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Exeter Times, 1900-9-20, Page 5
T H i E X T E R Wi MONEY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private funds for ingest ;tient upon farm or village property et lowest area of interest. DICKSON a' '. CARLING Erzeter. ' '•iq W, MADMAN (Successor to Elliott. & Gladxnan) , $'<I,prk,ter ,SOliCtt4x, 144taly. ubIic, Conveyan0ea, Etc, Money to loan =Farm awl village properties at Lowest rates of interest, +ort { `I MAIN STREET EXETER ole Ef. RXNSATAN. Dia. A.lt. utstp'riAN L, I). S. D. D. S ., H.onor Graduate , cf aron a Lnsetri Dentiot teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan - son's block, West side of ;slain etreet, Exeter' OR- ANDERSON. (n- D. S. DENTIST. .) Boner Graduate of foental msntoand Roy College oltaSurgeon Ontario. All bridge work, Crowns, at d Plate work done ha the neatest possible manner.A h=estheticarmless esthetic fog painless extraction. pnoeattention 1tcn ippteaf the atuateeth- Ora oosie Cep; tial Rotel, k titer. Ontario. t.JT THIS OUT r3iiil Fend ars with Qcents In silvery euid you will get by returnmail a t=OL,l)i•.N BOX OrtiooDS that will brtng eon in Most.3?Dela, In one month. chart anything Olio in Amerlea. .A, w,KINNE1, ll, T.. ealepi Yaruicuth N. S Five Packs of Cards Free, Ono Pack, 'Mas I, C, li. Rome, Ouo__Lpack kneert,One peek 'firtation, Una I-tact:"tleld- aliglit,,One pads `OW Elgfa3ust Molds Two.' Sarnlilen of 20 other etyy'les -with boot; full of no- :Jloe% *coo uc, educt tar ostage„ A, iV. $a1ezn-' arrnouth, N. S ASTRAY HOG. Strayed from tate premises of the undereis;ssed Sot 17. can. 9. Lbborne, on sir about lith Aug, ak large white sow, lama, en one fore foot, tn- for7riaatiRn os to her recovery will hemiltablb xr►ti.;lyiesi. JOHN 13ANNA, it im Ilei •sal'. O. FARM. 1?OR SALE, The undersigned. offer, forealo hit esecllen farm of 7aacre. I... 3 lot 0, con 11 Ua tin isle ;menthes is a ,good frame house:' x kitchen and v;esrdncen,z oast bank ba.'a x,aF,and good driving bowie and other outbustdia: '. Selroollienee across tine road • li nil t•5 north of the flannelling village of liaehwou1, soil read, wellies-mewed, etnIexcellent. entreason for log,fatig veltheDaeoit r.cti• C'14AiSL1;30. 1i0111.13N1N. July lath. MOS. FUDGE'S COURT OF R.E- ee is h • b given., that a Court will bo 'Ztlo:rceia hereby. g t belie pat uant to "lite S'oters' Liotti .tat, ` by Ale Hotter the,Judge of the County Court i of the County of Huron, nt ilimvslte, on the 2nd ay In October, 1900. at 10 o'clock, to hear enol determine the several cosnplaitltset erten; and otnir-:lonr,in the Voters' Diets of thel%tunieipat. ll} l ollf isbornc f r 1000. er ons having b u siuessar the Court ere Minimal to attend at the tail tune tinct piece. I)atcel the 17th day et Sept.1000. ' llib t)ItLl:'4 Clerk of 'the said Municipality, r Y O.IIUL .QC EI) TURS. Of Mttry .Ann Fanson, late of the vil- I.age of Exeter, in the County of Il,uron, widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 129 Ii. S. 41,1697. that all persons Raving claims against the estate of the said Mar Ann lranson, at to calcul on or About the 51st stay of August, 1900 are required to send on or before the 12t1t dayOctober, 1900. by post, prepaid, or deliver to St • i3 A. R • r 1. U, Solicitor for. .7, t7, ...lwburz, >ote lhivrmnd!.i, i'nnson, the Administrator of the said estate, their names,4add res_ses and occupa- tions tions with particulars of their Andclaims, and, t ho nature of Wrouec titles (if any)1old o tieni not3te is hereby given' that attartho las$ mentioned -date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said eOtate atnong the parties entitled there- to having regard only to the e)afnis of which notice shollhasobeen gwen as above required; andthe said Administrator shall not bo lie.bl for air port of the assetx,oe the said estate to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received at the date ,of such distribution. Dated et k xcter. Sept, lith, 1900, .T 0. STAI:CBURY,Ex7'aua, Ot,'1:, Solicitor for the Administrator,: NOTICE' TO CREDITORS. Of Andrew Desjardins the Elder, late of the township of Stephen, farmer, deceased. b reb given pursuant Chapter xorieeis e y p g 1? 