HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-4, Page 7WHERE BAr7$OQ QROWS it iq 4`Rttreti 9t1 ran), y ¢Y+i's lit Ctelua and outer ireategtcet Irurnenee quanti^.Les of bantboo grow an,ihe utfi le of all the elvers which flew L'.ito the Ray of ilonduras.'Theee beet: fel treentneany of them eft feet teeth, four to seven inches in diameter, and straight as arrows, bend grace, - telly from either side of the stream, tattle beautiful foliage interleeei with Flowering creepers tine vines. formme int; archways under which lean and beast find a grateful .retreat from the suet The joints are in :lemana by; the gold and sarsaparilla diggers and by • Wm Le:Ea-rubber gatherers, for b buckets, kegs, troughs, an^.1 for the 5. construction of rune net buildings, fences, ete. In the East Indies bamboo is an article of prime neeeseity, and its usee are alrnost innumerable.. Perhaps in China, more than any other country, is it most' u for there the roots are carr fantastic images, of divining to guess the will of that gots, out into lantern haul�tle:3 and Tae tapering eultns are used f purposes that poles can be app in carrying, supporting, prop .and measuring; for the pr Jtoutes, the frainework of awing ribs of s:lila, anti sheets of ono fences and every kind of umb etre fans. 'The leave`¢ are sews rain Anent and thateh`e, pinkie lwrnense umbrellas to screen la wieder and his wares .on the or into. carvings for the tlheat. shreds. The wood. cut into spli various aizea, le woven into bask every form and limey, y', setee'i. lti:hiow curtain+ and doer se ;p.tluttral ;into alvniug , one ovist to cables. The shavings and threads furuieb material for int; pillows, while Whir puts s be is and nzetttresses tat whit aleph, chairs on which to sit, t front which' to eat ,+ni the tit's(' chop g r,ticl;,y therefor, P' .e,q for s tem, and brooms for st'.•e „tt: . l � Merl to eat, and the fuel to rook it, are also .is rived true). Useful plant, as are also ferules lull:eh to govern, ixrok from whia nils, plata a for the lyre, reed or the organ, alrtfte for sole spears, t-k-cwere .for t be Iran, bat screen the lf('a 1, 'tepee on which pencile with tvhich to writer, but bird -cages, crab-ne+s. fishing et . c The beauty of the bamboo &rowing is commensurate with u.•vefulnees when cut down, This valuable pro feet grows wit the very dears of the United' Ota ta.1 can be tied in ittexhalustiblc q ties, offering a new ant interna eld for the :inventive ]genius and uttry of its nitizrns, THE ONLY AL C1.R,NATiVE. heentrie," he erie,d , i,q. dea�rai "I hill waist no longer. Either Watenneentetilefelninfinietteinnitint [Agricu1tura1 ?tr'�'k�7R�Pa�+a�tt''�1feJeA'+'H'!t'hSi!�R541Rit�kt WHOLE CORN EOR SILAGE. .Recently mush, valuable information has been given eonoerlting the build- ing de silos and the value of silage. roe instance, one reconunends stave silos for a cold climate. 'This kind of a y construction answers very well for. 3 m, ld climate, but it is not satisfactor tor cold ones. Another writer says it makes no difference whether the foun dation of the silo is flush with th uteide or the inside of the str'uctur ut considerable silage is lost ear ear by :having the foundation flus with the outside. The silo walls should be smooth so that the silage will set.. tie evenly". Antler writer says that corn or any of the crops suitable for milking silage may be put into the silo whole, Ii thinks, however, that the inereas label- in feeding will be great enoug to pay the extra expense o>: cuttiu ' 1're t¢venty head of cattle are t b!