HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-20, Page 8TEC J XETI R TIMES )31030tA811 .!5T E. a►. ti ` eat l,'Et.;il;ailellelVtl. It .11`'tellelt el; ll ettrieepti'iti:ai3 .leetdill hell le G # eft PRODUCE — ONLY QN1 111GF. We extend a hearty invitation to every lady to call and inspect our new dress goods, Come and see the new ideas whether you want to buy or. not You're al- ways ays tivelcoine to see all that's new at the big store,. $7,00 for a very . swell new friezehome-spunladies' suit' length in the new heather tints, al beauty. $ 5.00 the suit end for very nifty homespun, carnet's hair ef- fects, These pods are strictly high class, and correct in style. $;.oda the suit end for a Tavely range of p imported home spuns. p All the new shades, very stylish and down to date. 85c the yard for our great leader in home spurn "the new grey, it's all right, The latest diceweave, and such value as you may not see again. 6oc, soc and 4.5;c the yard for a big range of all the latest shades irl holne-spurns and ladies' cloth. See this range, they're big in value. Se and Ipc the yard for nice bright plaid goods, very suitable f:tr children's school -wear, and isc for our biggest plumb in double fold dress goods, ask for it. .rg's SOK Storc' A full stock of School Books ublic Schools. A full stock of Sunday School Library Books at wholesale prices Family and Peachers' Bible Ful Line. Everything in. Stationery, wholesale and retail. Jolill Griug EXETER J. A. ST WART For anxiage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watches. Clocks?, Jewel ry, Spectacles, IQto (situ, O\' R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty, Central QSTRATFCRD, ONT, A school that is doing the best work in business education iii Canada, Our Magnificent catalogues give full int or- nation. , Write to -day d;ty for Ser - al Se - eril Canadian colleges and manylarge American schools employ our grad- uates as teachers. This is one strong point m our fa`'or. Eater now if pos- sible. W. 3. BLLIOT7.', Principal. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must he left not later than Tuesday noon, Casual advestisennentQ accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. INSURANCE. 's;t1Li a Shaw left yec erday for Hen - 1 itNEST ELLIUT, E, Carlisle, of Hensel I, visited friends here un Tuesday. :igen for the Wr srxiaa7 Ammeter= COX. 'ttir,ofToronto ,also for the Premix Fate NSA: i A, en COMPANY, a! London, I1n lata ' Mervyn ti n a t sta n of Parkhill, ll , spent eatkr. rA as INSURANCE CorPdNY of Eng ,TiC •1 visiting, his pets in town. -- TECURSDA.Y. SEPTEMBER 20th,1000 LOCAL HAPPENINGS John n itri o eu f t t', edi r to itis , tpurchas- ed the 50 aeres of laud formerlown- ed by Charles Treitz, the price being $2,200. itIi,.it, ,, Miss L:Lui<'t Gs e„crry left hast Thurs- day for Toledo. cohere she will take aL Dr. Amos has returnee to town. training course in ono of the hospitals there. Shooting season opened on Saturday T. J. Wilson, son of D. D. `Uilson a last.f Louis Long, is visiting under the par- Seaforth, intends leaving next month rental roof. for India, where he will practice his profession as a dentist. Richard Remmeree new house isRev. 4r. Thompson, of lionkton, nearly completed. occupied the pulpit of Main st. church Will Ross, of Clinton, spent afeet on Sunday and preacbed two able ser - days here this week. l mons. Rev, R. Mityard preacbed at Miss Lizzie .Either, of Creditou, is I Bethel appointment. visiting Miss Bella:Sims. Aromatic extract of -Blackberry is a Mrs. Adams of Leamington, visited pleasant, safe and effectual cure for friends in town last week: Diarrhoea, Dysentery,Cholera Morbus, A ianmber from ke, etc, For sale at Lutz s Drug , Exeter will attend Store, only 2ac-a, bottle. Zurich fair to -day, JohnThursday.a'w Mrs. J. P. Ross, has returned from a Spackman and wife have re- t visit with friends in Chatham. turned from Grand Bend summer re- sa sort. They report this the most sue- en Tem FAxrss.