HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-27, Page 5MONEY TO LOAN. We /lave -unlimited private funds for lima - AMR upon farm or village property at lewest ates of interest. DICKSON Sz CARLING Exeter. W. GLA.DMAN ▪ (Successor to Elliott Gladman) Barrister ,Solicitor, llotaxy Pi* Conveyanaer, Eto, IVIoney to loan on Farm and village Properties at Lowest rates a interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER Tar KINSMAN,. L. D. S. AND a -se DR, A.R. KINSMAN, S. D. D. S. Honer Graduate of Teri:lute University, Dentist. 'Teeth extracted without pain had after effects. Oflice in Fan- 0n's blete. West side a Main street. Exeter DR. ANDERSON, (W D. s.1.- D $.) DENTIST. goner .Oreduateof the Torento UmirereitYi Royal C 11 Ontario. All bridge worlr. Crowns, axd Plate work done theneatest possible rummer. A irenoless anrestactic for painless extraction, Tibestrietest attention given to the preservat- on of the 'natural teeth. Office opposite Cen,I. Uotel. Exoer, Ontario. CUT:THIS. OUT surd send us with eent nsilver. aud Yon will got by return mail a tiOLDIZI BOX OF -1100Det that will bring you le Moue Moser. he one month. than reeething else in America, A, NV. KINNEY, Es T., Salem-Yerrnouth, N.S Five Packs of Cards Freer fano pack, "May I. C, IL Home: One_paelt raced, One }Melt Elirtatien: Oinkpack forlight: One peel; *OW S,Ofit just Holds Two: •Maniples Ot 20 other stylen 'with b00%x1 uf tiPlie. Sena fie. silver tor postage, A, 'W. 11:1NNEY. E. T., Salem-Yermouth.N. S FARM FOR SALE, undereigned effete fereale hie excellent tem pf 7,1 acres E. O, lot G, on 13,,Hay. on the peeninee is a good frame home te2 ketchen d woed-lieb good bank beta x fid, and ti driving hoose end other Outbuildiuge. heelhouse aerckt4s the road ; IS miles north of 'the dourabingvilloge QPaelovoed. SOU gOZA. weU wend lemeellcnL. rewon Or se • ing, falling health. Baslikveotlea O. CHARLES 1101ILBEIN. guIy11tb In. JUDGE 'S COURT OF RE- Vi.910N, Notice N hereby,eiventhat,a. Court. wilt bebo liehleenirsertut to Ihe %eters Lists Aet. by 3.10 Boner the Judge of the County 'Court of the County of Buren, at Elimville, on the Ind day a _October. 1900, at 10 o'clock, to hear auu1 deternuneahe several eomplaints of erten; and onelesionsin the Voters' Listof the Municipal- Ity of Ceborne., for 19r.O. All peons having b usluese at the Court are reouirea to attend utile eald time and place. Deted t; l7th day of Sept. 1900. FRANC1$11101t1EY, Clerk of the eala Inuntelptaity„ NOTII 1E TO CREDITORS. Or Mary Ann Fanson, late of the vit. loge of Exeter, in tha County of Huron, widow, deceased. Notice is bereuy givea pursuant to Chapter V 1, ri. 0..1897, that all persons liming -claims inst. the estate of the said Mary Ann Peron, wJio (lied on or about the 31st day of Av Asa UK are required toned on or beforet_/' 4 12th -day October, 2900_, by post, prettied, or de' .ver to ti, Stanbury..13. A., 14xeter P. 0..So1ketor for 'Raymond L Eamon, the Administrator of the sale estate, their names, addresses real occupa.- eetions with particulars of their elehns, and the nature of the securities (If any) bold by them. And notice is bereby given that after tho last xne»tioned date the said Administrator will proceed to distriblite the assets of the said estate Timone the parties entitled Moro. to having regaid only to tho claims of which notice shall have been given as liove required; and. the said Ariministaator shall not bo liable for eue part of tho assets of the said estate to any person or persone of whose claims notice eball not havebeen received at the date of such distribution. Dated at Exeter. Sept, lith, 1900, J.Q. STANBURY,Extunt, ONT. Solleitor for the Admenistrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of Andrew Desjardins the Elder, tete of the township of Stephen, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 129 R. S. O. 1897, that all persons haying claims against the estate Of the said Andrew Dotard - Ins, who died on or about the 12th