HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-4, Page 6LEGAL. DI CKSON & CARLING, Stirrieters. Solicitors. Notaries, Coaveyancers. Commissioners. Rte. Mosey toLona at et per eent, mule' per cent (YieFle F.NON BLQCK, EXF,TER. 1.74. 01410.nc.o„ Jen. mosses. =ember et the then will beat Rowell on IblacOdaY ()teach week. AzHnio,u, . RIVEns. M. B. TORONTO UNI 7E/ISITY, N. 1). C.J.Ttinity Urilver . t like -Crediton, Oat, , NV .D.KOWNIIsIti U. ,r. erv.anate v:etoda orits oree And residence. Oetatutou Labor::: 'Wry, Exeter. eeroner for the coenty ot }knee. ()Mee, opf Osite esliat isrca.otori..E.Kaios. VE1, ERIN All Y.". inent & ennen EI:EI. (teeauate e the Onterie Vete:lit-we Cie !age- (fEee-Oe-e deer s:ptit tit Town elitT1 -- THE WitTEIIL00 I1UTUA.14 INiet-Itievf.E•o Ises. ffEAD OFFICE , IVATW9, UT rItt,% sw.z.c...-i4Etti .4.41tcleaton .4`..es!na r,r..41',-7 'vet er Fe. kb- rr7q.er,v. ••14V.i zri.co;iL4r) i*C0:1401.4 4,40 IC vzor- toc S'ogir$ Cr-4131E1aq 2r0; ,C,V0Fing. eraperty tee tn7 eat one le c.i9 4041- 40Elf1 esti re ietTil.loo..00. eeledetiug of Oash ii•oS see.• oleo loree. 0 Me bt " 0". I - • DI. e , f.or anew end vicie y . EXETER TIMES eueliebeil eveey Tieurseey mornlici;;. linws Steam Painting Ulla ii n etreeerneele OVV:1,?_P:te eleirteLeteee, .X.PN -'11 Hat a Joe !ant inetenteett - te. seetenneee ..onceet • • • • . • - le 4"ei:i • 7.;.'"4114C-3 Ltreo,4,• r.: : e,ree sa.zr%;•. 34043w2;44)****913404,enostww). UNREQUITED LOVE 049141 the petient Barber CHAPTEB ber," whereuPon lgever had Lord Lashroar felt Igoe tvauiOlea' inclined to play bast than upon this " Nestarine left at seven a.ud was particular evening. He was 30 tbor_ driven straight to the station. He oughly out of temper that it was au con have had teething to do with this effort to him, to 'be very decently civ.gir1srunning away." said her lady- • One relief. and ^le enly, was af- s14P' meted hire. " He nao.y have inspired it, may "Did you know that Mr. Nestorius bave planned to meet ber in Lond.on." as going away. Lasinuar 3" asked bis "No, Laslinear, Neetorius is, above uother in the five minutes before inuer. " No. You don't mean to say that he is goner he left an hour ago, in time or the 8.14 from Brunam. He sent me hurried little note—business of don," if that Woeld help, he raUr- mured. But it wouldn't help. What we want is a bright idea. ru telegraph to Nestoriue the first thing to -morrow moraing. Xf he had no hand in her flight he May helix us to find her." CHAPTER 'XIX, She bad one she had ahaleen th.e dust ot that uutriendn, home from off her feet, and had gone out into the, more aufriendly world, penniless, withant so mewl* aa the means to buy a loaf a bread. Slm llad left a house that had become intolerable to her after that wane on the terrace. Those brutal speeobes a 1431p:cows all taings, a gentleman. H3 would had stung ler like scorpions. She had not compromise her by a scandalous lett.the castle in a tempest of angry elopement or take a base advantage feeling; had left witlaout any scheme of his residence in my }muse, You for leer future, witnout thought of must think of some one elee." " There is no one, e'en It is horrible • wbat she would do with herself wheal to ; tae long and weary walk to Brumna Se was outside those doors; but in 3. less, utterly iguorant of the world, , upon the lonesome country think of that girl—alone, friend- ' ate—soonething to do with the corn. road, she penniless, not knowing which way to . turn for a meal." " Oin be had a telegram, no doubt. o u- t re. o. I had no idea. be- eves going to " Tire must been, been infernally 1 1 The ontlook was not clmerful, She eve us." truel to ber," he exclaimed. "tbat , had uo one iu tbe world. who ecould "X am dreadfully sorry," said she should be drivea to . do this thing." help ben uuless size sleoulot stoop no Lady Carminow. alle bas been alit- "I don't know what you mean by appeal to Mr. Nestorius, and he was distrait lately, but at ills best cruelty. jr the last two years, since just tbe one person to oxbow she felt e ;s quite the meat delightful mut in she has been my reader and secretary, o ' she could not appeal. He had peened %rope." .S1W` 1114. led the life of a lady. Sh.e ber to be bis wife, bad been eager -ng elections." had ample leisure to colluder her fu- le..as not soileol her delleftte. fingers. Mat is a large* order," seal. to devote Ws lite to her and shelled tunas served it ' • o to provode for leer future. Her good old se had been a gentlewoman. abe hen 1 friend. Verner, was as helpless as a been allowed to carry on leer education 4 eland; she could not burden him, nor et her own Pleasure." could. the bave accepted o, Imam un- der the Meadow of Lashmar Castle. Her chief hope for the future was • haw' yoe met ail the h....l•v" b34 ber "wnto hes'il"r alone, as ng.