—Exeter was beseigecl With fakirs on fair day, and it would seem as if the bands of 'these smart. decks who attended the London fair bad come to Exeter to rob the entire couunuuity. There were fully seven- ty five in town. They duly purchased their liberty to carry on the nefarious work upon the grounds, and with everything in readines were proceed ing with the several: gapes of chance,, when. Constable Gundry, of Goderich, to his credit be it said, politely walked the fakirs off the grounds before they had an opportunity to gull any of the innocent visitors. The action of the authorities in this natter is conunend- .able, and had the soeietyrefused to allow them to operate upon the grounds, much trouble alight have been saved both to the ocers and fakirs.. PitLsereEle — The Presbytery of Huron met in Willis church, Clinton, on Wednesday, 12th fast. The deputa- tion appointed to visit Grand Bend and Corbett reported that these con- gregations desired a continuance of the 'o e t gni r tantf for a orae e r � an thought that wit the end Of that time ad reducio might he expected in thneretluiretmments. Air. Sawers reported that Varna and Blake had (leei:led to call Thos. David- son, and that he hoped to be able to preeernt the call le the Presbytery at. a meeting to be held at • Srucefietd on Sept. 2-Ith, at 1i. o'clock a. nm. Dr. Vempbell, a,gern)r of the ('entnry Fund, addressed the Presbytery la connection with the nark, in which he is engaged. He stated that over $s''`t),tltw had been subscribed, and that there are about 000 congregations who have not yet re- ported. Of the $100,000, grotnised by the ministers of the church, nearly the whole aa.waaut has been subscribed, .and a considerable eerie paid,An exchange of ministers in connection evith Sab- bath school work was. Arranged to take place before the next regular meeting of Presbytery in November. Mrs. A. J. Ford is visiting friends in Brantford,. Mrs, Bee, of Parkhill, and 1rs. Pinch, of Stratford, are visiting atrs, Richard Oidley. Mrs. ZlIonme, town, and slits, P A. Crews, Forest, left the latter place for alonona, Iowa, to visit friends and rel- atives. llialco1u ltiilyard has gone to St,. Thomas, where he has secured a situ- ation in a, wholesale dry goads estab- lishment, The play "Finnigan's Fortune" given in the Opera, Mouse Tuesday evening by local talent, was welt received by a large audience. The corn crop this year throughout the li country will the vllhe tl a heaviest on record. The numerous showers pro- duced rapid growth. Absolutely pure reliable Baking Powder. Try it once and you will never use any other kind. Sold by 0. Lutz, druggist Exeter. of Snowflake, daughter ti,Jformerly9fof this vicinity, is at present visiting her aunt, sears, A,. NeU,at Lumley. Thos. Elston, of Muskegon,. Mich., is visiting Mrs, R. Pickard and other friends in town. Be was u. former resident of Exeter, and has not been here for 20 years. We are pleased to note that S,t n'l Gid ley,hls sufficiently recovered from his recent accident to he'Lble to visit the store d Lily. He uses crutches to obis( him iia walking. Wilson Swenerton, V. S., of Oar - berry, Man., was in town the past week visiting at J. P. Ross'. Mr. Swenertou e to n rv asa former resident n of Exeter, but has been living in the wrist for many years. John McNally, father of Mrs. David Spicer, formerly of Exeter, diedat bis home in Hanover on Thursday last. Deceased had a bad attack of la grippe last winter, from which he never felly recovered and which brueht about a general breaking up of the human sys- tem. George King, a former resideut of Blyth, dripped dead in one of the city parks of Chicago last Friday at noon. He had been at work during the fore- noon and was on his way to lunch when death overtook him, He was the second son of Wm. King. 1st con., East Wawanosh, and was 42 years of age. He leaves a widow but no child- ren. The wind storm this week has rouht a great deal of damage ugh