HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-11, Page 1TWENTY–EIGHT YEAR NO. jag, 19 UltON MiDDL, S EX GAZETTE. EXETER ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY A MEN:NG OCTOBER llth, 1900 H. BI[StlOP SON:. BIG BARGAINS Ladies' Cashmere Hose, Seamless and spliced, will go at 19c en's Wool Undershirts Sand drawers, ribbed cuffs, skirt and ankles, all :sizes at 25c MOO 5.)60a1 ll i}! without a doubt the most economical base burner.' in Canada. It cost $8000 to produce original pattern of this stove. Beginning Saturday next for one week we will offer two lilies at an exceptionally- low price. This is an exceptional opportunity of securing seasonable goods at a money -saving Brice. MOL . a Fanous Awarded Cold Medal at tine Paris Exposition, See our display of HEAI,. AND STOVES Among wl Famous ppl Gook Favorably known all over Canada for 17 years. With all its new feat- ures for this it is a beauty. will be found, TilU Mar I Vr $Of L or WOOD GOOK 1cOlar 's newest stove. Pe. Burrs; wood or coal equally as well. Beautifully finished, MR NETS GELEBRAMD STOVES 6OUVB IR, GOOK One of the best features of this stove is the aerated oven, Nvllicll prevents burning and allows admission of fresh air and drives impurities arising p es .l rls n,, from cooking out, also. .a ; great .only new features for this year. Moore's Farrious CROWN TREASURE Coal heater stove This i salt. entirelynew creation for 1900,3ombines and .all the new features which have been found necessary to make this class of stove, the mostower lightest coal eater. With Iarge oven if desired. p £ heater and the NEW FLORIDA Wood heater A fine large heavy stove with newest improvements. Oven throroughly ventilated and made of Superior COLD ROLLED SHEET ST TE b,L The New Florida is economical on fuel, moderate in i . price and a SPLENDID BAKER. EVERY STOVE GUARANTEED TO BE ALL THAT WE CLAIM IT f -i. E3tS - OP & SON P. S.—A large number of good second' hand cooks, heating stoves on hand. NEW THE S ami ton her s e w re , rosea. t. blas ksmi th nee?. er e lin t ho h• P w LS been do M' t fi t t. Cromarty Usborne Council. Bxcznrs. Norman McKenzie who Council met Oct. 0th. All the. mem formerly worked witIi F L H 2 f , inn es o as ree ing read and ap ing; mission work dt.ring the summer proved, lin Northern Ontario arrived on Satur- The securities offered by the Collet- day to spend a few days renewing old tor Were considered satisfactory and -AT— I acquaintances before returning to his bond accepted. Knox College for another term..— Mr. The collector was instructed •,to eo1- •Lnd Mrs, Boyle having rented the lect 5 per cent. extra on all taxes not Commercial hotel here for a terns of paid on or before the 14th day of Dec - years to Mrs. Simpson, of Exeter left ember. HAS ON DISPLAY 'New Fall Dress Goods, New Opera Flannels, a c " Silks, Monday morningaccompanied by A committee appointed by the direc- their t roan a Katie Stewart for Hopetowvn, Lanark Exeter, waited on the council as cin count where they fund used the remainder of their. days -Mrs. ` A. for improving an p g d beatrtifying the McLatchlan-l>as been on the sick list for grounds. pro- nilsing the directors areasonable: grant, r nephew and niece, Johnie and tors of the Union Burial Ground, t }county, purpose spending for a grant towards o tobe1 the past few days The Council passed a resolution I'RI1111INGS; &c„ I THOUSANDS SENT INTO EXILE. the amount to be fixed at some future I — meeting, on condition that the Exeter Every year' a large number of poor Municipal Council give; an uncondi- ew Fail Jackets and Cannes stiffeners who e 1{Iona[ grant Capes, i racked with coif lisn longs sore and r; nt of $100.00. AY o— g urged to go Orders were granted in -payment- of to another climate. But this is costly accounts amounting to $45.53, A COMPLETE RANGE OF and not always sure. Don't be an ex- Next meeting of Council Nov. 3rd'at ile when Dr. Kings New Discovery for 1 o'clock. C 1 onstiinption will cure you at home. F. MoRLeY, Clerk. -'Gents Furnishings Its the most infallible medicine for Cougls,Colds:and all Throat and Lung a i diseases on earth. . Clothing. The first sono brings ` relief. Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trial bottles fro at tall s 'RIGHT c ruggts s. ru e aa9c and $1.00. Every ODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHAN ' T1 I, G00DS RIGHT PRICE 1 ' t P bottle guaranteed ePli • o e free front o sick lreaclaChe, -bili- ou saws IT constipation etc: tine Car SMITH CO.A ter's Little Liver Fills • "S ri * _ L ctly vel; t 11015A1.1, GOIp able. They gently stimulatethe liver - ERIC1-1 and free • the;stornaeh from"bile,•' A very' pretty wedding was solem- nized at Centenary Methodist church, London township, on Wednesda 3rd, at 4p. m,P, y,Oct, , when t4lss Jenup Weir da u hter of f; Mr. David We' Rainy River, it of formerly oime I r of Nissouri, was united in wedlock to ; sour i, Warner I ty Langford, second son of Thos. A,Lang= ford. Chas. noting ' has rented his` mill° at Science 'Hill to two 'enterprising inen of Hamilton, Dublin Baines. -John ,Myers, an old resi- dent of thie place, was buried on Sun- day in St. Columbian cemetery. --Dr, Norris, of Ribbert, has gone to India to take charge of a hospital in Central India, ---M Water is recovering from asevere ex ' e lI 1 less .- . M rs J Brineen is oza the sick }int. Miss : L Murray has gone to Saginaw to visit her sister, Mrs. P. gleat drove Uanevrito attendhe fher funeral, Klrkton G. STA:?ZBCRl, A. A.. F.XKTk;It, Orr. (Date with lith 3tasCaiTlry, (}filer 4 fro,. Farc►ot• to.1 Barrister, Conveyancer, .Notary. IQw9r. to to yu. Wilco formerlyeccnpied by Collins . Stanbury over ()Neils Dank. Bnihrs.---Ttae l irktou Milling Co. leave put in new rollers for choppin; and farmers calu now look out for A,1 Svorlk..-Williatxe Switzer, sr., lease nper- chased the house and lot of Sanr'1 Brown and intends to move to town sbortly. The openingg services of new St. Paul's. church, Kirkton, are to be held on Sttrrclaiy, the 2th of Nbe ioove1u- aortyt threport that t0,nIL•txnweli, who has taught our school successfully here for the paste year, has tendered his resignation, to take effect at Christmas. Mitohoil ' .Henry Barley went to ' oront a this week to resume his ' flee School of Science.— , r old settler of this section has been called to the great beyond. Itxrs, Annie Gordfer elite! in Fullerton near Mitchell, on Thursday inorniug from cancer. She was aged 73 yews and one of the early settlers in this town- ship, She leaves a grown up family of sons and daughters. ;Hiss Jennie Sruitr, who resided, here three years , ago, was married this 1weekto a I Chicago gentleman. St. Marys Baix: s.—Win, Moore, who left re- cently for South Africa, has been'pro- %noted as, quarter' waster Serge, in l itchiner s .gorse. Theletter received was dated Aug. 10th. Will was in the best of health and was enjoying life fully.