HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-4, Page 5"eaeeeee,-ea"a".""a-eeaeee-reee."-•,"aepe-eaa- wawa, - flflq • • T FXETEB T1ES.• MONEY TO LOAN. We havounlimited private funds for loyeet- meet upon farm or village property at lowest atter of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. F W. GLADMAN (Saccessor to Elliott Ss Gladecate) Bite r ,Solicitor, }total Pia, Conveyanoer, Etc. Money to loan On Farm and village properties at Lowest rates at interest, OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER Tic KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND -a-L. DR. KINSMAN, D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Dentist. 'eetlx extracted without pain or bed after effects. Office u Fan - son's block. West side of Alain Otreet, Exeter' DR. ANDERSON. D. S. L. 19- S.) DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the 'Toronto University, And Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All bridge work, Crowne, ard Pate work done in the neatest possible manner. A harmless antestbetie for painless extraction. The strictest attention given to the preservat- en o tbe natural teeth. Office opposite Ceti: tial Rotel. Exeter, Ontario. CUT THIS OUT ana spud us "with alcents u llver; and you will =OM illeeralviir go; y?),?Lifilit‘RPRig: in ono rnenthh than anethini else iu America. A. W, Selern-Yarmouth. N.S Five Packs of Cards Freer One entek, 'May I. •C• Home,Onepack Escort, Ortepack Thtaton, Outapack weight: One pack `Orr Sofa Jut Heide 'Two.' Ortenples of 20 other styles with book full of no. ;dens. Sena tie. silver for postage. A. NV. KINN hl Y. 13, T., iialem -Yarmouth S Usborne Walter Herbert Killed SiftOn. i "A Word to the The following is the report at s.S. No. 3, Usborne, for the month of Sep- tember, based upon attendance, week- ly exanfinatious, and depoetment. Names in order of merit ;-V, Alvae Doape ; Sr. IV, .A.etna, Copeland, Olive Copeland, Edna Diuman, Mary Doupe, Pearl Duncan ; Jr. IV, W Francis, 4 Young, Charlie Fletcher ; Sr. III, Joan Duncan, Lilly Ballantyne, Mabel 2.41eCiurdy, Earl Oopelaed, Reggie Turnbull; T. III, tillMeOlard David Gilfillan, Willie Gilallene Sr. IL Gertie Shute, Myrtle Francis, Nelson Roach, Addie Turnbull, Gil- bert Duncan • Jr. II, Rabble Shute, Mildred. Copeland, Milton McCardy, Kenny Duncan, Willie Roach. No. on roll 52, average 41. D. laleDoroseue Teacherl SCHOOL REPORT, - The following is the report, for the month of September, of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 1; -Osborne. It is based on the result of the regular monthly examination, The names are in order of merit -Sr,:IV, Effie Taylor, Lille Trrylor, Perla. Batten, Ethel Ciowett, Thomas Lingard ; Jr. IV, Minnie Herta Roy Coultis, Allen Parkinson, Della. Peart, Russel Peart, Perla, Hern, Na Hero ; III class, Vera, Batton, Edna. Taylor, 'Myrtle Denni- son, .Roy Stephens, Jeffery Jacques, Bertha Battten, Orville Roweliffes Olarence Levy; II class, Edgar Gor- vett, Chester Gorvett, Loftus Herrn Allen Jacques, George Squire, Mary Smith ; Sr. Pt. II. May Squire, Wi1be t Batten ; Jr. Pt II, Cora Batten. Arena. Peart, Willie Peart ; Sr, Pt I. Mary Peart, Gertie Jacques. Arnold Taylor, Elmer Raweliffe, Elsie Squire. Frank Lingard, Olive Batten ; Jr, Pt 1,, Wel- lington Batten, Chester Voultis, Wa- ter Stepheles. R. (3, Itnin, Teacher. Stephen SCHOOL ResPorer,--Tbe fallowing is tle report, of sehool, No. 3, Stephen. Pupils names are in order of merit :- IV, Stelle. Penhale, Laure. jou, Homer Bagshaw, Chas Sanders, Asa Penhale, Herbie Ford, Iva Box ; III, Roy Parsons Clara Beaver, Hattie Willis,VPenbale,Sadie Willis; Intl'', Minnie Sanders. W. Weimer, Jeannie