HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-27, Page 3WA IS AL OST FNDFD Boers Destroy Their Uuns ansa- Flee,.Only a Few Marauding Bands Now Oppose the British. t despateh front London says;,. -Pete "Nothing le left of the Boer arny lt,,tr Mite. has reeeived the follow.: but, afety marauding battik. One of oar Iron), n l:,ord Roberts, dated Net. ern i n "Oat of 3,000 of the enemy' who re- traated toward Komatipoort as we advanced from Maehadodorp, 700 have created into Portuguese territory. Others have deserted in various die met ions, The balance crossed 1 he Kn.- rne:1 river, are °er'la::eying the 1.e1,,nrne ha mountain, south of the railway be- tween Portuguese territory and the bridge. :1 genera/ tumult occurred when tie; enemy realieed e o alesnens of their cause. Long Torahs wed several Veld guns, including some eapturcd from the British, were destroyed. Mese has tenon no a position in the Dooz'uburg, north-east of ilrinhgrg, anti is teing watched by Felly -Denny. "Rundle attacked ;the enemy on Sep- tember 18 from Bronkhorstfontein, and captured one gun and 30waggons. Zino;,: overtook the rear guard ate, Klom esd oarz s � i r, so i• ." H o s - la n ti a alt u was as y one wounded. card d Hart is moving success- fully against anath r band near Potchefstroom. Hildyarat has arrived ,et Creetvlel, 16 spites south-east of Utrecht, and has taken three prisoners without q e P QSit• 1 ion. ywo British officers who were nape Lured at Cyphergat recently were r�e- leased ren September 11 land reached Bleenefontein on the 16th." SPAN FROM It WUES Newsy Mems About Ourselves and Our Neighbors -Something of Iitter'e$t .From Ivor y Qtlikl" for of t I6 (Hobe Canada batt 48,000 immigrants last year. Mrs. J. C. Meredith of Lonlicin, Ont„ is dead, ranitobe .hats experienced the frost of the season, The ICiragston District Fair been a marked suttees this year Thos. ItleCaffery, manager of iltniort Bank, Winnipeg, has resai Sir Alfred Jephson, MN.. Hon -in o! Mr. Archibald Campbell, (ut±b dead. The t;.9'.R. bas revised the s ale t L' tolls far this Vittoria Ju bridge. Liabilities t#t the 3tonteeal Storturs Company amount to MO of wh'oh $390.000 us secured. The oteaznear Lea given up loot wet St. Joseph, Mich,, bar ssigiateci. She is en route to 1)ot Mr. Thomas McCaffery, for n years IIunugor of the Union Ban Winnipeg, has severed his conueo with that institution, Hamilton had another ilestruc wind staxrn last night. Fire at Loudon yesterday drama .the ,Colunthia handle fstctor'y. Nitegaea !rule men estimate t loss by 1 uesctay's gale at e1,000,00 Albert McConnell was drow kettle at worts on. are Ottawa river dredge. Hie four physiaians report that Premier Marchand, of Quebec, is im- proving. Caapt.. Hewett, 1t.A„ will be the new disagree. rre't,, an g d the 1 s r e to -Pasta of i vaso �i t'" tw all � a esti s l tie whether the asherlft in entitled to $6 e day and e a!tts:s for taking to the h:1izzaieo Tn- -rial Sehnol two bays sentenced Att }nsettleiently 'insulated electric in the floor; f the amain building at the fair at radon yesterday; but there was lmost a ;panic, Jb N. Fulton. accountant, has been une1 guilty at Montreal of the theft of $1„000 franc ;le't's, Janes C'oristine, tt•.itose, hushuess affairs Ito managed. The wife of Dr. ij , A. 13. Button first slot and killed herself at her home at Fort Rouge. near 'Winnipeg, and has'r,a. Paul W. Liple cut bet tbroat at. Neep ut a,the oanae from Perlin, the UNITED :;1'1T1.*,. ;redo f A bane highwayman robbed a Bur- , t lingtos eIeepe r in Xebrask t recently ee, -is; soa got e1.000. It is bts.ieveisl haat 14 persona a-ertt 'het - down with the ssteaz. r nt John B. i,yota9, Mice ' foundered off Girard, Pa. Ilrtniken ntgroes h*ave caused a t'uld rel m of terra „ g rut Buren, near Brad - .000, ford, Ind, :pix murders reported. ire burnt as Tittle for leant reit. tatty k in 1 ion five ged heir 0. neat l eepsie, N.Y., cunfessed tbaat he killed Miss, Mabel McKinley, niece of Pre- sident vieKInley, was married to Dr. Ilcrutaanus L. Baer at Somerset, Pa. l riga ler-Gezzoral James ii, Wilson, Lr. S. V., has arrived at Pekin with instructions, in report to 5f'atjor- General Cheftce, eormnitntting the Am- erican tortes thee. First at Port Huron yesterday de- stroyed the pleat of the afehlorran. ilrill}ng {tempary at a less of $225,000. The Port Huron & Northwestern ale vator also went down. Peter Austin, in jail at Rough preftesor of artillery at the Kin stton college, Piro at Morden, Manitoba, has 1 etroyed the large warehouse of 'eraser. Baines Caldwell, of Port Rowan, rn+atd from poison, and an inquest being held. The salmon pack on the Pact. coast is a thousand cases less t year than last. Lieut. -Gov. ,Tones opened the N Scotia .Provincial Exhibition at eta fax yesterday. Jacob Mendztll is being tried Hamilton on a charge of keeping gaining house. Concluatrxr Oldfield was seri,ousl injured i,nt;'tn accident in the T., 7:1. B. tunnel at liamilton. ?Three trolley cars collided at Lo d rn eeesterday, injuring two passen ens and a?