HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-20, Page 4:latleta.• , • , Tli „kt EX.E*1114,Li AtEs he Moisons Ban" lig 000 MIN'R8 {N. SINE CLEARING UP. I leader =neve- lane by Two, Tbeii- ealneenTIMED BY PARLIAMENT. Wee I Paid int Cepita 13,000.00Q Rest Fund - ineet.000 Head °Men Mettreal. Second Day of the Trouble in the Anthracite COW Region. WOntIER5TeentrOalAs,Es„(1-, teretertex..04ANAD)..It Money advanced, to good farmers QIIL Owe: AWD 130te with %IQ. gr mere entlereer et 7 ear wet, per anemia Exeter Breech Opole every lawail y f rem 10 a. tn. t3i* SATURDAYS, le a, tin to 1 p. m. nerrent 'ate e ot interest onetime me depesits. DICKSON Se CARLING, N. D. elnitDON. soreerroes„ **Teter, Dee. eltie.'0e. ,119‘ Calendar for September, 1900.. 2 10 23 30 MON-Deer - 3 10 n Togsmx........- 4 11 18 23 VirEneennlietate . 5 12 19 TE.• 13 20 27 Faireree .. 7 14 21 el.S. SATVIIPAY....... 1 8 15 22 29 TIPallSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th. -1-6-00 xons tD COMMENTS. The Bulletin of the Inland Revenue Department tNo, containe analyses of 159 samples a halaug pow4ere bopealit of dealers and manufacturers inThe Dominiou. The alarming state meat is made that 83 per cent of these arc alum mixture.% In view ef this large proportieu of alum powders, Chief .AnalystlMaefarianerecommende thatIegal proeeediugs he taken against parties se ling them. 011 the ground that they tire unhealthful articles a feed Bcith eoustamers and grocers are interested in this matter, Housekeep- ers should be very careful in purchas- ing their baking. powdere. The Muni powders eau eereuerelly be distinguieh- ed by their price. They cast nut two or three cents a pound to imal,r.e, total are eeld from ten to thirty cents. A pure crewel of tartar powder le quite expensive to nealee. and is seld from 40 to Id cents. In every great campaign the loss a toms i$ enormosne. Napoleon's dleas- trons retreet from Moscow is said to leave cost him 1I,oRi out of 00,009 horse.. Doane; the Fraueo-German war, which Icested from ;klay, 1S70. to May, 912,00 men were engaged. something like 50,09to horses were lost. In, a eampalgn like the South Afrieau the loss must be proportionately heavier, since large numbers Of the horses succumb to the conditions of life to vv,itich they are unnsed. In the Egyptian campaign a 1881, we found that the climate wae far more fatal than the enemy's fire ; half the Eng- lish homes employed were dieabled, and of these OM died of disease or eee haustIon. while only 69 Were killed in action. In a cavalry action, horses as the large targets, suffer more heavily than the men. At Balaclava the Light Brigade. 070 strong, lost 800 horses. Up in the North-West when, Mr. Sifton rises to address an audience he is greated first with, "Three cheers for Hugh John r and after that with "Three cheers for Richardson :" The enthusiasm for everybody but kiifton with which the Minister meets is not unnatural. During the last eatnpaign Mr. Sifton made some hot speeches, in which he figured as the friend of the settler. On one platform he actually shed tears as he told the formere that he was payinga tax of twenty per tent. Oil hie implements. Then he brightened tip somewhat -0, happy ha spiration having. taken posseraisa oe hinlatirel deeldetiti that relief was pee - Ile could go to Parliament and knock the twenty per cent. off. The hest Siftonian speech of 1896 was an arraignment of all the taxes. It told bow that when the farmer rose be put on trousers taxed twenty-five per cent. and ate a breakfast taxed fifteen per cent. Then he handled implements taxed twenty per cent., and walked on a floor taxed seventeen per cent., and went to bed between sheets taxed thirty per eent. Now the farmer finds that, hard as the taxes were repre- sented to he, Mr, Sifton and bis friends bave collected more than ever. To make matters worse, the Standard 011 Trust bas been invited to join the Government in jumping upon the far- mer and going through his pockets. "The Ablest Man in Ca.nada," has un- derestimated the intelligence of the Canadian farmer. But he is getting a better idea of it, now. • • Hes the price of coal tell and binder • twine mede you rich e Woobstock Times. The Leiner Government, has deceiv- ed. t,be farmers and fooled the prohibi- tionists. -Galt Reporter. McDiarmid retains his seat in 'West Elgin and Capt. Robson does the same in Ettsb,Middlesex, cases of bribery not being 'established. If Daniel McGillicuddy, of West Huron, wants to learn new election tricks, he is wasting his time in To- ronto. What he and Bob ' Holmes don't know about elections they must Philadelphia nut), Reading, ComPanY Put I zap the.