Sanders, Eddie Willis, Herbie Beaver, Edith Parsons, Lizzie Sanders. '411 WU- lis ; Sr. II, Sam thek$,Alfred Wuerth, Violet Wood, H. Parsons, Bari Box ; Jr. II, Harry Weimer, Thos Sanders Annie Hieks, Ralph WiUiSI G. Craig, Sr. Pt. Il, Fred Beaver, Cleelia, Ford ; Int. Ku. Lillie Woods, Vinnie Cook- son, Lillie Stanlake ; Jr. Pt, 11, Victor Sweet, Tommy Penbale, Hilda Preez- cator, May Sanders, Earl Parsons. No. on roll 53, average 47, Parents will kindly furnish pupils with notes In Mee of absence and oblige. T. 13. Hoo*, Toadies. Seinen, RavouT,-The following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils of the Centralia Public School for Sept. -Principal's Division ; Y, A, Polly Windsor, Katie Elliott, Lillian Etliott.; Vth, D, Clinton Ilogartb, srhana 'Wilson, Pluda, Baker, Pen'y 'Windsor, Aggie Hepburn, Edith Bunt ; IV, Minnie Baynhana Clara. Fairbell, Pearl Walker, Ifieno Callfas, Ruby Hicks ; III, A, Rosy Wilson, Warren Mitchell, Fred Cottrill, Allie Haggith, Herman Baker No. on roll 22, average attendance 18. Miss Walker's division jr. lIr, Cecil Vale, Elya Windsor, Frank Boyle, Mules Hee- man ; Sr. Vernion Wilson, Flora Ilepburn, Rebecca, McCoy, Win- nie Essery ; jr. XI, Enos Wiodsor, Czar Wilson, Joe Heaman, Gladys Eseery ; Pt. II, Gifford Hogarth, Sain. MeCoy, Melvin °allies, F'rank Mit- ehell ; Flossie Mortimer, Mervin Meth% Roy Callfas, Earl Callfas. 13, BAGSTIAW, r000m o„,„ Dfiss Weeasen, nokroAGE SALI?, ()V FARM Prtorearro » Tne irowri 14-1 OF STEPHEN. Under and by virtue of the powers contain- ed in acertain mortgage, which.will be produe- od at the thee of the sale, there will bo offered for eale by Public Auction, on SATURDAY, THE TED DAYOF NOVEMBER,. 1900 At the 'hour a TWO O'CLOCK P. M. at Brenner's Hotel, Grand Bend, Ont., by hint Gill, auctioneer, the following valuable pro- perly, tamely: - Lot number six In the Lake Road West con- cession,Townehip of atephen.Coutity of Huron, containing Mir Ly -fire acres of lend more or less. This is a desirable property, only one mile from Grand Pend. Tsans or SiT.N.,-20 of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale, bal- ance to be paid within 30 days, or arrangements for payment of balance may bo made to suit purcheser.. For further particulars and coneitions of sale apply to J. G.STANBURY. Exeter. Ont. 'Vendor's Solicitor Dated at Exeter. the 2nd day of October, 1900 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VILLAGE PROPERTY IN mOUNT CARIVIEL A Good Opening for a Black - The undersigned:Neill offer for sale by me lie auction on the premises at Mount Carmel on SEattarclesy, Octobor, 13:1-2, at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon the following valuable property, part of lot 21. in 5, 13., Stephen. Huron County, containing 9/10th of an acre more or less, ripen which there ale awe11- ing house, stable and blacksmith shop. Terms cash. Immeditoo possession given. For for- ' /her particulars apply to T. G. Quarry., Esq., Mount Carmel, Administrator, R. H. ,Dignan, Msq„ Barrister. London, or to KENNETH GOODMAN, Solicitor for Administrator. Parkhill, Sept. nth, 1900. (3a/ NOTICE TO CREDITO RS. Tn the matter of the estate of Michael Neville, late of the township of Stephen, .in the County of Huron, blaeksmith, deceased. . Notice is hereby given pursuant to le. S. 0., 1897, ear, 129, see 38 and amending acts, that all. pereone having claims against, the estate of tee said Michael Neville; who died on or about the 6th day of Sept.. A. Do 1899, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the Administra- tor, John Gregory Quarry at Mount Carmel in the county of Huron, on or before the 20th day of 0 t, 1900, their