day of Sep- tember, 1000, are required to send on or before the leth day of October, 1900, by post prepaid or deliver to J. G. Staubury, Exeter:, la 0., Solicitor for the Executor, Andrew Desjardins, Jr., their names, addresses and occupations, with partieulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby give» that after the last snentioned date the said Executor will proceed 40 distribute the assets of the said deceased among the ioarties entitled thereto. having re- cl only to the claims of which notice shall Jlalo been given as above required, and the raid Executor shall not be Hanle for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or e.a! whose claims notice Mall not have teen received at the date of such distribution. Dated Sept. 19th, 1900. J. G. STANBUI1Y, EXETER, ONT., Solfoitor for the Executor • 1.44 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE a• OF VILLAGE PROPERTY IN MOUNT . CARMEL A Good Opening for a Black- smith. The uudersIgnedtwill offer for sale by pullic abuction on the premises at Mount Carmel on ISettur-diely, Coctraibr, 13th, at2.30 o'clook in the afternoon the following valuable _property, Part cf lot 2I, in S. De Stephen, Huron County, containing 911.611 of an acre more or less, upon which. there Isla dwell. nig house, stable and blacksmith shop. Terms ash. Immediate possession given. For fur- _ 'Mier particulars apply to J. G. Quarry, Esq„ Mount Carmel, Administrator,, R. II. Dignan, Nfesq,0 Barrister. London. or to • KENNETH GOODMAN, , Solicitor for Administrator. I Po clrhil I, Sept. 1.9th, 1900. (3'0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 'in the matter of the estate of Michael Neville, late of ' the township of Stephen, in the Colin ty of Huron, blacksmith, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0_ • 2897, cap 129,, see 38 and amending acts, that all persons havieg claims against the estate of tee said Michael /Neville, iho died on or about the 6th day of Sept. A. D., 1899; are required to send by-pcist prepaid or to deliver to the Administra- tor, John Gregory Quarry at Mount Carmel in the County of Huron, on or •before the 20th day of 04, 1900, their 'names, addresses and des- criptiong and a full statement of partisulars of t heir claire and the nature of the security Of ' any) held by theta, duly certified, and that rafter the said day the administrator will pro- 4:teed to distribute the assets of the deceased aufone the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then kLave notice.. Dated at Parlriaill, this 19111 day o Scpicipbor, , KENN8rn GOODMAN, Solicitor for the Administrator, .• • Fullerton. rittlnVs.--John Harmer, our black- smith, is now a happy father, Mrs. Harmer presenting Will with a fine baby girl last week:. 3.ohn will pro, bably be the next mayor a the village. -Miss lliarv Yule, of Ludington, Mich- igan, is home on a visit. - There is a great deal of sickness in tbis neighbor- hood and the doctor is kept very busy, -Quite a leumber from here attended tbe Conservative conveution at St, MarYs on Thorsday and brought back a very favorable report of the meeting. Great enthosiasm was shown arid the convention was unanimous in favor of Mr. Priclham's nomination for tbe Reuse of COtalratitte. Ile is a good man and will make a splendid mem- ber of Parliament,-Thn well drillers have finished their work at Alex. Ma- Dougald s and now he has two gOod wells on his farin,-.A.fter at $11Ort. ness the infant (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Reid. (bed on Monday morn- ing last and she was buried 'Tuesday. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents.- W. T. Phipps, who moved away from here lest spring to Arkona, is going to come back to Fullerton again' He brought one load of stuff back this week. and expeets to bring up the balance next week. Winchelsea M, -Robert Robinson is erect- ing a new house an Ws lot south of the shop. -Mrs. Clark srreturned home cin Monday after 2t few days visit e relations in Kirktou and Woodham, John Fletcher recently sold a• team to Mrs. Gourley for a. good figure, -Thos, Clark returned home on Saturday af- ternoon after n. tour throngiManitobal Assiniboia, Alberta and several other TE RIXEITER T1.1YISS ento,A-BRAo - I "The Least Hair 1 MARKETS. Exeter, SEPTEMBER agth., 1060,. „,,,,„,„e„..,„•--eees.