HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-27, Page 2Mee . . FINE RED DiliGSB VESSEL siel, bea..u. it ua, been taught them that seasickness is plainly fi, Matter of PRI,CIOI/S STONES. wen. nerves, aud nerves are noainiS a mat' stay lie round Among, Pebbles, 1: r....... IAA 1- .red edvattiles, SENT TO CHINA BY RUSTLING ter et will, end it they are elok it DI.1 yed. eve.r eearob for amuse -al LITTLE JAPAN., ()aunts A day off their service, and if pebble:, .? Nearly everywhere there ,--, . they are very, very good indeed per - ere eemi-preolous stones to be found ship Aunt I:specially Ter Care ef the hake ,their naMee Will be sent to the in I h - sOntalena grevei, hitt fONT Pe Woulatled-mits Stan et Tetatuteer Sue Eraperore pst as if they were men. knew haw to look for them,. &eel's •oufl Treleed elersee-PregreSelle Little Island Now leads. the World lu NIS3-tR 1".1.1ANS "$TUPA%E.Xe Jesse: te red, mottled with evere Whyte:it der eke fur Ware Theo rieleual hare is A teurteen-iteot ether.- of tee reinbee, but not trans- The Japanese volunteer hospital ship shiP, able to do 10 wheel puebed. She Paz -ear ; cernelleu is red, of malty Ilahuai Mara which arrived at Take can aceontwoolade ZOO Patients, and. eeseeeeeeepee_. „etiolywiieteive„t wide!, or grey, tranepaeend and ratio- eja I lee, era aeperrnt.; e ha Icedony ie and n -omen nurses, dectors, ete., aud eta, a staff of 70, Red erase men has all kindof elaborate arrange- ments for isolating ieifectitras cases. * On the Farm. -NI or s•efz' reo:d arreled ie `oh.-te' annl eel)/ tons of fresh water is ii most value t- eiateeeing$ wantons and things, a ull t Ir'io 11P to tht! 1.gilt, 4°4, worth! a vieie. It la the first ever ted, an fairly big ie making plant FILLING TEE SIL0-4141 en-ex:rent. Make year pebbles woe sur,gery, a small laboratory well fit, *111,Weakeeetateo-• if able acquisition. The vessel is euctaiset thee ugh them, they are, built specially for Red Cross work at ad cele etorage chambers ter keeping nt)ItbetioeIrrke ereerg alivirilntbne ethilteecinur , on ace'll'n3 I'a eal°r, an.an.eblit e oost of any Red Cross soolety, en- provisions good ie the hottest weather, ehell otooloay or roe % erystal. If there are i I - ., d b eeleb atary see- This is a great boon be cases of sick - no fleuge, theee pebbles are werth cut- idtione .ene ineepeeeer,t oo Govern, ness. Thlatakuai Meru play, bow- 44 so tba degree to whi*I2 thaY i - should be wilted, will depend largely tine for ornament& meat aid or control. Not an army or ;ever., not ntSY •h-Vre all the time, for on. the natural sucoulence in thpbbthe crop New, if e olee are her Jed be mauy mere than NO path , _ , navy officer is an baerd, and leer peo- ',there may bloneeire and brown -an plare erd of her!feats oth:o caneot feat roma in the Tien-, e_ anti tea stage at wbich it id Cut- Cleria white, with the white Innis trans, The Red Cross Society of Japau ,Tsin lits.eital or Me ordinary array ., direetly inter the eilo. bet corn lese cut at the proper stage raay PO VAt aelrt -le he ve pree, P.I're'nt., that' ES t.'enYX*. a valuable seems to he distinctly ahead a ite kind hosPitals of the variou- s forces. In Fame. uee:i for cutting into cameo set other cettaries, Its etanding tdat ease she drut steam deer to Japan ,, mature should be wilted more or less e according a,s it is tanking in matur- ed ro,cmholt7ealt"erb,"cirr ;eft I. ley. Wheal bat a limited quantity (of geude If the le•bblee ere bulled le memhereldp is about etenitell, and it has and retern. She is, roe, white, gr -ay or Any other cedere„ a kind a laudevehr system whereby a :now' to stay tier v' tillage is wanted, and where labor id taP'.7 •Irt4 agotte• Amin agates nte tremendous uunaher of trained week. Witheqt Ttlietting short a anytliiug. 