HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-4, Page 2FA EWELL TO CANADIANS
Lord Roberts Says Their Conduct Will Never be
Forgotten by Country or Queen.
desetateh from Prectoria, sa
Gee. Roberta, be the presence of Lady
Roberts, and his daughters, inapected
OLT .eorapanies of the -Canadian regi-
ment, Who ,were or, their way twine
after a year's service In South' Africa.
Crumb; were preeent, and the men,
rem .are be excellent health, paakinga
epeendid amsearaece, the. scene waa a
brilliant one.
etfter the mereli paet, Gen. Roberts
eddreesed the trooes. eaid:-
"I eanieot allow ;you to depart with,
oat expressing, my thanke for ana
aanreciation a your loyal servicee and
exetelleat !work,. eheelaily ctt Paarde-
terg, on February :.71. I am sure the
peepla of Canada w ie pleaeed
hear how g011ently and bow
eeelendallp you have ail behaved, in
"Deeply 1 regret the losses roil
irAvei suffered, I eheuld have been
heppier if esou lead returued in your
full strength. The regiment berthed
lhe killed or mounded; but no one
could expect you, to pees through so
eaduotts a eampaigu wiehout lessee.
am sorry that same of you are
obliged to return sooner than the
rest o the regircteut, but I recogniza
the urgency ot private afar. I am
confidean+ taec the Queeei auel British
people will never forget your services.
If, it sb.ould ever be my good/ fortune
%1.K Cnnda 1 hope to nieet you
t ali aelaine*
+, After the troope had given ebeera
!for the Queea ;lad the Field, Marsbal,
the latter eleteele havis with the Calm-
Priges Of Caltte, neese, cftain, &e
ill the Leading Ilarkethe
aWorste, Oct. 2.---Followiteg were the
orices grain was selling at on the
street to -day :---Five hundred bushels
of white wileat at 031-2o to 680 Per
bushel, 700 bushels oS rot at 68 1-2o,
leer buebel, 5,000 bushele ot barley et
43 to 48 1-2o her bushel, e30 busbels A despatch, from Landon. Wednes-
heeee ae ess eo,. es ahe pee beehea day, says despatch to the Stan -
600 bushels 1 eats at from. 28 le2 to , dard trOM Shanghat says that Chinese
Sows aro a-catle 0 14o per lb, and,
shags 2e per lb,
For at and lighho
t gs the °abide
Price wee 5 1-2e Per lb.
Hoge be fetch- tho top price mazt
be of prime quality, and Ateale uat be -
ow 160 am.' above 200
War gainat the Powers to Bo
1190 jer busbel. Twenty loadof bar °Ificials there report that aerinee Tame
were sold at atom 411 to 13 per to. has issued a reoret edict in the name
Dreesed hogs sold tor from eh to a8.25. °1 the 7)°wager Enhu'ee-s'h inf'mlang
whet,„.hite. straigba,§0.68 1-2K69 tbeauthoritiee thicenegtout the Empire jler was absent with his troops at the
Wheat, red . . 0.00 0.681-2 that the oaurit hoe decided to ooatinue, time, be being engaged in making an
wheat. goose.; 0.68 1-3 the war against the powers at bat- attach on the railway. Col. Plumeri
Waeat, spring, „ 0.71 0.71 1-2 e.ver ccst. The ediot threatenthat made, a flank march 40th purpose 4
Oats. . . 0.26 lee 0,20 1 I
any offiwh
cial o does not support the 0o -operating with, Gen, Paget la the ,
043 048I 2
Over I0,000 Head of Stock Seized by
Generals Paget and Barton,
A despateh frcen Ptetoria, save -
Gen. Paget, he- making a forced
neareh of 26 mike east of Etarenean'e
kraal, captured the laager of Come
mandant Grobler, etazing 2,000 head
of clam and 5,000 sheep. Twenty
men who had been left in charge were
made Orisontre, Canneaandaut Grob-
fending the /eager,
Gen. Cunningham's brigade, oonsiste
beg of the Argyle Highlanders, the
Berk -shire Regiment, and tte Scottish
Borderers, has returned here from the
gash Since July 27 the brigade
roetrehed 700 miles.