•ee•eeeeae•eseeee-easill'"e.:„ Germany a clock has beers made' that is. warranted, to go tor 5,000 yearo.' Australian rabbit skins are being converted into sealskins for the Auteri-. eau_ market. Since 1841 the cultivated area of Ire- land has dwindled from about 4,000,000 acres to 2,000,000, The per capita money circulation or tbe *United States is $2.50, the highest the 'history of,the nation, Secretary Alger's middle initial A. may stand for Asbestos, and perhaps signifies he is not afraid of being are& There are now 15 beet sugar factor,. les in the United States, Gerina117 has 460 in. the Magdeburg district. Tho beet sugar or Germany equals in amount the product of cane stig,ar in all the rest or the world. The most costly leather in the world la known to the trade as piano leather, Whet secrecy a tanning this leather is knia171t OnIY to a family of tinners 111 OermanY, though the skins from which it Is tanned comes almost entirelY trout Arneriea. Seldom has it fallen to the lot of yonr Fullerton correspondent to report ,11 ",e, a birth and o. ikath flone wee.. .,,eareely bad the wedding hells ceased to chime when they knelled forth It requiem for the dead. For some weeks past Bert Detwiller bad not been in good health. A little over it couple of weeks ago Ws trouhte de - points andreports having had an ex- yeioped into serious proportums! aellent, trip, Alla-balling located a half Medical skill was in constant attend - section of and in Alberta and also a awe, hut without avail. Dining the ban &gam in MaIllt°ba: ".” 1-1414''' last week of his Illness he suffered in - grave, but has not yet decided to buy, tense agony. He passed away on -We are pleased to see ane friend Mtes Thursday evening of last week at the M. Wynn back in one midst again, early age of 2.3 Tears, she having been away for six weeks When we have gacni blood we are visiting friends in Exeter, Liman and SWNIe he healthy7strong, vigorous and full of was Mtaarie'Se' very ainudSuto'ai.artriesak°41., Ilkeensdgeonoerirgwyo.oelood'e Sarsaparilla sem able tcl be Intwe4 to 11" 13°)11° c"vp.°J8(111Dlx°0,I hae u111evauormTvrnn nand kilow Incgressing abbi/umin me arulit bagatelle's been etiOetuel arul Richardson has returne4 home after leis Owe the ebildren good. 1 ran WAY receinmend It.„aire.Joeeph Laneary elite, Onr. ful treatment or Dr. Brown she was - it weeks' vaeation with friendsin Hant., Mon and Toronto.- IL Brown has most of the material on the ground to erect a new building. -Thos. Hazel- wood has the stone wall built for his new barn in place a the one recently destroyed by lightning. Hayfield Baurze,-Don't forget the date of the last and best fair of the season, Bayfield on Oct. 2nd and 3rd. -H, F. Edwards. and F. .A. Edwards are spending their holidays in Toronto.- Seyeral of our sports took in the Gode- rich fair last week.. -Jas. Donaldson, ttnd A. E. Erwin attended Zurich fair on Thursday last. -A committee Is formed for the purpose of getting up it grand concert for Wednesday ev'g the 3rd of Oct„ -Miss Minnie Green left for Detroit on Tialsday accom- panied by Mrs. Dr. Atkinson, who has spent the stunmer here. -Miss Bertha Walwiu leaves for Detroit this week where she intends spending the win- ter, -John Which:totes evaporator Is running in foil blast this season. ern.. playing about 25 bands, apples plea1. fel.-The funeral of the late Willard. Ring aged ten years which took niece on Saturday at 2 p. m., was well at- tended by all the school children who formed in procession and marched to the cemetery.