1 easihe obtained, it may eametimes healed el a dezen dieferent kinde ers can be called out at short Ootiee int by Lebotneitezibnainitd talus tthe nCylndletiti:11:90S. i‘igew.tx;rwilttorstomre. orops in the silo in ot peocions atores, °there are like eftEe Of ueed; for Japeu is e loud of otr tree -line nearloings,aied mosseagate tidal wavee oceasionally tletowing half )autntleinproinredlipnanatotanaueestissteelinar: of I etering them is nI3olttal.the:-sayIns ePtIlleeltit°4- and perty of the Red Cr0e,f1 Seeiety clear Oise, with beautiful mass-lilee dreadful disasters. earthquakes Into a fine variety of cannel coal, i f the f une'eiee of, raother nature* requiring tjearsenb. 41 11414 first beet), run through ehip companies for tredieg purposes. j dtee ,,,,,,,,,,e to store teed id the si, "I 4litbIt11;11114praoviae'reaumaraei"leetStisoffaielltbotta'ylles is werth raneey. Jet is a soft, opae the nation into drese, in es Week eotones whiela eras onee the eeedy succor front :tie other halt, p of the pitch-pin:a bat has turned The history of the nation has been , The charter provides- that she must ; .7'4; . "f"'"' only go on short trips, such as to Fregneents ef foesil Pluto trees are ale , and few countries Leve betel so rude. Shanghai ,autl inest be always kept in eiji et,ilre, r„...,,, to willeu tile tooti el, •ye, found with the jet. Ettodoede I lesely chesteued. Few, therefore, readiness to drop work at a inouient'a ' should be oet in yet an uusettled of tons are need for mourniag ,j0W. I have done SO much to prepare for era.; notice auti beconee a hospital ship point le feet, 41 will vary to eonee etre-. !ergetacies, reed that is probably wby, again, Mho time ehe effected the extent with the crepe etored. All Ntn,e of the eti toes eno so pre- ' w.h.ite. the other countries have found traneformetion in the eecellent time tbiags oolaeldereal, however, sheet ne as the.. tepee. Pebbles 4.d tOR:14 , time to send soldiers and maxis and , et TO Lours. The name El:ritual meane , leugthe in the feud cut a're prefer - reed° be known beeatiee, thee' are ,lauge engines a death and destructiou, syrapathy, That is to say, there ut no able to' imager. They may be paole• very clear yellew. The dereer kinds ' thee; axe leee pent:apt with the monies sing .a word iu English that exactly ,e4 t.a.. I etor and handled easier when eire knowtt as ereeky quartz. Anot b.. of savieg efe elle ef heeling the „expresses the idea, but this is the near-, , teeding. than sitoge of 1,03a,41, letmths. ter. ci tee of I c,•ly gentleobbles are the wounds edte towed eS1^ 1 can get, "Hake" is broad, all- TInese from one-half to three-fourths SOMETHING QUITE NEW, CEYLON 'WHEN TEA. Same Sever as Japan, only more delicioue. , plea trreee dying frame what, for want of a batter name; hari been celled "eol- lareret," The tremble iuseally begine neer the meteor) et the greuetei, oe one side of the tree and enlarges year by year until finally the tree dies. Ciesee of 'thin kind whom the /spread of the diectrdey geadual are most likely to eccur in older treee and the and Follawater varleticoe seem espeoially liable to attack. In distinetion to thia very graclaal attack we fiud other in. ethecee in which. trees are killed out, right in a single aeasou at MOSE ia two or three. In cases a this kind the trouble- its nsually discovered in the epring and is likely to be con- fined to young trees. They may be- gin to leaf out in the spring but the growth is siokly and yellow and the bark on the trees is found to be brown ' aed dead in Patches and separates readily froon the wood. In many easea the, !week ifs thus dead for the entire dideaTtee WrQltUcl the tree arid often from the surface of the grouna to tbe lerenelies. So far as I have observed these cases are most likely to occur in yew:grand thrifty orcherde and the, Gravenstein gutters most. ortio to arrive at any definite conclusion iu regard to the cense at title disorder it 1.4 almost; imperative that date be seoured fxoete umuy oechardiste poseible and all whose tenet have euffered from a eimitar disorder are requeeted to tend their • eamen to the writer at Weaville, ' who will then $0_1)4 them a lhit . 