HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-27, Page 8•
6 TEWf %RT'$
1:31G Gfk& 8TO ,
li: iriluilliiltlll?ilat 1 iiirliMil ill 1311 utrimi tils"11I;1 c11 1311 ?vo Inv
A few of our mealy special lines in i
ladies up-to-date tailor made .coats to
we call -very special attention.
You 11 aiotce that; we don't advertise
the very low lines. We have thein if
Ton want thein ; but. we prefer intro -
luring lines that we know, acre extra
values, and dependable qualities.
$4.90 for a ladies' pure wool black
frieze, tailor made coat, Hued thr uAh-
out with good' substantial linin, For
a medium price coat this line will
Iappeal to your eye and to your purse,
$0.00 for a ladies' black curl .cloth ,
coat, velvet: collar, a :tad velvet piping,
on front and back, lined throughout t
siritb Rood tuercet•ized lining. This is
4 swell little coat, and a great money
$S,Oi} for ladies' fine beaver coats,
and stitched edges, strictly tailor'.
made. and very high Blass goods in
blacks and fawns, Ask to see our a
$3,00 c"nets, you'll like theiii.
$10.00 for ladies' Geist pure wool
satin tlaa:alted Kersey coats. This is:
the fittest coact we show, you can eons-
pare it with any coat in town at more
ettoney you aiu't beat it,. Blacks and
We show ,some very pretty little
coats for children, both short and
lorag, like the claildretts short
coatis, there're so cute and stylish,
Prices are as lo w as cash and one price
eaan make thew,
hat about suits for the boys. We
have a very large stock of the cele-
brated W. R, Johnston clothing for
men and boys. We have clieap and.
low price lines, but we want to call
your attention to those lines that
possess special merit.
$2.85 for boys pure wool doable
breasted tweed suits in sizes from 4
years to 11 years old, This is a sure
bargain, a
good worker and a great
bargain. See them,
$3.90 for boys navy serge suit, 3
pieces, rages froita 10 to I5, Value ai.ed
quality combined in this tine.
$3,75 for boys tweed suit, 3 pieces,
ages from 10 to 15. This is a good
strong school suit and great value.
$4,50 for our great leader in boys 3
piece double breasted tweed suit, ages
from 10 to 115. This shit is full, of
aplenty and. valee,
In mien's ready-to-wear setts we are
van the top rung of the ladder with, a
stank so rape and so varied that we
cau please the most exacting, We
would like to show you through our
theft's clothing.
Book Storo
A full stock of School Books
for Public Schools.
A full stock of Sunday School
Library I3ools at wholesale prices
Family and Peachers' Bibles
Full Line.
Everything in Stationery,
wholesale and retail.
John Griuu
a' xiar i R
Agee forth° IVEsrr.ex Assmanten Cosa'
'NWT, also for the Pam= Fnaa
rtsvttaxes Coatraxr, of London, England;
kr.k.r.x.eves I,asvRQxcin COMi& r of Eng.
anti -..
Dr. Rollins was in London on Mon-
Rev. Mr. Milyard, of Morpeth, visit-
ed his father here last week.
Mrs. A. J. Ford has returned feo in
visiting friends in Brantford.
Mrs. Horn, of Exeter North, leaves
to -day for Chicago to visit friends.
Thotttats Yearn, St. Marys, sold his
150 -acre farm at Glengowan to Mr.
Carago, 4th line..
Chas. Baker has sold his house and
lot on Tones street, St. Marys, to Mrs.
Haley, of Blanshard.
Ed, Crocker, who bas been ill with
typhoid fever for some time is able to
take an occasional drive.
Messrs. Carling Bros. this week com-
mence the erectisn of their new office
building, south of their store.
The Grand jury at the Loudon as-
sizes returned a true bill against Ger-
ald Sifton and 'Walter Herbert for the
murder f ' father.
ofthe former's a er.
Mr. McCarthy, of the township of
Biddulpti,' has a monster ear of corn
having 22 rows of seed and of remark
able length, It was taken from a
stalk 13 feet in height.
Wm, Johnston, of Blanshard, was
recently appointed D. D. Grand. Chief
of the Sons of Scotland, for the coun-
ties of Perth, b3uron and Brace.