* eentinuousty carred for. Ile also be Heves teat the silage will be eaten more completely if a cutter is used The author did not intend to mislead hut. the statement cannot be Indere ed that all silage should be eut. Wide experiefle with corn silage will full, Laan'ince an,rone that it is not best to cut the corn before ft le put tufo k1w silo. The corn plant Le a perfect silo of itself. When cut into pieces - 0 juice Ls exposed to the air, and u?fore long undue fermentation see" in. This it able is nut experienced Went the curs is v.t,t into the vita telmet. The agreateet e.s'etntial in having awl l t, wholesome silage+ is a perfect.. rinsed, e1 into block s or are ea nes. or all lied, to ening ops of s, the is; for relies d tut* d_imto she stall, re end nts of ets of into reg us, etl in- atr'lcd letufJ umly h to tittles "eery molt - 'Web 'hieh his with to pipes Lt's" s to lend kers, roil', lehen It s dat res, man- ting in- i�.n, you • rause carl:r,eut to :seome my wife, o_ e'tel tale, fali'a`,e. Your repeated delays aro killing me." "Very well, fi'ubert," she answer- ed c:Lmly. ""If you take that ground there its bat one alternative for me.", She drew off the di•tninnd ring which spit -keel on her finger, and handed it to bine Ile teak it aetdly, and bitterly es-+ claimed; "Oh, false, Cruel girl, to thus, carelessly trample 'upon. a heart whose every throb is for you alone. For this bauble I have leo further use. Let it perish, as I hope mage also the lova of which it was the emblem." His hand was raised to throw the ring •into• tie grate, but she grasped it quickly. "I merely wictherd to say, Hubert, that I lvaoulal like you to have the wedding-rialg just a trifle smaller than this." , o ------ A PUNSTEPi,'S EXCUSE. It was in Edinburg, and sh'e was 'pretty and tweet and poetic, and be was young and mnscilievous. They were. sitting our on , the veranda in the moonlight, and she grew ethereal. il "O11, how I love to sit out here in the o;onJiaght," she cooed; "to be fan-. d by the languorous perfumes of ruses and to be kissed by the soft a rs finon,the sonrath i" Then be kissed her and she grew in- .di,g giant. "How dare y'ou3" she almost sob- bed. ",Why, I'tn a soft heir from the smith," he replied, contritely. She •cl•idlu't say anything when he kissed her again. HEALTHFUL 13BEATHING. Enough cannot be said of full, deep breathing. It is no hobby or wild no - ton, but if you prove its benefits, p; ac- Lice it daily, and you will increase the. drools tion, purify the : blood, and send it rich and hat and'warm to the feet, make ruby lips and plant roses on the checks. It will air your digestion, and give you a clean, sweet breath, promote sleep, quiet the nervous sys- tem, strengthen the throat and vocal organs and increase the cheat capa- city, It will also cure asthma, ca- tarrh andbronchitis and prevent lung trouble: to young boys. If you expect the stock to cope out eight in spring, be with the boys, often, directing; and giving a word of encouragement, which tntetans much toward interesting them in the work. CLEAN OUT THE LICE, The hoivae should be stripped of all movable fixtures, Lnelo.ditig feed and water vessels, nests and perches. Hey. move and burn all litter. If you cart make the e u.. ! he Se tight umL t f gate ho_ oughly with, suipbur, hydrocyanic acid gas or bisulphide :of carbon. The bas treatment is the most effective, but ea great care roust be exercised in using e, it. Multiply the length, breadth and height of your house together, and to every cubic ;Foot of contents use eO gram of best grade potassium cyanide one-half more best sulphuric acid and one -halt' more water (ban acid. Put the acid ii a to or ;lass jar, pour itf the Water and then stat in the eya11ide, after whish get out and e a shut the dear quickly. Thus a house. It . ex10 and 6 fe=et high Would require 3 Dee Troy height, of cyanide, 41-2 ocs., a liquid measure, acid, and 0 8.4 nss. water. The nest boxes and perches should be thoroughly painted with berosene and then whitewashed. Tit each g t1- " ton of ]line waist) add 1 oz. crude ear - bone acid, Burn the nest boxes if they Q are old. Jf the ]rouse cannot be Nude Rated whitewash t ere:iinkle. being sure that the wash reaches all t revices and cracks on walls, floor and coil- ! ing. In the bottom of each nest place a handful of tobacco stumps before puttim in new nesting material. Dust the