411SWOS. Thera can be ne doubt as to the excellent quality and purity C:10Till5P3L.6.7e/NT W24.811..„, the fact that it is the peoples' favourite. eheuld dispel any fillASt1011 in your mind as to its excellence, it you lime never tried it. DO SO, and you Will become a constant consumer. In Lead PaRketee 20, 00, 414 SO and 600. A. Painting .Pleasure. UORSE ulYrs. It taaier to make a fool of a good. horse than train him to be a useful tnimaLAed there is a wide differ - nee between bre,aleing a boree and , wiling him eltedience. The forraer ovals overpoweriug by eirength e41 a.wkwartineetel the latter hie quiet, gteitie mestere. Those who use the right Paints find a great deal of pleasure in them. They are made to give satisfaction, and are certain to accomplish that plirpOse. RAMSAY'S PAINTS are the right paints. They are well mixed, permanent colors. They retain their fresh, pleasing appearance after months and years of exposure. k RAMSAY & SONI NTREAL, Petite eleetielteleeleonneelleleenteeotvo.le ;gave:ea-ea -sereseeiree TM,. $200.00 in Caslt Free CoBTERER We Will give the above ewera tO any person wile wia correctly 0 E R K El LI arrange the &toe letters to spot 'ea Ionics eTno oat sfi - ... oceeraisendeneocarOer.erat Wm are they 1 Yun may he U ie fortunate %loon te secere et Oita A portion. 0 not the fun einenta. O'er await there be IR ore t11,11 OTIEI VA Or emcee =vireo, awe:wove will te -coolie airlded This otter is made to adrentie so4 Mitotic* our arm quietly. We do not wont One Cent of Your Money. Thls Contest Is Free. As seen is yonhave appeased what you oppose are ate cerreet 1/411" mad teem A pest eme1 will ,le. audyon Will hear from na ItrernntIr br return ma& Those vim have Wed other matron tied failed to secure anytling. try Ws one. AU can segure an +ward lif they alai to try, without any ex - pence wbatever. ll. T. eupple (o. SIX W. Orilla, Vanand ... frie,/tevegife, ig."0,11ellas "wees'ela'aw 41101/4e01111,111."0"6.110‘0111/Dieetw'ssollWhelivi L. E contleeal n era ..hy oe, ranteng threugh JAPANS ronut4zon`r. embracing; "oa ' heep in 'suffering. 011ABLE CHANCES. epee ae deepse All travel in steemers know The, sister ship's name is Kesel, very *4 411 blah' °i '5.44°4 ba" 6tiltstauee3' ee. „ • , tie corn or sorgliesa stalks, 1.%Te in emote the teeth et „ear hot. es every Ilan G. competent vetermarian ex- -If ellauld wait tr arep irexat ceo-tole. atuck in the how diftioeit it is to handle a elek. attnilar IlleittlIng; do oosows tavoo, with many. eat,t.ren.deate ltad attar tbey are ii or 6 years odd. daughter% hand wha my ch tuces OW 'Ty peseible eh ale of pueple rts°a, oei leaaiiao at fine elobt like dere,n on a stieteher iu narrow emliace, eucirtde, and "set" ie eupport, lengths have been b elos , +. h, a id• -Very tall% good thiatvue. keeete of nt-ty n aud cremeed little cabins. strengthen, revive. Jeled .e...attO deseetive trt-aeles are elle to ine. yeautio ineelt an, a goo c 0/3411.try 1 rade can be 4 iv. T 11°- a altsati'a "11111-"Ileti ' ' • t" f No barite don and should pall through with do elute of tlae cuts rathev than ou the etteeroe t re eeth or gum% or both r'n I his feed Nvith careful =rang. induced in cattle, from biting on the h and nu Inielliaent •INe vine eides of tha Fame, which they must ill I 1100 Had SE°ZED LIFE LINE t .110-i.ita. work in a way; but, , mon y c g 4 4 cm* eaten the ship WAS SLAVNS ON SHIPBOARD. eeigned for the purpose. Ordinare Every elle knowe bow wearisome as often is the case. Fools 1:relining. mode deo if the pieces are long. I An experienced horse breeder roe Rheumatism for yeare, and Nerviline I me t•ime in one poeition, even on a well- ',„ 'Dee ail° may be filleil quieltly and marks: "Horse breelling IS now the Is Me ortiS roue- Y • • From son voonee. ee dames tz