Exeter Times, 1900-9-27, Page 1TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR NO, 0,
J± RON & 1DD 1 tilX
`enia nn of Winter
- Underwear,
An exceptional opportunity of securing your
stock of Underwear for Fall and Winter at an e r
ceptionai low price. For llext week only.
Men's heavy wool shirts and drawers, ribbed
cuffs and shirts, small, medium and large sizes,
each $Qc.
A snap .1n Men's Suits.
This week have taken from stock 4 special
of Alen's winter suits which will be cut down.
rice. For the week only.
;n's heavy serge suits in single.breasted sacque
all wool heavy Italian cloth linings $$.ov
This week we will make special prices in our
xl w'suitings, in all the fashionable shades, all wool
Our stack is complete and includes the newest
styles. They are well worthp
�' our inspection.
The offer is special for this week. Ladies astra-
stra-chan caperine, trimmed with sable tails, very
handsome $6.7.5
Our new stook of these are now complete. We
would call your attention to our special double
breasted jacket in curly or nigger, head cloth: vel-
vet collar, nicely: finished $$.00
We have just opened ip a ,large shipment of
these goods in all the new styles, and have decid-
ed to place two lines at special prices for the com-
ing week -
Dress hats, shape, YMlatest 'black or brown $`2 ,Q^,O(.
Crush hats latest styles, all shades 50c.
McOlary's Famous Stoves
received highest award
at Paris Exposition in
competition , with the
See our display with all the new :
improvements etc.
U V p
Cook (coal or wood.)
Molls B., Goal car.
Our stoves
,are from
the best
Makers i n
Canada and
Fully Guar-
ER 27t1 , 1000
Cromarty J Douglas. who lives on the homestead.
Bales. lr. and Mrs. Boyle gave
party to the young folks of vicinity
A large number attended and enjoye
themselves at dancing, ete. Mr. an
Mrs. Boyle �purpose leaving in the ne
future for .Lanark couzity.-..Rey, M_
Scott who had been away for sora
holidays arrived home on Friday last
--A. number from here took in the Ex-
eter last wei3k Bend report a good
fair,-fair]frett Chappel wino has lacca
living on !dr. Hackney was bur-
ied Tuesday a the Staffs cemetery.
There are 1�j[t,,vo daughters surviving,
i"iZ., itir: R't , $tarlley and Mie, John
Lindsay, bet1i of St, Marys. A. young
daughter of !'fr, and Mrs, W, W. Mack
re died on Sunday evening after a short
ar illness,
(To late for last week.)
B[el .---Sicbness is quite prevalent
at present. Many are sufl?ering from
severe colds. -n -Miss Ida Webb of St,
Jahn is here the ,Best of her sister,
'ors. J. J. Colsvlll, Tile Misses Johns,
of Exeter, spent Sunday here the
guests of their sister, Mrs, Robert's *i.
son, of .Gairtield.-Harvey Rieke left
Iasi: week for Newberry, as an assis-
tant in his brother-in-law's store,--
k"rank ,Abbott, of Biddulph, attended
Divine service here, and during the
service his horse was unfastened froth
the shed and stolen. Nights are get-
ting dark and don't we need a watch-
man 2..T1_ie Rev- Salton is expected to
be• here next Sabbath and renew his
old task. Weall
welcome him back.
--Mrs. Toole of Ottawa, is visiting her
sister -in -lase, Miss E. Toole. Mr.
Abbott's horse was found at hilts
Green in the church shed, where the
thieves no doubt left it..
k3tliEFS.---James Beatty and hush
Hazelwood are ill with the fever. ---
Thos. Hazelwood whose barn was re-
cently destroyed by fire, is getting the
material on the ground for a new
structure. -It was B. Doupe, son o
Robt Doupe, who obtained the prizes
at the Exeter fair, not A. Doupe,
stated in in the list. -`Miss C. Kirk has
purchased Mrs. Gourley's house, in the
village, M'rs. Gourley's intending to
work her farm near here the coming
year. --The Kirkton fair will be held
on the 4th and :,th Oct. -Win Moore
has purchased a floe driver from
Wm. Spence, of Blanshard.-W. R.