-Clarles Whiddon, of Ripley, is visiting friends here at present -Miss Marton Martin left for Toronto on Satarday last to have her eyes treated, she being troubled with her eyes for some time. -Chas. Fer- guson lefl for Port Dover, where he intends spending the fall season, fish- ing. -Miss Lizzie Ferguson spent last week in Gotlerich visiting friends. - Mrs. H. Drayman is visiting her par- ents at Teeswater at present. -John Morgan, Jr., and wife, after spending the summer here returned to Cleve- land last week.- Geo. H.oward, of Drysdale, spent Saturday in town. - Alt lovers of shooting may- be seen starting for the woods now partridge and duck season is in and squirrels are plentiful. SALE REGISTER. „ .0 „ i Tonsrar, o. - arm SEOCK, m- plemente etc., the property of W. H. Wood. la 12, on. 4, Usborne, (near Elineville). Sale at one o'clock sharp. No reserve as the proprietor has rent- ed his farm, and intends going to Lon- don to reside. H. Beown, And. TUESDAY, OCT. 16a. -Farm stock, implements, etc., the peoperty of Tbros. Wilson, lob 3, con. 4, Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock. JAS. STANLEY', A.UCt. SATURDAY, OCT. 20ra.- Valuable farm, the property, of the late 41 M. Miners, lot 6, con. 7, Ushorne. Sale at two o'clock on the premises. H. Bnoww, Auct. SATURDAY, SEPT. 20th. -Horse, rigs, and butcher's utensils. the property of L. Day, Exeter. Sale at rear of but- cher shop, at 2.30• p. zu. 3. GeLT., Auct: [A. notice in this column is worth the price of WIN. Inserted free until day of sale, if bills are printed at TIMES OFFICE. FALL FAIRS. • Wing,harn, Sept. 27 and 28. Seaforth, &pt. 27 and 28. Zurich, Sept. 19 and 20. St. Marys, October.2 and 3. Stratford, October'2 and 3. Blyth, October 9 and 10. October 4 and 5. . . ' SPAIN'S GREATEST NEED, Mr. R. P. Olivia of 13a,rcelona,Spaan, spends his winter at Aiken,S. C. Weak i nerves ha Lamed severe pains n the bark of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve lei nedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grendmedicine is what his country needs. All Aneerica knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor end new life, into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle euitrentead,only 50 cents. Sold by •,11 Druggists. , Casts a Shadow.” A single drop of poison biOod antess checked in time, makethe whole impure. R:oodrs Sarsaparilla is the. great lead. er in blood purifiers, It casts no shadow, but brings Mita shine and health into every household. - Running: Bore -0 My znotaeriva troUblea with rheumatism in her knee fer a number of years, and it broke OA 11310 running sore. She took three bottles of flood's Sarsaparilla and is now well. Hood's olive Ointment helped to heal the eruption." lens. Jonx .1474gg, Clerveriguna, ArteaSfer, Ont. Rheilil3at1STI1-"I was badly afflicted with sciatic rheumatism. Consulted. doe- ters Nettle:Mt relief. Was persuaded to try mews Sareaparilla, and dee bottles gave Ma relief and enabled Ine to go to woric," Wrem.x B, Boon, MargaretvIlle, N. S. "DELAYS ARE DANGERC7S." --- A small pimple on your face may be of little consequence.but it shous year blood is impure, and impure Mood is what causes niest of the diseases front • RESURILUID EVER?WEERE which people suffer. Better heed the THE ABLEST PHYSICIA.NS. warning given hy the pimple and pur fly your blood at once by .taking • , Iirrod*s kg/score liver ti is; the non-trrritathig only cathartic to take vrith-lioeiro game:alai; t.'"!"/""!!'!"1"""r"""•••rommtmrirairweePoto 2Vt.. Ward and family, cf ton, have moved to Mitchell, where they will reside. Tom Stuart of ear- lingford. has bought Mr. Ward's, property in the village and will tate up his residence there, WiSt TaNDA M A.DNESS TO DEFER If You are Weary, Woryout Ailing or Sick, Use p 9 S ,elery pound. Hood s Sarsaparilla. This medicine curesall diseases due to bad blood, in- cluding scrofula and theunuitism. The non -irritating cathartic -Hood's Pills. Children Cry for CASTO IA. BORN BOVIALD-InlIay, an the 200i inst., the wife of Jecob Howald, of it daughter. ZETTEL-In Zurich, an the 10th Inst„ tbe wife at J. Veleta