stc,rz.. eabiu doors are 1ICV etioe for a patient et le to he foe any great length of a bidtiler saved ts life by hod boats are cree, torture to wounded mede b -d. We ranee needs turn over • vest, PoYing inviestraent for the aver- any Isioodt,f irwrites ThiorlestMetfttlaeshe on a litter to yuter; ordinary eld.pst of ee Il- witheett any interruption ease that , e net. to a rape wit h its tete. h. Ai the persons entharkiug. There are a when we are awakened in the night. which is meele' by taking the usual ' age farnaer. The breeding et draft lit:.ane°41;orteile 4trlilOriRgISIAMASS <1;t 01 thenTYR l" tit i he incident, the horse was be- stet required by the workbands. Or, horses will txty best. The demand who have esperienced the wonderful - i wheelie of a tug eaused uzerebant veeiei hestdle transformed neked on the planke of the decks and as may be convenient. i r for goo4 draft horses far eeeeede the ly penetrating and pain subduing potver of Nerviline-the great nerve - hundred other diffa•rencee between a Rut the stavo were chained !clown .rtvas a gang plank to a boat. it may be filled elowly and at intervals for this duty and a ship designed so:ee eheIves-platilts that were rough just The nt'° - - alIPPly." A great axially farmera are pain CUM, vale of ceesetion in filling should not ,. ,a,ed aware of theee delete and are ohY into the water. There . -ly for this. as they carao from the saw, and had Ito Pelee for the unfortunate exert-. at any time toyer many days lest the outing aceereeddy. • •••••••••••••• The Splentltdly equipped. vessels now erticks between them. No one could A GOOD EXCUOE. . i * ..d. h d t , .. doing hospital work is South African , tuen from side to side to rest the t wete ci are to drown: .I.. s a las; expoeed silage should begin to decay. Unless it is absolutely neeessary to at e yeado of age. They will be nearly Yes, it is all right to breed fillies mamma -New de add sad geed. titre to get out and it looked ae if • 4 • , waters were uot ready at the out- , weary body. They must Lie there on night to your governess, like le good wait after the silo hes been partially ' 3 vans old when the colt eemaes, and it, 1 i i ....AA g4r., and give her a kiss. Little Pu, -1'1l say good night, but I worn give her a ki... Mamma -That's naughty! Why reeert moo erew a eoit et to the hereto The line no sloonetd, break of the war. Thee, took nearly three raonths to prepare and reach stretch. even in -pleasant weather in tor soros other crop to mat ure.1 their barks for eighteen hours at a etritek the water than the intelligent their at that ......it to be pretty nearly port. I-Iard as that fate was, tew such an event More or leas of tbe' : teeth and i post. Even England never , developed. Some horses do not fully held. ion; In this way its head. was develop 'until 5 or 6 }Tara old, though tortures were added with the 4-tr-s-t foo[ will be spoiled than was last put; went so far as to build ships in retie alove water until a boat came. be re-', we believe this fact cuts no important nom well sUpplieti with. exoellent hos- she must roll to the pressure of the 4m6"Ved before the filling of the silo ' • • I flout e in the matter of breeding Iv°11.1 Little. Puse-Because she slaps pea- r:ex give her a kiss? 'nese. The United States, also, though dune of ehe ship over the waves. F•or rite the silo. This aught to meal vessels like the Relief and Solace • • wind ou tbe sails, so that those on the novttrr,anm din Nt\i71.hitnens bunt anirishn,ornituptnetnigobd it A Lewser was fastened around the . horeOe neck and the creature was towed aehere. The laorse was valued oruiehao from port to port in the . -te Lathier -aide found their heels higher at 4:$1,000, and after its nnexPeeted Philippine:, picking up e su e e th ft r rs thin their heads, and when the ship's shteild be filled to the brim, it will not remain full. pluuge was loaded aboard ship and bad none