-ruum' rejected bird t she conld not ask him -PraYs h 4etightZul 1.4trOpelliS ?" "1 heve reee ;0 the typical men." Clarice, reprovingly; "the men ho are held upas examples—Pens- Vienuese, j1,1,1,'• iteliens, "Granted. But have you treated UO elaiardn; oue zueete tbe *J5; people her kindlY? elhe would •encroach. nation, don't you know, in doubt, it treated too kindly, but do her pen. lier pen had been her C ever • • - • ' ow vou think we have been too anici" friend aud confidante for the last 1 :it L, Prvl 4L'elrazi CU WQP.1; CC) 1-1;e:Qva ;i1 ."C :n!. r-zor...41 6trazue, Vcciw-onNt tag "..4'wepapere. le. eel.- -een . t PIPN.7 f zii:e 1 c6t Office, wavlsee ti.tee ritq 1-1WIiii,),Tietiti wee ii.ms no tale eutetri e.; or eve for Tee tnetr. » • a‘i ordeee WI paper ifivezitInuel my ...suer:I:ere or the pun islam time ten: •41A-Z.C), eetet it en' it elite r ;Flaw. ooale. ern z et. ce,et t ensezint. whet uer eta e ;a !aeon trcan te fp:II _a or not, '4.-ets eV:Iv/tor kizt5ier,v, ; tent mo.e be to d rho WI,O7O tOO p leer .4 Vitt.. LOt;ed. it.ttaeugh am au, ..,,,?rieer inay eeeide lum racies &way. t court*, beve dee.I "'ed eleit VCCUSilIg to. to Le wteapete or pekoe:ea:4 front tee T$044 f”( reinevieg apa te.tving :tem Imeatie t Or- etstien 0 of Imentional freed. - • -- Pleltneadecheandrelleve all etroublesinct dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain in the Side, dm, While their most remarkable success has been shown In curing Ilreadacbe, yet Cerazites LIT= LITSIL PILLS ere twat*, valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, saiantlate the liver and regulate tho bowels. Even it they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless co those 'who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunntely their goodness does not eirl bre, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable In so many ways that they will loot be vrilling to do without theirs. But after all sick head ft 'hoboes of 60 1511117 lives that here is where *re make our great boast. Our pilla cure it vtlle others do not. CARTZICH Lirms TAvra Pitts are vet7 small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. Tbey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; live for $1 , Sold everywhere, or sent by mint CASTBh ILZD101113 CO., lbw !rt. ra :n15,11 Du Boll L4140, SILK-PRODIJOING SPIDERS, INTERESTING EXPERIMENTS MADE , IN FRANCg. the Leen who have reputostious, and ' I do not know what we may baVe 1 seven years. It Was OS natural for after he has assured Itinasedf cif her not one of theta 1414 the faScination of ' Well- .1 knew tbat for my own part •her to svrite as to live. foelins; for, in most cases, she kills stor:us. It ie a kind of glannour," I leave always been civil to her." A tv.ildaes, itultee pea extraoodoorrewolfwt latel ocwoeurrta-, ; o and eatz Illna. So these insects multi- ply only in certain favored places, IF , ,•1/ d d thtt the word "Civil, yes, that is the word. But try a Mr. Nestoriam like a olove. I believe there are some natures that the cool freshness of newly ploughed such os the extea3/1._ woods a mono trees ef the royalqgardena in the ly Vernaew was ee Lasheceles cannot exist upon. bare civility. You earth, etree one to the itunee of eurnaces, a pervading taint a 50ot r:vilfixy nt Tananarive, where they and Sulphur. It was not a Ill'eaSaut . do not devour one another, since theY hand r.k3 utnal, hut she found did not dress her very sunray, eitli- . e ts 1 vele? disegreeable eoulie.oina, er, or gratify her youthtul yearning tared vote look e* she said. for prettinene end bright eolore. Her that loved air I o o " Place to come to for a soul i the country and had dwelt among food. Mends and Um ripple of a.river.1 1 Under snail unfavorable, condition., e there assured of an Abundance of ald the iron Works Worried , 50u1 MUM here sickened at that per - An Industry That nes lieen Itrowtht to Neght-The 'Madagascar Spider l'repar- ina Marvelous 'Mites DIRCOVCred by a. Inlissioaary., Soitne very interesting experiments have just been made at the Profes- sionAl Sanool of