Alex, Bothwell, of Motherwell, has
rented his farm to Geo Cook from
near Woodstock. Mr; Cook is on the
place now doing the fall plowing.
Alex. Thompson, of Innerkip, has
purchased` froru J. L. Robinson, St.
Marys, a very yaluable two-year-old
Clydesdale stallion, Prince Darnley.
Mrs. Archibald Hyde, Anderson, has
received word of the death in South
Africa, of her brother, John Woods,
who went out with the Northwest
Mounted Police.
3 Turkish Scalp food cures baldness,
estops ;falling hair, removes dandruff,
restores faded and gray hair to its na-
tural soler and vitality. For sale by
:10 Lutz, :Only 50 cents a bottle.
At Spokane, Wash, ,on the 19th
mat., Miss Edith Miller, daughter of
David Miller, V. S.,formerly of Exeter,
was married to Archie M. Cannon, of
that city. dolt TrrrEs extends congra-
Miss Nellie Bell, second daughter of
James Bell, of Hensall, who recently
received ''her diploma from the London
Business. College, has secured a situa-
tion a' ;bookkeeper i;with a business
firm in London,
or Marriage Licenses,
Wecteliug Riatigss
Watches, G1ocKs,.
Spectacles, Etc
e.,A11, O
\Vatch Repairing aSpecialty,
STRATFORD, ONT.A school that is doing the best work
in business education in Canada. Our
txaagnificent catalogues give full infor-
oration. Write to -day for one. Sev-
eral Canadian colleges and many large
American schools employ our grad-
uates as teachers. This is one strong
point in our favor, Enter now if pos-
Tri GRAIN, — Standards for this
year, were fixed at Toronto last week
for all grain :east of Port Arthur same
I as last year, The quality of the
I samples submittedfor inspection was
generally satisfactory, and on the
Whole a little better than last year,
except in oats, which in many in-
stances were rather lighter,
The copy for changes must be left
nob later than Tuesday noon. Casualni
advestiseente accepted up to noon
Wectiiesdav of each week.
Miss Couch of Clinton, visited friends
here on Sunday.
The Perth Mutual Fire Insurance
Co. Iost,ti10,300 in the Paris fire.
Will Rose, of Clinton, spent Sunday
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Mrs. Jane Dagg, widow of the late
John Dagg, of Lucan, died in London,
recently and was buried at Lucan.
The vacant position of Commercialteacher at the Loran High School will
be filled by J. S. Wren, B. A., of Hen-
Use Winan's Cough Balsam for
Coughs, Colds and Bronchitic troubles.
Only 2oc a bottle at C. Lutz's Drug
The many friends here of Mrs. A. E.
Stewart, of Seaforth, will regret to
learn that she is very i11 with t' phoid
Mrs. Gilchrist and children and Miss
Cowie, of Allendale, who have been
visiting at T. 11. McCallunes returned j
to their home this week.
l Miss Rosy Miller, of Aylmer, has
returned home after having a pleasant
visit at the home of her uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Jared Brown, of Sarepta.
Wm. Anderson, of Usborne, while
chopping wood. at the Metropolitan on
Monday, cut his foot badly with an axe.
Harry Browning dressed the wound in
a creditable manner.
Wm. May, son of W. F. May, of the
Mitchell High School teaching staff,
formerly of Exeter, has been engaged
to teach the Sharon public school for
1901 as successor to J. H. Holmes.
{English and Scotch"Linoleums 2and'
'4 yards wide. English oil cloth 1 1
and 2 yards wide, and Canadian oil
cloth, 1, 1•>; and 2 yards wide. The
largest and most complete stock in
Own at Stewart's.
The Stratford. Herald publisheetee
portrait of Win. Pridham, the nomi-
nee of . the Conservatives of South
Perth. Mr. Pridham is now ill, but if
he sees his photographas it appears in
the Herald, he may never recover.
i3. Senior and wife and son, Elmore,
leave Friday evening to visit Mrs.
Senior's sister,' Mrs. R. 3. Fuke, in
Chicago, for two weeks. Mr.
Senior intends looking up American
ideas in photography, securing new
backgrounds and accessories, etc.
