HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-4, Page 8THE i XET 3 TIVd.•S &OVUM(' larlil:3111 011911111111tH :11;Ii3F' BIG 8TOIE. 61 ST OR PRODUGE --- ONLY ONP PR GE. A few of our ninny, special lines ita, We show some very pretty little ► e casts to coats for alaildren, both short and I had ladies up -to date tailor Which: we cull very special attention.,i 'long. You'll like the children's short 'St'ou'p notice that we don't advertise i coats, there're so cute and stylish. the very low lines. We have thew if ' Prices are as low as cash and one price you went Went ; but we prefer intro- , can make theca. 4ucing bates that we know are extra W. bat about suits for the boys. We values, and dependable dualities. have a very large stock of the cele- ' heated W. R. Johnston (ilothing for $4.90 for a ladies' pure wool black ' men and boys. We have cheap and frieze. tailor made coat, lined. through- low price lines, but we want to call out with good substantial lining. For your attention to those lines that a medium price coat this Rae willpossess special merit. appeal to your Eye :Hid to your purse. I $2.55 for boys pure wool double i breasted tweed suits in sizes from 4 $0.00 for a ladies' black curl cloth yearsto 11 years Qld.ThrsiS a sr re coat, velvet coil aa, and velvet piping u bargain,. a good worker and a. great on front and back, hoed throughout !bargain. See thein, with good mercerized linin,,. This is a 5300- fon boys navy serge suit, 3 ea swell little coat, and a greart menet' ; pieces, ages from 10 to I:. Value and saver. i quality combined in this line. $3:75 for bays tweed suit, 3 pieces. $8.00 for ladies' Rue beaver coats, ages from 10 to 15. This is a good and stitched edges, strictly tailor strong school snit and great value. Wale, :anal 'very ;;sigh class goods in $4.50 for our great leader iu boys 3 Meeks and faaivta". Ask to see our a piece doable breasted tweed suit,. ages $8.00 coats, you'll like them. from 10 to 15. This suit is full of quality and val,ae. $I0.43 for ladies finest pure wool In men's ready-to-wear suits we ere satin hiu;,hed Kersey coats, This is on the top rung of the ladder with a the finest coat we show, you can cow- , stock so large and so varied that we parr it with any coat in town at more can please the most exacting, We money, you vail t beat it. Blacks and woultt like to show you through our Fawns, men's c lothant, . Ii , J. A. STEWART 00 A full stock of School Books for Public Schools. full stock of Sunday School Library Books at wholesale prices Family and Peachers' Bibles Full Line. Everything in Stationery, wholesale and retail. John Oriuu1 EXE TErR maccancomommaromalod INSURANCE. 'ERNEST ELLIOT, Y x - As Ageh for the4 ESTERN surae. cE Coan- "1TY of Toronto - also for the Paw= Eras NW:MANCE Coi1XPANY, of London,/v.�England; kr, LIA' ca INsunAxen Co ep. Nr, of Eng and 0011•1011110.111•41,•.10...,... THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th,1900 LOCAL HAPPENINGS For Marriage Licenses, SVgciditig Rings, We:tolls:75s Cloc kfa, eewe1rya, Spectacles„ etc CALL ON R. FUCKS Watch Repairing a $peeialty. TFAc$$R s MrnI o. Ameeting of the Teachers of l3istrict No. L 'Pest Huron, will be held, in the Exeter school, on Saturday, Oct, 6, at 1.30 p. --PRousea.M- School Management J,A.McNaughton History B. Hooper Type problems for Pt, II and 2nd. classes D. McDougal Election of of30cere. GARDIN R, Sec'y, . TRE Hoo' SITUATION.- The position of Canada for bog products is now very strong. There have been some marked advances this week in bacon, lard and pork. The stocks of pork are now about exhausted and it is clear that importations wi11 have to be made before long, since it is impossible to buy heavy hogs at a price to enable packers to make a fair profit at current market values, As the duty on pork is considerable, and the freight from the west is thigh, the price here for the imported tod ao s would sh ow a big ad- vance on prices of recent sales of the Canadian product There was another advance in the prices of live bogs here this week. Owing to the high prices of butter the demand for lard has been very active. '' ' Centrad - ,^ STRATFORD, ONT. .A. school that is doing the best work in business education in Canada. Our magnificent catalogues give full infor- matiou. Write to -day for one. Sev- eral Canadian colleges and many large American schools employ our grad- uates as teachers. This is one strong point in our favor. Inter now if pos- sible. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. T. 13. Carling was in Hamilton this week. Moses Gardiner is visiting friends in Chicago. -Mrs. F. Gill visited friends in Mitch- ell thisee w k Miss Gracey, of Gananoque, is visit- ing at Dr. Lutz'. Mrs. W. Pickard of Seaforth is visit- ing isit in Mrs. Kem . Mrs. Shirra of Hensall is the guest of Mrs. R. H. Collins. Herman Well. of Zurich visited J. W. Creech on Tuesday. Geo. Eacrett has been appointed Miss Eva Carling left this week for ' leader of the Exeter band. Hamilton to attendthe Normal College , Mrs. D. Mill has somewhat recover - to further pursue her studies. c ed ham her recent illuess. Miss Lena Howard was. in Hensel].Mrs. Stephen Powell is spending a. this week assisting at the Millinery week with friends in Chicago. Opening of the R. Pickard Co. Gordon A. Rathwell, of Stratford, Evangelistic services will commence ' visited friends here last week. in Main-st. Methodist church on Oct. 7 Mrs. A. Hastings and daughter are and continue until November 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Murray,of Toron- to Junction, visited friends in and around Exeter for a few days last week. Me. Elston, who has been visiting friends here for a few -weeks, returned to his home in Muskegon, Mich. this week. Confirmation services were held at St. Peter's church, Biddulph recently when Bishop McEveyconfirmed. a. class of 30 candidates. F. Wood sold his brick house onMain street,near Metropolitan hotel, toW.E. Eaton, an employee of the tannery, for a handsome figure. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Grigg, of Mont- real, real, spent a few days visiting friends in town. Mr. Grigg has returned' home, while Mrs. Grigg will remain for a short time with her friends here. Farmers and others who intend having auction sales !should insist on having their bills printed at THE TIMES office. Free noticeiven in the paper with each order for bills. visiting friends in Saginaw, Mich. Mrs. Birtch, of Pueblo, Idaho, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. James Down. E. R. Follick left on Monday to at- tend Dental College in Philadelphia. Mise Brown, assistant in the post office, is slightly indisposed this week. Bert. Howard has secured a situa- tion in the Verity Plow Works, Brant- ford. Miss Laura Gregory has entered an hospital at Toledo, O., under training for a nurse. Mrs. (Rev.) Brown of Toronto, is visiting her son at the James street parsonage. Mr. Sweitzer, of London, is visiting his son John, in Exeter, and relatives in Crediton, A. J. Rollins leaves next week for a month's visit with his son, Fred., in Rochester, Mich. Mrs. D. Johns, and daughter, Miss Ida, are visiting Mrs. H. Levett, Park- hill for a few days. Ifyou are harbouring a cow not bo g your own, look up our advertising English and Scotch'Linoleums 2 and columns for an owner. 4 yards wide. English oil cloth 1 1l ,; The junior football team played a and B yards wide, and Canadian oil Hatch with the Crediton team Satur- cloth, 1, 1� and 2 yards wide. The ay, resulting in a tie. �, Dr of London,was Harvey N.non largest and mast complete stock in, town at Stewart's. Ain town a few days last week inspect - People handling money should be in th h p g y careful not to accept of Mexican quar ter dollars at their face value, as they will only pass for about 15 cents. We FIRM -Tuesday morning citizens were suddenly awakened by the fire alarm, ',t'he scene of the conflagration was Follicles bakery, in the Wood block, opposite the post office. It was one o'clock in the morning, and the fire had gained much 'headway before being detected. An explosion aroused the neighbors, who gave the alarm, 1,lr. Follick and family, who sept in the front part of the building, being unconscious of their danger until they heard alarmsfrtomtbestreet, . The etre originated in the hake oven, and ow - 'fug to w-iug'to a. strong east wind, the blaze was soon carried to the brick, block, which was badly damaged before the steamer commenced to work. The firemen were on hared in an incredibly short time, but owing to the absence of the regular furnace attendants some, delay was caused in gating up steam. 