ready t angle moreased under the weight of , gun, land even then lead only make- donee sagged down to lemva.rd, 'until • sevexal days, so that a large apnea Far instance when drtven to a stag- e surert breeze, the fe oqn , unate e- The silage will continue to settle will be. lett vacant above the allege, PEOPLE IN THE NORTE-WEST. nwssonuttapiebnadouore ino:cdadzioenreleokr fhoi edrinkx IlEARTLESS HUSBAND. fillies. plees faces when. they try to kiss her. if a horse could speak he would at nramma-Now, don't talk nonsense; times remonstrate against the treat- but.do as you're told. went accorded him by hie masters. Littlo Puee--Well, mummy, if you dontt believe me -ask papa I went to Tacoma. more after tbe war with Spain had be - ,n be- shift equipments. The japanese bave Id • , 1 tb faithful beast everywhere throughout the Domin- 1 ere in this laudable work. the same time, that is to say, by fillet from exeerience that Put - they wore stopped by the irons around to b filled that ' 4.• le. But he tan- P I ss Corn Extractor is the tween Mixer and hie wine? Where two s os are e press Ins tsp esure. nams ane already two, and two others are near- ki ,d t taker -,and he put her real age in his ly finished. The young nation, pupil susperalede-orucified in their shack- re near at bane, the difficulty will not speak and apparently his master, •only remedy to be relied tievon nor the an e an si e . ley were literally ' 'Why, be was one of the teneus . . . Even that was not the worst of extraction of corns. This is the case e partially met by filling both et , in tee ,nany eases, cannot see, and tither sufferings that grew ont , , the resu.e is e drinks Be sure to get Putnam's sure -pop , " Beau Mime n being needs light , surgeon, who was probably a two - t e raution of the ship, for she was el successive altea•nations until both a shallow pond teeming with all an 1 air and cleanlineoe for health : sworded fire-eating swashbuckler in rarely eoeitiy when heeled by the are full. More time is thus given for kinds of "animals," or from a milk - an! life its:qf, bat they seem to for- ' his younger days, said:. wind. tilt had to non and as she did the silage to settle. j AllitrEa creek or branch that happens covered. get, if thoy eve,r kaew, /hit the hair, , "In a few days ovill ceme ten or • ' ' ' The proper distribution of the food 1 h . - so the slaves sometimes slid to and I handy.Good water is abundant 'bring a vital etrueture, needs like twenty thousand soldiers of our - - in the silo is a matter of no slight 1T13- ' ifl beneath only a few feet perhaps. fro with Inked bodies on the rough , everyw ere, if not an the surface it -- and sptinterv decks There was ne or TO erne A. %IMO 110i ON E DAT the bely, light, ate ani cleanlinese. army, but we ceuid not send soldiers ` ' - Portance• When it is allowed to fall Dig it out from the ,bosom of the a voyage even in the best of ships of 'Melee:alive ntomo Quinine Tablets. All dniggists refund the money if ic fails to cure. E. W, Grove's the need of cleenliness for the hair, yes, we have learned much from West - where the slaves did not suffer tor- the silo, tue maze rises up in the the bounties Civilization is eteecialle mindful of till we first haee hospital ship. oh, . - ' ' • " v from the carriers mehich convey it to ! earth and enjoy while apparently oblivious of its de- ern countriee; we are glad to learn." tures from Mere tontact with the centre in the sbape of a cone. Beam nature. signature is on each box. 25o. roenels far air and light. Bee. while . Think et over. It is a beautiful lit- slaseedeek. thie cone, the food rolls down toward .................. ......._=.1.- We are in receipt of the following i earosseeraisaseioatosirsee in.quiry; Dear editor -our cow has .