' The convention of South Perth
Conservatives in St. Marys ;Thursday
unanimously selected Wm. ' Pridham,
s their candidate. , Mr. Pridham is a
fan of a high type of integrity, his
dame is a household one in every. part
f the riding, his reputation is be-
yond the suspicion of a dishonorable
act and around him the people will.
gladly rally. His nomination by Wm
Johnston, seconded by T. S. Ford, re-
moved all idea of dissension,: those two
gentlemen having been amongst those
prominently mentioned, along with
Mr. Pridham, as probable candidates.
The hearty way in which those gentle-
men presented Mr, Pridham leaves no
doubt that the party is thoroughly
evening a meeting of the Liberals of
town, was held in the Town Halt for
organization pur oses, The a
tend -
ace was large. 'SFalentiue Ratz, the
member for North Middlesex, was pre-
sent, and addressed the meeting, after
which the following o kers were elect:
ed---E.resiclent, Wna. Bawden • treas.,
Chas, Perkins ; Sec'y, J. G. Stanbury.
No Moict,:z Coe".. --Local dealers re-
ceived. a message last wecksaying that
no more coal could be supplied until
the end of the strike which is in pro-
gress over the line. Coal has gone up
25 cents in the United States, In a
few days, however, there will be no
quotable price, as the local dealers
have orders for nearly their whole sup-
ply It is quite evident that the ,coal
problem resolves itself down to a mat-
ter of time, as far as the local supply is
concerned, if the strikers hang out
touch longer. After that comes the
use of peat, and that *nay lead to its
wider use for the future.
TER CEMETERY,—a. meeting of the
shareholders of the Exeter Cemetery
Co. was held in the Town Rall on Fri-
day evening: There was a. fairly good
attendance.Da.. Lutz occupied the
chair and in a brief and lucid address
explained the object of the meeting,.
Severalpersons gave their views in a
few words, the pith of which was tbat
the cemetery required the projected
improvements. but: the difficulty seem-
ed to be in raising the money. Reeve
Bissett, on behalf;' of the council, could
not see his way clear to grant any
money this year, ie view of heavy ex-
penchtures already undertaken for
which a. special rate bad been struck.
On the other hand several citizens: ur-
ged that a grant of $100 be made at
once, .and togive the Coutwit an ex-
pression of the opinion of the ratepay-
ers, it was resolved that a, petit•iou
be circulated throughout the town,
praying that $100 he donated by the
corporation to the cemetery improve-
ment fund. The etition has since
been largely signed, and presented to
the Reeve.
DON'T Thsnu APPLES TO Cows.—The
storm of last week bad a disastrous ef-
fect upon the orchards of this vicinity.
and apples literally covered the
ground, Many farmers, probably
nevergiving the matter any thought,
and wishine to dispose of the fruit as
expeditiously as possible, have been in.
the bubit of feeding the fallen fruit to
their cattle. In speaking of this mat-
ter, R. M. Ballantyne, president of the
Western Dairymen's Association, said
that in feeding: apples to milk cows
farmers are injuring to a serious ex-
tent their own interests, and that they
had nothing to gain and, everything to
lose by aim doing, Apples contain an
acid, which whenfed to cows, has the
effect of decreasing the flow of milk
besides giving avery objeetional flav-
or to butter, and thus seriously effects
the prices of that produce. It would
pay farmers to bury the apples in the
ground aa they fall rather than Feed
them to milk cows. This practice has
been carried on to a. greater or lesser
extent all over the country, and not in
this country alone, awing to the fact
that farmers found this au easy way
to dispose of fruit which brought so
small a price on the market and was
very perishable. It is felt, however,
that when it is realized that their use
is disastrous to the sale of dairy pro-
duce that the practice will be discon-
It was William Johnston, of the
River road, Blanshard, who was bruis-
eed about the face as the result of the
erolley car accident which occurred in
London, Thursday, Sept. 13.
Must not be confounded with tom -
mon cathartic or purgative pills. Oar-
ter's Little Liver Pills are entirely un-
like them in every respect. One trial
will prove their superiority.
Frederick Charles Rundle, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Rundle, West Mit-
chell road, Blanshard, died on Wed-
nesday, Sept. 12, aged 27 years. Mr.