Tananartveo Wittb a view to rendering peactioeal to a cer- tain degree, the 'utilization en the silk -producing eptelere indigeneas to the gnmt loslond et Madagasear. Viositors to tbe Bxpesition. /lad aa op- PortonitY of seeing specimens a the splendid fabric, martufaetured from. thie materna. Some dithyrambic airtilicleS have appeared in the Pa.risian ?epees announetan to the public at large a new industry—that of "araei- mature," ,deetineel to take a place alongside of sericicalture. wl'he Rennet, the ugly spidex is pre - peeing ma.rvelons riebee or us. Tan- anarive is going to detaxone Lyone. The banks of the Ithoue axe no long- er to be the oulo ones to rear silk producers, or the Imerina already counte ner own." It is well to re- duce Mune to more ratalent proper. Hone, and to preeent tile= in their true lig/at. The author of tne artiele juet cited says himself that the "Halabe" as the blalagashes calt the silleepro- (Lacing spieler, is quite diffleult to eproduee, eince the female, witich aloae yields tbe thread, le SO fermi:, one and ravenous that the male can- not approacli leer exeept with the greatest preoaution, and not until The spiders thue undergo a complete reeling withouot realstanee ead evaen they are "empty" they are replaced by others. Theee which lave been operated lupine are placed for coevale- seenee in a "park"' constructea. for the puorpoose and oonneetea by eteinge so as to form trellises. After a few days' tt-est Lin these. those, tbat have not obeen devoured aae tenet,. out in arder to be eubmitted to another reeling. The silk, of the Ealabes is of a wonl dexful color. A tleread. of gold. could net be more brilliant atm of a parer yellow; but no attetann has been of being found with it in theta' poSe made to wash these threads praor to thertr leetna woven, as is done with session. According to Jae London Spectator, there is in this book a die- eilk ,voinet threads, and perhaps melt might remove tan tinct proPheey that in the nOW year natural ecotone But there would re- beginning tor China on January 22, main tlfe tenuity, elasticity and tena- eitY, which, it is said, are melon sup- ertor to those of ordinary silk; and this would permit a the naanufacture of •wondeoefully fine fabrie,s of en- treane flexibility and of a.strength deetined to defy ages. The merit of ads original discovery is due to Father CanabOne a missiou- ary in Madagascar, who was tim first to endeavour to turn the thread of the silk-nroducing spider. Nenbila Made- gaecarensts, to aceouat, Like the nalagaahen. be contented himself in the ft.rst place with collecting the in- numerable webs a the spidere that abound 4n the ga.relene a the Mission, awl in carding and OPitaning there. He wove fabrice that were absolutely eteweareble and of a coarse aspeot, owing to. the irregularity of the the threads. He time endeavored to improve his threael by reeltng it air - eptly from the abdolnen of the spider whielt he inclosed in mated box and was thue the inventor of the px eeas now enneloyed at the Prof atonal Selma et Tananarive. N•ev theless, it appears that Iteaumur tempted tbe reeling ot the thread tivLug ept-dera in 1710, in operat't upen the Ep?'erae of Pranee, are nide of small tee , of whieh. ace to his ealeulations, it would requi 700,000 to yield a pound of sills. 4. SOME MANICURING HINTS. .--• :Valle Should he Net; her ',Meted Nor 1 on" PREDICTIONS ABOUT CHINA i•••••••4 Made, Years Ago in Regard to Present A Mitre in Chlku.„ Leadhig papers in Europe are now calling attention to three remark- able preclictioas which were made years ago in regard to the present cnourrenees in China. One is found in the "Tui Pei Tu," a book written during the fourteenth century and esteemed so dangerous a work that net a printed ecru can be proeuxed now, and even Europeans who have ownal it have been known to bum it rather than rue the risk petu " Are you mad. Lesbutar, that you " Not at alt; the works are ghtful. I envy you the sense of °mull to we like this3" pawer yeau tenet feel when yeau eurvey " Zio.I am only remorseful,. very re G -f ehould NERle E. BEANS areny of blackened faces; you morael She had been only four years old, it is almost impoesible to hope for an, the time a the fire, yet ehe bad unlantltecl aatifivial rearing, as with, izisttnet tbat told her in winch di- tits ak alld it seen:15 to be WO ion that great black at butithugs inevitable that we shall have to con- " Zenobia never was beaten," inter- than a baby. But perhaps she 31 -is only , up in y . 