ofit daughter. RUSSELL -In Exeter, on the lith Mete the wife of James Russell of ason. BOX -In Stephen, on the 70* inste the wife of Alex. Boz of a son. NEIL -In Exeter, on the Oth Inst., the wife of Wellington Noieof a daegliter MANNING -In Clinton, en the 21st, inst.. the wife of It. E. Manning, 05 11 son. MARRIED CANNON-MILLAR-At Spokane, on the lath inst., by the Rev G. W. Giboney. (Presby- terian.) Archie M. Cannon. to miss Edith Allllar, youngest daughter of David Millar, V. 5., formerly of Exeter. ORTWEIN-liENNA - At the Evangelical parsonage. Enrich, by the Rev. Finkbelnor, on the 19th inst„ Jacob Ortweie, Jr., to Miss Mary Keene of Ellis. DIED DAG G -On Monday, Sept. 17511, at London,Mrs. Jane Dagg, relict of the late John Dagg, for- mer.y of Luean, aged 67 years. RUNDLE-In Blansliard, on Wednesday. Sept. 12, Frederick Charles Rundle, aged 27 years and 7 months. DelTWELLER - In Fullerton, on Sopt. 13. Albert Detwelier. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Detwellor, aged 23 years. M1DDLETON-At Greaten, ou Sept. le, Wm' Aliddleton, aged 65 years. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite cath- artic, LIS they do not gripe or pain, sicken or weaken or cause the slightest inconvenience. Price 25c., all druggists. EARACHE CURED. Miss J. J. Johnston, Innisetil, Aitaa.says ;""I was troubled. with earache for a loug tune, and nothing helped me until 1 used Hagyard's, Yel- low Oil. which cured me completely," ASTORIA For Infants and Children. 'The faa. tlzustara ic every mappor. E S'F:11 A. Y. A yearling steer, dark roan color. Strayed from lot it eon. In, Stephen. about 10th May. Information as to its whereabouts will be re- warded by ROBT, FLYNN, Liman P. 0. \WANTED IMMEDIATE- LY. TVs, 0 stralgea, forward and industrious agent e to canvass for Weekly Sun (an agricul- tural and politically Independreat Journal) in each County of On:Arlo. Straight salary. NO commission. Qualifications, references and character most accompany application. SUN PRINTING CO. 0.0 Toncesece Limited. Sriaps Hurrah for the large Auction Sale of over THIRTY NEW and SECOND HAND BICYCLES, TIRES, INNER ° TUBES and SUPPLIES of all kinds on Saturday Ev'g,Sept..,29th,. \ At 6 30 p. m. TErniS OF SALE. -All sums of $15 and under .ash, over that amount three months' credit will be given on furn- ishing approved joint notes COOK. BROS., BICYCLE Srnw. IIENSAI.L. ONT. , The popularity of Paine's Celery Compound is wide and extended ; its users are found in every class of socie- ty. The life giving pots ers and virtues of Paine's Celery Compound are lauded by the titled, the noble, the stealthy as well ns by t lw bumble sons and daugh- ters o toil. Is bas saved lives of all conditions of people after t he fail ores of honest and worthy physicians. Paine's :Celery Compound is more talked of, discuwed, prescribed and in- quired into, than any other knOwn remedy, and no other medicine ever had such strong and convincing testi- monialv. At this time when inert and women hove been ushered into it season of rapid and dangerous changes, they in- cur fearful risks if such troubles as rheuniatism, neuralgia. kidney mid liver complaints, stomach derange- ments and blood diseases are neglected. The use of Paine's Celery Compound will quickly regulate the nerves,cleanse the blood,banish sleelessness,netwalgia and rheumatism mid put the liver and kidneys in perfect working condition. Paine's Celery Compounl is not it patent medicine ; it is a great physi- cians precription fully recognized by our most eminent doctors in the treat- ment of disease. A trial of one bottle will convince every sufferer. Children Cry for CASTO R.I A. Sgtheriatid iiineS CO. LTD. ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE kiLM AND— ONE TIMBER 9 EITHER STANDING OR IN THE LOGS, Apply to E. C. Kessel FOREMAN, EXETER, ONT. Rg, Begs to announce to the people ofExeter and surround- ing country that he has taken the stock of Efamess,.Boots & Shoes of Mr J. '1'reble, and will continue business in the same stand. In order to clear out this STOOK OF Boots & Shoes WE OFFER TUEM AT and BELOW COST FORI'HE NEXT 30 DAYS. Harness in all lines either in stock or made to order.. Repairing promptly and carefully attended to. CALL AND INSPECT 0II11 G007' R. H. SVVEET 3. Treble's oM stand. Wheat per busbel .61 to 6 Oats ,, ,, Pt,. 24 to 2. ....55 to ref Batter -a. ,,it to 17 ...... 13 to 13 Turkeys ... ea9 to 10 Geese 5 to 6 Chiekeusper ...... 6 te 7 Ducks...-. —7 to eeeee ee,,„ to 16 Dried Xpple;;.. $ to 3 Pork dressed'," • — $1.00 to 7.94 Eggs PIR.!!.R.W.5.53,19•TT LONDON MaitEIS, London, SSI7SlattISIt 200e VW. Whoever ....63 to de Oat ''' ,..•.... ZO 36 Peas-.... .... at to Barley a-. ....3$ to 42 Buckwheat .•.... ....45 to 47 Rye ...... ... . „ ..,... -.01 to 6a Cora , ..- B...o .n.... 4•••••,42 to 47 .. 65 to 70 Butter . . 14 to 14 Eggs 15 to 16 Duette 60 to 70 Beaus Turkeys per Ih.... ...... ........10 Geese per ea..... ...... . .-. 9 Chielteus ..--- .....50 Cheese . 2 Potatoes per bag' Pork per ewt,„, Hay per ton ....... '... 7.431.e0-At9t0 %1:00541 - to 22 to 10 to 70 to p To Trm DFeks'.-.A rich laxly cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nielialsons Axtilielal Ear Drums has sent £1,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people nnable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Ap- ply Lo Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, -itin Avenue, New York.U., S. A. The farm belonging to the estate o the late Christalo B. Snyder, 2?; miles north of Waterloo, known as the "John eingerieh" farm and occupied by Mr. 3105e5 Bauman, :consisting of 128 acres was sold :by public auction to Mr.1 Menno Bearinger at S.19 an Mr, MegenziOformerly manager of A. Beattie Si Co.'s Thedford branch, has resigned and gone into business for himself in the same village. FOR Gym FIFT7 YvAtte AN ox.r, 850 WZTE-TIIINP Reereue.-Airs, Wieslow'eSoptlaing Sirup boo been tried for over fifty Ware by migions of mothers for their children utale teething. witb perfect enema. Retie -thee tbeebild, saltees ti egume. allays el pain. cures whet cone. and Is 1120 best rerocily for Dierrtitea. It is pleasaiit to the taste. 8oi by dauggiote In every Part of the world, e cents it bottle. IN value is calentaltile., Le sure aed rear for „Ntre Wilanslovai eotablee Syrup and take no other kind. Furniture! Another large car just unloaded at R. N. Rowe's. We were fortunate in securing this large carload before another advance in priceso it will be to your interest to buy from uswhere you can get first- class goods at REASONABLE PRICES. 0,1•14.161.1........1111.111/1171111111.111100 Undertaking Undertaking up-to-date,in alt oranehe at the old store where everybody is made welcome, 'whether you buy or not, Rowe s lly the Best and Ignore the Rest In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our I3ed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc. GET SOMETHING NICE__..4- We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE and you wil! find what you are looking for S CIDLEY SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKERS. Opera House Block. ABS UT a if Little Livor Pii MustBear Si Gmaturoof See Ric -Simile Wrappor Below. • Very small iziul us easy to -take as sugar. FOR HEADACRE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID- LIVER. FOR' CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. t FOIL THE COMPLEXION gamemcom MuTMv 'Wats! Pere,' lretretelee..ninve, CURE SICK liEAlSE. CARTERS AER 19 ILLS. rossmi=o=le.,,e,-4:00110 s hats esemiex- --1akiesxseeeeneene, Neateseaeaa,„ ne'esenses,,,leee 'e see Castoria iS for ixtfauta and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' Ilse by Millions of Notbv..3, Castoria destroys Worms and allays Veverishe MSS* Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind.Volie. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria, assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving, healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. Caraoria. Castoria„ "Bitetorie. Is an excel:cut medicine far "Caseoratt le 53, NK:: 42,1ptc,i le caiterea children. Mothers have espeatalty teed lee ttiet 1 reeetatacrid it as euperisr te ony we. ite gee*t cart epee Blear ebildreu." wiptien knovet tame.' Da. G. C. °ewer), hosalt, .‘literee, 18. A•Anctmu. M. D. .Oresease, an. Pl THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. r,acgrmay,,ti. oP,14 tile. IT 'MU SAY VTRWT,, 0040T vows rem LOOK AT THE SOLE If you look at the sole of the sboo you're buying., and the name and price appear thereon in a,slate frame,. dep2nd on it being " Slater Shoe." This is the registered trade mark and a point of distinction. Beware of the "just as good.' ' X2 foot -fitting shapes. All reliable leathers in black and fashion's shades. Every pair Goodyear welted, eeleoareialWaPeeeteareeeaereeeneesse sesesea,, E. J. SPACKMAN, SOLE 1 OCAL AGENT. 1NsTANT REL1F.F. Robt. Jemengs, Mansfield, Ont.:writes "I have used one bottle of Dr, Low's Toothacho. n. stout relief. Besides this, it acted to it st lenTWEE - did temporary OMR; Price 10e. Glen for severe toothache. and reeeik ea SPECIAL LOT N COULDN'T LACE HIS BOOTS. Mr. P. L. Campbell, of,...Portune Bridge, P. 13.1., a great sufferer from pain in the back. Doan's Kidney Pills completely and permanently cured him. Mr. P. L. Campbell, the well-known gen- eral merchant of Fortune Bridge, P.E.I., was troubled with severe pains in his back and hips for over two years. At length he became aware of the fact that backache was simply a symptom of kidney trouble and did not hesitate longin taking Doan's Kidney Pills, and was promptly and permanently cured. Here is his statement: "I was in an awful state for two years with pains in my back and hips. Some mornings these pains were so severe that I couldn't stoop to lace my boots. I started taking Doan's Kidney Pills, and one box so completely cured me that I have been perfectly well for over a year now and free from the 'east trace of pain." B.B.B. Cures Ringworm. "I had ringworm on my head for nearly a year. "1 consulted three doctors but derived little or no benefit from their treatment. "I then commenced to use Burdock Blood Bitters. "Besides taking it internally I washed the affected parts with it and when the bottle was finished I was completely cured." Elsie Sla.ght, 'Teeter - IBurdock Blood Bitters cures sores, ulcers, boils, pimples, eczema and all skin eruptions of the most chronic type. It makes the blood rich and pure, drives an foul material from the system and beats Up the tissues of the body. s '.; t C st FOR THE NEXT 15 I) A VS. A good Assortment ALSO HEAVY PANTINGS AT COP. We want to clear these line:- at once. W. JOHNS, irtie -reiitor MILBURN'S' HEARTANDNER • Pi LLS t :„•tius ,hgi‘1\ a Millnien's Heart. and Nerve Pills are just what every weak, nervous, rim -doyen woman needs to make. her strong and well, They cure those feelings of smothering and sinking that come on at times, make the heart beat strong and regular, give sweet, refreshing sleep and banish head- aches and nervousness. They infuse new life and energy into dispirited, health -shat. tered women, who have come to think there ix no cure for th.jm. Read the wofds of encouragement in this letter from Mrs. Thos. Sonenars, Clif- ton, New London, "Last fall I was in a very serious con- dition suffering- from nervousness and weakness, I got so bad at last that I could hardly move around, and, despaired of ever getting well. Seeing- Milburn s Heart aad Nerve Pals highly recommended for suck conditions I teirchased a box. "Before I had taken half of. it I could notice an iiflp,Mvement in tripeondition and when 1 had used two boXeS I Was corn - tete! cured was wonderful how these pius toot away that dreadful feeling of nerVotnmess and gavarne strength. "I recommended them to my neigh- bor who was troubled with nervousness, and they cured her, too. We all think there nothing equal to Milburn's Heart ood Nerve Pills.'