Rundle had been ill with typhoid',
fever and had almost recovered, but
caught cold and died a victim of pneu-
A happy and momentous event, at, -
least in the lives of the two contract-
ing parties, tooa place at 2 o'clock on
Wednesday afternoon of last week at
the Manse, when Albert Hogg and
Miss Elizabeth Edgeconib, of Mother-
well, were united in, the holy bonds of
matrimony by the Rev. Dr. Herod -
to n .
a. m. an old-fashioned revival ; 7 p. m.
"The fearful consequet,ces of one sin."
ervices bright an tttractive. Stran-
a r•s made welcome.
En RHADY Ar ONCE. -Speaking in
Montreal of the elections, the Premier.
said he could not announce the date
just now, but advised his friends to be
ready at once. He closed with an ap-
peal to all the counties' represented to
support his candidates.
Mrs. Muir of Brantford, is visiting
Mrs. B. S. O'Neil.
Wm. Hawkshaw, Jr., of; St. illarys,
spent Sunday in Exeter.
Miss .Ellexington, of Lumley, is the
guest of Miss Hyndman,
Miss Ella' Howard, of London, is
,visiting at her home here.
Mrs. A. J. l3oilins has returned from.
a two weeks' visit with friends in Lon-
Rey. S. F. Robinson. of Walkerton,
is ini town renewing old acquaint.
B. 5, O'Neil ; exhibited his carriage.
horse at Ailsa Craig fair and obtained
second prize in a field a dozen
Young Herbert who was accused of
being implicated.. in the^Siifton murder
near London, when asked by
theJudge, "guilty or not guilty," he
pleaded guilty.
wY■ N4.PP4.4!■.PPPi4# P
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A. OA4 w■■
s �_=_-e ami
os 2 $I 3 ��_abY
i4■■4PPPPP. .... ■PY■■apPPt4■P■P,
We anticipated a sharp adv ance in the price of flannelettes last
spring and accordingly bought he avily, and as a result we are sell -
in flannelettes at OIL? PRICE which mens a saving of from
g a
25 to 33;< % to you.
Fine Soft -finished Fiat,nnelettes, assorted patterns. full yard wide, re-
gular price would be I23/4e, oar price, 10.
Fi tie English -dyed Flannelettes, soft finished cloths in solid, colors.
eaitxi, white. sky and pink, good wide width, regular price 12te
for 10,
liens: and. BOys'..Clothing..
Our stock is most complete in the above lines and in order to
create a p special interest in this department we will offer the follow-
ing special vaiues :—
Men$'s Suits,-., ur-button single-breasted sacque suite.'nua.de
of all wool Canadian weed in brown checks, best Italian cloth linings,
well sewn, perfect ilt mid cut in all sizes, regular price $5.50, epee-
iaal 6.50,.
Mete? Troia cre+, in medium and dart: grey, ateiped all wool
tweeds, and three pockets, well made and good t rirnmiuge, will wear'
like Iron, regularly worth $1.&5, special
Sot's' Two Piec Suits, in small plaid patterns, very nobby
style, well lined and finished, regular price $3 25 a; shit, special
price 3.00.
Dress Goods Snaps.
Seasonable Dress Stuffs at popular prices, Our Dress Good
stock is most complete, both in black and cold goods, and you axil
find prices very much in your favor.
400 yds 44 in English Dress and Suiting Tweeds, in grey, blue, fawn
and green mixtures, the best values we have ever shown for -25
300 yds a"4 inch cloth suitings in plain shades and heather mix in alt
leading colors, and great value ,bQ
200 yds of grey, brown and green imported hoine'•-spun, :good weight
and great wearers, onr price .65
200 yds of imported tn'eed pattern home-spuus in all popular shades,
They are beauties for .50
We pay highest market prices for all kinds of farm produce.
A Big Drop
They were N EL V R LOWER THAN. t1 OW. We do not
know whether "Laurier" is the cause of it or not but the
fact remains which makes us and our customers
ha The variety is also large. The reduc-
tionflay. Y �
tion comes at an opportune time, when
mothers are getting their boys ready
to start .school and want to buy
most for their money. We
have a line of boys suits
that were $2.75 to 3.25 a
suit which we offer at $1.50 to
elea.raud many other lines proportion
ately low, We are also clearing out sum-
. I goods, blouses worth 50e for 40e, 75e for
5'0,1.00 for 75e, inuslins and a number of other lines
atyour own rice. if you want good goodrg r
,�' Qtr at Ig'l t
rren we are with you. If you want shoddy ore like
� ,� till rlilr
will have to .go elsewhere,
Give us a call. Highest prices paid for produce.
printing. Apply at TIsins. Office.