1 ' lite ver sky " It thhaaat 31e0erk ee dd i mtir,Lt-dtrItaroyingthem., This simPle cent on the base. Highly polished k' care not to deoi- one and a. half timere as long a is broad, and alwaya shows a c Tae nail as 41;41.;1111out..141d be is ab ust feel like Zereoloia before she was have driven her into dauger 1 'Why, she ' bad steed, the big house f.rom which .- 2 'erne ounseaves to an exploitation of lel/ i the spiders tha.t live in the.se privileg- conquered." !knows no MOM Ot the outeide world ' she had looked out of a wIntlow h g jzocted Lady nophia. morose the table.- gone to the nearest shelter ; to old' to her then—a. window t tbere." straight ant at sun or s ars. nna i it is impoesible to cenzat upon the uti..- pointed. nal) are not indicative Ale never could hear a classical name Verner's cottage. I will go and hunt ! expose suffices to demonstrate that withoett re.ferring it to the Rating ',for her It was after eleven o'clock. dar. "She was one of the fin- '4 You' go ?a roast of the ahops had closed by this: lizatim of thoo aztvehnida as a good taste. They ;should have a Neveriaieless,s wae magenyi tthuerat141.oss and be ueatly rounde est two-year-olda that Lord Zetland "Yes, I would rather go tn. yfself. II, time but at the corner of a narrow : wine induetory. ever leaned. He sold her to Count shall be In a fever ttlt she is own street she Lound it shop door open an.d ,,' hope, from the experiments made, to: derive a certain advantage, i If the nails are rounded off w' I have been a wretch, a cold-hearted,' the light shoeing on the pavernent In . . an a the file every day they will not no to be out with the scissors, whi injurious. In order to keep the oro cent at the base well formed the k 1898, Chute, Is to be partntoned alaong five peoplee, wen that, as a' result, great WOO Will COMA upon the empire, "In their pigeon English," cora. manta the Speetator, "Chinamen are now saying ;—Russia have top side and Frencb he watobee more Tonquin side. Now, German he take Chou Oltole Bay, boXellican man and Engliele nenst want toomething. If for ntelli- can man we read Japanese man, the prophecy looks like owning true, and the fact of its diffusion may help to- ward its realisation." The second predietion is in the ISInseuna. at Toulouse, being a trane- Intim' of it Chinese document, dated July, 1851, which was widely disttibut-i ed during that to.ontli throughout Shanghai and the surrouuding eaten- tey. It is a violent diatribe against the Freneh and English, wile had Sete Lagrange for a pot of money on e smalI Beale, iin. baying for our objeon rength of her Newmarket successes, vindictive brute. I bave beau system- front of it. She looked in trundly, an d she won, the Grand Prix the year - etically uncivil to her, Iwhe know saw two women, one elderly and stout, tiye only the murefeeture ot ex... after." bow fond my poor brother was of her; the otber thin and Waspish..rare and valuable fabries, -looking. Of eeedimely Lady Laslanar retired soon after the 1 8`44°, for his sake, ought to have that doubtful period etween„ ag a.t the beginuing of last evinter th.e ladie.s lett the dining -room, and it been kind. Slee bad a bad influence and -twenty and eight -and -thirty, in '- ertr,te,,r visited the Professional School with tthe towel, or, if necessaryavi shotild be pushed. bank from the n, was about ten o'clock when Lord upon me, sorueleutv; she stirred some- which unxnarried womanhood is apt o • .ananarine founded by General lea blunt orange stick every time Lashutar, on his way to the drawing- thing evil in my nature, I hope I shall to turn to shrewishness. illnal in the old alaoe of ehe queen adjoining buildings. This in- bends are 'washed. The orange sti mu, was startled by a tremendous I find her with Verner." Stella looked from the thin dWall els augh- . sillution will prove one of the most is excellent also for cleaning the ringing fi at his mother's bell, a sum- "I dare say you will, and you will ter to the stoat mother and it was to fruitful of the Gellert' ger nails after they have been sea t so violent tbat he took fright exalt her idea of her own importance the latter she addressed her ques- Il 3 Nvrks La efed for a few minutes in warm \vat and hurried at °nee, to her ladyship's by going after her in person. You t* eadagascar, if its directors are able room, expecting to find her attacked had much better send a stable boy." containing a little lemon juice. tnetva BEANti er3 :..