Carr while sur r
returning a fon h
1 the con-
vention of Veterinaries in Detroit pure
chased three drivers near Chatham,
for a good figure.- Nicholas Shier,
and W. II. Marshall have returned
home from. Manitoba, where they
spent a few weeks visiting their
friends. d. number from here attend-
ed the convention in St. Marys, and
a seem pease ra un . ridham
a. J.Sutherland, 1$Jtary l?:ublig Convey
aneer, Commissioner, Fare Insurance ageut
and Usurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal docu-
meets ca efuliy drawn, at reasonable rates -
Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in-
terest. ()Mee at the Post office. Henan.
T. Jr. D. COOKE.
Solicitor. . Late otarr Publ cc.. H nse' Oatt,,,rrF$tex
TO A . Sellery, 1,. D. S., D. D. S.,Honor Gradu-
ateofToronto tin%versits,Dentists. Teeth
eatraeted withoutpain or had e1reets. Onice
IPetty'soBlock, Ilensall. At Zurieht every
i day. ammietictn> Maavaetl1.
CIDI::It Mn.n.
'I be Hensel' gel! power eider and lar mill
w11t commence war➢: on theylt.d vt his invutb.
Legge rapnc}ty,
D. l,Ittl,[TII Its',
lainvs.---Duriug the thunder ,storm
on Friday last the commodious barns
and outbuildings belonging to James
A. Bell, on the London read, Tucker -
smith, 'list south of the village, were
struck y lightning and burned to the
lgstud,� together with this season's
clop. The fire occurred about Il. p. In
just as Mr. Bell was returning from
askingthe nes hbors to a threshtn
. Z; g
bee thefollawing day, and was atltand
to assist in saving the horses and int-
plemente. The fire caused a wide re-
flection, and was seen for a great dis-
tance, The insurance -$700 an the
contents and $800 on the butldings�--
was carried by the Hay Company.
Mr. Belt's lass will be double the
amount of insurance, ---T. J. Berry ire-
pcently returned from the Old Country
with three Shire stallions. They are
flue specsnlens of horse flesh. -Fred.
f Marnns is workingwith James Bever-
ley in Exeter. -Miss Hattou has re -
sunned her__ position as milliner with E.
Rannie,---I aarvest Home services will
be held in St. Paul's church on Sunday
next. Rev. Mr, Doherty will preach
in the morning at 11 o'clack, and Dr.
Crawford, of London, at 7. It is the
desire of the rector to raise $70 to
defray the expenses of recent inil�cove•
moats to the church. -Miss llagau
was in the •i11
I e v i, a this e
1 week visiting
friends. -Mr's. Hodgins moved he
household effects to the village this
week. --stili. Contlne was in the village !,
Monday. He intends at once com-
pleting the mammoth block at St.
Joseph, -W.. J. Miller has {purchased
from George McEwen his budding lot
l in the burned section, and will join
Messrs. McPherson, Davis and Mac-
arthur & Co. in rebuilding the recently
destroyed premises. Tho plans indi-
cate the erection of a handsome block.
-G. Isaerett of the township of Hay
has received word from his daughter,
Mrs. Weber and her husband, of Gal-
veston, Tex„ who were reported as be-
ing killed in the late storm, that they
escaped, having been away from home
at the time. The intelligence was wee
coaled by a host of friends here. -R.
Patterson, sr. carries one of his arms
in a sling. On Saturday he was tak-
ing a load of lumber to Stella, when
some of the boards slipped and struck
the horse, causing it to run away. Mr
Patterson, in some manner, had his
wrist badly sprained. -The village
is at present without light of sort
an the streets, and of a stark night
navigation through the streets is thus
rendered perilous. Sunday eyening
John McAllister, an elderly gentleman
while crossing King st. on his way
home from church, was knocked down
by a team driven by F. Blatchford,
and rendered unconscious. Something
should. be done at once to afford more
light. -Cook Bros. intend holding an
auction sale cf bicycles en Sept. 20th.
See advt. in another column. -Mrs. T.
Peart who has been ill for some time
is convalescent. -The neighbors are
assisting Daniel Bell in hauling 400
cords of wood to town, which was en-
dangered by the recent swamp fires,
it having caught several times, and
narrowly escaped destruction. -Miss
Simpson, of near Walton, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. W. E. Hoggartb.-
Jo seph Blaney has returned from visit
ing his parents in Kingston. -Mrs.