Pieeso Fon SALE.—A. sqoare piano,
n good order, foe sale eheap. The ad-
vertiser has two. Can be seen at the
Metropolitan hotel.
Direct importers
L. Daly has commenced his duties as On Wednesday Sept, 10, the home
foreman of the F. 'Mold Packing cif Mrs. S. Henry, "Feu% Hill Fatroe"
00. a Ellice, when her third daughter, Miss
Mrs. F. 3, Knight, spent the forepaxt 1Rebecca, was united in the bonds of
St. Tho nuts.
of this week visiting at Olias. Knight's • inatriniony to James Hanna, also of
Mrs. W, Levitt, of Levitt's Fair, un -S George Brown, of the boundary',
dement a second operation in St. Jos- Monkton, bas a sow that in twelve
ept s hospital on Saturaay last, the monthelas ferrom ed sixty young, In
first operation not proving beneficial. Sept. MS, she farrowed 18 ; March,
Altogether Major Dent has purchas-11900, 20, and again to Sept 1000, 22, er
00 in theee litters. This record will be
ed about 4.000 hoSses in Canada for
which the War Office has paid about hard to beat.
$500,000. In the States nearly 50,000 t At high noon, on Sept. 19, in the
cavalry horses and mules have been Robinson United .Presbyterian church,
purchased. Pastel rg, occurred the marriage
of Mande Morrow, daughter of Mr.
When using the roed at night, trate-
and Mrs. Win. Wilson MacNeil, of lin-
tions must carry a red light in front,
penal, 1 a., to Rev. David A. Duuseith
and a green light behind, and also
eon of Mrs. Danseith, of near SePauls,
have a person gei at least one chain
in Perth county,
ahead -with a light, and whistles must
not be sounded. As a family remedy nothing slimes-
connee. a Winer's Liniment for external and
-S. S. anniversary services in
nd internal use. It is especially use-
ful in influenza, sore throat, la grippe,
cramps, catarrh, colic in infants, etc.
, Give it a. trial and you will always
keep it in the house. For sale at
utzs Drug Store. Only 200 a bottle.
meeting in the afternoon, to be ad-
dressed by BIT. Warner and S. J. A. An incident which mi ht have prov-
Boyd. ed serious 'happened on onday even-
ing near Blalce, when H. Dietz' wood -
house caught fire in some unknown
way. When Mr. Bechler saw the file
lion with James at. Methodist church
will be held on Sunday next when Re
R. I. Warner. principal of Alma Co
lege, St, Thomas, will preach naorni
James Abbott has purchased a stall
in the market at London, from James
Clarke, and wIll engage in the produce
the whole inside of the building was
business in that city. He will not -
enveloped in flames, but men came in
move his family trona town however. •
Mr. Clarke, who is well:known in !abundance and worked like heroes for
Exeter, having fanned near eseeeeee f nearly an hour and a half when they
merear„. seemed to get it under control. They
sea, intends engaging in the
managed to save the new house but
tile business at some rural point.
The citizens of Exeter and adjoining and sashes were burned. The loss was
mnnicipalities ought to direct their i covered. by insurance.
attention to tlae important legislation
not before the cornice, vviadow frames
pq,ssed during last session of the Incal !
legislature th aid:towards the estab- l next six months the Ontario Educa-
Ib is very probable that within the Ti- V GA
1 tional Department will lengthen the A
lishment of municipal cold storage
t action ;Normal school teachers' course from
buildings. Under the act, join
Without MOWN
iebest equipped Business and aliorthand
ool Canada is the Forest City Ilasines.e
Westland College, London. Ont. Large enrol -
la good pesitions, Years of feitallent work at
atalogne of either course free. Vorrespote
ence Invited.
We have a. few second hand
1000 models
icyc es.
Only been used a shalt time and
guaranteed in first-class condition
which we will sell at
Also a few other makes very cheap.