fowls well with ]nseet or lice pow- I der. If they roost in aiel shealg or barns the shoeld be wlhitewasbed true. With a Sinal] spray putrlp "lite It lval+ h can rte put on very' quickly and 4•ifeetively, i 'erosene ernelaion is a flood rein d O.NE TASTE OF CEYLON GREEN TA will captivate the taste of any ,japer tea drinker. A HW$ET VICE. Kara Tone is a 'meat Chem t} (l it►e.e$ `venders in a donee. It is meld that there ia. nothing so ifficult to acts ire as a kind tone. One lust steak in youth and ibe on the ovatali eight and: day,t: g title at work and, white at play, to get and keen a voice tthieh shall speak at all times the thought one {tied heart. Bat this le the there when a slierp PLASHES OE ;FUN. voice is more apt to be acquired. You r- often hear ]bears and girls say words Compensaiwn.-..ClsYerton •-- Z find : at play tsitg a quick, sharp tone, al- ly '1,l--tzeht silo, and the corn put in at' the fight time—just a;3 it to be - mugs to glaze. Put torn into the eller in blrndkns just as it comes front t11t' corm hinder. Place it in layers 1 tt,a? h u t r 1 a , bay u g € rlc for elevate int it end dropping it into the silo. ec::at of doing the work is great- . traeed and it will never give any "•taco" izt getting the silage out of silo and into the mangers. `i NTERING CATTLE IN STAT LES. ! It1 .t' : a rule, feeding in northern Teti. t1'<,' begins in November and eon-: tin t+.4 until ;4£ay. Therefore as it 1a3 e; the greater part of the six coin f( k u rn nt `s •. 11 it3 ( ` t lin r al t i an that 1 11.t twe u the meet scout In:eel methods. In 1e it's! plae, repair the stable, mak- : them warm and comfortable, the r even, !silt close -fitting stalls, mat ers, feed boxes, ties, etc., doors tlit t swing freely and windows which su oly ample light and ventilation. ti ; t' ]refer the following plan: They ins oat tht, sheds, bays the feed over- ' t and Matte reeks at 'the sides re the feed is thrown down, De- llo the cattle, as some of them streuld be in any event, and bunch he together like so many sheep, wt) ere they shall feed and quietly rest. The stall feeding plan is pre- ferable, ulthough it involves more work. Each animal receives the :share allotted more satisfactorily. rr fl It Begin the feeding season as follows: Give ensilage or straw and turnips in the morning. Toward noon turn the cattle out into the yard if the weather is fine, for three or four hours.. They get water and straw C from the straw stacks or racks. They t get exercise and roam about, rubbing e themselves at leisure. Care must be t taken,, to keels them free' from or rid E them of vermin, tor double the feed does not make up the loss caused by these pests. While the cattle are in s the yard clean oitt the stables and t place a feed of My in mangers and be a quart or more o1 chop or grain t according to age, size, etc. To this C they will rush. Tie quickly and leave g until 6 o'clock, when they are fed Ch again with straw and turnips and bedded for the night, For two or three months during the severe wea- ther discontinue turnip feeding and increase the quantity of chop and feed bay right along. About the first of March again begin giving turnips and feed moderately at first, increas- ing the quantity,according to season. and amount of feed on hand.- Feed turnips, hay and chop liberally as spring draws nearex, and allow free. access to salt or feed it once or twice a weak. • As a rule, cattle should be fed per day half bushel turnips, a quart : or more of oats, or other mixed grain chopped, one ,good feed -of hay, and what straw they want with. corn- stalks and ensilage if you have it. This is meant for wintering and help- ing them hold their own, but is not a fattening ration:, Turnips. are the best to feed by all odds. to keep'cat- tle thrifty, healthy and to fit them for the change to glass in ,spring: These rations fax winter feeding may seem small at first thought, but they are larger .than those generally fed through the country: To provide for cases of emergency it is wise to keep some medicine in them stable. Turpentine often affords re - Ilief in ailments among stock, By the" way, a word to the owner': 1) nettaaiays that if a else wants marry a. girl he has to work till h gets her. Dash.t•tvay -- But if it's t e right girl he doesn't have to work of u'artls, . fins leason.