129 It. S. 0,18 97, al n havingclaims 9. persons that against the estate of the rsa said Andrew Desjard- ina who died on or about the 12th day of Sep- tember. 1000, aro reqquired to send on or before the 19th day of October, 1900, by post prepaid or deliver to S. G. Stanbury,13..A.., .Exeter, P. 0., Solicitor for the Executor, Andrew Desjardins, Jr., their names. addresses and .occupations,. with partieulars. of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, And notice is hereby given that after the last enentioned. date the said Executor will proceed to distribute ' the assets of the said deceased ,among the parfies entitled thereto. having re• and only to the claims of which notice shall have been given a5 above required, and the said Nxccut or shall not be liable for the said assets or any partthereof to -any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have een received at the date of such distribution. Dated Sept. 190, 1000. J. G. STAN13U11Y,EEETEn, ON's.. Solioitor for the Executor• cAsT For infants and Childress. '''h4 fns• shone; signature of is on everywrappers FALL FAIRS. Ailsa Craig, Sept. 20 and 21. 11ditchell, ,Sept. 26 and 27. ' Winglian, Sept. 27 and 28. Seaforth, Sept. 27 and 28. Zurich, Sept: 10 and 20. SL,Marys, October 2 and 3. Stratford,' October 2 and 3, Blythe_ October 9 aid, 10. l3ayfie'ld, October 4 and 5, ' Ghitdren ,Cry'for ©©TOR I.A. ChildrenCry for. v Y After an illness of only a da or two I W. J. Smyth, of Duntaannony passed away to his great reward au Sunday morning. The Huron county W. C. T. U. pur- pose Bolding their annual county Con' vention in Blyth the last ween in Sep- tember, If you wish to cure scrofula or salt rheum permanently-, take Hood's Sar- saparilla. It expels all impurities froxu the blood. R. S. Bays, barrister, of Seaforth, who is paymaster of the 33rd regiment has been appointed to the honorary rant of major. While Thos. Fraser, of Stanley, was assisting Io fill a silo last Friday he fell against the edge of the rack and broke one of his ribs; Another tuns called away on. Sunday h the person of Mr, Sauderson,of con, 9, Ashfield, who had been sufferix)g for some time from stomach trouble, Mr. Parsons, of the Bayfield road, has disposers of his farm to Rev. Ur. McNeil, who preached in Bayfield Presbyterian ch urch a short time ago. Dr. J. Z. Perdue has bought the liv- ery business of James Moon, Wing - ham, and taken possession. Dr. Per- due will still co ntinue hie veterinary practice, Death removed from Westfield on the 1st inst., Jane, relict of the late Robert li3uehanan, Deceased bad been a resident of the township for sae. t many years. At noun, on Tuesday, Lavanch Lor - suer, youngeet daughter of Ma and }Urs. Alexander Davidson, of Senforth, was quietly married at her bottle,. to Harold Edward Cherry of Chicago. Woolen with pale, colorless faces, he eel weak nisi... iii of til . i w 1 f 1 se 1 I,et , 1 receive omental and bodily vigor by use ing Carter's Iron Pilis,whielr are made for the blood, nerves and colxtplexion. Robt.Milne lois sold his 100 -acre farm on con. 2, to Jas, Caldwell, of Hullett, fors $5,500 ; Mr. Caldwell's son, Robert, has bought the adjoining 100. acre fares from Charles Stewart for 1-,txxl. '1u. Cede -pore and Jos. 13. McLean. oY Rippen. who have been sojourning in the old country folrecer-0 weeps, ar- rived safely home on Tuesday, after having thoroughly enjoyed their trill. Those unhappy persons who suffer frons nervousness and.T dyspepsia should uaa; Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are made expressly for sleepless