—On \Veduesday evening, Oec. 3rd, a very pretty event took place at the home of Mr. sand Mrs. Jas. Moore, West Ward, when their second (laugh- ter, Miss Ella, was united in the sacred bonds of matrimony to Charles Brown tailor of A.H. Loft Co. --An accident happened yesterday to Ernest White, which might lave resulted seriously under other circumstances, It apears Hensel! G J Satberiand, Notary Public, Convey anter, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent and Insurer of Marriageracenses. Legal docu- ments ea, efully drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loan on real estate at low rates otin forest, Oface at the Post office, Bengali. J. I}. COOK]. {Late with Gt+rsour 1>roudtoot) itarrlsf Solforter. Notary Public, Hensen, Ont. F 11. Sellers, L, D S„ p. D. S„Honor Grad' ateotToronto oeiveraity. Dentists. Tee extractedd withoutppain or bad efreete. fl in Petty's .Block, Henan. -et Zurich eve Mondag.commenc ne 3favAith- CIDER }TILL. The Hensen steam power cider awl -JOY m coruneneo work on theeith a tale mon Targe eepac its, D. t ROT, I1.3.IDT Bniz F 3. --Joseph Gould, whose b, loved partner died last week. has gen to reside with his daughter, .Urs. W S4dgn1. Baines, ---Mr, Allan, tate blind Iran, has been holding.revival meetings here the past weeand intends con. -.s i 'Watling the remainder Make Ready 1' n r Al' thi. wweek or 1 inte `. He has a, pretty fair turnout, Some ' Our new stack of Winter Goods Ile 1 f le r om 1? ,quite rl d tst'tu cQ c i c+om n ” i h' in thick g c1c and fast. Now is the time to buy your LINO, lQ W e.A .T We have this year better value than ever, which is saying a good deal a 0 came to hearhi -., edi- er tonpaid this.town anflying visit of r one evening last week. --Mrs. A. I)earin sr., of Stephen, who has been seriously lt►ee ill ie fully recovered, --•Samuel Stan - ere lake /amen Indian from Mancey'l.own hired In his mill, The Indians ba>:ve a little girl ;ping to school Dere,--14i_M moat ar, s tale boy. Wdlie, is suffer- . DRESS GO .t T T +t, a e, ( Ing from aa: tlittac of bile dise.,se ALL SAT ALL x,, PRICES. F ..7 ci'fl!Clli ill (Jeo F d' 1' Northcott, of the township of Hag. Miss Kate Hodgins is able to talcs a drive.—Mr. barn, of the Masons bank was in W'ooclstoelc this week attend- ing the funeral of a cousin. N. Dyer Ilurdon was hero looking after the bank business,—James I3ontbron and brother Fred left on Saturd;ty for the Southern {Rates. where they will spend three neonths.—T. J. Berry has disposed of his stable and land on King street to Geo i1lcEwen,far $1,200, Mr. Berry will erect stables near his residence.— Rev. Fair preached at Chine}horst and Kippen on Sunday, and visited, friends here. Mr. Long took his work at Lucan.--•Qurco:ntrac- tore are rushing on the new brick blocks with all possible speed realizing that the tine weather which we are treaty* having is too fine to iaet very long. --R, Bullard put clown for the Council this week aauice crossing op - posits the Post Office. Another is need -1 ed and we believe will soon be sup- pled near the Presbyterian church. -- The Rev, Dr, Gifford, of Clinton, de- ivered leis lecture "Tire Mammoth Cave" in the Methodist church on Monday evening last. The attendance yeas very good, and the lecture was much enjoyed.. The Rev. gentleman. also occupied the pulpit ii} the church on the preceding Sabbath, delivering able sermons on bot c ' preacher and lecturer he stands in he front ranks and will be welcomed. back on any future occasion. --Miss Hattie Sutherland returned this week 'cnx Forest where she had been visit - ng friends. — The friends of °has •oil to he Hospital ztt Str Stratford that h typhoid ever,—Robe, A. Bell of this village,; ecently purchased a fine piano.—Mrs. l.. McDonoli, returned home the nd of last week from Toronto where he had been spending aaweek, having ccompaniecl. Rev. Mr. Gauld, and,heropsin, Mrs. Gauls that fair on their eturn trip to China.—Miss Mabel Ful - on is hg, i3Tyth this week visiting friends.—Miss Mary McKay has re - home from her visit,—D. Urquhart is making large slliennents of oatmeal. to the old country.