--C's igan tO sey keen drank a diarap since be tooar opt th aeeideaot« paliey. Cassidy Winn Costigan-.,lle sea lie's notice:, Lbw it' aiwaye saber men that Bits burte::l, I suppose you have ;teen a good Loy saitk the ysangstere mane. Well, ova the answer. 1 haven't bad to be a giroai as usual. You nee, w. only flat one circus a senttuer nueaciasss. ,Telnee -Sten a fine looking monta. an l tlteu. smelt a splendid. carriage alt it;rsl Snaith-,.::l.lendid earriagef Glees tbeire's eome�. m1Atnko. Never batt lenses her to ride in anything but the trolley card. What are you buying all tho'e trap for ?. Doctor's orders, Ile tt t18 ale need A little reereaeiau and insists deet I ''.lt`,ttlil go du•elz-hunting wick eine. Huta 1 Seeps to rise tleit's a sort of quack remedy. Obliging,.,. -First Traveler e'en we ,have beds bore to..night ? Oh.iging lostess-011, yea, sir. First t Trout' er-., etre you--er—.aas•�•�Ft .n,ects int ibis been* t Obliging ITahSless..-No, air. But ,e area, bet you soutc: Then you regret Lein en (+1d taaid1 res, 1: do. I might as well bate` been t,, most like Ike snap of a whip If any 4; of there get vexed, you bear a voice h a winch sounds art if it wore spade up t of a snarl, a whine, and a bares Suet) �? a voice often'.peeke worse then tits ,t' heart feels. It shows more Lll-¢:all it* e' toner then iu words. It is often itt , nairtb that cane gees a voice or a tone it i.ticll is sltcerp, and whiele sticks to hint three lite and ,;airs up ill.;rill and greet, am faits like a dreg. of gall on ttfe listener, 'Some pope have a sharp; h'ore voice for use and keep 4a their best voice for those tt hart they Meet elsewhere. The advice to all ni b;oys ,arid girls is,'"L.°:se sorts hes zoic t eta frame," l�ette,h it by day rasa hear] s of greet price, for it will be emelt v more to you in the days to come than the best pearl hid in the sea. , kind voice Is a lark's sung to heart and s tome. It is to the heart ]whit light is to the eye, .y area.. TREATMENT FOR SPRAINS foment Vented by tt Melt the I'atlt He erased. A little common-sense treal nnle often all that is needed when strain is at ankle or wrist au:1 out complications. It will a very alarmingly at first and gr ally develop a frightful too 'and ran of the bu.stsau:le tonal c1t� d ren allot My slgtefrt;-and intimate Q a .friendta. Do' you believe in the teeing thiata Poen t downtrodden by a a,, 11us l ,.alt and vis chilciren of my own ay I,, a, ahshea`k lay eat has nine lives? de's, sir, answered this man lvho keeps irregular hours. at is Ind having observe.d the noeturnal the habits of the cat, I ant led Irresistibly with- to the couclueiOi, than Streying out all well night is highly conducivelongevity, g+' , 1 e t elft- I]:d they have fresh vegetables every king day where you boarded this snruuleri' bruise; but from the .first it raiz have complete rest, and a treat of hot and cold douches—the ho i.ttg need at first when 1110 awel i-. lxrinfttt and the colt] lifts!` on s'trt of tonin to the relaxat muse The bat must be very ]tot and the very mild as the tepid Water ]farm rather than good. For the first day of a strain, ',, all the w.rencite:I eartilages and cies are, aeh.ing, great relief is fo in a pnultioe of egg alta salt. oleate it, beat the white of an 1111 light, bat not. stilt, Stir le dually n cup and a half of salt more if needed, to make a thick pa like icing; spread this on a cloth bandage in place. Cover all with oil - auk No, said the sad -looking citizen, the rnent tanner we visited bought everything, t be- at the cross-roads grocery store. lingThere's Q.a 0 nl• one n4 thing worse than a as