Exeter Times, 1900-9-20, Page 7TEtl-PE,RINO PRQESS AlIi Mak ra Metal. te... ereueot Cons ihe *test In Me World. obably the most famolie gon man- ectory in the world oeot to that of Knopp in Crermauy, IS that of 801111ai4er et Ole. more popularly known in, Vranee as "Le Cretutat.," eleeeeiheet.- olte91,11,11obetitolleorit 011 the Farm. YK Atoteeeeettnithashooll- ---sohostohotioo HE HORSE'S FOOT, I o the natural eineetruotion of the horse's foot, the hero is seereted from the livLug surfaoe, and. myria.da of TJie busineea wa.s fouudad, by an beautiful vascular an4 seneitive tufts glitigriatalaa* an englike'elr tha deReledeet from this surface enter the ot WilkilisOn. Who eatabliehed himself home fibers to a certain depth, and at Vreusot lo IWO, and erected iron play an importa.nt pert in the forma -- smelting werks, It was her that tion of the sole. The newly formed shortly after 'Watt's discovery ,,the horn is soft and spongy, and incapable tirst steam engine was pat into Ix3o. of resisting expoeure to the air, but M the present day. the works, mines, it is pushed further away from this railways, eta., owned. by the firm owe surface by successive deposits of fresh er 485 acres. The number of persons material it becomeold horn, lo$es employed by the firm average about its moisture. awl hieing ISO acquitee ISM% but this, will be eansbleral4 hardness sufficient to withstand ex.- increawl. by the POW buildings now terhai infloormeon Two it la nat. Jeet_ ed. to wear ad if this, be ineofticient trader eonstruction. The stability f the pereohertel has been ta°5t retear'" to reduve sufficiently it falls off in ale- GTO third of it ties over 2O years" scales. Thie natural diminution in the ce g quarter has over 25 years, excess 01 born the, sale is a most eighth has over 30 yeareser- benefieid process for the hoof. I Horn is a slow own:looter of heat an Tk eosting� QI 44 the e°°t.taval3 ; cold awl whets thick tetallin MOintlITO Vane, naadel fautulks hy the Transvaal I for e. leug perhad, Theee flake e then war, ie ImoO tho meet pleturesque aot SS a naturel "et opping" te the hoOt Olgittis to leo ;sew.; in the umehanieal „ arouroftanting and retaining mois. world. ^ tura betteatle and this not only keepe The abseIute care with which all toe eget cog au it utuu/y avapuralea the operations are condueted ia ap- , but "1/154Tee for the twilit and growbeg ParinitlY from tbe f°11°Nving de5c1IP'* , horn Its toughaese elaaticity and.pro- tioo ot the preceee of coustruotiou of per develepment, In addition to tbIs • Creasot-Oaaet g" tar144h°{1 bY144 OTer$ flake ante more or lees aa °Waal of tUe firm; , spring in warding oft bruleee or "The ingot of steel on being takeu r injuries to the sole. Any one eau trent the steel works IA Carried to the adily understand the damage then Oerge, an(i there given a first tor- mast result in cm:moo:ice of the sole iteg in Order to give the metal the being thus rutlilessio denuded. of ita qualitiee of etthesien aud homogeneity protection awt expeeed to the most wielele the ingot does not pOS5el5, 011 aerious injury. A shoe elteuld Payer behig eimply OEM, in an equal degree nnder any AlreltUaStrances, remain au front the center to the surface. saors than two mouthe, arid "The boot is Pieced in a furnac iciA would be all therabetter. hea.teel to the lier4Ssary temperature and Wren to the forging' press to un- dery tbe operetions eV hammering held rawing. In the couree Of Ulla W *4'011011 't given an oetagooal tamps "In the corse ot the aecouil oper- itt:011, IMMIX tbe etampaget rn hich it is heated and reheated soy - times, tingot is given the shall° ehould bave won it is sent to he roughened. During these various op- erations the extrem oueties of the in- t are t of for experience has eel that the metal these is gen- erally of poor quality. Then to give the metal back the jimmtegeneity o which the succeitsive beatings. and re heatleigs deprived it it is heated t • brighter red. and then allowed. to I slowly and. progressively. Tie gots is then unrougbened.and resahht to something like its final 'neensions. The unroughened piece is hen tampexed to gem) the necessary oarless to the metal. In order to do this the gun is suspended in a vertical furnace. In order that the heating may be regular a rotary movement is given to it. At tie+) precise moment that It reaches the desired temper- ature the door of the furnace is open- ed aucl the tube plunged rapidly into a bath of oil In spite ot the pre - ()stations taken it sometimes happens that the tempering is not absolutely _eanieelular. In this case the operation is repeated. "The gun tempered is ready tor the Onishing work. In order to follow the quality of the steel through out all the operations small rings are cut from the extremity which are broken into what are known as " bar - realm d'essail" These are carefully tested being drawn, struck and bent to verify whether or not the metal possesSes all the necessary qualities." MM. Schneider et Cie are under con- tract with this French Giovernxnent not to supply their guns to any Power of Euxope. Tliey oan however, sup- ply nations in other parts of the voorld and, in addition to the Trans- vaal the greater part of the Japan - ase and meech of the Chinese artillery names from their works. (WEER RULES. that Are Strictly Observed fly elshisee Emperor. The Emperor of China is a most appy individual. He is surrounded a wall of etiquette as old as the eat Chinese wall and. even more ten- - e -re are some of the rules (he nmst follow unflinchingly, and. with the greatest care. They are imperative, and are never known bo be broken: He must rise every morning at two o'clock. The dishes served at breakfast are te seine day after day, and have been fixed. from time Immemorial. Every dish is served in couples -two clucks, two c ens, two soups, two tu,ps of tea. etc.. ea.ch folldkeing the ether in time-honored succession. He must eat just 90 much. of each fish, and show no partiality. If he ap- pears to like any food particularly, and eats- heartily of it, the state phy- sician, who steeds behind him, inarae-' diately orders It to be takia away. The Emperor must never turn a cor- ner when out for a drive. If he is seized. with a fancy to drive out, which, fortunately, does not occur of- ten, it means. enormous expense, as 1 all the streets must be made straight; , any houses interfere, they are promptly' swept a Vay, while ev,en " a dried7,up watercourse must be span- churning diciee not break it up, and TWA With a bridge,. MU 101:11e thei aPtiolte ding tO the fat day of the meath. and reatomar in tOe butter, causing it to soon go oft flavor. Strealro hotter is the reeult of the ealt not ben evenly distributed. Whore the salt hen not penetrated a white streak appears, as salt .develops oolor.• A little more working reme- dies tbiS defect. Coareie. inferior salt frequently contebes lime, and if used on lautter, tUe lime which is a greet bleaching ageocy, takes the color from the butter. Mottled• butter is usually due to the butter being too cold and firm when -orked, this salt not being able to dissolve and penetrate through it. The only way to procure giet-edged butter is by eternel vigilance, as that le the price of success, See that your cows are healthy, te study their atime, cater to their cone - fort, give them plente of wholesome food. and pare water. wed above all ex- ercise the most exacting cleanlinee r thereon hinges the meet lmport. at eatitor in dairying. -1.E.0 BUZZES - AA advantage in favor ot the biattir bees is that in capping their honey they use heavy capping. The cause of chateting in usually la Over f nil hive. WhIle bees are red svork 14 inn measure sus- pended. Colordee baviog defective queens are Os the fouudAticio of trouble and ver fail to come to naught eavy foundation runniug four th re feet to e pound. will pro-, duce when drawn out nearly a comb with fullesized. cells. The supply of drowse depende en- tirely upon the amount ot drone comb turniehed, and care must be talcen not to overdo it. Hives with thiek walla made of nom SONETHINO QUITE NaW- operatien genelly atter - Per"'s utateriol that is a. good. non - horse arrives at the forge for cenductor of beat as Well as an ab- etting is to tear oft the old shoes sorInnt of moisture hove decided ad- ny are on; then the sheer takes his knives, and the pewees et paring out the hoof menumeticei, This prom. dove ia aa barbarous as it is menaces - and. unreaeonablo especially hen carried to the extent that it en is, vie to pare the sole until baoer tuifeetoaohse‘alhtett's peealrlictuotathnhineuhi 1°41° to tb° Prea3are eg tb° the size cit drone cells than- they are Itt the great enajority of that of the worker cells. most pernicious praotice la arried out, either beeause the own - r of the horn thinks it ueoesaary, or be blaukemith that it is more work- ulike, though, it he IS primed. hard for any other reasou he is unable to utages over blows made eta single thiekness of Loarde. Bees build two distinct, regular eizes of cells -drone and worker sells. The worker comb meastires nearly five cells to