b 1M5, VINSLOWS SO0TI11140 SYRTMbt been^ n_sedlor ntottera for tliecir children teething. ICsoo.be OothelirhelLtianthith4eue 1,:aut reirgeur foradlinia' rrhPc•taia:20o.'Cur bots.4d. Sold by en drUggists througitaut the aorld. ifs stut sisd ask for "Mrs. Wout.oves bnothinig Syrup," Kap recent -14 received by a resident at Croydon were two 12 -pound Boer shells. Their weight aroused esuspi- cion, and the police, who were cora- meitite ted with, had them examined at Mitcham road barracks. Ii. Was found that they were live projectiles, the fuse of which had failed. They were placed in a cold bath, CABLES AND THEM DATES. There arenow 13 cable lines across tbe Atlantic in successful operation, yet the charge for sending messages remains what it has been for 20 years or more -25 cents a word f Or commer- BUM ESS cial meseages and 10 cents a word for press dispatches. CALVERT'S,. 01. tilittuftestonto. Sttactit ulnt. Teleth Paweltarst, oltee„ hew* he,en Uft Irreelelit dielseeee tor Palmier oitioseith Their regales nseoprortett teteciIi- s iselerielt *xis 1,141 ‘41.1ort cbtikic s ., foist* zeta ied tree cc swoilicatioa, L CCALVERT CCP IMA111011111rrilt xiktot,,,mat, rass 4jjl eitetrientento. Orioles, U ttrs, et.". ory Town can havo a Band iota etet ciwoo.. Yfr.14 ufer eutynelleg 1," No004 isionominte. toy gem es, To usage caesura -New Irsportations finest Merits% esp Itleorlran ftsision,ivellohle rooCriat 4bt pekeS. ..r.e.wc. maorwrsa, k va, 5oroct0i, 111114 MILS St HA1.03$ hawleterr,rte. „cigarette Wolter nellalees, Welt rose d Zta Tweet*, PIULTRYw MUTTER, EGOS; APP1E3; Sid eater ZO DUCK, to e este; Do tt :men tontito The laweeri Cereinitaile LirrtIted, Osr.Vest-Illarhitt& 001lierst0 84; Tarmac, Catholic Prayer '''.us'7t1"411" 11r ems's, Scaptils ittlisicitorIcturis, Statuary, and Church Ornament A. isatastiosil Works, Moll ordert reecho prompt stt u, ties. 0, 8iJ,341,DLINIt no,, elentreat FEATHER DYEINd Cleaning anal Curling unit Kid Cloves cleaned. Those eau be Vint IVaito Se Ser ca tbe bust piece Li BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC 00. R 60FING well 3 theteilVforitta SLATS ill Blas Red. or *rem 51,k1 LL21DS. sweaty Met rebut and Mcboolai,Trito 40) man; f.lt, Pita. Coal Tar, oto. YtOnerte Mt 2 Moe New Ohy Bali* Jae., Toronto, aloe =W by ear Rztrt.1 Collins', 090. nisekeso. zsiceauriltonliall stork • Oor, taaterislash aped t• eall porta collbtrf• rhono 1 0.$1.171315&11PRO,egetailla/blettlmar5ts.g1ereete. THE tilM_Me and HARRISON TO Crier, A COLO IN ONE DAT Toke Laxstive Brotno Quinine 'Tablets. AILdruggists reinni the money if it. hale to cure. It. NY, Grovel signature is on each box. 25e. USED - TO 11. Her Mother -You w'll assume a grave responsibility when you marry ray daughter. Remember she was breught up in the lap of luxury, Hee Adorer -Oh, she's pretty well -used to my lap now. Thera is more Catar- rh in this section of the country than all other diseaeee put together. wet until the last few years was supposed to be inourable, ler &great many yeters doctors pro. edit a local disease and proeoribod lead remedies, and by constantly f el ng te ewe with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci- ence hal tredvett ertiarrh to be. a constlittutioilit tgirrt t. rC tt An theireeC= T iras :3(fig by F. t. Cheney 80 Cy., Toledo, &do, is the vale oonstatutional Imre on the market. I is Wow Internally in doses from 10 drop] te a teaspoon'. tut Ib aota directly on the blood and mucous pulsate of the system. They offer one haul - red do hoe for any case it foils to care. Bead ter cirotilars and testimonials. • 2 A /dross, F. J. CEENSY & Toledo, 0 Sell by Druggistr. 750. Hall's family Pills are the beat, 40" "What eball We do f" despairingly asked the poet's wife. "The -wolf ie at onr door at last." "Run and get my calnera, quick 1" exclaimed the poet. 1"Pethaps I can sell a picture of t him Id • 4.ftvtAL.e, co*,,A.I.L.4e.ivn",A 4-1,4ia SHORTHAIR C LIEGE I. O. O. F. Building, Toronto. Gives a moot thorough counts of individual inetructian in all Susinsee anti Olvil BerVice Seekeleete, Sherthane, TYP•writing, Etc* Expert experienced teacher, equipment and advantages unsurpaseed, open entire year. Illreehore Pres. ESAIII1ES LIKE IT. Eis@to r Hammen& HIM'S 141111811 Teeth- ing Syrup, Comforts Crying Waldron, with- out eltiteing opiates, ISSTOatitsai, al a oho I, panoislawas siigai Sprit* et any faurtitil einem. A sterling, WOO remedy, ap- promersevanklishnec tem Peeks 25 ots., a strogisiloish ulna WRVS =FM, TORONTO: As ter insffleili Tsolittax Want, and Tab Os aulltaiXtubs. (4.5 624) The Canada Permanent and Western Oanada Mortgage Corporation. President-- Ceoirige Coodsrlhatia. ist Vico-rresitioet sod Olsoinain of Maeouithro I 2nd W. 11. 11. Beat*. easral Mesmer- Waltir 1 Lill. lied Office : Toronto St. TORONI O. Sartori' arrrIcE8-- \gammas& men., Vancouver, 0. 0., St. John, to Sis,vings nogrart rnent. nfiesuya faterest, paid or docrOlustited haf-year13, DE$EN'TURIO 1"1"a r'‘un' awl f°r , , Asa** to suit investtirs, oriallitil*IN °orisons attschsa' p!yeiaisitou./sarty, , ASSETS -.),`,123,10.0,000,