the country. Fruit buyers y that after all apples will be scarce ou ;lythe winds having blown down, some instances, every apple in fine rchards, while others suffered almost heavily. Along the `lake shores as r north as Goderich apples litter the round in the orchards. and many ees have been damaged. Horn fields so felt the e force of: the wind. Another house wedding took place in Clinton on Sept. 11, at 11.30 a. tri., when Miss Flossie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' A. O. Pattison became the wife of J. J. iVla wire thec y q , eI e- fi, Tony being performed by Rev. W. G. fniY owson, in the presence of a goodly number of invited guests. The brides- maid, Mjss Sadie z i za rd was s r ettiL P Y attired, and"also carried a shower: boquet. Mr. and Mrs. `&squire will re- side in Clinton, where he occupies the position of operator at the . freight. office. 49 For sore, blistered, perspiring feet Ohafed skin, prickly , p y heat, nettle rash,. hand applying after shaving, use Foot of Ease. For sale at Lutz's Drug Stole. 2; _�c a box. BISMARCK'S RC SSL IRON N NERVE. Was the result • of his splendid endid health.' Indoaiitehle.will and tremen- dous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want` these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr.' King's New Life' Pills.`: The develop every `power of brain arid body. Onlyn y 25c at any Drug Store. SALE A, REGISTER. T UESDAY QC1S e. --e arm. stock i - m tem entsetc' P ., the property of W. H. Wood. lot 12, con. 4, TTsborne (near a Etimvijle), Sale a. one o'clock sharp. No reserve as the proprietor has rent- ed his farm, and intends going to Lon-. don to reside. H. Brown, Act. W. 5. Belkwill, has returned from a trip to Manitoba and the Northwest. Frank Bissett, of London, is visiting his grandfather for a few days this week. efiss.Bella Sims has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in cessful season in its history, and that the visitors seemed well pleased with the park. On Monday morning, there died at his residence, an old settler, in the per- son of James Craig, of the 7th line, Morris. Deceased been seen airing for rediton, { a considerable time, and was mostly Mrs. Douglas has returned home 1 confined to the house since February from an extended, visit with friends in last. Sea'farth: t' 'Turkish Scalp Food prevents;the, hair from Miss falling off, A. II nom „restores greyor the bedside ef y sn is in Toronto: at white hair to its original colorBing di located her lP sister, vnho fell and delicately perfumed; it leaves no un - Louis Itoedding, of'Zurich,hes see • pleasant odour. It is not a dye, cured ae Should. be in every household where' a situation ' ati on as beret,.r hair renewer is needed. Sold'by C. and moved to town last week. ,,,Lutz, only 50c a bottle. Wilbur Oudumore who has been In the death of Whitting - visiting friends in, Exeter: end vicinityMrs. A.B. Whiater a Y ham, who'passed quietly away after a returned to Detroit ou Saturday. few days illness, at the home of her "Happy Days," of Stratford former- dau h er ormer •,g t , on Monday, Sept. 10th, God- ly of Hensel', is negotiatingg for the erich townshiploses a ood purchase of the "Grip House," Sea- old lady Hoitse; being of the age of 79 years and ? forth. months. The deceased.was born on `V Feb. 20 Ileaman as T'eb. 20th, 1321 n-. w in Lond , L Norton FIa1l on 7u - , Nos- , es , Nor - day, attending fell, f y, riding the wedding of his o , Pngland, her ,.ather, ,Jas. Wigg, brother, John, to Miss' Gertrude being an extensive farmer and coal Glucan. merchant.