In Second-hand Pianos, Organs and
Sewing Machines, we are holding out
inducements to people looking for good
Our new goods are all right both in
quality and price and are sure to please.
Cali and see them. No trouble to ex-
plain to you their good qualities.
S. Martin
JUST 10:0,811TED
Gar Ot
hand buggy of W; H. Parsone can
have It by applying- at shop, or at Wm.
Trevethiek"s, or S. Martine:4 es the.
proprietor wIll be away for sometime:
Now is the time to buy a good buggy
Books and accounts left with Mr. SA
W. H. Parsons
Glass jars, Fruit Fillers, Choppers
Ricers, Raisin Seeders, Granite Kettle
4Lnd Spoons, retils, Pudding dishes
A nice assortment of Vaces, Bottles
tad:Tooth Brush Boxes just arrived.
Headquarters for wedding presents.
Glass and China four -piece settsatutI
Fruit Setts, Trays and Water Glaesea
Feesh Fruit arrives nearly every
day, Peaches, Plums, Grapes and
Levitt's Fair
Laundry sent away every Thursday..
may be talteri by any tvvo or tnore one to two sessions of three months
municipalities for the acquisition of each. At present certificates are
land and erection of buildings and con- granted to successful students at the
trol and management of the sanae for end of a
under the proposed change, six months
three months session, but
cold storage purposes. As an induce -
will he required. The change is along
ment for such action the- act provides
for the payment, of 3500 out of the the line of the departraent's efforts to
ProVincial funds towards the cost of , to relieve the congestion in the ranks
the construction and equipment of of;the teaching profession. to raise tbe
such buildings. - standard of teachers in the province.
The present a; a great year for the the
I This term there are about 120 students
Toronto Normal School, 100 at
consumers of the towns and cities of t
London and 100 at Ottawa, about 320
Ontario. Probably never before was 1 in an
The Post Office Department has is -
fruits and vegetables in which there I
was an overproduktion, resulting in ' sued the following notice to all Oen-
a great smash in prices. The articles adianP°stimAers : "F°rt° Ric°, Has
chiefly affected are apples, potatoes, I wail, Guam, the Philippine Islande,
It is within the'mark to say that 1 and certain islands in the Samoan
group being now United States terra
peaches, tonaatoes and cucumbers.
hundreds of tbousands of bushels tory, correspondence of all kinds post -
Of tliese lines of produce will, this ed inCanada addressed to those Islands
fall, rot and go to waste, without be- I will. on and from the 1st of October
mg picked, owlog to the drop in next, be subject to the sanr-... rates of
postage and to the same regulations
Priees, to figures making it not
worth while bringine them to mar- gellerallY, as apply to ..eorresPondence
ese sent front Cana,dato the United States."
The result of the new order will be
THAT THROBBING HEAD a.CHE that letters from Canada to the Anieri-
---- can islands of the Samoan .group,
Would quickly leave you, if you us- Guam, and the Philippinas, although
ed Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thous- twice the distance that England is
ands of sufferers hare proved their from Canada, will go "at a less rate
xnatchless merit for Sick and Nervoas than letters between Canada and the
Headaches. They make pare blood a,nd. Mother country. To these Arneri-
strong nerves and build up Your health. ; can possessions the rate will be two
Easy to take Try them. Only 25 ' cents per ounce, while the rate to the
cents. Money back if not cured. Sold Mother Country is two cents per half
by Droggists. Ounce.
Fall is coming, so is our new fall goods. Cottons, Cotton
Tweeds, Denims and Shirtings. (Special value in these -
lines.) Flannels and Eannettes in ail the popular -prices.
Also special value in Men's Underwear, per suit 750, $1,00,
$1.50 and $2.00. Ladies Vests, long sleeves, from 1.50 to
81.00, special value at 25c 50c and 75e. ,Tust received a
Choice lot of Boys and Men's Caps, plain and fancy: These
aoods are the latest alto are very nobby, also several lines of
Men's Brown and Black Fedoras just and the- Vel'.'y latest
in young Men's Stiffs, expected this week, Call and see
them. Don't forget our groceries,they are all new and fresh.
We keep Chase and Sanborn's best Coffee, and our Teas are
A Call Solicited.
Produce taken in exchange,. We want Butter and Eggs.
Remember the place first door north of post office.