When the British occupied, Koneati-
poort the Roees, who had been occuPY-
hag that place, bolted aeross the tron-
tier into Portuguese territory. Thor
blew up their guns and destroyed
their arras before evacuating the
• Barley. A • •
fare -Manchus will be beheaded as a trattor, event ot Cemenandant Grober 4e-1
0.00 0.54 his family deattoyede and the tombe
' Her. livr toe- e 11-00 18-00 of, his anoestors destroyed.
„than efficers and presented them one
eto Lads RoIerts
Bierglier$ GOntintle EO floek Into
hOreaZO Alaraues. ..apples, per bbl. . .. 00,0 1.t
A dearatch from Leaden sayee-a, Ameaht the aeirahe ottiet0h, whthh , ree .fi, ,,,lei.tarilbtlau:geru.taerrt.se.rs,:i... 574,:litog 4.9:11g"
despasch arom Lorenzo Margaee eeye; beads Ger.:army has demanded as the ' Bee4e;
"The Gorges -la ateaittehlp Herzog prli., ig peace negtelatione are the ' Siuttea. . .... . . 6.00 8.08
railiti for Eureve tteday. Her pas-fola w -mg. - l Lamb, epring, per lb. 0.03 0.09
/angers were clatef:y Hai tnders. Ger- , Priaze Th.311.&thlleir- Wai, Vircase. . . . ft,(10 9,00
man% and Beere. She carried a large appereat. e '
DAIRY atioxacs.
clu4litit$ of leer gold; Presideet .1:oho-Lea LI. n1er nt the, Beau/v.-A lot a poor and, medulla
Kruger remains at the Gevernmat : neraberte exterts. quaroy coneing in, and outside offer-
botere. 1 yra,aas,..0,1, eaegee-ereae oe same.; tuge.free. _Good stock,is ecaree and the German Atabaseador here, Count , tarampton, age,a gi,
here ese-they. They state that ail the Clattleg-Li, lieu -Tung, tutors
"Two leundre4 mere 11,0'9 arrived , avg. now 0 VW eruor of Shau-ei.
to ate, , the trale AS- fcarKs;-P.tiry„ tubs a eel '
rt*IalY• haylmlutst1441 4=("13es 5°1 to ; vote Hatzfeldt-Wildeabarg, dur.Mg as, 1 ata, R. J. 0. Bewson, fermerly
e long interview this afterneen.
gteue which tua left at Koraetiveort heir-am:harem. tc,,,th reported to tavo vatit,,,, ohowe‘ 18 th 1,0; huh secoul onlv a fair artiolaia ara cognizant i EPonsztrama.ter of Loudon, Ont., died in
wO re irreparetry demegva er buried. herthhh4esi *le'-eides- ; quillihYs et 14 to 16t'; tia-74XY Priuuh or what Lord Salisbury said to Count -
lehe teerojeeee, whe are sti.rd ;n the ' TerteeFulieSeeng, general ot the ' 19 I.° - ' " - : 3' , - ' 0,014 Hatafeldt-Wildenburg in raoard ! The weelow of Gen. Grant, late pre -
e0 e • ore s meg T horee 21 1 -
fie:a have eteteegh acturnaltiou. te last R4uu tr;x:P$. i tQ :',:',0 ; 4 ni p,ounds. ''‘'..1 te 211e. ,.., to the latest development in the Chin- hag Montreal
sideut ot tbe Melted tate, is vieit-
to the etel oh the year, end they are It:hag-17h Che Re:Om-ogee. special ; Cbecee-Full are:emery, July
,,1‘ e„,„,„, T„..e e a ne at e "1'4 ese question. Official circles here
dog,: raiaed tee eeseel tra it oives eta, Imp:hail venom:sere:a-1re area+ orted fl -'.e" . '''-*--'4.." ---'--- --- 1 I-4 tu " inclitne4 1.0 believe that hisLord- 1 Henry Gilbert, aged 3.3. fell off a
lde. i
Periuo,ueve thee: Mrich, ie at bit wit'a L'',e1E'euelieleS, +a oourt favourilkt DRY.Sci) 11°Vrb . - - . 6tead' ut d°'4"g " he ed
elinuat. ex- tIl° 1141144ln $treet 114111waS Rul"
' a.ND PitOVISIONS ' to bis death rear
"Gaverneg-0, uerel elaeleado, of feet:To:Oh), on the 'Bauer movement. --- l ship would agree wttb Germany. Itt- 11 l' a el! ‘p eV al Ye X' ,, br Ontl41g ' a .