= In 1847 she was married to Francis J. Whitein ham. A meeting of those interested' in the. o In, hen Exeter cemeteryshould a } they came ti Waterloolreellcounty; then (tend the removed to 73olmesviliein 18(12. ;y Ail explosion, which mihthave re- . h o g. e. meeting in the Town Hall on Peida evening of this week. en fact all w d fatall ,but which -was f yortun- a SUl 4. ns Dud to h 1 at. ,��, end, a 1 to not attended r y i deo byserious results E English 1Lsh a and Scotch'LiWillis' g noIe'un�is 2 . , and frocearred>n W. Fl. WLllishoe: store 4 yards wide. English oil cloth 1:'l e eSeafor h, Friday' .. , t , on mornin : . and : 2 yards ,,,i g out Y. � wide, and Canadian oil ,aceLyliue gas machine had. gone out cloth, 1, 1.' and 2 yards . wide. l�'' The �tof order, incl. the gas was gradually largest and most complete `stock in ,'worked g y ked off so that'it could'be repaired. -town at Stewarts. P That niorfingThoniasHatcher,had tak- Frank d. eekes, son of W. en•it'apa> (;`arid called Mr.Willis to his D. VC?eekes a boyl.3 years of age captured Ist 'assistance, Who carriedalamp. When size for a, e nearing the machine the -la p pencil sketch.. -The g >u eau lit P con e• P fire tL i a.scarchi tonn bot of s keen. Sh nienaboar n Miss t the head s M. V.g Whit e sertired r5eeond prize for oil'paintin at � and hands, ,and blowing aft doors and the Western. Fair. g windows. in or as fa g tr al 124222222222 LEI ;h' ry lir r N;r 22r u-3 *Mee Fere 22 222 lexetei sees s ;ARUNG IE.,.R.O. A Big Drop OUR kliTEN.$/706K 1s �la� Gomp1ae in all Departments. IN -rule FoRicie Cid Ready*made*Olothing rt, Tiley were N EVER LOWER THAN NOW. We do not know whether "Laurier" is the cause of it or not but the faot remains which makes us and our customers happy- The variety tion co i t' .ty is also large. The reduc- tion at au opportune time, when mothers are getting their boys ready to start school and want to buy most for thein money. We have a line of boys suits that were $2.75 to $3.25 a suit which we offer at $1,50 to Clea R,aud many other lines proportion ately loc. We are also clearing out sum- mer goods, blouses worth, =i0e for 40c, 75e for r50 1.00 for 75c, us M , . als and a number lines at your own price. hilIf you want good good at right prices we are with you. If you want shoddy or the like you, will have to go elsewhere. Give us a call. Highest prices paid for produce, OfIRLIN ROS We are showing the finest assortment of ianported and domestic Dress Goods ever displayed in Exeter, We would call especial attention to our magnificent. display of Gold Medal lilk Dress Goods, \\ e shoes- them at prices ranging! � g@ from 75e to $3,50 per yard. Special display of NEW FALL MILLINERY, MANTLES DRESS GOODS, and FURS, as well as all other lines. Everybody is cordially invited to inspect our stock, Some Special Bargains. 300 yards of Cotton Huck Towelling, regularly sold at 6c yard, special price 6 yards for l o doz White Cotton Fringed Towels, regular price 4c each, special per pair ia0 pairs Ladies 31 c, Cashmere Hese , the regular price i ouId be 35c., special price Finest selected 'Valencia Raisins, regular price, I3 r2c per lb, price 3 iris for New season's Japan Tea, the regular 5c per lb kind, special 2,c se 2 C e lhae a liIaaitetl s nada- FARMERS ATTENTION t��y- alae� eelebrthtecl � .� owo SEED OATS. These oats were grown from seed 11n - ported last year from Pi'aiiz c, and yielded 80 bushels to the acre and are free from smut. Price 75 cents per bush., and can berocured at either Exeter or lfe�iisall stores. p ARD'S Direct Importers Miss Annie J. Dinennore, of Bland C:entratta shard, has left, for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Tibbits, of Mark, OtilTtr.a rix. --Again this week it is Sonth. Dakota. our sad lotto record the death of a Rev. E. v V. matinee, B. A., in- young brother and friend itt the per- r.utnbent of Prineetou, was united hi son of Thomas Wesley Pyre who pass - marriage t Wednesday to Miss Rebecca ed away to join the silent tnajority Roe, daughter of John floe, of the on Ihureday evening.of last week at township a j pf DltmiiL. t' Fred 73i c.:airs, e e a Inc young and promising age of 20 Lynes. of Orauton, has been a y s a young,ume" who pas- : se san accepted s ed ammo, k d e on alae a e 1"a d an 1 i pollee :f 'o n p atechis ma i- e of y p a the (�i Is t g Y1 of Toronto. Out of 1,100 