nervous, dyspeptic sufferers. kaiee'2.3 cents. A.1,3easing event was solemnized at the residence of Ml. and !des. Wm, thudnlore, London roast, Tuckerstuitb, when their daughter Grace was mar- ried to Edward Daley, :,$young man of Seaforth, on Wednesday,. Sept,12t11, Tuesday, the llth insG., 'tuns the date Of a happy event, when Wm. Ducli- orale and bliss Josephine, youngest daughter o7ous eno c, of i sdale. were united in marriage. They will reside in the vicinity of St. Jos- eph. Hugh Fiamiltcn, who bas purchased h c farm, k Ilse et 1 ru Tuc eisszti bas , til Y , sold his farm .in TJSbbert, to his neigh- hor, James Morris, the -price being $5,300. 111z. i►iorris thele to turn sold his 50 acres to his brother. Fara) lavas are on the move, ' On Aug. 8lst, Mrs. Ann Stitt, relict of the late Jackson. Stitt, of Colborne, passed away very suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Win. Stevenson, near the Listowel High School. The deceased bad reached the ripe age of 80 years. James. Craig, of rltorris,who has been ill°with dropsy for thepast sit months died on. Monday morning, Deceased was born in Scotland and came to Morris 40 years ago from Blandford townsbip,Oxfordcounty le1 eaves a widow a 12 children to mourn his loss. "" Death has removed one of the early settlers of Morris, in the person of Jas. Grays of the 7th,who passed away this week, after a lingering illness, from dropsy, Deceased was of Scotch birth but had been in this country for near- ly his entire life. He was 73 years of age. Ben. Switzer, of lot 39, 10th conces- sion,C-oderich township, has 1 h : s sod his . p excellent 30 -acre farm to his brother, Sam. Switzer, Clinton, for the sum of $4500. The new owner will remove to it in about a month, and its present occupant intends to live in Goderich fora time, and then may leave Canada for Michigan. Very unexpected was the death of 0 -Hebert Mc0orvie, formerly of Luck - now; occurred in, New Ycrk last week, where be was employed as a druggist. He was threatened with typhoid (ever but the cause of death was pleuro pneumonia, and he - passed away on Thursday last at the early age of 27 years and 14 months. The Commercial hotel, Seaforth, has changed bands, the furniture, stock, etc.: 'having been purchased -by G. E. Henderson $sato has heel) conducting the Gripp House for the past few years Of the late proprietors of the Commercial, Mr. EUis goes to Detroit, where be.„will engage in the saloon business, and Mr-.•-Kaine ' proposes go- ing to South Africa, as soon as affairs get a little more settled. • Wingham now can boast of nine doctors, six ministers, and fifteen in- surance agents, to look after the phys- ical; moral and financial interests of the people. They have more miles of granolithie sidewalk, faster horees, more manufact'urin`g establishments and fewer lawyers than any, town in. the county, anti erto matter how tbe elections go, are sure to have, an M. P. in WTingham, so says a correspon- dent. Huron County Notes, "DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS." A. small pimple on your face may be Of little consequence, but it shows your blood is impure, and impure blood is what causes inost of tbe diseases froin which people suffer. Better heed the warning given 'bythe pimple and pur. ify`:your': blood at once by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla.. This medicine cures all diseases due to bad, blood, in- cluding scrofula, and rheumatism.. The non-irritatin .cathartic^-Hooct's Pills. SAID FREDERICK TT E .GREAT, "FAMTS ARE DIVINE THINGS." Such was tbe saying of a master mind, and what applies to things of state applies with double force to mat- ters concerning stealth., When it is said thee Dr, Pitchers Backache gid- ney Tablets cam, if intelligently used, cure all kidney and bladder troubles, and such other diseases as cart be traced to a sluggish or imperfect kidney action. it