--..._ practicing the. cle.arainess te which it tle bit of satire, but he did not know. (the sides of the silo. But in doing so • EWE HAD TAUGHT HEIL e • 'ere paper nays they othin' an appetite like n long is N'clfe....1411111 1 Hwy don't know iat they're talkin" about. A eltort In eat juat ez mph. ..111301.11•!•••10 1.1041TnEAl. tileTed. 01 TORY. The " Balmoral," Frac 1brPl. AVERRE ROUSE-Mg-artit4-tmo 1.4, 4.y. W. P. 0. 1042. OALVERT'S Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Cant. mane, Tooth P*WtIOY9, OtC„ have been Awarded 100 medals suidetipionme for superior excellertoe. Their regular nee prevent int(. one diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a eaPPIO. Lista mailtd tree on application, F. O. CALVERT & CO., seanotioaTun • • ENGLAND, SAVE YOUR HAIR. One gentle, ing one in part and then the other in waler with a green ekum on it, froni corn cure. At dealers everywhere. In South Australia a mine of na- tural india-rubber bas been lately dis- lo the suffering,s dee to these gone dry, do you think we could sell la addicted, often. paroles raetheds He really believes all nations have the lighter pocctions, as for instance an's her for dried beef ? if so. whear ? 0 cauees were added other torments ' that are fatally injurious to the edaip huapital ships ready in peace time and • thee 1V:1S StO,Tifly. For' , the leavee at corn, are forced outward ax el growth of the. hair. i send them to war before sending the vvhen tho wea by dm heavier portions, as tlae grain FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTRING SYRUP has been Weehing the hair with strong al- fighters.. "Glad to learn," be seid; and etem. The quality of the silage, . used by mothers for their children teething. It SQ0 he the child, softens the guns, allays pain Curse wind . hatches lest the waves that swept cone, and isthe best remedy for dinsrlicea. '25e.st bottle. there•f are, an the outer edges• is Sold by all druggists throutout the world, Be sisre kali s„,lutions-aramonia, soda and and-teaoti. berax-ire highly pernicious. They KIND AND GENTLE NURSES i 1 acITIx's the Ae.ek 1)(v" clown and iill frequ„tly inferier to that in and I the elle) The slaves were confined in leave the hair dry and faded, produce Here are a dozen little maidens utter darlmess, and the scant veritila- near the center of the same, especial -1 '1 • incipient baldness and grayness of bat tbey have pat away their pretty tion attorded by the hatchways was lY when' it c'oahshis less trrIlin. It, 1 the heir. inueeum costumes, kimono and obi, Shut off.. Serious as that was, still theirefare, the quality of the silage is , Never waeb the hair with an( ordi- hely:erne and zori, and disguised them- wors • m s let told. Th I n g o.s were to be unifor.m in the Sill0. it IrltiSt be , muds viceently seasick more readily carefully distributed from the first. I nary "cake" of eaap. Not only is it selves in prim, severe,. Quaker-lnee incapable of cleaning the seep thor- nurses' uniforaos, so ug!y thtt it re- than whate people even -they some- 4 But still greater harm will follow I oughly, but the horid soap is apt to cluiree a strong effort to reraember ; tim" died in their convulsion- '1° from allowing the silage thus to. pile rennin on the hair? in flakes or elog- that it is a beautiful sight after all. heat and foul air quickly brought On •yt "-"e in the center. It will not eettle even -1 • more serious illness; bat there the 1 The preessure is greatest in the • get). raasses, giving it a clingy appear- There is a world of kindness and awe and eventually rotting it. center, and the tendency in settling gentlenessein their faces, but the set - To prepare tthe 'soap for shampoo- ting is so grotesque ! There is grace 'aisves ' we're ItoPt in their chalas for will be to draw away the food from &lye at a stretch., wholly 'helpless end Ong select a reliable soap -L -there are in their movements, grace which the.. the walls of the silo, and &ix will thus wholly unattended. . sseveral on. the market, °have it in national costume