applications, I anon. Deceased had lived stere eears ver have Mr. Bbeen (chosen, twenty-two others r, whence ilie accepted auntil �osition in London A. Graham, one of the tau ni p I where he lived up till a short time be- Johndetective farce was arrested: fare his death* He was taken with a iii don 'Sunday morning on a warrant I severe cold which developed into sick- charging - him with assault• His wife 1 ness, he answered after three weeks final sum - is the complainant. The assault is °tions and wenhme the alleged to have been committed on 1 e from all on S o- Saturday evening. !earth. The faneraltaokplace on Sat - Saturday to the Exeter cemetery and was In Goderich the busy burglars tdox i followed by a circle of sorrowing advantage of the storm Tuesday night friends who extend their heartfelt of last week to visit the stores of A. sympathy to the entire fainly in this elcD. All and ware stealers, and. W. O. Pridluttre N» G Itougvte, hard- their hour.of deep sorrow. men's furnisher. They depleted the Elirnville, outfit in all three stores. There is a general report from far- Brtn.Ns,---elle and Mrs. Thos, Cook. mers that turnips are being destroyed of St._ Thomas, visited time past week by n small insect. The more advanced turnips are suffering most and the late sown may escape the ravages of the pest. The white turnips are not attacked so seriously as the others. with their daughter, Mrs,M, ,Elford jr. — 14Lr. Cook has sold the fifty acre farm between the villages of Elimville and Winchelsea to Joshua Johns for $2500. — 'rhe funeral of Mrs. Penwarden, (nee J. T. Hicks. of Mitchell, has decided. Miss Prout) who died of typhoid fever, ou entering suit against the corpora took place on Saturday last, to the tion, claiming damages for an accident Exeter cemetery. Mr. Penwarden has sustatued to bis horse through a defec- the sympathy of the neighbors in his e memorial preached on Sunday evening by —The 0. O. C.' P. Coun- tine crossing. The animal is . rata bereavement.- able T'h service d was c11 d agile one, an received a severe strain- ing owing to one of his feet breaking Rev. Wtidde]L through a plank, cal of Eltmviile attended service on Sunday morning last and to a rJ nes H. Hodgins, Reeve of London fvneatrllni • appropriate a 1 was fined $1 and costs by moby Friend WaddeTheattend-uireotaSaturday for usngte was very good considering the g language towards morning.—Solan .— Jo hn wewCliffe• visited Beamish, one of the township path. last wee- andhalemaster . The trouble between Hod- gins and Beamish arose over Hodgins cow. -here purchased a pure bred ld digging a hole on the roadside and !Literary Epworth League g. jersey i Beaanislm asking him to MI it up. Literary on Thursday evening. A ood pro,gram ram is O nforthose E t hat at -P. Ea r tt, of Lendon, formerly of t Hay township Inas' not heard as yet, from. his sister, Mrs. S. H. Weber, and her husband. who were residents of Galveston. He is afraid they are numn- ends=_A yearling steer belonging to Joseph Hawkins had its leg broken on Saturday last and bad to be killed.— Mrs. Northy, Mrs. Deitz and Mrs.'. Tucker, of Port Huron, attended the tiered among elle lost. He as well as funeral of their six tither relatives are looking for word den. eL+ Mrs, Pll with n Johi;t Prout Jr is cite mit with ery..day. symptoms of. the fe q Y, pver.—Dayjd Lloyd; ,. Since the above was put in ;t e of. Y Port'Iinron' i p s v Lsi ' tin • friends Fiends here •ord has been received to:the effect � for a few clays. -Rev. Waddell is bold - la at t,, he persons p mentioned above have. ing revival services at the • Sunshine perished. Mrs. Weber was a daughter appointment. of C.'Eacrett, of ;Hay township,and was well known in Exeter W. Ball, of Woodstock, has received word from his brother James, who went to South Africa with` the New South Wales Light Infantr from, Australia g Y ustra is at, the beginning of the war, that he has been wounded and will. never likely wholly recover. . lie