HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-4, Page 1r rWENTY:.EIGHTPI YEAR NO. 7, if rO& M1DDL ESEX A T T E EXETER ,ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER 4th, 1900• ll.BiSIiO &SON 2 BJO BARGAINS rties' Cashmere Hose, Seamless and =spliced,' pili go at en's Wool -Undershirts s`l.]iC1i drawers, so, Tabec cutis, shirt and ankles, all Beginning Saturday next for one week w 19C will offer two lines at an exceptionally low price. This is an exceptional opportunity of i? T securing seasonable goods at a moneysaving 25c price. rdware 6O Famous ° rove Awarded Cold Medal at the Paris Ex es t`... Sets our display o#' filo goasl•ni lit* as 3 ' ll. when destruction bre* c ius,erg of buret, a doubt the most economical base burlier in Canada. It cost $8000 to produce original pattern. of this stove. Farquhar , EXETER. ONT. x tLate with McCarthy, Oster & Co„ Toren - to, narrester, Conveyancer, Notary- metier to bail. Offices tormerlyereueied by Collins es eta bury over t 'Neili mute. No'rJ s, -Fred Hackney returned to Detroit on Saturday to complete his fourth year in medicine.- Ile was ac. comp ,flied by .Alex. McLaren who has gone to study law. George hackney also returned to Toronto Vniversity to complete his fourth year in arts. These are all smart young nen andu are bound to succeed wherever they ge.-Jchn Elgin Tom, l', I . S., was in fire ,Mighborhood this week in his official capacity. --fir. and Mfrs. D. M,tclvicol spent the latter hart of last week visiting relatives in Stratford. Varna BRIE .--Win McAllister has ri turned frown Manitoba.--.Rnbt. McCan- nen who has been spending his vaca- tion with his brother, Alex., •rettartied to Iris mother's home in Becton on Saturday and will resume his studies in Philadelphia, shortly. -Tom Rath - veil, of Holyrocal. las purchased the rm of Bot. Boyce, 2n4 concession, anley, for the sum of $5,3ti0. This is one Oaf the hese farms in this town- ship. Mr. Rat1iwelltaikes possession in the spring. We understand that Ur. Boyce intends purchasing land down near London. --Tutus. Ward received word last week that his son, M;rnnie, wars iu the hospital at the Soo with an attock of fever. Chris Ward is also under the Dr.'s care with inflanuna.- lon of the bowels. AND COOKINO STOVES 0110'whieh will be found. o Modol l.Es " pp- Favorably known all,"" over Canada for 17' years. With all its new featr . ures for this' t- it is a , iii y.," KAGliner GOFL or WOOD GOOK :ZeClary's newest stove. Burps wood or coal equally as will. Beautifully finished, GURNEY'S 6ELEBRATED STOVES ,THE8ouvaNqR00k. One of the best features of this stovea 1b the. aerated oven, which prevents burning ng encallows admission of fresh air and drives ilIIItIeS arising from cooking out, also a greatmany sew features for this year. Mo': PO .MO LI S Stoves CROWN TREASURE Coal heater This stove is an entirely new creation for 1900, and combines all the new- feat have been found necessary to make this class of stove, the mostowerful lightest coal eater. With large oven if desired. p heater NEW FLORIDA Wood heater A fine large heavy stove with newest improvements. Oven throroughly ventilated and made of Superior GOLD ROLLED SHEET STE LL. 'The New Florida is economical on fuel, Moderate in price and a SPLENDID BAKER: .EVE R1( STOVE es which and the GUARANTEED TO BE ALL THAT 111E CLAIM IT E3-18HOP . V. P. S.