'nevertheless, from the moment the engine began, to throw waiter, the fire's progress was not only.eheekud, but the blase rapidly extinguished, the engine working admirably throwing two heavy streams of water. Mr. Follick's stock of confectionary and household goods were badly damaged by smoke and water, and in their removal Froin the building. Mr. rollick held insur- ance for $500 on contents, in the Lon- don Mutual! while Air. Wood's loss is covered by insurance. Adjacent build - lugs caught fire several times, but were carefully looked after by willing workers. Use Winan's Cough Balsam foie ►Coughs, Colds and.Bronchitic troubles. Only 25c a bottle at 0, Lutz's Drug store. Jam es McDonald, ons of thes oldest and most tri hly respected residents of Bayfield, has gone to reside with his daughter,Mts. John Torrance,near Zurich. Word. was received here yesterday of the death in Aima, Mich., of Mrs. William. Case, formerly of Exeter, in her Bath year. The remains will be brought to Exeter for interment, the funeral having beenarranged to take place from the depot at 0.30 Friday morning. sMr.. and Mrs, Case same years ago resided about half n. mile south of Exeter. J. T. Manning his moved hisbuteher shop to the building recently* vacated by L. Day, where be will carry on bus - 1 his new shop, ancss antito he erected by Carding Bros., is completed. pleted. The new building will occupy the place of the frame structure between their store and T, Fitton's, and will contain lav offices for Dickson & Carlin with r g, butcher shop below. Sohn Snell met with a serious and painful accident recently. He and some other gentlemen, where driving when one of the hoses became unman- ageable and after kicking several times ran into the ditch. Mr. Snell realizing the danger and endeavoring to save himself made a jump twisting his an- kle in such a manner as to dislocate it and breast a small bone, which may render him a cripple all his life. W. H. Levett had quite a novel ex- perience the other day. While seated in the office of his seed warehouse in walks a cow. His dog did not take kindly to the intrusion and set upon the bovine, which bolted for the plate glass window, but did net go through owing to the strength of the glass. After chasing it around the room for some time it was safely driven tbrough the door way, The fates seem to be against Blyth, evidently trying to wipe it out alto- gether. On Monday night the citizens were aroused to attend the fourth fire. This time the devouring element had attacked the old Emigb hotel, the property of John Emigh, of Goderich. The fire started in the south end of the house, where no person was living,and had gained such headway before any person was aware of the fire, that the family were unable to save anything. The origin of the fire is a mystery. The Directors of the South Huron and Stephen & Usborne Agricultural here on Monday Society,met to settle protests and arrange for the paying of prize money. The show being a suc- cess, the prizes were well taken up, but notwithstanding the ;local society will have a surplus of ever $200. The Stephen & Usborne Society is possibly themost oat succes sful of its kind in On- tario, possessing large and commodious grounds and well appointed exhibition buildings. May success continue to Brown the efforts of the Society. The following from the Yorkton En- terprise, refers to a 'former Exeter young man, son of Mr: Thomas Gre- Cory, who, like the majority of Huron ounty boys, is making his mark in the world. In its report of the Teach- ers' Convention, of which Mr. Gregory is the retiring President, the Enter- prise says : ''The Principal of ` the Yorkton school delivered an address full of pointed remarks, and containing much to stimulate thougnt on the topic, 'Our Ideals.' Mr. Gregory is a marked man. Providence undoubted- lyhas' him in His minds eye for very much more re ponsible position in the state than that of schoolmaster. If he were seemingly inclined that way, we should think him destined for is popu- lar city pulpit, but its the bar on the '.floor of the house that will see his fine oratorical talent put to a fitting use.'' e telephones. our logs six feet in diameter drawn to the Sutherland -Innes mill last week contained 5,000 ft. elm lumber. understand there are aoodl number It pays to advertise in Tyra TIMES, of these coins in circulatidn g `'. • As the result of such an advertisement - The Provincial Government; has W. J."Heaman this week sold a stove passed an Order -in -Council establish- to a gentleman in Algoma. ing a close season for deer. in Lamb ton county, for an indefinite 'term ; and a close season .in Essex for ten years. This been, done at the request of the County Councils in these coun- ties, The S. S. 