would emphasize be admitted, with the result that : atoms till trot]. have the required but disguised in unfailiar dress it iS ' nauch of the mew on the -outer edges t, ameeurat-two or ',three 011tle.eS, accord- startling in. its incongruity. Think !. AN INTERESTING POINT. will be spoiled: Less from this source lug to the quantity of the hair -and of Apollo in trouiersl Our style of : Finst Chinaman -L-1 don't understand may be prevented by first. distr ibut- others. l ti au difference between these Chris- ing the food evenly during the filling • ' place over the fire with enough wa- dress saa.y suit us, but certainly not ter to.cover it well and as neueh soda of the silo, and then tramping it so as will fit on. a ten -cent pieee. Let These quaint little creatures are a i Second Ohtnainen-Neither do I. I ilO.D. Se-OtS. . , . that the impaction of the mese will it came to a boil, and you will hare a revelation of moderness. They have wonder wh. . len one controls the most be abootoequal in all parts of the silo. 1 alt been to high-class colleges, galtS. sapenaeeotis campatind that makes The amount of tramping required will learnt English an d medicine, and shampooing a luxury. BE KNEW HIM. Rub thoroughly into the head with praetioal nursing ap to date. !Their . grea test on the outer edges. the tips of the Engem, being care- ambition is to be of service in ease 1 . ' I am a . man 'with a history, began In a large silo the distribution of ful to go over every particle of -the the food may be faeilitated by the in - any of the 'European or American i t lie visitor; and- Yes;I know. You're lady residents of. neeateir, or Peking , eening it on subscription to only the tecoluction of a simple device. It Beale and dislodge dandruff and ad - are sick OE injured. And they bear . oestt people. Don't went it. Good cansietes of a platform or table made berme scoot skinn seal es. Rinse thienaselves with a Meekness quite un- '44Y- , thoroughly in warm water and apply of boar& and suspended far upward knowu in thle West, quite Scriptural in its leamility. If a man walks past THE BOSTON WIDOW. in the silo and equally distant from more soft aoap. Continue this until are are and white. them on the deck of the ship they all 1 wippler-By George ! the Wideow its walls. The food falls from the car- riers onto the center af this table. the suds that comes from the hair Be, oanfill to get every partieie of rise at onoe and bow reePectf allY; ' Beinemer is a stylish bit I don't As soon as it accumulates sufficiently 'gni) a n4 00114 WStiefr f TO ill tIle, head. aed if their lady matron, a graduate , know, but I'd make up to her 'if I an the same it rolls down over the 1.1)ini•ie tilbtrosegnlY, in tine lossin of eta- of the, highest colleges in. Toky has oc- ! ter after another till there ie n,o • outer edges, and is in ooneequence 1 thtought there was any ohanoit. casion to go and speak to an 1 Towlman-Don't you worry, old diestoileated over a conisider able pro- eraee of soap. i portion of the earfaee of the silo. Then.'begin to dry a lth hot towels. officer of the ship, perhaps about the . mon. If there is any ohance for you • Da not dry yo'llo hal' IV a ;tove: re- x-ray gear going wrong, elle 1 ' - • -e• • e, ' 1 n , ea, that 0 gleter or heater; tne hot air is too . • --na'ri I.' th wild°w-wil sc"j. COLLAR ROT OF APPLE dirying., Het tawn,„ and a fan, if begins with a most prof oand bow, . make you aware of it. bele won't • . TREES. Fee a number of years oast orchar- u are net f;11;.C,Wi: i'6 i e to cold, are which he aeke owl ethres with a faint we it for you to ask, if she has made ' ert her mind to take vow • then it was neccesstury to oover the eakness A woman's reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and continuous syme pathy with her kidneys. The slightest disorderin the kidneys brings about g corresponding disease it. the reproductive organs. Dodd's