—A large number oi'good second hand cooks, heating stoves on hand. ON THE STORE la HAS ON DISPLAY New Fall Dress Goods,. New " O;p x e •a ,. l Aan1 'els, ea Silks, TRIum.INGrs, (Sze. lbw Fadt' 'SOC. Jackets and C pas =ALSO A COMPLETE RANGE OF ;Gents' Si FIirOISh11igS and Clothing. loons RIGHT. PR WES RIGHT ,.I'RODITC.J TAKEN IN:O CCIIAN(D, storm OS& co. HENSAL1 ,1 GOPERICH ` Grand Bend 'friends, The bereaved family baste the deepest sympathyof the entire BRILFs,-Mrs. C. q bbs has return., comunity. ed to her residence here after spending • - a week h friends Hamilton's new houseis now jcomplet- ed a and the family have moved in. _> The. house is a very comfortable one 'also making a Handsome home. -Mise Ida McClellandaccompanied by her bro- ther, of'Porter`s Hill, visited Mrs. W. Patterson here for a few days. - Mr. Tom, the school inspector, visited our ,school on Wednesday' last. -Miss' Rus- sell, of London, is at present visiting friends here. --Rev.. Mr. Baird moved to' bis home at Corbett'after spending the summer.. at his summer' residence here. -IL Bossenberry has secured a mate for his black horse and wilt now have' . good matched team.=Mrs. H. Smith and Mrs. Wilson are home. again after a week's visit with their brother in Paisley,=N, M. Confine was around last week looking for car- penters to work on the big building at St. Josepb, which they intend finish- ing this ... g fall if possible. P 'lie offered,. as s high as two .anda half dollars adaffy,- Mrs. Geo. Slierritt is at present attend- ing her sister, MYirs. Richard Robinstbn of Exeter. who isvery sick. -It is our sad duty to recordthe death of Mrs. Peter Iiaggirtli, who passed peacefully away on Tuesday, Sept. 2a, after a lin- gering illness Of typhoid fever, at her home in Oii Springs, The' body cvas brought ito g the h . eerie of h er. parents, where the funeral took place on the fol- lowing l:'hurcda;y followed by a large number, of syipathisers. Mrs. Hag- girth lived here most of her Iifeenbere she made many nrarnt and 'lasting, Crediton " BRIEFS.- Court of Revision was held in our town halt on Monday fore- noon and Council' met in afternoon. The our would be M. P.'s. canvassed Russekialo. . 'tilrs, dames eourl'y. of Aetroit, who boa been visiting friends neighborhood, for a few weeks Fred to her home on Saturday. --- Tiles anima Thanksgiving of the c,'. O.F. was held in their hall on Sunday Service was conducted by Rei. . Hicks, of Fullerton cireurit,.-Miss Mary Haart, of Jamestown, N. Y., is hoarse .for a few weeks visiting her parents, Air. and Mrs. John Hart . - - Miss Lila Cole who b't ; been bowel a few months retulrned. on Saturdayy to xe:rune her studies on elocution. John will be lonesome. "Brace tipit 3' for a short, time.. -V " ill Robinson is in the Stratford hospital down with typhoid fever, last heard. front is doing welt. The O. O. ('. F. Council here is booming, last Monday evening theft were ticandidates initiat- ed and 2 More for Thursday ,,evening, an front the good done by Friend 5. In j 4 Barnes. St. Marys Bir. --;11r, Pridharn hots accepted the nomination to carry the Conserva- tive banner at. the Coming general elections, Many will taeeased to learn this, as lir. P'ridham All certain- ly make a.goodrui. Mr. Erb is bound to s defeat. t. Exeter Muniolpal Council. Council met at call of Reeve at Town Hall, Sept,: 24th. All present :Minutes of previous :meeting read and confirmed. Levett-Evans--That the clerk asle for tenders for drain on William street. Tenders received up to 7 o'clock p. rl1. Friday, Sept. 29th. Carried. Muir--Armstrong-That council i- ir n tto l Friday,Sept. 2Sth,at S o'clock. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment Sept. 28th. All present.. Tenders were received for drain aand on emotion of J. Evans, seconded. by W. H. Levett, the matter was laid over to next meeting. A petition signed by Carling Bros. and 206 other a rate li, vers of the villa n ling the council to grant the sura of one hundred dollars for improving the Exetereeilltter'y, was presented to the Council. Arnistron€-Levctt--That the sour of one hundred dollars be granted, provided the CemeteryBoard raise the further sura of four hundred dollars.. --- Carried. Areaatrong---Lovett.... That the fol- lowing accounts be passed and orders drawn on treastrrrer for saauae:-a'aalter S'4" esteott, labor, $7.05; Thos. fartnall. des, 7,:37 ; d. 'V. Creech. der, $7.87 ; Alf. Sheave. do, Slat ; Goor3 ' Atkin- son, do, $1.50< -Carried, Evans -Muir -Adjourned to Pride.), ;ath Oet. G:eu. 1.1. Bis—.Err, Clerk. ..m 1zXETER Plll31.10 SCHOOL,,. The following is the report of the Exeter Parbl(CSrhool for the month of Sept. Only those pupils who have taken 70' or over on all examinations oaftthe uaoiith are included in report. nts are requested to see that pupils attend regularly ,and do a fair' amount of Hoarse work in order to keep heir class standing, Total No. on oll 375, ay.'att, 207. IiONOR Roza.. Rom I .►.xis IL -Class A, Russell Frayne ; Class 13, Evelyn Gill, Ruby Treble ; Class (`, Millie Martin, Perry Browning, Ruth Rollins. NO. on roll 0. Av, att. 22. ROneltTeens S. J. A. BOYD, Teacllcrsy 1 nowt III. --Sr. IN., .Alvin I3rintnell, pry; ?arsons ; .Tr. IV, Annie Reid, lin Gardiner, Vera Rowe, Edith. lfortcur, equal, Viola ,Davidson. Mor- ita Carling, Annie Brown. No. on oll 52. Average att.-15. Ileo t IV. -Sr, O• Senior, Sr, Ili, Elmore Senior, rover Bissett, Netta Frayne, equal, lly Gould, .Fred Trevcthick. Edna Bissett, Howard Powell; Johnnie Jones ; ,7r. III, Clifford Spackman, iarlle Drinktvater, Eddie Vesper: o. on roll 51. Av. 10. BOolf V, --Sr., III, John Ros .G Lit cbeson, Alice Howard, Ida Ar ongg, Hervey Gardiner, Lena Hun r, Mary Kessel, Delia Willis, eclu nu, McPherson ; Jr III, Willi issett, Millie Bissett, Sophia 'G Perry ed Smith, Erntna ,Hiedeman, Cas I3oward. No. on roll 48. An 37. , WALROND. 003I -VI, --Sr. II,. I Row e,°nt Makins, Martin, L Athos, 141 Taylor, (; Davis; MTI, G Sweitzer, E Vosper, L Gould. anson, W Armstrong, equal, E itb, E Mitchell, R Davidson, equal. oc on roll 03. Aver att 52. H. ROOM VTI, -Total number nRroll 6I. erage attendance for September Stasfa EXETER x•'t'3IBELL 5 es tD. e 17 Lame steel: of Luanber-pine and henioek, Jo feet of hemline:. lumber, for barns. etc,. th also shingles. lath nett cedar poets. Prices reasonable,- JAS 11'11.7,1', Yard : East side r aaalu st. BRIEFS. --Mrs, David Davis has re- turned home after spending the sum- G mer with her parents in Scotland.-- O Mrs. J. Jeffery, of Buffalo, is home seeing her mother, Mrs. Webb, who is at present very sick. \Ve hope for her C71 speedy recovery. -The Grace church IN tonic was a success, although the fibs Melvville, oftHensall, spent Su t- - A day with friends here. -It is with son- sir row that we announce the death of to Mrs. John Miller, sr. She had been E enjoying her usual health, and was up eo and around on Friday morning, but I+'r shortly afterwardsshe wasfound dead. !'he remains were interred in the Ful- lerton cemetery. Mrs. Miller had R reached the advanced age of 80 years, L -Grace church held their annual: bar- Jr vest thanksgiving cervices on Sunday, J Sept. 30. Dr. Crawford, of London, Sm preached in the morning, and the pas- N tor, W. J. Doherty, in the evening. - The harvest home thanksgiving ser- { vices will be held in the Methodist Ay church, Staffa, on Sunday and Mon- 44. clay, Oct. 7 and 3. On Sunday the Rev. Mr. Milyard, of Exeter, will preach morning and afternoon. There 57• will also be service at 7 p. re. On Mon- be day a fine program :will be given. iri a1, e + Maiden name was Jane Chesney, an e f,ionel Nafte), of Goderich