is always backed up by the positive proof and testimony of some reputable person, some one who is glad and will - nag to tell the world the results obtain- ed, The following testimonial of Mrs: W, Baton, 10 Fennrng St„ Toronto. has the ring of truth, and bears out the claim that it is a cure beyond a doubt for the young, middle aged and aged, Mrs, Baton says,— "Dr, Pitcher's Backache Rainey Tablets have been of the greatest benefit tome, Formerly I had so mucil;backache it extended to my hips and limbs. At times there would be an acute lameness in my hips and a burning that causes very disagreeable sensations. I find that I aria much invigorated since I used a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kid- ney Tablets. My back bas recovered from its lameness, and 1 am sleeping well nights. From my experience in using tate 'Tablets l anise much coned egce in them, and 1 can highly z 'eonr- mead $$tear Ant reader of this paper can test the merits of Dr. l itetiel's- Backache Kidney Tablets free by enclosing two •• • e postage for trail package to The •4;,4•r Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont, Re - ulna size 50 cents per bottle. Perth Pickings .Alex. Campbell, Joon►arty, a short $hue ago, sold a 4 -year-old horse to Mr.. Biackwell, of L Tucan, for $,'.d0. Thomas G. Ilay, of Cromarty, dis- posed of a, two-year old steer last week. tot'whieh hez'eceived theha,ndsotue fig- ure of $700. .A. R. John, of St. Marys, was slight- ly in a+ trolley accident, at Lon- don Thursday. He was cut about the face by flying glass. While playing at school Friday af- ternoon, 10-yerueold Harry Milltuen. Erie street. Stratford, had the urns(' - tune to fall and break less eta hone. There are many forms t..f nen'.- , debility in men that yield to the u - Carter s Little Iron Pills, Those e are troubled with nervous weak; ., nightsweats, etc., should try then. After a brief illness. James Itidc3 ', of Intron street, North Ward, .lite Marys, died onrllonday, Sept. 10, aged 00 years. Mi. Riddell was at native of Westminster, but lived in Nissouri and Granton for many years. About fifteen years ago be because a, citizen of St. Marys. He leaves at widow to mourn his loss. A telegram was leeeived at tate 01. on Wednesday, from James Keefe, S- b City, T Lnrl1nCry the death of his brother, Thomas, at Paris, France, whence he bad . gone three months ago , The visit the I. position. deceased was a native of Siddulpb townehip,bat for the past ten years resided in Ne- braska. Mrs. Edward illcQnillau, who died at her home on the 7th con., East Nis- souri, was 01 years of age. She was a native of Ireland and came to this country Neben a young Woman, where elle married Edward. McQuillan. They have resided for a number of years in Btansbard and. Nissouri, Mrs. Mc- Quillan was an industrious women and L kind end obliging neighbor. The swamp fires of Elms and Ellice fanned by the hurricane of Tuesday, Sept. 11, have almost made life un - ,bearable in those districts. Farmers have had to fight hard to salve their buildings, fences and woods. Many let their fences and woods ge and ex- erted all their efforts toward saving• their buildings, and even then some of them were unsuccessful. Wm. Buehanan'c house and barn, con. 10, Elmo, both fell a prey to the flames, with all their contents. The loss is Pstimated at about 51;800, with a small insurance. Robert Hanna bad a patch of peas burned in the field. Miles of fence have gone up in smoke. "4 Word to the Wise is Sufficient." But some stubborn people waft until " crown sick" be^ fore trying to warct off illness Or cure it. T e wisp' re.