'anniversary in connection with James st. Meth. church was a success. Sunday morning and evening excellent sermons were preached by Rev. 1. I. Warner, Principal of Alma College, St. Thomas, appropriate to the`occasion,while in the afternoon in- structive addresses to the scholars were given by Mr. Warner and S. J. A Boyd, Principal of the Public schools. Splendid music was rendered for the occasion by the church choir. Miss Lillian Quick, after a pleasant visit here the guest of Miss Annie •Sanders, left Friday morning for Lon- don, prior to leaving for her home in Leamington. W. H. Parsons, who recently sold his blacksmithing business here, bas purchased a hardware business in Ed- mouton, N. W. T., and• will leave for that place about lst November. We. wish him success in his new spere. Judge's Courts of Revision- of the Voters' list were held in Stephen, Us- borne and Exeter this week by His Honor judge Masson. ;The appeals entered by the Conservatives aggre- gated over one hundred, by the Liber- als none. uTglafigaai'aqaq aisaaaa a4Fq-wi.... PIKA ■ar a��gaaafigqqirearaqq pfiaImw is ti c�[o[aaa ■aaa a�gas•lrq �� -_ its _3v= -3c' qY air' a a aaa a ■ccc ■ a • fi ExOt.er 9� �.- r. GA LING BROS. Big Drop aeuw imummlniga IN THE PRICE OE agaiupgqqfiq[u[MaqqYPfiY f eadrimadestiothing They were NEWER LOWER THAN NOW. We do not know whether "Laul"Laurier" 'ier" is the cause of it or not but the . fact remains which makes us and our customers happy,The variety is also huge, The reduc- tion tioll comes at an opportune time, when mothers are getting their boys ready l and o � 1 ch want to t sats school t most for their money, We have a like of boys suits that were $2.75 to 48'x•`7' tt suit which we offer at 8..50 to clear,aud many other lines proportion ately low We are also clearing out sum- mer goods, blouses worth 50e for 40e, 75c for 50,1.00 for 75e, muslins and a number of other* lines at your own price, If you want good good at right prices we are with you, If you want shoddy or the like you will have to go elsewhere, Give us a call,. Highest prices paid for produce. n►f��11 Flan neiette Bargains. { innflannelettest �,� e anticipated a sharp advance tha, price of las spring n and accordingly bought ht heavily.. , and nd as a r esu lt we e are sell- ing flannelettes at OLD PRICES which meanss ashila�of from 25 to 333'3 % to you. Fine Soft -Waited Flannelettes. assorted patterns, full yard wide, re- gular price would be I2,e, our price 10. FineEoglish -dye d Flannelettes, soft finished sloths in solid colors, cream, white, sk y and pink, good wide width, regular price 12U for 1 O. . .,, »,- .. ., ,W ,.. ,..,-,. am„ .fen's and Boys' Clothing. « Our stock is most complete in the above lines and in order to create,a special interest in this department we will offer the follow- values S«lts- Vour•bntton single•hrensted sacquo suits, made Canadian tweed in brown checks, best Italian cloth lininga, perfect fit aud cut in ing special ivler>is's of all wool well sen n, all sizes, regular price $,4.; 0, spec- ial 6.50. Marrs Tr*otasers, in medium and dark grey, striped all wool tweeds, and three pockets. well made and good trimmings, will wear tike iron, regularly swath $1.85, special 150. Boys' Two Piece Stsilt. in small plaid patterns, very nobby style, well lined and finished, regular price $3.25 a wait., spechal price a,00 - Dress Goods Snaps Seasonable Dress Stuffs at popular prices. Our Dress Goods stock is most complete, both in black and col'd goods, and you will find prices very much in your. favor. 400 yds -it in English Dress and Suiting Tweeds, In grey, blue, fawn and green rmxtures,'the best values we have ever shown for .25 300 yds 5t inch cloth suitings in plain shades sand heather mix in all leading colors, and great value .60 200 yds of grey, brown and green imported home -spun, good weight and great wearers, our price65 200 yds of imparted tweed pattern pore -spurts in all popular shades. They are beauties for ,50 We pay highest market prices for all kinds of' farm produce.. PICKARD'S Direct Importers OfiRLING E3R08 Arrxix•NT[Ch. W. ''Ti+la to learn printing. Apply at Toms s Offers*. PIANO 0 Fora &ann.- A square piano, in good order, for sale cheap. The ad- yerciser has two. Can be seen at the etropolitau hotel. M Miss Euphemise, Kyle, youngest � Ct.in OP TxxAxlzs.