Stewart and Mrs. Collins were in the
village on IIonday.-Mr.. Stewart,
Supt. of the farming department of
the Penetanguishene Reformatory, ac-
companied by his son, Mr. Stewart,
late editor of the Lmbro Conner, were
in the village Friday visiting Mr.' and
Mrs. James Sutherland, with whore
the former was acquainted some 45
years ago. -Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Lon-
don reached it
. with r
p much acceptance in
Carmel church on Sunday. The build-
ing was crowded, The reverend gen-
tleman, is an eloquent speaker. -Miss
Alice Otddwill, who has been visiting
friends in Chatham and Detroit, re-
turned. home IVtonday evening. -Miss
E. Whitesides leayes this Week to visit
her sister, Mrs. Burton, of .Chicago. --
James Cox worth held a sale of village
lots on Saturday, but owing to the
small attendance the sale was with-
drawn. -Geo. Smith is entertaining his
cousin from Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs.
A. Murdock, J. E. McDonell and the
Misses Shaw and Hatton spent Sun.
day in Goderich.-J'no. Zuefle moves
family to Bra �
a fou in ;t few days,
where he has secured a situation with
the Williams' Shoe Co. Success.
-Rev. Gifford will. preach in the
Methodist church Sunday week. -John
Nichol left this week for Manitoba to
spend a few months. -Donald Buchan -
nen, son of` Wm. Buchannan was re-
cently married.
1- t
all I d that �' P
as the choice J1 r
sv a Ito a � f 4 meeting.
With their aeriated ovens, to give thorough ventilation and prevent
With their extra large ovens and fire boxes which places thein in
the front rank as a Farmer's stove
1318c1 -10P 80.14
A large shipment of AXES, X -CUT SAWS just arrived.
The Liberal Conservative conven- Sodom. Winchelsea
tion for North Perth last Saturday ---
unani Y c. ly nom- BRIEFa. Miss Jessie Green held
mousl Wide
.inateci A. F. MacLaren to continue in birth,da a
y -party on Tuesday evening.
the North Perth seat in the House of. Quite a number of her yong friends
Commons at Ottawa, which he has were invited. Mr. Allen, the blind
filled so creditably andacceptably dur- man, addressed the League on Sunda
ing theparliaiuentary terra just draw-
ing to a close. There was no disposi-
tion to even name in a complimentary
way, any other person but Mr. Mc -
,Laren,,, His was the only nomination
shown Vet beunanimous by a standing
vote of the convention.
All the lung healing properties of the pine
. are bottled up in. Dr. Wood's Noway Pine
Syrup. Itis the most satisfactory remedy for
coughs and colds of all kinds. Price 2ec..
-H E N
',New Fall Dress 'Goods,
New " Opera O (,ra Fl c"I.1111C1S, ,.
IRs `IMINGS, &c.,
Iew Fail Jackets and Capes
evening to a large and appreciative
audience. He intends holding revival
meetings in Sodom in, the near future.
-Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Box visited at
John Penhale's Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Nord were the guests of Mrs. A.
Box on Sunday.
'C. STANi3UEY, B. A., itX1l,TER, ONT.
• (Late with McCarthy, O,ler.C& Co., Toren
to,) Barrister, Conveyancer, Notary. Uoney
to loan. Offices formerly occupied by Collins &
Stanbury over O'Neils Bank.
BRIEFS: -Mr. and Mrs. John Peart
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Vern went to
Strathroy fait. They called on their
old friends Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson
and report a good tine.-Alarge num-
ber of our yoang mete accompanied by
their guides, attended the Exeter fair,
and no doubt spent a good time, corn-
ing home in the star light. It looks.
as if some ofthem had some serious in-
tentions in the near future.-- S. Peart
has taken his departure from one mrd-
et to look after his farm near the city
of Guelph. h. haying purchased 150 acr es
P Yi g P
there. • a ' -
II is fall. ploughing,but•
} e
/learn.. be intends oing hs family
there shortly. We wish him success.
-We feel sorry to hear again of the
sickness s of
Wellington,fou, oxil : son of
Thos. Brock,but fat ho a he ri
p may soon
recover. -It is with grief and sadness
we learn of the death of Mrs. A. Pen-
warden. Mr. Penwarden being born
and raised in our midst' he " has the
heartfelt sympathy of the community
in the loss of his beloved wife, so
young in years. -Another of the pion-
eers of Zion has passed away, in the
person of. Wm. Middleton, of Granton.