-- ntze in the word "Hoofs': assurance of hearth. For all blood troubles, scrofula, pint - Ries, as welt as diseases 8 f the 1:itlneys, over and bowels, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the effective and faultless cure. P100.0. Pllrifler—" I have taken hood's Barsispiitrillza, sad find it beneticisl for my- self and baby. Iturifies the blood and strengthens the system;' Mas. 1Is„wtax WALL, n, Clinton, Ont. Strength Bui1cler•-' Myself, wile and children nave taken Ilood's Sarsaparilla and it strengthened as, It relieved me of e latae back." David hleGzeaas, caret:;izer. Colt Institute, Gait, Otit. The youngest cbilti of Fred Slade. of the 8th cone Raleigh, ;net death meter peculiarly anti eirruunstaances recently. Tho women were busy at the house preparing dinner for the thresher's, and the little girl went out In the ors chard alone to have a swing. She was sbertly after'wnrds.found dead hang- ing from the swing. The swing lead become twisted and the chilli, unable #ta assist itself, was suffocated by the rope. 0W Afl SOUR REftVES, THE M 7 .. r E OLD LD DRESSES NEW. DIAMOND DYES. The Simplest and Easiest way of Home Dyeing. Their great superiority oyer all other ways of Home Dyeing --A ten cent package will color from one to five Tt '71:1"li1TION DET1,Ii,1U ES TiIIii, ATE OF ur,AJ 1I. p C 1ery Co ° u d Is a ; NMedicine and tt ''14b'rvo Food. IT MAKES S SIVK PEOPLE W.1 LL, Too many people are ignorant of the fact that the nerves regulate the blood. supply through the body. The midi - tion of the nerves should therefore cislim our best attention. ,r If he nerves are out of repair the t result is, loss of sleep. irritability, de- pression e- lr s] 1 ot'a i t s andlassitude,t es of 1 tal of 1 O which are the beginning of serious ail- ments and diseases. l'ame's Celery C'otnpound is at nerve medicine and nerve food as well as a purifier of the blood. When used, it removes from the nerve centres all irritability, and by supplying abund- ant nutrition to the nerve tissue se- cures healthy action througbout the nervous system. When men and women are worried and overworked in the home, work- shop, store or office, and find it hard used - up toget •1 night—when he use c sacra$t i 1 up brain gets no time for repair, no- thing so refreshes, strengthens and gives vigorous life as Paine's Celery Compound. It is the food for brain and nerves. Paine's Celery Compound is the ac- knowledged chief of all medicines for the cure of diseases due to nervous weakness or to a foulcondition of the blood. It is the ono real remedy known to -day that never fails to bene- fit. Get Paine's Celery Compound and only "Paine's" if yon would be well and strong, S'itheHiand lees Co. LTD. ARE PREPARED TO PiTROHASF ELM, OTHER TIMBER EITHER STANDING OR IN THE ,LOGS, Apply l to E. C, Kessel, pounds of good—Colors that will not wash oat in strong soapsuds. Success in horse dyeing depends wholly upon the kind of dyes used. With 'Diamond Dyes. if the .sijp iple directions on the package are follow- ed carefully, and the special dyes for cotton are used for cotton and mixed goods, and the wool dyes used for all wool goods, there is absolutely no chance of fa.i l tire': Diamond Dyes are very simple and easy to use, and by using a stick to lift the goods ' while in the dye bath, there is no need of soiling the bands. For beauty, brilliancy and fastness, no other dyestuffs, whether for home use or for the dye -shop, equal Diamond.' The latest scientific discoveries are used in `.their manufacture, they are guaranteed the strongest and fastest of all known dyes, and, will not wash out in the strone•ese soapsuds, nor will they fade When exposed to the sun- light, Try, Diamond Dyes once, and see how easy it is to make old and faded dresses,waists; ribbons, capes; jackets ete., look like new> • F01t OYFIR i'1FTX YEARS , Ate OLD' .AND WWxnn-TnI ET REMEDY.