tow, left Monday a thinks f studying for Toronto, 'm where .lz Mr. end Mrs. Gould, Missionaries of Formosa, Japan, who have been on a; year's furlough, with friends. in this district, returned to their field of labor on Thursday last. They have left their two eldest sons with their grand- «... ,. parents,!Mr. and Mrs. . T. Mellis, to at -1 Now is the time to buy your 'tend school, ,9 nleetin or the cfQdiiorg Of Win. , UNDR13• Baynes, grain and bay Meta; it of Z'Vehave this year better value I Granton, was helda than t Loon on Sept even; which is saying a good deal. Make Ready for Winter. Our new Steel.; of Winter (goo owing in thiol,. and task. s" 25. Mr. Bayne's liabilities will amount 1 to about $'9,000. with assets of about $3 , 34Ir. (2'Nell, of Istmen, tsas a3p- 4'-'7,SS GOODS. I,`I `N`> LE "1. Pointed :assignee and overseer of the ' ALIS ICZN1dS' A LL Fltlf", estate: — Much regret is:felt at the death of . 3 Mrs. Burke. nee Miss Mary Coyne, vbo ll rc'r01 74/ Mail is died at her lioine in Arthur towta$hip, ALWAYS ON, IMA. clear Mount .Forest, i few days ago. THE BEST'. She WAS a native of HHililaert township and lived there all her life, previous to her marriage', some 15 rears ago. 1)e- { tt eearsed was the eldest daughte:i' of the FULta LId QrRDRIIE De - late John Cipyne, I.:rst Sunday morning another of the """" '"" pioneers of Carlingford, in the perm Ail kinds of Farm Produce for which of Mrs. Stewart, passed away in her # highest prices will be paid. 84th year. The deceased, whose maid- en name was Ann Brown, was infra' in Room* E«, county Down, Iceland, ori 'ann3 .ry t r-- P--. 26th, 1t117. Slue was married to Wm. Stewart on March llth,1S37, and they cause to Canada. in 18.16, and settled on a x.gutherlarud. Teary Public, Convey the farm where she died, aucer, Cotzzraisseener, Fire Insurance agent, Court for the revision of the Voter's .3ndz ureror'iarrlage1,tcenses. I.egal,decr;,. hist was held atLondesboro,on Tees- 'mans taloanonFreedmateaClawratesoCin- deny, before Judge Musson,. Ci. a____!,,erest. Vence at the Pest .o11iec. FIen. 1l, row 8pgfr'aled on behalf of the Liberals, dud Me. Beek in his own' behalf. For '' AA. - . - . Di f(1£l E, that portion of Hallett which is in the Mate with tl:li• row .4 Pcxlndteoll Da. 7'- e7' West hiding the following eliariges 1 ^-aalottor. Norms -Public. ic. Reti:•if. Out. were made! :--Censer vati';es added. 4 a ? F: at le a' 4. PP} .,.• 1z. D. s.'Renar omen. Liberals mined, fl; t.anst'eeeelees' aot.znivers:R.Pentiste, teeth struck off 7 ; Liberals struck off 1. ' ext aaetea ritheut eieaterl ,d effects. Of cc There is no rnan in this section at' afesdameanuene z M FS.iih Zurich every Any rates who handles alarger quantity li cmr.lt.1tII.1.. of bar than t lues 3' TYztu. [• ladnuo ., 1t C', of liet$e'tiS.tlir.'. ,atut pe sc*zciderao;;,ir' ly mill Rippesi, since Dee;einber Inst he hay I yin cotutticul,v wort;, on alae'-lt'k of teis month. "zperted 2,2altl taus, and would have '-ar,;. :ti;ra.,:,,•, exported more if he had been able to rl, L'i'.QI'i1:;LLT secure boort apace, but this has been at d a3 pcenuitaun. this year. This large quaa,t a Vagi- ):NIG` 1 1'',10:'11 city was bought at an aYeragaa of about - S0 au, ton, which does not include cost , Are grand, but Skin Eruptions salt of pressing or handling. life of joy, Buekicn's Arnica Salve, The regular meeting of the Gode- cures then» ; Old, Running and Fever' ricin Division of the 'Vest Horan !Sores, ulcers, I3oils, Felons, Corns. Teachers' Association will be held in ' Tarts, Cute, Brurt5es. Burns, `Scalds, the Central school on Saturday, oct..Chapped hands, Chilblains. Best Pyla 1 gh, 2 p, in. The programme will cure on earth. e -Drives tint pains and ' aches. Only 2,z cents a boa:. Cure ' fivar ante(.d. SoIdhy all Druggists. ,Alex, Strachan bas purchased the residence of 1 r. Snider, on Turr31berry street, Brussels, the 'latter moving to. Port ,[)over. 