His remains were interred in the Zion
cemetery. Mr. Middleton once occu-
pied the farm now occupied by S.`
Jacques leaving there he went into
the hotel business in Granton and AV,V3
much respected by a large circle of
friends. Bright's disease was the
cause of death. -Mrs. Crosier is very
sick, but hope for her speedy recovery.
Her sister, Mrs. henry Hern, is away
taking care of her.
Gents' Furnishings
end Glofhin _.
BRIEFS. - Thomas White's house
will soon be ready for occupancy, and
it looks very nice.- Miss Mary White
has left for the States and will spend
two months or more. Winchelsea
will miss her. -Thomas Clark has re-
turned home from the northwest and
Mr. Sawyer will stay a little while
Large stock of Lumber -pine and hemlock.
170,000' feet of hemlock lumber, !for barns, etc.,
also shines es. lath and cedar posts. Prices
reasonable -.TAS WILLIS, Yara: East side
Nair st.
BRIEIs.--Miss Emma Fulton leases
on Monday for Toronto where she in-
tends to
n to soneti
time. -James
Stewart and wife, of Seaforth, visited
relatives on the boundary on Sunday
of last week. - Mrs. Neal, of Lucan,
visited friends in and around the vil-
lage last week. She returned home on
Saturday accompanied by her brother,
W. J. Vance.- The many friends of
Win. Kay in this neighborhood will
regret to hear of the death of his little
daughter, Laura Katheline, whose i11-
ness was mentioned last- week. She
died on Friday last and her remains
were laid to rest in Roy's cemetery on
Saturday followed by a large concourse
of friends. The parents have the sym-
pathy of the entire neighborhood in
t e loss of their only child. -We
also regret to learn of :the death of
Alfred Chappel which sad event took
place on Sunday at his own residence
after an illness of several. weeks with
meningitis. He leaves a ;svife and a
family of seven children to mourn the
loss of a loving husband and a kind
and affectionate father. His funeral
on Tuesday to Staffa cemetery .was
largely attended. The bereaved wid-
ow and family have the; sympathy of
many friend- in this their sore _mfilic-
My friend look here ! yonknow how
weak and nervous your wife is, and
yon know that Carter's iron Pills will
relieve her, now why not be fair about
it and buy her a box
Studefying" headaches ere eared, the head
cleared, and the head brigghtened by Milburn s
Sterling Headache Powders. They do not
weakon the heart. Price lOc and 25.
Biddulpi-i Council.
The council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, the Reeve and all the members
present. The following accounts were
ordered to be paid :-D \Vestman,
gravel contract, tile, grading and re-
pairing rend, $00.10 ; E Langford grant
to road beat $14.25 ; John Ryan, aj day
with grader and work at new bridge
$14.00 ; Geo. Armitage work at new
bridge $2.00 ; Jas Whalen, work,at
bridge with team $4.50 ; do gravel cn-
tract div 3 and 4 $46.85 ; Thos Guilfoil,
spreading gravel $t.00; Henry Sands -
burn, cutting weeds 0 S R $2.00 ; N
Gowan,grading and 3 concrete culverts
$5.75 ; Jno Kennedy, cutting thistles
div 5 $1.00 ;,S Fulton, tile drain. div 5
$L50 ; G. A. Stanley, spikes $1.18 ;
llowaans for 2 stone hammers OOc ; J B
Bryan, 4 dys withrader and 2 dye
rep bridge 50.00 ; 3 Hodgins. (Hill,)
gravel erect $15.00 ; R Handford, 45
cods, gravel contract, Centralia, S Ti
5111.05 ; 5 A McFalls, overseeing and
spreading gravel $10.00 ; M Mead,
gravel acct $3.00 ; John Ferguson work
on Sauble hill 50c ; J Dagg, cutting
weeds. dip 1, 500 ; Wm Armitage, bal
of acct for building culvert div 1, 30e ;
Jas Clyde, bal on stone abs, new
bridge $5.00 ; Ed Smyth, mending
gate div 3, 25c ; Jas Whalen, 4 dys
shovelling gravel $4.00. The Clerk
was instructed to have voters' lists
printed. The council adjourned to
meet again on Monday the lst day of
Oct I000, at 10 a, m.