names, addresses and des- criptions and a full statement of particulars of their, claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the administrator will pro - seed to distribute the assets of tha deceased among the parties entitled tliereea healng re- gard only to the claims of which Ile shall then Lave notice. Dated ab Parkhill. dile 19th. day ce' a-opt:ember, A. nosse. • kiuNNE-TiT GOODMAN, • Solicil,or for the Administrfaor. Oa) • SALE REGISTER. Tuasiasea Om. 0. -Farm stock, itu- plenient", etc.. the. property of W. H. Wood. lot 12, con. 4, Ushorne, (near Eflmville), Sale a1 one o'clock sharp. No reserve as the proprietor has rent- ed bis farm, and intends going to Lon- don to reside. H. Brown, Auct. O'T. 111TIL-Faran stock, implements, ete., the property of Thos. Wilson, lot 3, con. 1, Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock. JAS. Sr.vN1.TY, SATURDAY, OCT. 20T11.- Valuable farm, the property, of the late VS m. Miners, lot 0, con. 7, Ushorne. Sale at two o'clock on the premises. H. RnowlY, Auct. jA notice in this column is worth tbe price of bills. inserted free until day of sale, if bills are printed at TIMES OFFICE. TUESDAY. OCT. 10T11 -Farm stock and implements, the property of P. AlcDongall. lot 31 con. • 4, Ushorne. Salo at orna o'clock p: na Taos. ClAeiElION, A 'net. •••••••••••••••••... FALL FAIRS. Wingharn, Sept. 27 and 28. Seafortb, SL pt. 27 and Zurielt, Sept. 10 and St. Marys, October 2 and 3, Stratford, October 2 and 3. Myth, October 9 and 10. Kirkton, October 4 and 5. BORN KNOX-In Exeter en Sept. 30th, the wife of Geo. Knox, of a daughter. SCHROEDER-In Stephee, Oot. 2nd, 'wife of John Schroeder, of a daughter. BENEDICT-In Orediton East, on Sept. 27th, the wife of Arthur Benedict, of a daughter. SWEITZER-In Orediton East, on Sept. 28th, wife of Henry Sweitzor, of a son. BOMBARD -1u Exeter. on the 24th ult., the wife of Daniel Bembard, of a daughter, KERNICK-In the 4th con. of Usboiniea on the 2nd inet., the wife of Frank Kernick of a , doubter. DIED • PARSONS -In Chicago, en Sept. 113, Thomas Pareons, son of Jahn Parsons, Centralia, aged, 41 years, 0 monthq. ntsnaorsaw*,:: ASTRAY COW. Strayed from Exeter,on or about 1st Oct., a dark red milch cuw, with white spots an b ody and white star an forehead. A reward will be given for her Tecovery. W. MITCRELIi, Frost & Wood Agent, Exeter. EsTRAy. A yearlitig Fit,eW", dark roan color. Strayed from lot 6 C071. 10, Sten11811. about loth nay. Wise is Suffdent" At the 'Assize Court n London, ii Walter Herbert .pleaded "Guilty" to the charge of haying murdered Joseph Sifton, • The prisoner's pleading came as a great surprise to the Court. Gerald Siftoe, who is charged withallerbert with haying done the killing, had. just stood, up in the box, and pleaded "Not Guilty," and his trial had been tra- versed to the Spring Assizes, when Herbert. gavo bis startling answer to the usual question of the clerk, The question was repeated to him three times and he gave the same answer to each in a low trembling voice. The prisoner was then remanded for sentence. Herbert was Gerald Sifton's liked man, and the Orown alleges that Ger- ald secured the aid of Herbert to kill his father. When the police in Denmark find a man helplessly drunk in the streets, they drive the subject in a eab to the station, where be sobers I off. Then they tele him home. The Cahill/la makes his cbargee, the police doctor bis, the agents make their claim for special duty, and tbis bill is presented to the landlord of the establishment where the drunkard took his last glass that did .the business. No wonder that certain landlords protest saying that proofs are insufficient and that some alleged victims sham intoxica- tion to get into trouble landlords •.