=AI as tQ Le.r.e vor-ate for t be Fen- 'retie raised triages in the couatr,y 1 Ili,,ther markat, gaol demand, and "actly tile terms in which Washington's
ie s nd stare refugee, from the roond Whin to aet agaitese the Lego,- t storis LIA*t. Long clear bacon la up refusal.was Coached. :tett thie, aald a PaiZeeeseitotianieuanfeelleaeare.voted *25 to °el
--th-;--Ate-s-aciaietl.--Praessx,ePre"lasaelnliatitteiverooLi . Four a the convicted Yankee pick-
Teerescaal." , thole. A aetorieue leeeer adhethee, ; to 10e, ant deelers will sell nothho3
. biah official to
sarpriaing, considering that the NN'attli- Peyeacikr:,thitowDerriesoenamebontlirtencel t°1°114.
Instinct officials hed not the slightest ri
inkling a what England's attitude ed , ftv Invalided soldiers who Tertitrn-
WOUld be." on the stearaar Dominion were,
PO* •als
Of OiliebtS MUSt be
Straw. teer ton.' 0.00 11.00
Dreseesi Wes. , $110 8.e5
Butter; la lb- rolle, 04.'0 0.25
Egos, new , 0.15 0.16
• Chiehens,„ per pair. • 0.59 .0.70
Turiteee, Lktr Ile. , • 0.11 0.13
Dachas; each. . 0.00 0.75
Potatoes, easr bag. 0.83 0,85
A. despatch to the 1)aily New e from
Pekin, 033-S it is persistently ain
tabled that the Einperor bee left the
Dowager Partpeees, and LS now at Tata
hung, 150 milte west or Pekin.
rE -I ib.i..3.31;_sassoanresvu,liut jaamfinjaugreLdesoin5 f:lecatre:
ili H4 JJ}
1, 1 The young nem is thought to be 1
Newsy Items About Ourselves and
Our Isleighbors-$omething of
Interest From Every Quar-
ter of the Globe.
Deelittee to Agree to the Ter $
dee;fie'ZiellferoUneePhenr:t1X7ay. st-The Coat le $9 itC-AtaNetArtAH' atailtore
tilsh Peeettier'a decielon to refuse , peels. hat,, will hese au ei8,000
to agree te the terms of the German pest °thee.
note was communicated verbally to Robert Smith, ex -hr. P., is dead at
DAM•tty'S e04011:al$ t2nd Delisleee " There era others.
new force are co-operaeing with the:Dee reperts that, one or the other
'kw to resinding up General De Wet, has coramtlted. euicide or been Wiled
who ie reverted to be nouth-west of in battle need be taken withsuspieion.
Kepjes loathe), with 000 men and It is a eenerartuble Chinese Way of
'three guns. self-effacement ;n limos a stri-se to
Refugees froth leeeliefstronra /state circulate these reports iu the 3ure and
+teat ;et, Deere are basey equipped so COldidCrit antielliaiiCill of being once
t.cr as ammenition is concerned. mere able to reappear serenely in hap-
pier times, But a this the allies are
AlI the Big Cannon of the Boers
A despatch from, London, astral -
Blown Up.
The War Offiee hae receiver the fol. ,
lowing leapatch from Lord Roberts,
elated Pretoria, Sept. 24; -
"Pole -Carew reports that he found
wt Komatipeart one Long Toro, 98 -
Powder, and one Creusot, which had
been deetroyed, 800 .rifles, BO boxes of
email arm ammunitIon, 40 Long Tom
Eiwils, eta.