- Y� . D. STANLEY, Clerk.
BnnsFs -0. H. Ready has bought
D. C. Jamieson's business and business
stand and will assume full control on
Monday morning. - Wm. Middleton
died on Wednesday morning. He had'
been ill for some time of Bright's
disease. Deceased was well known
throngy,having houtthe county, con-
ducted hotel here for some years. He
was 65 years of age, sand leaves a wife
and grown up family to =survive. -Our
whole community will hear with much
regret of the business difficulties of
Wrn.l3aynes. We hope matters will be
so adjusted that he will be enabled to
resume business' in a short time, We
learn that Mr; Bayne's mind has be-
come deranged over the event. -Frank
Middleton and wife, of Ilam bta, Man.
attendedthe funeral c e , of his brother the
late W. Middleton, last week. - A.
most estimable young couple in the
persons of Miss Jeunia Fitzgerald and
Mark Lindsay were united in mar'r'iage
at the home of the bride's father on
Wednesday, tlielutlr lust: A. host of
friends join in congratulations. -Thos.
Shippley, sr., of tite 10th con., Bixin
shard, flied at his hone in Blanshard
on the 12th inst., after a lingering ill-
ness of about three years. By Mr.
Shipley's death, another of the com-
paratively few that are left of the old
land marks or pioneers is gone to his
longrest. He was nearly 70 years old
and leaves four sons and one daughter
to.mourn the loss of a kind and loving
father. The remains were taken to
Kirkton English church cemetery on
Friday last for interment. , -Henry
\Vest:man, of London, died on Satur-
day at the advanced age of 87 years.
Deceased was born at Mt. Malloch,
Ireland, and lived for a long time on
the town line of Biddulph and London
township. He leaves three sons.
Cameron and Henry, of London, and
Fred Kerr. who has for some time
past been teaching at Brooksdale,S. S.
No. 7, Zorra, has decided to go to
Western Canada to try his fortune.
IIe; will attend the Regina Normal this
fall and will afterwards ..pursue his
chosen profession in the Northwest.
On Friday List his pupils took the
occasion of his last day's teaching in
Brooksdale to present hint with a
handsome gold chain; accompanied by
a most complimentary address.
Grand Bend
BBIEF$. --`I{: Ravelle, general neer-
chant, has sold out to genes �.
leis brother, g arke
Alex., who takes possession Nov. lst. .
Mr. t D
Ravelle intends tarring business
in Shipka,--Mrs. H. l ossenb.erry is re- ;
covering .from her recent iliness,-Our iJUMI00A
sports are taking advantage of the i A full range of summer rods int
open season for ducks, squirrels etc., + cludfne' fancy insertions so goods
and ate meeting with very goad sue- ( 4
ees -.-boss Allie Mohave has left to demand,
vii friends and relatives in Manitoba. , F I. and
-Rich. Hauniiton's new horse has 1 veto range of I.)I A fon vain-
been completed and will soon he i oleic of Day ROODS.
occupied, -Mt:. and Mrs- John Spack- ° p Also evr line
man have removed to Exeter.
tin re Tete in everyline and always
° fresh,
Gu riots
IT IS NOT 1:14Ot i} f, ---"That we
Bai :i's, ---i1, L. Peine,. of London. I do as well" as embers. '
visited friends here last week, and (mg AIM Is To Kxerr„.