- covery thab curs the wont ‘4... of Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and Failing Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by overwork, or tho errors or ex. eesses of youth. This Remedy ab. solutet7eures the most obstinate cases whenaIA ohe TnaA.rmvuors have failed even to relieve. :MIdby drug. gists .t51..per package, or. six for.v5, or sent by mail or recelyt er rc,v1.-r Trr• ,I A r "There used to be a large lodging - boils° for working people near the cemetery'," she faltered, "It was burnt down a good many years ago. Was it ever built up again ?" by some direful illness. She was not 111. but she was in a towering rage, and tamed upon her offspring as a tigress upon her cub. " Where is Stella ?" " I have not the faintest idea, Is she not to be found, that you inquire so vehemently?" "he is not to be found anywhere in this house. She was to have read to me at half -past nine. It is the first time she has ever disobeyed my or- ders." "She is getting too grand to obey orders. Perhaps she has gone off with Mr. Nestorius." "'What do you mean 3" et Drug Store Exeter ceeeereeeee-e„.... .7.7-Tonts^2 rytn Sister-in-law—How like his father the baby is! Mother—He's certainly like him in some way. He generally keeps me up half the niglst! • Know thyself 1 is an injunction ev- eryorte should follow. sli.nother one, no less important is, Don't give thyself away 1 You're the sleepiest-lookinoo individ- ual I ever saw, said Dick to the seedy man at the corner. Yes, even my coat hasn't had a nap for atoms time, wroth 575, AffeV' Wood's nospliodine, rite Great English: Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggiets In Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To- ,ctio, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt tiL ti price, one peclrage el, six, $5, One wag ptease, a sOilt.cure. "Pamphlets free to any. address. Tito Wood Company, Windeory Ont. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter br_ J. W. Browningi druggist. 'Surely you have seen what has been going Oil under your eyes. The gentleman is impression° ble—the lady arttul. She has been trying to se- cure a wealthy husband. She has brought hien to book and is off over the border. They can he married be- fore a registrar in Brumm, or in Len - don, to -morrow morning." " Nestorius could not be such a mad- man 1" 'Wbo knows'? He would not be the first to count the world well lost for Loire. If she has gone, you may be sure he is concerned in her depar- hire. She may be only outstaying her time with old Verner, listening to some foolish twaddle." "We can very soon ascertain, that," said her ladyship. striking the spring bell which summoned leer personal at- tendants. Before it could be answered, Bar- ter came in wan the latest intellig- ence. Stella had been seen to leave the castle with a little carpet bag; one of the housemaids had met her on the back staircase and. had asked her she had answered. " For a holiday ?" "Forever." The housemaid had con- "He is old en'ought to be her fath- chided that Miss Boldwood had been en" - " t ? A n of his tem - "No. I 'want a smoke in the open air. Pa go myself " He went, being a young man who always took his own way. Never had be been so disturbed in mind as he was abont the flight of this girl. He had seen her suffering under his mother's icy tyranny, and had made no remonstrance—he who was young and prosperous and happy had done nothing for friendless and oppress- ed youth—he wteo called himself a man had never pleaded for woman- hood deprived of all womanly joys. And to -day ne had gone further, had attacked a defenseless ostri with most insulting speech. He had been bru- tal, offensive, ungentlemanlike. The lamp was burning in the old bookworm's parlor, but he was alone wita Aristotle, and the rest of the learned dead. He had heard nothing of Stella's flight—was in the deepest distress at hearing of it. to an0.1intain it in the eminently prep- If the nails show a tendency ticoa way that lute been traced for thean. The young Malagash pupils out brittleness, a little soaking in wet olive oil after removing them fie attend. the loot -owes with the great- the lemon water and an applioati of course it was," answered the est assiduity, and they and the pro - twofers and monlitors vie with each younger woman, sharply. "If you'd gone