a. °:a te lite drone comb give Olin Of as satisiOactory oharaoter. The pro.otice of the paring of the sole sonted to the different Powers in the messages from their Minister, but is, in my opinion, abstera In the ex- none is a greater Chinese puzele to treme, and has not the most trifling the (mirage citizen than the problem recommendation to "support it. Nor do ot determining time aecording to the I believe that in the operation of shoe- Celestial system. ing a horse an edged tool should ever The Chinese have no use for the be used. The rasp is all that is me - generally accepted calendar. This re - emery, and. that should be used with suited in the to us odd ex -pression extreme cautIon. aich appears in the messages sent THE CHINESE CALENDAR. Isqbarat lir Odd Features That nave Lately ism rermeeine. Zany perpleacina problems were pre - 4••••••••". by the 1sung-11-Yarnen to Wu. Ting MANY KINDS. Fang, the Chinese Minister in Wash - As there are nmuy kinds of peephh ington. This message began ;-" Your so there are many kends of sheep, ove telegram of the fifteenth day of this neust not expect every ewe in the flock moon." Experts in the use of the Chi - to bring us good. and strong lambs_ , nese calendar readily uuderstood what there are always "weaklings and de... was meant by the "fifteenth day of generate lambs in a flock, --and it may this moon," but they could become ex - be wise to let these go. as weeds, to parts only after long and earnest the waste pile, before they have cost study. and now he presides over the proceedings winded. It is likely to blow out yoar more than they will ever come to. I The Chinese month is the lunar X— street?" , trains. The weak in a flock are crowded month, consisting of twenty-mne or "Can it be that she does not remember of his court with his old time dignity the *way she burst out laughing that day but often when he gives himself airs, he ceyLori GREEN. TEA Same ilevor is Japan,. only more deliclowe -q.","3.140.00awilioramecop. 4944-4""14""11.41 THE LETTER BOX The jealousy' of a JUdite Came 'Very Near Doing tale Rion. eiltelitelheihelitoitteeillesiltede One day AA entered the vestibule of a large house inhabited In, merchants and governmeut ellle be found the jenitor gorting the morniog awl putting some of the teeters loto the emit boxes which. were oozed ttko well neer the front staircae.e. Somehow Haim caught a glimpse of one of the letters. The ad-. elrl drees struck lain* as beieg in a familiar to he ao utterly unlike Wilhelm -ea s handweititose aud no scarier had the Jan- 1 PaltraPhY that he hastily elhl heell" 1)14 ltor dropped the letter Iota one of the boxes than it flashed epee him that it watt Wilhelminaho A. wild feeling et curiosity took hold et Hausa. aweet- heart had never told Mut she huew any- body la this remote part of the city, much lees that ebe Was bleorreepoudenee with resident ot this house, Who geoid It he? Or wee be miataleno7 Was it mere - so aecidental eirailerlty of bautlwrit- Ing? He burped tiee the letter once cursed himeelf, hd tena,shed hie teeth, he growled, bu,t he Melt out his penkeite ell A PRIME FAVORITE vigrAnteAdrin and unequelled, D E the same. He put It back Mee bis poeket, Asked hieseelt whether he was crazy, but two er three misstates later, wlaen le 'was about to open Ms unelea door, he midden- ly started Week, and before he could stop himself he stood, knife in band, stru- gIing not with hie own temptation, but item-g•X..,Q1aT • n teas Persists gs, with the letter. He was all perspirbag d th letter was _fairly covered -with the beteraseet its excellent qeaior an e price of lais Unite, and when he bad got hold ot it at lest and was about to fish It out footsteps were heard outside the gate, and the judge, turning pale as death, let go of his quarry and tiptoed hie way bade to Ws unoleie door. 'That night be dreamed oe a letter ben. It was somehow COnfliiied With bis court- room. Each peephole in the door was at the *eine time an eye, an eye which was wiriltieg, while a crowd of people were hoodae and jeerieg at Moo "This foolishness must stop," be said to Mmeelt 38 the morning. But it did not stop, ass' A week had not passed before he found himselt in trout of the terrible letter box mace more, grappling with his temptation and --the painter's letter. nig, time he futhed it out undisturbed, but to bis great joy aed at the mem time to' his great cheerio, the address Mond eta then the next letter be mailed out was addressed in a htilld Se strileingly like here that big head grew dizzy, and he SieCine4 ua tile verge ot a feithing epell. He heerd a noise. however, and in hie „ rust to restore tbe letter to the box he escaped the faintleg spell. which was eee excetlent thing to eaeape; but, then, how was he to find out wbat Wilhelmina wait writing to that accursed paluter? "Cee, heevenel" he exclaimed. droppleg bia • mere. end Re eyee 4+. tee eauiteere Anne In blaek deepelte Nttio is he? he asked involontarily: Whet is be? 