- elms/ they have a spite. EATING AND SLEEPING, w+ne-417—,..nre• Food supplies the substance for i:es pairing the wastes of the body. arid gives Strength. Sleep affords tbe op- portunity for these repairs to be made. Both are necessary to health. If you can't eat and sleep, take lioaa's Sarsa- parities It creates a good appetite and tones the digestive organs and it .But some- stubborn peopte wait ritztit down .$ick" be- fore trying to ward Wiliness or core ft. The wise reccw- age in the word "Hoods." assurance of heath. k'Str all blood, troubles, scrofula, pim- ples,. as well'es diseas.es of the kidneys, liver and bowels,Ifood'a Sarsaparilla is file effective eadfaultless eure. Saatele7adiarle44,11alined.r-ft"allUtattetetalleanifYrVy's. self and baay. It. purifies the blood and strengthens the oesteree" 1I1e. Ifteer WA.r.t., Mesa, Out; Strength 'Sunder MYselti Wife end children neva tame Hoods Sarsaparilla and It strengthened us. It relieved the 01 a Imam back," Dion) MeGeoatir„ caretaker. Colt Institute, Galt, Ont. Sa44 • MARKETS. Exeter, OCTOBER 3d, 1900. Wheat per bushel. o 64 Oats . .... .... .2a to 23 •Barley.,... -.... R A P 41 ...SO to 36 Peas Butter4 .o.A. / ,.J7 to 17 Eggs14 to 14, Tarkees ... 9 to 10 Geese ...a • DChtliee, ..• .• .ttoeoe 30 keeleerl. Weol..,-..... . '. 10t16 Dried Apel— '•.Pork dreeted-a • —...••7 $7.00 to 7.25 ...........eaesa Wheaener leashel,.. -..63 to 65 London, 001'013Elt Zrd, 1900, LONDON M.A...7.7,,. 34 Oittsto Pas.... to &8 Barley.- .... a - .-. -.38 to 4G Baeltwheat...-. to 47 Rye to, 05 t,o 47 Beams .. ... . 65 to 70 Butter.. -.14 to 14 Eggs -. ..... 15 to 10 Ducks ...I ,,,. 60 to 70 Turkeys per It .. 10 to is Geese pert. 9 to 10 Chickens.. _-5a to 75 Meese 8 to 10 Potatoes per bag ft • 50 to 75 H y to . .46,00' to $ 7.60 Perk tier cwt.- - 41.50 to a,5.00 ... To THE DEAF. -A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. NicholeonsArtificial Ear Druros bas sent £1,000 to bis Institute, so that deaf people linable to procure the Ear Drums May have them free. Ap- ply to Dept. A. S. 'V. the Institute. 'SO Eighth Avenue. New York,U. S. A. Honda Pills care liver Ills; the moreirritetIng any Only wethattie to take with nears eartamilla J. W. Elliott. Goderich township, bas decided to give up farming, for -a time at least, and has rented his farrn for it five-year terns to John Denby, an industrious young man who is at present employed by Thos Elliott, Lr.11111TLD giyes the sweet, restful sleep of child- hood. 13e sure to get Hood's. Biliousness is cored by Hood's Pills, Miss Maggie Thomson, youngest daughter of John Thomson, Seaforth, died ou Sept, 21, When you say your Wood is impure and appetite poor you are admitting your need of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Be- gin to take it at once. Miss Jessie Bell, of Avonbank. has been appointed teacber of 5. S. No. 5. Downie, about 4 miles from Str. Vont on the St, Marys road. liaVe no equal as a prompt and posi- tive cure for sick beadaebe,biliousnese, constipation, pain in the side, and all liver troubles'. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them, WhiLe assisting in the eavetroughing of .TeseplaUggins' new house, on the Oth concession of Turnberry, on Mon- day last, WM. Rutherford had the misfortune to fall from the scaffold, a distance of twenty -feet, and sustained some yery severe braises about the head. It is to be hoped nothing ser- ious will result from his fall. An early settler of nullett passed away on Monday last, in the person of Peter Brennan, at the age of 07 years. He was one of the first of Hullett's settlers, having emigrated from the the county of Sligo, Ireland, and re- sided in Toronto for a short while be- fore ha took up land ou lot 18, con. 5, in that township, where.he died. Children Cry for CASTOR1A. 4 REASONS WHY THE GREAT KIDNEY REM- EDY, DR. PICHER'S BAUKACHE KIDNEY TABLETS, GINE SUCH SPLENDID RESULTS. 