—Miss Grace Elder and her friend Miss Young, both of Stratford were in the village this week visiting friends.—William Stoneman has returned home from Lasnbeth,— Mervyn Blown, son of George Brown, carriage maker, has engaged with Dr. Macdairmid in his drug store.—The Oddfellows have purchased a very handsome carpet for their lodge room from the R. Pickard Co. of this vil- lage. --E. Ra Rennie e n lead his mi ' lilaer Y openings s on Friday arid a ' P g n S urs t a of last week. The display was very fine and much admired by the ladies who attended in large numbers. -1V. .N. Harburn, the enterprising proprietor of the Hensall greenhouse has been. shipping orders to distant parts dur- ing the past week.—Miss Ella 13a1- lantyne left here a. few days ago for Flint, Mich., where she was invited to attend the wedding of her cousin. Miss Ballantyne also intends spending ai. month with relatives and friends there.—Quite a number of our villagers on Monday last attended the funeral of Mrs. C. Redmond,of Kippen, who died on Sunday last after only a few days illness. 1 :a fa itI t f C e s a c r that Mr.' W1ute was driving down l t Wallin ton street with a horse belong- ing to eorge Chapman and when op- posite the livery of Ohas. Fitzsimmons the king bolt broke, causing the oc- cupants to be hurled forward with con- siderable force on the dash board, striking his forehead on the same, and sustaining a nasty cut. The horse, finding itself free from the vehicle, on- ly ran a few feet and stopped, thus preventing what might have been a serious runaway. h occasions, but ars Miss May daughter of f0. Richardson Geo. taken to the London Hospital on Mon- dyy, suffering froma serious abdomi- nal affection which may require an operation. They formerly resided at Enna vine. Usborne EXETER, LUMBER 3ARD. Largo stock of Lumber—pine and hemlock, 17also ashiingof s slat ands lumber, for p Pr ces reasonable.—JAS WILLIS, Yard: East side Main st.. WEDDING BELLS, -At the home of Mrs. Rutherford, near Kirkton, on Wednesday last, her daughter, Miss Lily and Newton Boyd, undertaker of Mitchell, were joined in wedlock by, Rev. Colin Fletcher,. There were about 50 guests present to witness the cere mons, The young couple have take up their home in Mitchell. T TxEs join a host of friends in extend ing congratulations.. ScItooL REPORT.—The school repo for S. S. No. 0, Usborne,for the wont of September is as follows: —V, Alic Berryhill, Toria Miners ; Sr. IV,Gerti Miller; Ila Delbridge Jr. IV, MAY Jones, Mabel Sawyer, Cecil Camas ; Sr.. III, Olive Berryhill, Flossie Francis, Nelson Coultis ; Jr. III, '(Willie Veal, Wilson Hawkins, Millie White ; Sr.II, Clarence Fletcher, Geo. Coward, Beat- rice Wilcox; Jr, 11, Almena. Heywood, Jackson Woods, Willie Elford`; -1st Pb. II, Everett Skinner, Gordon Waddell, Wellington Skinner 2nd Pt.II,Laura Woods, Nella,Heywoocl, Nettie Camp- bell ; 3rd Pt. II, Laura Godbolt, Lulu Godbolt: Virda Berryhill ; Sr. Pt. I, Annie Wilson, Ella Veal, Earl Johns. ' P. GARDINER, , F, E. HAILS, } aea,chers, Scuooz: REPORT.—;The following le - port of the standing of pupils in Union S. S. No. 12, Usborne, for.the mouth of September, is based upon the result of weekly examinations held during the month and also - the daily work and conduct. of pupils, in the various. classes. Names are arranged in'order of merit:—V, Katie T'wobey ; IV, Hec- tor Millson, Oscar Morley, MgLry A. McGee, Vera Kestic,`: `Willie McGee, Chris. McCarthy : Sr.' I1L Bridget Whelihan Mary McCarthy • : Jr. III, Freeman Arksey, Gertie Sutherby; Sr. I1, Mary O'ineraa, Aylmer Morley, Ed- na ,Gunning Bridget McGee,;John Wlielihan, Patrick Melee, 'Walter Gunning ; Jr. 11, Stella Millson, Min- Nestle, Delbert •1\furley, Maggie O'nlara,'Lloyd Hodgson, Nora ie(iee, Sarah McGee ; Pt.11, Loretta :McGee, _Sarah Gunning,` Katie' O'Mara, Mar- garet McGees Cltarence. Mrilson;; Pt. I,` Clarence J tie. ,John ;GTcCarthy, ;Wil- son Merles*, Philip McGee. The aver- age attendance during the month was very low and the co-operation of par- ents respecting' the matter is kindly' solicited, D. ELs•roxv,. Teacher Central la TR • Baron s.