'Wily have I mit the our - "Whose box is it?" ego to lipaik to her feanitty, only, and "A young gentleman'a. has !Peed put an end 134 allserT1" here shwa Christome, He Is a youug , • * * * painter. He is single, yet be occuplee a 1 "What% the wetter witla my letters?" large apartment. Ete's rich and baud- &eked the painter. holding out one which zatorruehlitt;:ia the Pother, with obsequioue ' was all slashed at one end and full of triangular boles in the center. Ludwig's bears pink within him. At "I'll eels dee letter carrier." answered the same time be WAN overcome with a the Janitor. keen aense of Ma selt hureilletion at die- "Never mind erotica the letter earrier," seing A geutleman with a janitor.retorted the pewter. "1 have speleeu to What Will Paint Jia? A little paint properly placed will make a fine house out of an okl out'. It will take away the clingy, tumble' down appearance, and make it look fresh and new. , RAMSAY'S PAINTS Wilt add to the value ot the house and to the pleasure a living there. They are pure paints and will wear longer than any other. Ask your dealer. A, RAMSAY 8‘ SON, MONTREA Eat'd IS4a. KW* SEE'D.5 ER= PLAN./ - It la =Waken volley to save eetals from the last awl most feeble growth ot ,plants. A portion of each valu- able variety in the garden abould b reeleoted from those in fuIl strength and. vigor, and. allowed to riaen un- disturbed, Seeds irons suoh are worth double those, gathered from the for- mer; they are certain, wbile the oth- ers are not and experleuee has prove ed that the first matured seeds will develop their kiwi two weehe in ad- vance of those gathered from the bit - est growth. Yee ;:;T; asked te tell all this he him meselt, wai 38 saya be delivers ray TENDE eid gruWy and betookehimself to the lettere tree from peekrearks. vow IS the tame of hie unclethe olcl tows hall fifth letter I bare received in this condi- Soft coma, of all kids removed with- elerk, on the third floor, rear staircase. Um There must be ileum fiend in the out paia or sere opots by Putnean's That evening Haase mid to Wilbel- ease, mime fellow who hes a knife and Paitileoe Cern Extractor. Thousands mina; doesn't know what to do with it, and I testify that it la certain, pain:ess. and "Ati I passed through IC— street tlals tell you, tbis thing will have to stop or Protilht- Do not be iroPosed upon by morning I met an Old chum of mine till wore to a place where ree mail will substitutes offered for the genuine "Butner:Oa" Extraetcuo Sure, aefe, whom 1 bad not seen for three years'," be vire." end as he spoke he watched Iser dimly The upshot of it was that a trap was barr-oleoh• , , to nee the oftect which the mention of the met, and Me boner was caught with an se ' atrint would have on her. She blushed, 4 empty eneelope iu Ma band. HOW TO EtitNIILE A GUN, , euro enough: 'The blood rushed to his ' "So you are the chap!" shouted the In picking up rYtir gull from lying 1 fuce, then back to his beartand he felt Janitor, grebbIng hint by the collar. "You flab, standing against anything, from beld to tbc spot, Was he mistalten? It are dresse4 like a gentleman, but you act be was, why clicl she net eVert leak what Ilke A miserable iMealt." a ocanpanion or a boat, do not take he Wel bt en doing on It— street? At "Hush, hush:" the unhappy young min hold of the muzzle or drag it toward all mute, he repeated the name again besought his captor. ''A. great tuisfor you; take hold of it by the foreatock and again, staring her foll in the face. tune has befallen me, but I'll explain the She did not exactly blush, but her eyes 'stetter to your setistaction and make it . and barrel it eou aro only using one "What's the matter. Wilheimina?" he "Whet; Bribing me to keep quiet? oarrying your gun do not keep the aslced. She seemed to he painfully emhateasse. noise and let tlis affair go no further." grasp it when you go to ;shoot.. In make no -mind; if WO. in the regular way you, certeinto had as unsteady look in them worth your while It you ouly "Nothing." i Who are you. Anyhow, and what do you do here so citten? Are you 4 thief?" muzzle directly behind you; throw the ' "Ane you