1st. They act gently and can be used by children and delicate people without the harsh results that usually follow the use of all other kidney med- icines. 2nd. The immediate relief they give from Backeche, which is realized from almost the first dose, is a surprise to people who have tried package after package of other remedies without ac- complishing equal results. 3rd. Nearly all sufferers from kid- ney trouble of long duration,who have used otherilkidney anedicines,eomplain of their continued ase upsetting the stomach. Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kid- ney Tablets do not interfere with di- gestion, but assist it. 4th. Their perfect action on the bowels is a marked It ,ture peculiar to them and not known to any other medicine. Mrs. Lucy 'Harvey, 97 Trinity-st.,To- route, says; "Ever since childhood I have suffered more or less with the kidneys and backache. Every little cold aggro voted the trouble, until of late yen rs had a great deal of trouble being laid up at times. To stoop or lift, anything was nut of the question I tried everything 1 could think of,. or heard of, giving each a faithful trial, but until I got a bottle a f Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets I got no re- lief. They, however, made decided effect immediately, and strange to say, before the first bottle was gone the trouble that existed for years was un- der control,. and the second bottle set- tled it. Since then Have been in splendid shape, and shall always keep thein at band. nsed them in nay daughter's ease with equally good results, and I might say it was by no means an errlinary case, as she suffer- ed a great deal. • 'We certainly will never be without the Tablets, and I am glad to recommend them." Any reader of thispa.per can test the merits of Dr. Pitcher's. Backache Kid - lets free by enclosing two cents post- age for trial package to The Dr. Pit- cher 'Tablet Co., Toronto. Regular size, 50 cents. AST MA For Infants and. Children. Ao fail^ nformation t.S 1.1 if. ';vileroht,oirts will be re- wartled bvI ., lir PINN,'N, ensen 1'. 0. -ea '04'3 TO GET WELL ARE NEVER SIX% MISSFUL. HONEST CSE OF Paine's Celery Comp=c1 Will permanently -Banish Your Troubles, TIIE GREAT caNipouN GUARANTEE -3 A NEW LEASE OF LIFE. It. is pitiable toseethr half hearted and almost uselese attempts made by many people to get rid of pour health. More detormined efforts and greater energy would be put lot tb to achieve yictory in any other outlet taking. Too many are believers in 'fatalism'; others make nsr of alrooet anything that is ieeornmended by neighbors, while many are (wile satit.,fied if tem- porary relief is atforded. If Paine's Celery Compound 1,e used to cleanse the blood, to regulate and tone the nerves, to banish rheumatism neuralgia. headaches, kidney disease and dyspepsia, then be assored the good. work is fully and permanently accomplished. It is positively criminal and foolish for young or old to mope around in a half -sick condition and shut their eyes .. - to the grand blessings offered br Paine's Celery Compound, The world knows of no other medicine as good for fortifying and building up the sys- tem to battle against the trying and varying weather of autume. Go to your druggist at once and pro- cure a bottle of Paine's Celery Com- pound and see how soon the 'blues" will vanish ; your nervous