"Barton bas captured 720 trek ox-
en, 950 cattle, and 1,000 sheep."
A despatc.la from Cape Town says -
4. large number of guns, mostly dam-
aged, have been. found along the °ro-
e/el:le river neer Heetorspruit.
Preetacally the whole of the Repub-i
Bean railway stocks have been cap-
tured on the Selate line. There are
etleht miles of vehicles, the majority
being in good condition.
British Troops at Komatipoort Not
Shoat of Rations.
A. despatch from London, says :-In
telegram) to the Mar Office, Lord
Roberts says: -"Ian Hamilton's col-
umn arrived at Komatipoort to -day.
Pole -Carew states that they are get-
ting ainple supplies through! our Con-
sul at Lorenzo Marques. The Portu-
guese officials are very civil and oblig-
"Seventeen officers and 19 men of
the Canadian Regiment started this
morning on their way to Canada."
Cannot Leave Pretoria to Join Her
A despatch from Loudon, says; -A
despatch frtnn Pretoria says that, in
the opinion of her physician, Mrs.
Kruger Is too feeble to travel to
Lorenzo Marques to join Jeer husband.
She will be /obliged to remain in
Lord Roberts Forbids Their Sale prices quotea for smoked meats.
In South Africa. Lard -Tierces, 9 3-4o; talia, 100; pails,
A despaich froraftCape 'Town says ;- 1-4e.
A font ago the Cope Tiraea thew
attentlan to the scanaals arising out
of tile sale of army horses con-
demned as unfit for furthe.r service
In the field. Once out of the con-
trol of tbe iservice officers the liege
were bougbt for a mere song by,
hawkers, crammed into trucks, hur-
hinder pr.ee. Lard, too, Is up,
I, and very firm. Dre.03,,d hogs falser,
and sell at Si to $9.2-a ewt,
farinere wagone.
5 Quotatione for provisions :tra
followei-Dry salted shoulders, Poi
!ewe clear bacon, oar lois, 100; ton
lots, 10e; easc. lots, lee; short cut
pork. Mitt to *20; iheavy zness,.17.50
eenokA meats -Hams, heavy, 1243; Russ.ans. of Holland Landing was drowned by
5,000 Chinese Put to Fiight By
raedium, 13e; light, 18 1-2o; break- At deeea o from . or G's
fast b.toon, 1244 to 13e; Pionic hams, Bays ;-The'War Office announces (.bat The Canadian Goverument steamer
eue; eau hkeou, anuaze,a backs, lea Sacharoff, the chid of the Rus- 'Newfield is on die rooks in the Bay
All nIclatd Ottt Ot /KAU lo less than sian general staff, captured Chu -Lan- of Fundy, and will go to pieces.
Chen, near the Sungari river, leeptem-1 A now railway c,orapany has been
ber 12 putting to flight 5,000 Cbinese. organized to build a line from the
It is said the The/miens sustained no Megnetawan river to Bark's Falls.
els sualties. 1 Howard Kelley, aged 14, had his
The Sungari river, of Mancburia, ' ankle bone almost severed by a
rises near the frontier of Corea, flows ettlar saw at Newmarket.
earth! and north-east and joins the Advani, the Hindoo Prince, charged
improNed. Choice fresh sold at 14 to -
Potatoes -Plenty homing in. Dealers
oree. • tences, will 1)0 tried at Ottawa.
with obtaining goods on false pre -
meta or Shanglutlin river, 185 miles
15c; eeconds at tit* 100, south-west/ of the influx of the Ooso-
welcomed at Quebec.
Policeman Carapaigu was struck by
street ear at Hamilton. lie bad a
narrow escape frora death.
A little daughter of Mr. E. Gra
to 0-18.
t St P t sbur
falling into a tub of water.