—MS'S,.. Winsfow's Soothing Syyrup, hasbeen used for over flit hearseem of m hers So theischildrenvile tthingwith erfect succes It,soothes the child, Eoftena the gums. allays al pain, cures wind colic. and is the bOst' remedy for Diarrheas,. :is 1 to thetaste. It pleasant to o. Sold by druggists in overs part of the world :7a sure and ask for ;Mrs ' WinslciVe Soothing€ Treble's old stand.Syrup and take no other kind. J, FOREMAN, EXETEB, ONT. R. H. SWEET Begs to announce to the people ofE .eter and surround- ing country, that he has taken the stock of Harness, Boots & Shoes of Mr J Treble, and will continue business in the same stand. In order 'to:clear out this SToOR or .foots & Shoes S e WE OFFER THEM and E LOW cosT FORTIHE NEXT 30 DAYS.` Harness in all lines either in stock or made to order. Repairing;,promptly and carefully attended to:: h CALL AND INSPECT OUR C, R. H SWEET MARKETS. Exeter. SEPT1:Ai13ER letb,1000.' Wheat perbusbel -» .01 1R ,,..- 21 to Barley to PeasButter... .F•.. • . .. to ., ,,, .. ., 12 to. Tukeys ... Geese Chickens p er lA .,...... .. ... 17 01:23 Dried ,• • fia310 :tot: to Pork dressed.,... . . .--- $77,00 to 7:n09 7 8 LONDON A1Ati$,ETS. Louden. SRPTFM1 E11 19th 1900. le beat per bushel,,, ..(3 ,,g Ga Oats.... .♦w" to ,3„ Pees -... ...- ,,., 1» to es Barley .d0yie• wheat .. ....40 ... to 4 Ite -•. ... 41 to .Ga Corn,:...: ,... .... ,...,.4.d to 4: .Beaus ..41 4 «i- to 70 Batter . 4. 0 1 Eggs ,.i6 to 16 Tucks ...... .. .. . to 7© tlrkeyspert., . .. .,. l Geese er.L,.,.fl to 10 Uhee_ta - . ....,. ...,. E to le, t leeMtees per nag -.5t: to :d Hat Iter ten , ..$ t* 00. to et 7^ vtk Pe nerewt.., ... ,. .tit to $,M0 To Tris; Dr'~A .—A Ileh lady cured of het Deafness and Noises in the Read by Dr NieholsonsArtificial Ear Drums has sent X1,000 to his Institute, so that deaf People enable to procure the Vet. Drums may have there free. An-- 1y p- 1s ttr ileo$. A. S. V. the Institute, 7 yiglttb Avenue. New York,T . S, ,s3.. SPECIAL LOT OF T EEDS At ost PrIceR FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS. A goad Assortment ALSO I:il,'1.'' I'A.\T.G: COST, colon$, ton vleair these JOHNS, 0a F rniture Another large car just unloaded alt B. W. Rowe's. We were fortunate in securing this large car load before another advance in price, so It will be to Tour interest to buy from usv,here you can get first- class goods nt REASONABLE PRICES. Undertaking i."ititrt eking -tod1ttn♦m r nnac a t ,. tbe old store salon everybody boil . is made welcome, whether you buy or not. owe s Buy the Best and ignore nerethe Rest g In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc. SET SOMETHING OWL...0- We have it, you want it. Take a look at our fullline of FURNITURE and you will find what you are' looking for S CWL.EY SON FURNITURE AND UNDERT A K7 QRS. Opera House BiOck. The medicinal property of each of this list til herbSana harks IS a s ecific for some particular disorder in the human system. The combination sof all these curative properties in one tablet pro- duces a remedy for all fi f diseases of the ver, Stomach, Blo©d or Kidneys which, for quick arta permanent results has ever 'been equaled. mmip1SAtSE. !MIPS SASSAFRAS :SPEAAMIRT V,TADA BAI,Silbt. P lOiitT ASR !NUMMI SABSAPARi U UMW RCA womworm B1,EGAMPA1R1n•.. Btl'lESET GROGIc POPLAR NALMGNY MAGNOLIA is latus ' raudest remedy. It con n.4 nnlx era Il t8t anee, no 3norphine, opium. or other false stimulant. Rvery box is registered and num- bered, and contains a guarantee that ill case e after usingone bo; as =baser 1 a not cured directed, the price of the ;~Medicine 'ill be ref\tided. OuR NAT:, -NS IIM,DsNAT:,-N1 is sold in tablets, also in, owdered, form, at ,x.00 a box, eoutab3ing goo dad*'s treatmezlt. If you can't get it at your drug- s rugs w gi e will mail, it to you. on. receipt of price, tIIE itmin 0 SUSS co., 232 St. Paul Shut. Mcen:teal, Ca^alfa• A LUTE ECURIT to cVsael Little i' • i i s Must Bear c1i s.Ata.ure of See Pic -Simile Wrcr' er Leloty. 