*e of f.14' Cents a W011 01A All a4S—Nearle naery lime la Idle /Oat There Das Moen Some Stone, Tlarowing-Ralsed 50 Cents a Ton in Toronto. Pililadellatio, Seet. 19.. -The leader of the strike says at the end of the eeeond day that 118,000 of the 141,- 400 mine woriters in the anthra.cite coal lieltis are idle. No report cif the mine operators manes a state - meat for Ileir side „of the ulatter, but individual mitre owners Alisputo the striliers' figures, saying there are neon... inert at work t han the lineal leaders will admit. elle raise advance in the price o coal, as a result of the strike, was entitle ley the lerdiatielphia and Beetl- ing Canna -tree teesterility, 2a. cents, per to Deing addeit. This advance Was PromPtlY met by the local dealers, wao inereased the price to consumers. 30 cents a ton. A dotal appeites tin the otherwise re:tread laorizon in elm eitepe of a re- port from liareisiterg that a bitter feeling ire lie\ engin-ie. liet wean tie. Union and non-unititi men in the Le -- eaten district, loaateil it; the ttpper end of Ilgolphin County. end int tele- ieg alietit tintat mine woreers. ea eoneeesiee was valuntitrily metal- ed tile 5.00o epees 4)t the Lehigh Co;ll alul :Navig,4ttion Cotnpany in Oh. region weet of eliteela elluite. wile watt hereafter were: 10 lloalirS 46 di* With tie ctineentiens Mere:tee in eerie- ings. neliese Itteti svere unorganizvrti and bad not iiresenteil any greet - ancee. Trete to its tlerrarsttiteD 4:10.de lie - fore the stre was ordered, the Platilatielphia. axial it...1,4141g Company ees.erclea brought lis males tti the surf:tee 4'4 t WO litities near Shatiloaia that lead peen elosral by thcs striite, anti announce:I thee they were nuinently abandon -mi. Ti action metre it ueeesstire for the ittiners w -ho formerly evittei in tleeee atilt - Berets to seek weit elsewhere. lle .11C4110ii oft ti:f' 400 g -n. More eal- plo1.-es of the Wecl Ertel Coal Com- pany at :,11htrztuitia, near Uesharre, ine:r WOrh, stand% oat proluire'Lli::' :r, tl.)0 MaSY feature of en othereviee idle to•erztory. They SaY theY 14:10.1' tea grievence whatever, ria evening nothing but kindly treat ttient and riteist evere' intIntantent to utahe thein stre. Father Philip-. tits. init.% vs ho is 1 intertating figure in the striee, mane a statement to the public last night. itresenting an argument in be- half id arbitration. and urgieg both sides to get together. waarsorwarrmezwerwroorT tier. eerenellernes STATEMENT. The rresident Gives Osumi Showing the Strike Is Oroutog, llazeltolt, Pa., Sept. 19. -Follow- ing 15 a statement issued by Presi- dent aliteliell on behalf of the strik- ing mine workers; Haztaton. Pa- Sept. Ia.-Reports °calved at our °dive from Districts No. 4, 7 0,1111 11 of the anthracite coal melons :low that there have been , great wineskins to the ranks ot the • strikers to -day. In District No. (Halton region i not less ehtui 1,00 *mine tvor)ters who mined yesterday failed to report' for work this mere- , ing, thee increasing the total num- I ber on strike from 10,000 to 11,5(10 to -day, T,';',s'irlet No. 9 iSchuyikille our „forces have been augmented by 4,- 500 mine workers, in addition -to the 80,000 reported yesterday. The situ, talon in District aTo. 1 aLackawainme Wyorning i practieally the same as the first day, only 2,000 men re- maining at work. .Total number of men idle, 118,000. Froni every section of the anthra- cite region reports indicate that much dissatisfaetion prevails among -those who have up to this time failed to participate in the strike, and we con- fidently expect that the number at work will grow less with each suc- ceeding day, until the mines shall be completely dosed. (Signed) John Mitchell, President 'United Mine Workers of America. sehuenan Minors 'worsting: Pottsville, Pa., Sept. 19.---A11 the Schuylkill region collieries resumed work yesterday morning, with the single exception of Morea, operated by Dodson & Co. The Vulcan and the Duck Mountain, near Mahonony City, are short hanged, 'however, • The Lehigh Coal Company's Centre - Ile colliery, which shut down at aeon Monday oeving to scareity of • coal, resumed yesterday morninge with a less number �f men at work. osweee Teeeetenee With Famine. . Oswego,. N.Y., Sept. Ie. -The min - "ere' 'strike in Pennsylvania threatens Oswego with a coal famineonly one firm has any coal- on hand to supply the trade, and that will soon be exha,ustede Unless the strike is soon settled much suffering- will be tensed here- look for in the peniten tiariese-Toron to . News. Carpenters and oroiners Will Help. The total number of passengers car- ried by the Grand Trunk Railway a, from the opening to the close of the Toronto Exhibition was e4,051, an in- crease of of