'The prier' paid was Wm. Warnock, of Goderich, won 1st 1,aw. Prize at the Indiania State fair for a seine one in twenty arefree. from mammoth squash weighing 313 lbs„ some little ailment caused Up inaction and nieasuring3, in. in length, 37 in. of the liver. Tose Carter's Little Liver in width, 26 in. in height, circtrtnfer- Pills. The result will hen pleasant e one wayS ft. 5 in. another way surprise. They give positive relief. ft. Sin., ancost ever $10,00 for ex J. C arming. who has for some years ressage to send it to the fair. M. carried on a very successful mercantile Vnrnacl, shipped one Weighing' 222 business at elvippen, and who recently g g' sold out there, Inas becoltte resident Ills. to Rennie, of Toronto, and neat c so ou ,, tt, itr., a, know season its seed trill be sown all oyernot what Ontario, and lug sgtaashes should be •shown at many an agricultural fair, Another ofliuran s honored pioneers has passed away. .Mrs. Alexander Jamieson, of the Huron road, ilullett, died on Wednesday Sept. 29th, ]laving reached the ood 'age of SO years, She ass oliows a Bliss Rusk, impressions of the public schools in the Territories; IIiss Trudgeon, literature, III. reader; Miss McLennan, drawing, according to the new drawing books,llliss Coutts, Old Virginia, the country and the people ; Mr. Toru, the British (`onsti- tution, TESTIMONIAL OF MR. 'WILLIAM Il. KERSLt'4,IKE rt TO Tun vetnE O g and been 111 only two weeks. Hernf ENGLISII STOCK FOOD. d' , E Pg S. ' ROOM VIII. -Total number. on R`rollier Average attendance for Septem r 43, B. J. RUSE. Mitchell 14 13aenns.-Miss Archer, of Mitchell, Stn has been secured for Bushfield's school tha for next year, and William May has been engaged fora school near Exeter. of John S. Coppin,who has been on the Sat sick list for some time has secured a of month's leave of absence and gone to` age Ste. Marrie and other places for a rest; A -G-eorge Day was horde visiting his pia -parents this week,, . He got married in wh Dunnville to -Miss Dora Smith, end is hri now on his bridal tour,-Oharles Poll- you akowski gob first money with his: horse of in Stratford, but, a Seaforth.horse got M first money in Mitchell. -.'Word has of en received of the death of Thomas omson in New 'York.'` He was a nephew of Walter Thomson, and wall known in Mitchell, where he resided. a number of years. -John Skinner has entered a snit against' the Hardin En- gine Co. for the loss of his son's arm, which was taken off by the machinery last spring. -Mrs, Dr.. Iluriburt went o Port Huron old Tuesday afternoon o 'visit her sister, Mrs..Capt. Neal.- rs. William Ryan• is seriously='ill this week, which. her - many friends will regret to heat• and hope for her re covert', -Wm. Moser left last week for Blyth, where his father keeps a hard- ware store and needs his services. :,He is a popular young man and has made a great many friends. ---One •.. of : those: interesting events which join hands and hearts took place in Dublin on Thursday, when l--Tarvey,Da.vey, of,,the Argas stall, in St. Marys, was'united in marriage " toill' Miss Mable, e daughter , of: James Davis, of Dublin: Afer the wedding dinner the happy couple - left on the afternoon train for eastern ints. The young couple are both ell know n in Mitchell,' having lived re for a few years. On September 28, the wedding of lr W . E. Kerslake and Miss Susie ith„.of Se ""u was celebrated at t town. The remains of Arabella