sick?" . Hamm trembled. ehrter this i have no butt to the right OT lett, 'whichever CORNS, ehou der you are cam.yOng it on. This "But you look-er--I thought-er--you to resign," he thought to himselt. "I am will bring the muzzle toward tbe op - am goose "What's got into you?" I right to eoutinue aa judge. looked-er-indisposed." going to commit suicide," he added, a 4-eon:tile ahoulder, thus rendering it easy She burst out laughing, and he couldn't moment later. ' to carry, ms it, ;hill be reeting on your help joining in, be In the depths ot his There was nothing for it but to tell ths , neck and ahoulder, ineteact of on the heart lay a trouble which. WAS growing Janitor stbout his uncle. A,s good luck more excruciating every minute. If he would Mere it the uncle was an old and Ismail portof your shoulder, and with could only ask her and have done evith respected tenant, and, what was still It! But thls he had not the heart to do, mom to the purpose, the aunt and the Indeed she znight take offense and return Janitrees were bosom friends. The mat - his engagement ring. The judge shed- ter was hushed up without Hansa 'being dared to think of it. put to the necessity of telling the whole The next day he went to his uncle's. truth. As he passed the painter's letter box be "It struck me As if it were the hand - took a kelt at the peepholes in the door. writing of 8 man whom I used to know," tilts muzzle upward will oleo lighten it'aleitnteale. Tlere more men Ahab with their own guna by taking them from a boat than in an -y other way. When you run. your boab or (mime to the bank, your gun is likely to be in. the bow, the best place for it, Take h.old of Titers were no letters within. he said, and, although the explanation Lie by the fore,stock and step out. Pat His curiosity kept growing and with It was anything but exbaustive, no further it in aeafe ploce where you are sure it Ms wretchedness. questions were asked. And as the of- will not, tall down. Then draw up your "What were you laughing at the other ferule was not repeated the janitor was I boob, or do anything else you have to day, Wilhelmina?" he inquired. satisfied and the episode soon faded out de, but, Icit0 not let your gun 'stay in, "When?" she asked with a blank each of his mind. the braat until you have 'shouldered "When I was telling you about K— The incident cured Hansa of his jeal- looser pack and then catch hold of the street." Quer and of part of his sentimentality. im'' uzzle, drag it, up over the gunwale, "K--- street!" she echoed. "Where in The wedding took place shortly after, ,hook the hammers, and have it ex - from their feed; they get the worst thirty days. A year may have twelve in every encounter with the strong.. 'months, and. consist of 851 or 855 days, er sheep; and. when so mixed up it or it may have thirteeo months and is‘imp,ossible te g;ve them the special consist of 383 or 384 days. To bring the care and treatment which 38 neces- calendar year into accord with the sary to save them. The only safe and solar year, the Chinese provide for an sure way- to save these sheep is to extra month every second or third separate the flock into distinct parts, 1year. This they oall the "second third and to treat eabh of these in a ration- ' month," or the "secondsixth month," al, safe and. so successtal a manner. as the case may be. With them an This is especially necessary as to the hour consists of 120 minutes. They feeding. Weak sheep need special have no weeks and are content to di - feeds and. the best and most digestible akle the months into thirds. Thus, which shouldi be kept distinctly sep- where the more modern nations find axate for their use. They frequently weeks very convenient in the division need medical treatment; they need of time, the Celestials are satisfied watching closely, to observe the et- if they can keep within a third of feats of this, and sometimes even spe- 5 radiath of the actu,a1 time, of any given event. That there should be many odd fea- tures of the Chinese calendar is not surprising when one remembers that the yellow race still adheres to the system adopted, in the Year 2300 B.C. Yea, who was countect a wise ruler by his race, revised the calendar in that year, decreeing that thereafter time should be measured by the moon. In order to make the calendar accur- ate he iturther provided that there should be seven extra xn'enthe inthe course of every nineteen years. As a result Chinese time varies little more than an hour every nineteen years from the true time. In a general way, time Is ceunted in China by two- mothods--first, by cyclee of sixty ,years each, and, sec- cial separate pens should be provid- ed in whiehethe needed attention may be given. • IMPROVING HOGS. A herd of common hogs may be quickly and -cheaply improved by in- trodaecing a boar of any good breed, but of pure blood: Select a new ono of the same breed eagb year but not a near relative. Such a course will give a herd. all the ,eharatteristies of that breedin a few years, But if each' year a new breed is selected the 'at- tempted improvement will prove a failure. In -and -in breeding is anoth.