-Allow ;me on daughter of Wm. Kyle, of New Boxe behalf of the Exeter Fire Department bora, was married in Sarnia, ou th to acknowledge the donation from 19th inst., to Mr. McMillan, of ;Soutl Frank Knight in the late five and beg Haven, Michigan, and formerly o o return thanks for same. Is.s. Seaforth. 1 Ynnitus, Chief of Department. After a lingering illness Mrs. Annie Sirs. Joseph Gould of Heneall died Packer died at her residence, lot S6, yesterday, aged 74. con 2, East Wawanosh, on Tuesday Mr Vandusen, head sawyer at the night. Deceased was born in Ireland Staye factory, was severely injured resident. of this township and was a es P , yesterday by a log rolling upon hien. Turkish uikish Sen1 Food. ood aures baldness, sa stops falling haw, removes dandruf, , i a - restores faded and .gray hair to its n Lural coler and vita thy. For saleby e o life. He was unharnessing a team g C Lutz. Only 50 cants a bottle. broncbos when one of them kicked To be free from sick headache, bili - him on the head, smashing the skull. ousuess, constipation , etc., use Car - Friday last death visited the 9 ter's Little Liver Pills, Strictly veget- h. , - of Aligns McDougall, near Dun- able. They gently stimulate the liver gannon, and took for its victim his ! and free the stomach from bile. eldest daughter, Mary, who has been i Judge Doyle bas given his decision a great suffer for the past three 1 in the case of McPherson vs. the Trus - months with that much -dreaded dis- ; tees of Zion school, granting plff his ease consumption. full claim for four months' salary, to- ses AsWafainemr siily remedyLiniment for nothingexternal and has been filed. surpas-' gether with costs. Notice of appeal ; and internal use. It is especially use- We understand that Miss Eya Rob - fel in influenza, sore throat, la grippe, lin, assisted by some of London's best cramps, catarrh, colic in infants, etc. talent in elocution and music will give Give it a trial and you will always a concert here in the near future. This intimation will no doubt be received with great pleasure in Exeter. The date will be announced next week. Goldie Newton; the young fellow who had his leg brokenand was other- wise severely injured in a saw mill at Porter's Hill in the spring, underwent an operation the other day, four medi- cal men being in attendance. The op- eration was what is called a resection. The young maa will be somewhat lame, but the operation was successfully per- formed, They tell a story of a very jolly and popular young man of Goderich town- 14iiss EthHof the Rotten- town- ship, who happened recently to be yis- bury streeta . parsonageowson, , Clinton, left ire buggy lady friends. As he sat in last week for Toronto where she in gfo joking with thea. before he tends undergoing a course of training imed mischievousor home, it is said that the b g maidens pulled off his preparatory to taking up the work boots and threw them over a neighbor- carried on by the residents of the Dea- ing fence, where he found them after coness' Home in that city. considerable search. Jos.Makins, ai.ins, who recentlysold his At an adjourned meetingof the farm on the Bayfield Road o John Mc, Presbytery oHuron, held at Bruce - Naughton, left on Wednesday for the field on the 25th ult., Mr. Davidson ac - Watford district where he has pur- cepted the call to Varna and Blake, This - and his induction is to take place at chased..a 100 -acre lot. latest per chase makes Mr. McNaughton the ow- Blake on the 9th of October,at 2 p. m., ner of 250 acres and lessee of 80 acres Revs. J. S. Henderson to preside, Mr, additional. Larkin to preach,Mr. Stewart to ad- dress John Pinning, who has been a_ rest- dress the Ministr, and Mr. Sowers dent dfClinton for many years,died on the congregation. Sunday. He had been i11 for some time and had an operation performed, with the hope of staying the disease but the skill of the surgeonsprovedunavailing. Mrs. Pinning and their family of three children survive. for 40 years. The hostler at the Central hotel Blyth, met with an accident on Sun'. day morning which may cost him hi 1. keep it in the Nouse. For sale at Lutz's Drug Store. Only 25c a bottle. On Tuesday. September 25th the home of Mr.and Mrs. George Kennedy of the Goshen line, Stanley, was the scene of a• very pleasant and happy event, being the marriage of their third daughter, Miss Susie, to Chris. Eicher, of Zurich. During the past year the member- ship of the West Huron