Eggs -Receipts dropping off alit-
tle, but the quality of arrivals is much
and inhuman treatment on the road, at 40 to 45e per bag. ggson, Ch C., of Ottawa, is valued at
The estate of the late Alex. Ver -
are haying ear Jots, on track here, at
ried to Caps Town, enduring careless 80 to 33e per bag; and sell, outof store,
• and then resold. It Utt3 the inten- Field produce, etc. -Active market. JAPANESE WEDDING STAMPS. I, charities.
Will,000. There are many bequests to
tam of the transport officers that Turnips sell, out of store, at 2te teak The TIOW stamps issued in japan President Shaughnessy, of the C.
the animals shoul I be nursed and fed per bah onions sell, opt a. store, lc commemoration of the wedding of tbe P, R. Ift Montreal to -day on his an -
back to health, but insteaa of; this a paetrzlobi: taoppalies. per bbl, sell, out of etore, crown prince are now reaching this meal tour of inspection through to the
• • N stook beino offered country. The principal decoration of Pacific most.
these stamps needs a Japanese ex- ; explosioa of gas started ablaze
system of gross cruelty sprang into
existence, so that the dealers might
On learning the facts stated by
tbe Cape Times, Lord Roberts has is-
sued an order forbidding the sale of
army horses in any part of the col-
onies. For this' kindly deed he has
received the gratitude of all humani-
How the Boers Secured Their Mar-
tini -Henri Rifles.
+A despatch firout Pretoria says
Many of the Boers, it is known, were
armed with Martini -Henri rifles. It
is quite possible that they have been
armed far some time with this weap-
on, but, at the sarae time, information
has eome to hand Isom trustworthy
sources that on the evacuation of-
Zeeru.st, on August 8 a large num-
bee of Martini -Henri rifles and am-
munition were, owing to carelessness
on the part of the commissioner& or
whibever was responsible for them, left
behind in the Landdrost's office,
where they bad been stared.
Missionaries Are Threatened With*
Attack. e
'A despatch from Paris saye:-The
Temps this evening publisheee
spate)), from Sbanghal which says the
misisionaries in Chi -Li are threatened.
Ireu.ropears troops lowing been tient
/against teae Boxers, Prince Ching, it
is aeseeted heti proteeted that the
Yemen alone Is qualified to carry out
their earterminatian, ordered by it.
Only Eight Members Oppose the
Second Reading.
A despatch fee= Cape Town says:
-The Mreasboa bill passed on its sec-
ond reading by the Legislative Coun-
cil to -day, by a vote of 13 to 8.
_1400T RDF THEM.
1-Amer1ean Mercenaries Put On
a Portuguese Transport.
,a despatch from Loren'eo Marques,
says: -The Irish -Americans lately
serving with the Beers have been re-
moved. fom thei,r barracks to the
Portuguese (transport Indlana, to pre-
vent) disturbances in the tcrwn.
Chome hand-picked beans are quoted planation before it can be oompre- which nearly caused the es r
at §1.55 to $1.60 for old stock. hended, and even then a great deal of the Standard Onemioal floes plant
Honey -Dealers quote. from Oto 10e has to be taken on faith, since to at Deseronto.
per, lb. for 5,10, or 60 lb. tins. Comb na'ost people the legend surrounding. E. B. Eddy., Heal, has been elected
honey seils at $2 to $2,1,-25 per dozen the design looks like so much cord- an honorary member of the Ottawa
sections. wood. picklayers' and Mason& 'Union. In
9;.75 to $10; table spread with Quebec will give a public welcome
ear lots, on track here, $ paper, the place
Baled hay -Steady. No. 1 timothy, In the oval frame is pictured a low hie early days he was a bricklayer.