- and fatal erroe' perDetNa Ling our best breeds and families, ne no animal shows deterioration from that cause as soon as the hog. BUTTER MAKING. Quick eheirning in nine cases out of ten Means quite a loss of butter fat in the buttermilk. Have you ever noticed white specks in the butter 1 The °ream has been allowed to become overripe and has not been well stirred el* time fresh cream :was added. The (lardy matter or oasein has settled to the bottom of the cream oan and bottoms so bard that and, by the reigns of -the successive Emperors. A Chinaman, in giving his age, may report that be was born on the tenth day Of the third month, in the CHO! year oT QT in the fifty-seoond year of the cycle. That year corresponds to crux own" year 1855. As the third lunar month Ln that year bogan on April 15, the English equivalent for the tenth day of that month was April 25. 1855. Another illustration of the oddity of the Chinese calendar is brUught out In the despatch, from the Teung-li- Yemen. By our calculation the day to which he referred as " the fifteenth day off this naksona" Was the eleventh or is she acting a part?" he asked him- checks himself. Often, too, when about self. "She certainly heard me speak of to pronounce a heavy sentenee the letter K— street." box stands forth before his mind's eye, "Why, I told you I met a friend whom urging the weakness of human nature I had not seen for three years, and"- i and pleading for mercy. The judge smiles "That I remember, but what has that got to do with K— street?" she de- manded rather testily. "Simply this," he answered morosely, siderable amount of good. -Translated "that I told you how my friend and I From the German For Commereial Ad - had met on K— street." "But what of it? What difference does it make whether it was K— street or Charlotten street or any other street?" "To you it does not perhaps, but to me I it does," he declared .vehemently and dropped his glance. "I don't know what you're talking about Ludwig" she rejoined, whereupon he scrutinized hor face for some mo- ments, and, convincing himself that her remark was perfectly sincere, he broke into a merry laugh as he said: "I don't know what I am talking about myself." They went out for a walk and passed a happy evening together, and as he pro- ceeded on his way home he berated hina- self for a jealous idiot and a booby. He went to bed in excellent spirits and slept lilie a top. Nevertheless the next morn- ing as he bent over his waihstand and began rolling up the sleeve of Ms under- shirt a disagreeable thought planted it- self In his brain. There WAS a question mark to that thought. "Oen it be that she was fooling me; that it was all act- ing?" he tteked himself. "If she loves somebody else, what made, her accept me?" he argued and regained his com- posure, but the next moment he reflected that the painter might be prevented from marrying Wilhelmina. lic imagined a weird love Intrigue, a mysterious plot with his Wilhelmina as its central fig- ure, and his curiosity and the mystery erew and crew. "What ails you?" she +asked him one dal, noticing hie worried look. "Nothing at all." "I3ut you look out of sorts." He assured her he was In good spirits, but inwardly wandered ivbether her ques- tions were not part of a complex sclaetne to deceive him. One clay, as be entered the vestibule of the house where his uncle lived, he be- held a letter in the painter's box. He took a close look at it through the little holes in the door, and, oh, horrors, he was eltra the "len" which he could make out near the earlier of the envelope was ix hoe handwriting. An umeseernable beim to pry out the letter and to see the whole address seized Ludwig. lie strug- gled with 138 temptation like ie lion. He when he thinks of that affair. "What a child I was!" he says to himself. And yet the letter box has done him a con - iertiser. If You are Subject to Cramps You know how important it is to hove a pxonapt remedy 0.11 hand. Nerviline- nerve-pain