twenty yards further you'd have othor zeal - seen it straight before you. It was re- During his visit he had an oppor- built, and it was made twice the size tunity of seeing the opeoration of it was at the beginning." reeling the silk from the spider per - "Was tbis shop here at the time of the fire ?" "Yes, twenty years before the fire," answered the mother. "My daughter was born in this veryhouse. I've liv- ed in it nearly forty years. It was a new house when my husband came into it, and he had to make the busi- ness bit by bit." gether Ear but a short tame, since thy " As you ho.ve lived here so long have an unfortunate habit of devour- perbaps you rernetzber a man called Boldwooa," said Stelia tremulously. Jong one another, and the risk would Boldwood — jonathan Boldwood; be run of eventually finding nothing yes, I should think I do remember but the single survivor! The aper - him, drat him I My husband was al- most cracked ahou t that man, and used to go to hear him at every meet - "Her ladyship has a very fine char- acter," he said, apologetically; "but she has never understood Stella. The girl is altogether exceptional; she has genaus, Lord Lashmar, original genius. The only person who has evex understood and appreciated here -ex- cept my harable self—is Dlr. Nestor- ius." "Inn Nestorius is in love with her," said Lashmar, sharply. "That is -what understanding and appreciation mean in his ease." " Well it may be so," replied the student, thoughtfully. "He certainly was profoundly interested in her. He seemed to take it delight in her so- ciety, would linger and linger when she was bere, and hang up= her words. Perhaps it was on her a.ccount he came here ao often." "01 course it was on her account. I tell you, Verner, be is over had and ears in love with her." diemissed by her ladyship, and had not considered it necessary to mention the fact till she heard Berber making inquiries. " My servants are a reginaent of fools," said, Lady Lashmar. " Pray at vvhat hour did the housemaid meet Ibis girl?" " A little before nixie o'clock." "That will do for the present, Bar - What of tha ma perament is never Inc old to fall in Loire. What are we to do, Verner? How are we to find this girl ?" Ile might as well have appealed to the had of Aristotle, The old man was sorely distressed at his favourite's flight, but he had no suggestion to offer. '1 would walk barefoot to Lon- self, of cold omen at night will prove ' beneficial. ro In polishing the nails with the , chamois polisher, neither paste nor , powder should be used. Powder makes the nails brittle and paste gives an un- I formed under h:s eyes, and wa,s en- desirably 'high color. 1 abled to photograph the different After using the file to round the , phases of this very curious process. finger nails in shape, it is well to In the nest place, the spiders are nse an exaexy strip to remove any , brought front the conaVy in light roughness that remains. 1 baskets by Malagash woznen on the Persons upon whom nature has not 1 very day upon which the silk is to bestowed taper -shaped fingers some- I be reeled. It is irraportant, in faet, times try to attain them by the use that they shall be left shut up to - of various devices. Metal cones reach- . ing to the second joint, to be worn : at night, are supposed to secure tbis result, but unless one begins at an early age, when the fingers are soft and amenable to external appliances, ator then proceeds as in reeling silk, , it is doubtful if they would produce th,a t is to say, he unites several' . . the desired effect. threads and twists them at, the same e,.... -- (ladies would be only too happy to lie forever at their feet, even though these feet were not quite as smelt as those of the beauties ot their own country. Very flattering all this was, and the cultured, fin-de-eiecle audience was fast becoming enrap- tured when suddenly General Ts- cheng-ki-Tong's tone changed. He became ironical; he told the Parisians before hire that he did not consider them. by any means faultless, and that in his eyes their civilization was a cloak of vanity, fraud and, corrup- tion. Then he electrified them with these strange words ;—"You do not know China; tbe coantry is too large. We ourselves, born in °him, do not quite know it. Europe, which does not know everything, which spade ally knows very little about Ohnia, makes a sad blander when it speaks of the Celestitl Emplre as 'a neglieible euard