Farmers' In- stitute has increased by nearlyl00,novv numbering 315. An effort is being made to run the membership up to 500 this year, and this should be accom- plished without diiflculty. On a recent evening a baby girl about six Weeks old was lefton the doorstep at the residence of Mrs, Let- son, Cambria road, Goderich. Mrs. Letson has no idea who the mother of the child is, or where it came from, but it being a girl,she has decided to bring it up as one of her own. An old settler of the ` Huron road > Was the result of his splendid passed away on Wednesday, Sept.26th Indomitable will and tremendous ener- in the person of;Jane Chesney, relict gy are not found where stomach,liver; of the lte Alex. Jamieson, at the age kidneys and bowels are out of order. of 80 years. The deceased and her If you want these qualitiesand the suc- husband were among the first residents cess_ they bring, use Dr. King's New of Hullett, the latter having died some Life Pills, They develop every power years ago. Both were faithful and of.brain and body. Only 25 cents at strict Presbyterians. any Drug store: Without Question Tlaebest equipped Business 0,04 Shorthan Scheel iii Canada is the Forest City Business Shorthand College, London, Ont. Large caro mont and strong faculty. Ihandreds of studen in good positions, Yeats et F••:eeUent work its credit, arse Catalogue of either ex deucin vi+r,t. o co free. Comes p Much regret was felt'generally 'on' Monday morning, on learning of the death of Miss Maggie Thennson, young- est daughter of John Thomson, Sea - forth. She had only been'sick three days. Although not enjoying the best of health during the summer, her case was not considered serious until Fri- day, when medical aid was called in, and despite all: that tender care and skill could do, she passed away early Monday morning. RISMAROK'S IRON NERVE J. W, W ST1 It. lair, Prznelpa argain Bicycles We have a few second band 1900 models Cleveland EXETER. ROLLER MILLS JUST RECEIVED 11 Gar 01 SI fKansas Red Seed WHEAT J, COBI3LEDICK & SON. Notice to the Public. Uai.ving disposed of my business in ►Exeter, and being abont to :move to, the Northwest, 1 wislh. to dispose of ai• number of new and second band BUGGIES, GUTTERS, IRON HAR- ROWS, I3LAOKSMITII'S ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, TOOLS, Ere., also aquantity of stock, viz BAR IRON, SLEIGH -SHOE STEEL, ETC. All contra accounts and outstnnilinb,' debts to be settled on or before Oct. 25th. W. H. Parsons LEVTTS' FAIR iyclesa Only been used a short time and guaranteed in first-class condition which we will sell at BtIKOflIN PIl U GIS. Also a few other makes very cheap. In Second -band Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, we are holding out inducements to people looking for good values. Our new goods all right both in quality and price and are sure to please. Call and see them. No trouble to ex- plain to you their good qualities. So Martina ss JaLL�B� *'f'Ctl'L�""' inra " froppet' r Ricers, Raisin Seeders, Granite Kettles: and Spoons, Pails, Pudding dishes, etc. A nice assortment of Vaces, Bottles and Tooth Brush. Boxes just arrived. Headquarters for wedding presents. Glass and China four -piece setts,andi Fruit Setts, Trays and Water Glasses. Fresh Fruit arrives nearly every- day, very day, Peaches, Plums, Grapes and Watermelons. Levitt's Fair AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Laundry sent away every Thursday. TH[ NE';`; GflSfl STORE DRY GOODS and GROGftftS. Wo e YBO. Fall is coming, so is our new fall goods. Cottons,Cot tole Den'ms and hirtin Tweeds,1 S 1 s. (Special value ' g a L e 1n these lines.) Flannels and Flannettes in all the popular rices. 1?P la Also special ecial value in Men's Underwear, per suit 75o $1,00, 1 X1.50 and � 00 Ladies Vests,long sleeves,from 15c'to 6 $1.00 special value at 25o, ' 50c and 75c. Just received a p choice lot of Boys and Men's Caps, lain and fancy. ','hese p p y dare the latest and ' goods a c are verynobby, also several 'n �', hes of _. y Men's Brown and Black Fedoras just in, and �nd tht, v(,I latest Y in young Men's Stiffs . expected this week, Calle. and see them. Don't forget our r eerie .• � g o s,iliey are all new and flesh. 'l S We keep.Chase and Sanborn thorn s best Coffee, and our Teas are hell No. 1 A C H Solicited: oI cited: Produce taken l in cxcha1 e. We want t ;ltteI and Eggs. , Remember the place first door northof post office. W., ism 'tile()