two -ton lots, delivered, sell at §10.50. where all Japanese marriages are sole ' to Rev. Father O'Leary when the Ho -
,Baled straw -Car lots of good oat eized. The table is decorated ,
are quoted at $ bamboo stalks and plum twigs zanntlinCoaetnitto,lircecthurapnlsaifnromtothtehferonfitr.st
5 to $5.50, on track. with
Hops -News 11,00 crop is now quoted 'and blossoms, and at each eorner Miss Griffon of Dundas was shot and
at 13 to 15c. Old sell at 13 to 14c1for rises a epray of pine. The pine and killed by an unknown an, who drove
Canada, '99's, fax choice. the bamboo being evergreens repre- up from behind as she was riding in a
Toronto, Oct. 2. -The receipts of live sent that in which there is neither buggy with Geo. A. Pearson at Water -
sleek at the Western cattle mar- variability nor shadow of turning; the down.
ket this morning was only 40 carloads, olum on the other hand stands for ' The new Quebec line of the Can -
including between 1,100 and 1,200 sheep
and ;lambs, 803 hogs, nearly 500 cattle,
and a few mach; cows and calves.
The marker was as duel and un -
as any one, we have had this
There is practically no movement
in export cattle; prices are nominal-
ly unchanged.
Except for the best butcher cat-
tle there is little movement, and. we
have scarcely any stuff that is more
than medium caraing in. Good to
prime butt/ober oattle sells at from 3
3-4 to 4 3-8c per Lb; extra r,hoice may
fetch 41-2o.
Prices for ordinary eattle are un-
steady, with a decided downward
.Feeders ,and stockers are in fair de -
mend at steady prices, tockers if
anything were inclined' toliell a shade
Export bulls were rather .easy to-
day at from 3 1-4( to 4 1-4c per lb.
Good reticle cows are wanted op to
about po mph.
Sheep and lambs are not 'quotably
changed, (but lambs are a shade more
easy 'on large eueePlies.
Hogs are steady and unchanged at
the prices quoted below.
The prime hogs are. selling at 6 1-4c
that which buds, blossoms and'fruits ada. Atlantic will be opened early in
for the good of man- The decorations October with the shipment of 100,000
of the paper table cover are the bushels of corn from Chicago to
crane and the tortoise; of these the Europe.
bird is symbolic of 1,000 years and i The biddy of the man found hanged
the turtle of 10,000 years. Here sit 'at Clearwater, Man., has been identi-
the bride and bridegroom and pass feed as that of Augast Johnston, a
each other cups of saki to the num-ifarreer residing near Grafton, North
bei of nine, and so they are mar Dakota
ried, for the nine drinks together 1 Operator DP ggan adinits that Sat -
symbolize the perfect Japanese mar- urday's wreck on the & N. By,
riage. near Victoria, R. C., in egbich four
Tiais in Japan is the emblem oi persons were killed, was due to his
wedlock, and for that reason it has carelessness.
been reproduced in the commemora-
tive stamp issued on the wedding of.
the crown. prince. At just sach a
table., sat he and his bride, and the
stalks of bamboo and sprays of pine"
and the blooms of the plum all joined
in wishing them both all heatlh,
weaitli and happiness without chang-
ing; and tke crane and the turtle fix-
ed a sort of generous 'time linait to all
the good wislaes by suggesting that it
might possibly eom,e to an end five
or ten thousand years hence.
That is the way the Japanese set
forth the, meaning of the picture on
the new stamp and for confirnaation
they point to the legend, which they
stoutly' avee is a statement of the
name of the prince and the princess
and the date when they sipped the
nine eups of saki.
The steamer Aleidea, which refuse
to stop at Grosse Isle quarantine, was
met by the Montreal Health, Commit.'
tee down the river, when it was learn -
d that the vessel had called at .syd-
y, CB., and got a clean bill of health.
Oddegarde vs. The Toronto General
Trieste Company, an aetion by the pa -
nate oS two eseaug men who died in
the Yukon district to reeosrer 439,000
has been deeided in favor of the plain-
tiffs at the Ottawa Assizes.
English contributions for Galveston
sufferers reached 410.00 on Monday.
Two additional eases of huhouto
Plague have been reported in Galsgow.
Glasgow bad another death from
plague yesterday, total 21 deaths and
110 cases.
Bullion taken into the Bank of
England on balance yesterday am -
minted to 765,000.