depression, headache, backache, rheumatism and neuralgia will go., and permanent health, activity and happiness will be yours. Miss Blair. the efficient teacher of S. S. No. O. Goderieh township, bas re- signed,the resignation to take effect on November 17. John Shabrook of the base line,Stan- ley, received a telegram Monday even- ing from Melitit, Manitoba, informing bins of the death of his daughter. Mrs, Tilos. Stinson, of that place. The de- ceased was ionrried about a year i go in Dakota, but, with her husband has since lived in Manitoba, FOR OYRIt FIFTY 'YE.A.11$ .44.%1 Or,o isn Wsm-Trur.o neneny.--mrs. WinslowasSoothina Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children white teething. with perfect success It spotbes the child. softens tbe gumsallays al pean.eurea veiud colic. and Li the best resaedy for Diarrlaea. It 16 pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 2.1 conesa bettle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for MIN tisething Syrup Wed take no other kiwi. Furniture! Another large car just unloaded at R. N. Rowe's. liVe were fortunate in securing this large ear load before another advance in price, so it will be to your interest to buy from uswhere you can get first- class goods at REASONABLE PRICES. Undertaking Undertaking up-toelateiin ni 1 oranehe at the -old etore where everybody is made welceme, whether yeti buy or not. Children Cry for CASTORIA. w0s Buy the Best and ignore the Rest In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc. GET SCRUM iHL Pitherland !lines Co. LTD. We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line qf ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASIs. FURNITURE and you will • BUM, OTHER TIM E119 EITHER STANDING OR IN TRF LOGS, Apply to E. 0: Kessel, FOREMA.N, EXETER, ONT. T Begs to announce, to the people ofExeter and surround- • ing country that he has taken the stock of Harness, Boots & Shoes of Mr J. 'Treble, and will continue business in the same Staild. In order to clear out this STOOK OF Boots & Shoes •• WE OFFER, THEM AT and BELOW COST FORTHE NEXT 30 DAYS. • Harness in all lipes either in stock or Made to order. Repairing promptly and carefully attended to. , CALL AND INSPECT OUR GOn'; , find what you are' looking for S Cl*LEY SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKERS. Opera House Block. ABS I•4' TE ECU IT crsrsks, Little Lh-,-7_,T Must Bear t.Vignature of 0,e, ,,,,a...... _.....-.0.......„......,.... , See Fac•amile Wrapper Beim. I Vezy small and as euzy to take as.segar. F- • ' OR ROANE. CARTEit'S FOR DIZZINESS.. FOFI BILIOUSNE2SS. 1TTLE IVER FOR TORPID LIVER. PI U.S. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION •, cortrausminanstssrltAVICIATLIRE. 2rEgt, {Purely arc. . K.. E i 414,72. • J. Treble's. old tand. CURE. SICK ea.,,afreor4.eizawAtENNEMemmoom hat is aaaalea. 'otaaase0aeseies,N easterly, is for Infants •a,nd, Children. Castoria is harmless substitute for Caster Oil, Paregorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It •contains neither Opium* litIorphine nor other ISTarcetie substance, I Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty Tears' use by Milieus of illothers. eastoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish,. ness. Ca.storia eures Plarrhcea and Wind Ogle. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Vlauleucy. Co,storio, assimilates tbe Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels ofInfants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. Cast4"Casaneor eitorla ce leSrae for! "Casterla Waa adapted to etaitdrea an Oastoria. ee Mothers have repeatedly to:a Inc i that 7 revel:emend it as n -b7 11.