McKinnon, Brussels, were sent home from here urciay. Deceased was an inmate the asylum, and had reached the of 79 years. pretty Se tembe p Y r P weddingtook ee on Wednesday.laast in Dwnie, en Miss Agnes Oorbett became the de of Richard Ffawkins, rhe lag couple will reside in the Grt re Downie. rs. E. Fogarty, a former resident Maguire, Biddulp'h, but who for the past two years has been living in Mount"Pleasant, Mich.', has decided to make her future home in Mount St, Joseph, a home for aged -people there. A. very pretty house wedding was solemnized at high noon, on . 'Wednes- day last, at the home of J Smith, Sea - forth, when Missy elusre, his third daughter, was .united in marriage to Mr. W. E. Kerslake, merchant of Sea - forth. • Dr. F. W. Del mage, B. A. son James Delmage, of pt. Marys,Chas re- cently passed very successfully the Yorl- Medical Council. Among 9b0 candidates writing, the highest .marks taken as 95 per cent. , Dr.,".Deltnage tookft per cent,, C. B. Latta, of Al`vinston, who ar- rived there the other day, was the: recipient of an address from his scholars on Friday last, as well. as a 1Ugold piece and souvenir spoon, as a mark of their esteem. He made a neat: reply. Mr. Latta was formerly of. Zurich. A very pretty wedding was that at William Cameroe's, Port Elgin, on Wednesday evening, Sept. 10, when his daughter, Miss Emma Catherine, was united in marriage , to J. W. Dougherty, druggist, also of Port El- gin, and son of ,lames Dougherty of Mitc e tallage for votes and both express: +Th themselves as ` well pleased with the outlook. -Work at the brick Bards has ceased for another'rteason.. Some of our boys have . secured work .in, the car shops in Port Huron for the win- ter. -Potatoes are a ' good .crop this year and, prices are away down, -The sale of goo Sec,,'. property of the lot? -; t Jacob Finkheiner which took lace on Friday last was well •- attended Mr and good prices were realized,, tLevi Stahl, purchased the house and lot, and we understand his father will v. moe into it shortly. -Milton, infant son :of Alfred Bedford is very sick this week, -9. very interesting game of football took place in our village on Saturday ...afternoon last between Exeter and Crediton teams, resulting in . one goal each.- anniver- sary services will be held in M. E. church next Sunday and d n Sunday Rees J. G. • e nay. Bay- field;e• a for er ' handl p Ba h m pastor, will preach morning. and . evening. Oh Monday evening an excellent programwill p be gpo (rendered, consisting' of addresses by'v Revs. Yelland, Hart, of Woodham, he C, NV. Brown, B. A., B. D., o' Exeter, • d J.G. Litt of the ' village. Special Thank Offerings "will be taken up at hi all these services., ,Do not miss them Thomas • Pearn," of St,: Marys, sold' s 150 -acre farm at Glengowae, to Air. rago, 4th line, Stephens as she was the last survivor of a once large and prominent family of that This is to certify that I have used vicinity_ She cane to this countryn lish Stock Food for horses, cotes from Scotland, when eighteen years of and calves and have found fI of great age, and, after her marriage to Mir. oodalae,Insall cases. It gives them at thriftyappearaance and promotes Jamieson, settled on the farm on the he growth and digestion. I recom- Huron road, where she continued to enol its use to stock raisers• Wen73. RERSLAI E, has resided for nearly half a century. * reside until her death, and where she f Hibbert.` >' Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory. STOVE and ES WE ARE SHOWING A FULL RANGE OF Buck's - . TT Sto . tie ; Nappy Thought ,a ALLA:O 'ak• e EEi, Loade r4. A ., Ir Amniunition of kinds StPc A r o... a, s,on just to