was under the connmand of Colonel Dal- getty, at Webener, where be was struck in ,the, right shoulder by a Mouser bullett, et t, which carne,ont at the right knee, after passingdown his side' beneath the ribs. He was taken to the hoc ital, and has been confined fined to ,.his bed for eleven weeks. He cannot be brought home, as he is unable to move. His parents live in Clinton, Ont. REMARKABLE RES DUE. roars. Michael Curtain, Plainfield,III., makes the, statetnent, that she caught cold,which settled on her lungs she ine was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of• con- sumption and that no in d' .. e kine' could cure her. Her druggist suggested De. King'sNewDiscovery foreomisumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from ` first r dose. e She c oratin u ed its us be and after taking six bottles found herself self sound and well ; now does her own house work, and is as well as she ever was. Sold by all Druggists, Large bottles 50 cents and $1.00. A.I'eltE\TICE %YAxr u to learn printing. Apply at Tutus Offici. PIANO Fort S LTS.—A square piano, in good order, for sale cheap. The ad- verciser has two. Can be seen at the Metropolitan hotel.. UM Question T It b. o CsG equipped Shorthand a Cti ai Tina:( - n P ne and School in Candida. s rho Forest City Iluhlncsii .� Shorthand college. T.ondon, Ont. Laargoenrol- meritil tpossiiti nfaculty, n of excellent itiork at Its credit,. Catalogue et after con denco Invite orre;;po X ROLLER ILL JUST REGI IITBil ii Gar of Si Ka Red Seed WHEAT J. COBBLEDIOI it SON.. BUGGIES Anyone wishing n new or second, hand buggy of IV. 11. Parsons can have it by applying, art shop, or at WM, Trevethiek's, or S. Marten's, as the proprietor will be away for sometime. Nolo is the time tabuya good buggy J. W. WESTER I LT. cheap, J:'rinelpal. i Books and accounts left with; Mae S. Mart iu. Bargains 1I lwT icycies We have a few second baud 1000 models OIeveand icycles, Only been used a, short time and guaranteed in first-class condition which we will sell at BAROftl FR I GES. Also a few other snakes very cheap. In Second-hand Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, we are bolding out inducements to people looking for good values. Our new goodsare right both in quality and price and are sure to please. Call and see them. No trouble to ex- plain to you their good qualities. a W. H. Parsonls- E.XETETt. ONT,; LEVITTS' FAIR Glass Jars, Fritit Fillers, Choppers Ricers, s Rai stn in See da GrL i te ie atTe and Spoons, mails, Pudding dishe s etc. A nice assortment of Vaces, Bottles and Tooth Brush Boxes just arrived. Headquarters for wedding presents. Glass and China four -piece setts,anai Fruit Setts, Trays and Water Glasses.. Fres •^ h Fruit arrives nearly .every day, Peaches, Plums, Grapes and Watermelons. Levitt's Fair AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEAL Ili LAUNDRY., S. ar�l l.revery Lauri dsy sent a w ay Thug sTty. lE EW i '� .,a TO DRY GOODS dllU6R06ER1[S, %V. YEO. Fall is coming, r: 11Th , sa is our new fall 00 Denims �goods. Cottons, Cotton Tweeds, Denims as ° 1:1t;I Shlrtillgs. (special va,lue in these lines.) Flannels and Flan 1e ettes in all ' the ze popula;r prices. Also special value in Men's Underwear. per,suit 75c, �1;0(l; $1.50 and $2,,00. Ladies Vests, long sleeves, from . 5 .l:�c to $1.00, special value at 255 50cand5 , p 7.�c. Just received a,.. choice lotof Boys and Men.'s Caps, plain . l , p a and fancy-. These goods are the latest arid are very.nobby, also several lines of Y Vt en's' .Br ownanc :131ac r Fedoras just in and the_ very l latest in YDarin Men's Stiffs,- expectedthis week, Call and see them. Don't forget et our= �'groceries,they are all llesvw and fresh. We keeChase and S °, an1701 L1 . As best. Coffee, and oul� yY���- Teas.:are, 1`I O. A Call e Solicited. Produce t.,, ' falcon. r l 11 .,,` e1 c .n.,li,l rt 7 « We want Eggs. �, tilt Butter and E g - Remember the place lll'St door northof post office. ce. vv. Li. YlE0