-.1. any eta - of AO pea effect ;Ten tbeir childrea." Y4;:ripligal;32::5-c to eta" De.. O. C. Oaegeo, Zeeelfailfaer.1 attenae. M. D. Z4 THE FAO -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. TMC •mcr45R cQMPANY. TT MURRAY TltET. 0E44 nee aaaifealattereeerfee sees e • er Shoe for Bovs v, Ciat znc,t fecot 'aa'nn'. the result 7 - Wenrina" i:1•Ca7a;SI bb0C5 ia yeetb„ when etas:La-am tae lame -74»f ttae feet axe thrangh 1:1e glevelcring etnge. 1 4 Povs who wear "Sinter Sens" I • ; ;ever troaVeaiTh fvetilli5in afterlife. Jaz.: nac.,:e is eareful:y ran father's, same :edeal :material, same expert werktucu- elaiip, seme pufecte$1 nnehincry. "Littte (lents" " 5 to r2,1%; Ye IOW 73 t 21; fieye" 3 t ta; Prices :sale ani Ss.nu, SU:Int-eel ou the Goodyear ueItt:41 ..o• in a slate freme, E. J. SPACKMAN, SOLE : t.WAL SI:4E01AL LOT OF Walter Scott, a resident of Blyth for 20 years, died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Martha on Tuesday night. The old gentleman bad hem ailing for it long time. The Old Reliable Remedy for Diarrhea and Dysentery, Grand 11112 Mrs. Thos. Sherlock, Am- used El. prior, Ont., recently wrote; "My little girl, three years c age, was taken very bad with diarrhcea. and we thought we were going to lo -e Ler. when I remembered that my grendmether always used Dr. Fowler's Extacf rad Strawberry, and often said thatitsaved her life. I got a bottle and gave it to my child, and after the third dose elle began 10 get better and slept well that eight. She int - proved right along and was soon cam. pletely cured." SALT FIE A Severe case Permanently Cured by "I had Salt Rheum in my face and hands for three years and could not get anything to cure me till bused Burdock Blood Bitters, "On taping the first bottle 'there was a great change for the better and by the time the second bottle eves finished I was completely.cured and have bad no returo of the disease since. "1 have great faa th in B.B.B. as a etre for blood and skin diseases. r". Miss Maud Bruce, Shelburne, N.S. • , :14":f E S st Nice. FOR THE NEXT L' DAYS. • A good Assort meat ALSO HEAVY PANTINtiS AT COSI'. We want to clear these lines at once. W, 'rise re:01ov A Dressmakers Ditties MalMslftlan0.0111 Ara Such as to Cause Backache ....toessmuzse. A Toronto Dressmaker has Found a Positive Cure and. Gladly Tells About it. Those wile follow "— the ar,...'uous Deena pa tion of dress. o4, ertaking or sewing a.N.' have i aanblas of s their o . nin'tIvinngsewin g rro ,:'':::.3;11-(;,Nas •r - 11.1; s Oglf :at1:6e: y 4 teot requires a 1" ' many tb W01112.31 arc the thirigs -.3 that have made 1 -ao exclaim, "every time I take a scach with niy nereile it seems as though 1 am piercing ray own b c Bali" those who suffer from brickaohe, headache, pain in the aide or any derange- ment of the kidneys will be glad to know that there is a remedy that never fails even ' in the worst oases. It is Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs, P. Coyler, the well-known dress- maker, 224 Bathurst St., Toronto, Onn, gave the following statement of her seven. once with it "For some time I suffered a good deal from Week back, a tired feeling, and paine and aches in various parte of my body. Since I have used Doan's Kidney Pills the pains have left me, my back has gob stronger and thekidney troubles have been corrected. "Thattired, dull, drowsy feeling that nstedi to come on me has now gone, and I am happy to say 'have not felt so well in years as at present." Doan's kidney Pills euro backache, lame or weak back, Bright'a disease, clisheto, •dropsy, mist before the eyes: Iasi Of memory, theuntatiam, gravel and urinary troubles of young or old. The. Doan Kidaey Pill Ca., Toronto, On. , • .