ine in 111. Ivor] 1'4 ffn rs. ing, and come home with a pack of time that they are reeled, so as to Constipated driven all the county gentry away Afor the spiders, they are place s nonsense in his head. Radicals have prroidnee a thread of the desdired size. from Brumm ; and there ain't half the ed tin a firanne in groups of One or carriages there used to be in the , two dozen. It le important not to Ma Rise te Dyspopsla and Ciller Bodily Derananmenta—Br. Chas'Il Is streets when I was a ,girl, Radicals I mutilate or wound them durin,g the Kidney -Liver Pills are Unique as the Only Treatment have sent the English nobility abroad operateen, since they are capable of they being sulemette,d to four or five sac- Won Permanently Cures Constipation. to spend their moneYeebecause tt o t oessiiive reetings in a month rep - don't get the respect ha a due them at home." resenting about faux thousand yarns To Be Clontin,ued. of thread. At the ProfessionalSehool ne of Tananarive the idea has occurred A QUERY FOR HIM. to plate the spldeirs ia what are called ' He has discoursed learnedly, ef "guillotines," the ceescents of which somewhat wearyingly, to his friend hold them between the abdoradn and on the influenee of food upon corselet. Their legs are turned back character. upon the corselet and thee abdomen Tell me, said he in summing up, tell emerges from the side on tvhich the me what a man eats and I will tell unwinding and twisting of the thread you what he is, is done. The Malagash girls in per - His friend, though fatigued, evidently interested. There is only one question I wish to asls you, he said. Ask 11, replied the discourser mag- nandancusly, with an air that said very clearly. Give tme a bard one while you are at it, and 111 show you how smart I am. It is this, repli3d the fatigued 1 riend How mulch sage tea would you have to drink to =sake a wise man of your - WOO forming this deslica be Operation, touch the end of the abdomea a the Pats - °news ,with the fing,er and then gently withdraw the latter, thee ' carrying along, in a single bundle, the twelve or t1veent3r-forter threads to a hook that unites them i,nto a single one, whence they afterward start for .the bobbin upon whieh they are to be wound. In (order to effect the reeling and twisting f the thread at the same time, on Ingenious system has been devised that gives excellent results. Constipation, or inactivity of the ttowels, is probably the cause of more distress and suffering than any other Organic derangement. Once the bowels are constipated the kidneys become alogged, the liver torpid and the sto- mach and whole digestive system bompletely interfered with:. The head aches, there is dizziness, weakness and dimness of vision, pains In the back, aide§ and limbs, the ac- cumulation of wind ancl ga.s on the. 'stomach, pains and fulness in the re- gion of the stomach and depression and deepondency of spirits. Constipation can not be cured by the use of salts end similar weaken - tug and debilitating purgatives. Dr. Chase's Redney-Liver Pills3, not only cause the natural action of the bow- els but so strengthen and invigorate them as to 'enable them to regularly perform their functions without the aid of mptlicines. They also act on , the liver and kiidneys, and so revital- ize the whole excretory system and permanently cure the most serious eases of constipation, biliousness and llost_ Mow e,, reeleernag„. Ont., stetts; th fit 1 of 1895 I used I bro or lour boxes of Dr. Chase's Kid ney-Liver Pills for Constip&tir.r. and Stomach Troubles and neve found anything to compare with th cm, I had. suffered from these com, plaints for many years and taker' many kinds of medicine, but it ree =tined for Dr. Chase's laidney-Livee Pills to cute me. am now well and strong, but continue to take one oe two pills a week to counteract thd uric acid condition in tha blood and • to keep the bowels perfectly regular. Mr. James Gardiner, Bath, Ont .4 says :—"I was a sufferer for forty years from indigestion and eonstipa- tion. At tinees I would go two weeks without a !motion in my bowels, suf- fered violently from heade che :4 . spenta small fortune in remedies, but the only remedy that gave ID^ 717 - lief was Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. I would not be, without them for any- thing." Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Onk, pill a doea 2 cents a box, at all dealers, or Bdoianson. Ve,tea de T9rooto.