—All being well and weather favorable an interesting time is expect- ed and two able sermons . is in store rt for the adherents of this church next li Sabbath; the Rev. John Learoyd, of e London, will preach anniversary ser- e vices here. Our pastor intends preach- ing similar sermons at Newbury next Sabbath. —The Eden Epworth League purpose giving a social, and a number of the pun men from here ' young . intend taking it in, A rare treat is in store for all who go on Friday evening. Wm. Parsons and Sam'! Davis are en- gaged at the apples and poultry and intend handling a large amount this fell;—Thornas Elston is making pre- parations for commencing, chopping soon and is now engaged sawing bar- rel heads.— Wm. Cottril has bid fare- well to this quiet little village and took his departure on Monday for Chicago. --Our dashing young tailor, Tuttle • Mills,has left for other fields of labor and it gives us the opinion that this is a poor opening for a tailor. -Our pub- lic school teacher is all smiles these days having' been the recipient of a baby girl.. Richard' Haggith has re turned from his trip to Manitoba and his explanation of that province is not exciting.—Wm. Pyaw spent Wednes- day and ednes•dayanct Tliuxsclay in London the guest of his dau ;liter, Mrs. W. F. Buller. TOT CAUSED NIGHT ALARM.. "One night my brother's baby was taken with croup," writes ).irs. J, C. Snider, of Crittenden; Ky., "it seemed- it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children fromCroup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bron- chial trouble that no remedy would re- lieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1,00. .Trial bottles free at any drug store. Bltl>sk .- Anotizcr sudden. •11 frog'fF 6ifair1Or the weather this week, Many are sick as the result. Be careful to put on heavy clothing as the cold weathe comes.F-Potatoes are a good .crop thi year. They may be hafor the dig Ing* -T -Mr, and Mrs. 't'Vtn. Lewis $r and Bliss Emma re expected to arrive home from lllanitob:l. the latter roved o thisweek.---Mr's, Frank Edwards .an son, of Moore, n with Dr. Rivers are visiting fr nd;3irt this vieinity,—Mrs. Geo. Blaontfeld has ince quite sick with malaris, fever but is reported to be convalescent this week.V. , Zwicker one of our enter.' - prising' merchants has done consider- able .advertising of his business of late, utilizing barna, fences and even aur sidewalks with 4 neat foot ad, saying "Follow tae,"' hoe some parties front some cause, - could it be jealousy,in try- ing to imitate or to destroy the erect of the above legitimate foot ad. daubed our walks :end thesrte rsjof our business places with anything but an attractive or artistic display.—Rey. and Mrs,. R. Crampton, of Carlisle. have rr'eturr'ed wi the villagee and, taken up their abode d t ghtt r, Mrs, Talker, for a few tnonths.--.(', liaggitlr, of Centra- lia, attended divine service here last Sunday evening. 