1 Vary omnia end ae easy to take as sugar. CARTERS .E 'ER LLS. FOR. HEADACHE.. Fail DIZZINESS. FOR SIL6OUSP ESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. OR.00RST PAT ON, ' I J FDR;$ALLOW SKtM. FOR 'r`tiE COMPLEXION le. if►]wefVJlrpm F .vL}♦!o opts , CilRE sick biEALnvHe. THAI. C --SIMILE SIGNATURE OF— IS IF IS ON THE RAPPER, OF EVERY r'7 BOTT r Y"1■ OF AST $stork Is pat up in one-sfse bottles only. It et sold in bulk. Don't allots anyone to sill anything else on the plea or promise that it just es good" and `twill answer every per- ." "See that yon got 0 -A;8 -T -0 -It -I -A. tad- ilo taro Is on ere. clJli,p wrapper. s<3 Characteristics Slater Shoe Catalogue Send your name and address on a postal, or call .and get the new 44 page catalogue " Characteristics." Gives the latest shapes and styles in Slater Shoes," illustrates them in all their varieties, tells of the leathers in their make- up, full of: wholesome advice on shoes and feet. By its means you can order shoes by mail and get the exact size, width, shape,. color and leather you want. " Slater Shoes " are made in 52 shapes, 6 widths, sizes and half sizes, reliable leathers andfashionable colors. Every pair Goodyear welted, bearing the trade shark, tante and price of shakers stamped on the sole in a slate frame. E. J. SPACKRIAN, SOLE LOCAL AGENT. Baytaettt4ost one of its oldest inhali itants in theperson of Mrs. J. McDon- ald. She had d been sick some time anti . was steadily growing worse until she died last 1!riday. Deceased was 70 years of age, and leaves her husband two sons and two daughters. One evening recently unknown per- sons entered the stables of Peter to S W met. '3rd concession, Tuckersmith,'-and stole a fine new set of harnese;.,;.;' They y m , then visited Tho ae Robertsons nand stole a burglar. There .as at present no clue to the burglar. •yM• , , rcgetablePreparationforaAs- similating theraod andRegula- at theSlamcarbs andBo!itiejsof Ty r ... Y s t h t 5 it is n en i , pose Me 112 alga o P£flin0%Stlfg£S11fl11,Cltt',Ciit11~ •IlessandBest,Contains neither n o'Mineral. Ui'tt fl L r U l 1 r fun n r Now K' eatteoTI'C,. .. -ilcrrpecfDiditrii1f? ZZF1 R .211,7 "" Sera^ 401br hilar "' Ada( atter — lIkraccir- .,aWyxrnr`1`7aity: AperfectRemedy for Constipa- onstipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrfioea, tion, Worms,Convulsions,Feverish essand Loss OF SLEEP. Inc Simile Signature of • fif NEW Yomc. Al b, months: 610- `. 3-5 Do s CtNTS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEi amu. y. ,,aal.Y THAI. C --SIMILE SIGNATURE OF— IS IF IS ON THE RAPPER, OF EVERY r'7 BOTT r Y"1■ OF AST $stork Is pat up in one-sfse bottles only. It et sold in bulk. Don't allots anyone to sill anything else on the plea or promise that it just es good" and `twill answer every per- ." "See that yon got 0 -A;8 -T -0 -It -I -A. tad- ilo taro Is on ere. clJli,p wrapper. s<3 Characteristics Slater Shoe Catalogue Send your name and address on a postal, or call .and get the new 44 page catalogue " Characteristics." Gives the latest shapes and styles in Slater Shoes," illustrates them in all their varieties, tells of the leathers in their make- up, full of: wholesome advice on shoes and feet. By its means you can order shoes by mail and get the exact size, width, shape,. color and leather you want. " Slater Shoes " are made in 52 shapes, 6 widths, sizes and half sizes, reliable leathers andfashionable colors. Every pair Goodyear welted, bearing the trade shark, tante and price of shakers stamped on the sole in a slate frame. E. J. SPACKRIAN, SOLE LOCAL AGENT. Baytaettt4ost one of its oldest inhali itants in theperson of Mrs. J. McDon- ald. She had d been sick some time anti . was steadily growing worse until she died last 1!riday. Deceased was 70 years of age, and leaves her husband two sons and two daughters. One evening recently unknown per- sons entered the stables of Peter to S W met. '3rd concession, Tuckersmith,'-and stole a fine new set of harnese;.,;.;' They y m , then visited Tho ae Robertsons nand stole a burglar. There .as at present no clue to the burglar.