a, green goods Hurn send that's. a canned les. goods man. cold Be: "I always take Trains to deny does the ,statement that: Women can't throw straight." Slle: "That is noble of you, ehcn my dear." IIs': "Yes; I have to re - mese member with. what accurate nod cf. and feet het aim you threw eourself at ale." To . gag , $IIE PATIENTLY gra ate- ! BORE DISGRACE and silk or a thick hath towel to pre the sheets, since the egg leaks out continually. After this bas rel ed the soreness begin with hot wa fomentation and wear a light 1 bandage except at night. tent A Sad Letter From a Lady Whose iev- Husband Was Dissipated. ter irm how She Cured Him With a Secret CAMPS OUT ON THE KOPJES. Every yea.e there are exported from hina aver 400 tons of a certain vege- able was, which is worth £200 a ton. Che entire population of two large owns far in the interior of the Yellow mpie spend their tinge in this curi- nes 'manufacture. The wax is made on the bark of a ort of privet tree which growsat one own Chia Ting, by the grub of a et1e, which is found at the other own, thie name of which is Chien Nang. Consequently, every year rubs have fo be collected at Chien 'ang, and carried to. Chia Ting. The distance; is 200 miles across steep and stony. passes. Tbie entire male popula- tion, of the former town start each year at a given date. There are 10,- 000 of them altogether, and the sight of a whole town marching in this fashion' single -file across the moun- tains, each with a burden of forty pounds of grubs, is, perhaps, the most extraordinary even in the :most re- markable of kingdoms. not trust th!e erork of feeding wholly main on the rote! below him. POINTED 'PARAGRAPHS. An engagement ring is the advance guard. ' Mixed ale causes many serious ail- ments. The most profitable :style is .: th. turn -stile. A fiwsh( isn't necessarily crazy when it is in -seine. high water doesn't necessarily raise thea price of milks. Many a poor bootblack :bas man- aged to shine in society. Wearing a rough-rider hat doesn't give a man a war 'record. Some people spend so match of their time in trying to be amiatible that they haven't time to earn a living. A snob is a main on a ladder who kisses the ,feet of the .malt on the round above Man and kicks at the e Remedy. "1 had for years patiently borne the dis- grace, suffering, miser and. privations due tamp husband's drinking habits. near- ing of your marvelous remedy for the cure of drunkenness, which I could give ray pusband rocured a package and mixeI decided d hit int his food and coffee, and, as the remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not know what it was that so quickly reltevodhia craving fcr liquor. He soon began to pick. up .flesh, his appetite for solid food return- ed, he stuck to his work regularly, and we now have a happy home. After he. was completely cured I told him what I had done, when he acknowledged that it bad been his saving, as he had not the resolution to break oil of his own accord. I heartily advise all tvosnen afflicted as 1 Was to give your remedy a trial." SENT FREE TO ALL —A sample package of Tasteless Samaria Prescription SENT rime with full particulars in plain sealed envelope. All Tetters considered sacred- ly confidential. Address 'The Samaria Remedy Co., 23 Jordan street, Toronto, Canada. • SOME AUTHORS. The Most Cheerful Author—Sain,uel Smailes. The Noisiest author—Howells. The : TaYlest Author—Longfellow. The Most Flowery Author- Haw- thorne. T'h'e Holiest ,Author—Pope. ' The Most Amusing Author—Thomas Tickell. The Happiest Author—Gay. The Most Fiery Author—Burns: .The Mast Talkative- -Author-Chat-terton. Thee Most Distressed Author—Aker,.. Side* • c a 1 5 a 1 a F 1 PERWAXPOF One of the most daeger- 115 and repulsive fortes. OF iidmey l?iseaee le it you have at any time experienced any dtttlentty la getting a, tea that sprat 7ottr tette in every way. TOR mayareroomothte a1e'ace lay, Wing COY S E?N 'ranee its hush, quelitY whiee neeerrrttries. hes become esub'er. of coWretect among Ira regular cOnsutf.ere, In bead Paaltett . 