Kney Pills, by re- storing the kidneys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to women. Palo young girls., wore -out mothers, satering wives and women entering upon the Change of Votiii, your best friend is Dodd's,. Kidney Pills and ask for" Mrs. Wins; owls oothing Syrup." Snarley-How did Jingso get run over Yow-He was stooping to pick up a horseshoe for luck. -.a._ 1 There femora Catarrh in this erection of the i country than all other diseases put together, and until tbe last few game was supposed to be 1 incurable. For agreat many years doctors pro - nounced. it a local diseese, and prescribed local remedies, and bye° estantiy failing to euro with 1 loom treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci- ence has preven catarrh to be a constitutional : disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment, Maas Catarrh care, manufactured , by F. J. Cheney & 0y, Tolodo, Ohlo, is the only . constitutional mire on theinerket. It is taken 1 internally in closes (min 10 drops to a teaspoon- ! aa. It acts directly on the blocei and mucous , surfaces of the system, They offer one hund- red do lees for any case it fpils to cure, Send for circulars and testimonials. address, F. 3. °ABNEY & 00., Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggists. 750. Hall's Family Pills are the best. be leact in the center ef the milo and ee-e• The Army death -rate is lower in Great Britain than in any other coun- try. In France it is nearly six times as high. GRAND BOOTJACK OF SCOTLAND. Lard Rothes, Grand Bootjack to the Instrumente, Drums, Uniforms, Etc, Every Town can have a Band Lowest prices ever quoted. Fine catalogue MO Illus truant mailed free. Write as for anything in Musk) or Ruston] Instrumento. Whaley Royce & 00.11mnit0ii14eilt. fintlYDRO Oftelnge -Rely importations finest English Sheep and Antal...in Nog Colnes-retable goods at sht erlee4. PAIte, DLA(11CWE1L 00., Toronto. sovareign of Seolland, will soon land in America on, a visit. His title is handed down traon his remote ' fore- beart, whose duty it was to see that the Scottieh sovereign did not go to bed with his boots on. , SALE-cnotaz FARMS, BRUM) County, Oct 'Write tor particulars, James 21. Stewart. neardine, Ont. a IiIILLS, MILLS & HALES J Rena elarri'4,5F, ,to. ' ItieVrest0d1Les4y tistlitain6°. W., unite POULTRY, BUTTER, EMS, APPLES, and other PRoDUCF., to ensure best results consign to The Dawson Commission Co., Linpted, Oar. West -Market & Colborne St., Toronto, Catholic Prayer nottkenesarite, Ore - affixes, Scripidere, Religious Pietures, Statuary, and Church Ornamentp, Educational VVuelid. Mall orders Yeeeire prompt:Mtge, tion, D. & .1. SAUCER & CO, Monereal. Re0FING and Sheet Hotel Works. ROOVING siteee, Red or Green. SLATBELACE:BOARDS. 1We 18pp1.11 Public and High Bohools,Toronso) Roods% Fe% Fltids. Mal Tar, eta. ROOFING TILE (See New Olty Bop& Inge, Toronto, done by our arm). Metal Collings. Oar" nioes,ete. Ifstimatosfurnished for work a omplste or tor materialssh ped to any nada the country, phone lele C. IfilITHIE& SONS, Adelaide & WidmerSteeTerente THE NIIINIO and HARBISON BUSINESS and COLLEG SHORTHAND I. 0.0. F. BuifiThig, Toronto Gives a most. thormagh course of 'edit' instruction in all Business and WM. SubjeOts, Shorthand, Typewriting, Eta, Expert experienced teachers, equipment end advantages unsurpassed, open entire year. Circulars Free, The Canada Permanent . . . and Western Canada (Mortgage Corporaiion. Canada permitnete TORoNTO '8'1%i TORONTO. BRASO» o FFICEii., - Winnipeg, Man., Vanoouvor, SA, St. John, WA. Capital Paid Up, $6,000,000 1,509,000 Reserve Fund, President -- George Cooderham. let Vice -President and Ohairnisog Of Eaeculice Cenintiae- J. Herbert Masco. Ind Viee.Piesident-- V. H. Beatty. General Manager-, Waltnr S. tee- Al.oney to Loan. Deposits Received and Interest. Allowed D eb en ft! res Issued in Sterling aiet Chao retie)/ .