4- Several friendly games of base ball have been played lately between our two amateur teams the team from the river so far seems to be the mast successful. — A,nniver. sary services were held in M.E. church on Sunday and Illouday last. On Sun- day Rev, J. G. Yelland, of Bayfield, a former pastor, preached two able and inspiring sermons, which for their practical thought contained and ener- gy of delivery displayhave not been surpassed in this church for many months .l ast. Large crowds attended Lhj Ser rices considering the rainy clay and all seemed delighted to see 3fr. and Mrs. Yelland again. The rev- erend gentleman has lost none of his old time fire nor earnestness in the tempera/tee rtusei On Monday even- ing the annual entertainment was held when splendid addresses were de- livered by Revs. Yelland, l3rowvn.Mar- tin and Litt. Rev. hussar presided as chairman. Proceeds oyer ;$10;x. GOOD NEWS FOR OUR READERS, I jTIII BEST. ALWAYS ONTIA"T, sl . ULA LIME OI HARDWIRE. E. f . All kinds of Feta Produce for which and highest prices will be paid. P' ROSS* ilirxavilie, 13I:T1 — .•-A harvest, home dittlaer given by the Wive' Aid and Pp,., League Sovieties of Elineville .,Ie ' dist ehureh will be heldou Oct. Thanksgiving Day, commencing p, nx. On Sunday Oct. It as sl.-,, , sermon will be preached at IQ o..nt. lay the Rev. W. A. Walden, and hi sloe evening a song service will he conduc ed by Rev. W. J, Waddell, and the chow. A. lecture on "Our %\cetera Heritage," will be given by Rev; G. 11. Long, of Kippen Circuit, on the evening of Thftnksgiz'ing Day. com- mencing at6.39 p, n1.—Mr. and Mrs. Wiu. 3tiners spent a few days last week visiting, relatives and friends at +Constance. "Miss Nellie Hind is visit- ing her sister, Mrs, G. Polen.St.Marys. —Rich. Coultis spent a. couple of days visitingfriends in Nissouri.—This auc- tion ses of Wm. Wood and Albert Penwarden were well attended and good ;:prices were realized, especially for stock, --=The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Robinson, formerly of Elimville, will regret to learn that she is serious- ly 111 with a relapse of typhoid fever. -- Priscilla, the only daaughtes,' of Albert Penwarden is very ill with the fever at the home of her grandmother, :l4Irs. Penwarden, of Zion. Early this week he stables of Syl- vester Keyes, of East Oxford, were en- tered and a set of double and single harness were stolen. Aside from buggy marks near the gate and foot- prints in thelane,no clue to the thieves has been discovered. Not one in twenty are free from 'ohne little ailment caused by inaction. of the liver, Use Carter's Little Liver Ills. The result will be a pleasant rWho have scrofula taints in your I 1 aarprise, They give positive relief. ood, and who has not ' .Scrofula in all its forms is cured by Hood's Sar- saparilla which thoroughly purifies the .blood. This disease, which fre- quently appears in children, is greatly to be dreaded. It is most likely to af- fect the glands of neck, which become enlarged, tions ern ' P appear on head. and face, and the eyes are frequently affected. Upon its first appearance, s TESTIni0NIA.L OP MR. WILLIAM H. KERSSLAKE TO THE VALDE ©1' perhaps in slight eruptions and pim- ples, scrofnla should be entirely eradi- E cated frotn the system by a thorough a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla to pre- vent all the painful and sickening eon- g sequences of running scrofula sores t which drain the system, sap the m strength and nuke existence utterly wretched, ter Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory. ENGLISH STOOK FOOD. This is to certify that I have used nglish Stook Food for homes, wive nd calves and have found it of great value in all cases. It gives them a ood, thrifty appearance and promotes he growth and digestion. I recant - end its ese to stock raisers. Wet. H. KERSLw.KE, Hibbert. THE RADIANT HOME. CEMENT, 1MT4 We have ,just put into stock another , r caof Cy a 7 n i;. iZ1 03 1