cure -has a wonderful and immediate influence upon this malady. Ib relieves in one minute and cures in five. Pleasant, to the taste, and the best remedy in the world for pain. 4. COFFEE INTOXICATION. O. ;visitor recently returned from Brazil says that the whole country is perpetually intoxicated by coffee. It is brought to the bedside the m,o- neent one awakes and just before he drops asleep, at meals and between meals, on going out and coming in. Men, women and children, drink it with the same liberality, and it is ged to babies in arras. The effect is apparent in trembling hands, twitch - ung Yellow dry skin and a chronic excitability worse than that produced by whisky. DRESSING OR FILLING I must 'admit., said the xnatinish girl, that I'm very fond of men'e clothes, You don't like them do you@ Yes, I do," [replied the girls- girl, firankly, when there's a man in them. ZIIIES4.123111.1111101116•411201311111600 Silence is golden. Then r. Bore meet aereles millionaire. FOR OVOR FIFTY YEARS g as. vmmow-43 s000terno shrine toe boo allkA br raethemtar their children toching. 490 the chili. sottese the .samt. silefs Vals. mei wall colts, &nil lathe lassrsicoir for liarrhus. .25as heels, „, site salt tar" Meir. iiint.osios wsibior Syrup."' war. 4 I aro. thinking of heeling wine of my new eleetrie fears to China, Porn do it. Why not ? There are Coo many revolutions there alrea<iy. ••••ne "irewl.•••• There is more Catarrh 5 tbis seetion or th countio theo ell otter elearkeee she together L, tiro the last few yeatsi was en pposad IA lac ureele. ter setreet outer "meta stoners toto emeaciatit 10eat dise we ilald proscribed local. remedies. And by co sten; y tqii,ngto elate with Gest tleatmest. luan arcrced inettraWe.. Otis ellen has wren catarrh. to be a const.tutler.4 disease, and therefore requires constitut.otail treatment Qatarrh rowan factored • 5J. Cheops, Se c'.,y.. 'robot% ("hie. is the stair c, neelvinetisel cure ea the ,nrket. It la teligeir internally dcsos front V) drpso ops to teosn. Dd. it sotodirertly au the blot and niussoo. surfaces of the erste:a. Tiler oiTor 9Uo hued, rondo litre for any cam it fails to out% egad tor oiroulara aod iestirrionittle. Address, Teled0.0 Sold by Druggist*. 75e. haanuy infix are the beet; You say ho has a.dopted art as profeesion? Yes; be has adopted it. But he treats it lihe a oruel step. fatber in a story book. *on* MONTREAL HOTEL DIN OTORY. The " Balmoral," Preto Bus 4n3A Amu HousE—ygg,;.-42s:0,474 por day. W. P. C. 10t1. CALVERT'S Carbolic DimInfectante, Soaps, Dint merit, Tooth Powders, *to., have boon awarded 100 medids and diplomas ter superior exciellenee. Their regular use prevent infecti- ons disease'. Ask your dealer to obtain supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. C. CALVERT & CO., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND. t ass fird instruments, Drums, Un forms, Etc. Every Town can have a Band Lowest prices ever Quotedlane catalogue 1.00 Was trationr mailed fres, Writ.) us for anything Is Muelo or Musical Instruments. Whalsy Royce & Co., oT &Menge CasInge—New importations finest English Sheep and lonerie m Flo:: Casings—reliable geode at r h prim. P4.I1I, FILATIXWT.LL k co., Toronto. FnOR SALE—CROICE FARMS, BRUCE County, Ont Write for partiouiara, J111111 irt Stewart, eardisse, Ont. LA MILLS, MILLS & HALES, Barriaterr, ete. Removed to Wesley Buildings, Richoso .41Sh W., Toronto. is Rheumatism ofthe bank. The cause is Uric Acid in the blood. If the kid- neys did their work there would tie no 'Uric Add and no Lumbago. Make the kidneys do their work. The sure, positive and only cure for Lumbago is POULTRY, BUTTER, EBBS, APPLES, Kna other PRODUOB, to e cisme beet resulte cornIgn to The Dawson Commission Co,, Limited, °calmest -Market & Coimirne st., Toronto, Catholic Prayer '3°:g.u.,":Zeptgrur.: Religious Pictures Statuary, and Oilmen Ornament:- Educational Work's. 3foro1 orders receive prompt utters, alms. D. St. J. SADLIER & GO., Montreal. Dy ing! Cleaning! For the very bent send your work to the " BRITISH AMERICAN OYEINC CO." Look for agent in your town, or send dieent. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. •t+ •frt.2tk4k_t,14 HOW HE GOT IT. Billy -Got a new watch, eh? -What (lid it mat: ye? nmray--Todn't aettled fun, yet. Billy -What's de cha.rge, den? Jjannay-If day ever it any charge I guess it'll be highway robbery. PACKARD% Shoo Dressing (AVE OFTEN HI N111 H 0 E ALL COLORS ALL LEATHERS. ........_ ro, sett by ollent-olese SHOE :DEALERS. L. H. Paokorti ge Co,i MONISPRA/.... '