took in" the fair. H. L. stili has an
affection for Zurich and her people. -
F. Kibler is here from Brampton. He1 FULiI RINE OF xi
intends moving his family to that, city
aborti let October. There is one thin
which .Fred regrets, and that is hei; .Es.11 kinds of Farts 1)44/4"e for which
will be deprived of a vote at the rip. = highest prices will be mics,
proaehing elections, his name" having:
been struck off the list, here, and neg• ` J Rfll >l +~
Iected to put it en in Brampton .:. X
Fritz has moved into the residence va;- week. -J. 1I. Holtzman, our ciaterprix-
cated by fir. Iloedding,--Mrs. ing merchant tailor has placed 1
Cormick purchased the Magcl prop- aeetyleine gas dant in his shop Nvhieh
eety at the south end for $1,000. She lights to placetheperfection. There
h ie,,moyed into the same, --R. B. Man- are several houses for sale or to rent
son, of Blake. left on_,pnes dcty even- in one village now and some of our
ing for Woolslee :V. W. T. Rtr. Mali- young rneti should embrace these o
sae will resit friends to London on his pontunrties for securing, a cage tor
way But. --Mrs. Fred Kibler is improv- ,s the 11ird. NO eacu-e ncai-v b
ing slowly from her recent iltneas. -- it Homer, youngest son of henry Motz,
for S200. -This horse Me. M. hon
Jonathan Merrier has sold his driver had a thrilling experience in a, rurn-
alt away accident on Saturday last. Tire
from John GRiger :dnmt tlu-ee week,;. inose lie was driving throu1
h the
argo, Ile took first prize in the car- snit' bcrauw nnui:inage;abk'. tbruwin
stage cuss at l teeter atnong A hien nut, upturrlin lire Muggy au
competitors, and also frst,itt. /bitch, ;lpseak:ing the top considerably. For-
;tncl is at, fine specimen of horsc-flesh tutr:rtvly to boy escaped serious in -
hada very hint' display of i3ury.
rigs at the fair. there were several
new designs, one of which, a buggy p
with rubber tires, attracted as gored Mitchell
deal of attention.
Btii1.Fi'.-Iter, B. Baker, of &rat+ -
Crediton ford, will preach in Zion rhumb, on
the Stella circuit. on Sunday evening
Baud's.° --Lovely weather this week 1 next.- John Chappel and. wife, of
but cannot expect it to last.--Rvery- Kirkton were in town on Sunday and
body is rushing in asupply of coal, Monday last. --There was n. clash of
fearing` the results of the present ex- authority at the Police Court Tuesday
tensive strike in the mines. --Digging morning. Mayor Davis was about to
potatoes and making cider and apple try some cones for bicycling on the
butter seems to be the order of the sidewalk. when Lawyer Thompson
day. --Chas. Zwieker did business in rtised the objection that the Police
London on Tuesday. -'-R, Haber, M. P. Magistrate was the o
nly serion that
P., visited Kitmen on Monday last incould try town casts.
There setas a
the interest of his Fire Insurance CO. j race between the Mayor and cunnsel
there baying been two big tires up so the cases dropped. The chief and
there recently. --The council bas let a 1 the court lost their costs, and no one
contract to 11Iessrs. Quarrin & Barry i tdse should ride on the 'idlenrrlk.-,
to deliver 20 cords of gravel aa`ong our ' '3rs. (Rev -I John Williams, now living
main street. This will insure us ;. inDakota, is back. seeing x her many
good road. -Rev. Stephen Knott•. of friends in town.-RobertCyawl 'ord, of
Ailsa Craig, occupied the pulpit in M. Toronto, who Lived here several years
E. church both morning and evening ago, is in town this week renewing ae-
on Sunday last and preached two tinarntances.
splendid sermons to large anis attetr- ,
true audiences. We wonld like to see TESTIV07IAL Ole' hilt WILT,Its.Vf
the church as well filled every Sunday, H, I�EItSLATE
-Dr. and Mr;. • Rivers attended a
double wedding in Goderich on Wed-
nesday evening of this week - Water
is said to be getting scarce in sotue FNGIaISid S10CIi FOOD.
wells and pastures are badly in need: of __
rain, -Late on Saturday night first firr. This is to certify tient I have used
was discovered in a large pile of dry' y'
and a half miles English Stock Food for horses, cows
cordwood, about one
west of Crediton. The synod belongera and calves and have found it of great
to Conrad Kuhn and was skidded value in all cases. It gives them a
out ready to draw to his the yaoda. good, thrifty appearance and prornotes
It is supposed to have been set on 'ire. the growth and digestion. 1 recom-
If so it is a disgraceful nava,-Mr.s. S E. mend its ore to stack raisers.
Kestie accompanied her mother, n° r.:. < <ia3r. H. 3 .ERSLA1 E,
Dory on a trip to Landon township t''lris i libbers.
,izr Your money refunded if pnrwhase unsatisfactory.
I stl T
WORLD k.....
Se oill* Line of BUCKS' S®vet
and Ranges