Mr, George J. Gosehen„ First Lord
of the Admiralty and member of the
House of Commons for St. Geergo'e,
Hammer square, London, announces
that he will not eeek re-election to
Syracuse, N.Y., has a young man
who is doing housework for a living.
The Pennsylvania irou workers'
strike against a reduction of wages,
has failed.
3. F. McDonald, of Now York, will
build a railroad 1 Eucador on a
e25,000,000 contraot.
The Chicago Tribune says prices of
flour aro climbing higher with an ad-
vancing wheat market.
Vice -President Candidate Roose-
velt was greeted with "cheers for
Bryan," at Butte, Mont.
Foote, the junior member of Hatch
& Foote, the New York brokers, who
failed for V2,000,000, leas become in-
It is estimated that there are 1,000
bodies yet to be taken out of the
ruins which marrow:id the city of Gal-
R. G. Dun, ot Commercial ageney
fame, is ill at bis summer home near
Narragansett Pier, R.L, He has a
complication of disorders.
Terrible havoc was wrought at
Nome, Alaska, by the recent storm.
Many !buildings were entirely swept
away. Three men were drowned.
Bryan was cheered by 5,000 men re-
turning from work in the Kansas
City packing houses with empty din-
ner pails, He spoke on the "full din-
ner pails." ,
Quechee village, Vermont , had a
typical western hold-up recently
ending in a battle between the de,s-
peradoea and tie:6 sheriff's posse, with,
victory fax the latter.
The London Lord's Day case against
three street car e,rnployes who repaired
,swiicial points on Sunday night has
failed, the Police Magistrate agree-
ing, with: them that it was a work
of necessity.
Mr. 0. 3. Brown, assistant teacher
be the Hanailton Collegiate Institute,
resigned after nineteen years and a
half of service, and was presented
With a gold chain and locket by the
Board of Education.
Mr. John Patterson of FIemilton
announces that a company control-
led by him is about to erect 3011 coke
ovens just east of the city, and will
supply tar and gas at much cheaper
rates than charged at present.
Jeremiala Hosleins of London,
Ont., is lying at Victoria. Hospital in
a serious condition with a fractured
qp1.R4 WAYS ;or WOOING' NLERi)...
ratters Sena the AIWA or rer$1a Into the
lie,atoto of Drov oY neepliens.
"Sleep, 0 gentle sleep, he(w bevel
frighted thee?" asks the ,,,distracted
king in Shakespeare's play 01 "Heary
IV," and it is a question which thou-
sands of weary reartala both before
mad after sovereign's time bave been
In the, habit of framing, though ne
answer has been forthcoming. That
several ingeolous pampas have, army -
ever solved the problem of inducing
sleep the following peculiar methods
pounterozting insomnia will, taear.
ly demonstrate; -
Elis Imperial Majesty the Shah at
Persia was a neartyr tQ basomula fees
a long time until, in a balmy moreent
of inspiration, one of the mart play.
sicians hit upon the extraordinary
notion of reatiug the autoorat on
the arms/ aral beck until sleep weighed
down, bis eyelids. So admirable wag
this specific found to be that
immediately adopted by th
and it Is atated that tha suit
ecomieauled Iiint to Europe "
d, anew, other fuuctionari
"patter," whole, eole seceupe
Wok the feriae ofehelping to send their
Inaater into the realine of the draway
At the Paris Exhibitiou there we*
abown the model et a cave °ace ea-
eupied by a fatuous Greek be
who was in the habit of being se
to sleep by the dropping of pleeeS
gold from the roof of the cave o
carpet beneath. The gold theS'
ped represeuted soma et the booty
that be had aeqt4red from passing
travellers, and so dear had the sound
of ccan become to him that nothing
bur its ehink arm the grouncilFiould
soothe his eyelids to :sleep. Of all
queer method.% ot inducing drowsia
um, the forege:ug would eer
seem to be the gee:rest.
A. gentleman who resaled
years in the town tot
unable to drop
haira, dozen
der his pi!
, perfume of
a. certain degree 01 1WsiUes8.