26, 30, 4a, 50 end. Eno ' Haw Jon, will it look fresh ? That's one question you s ask e fttao y at buy ptijnt, tl pay to buy good paint.. that has been tested for pgi . 1H R $ PAINTS retain their glossy newness, attt look fresh and bright, IQn,e#' than any others, because tit, It are made right. They are put' paints. They are the best, Al RAMSAY & SON, Ef414.411444 1+1TRe'ntlet 1?+rtttlnt motor* which Doddts Kide icy the only certain: Draspsy the Kiid- ta aaetua lly Bann sd end the water, whit]: 1 led e ]:teres led in l the P foram of urine, flows back. tend lodges in the cells of the flesh and puff* out tlttt skill. Remove the filth which plugs up he drain. Restore the Kidneys to health, There is only ane Kidney Medicine ODD'S KIDNEY PLLS POISON'S' IN PLAN "1'S. IN HER IIO- OR. y Levee low gotta] n tees erer are gin; r.ie 'aas and her lee- tlt*0. were iiiustraiesl hyo- lantern slides, al:ie rs7ial st:a•°.-cd m egnificent lige e i ,- in .:aria . 14 t3« the e¢orst ]grace#, jt'�t s of the courtrv. iiise bad pre t'entetl nritur•acl 'list"ry teteeemeue to, !tee F!ee`aetttS at teDraft) Ketisinnten, the •foaind sonee of the inset'ts tett and in- teresting. Sa •asking itf her reception fay, fleece gent:ehien 3f -s , S, Yd "They were • very ry are ,rand said, many kneel ;ginger, Banat''—.l ensign taxa ?erasions -]oohing ere:dere -- •'I urge•. they means it 01. to eomlui.tnent ; they have named that beette sitter me r The berries of the yew have killed many persons, says the Scientific- Am- erican, anti it is pretty well known nowadays that it is not safe to cat many peach pits or cherry kernels at once. Among the garden plan commonly in vogue which possess poisonous navere, botanists me tion the jonquil, white hyacinth a snowdrop, the narcissus being al Txtrticularly deadly—so much so, L deed, that to chow a small scrap one of these bulbs may result fatall while the juice of the leaves is • emetic. There is enough opium red poppies to do mischief, and m1 autumn crocus, if the blossoms a hewed, causes illness. The lobelia re all dangerous, their juice, if swa owed, producing giddiness, wit pains in the bead. Lady's slipp poisons in the same way as does po on ivy. The bulbs seem to be t most barnlful. Lilies -of -the -vane re also poisonous. The leaves an lowers of the oleander are dead] ted the bark of the catalpa tree i ery mieehievous. The water drop - 'ort, when not in flower, resemble elery and is virulent: CIDAR AND DYSPEPSIA. The juice of the apple as a Bever ge has at times been looked upon ith suspicion. Those who abstain rough fear from tanking it may be assured by the results of the in- stigations of two French meal - 1 men, M. Iii. Carrion and Cantru, ho, referring to it among other seous beverages whish they reoom- end for. certain peculiarities of di- eastion, speak most highly of cinder, some forms of dyspepsia they Be- are it 'to be very desirable, especi- ally when the process of digestion is too raped and for the gouty it is re- cotllmended as a oorreotive of the uric acid diathesis. TREASON. - Did you hear about the riot in Ber- lin? asked Cuntso of Cawker. No, what was it about? A man in a theater orchestra tried to play on a French horn, and the audience mobbed him. is a u- nci s0 0- of y', an in he re s 1- el - Ile a th re ve cm ga ru In cl Ray Feuer Vary Prevalent, Thouaande now suffer emu Hay germ ditteese—destroy the gerne end you destroy the disease. Ointe =mute cannot do three 13e:thee east douches or pan dere snuffed up. There ts just one remedy that will vitro Ilay Fever and cure it quickie.. It is care teed by the air to the remoteat air passages or the nertal paSsages and healing agent. It cures Ilay reeve, Astbma 13ronehitis. and Catarrh. Catarria'azone is a guarantee to enrol yonr money back it yea are not benefited. Druggists seil it every- wbere. We will send a regular 26 sent trial size to any address in Can- ada or U.S., on receipt of 10 eents, or the full treatment, post paid, for Wye Kineston, Ont. AN APPROPRIATE ANSWER. It was in the restaurant. What will Mary have asked the man who was doing the ordering. FOR OYER FIErrY YEARS HES. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING gamut. hes hese mad by mothers tor their children teething. It seethe Use child, softens the ga_ms, Pain, cures wise loll% end lithe 13440 remray for dierrhcca. 250.e, betas. hY drarsists throughout the world. Be sue VALUE OF MAIL DELIVERY. It is estimetel that free rural mail delivery is increasing the value of land in Colorado, where it is in opera - There is more Catarrh In Ens seotton of th country than all other diseaess pub togeth and until the last few years was supposed ta Incurable. For a great many years doctors pr flounced it a local disease, and prescribed loc remedies, and by constantly telling to curenh Mord treatment, pronorinoed it incurable El once as proven catarrh to bo a constitutional treatment. Rail's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by 14...J. Cheney Oy., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only Donstatuttonal care on that:motet, I6 IS taken Infernally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon, roe It eats din:lett:roe the blood and liUtitiOgyi surfaces of the system. They offer one hund, rad dodare for any cam It fails to pure. seed tor circulars and testimonials. Sold by Druggist% 75e. 1PamilyPills are the best fetter— eee Vernpatets, the etre tete ream. nets tenerieti tie other day, net wee Sna;01147444; of a. come 4,tran fer Lem. itlejigtter—The- welniug was et lett a ore ring pertearteanee. wawa tt,I.ClQillinine Tablets etat. cold in 040 oikr WELL RECOMMENDED. Mretress; You soy you are weil re- efietress; And how long have yea been in domestic serviette Maid; Two yeare. ma'am. <Copy of a letter whieh appeared 14 the Ceylon Observer.) Coloutlxi, Aug. 15, 1000. To the Editor of the " Ceylon Obeerv- Dear Sir,—I bave carefully examine ed and tasted the email sample of Tea Ceylon Gxeen Tea," you sent me last night and find it is as stated. The tea has exceptional leaf frag- cowslip water, somewhat resera.bling e best grade Japan. 1 As a :specimen of ehat Green Tea !should be in the eurt it would be al- most imposeible to ixoprove on it. i If Ceylon planters will only be care. 'nal to ship Greene up to this stan- dard oe excellence, the capture of the American and Canadien markets is certain and asaured. Signed. F. le STREET." SMALL VOLCANOES. Not far from Laytonville, Cal., a orop of little volcanoes leas appeared. There are 25 of them, each with the charae- teristic crater, and foora each crater 1 gushes mud and warm vaper. Each' aft "volcano" is about five feet high. IV P C 1043 CALVERT'S APROPOS OP 1VERN. Alice—Aren't men funny? Laura—yes, they are; suppose a lot of women should rig up in fantastic eostumes and parade. MONTREAL HOTEL DIREOTORY. The " Balmoral," Fres Bus Amt,rri* "'". Family Hotel rates VA per day. A TOTAL LOSS. I think. be raa.rried on my birth day, said Miss Toratney. What 1 exclaimed Miss Frocks, hold- ing up her hands in consternation, and lose one entire set of presents," awarded me onedals and diplomae for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent infeeti. °um diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain supply. Lists mailed free on application. Religious Pictures. Statuary, and Chxuareel Oracnuationto Educational Werke. Bfall orders receive prompt .000, tncirunients, Drama, Unheroic, Etc. Every Town can hat! a Dung Lowest prices ever quoted. Pine ostielogue mints (ration, mailed free. Write IAA tor neyttiftig in Sheep and American Hog Ossings—rellable pos eat prices. PARE, RLAOEIVELL a 00., Tomei°. emoved to ViresleY Bundling, itiehteoed St, NV., Toronto. POULTRY. BUTTER EGOS APPLES6 .04 other PRODUCE, to minium best results °engin Tho ilawsort Commission Go., Llotitodi Oar. West -Market etilharne St., TOnatas