Somewhat aimilar to the device ot
this worthy was the plan of a Feria
elan merchant while Platy remedy In
sleevleeeeees wish the insertion tented
his pillow ot a sachet of laventie
the smell of which, he declared, woul
send bim to eleep 1 len than Civ
In some Oriental elimee the natives
who find themselves unable to aloes,
by natural means prevailed upon their
Wends to administer to them very
Sound floggings with bamboo can.
The pain thus sustained is supposed
by the. natives in question to induce
a sensation of drowsiness, follow°
by sleep. All the same, there are few
insomnia patients in this country
who would resort to so drastic) a
measure for curing their complaint.
Very peculiar was the tollowing-
A middle aged engineer who bad lived
for many years close to the beaeh of a
seaside town had grown so accustomed
to the lullaby of the waves that
when business took hiut to Mai:whet-
ter, where he was thenceforwazd
corapellecl to live, he fomad that the
absence of the sea murmurs robbed
him of sleep. , He therefore fitted up
in his bedchamber an apparatus
which was so constructed. that the
sound of the waves as they broke up-
on the shore was most cleverly imi-
tated. Aided by this fictitious ap-
pliance the engineer was enabled to
sleep perfectly, and the apparatus
continued in constant use uatil the
day of his death, some years later.
The, color of the wall papers and
hangings, of rooms affects the temper
and disposition of these who live in
them to a fax greater 'degree than
most (people imagine. Light and
cheerful eolors may not be the most
economical as far as wear goes, but
they are invaluable aids from a health
point of view. Gray or greenish tawn
or. brown tones, wblen they predomin-
ate, are depressing to live with, al-
though they may be 000l looking and
refreshing for a short time. So, too,
are dull hangings, such as browns and
dark purples, which simply irritate by
their hopeless dreariness and dull-
ness. There is an old rose or crushed
sthawberry eoger, too, which gets
simply exasperating after one has
seen it frequently. Landlords con-
sider it a good wearing color, and
think, that it shows advanced taste,
but after a little it simply gets on
one's nerves, and the sufferer does not
know what ails her. Fox. real cheer-
fulness there is no color like a warm
yellow for a room, while sage green or
pink--ro.se pink, of course -also make
charraing interiors. People who are
sensitive to color effects feel excessive-
ly- unhappy in rooms papered in dis-
tractin eolors. Thus a friend of the
writer when staying at a strange
house was put in a room papered with
green and white. The green waspale
emerald,„ and very pretty, but it was
antagonistic,, and the lady's visit was
quite spoiled; so unpleasantly was she
affected' by the color.
A successful wash for soiled kid: -
gloves of the more delicate shades, at
well as white, will be owned by many
housewives as one of the greatest
blessings of the day. Many of the
cleaners will say thet light gray or
pale lavender kids cannot be clee.ned
euteasefully, but they are wrong. Go
to any drug stoee, and ask for a elean-
ing fluid made as follows :--4Deodariz-
ed benzine, two pints; sulphuric ether,
one drachma chloroform, one drachm;
alcohol, two drachms.
Open the windows wide, and h
no fire and no light in the roorh*n
doing the °loaning. Select a .
earthen bowl, and pone in enough of,
the fluid .to well cover the pair of
gloves. Wash the gloves just as you
would a cloth or a piece of lace. Rub
the fingers together uaatil the seams
are entirely "clean. Use one gloye 10
rub the other with. When they seem
to be clean, squeeze out and dry them
with a towel sufficiently to put on
, the hand. Ti a spat shows anywhere,
' wet it again with the fluid and rub
the kid gently with the eawela
1 If you have. plenty of the tvaShin
fluid and are desirous of having the
gloves look ju.st like now, rinse them
! before trying thein oai in a clean
wash. When sheared that they are
clean, pull them off carefully b
loosening the fingers at the ti
Hang them up to dry in the open
"air. In half an hour all disagice-
. able odor will leave disappeared. One
+ quart of this cleansing fluid will not
I oost over forty. cents, and It ought
Ito clean odic Ticeo gloves.