nearly 7,000 over last year, ' ' the number carried in 1809 being 47,- 421. , The Canadian Pacific Railway authoeities estimate that they car- ried about 23,000 passengers, or some 2,500 more than last year. Not alone as the son Of Sir John A. Macdonald has Hugh John secured a bold upon the affections of the Can- adian people. They admire and like him for vbat he is himself, as Well as for what his father was. •They -know . Wm for a clean and douraeeous politi- - date and one who la office- has faith- fully endeavored to redeem the pled-, ' ges he made before 1e obtained office.' And then he is the Man who downed Green -way ; •he en tees the ,fight with , all the prestige of recent triumph - Ram ilton Herald. • Scranton, Pa„ Sept. 19. --The car- penters and 'joiners ol America, in national convention here yesterday, adopted resolutions of sympathy with the striking anthracite miners, and voted in favor of raising funds to help support them. Grand Chief Arthur's opinion. Cleveland. 0., Sept. 19. -- Grand •Galveston Dehlrs I Takea Away EaPidur sand aeon. Galveston. Sept. 19, --The work of clearing the streets of the debris ei gameation institated hy military greesieg /avidly, under the perfect or - men are engaged on tbe work. Nine - rule, under Adjt. name'. Over 11,00o teeeight bodies are reported as hay- I ing been foued in the wreekage and reatored eeeterday„ making a total of 1,861. victims so far recovered. 'role liet is far short of the accurate num- ber of dead found, beeauee no official reeerds Are kept. Bodies are buried or cremated, and no systematic re - CON has been kept. The storm wrecked almost every vault in the *ix cemeteries, and many of the defte were washed to sea in metal cases. So far olds one casket bas beet found. It had been carried three tulles neon the vault. The total number of dead is ant estimated at 5,000 to 6,000. The eewspaPers' zist is over 4,000. The names of maati negrees, Mexicans, Italians and other foreigners an never be secured. Orlefeeetle norteD. Worn at Gelveston Deonela eetom to a le:pewee eseeta Galveston, ;item. enen, tion continues to improve.- is what oue is ;old now when one elegies at any of OW Vurious beadquarters for information. in fact -elees seetement is being tuade with nraWiele Inoue ony all over the eity. The work 5 been brought down to t 1111SintISS basis as far as possible. ane the anzaunt cf :system and artier t1 - ad in the various departments 'would foruisli cause for considerOle :Enr- Klee 10 nentie who miget retail). to Galveston after en - absence ol three or four days. Themen bave been assured of compeesation tor their labor, and they now go alma teir unpleasant tasks with a rule.% 'hater graCe than heret0fore. Supplies roaring in. Supplies and Money are nOw oure hag in from ell over the country. It is slated that at least seven figuree are peetlee to eepress the amouut .of mei; so far reeeived. This is. being ased judieiously. The opinion is genera that the number of dead will be about 6.a00. • • v exact nizieber, of coerse.'a 111 never be definitely known. There ere no developments whit% would lead to the belief that the estimate of a prOperty losS of 822.000,000 is too high. The people are becoming more cheerful every day. The individ- ual's woo has 1508 10a in the coup, nunity's grief, and every day seems to be doing all 'there is to do to- wards ultimate rehabilitation. More Than 400, Deed 11eines, Dallas, Texas: Seat. 19; News readied Dallas yciiterday that High. Island, a seaside resort, 80 miles Ortheast, of Galveston, near the Gulf above, and in the soutlxwestern part of Jefferson County, Teeas, was en- tirely destroyed in the xteeert stolen. The place bad about 1,00 residents, many of them. visitors. Not a house is left standing, and mare than 400 bodies have been .foutul by relief and ceploring parties. CUBAN INDEPENDENCE, Delegates Elected to the Constitution Convention Are of Revolutionary Tendency, Havana, Sept. 10. -The results o the election of delegates to the forth- condeg constitutional convention are being freely discuseed by the Havana delegates and other prominent Cu- bans. The conclusion reached 1 that the convention -will be control- led by the revolutionary element. Senor Alfredo Zayus. nationalist dele- VAC', Said yesterday: 'The convention will not allow it- self to be influenced by any repre- sentative of the latlited States. It will adopt, and follow an independent party throughd'ut, in my opinion, re- fusing to decide as to etiki, relations which shall hereafter exist between Cuba and the United States, This is a matter that should be left to a special commission." Mayor Rodriguez expressed the same opinion, and other representa- tive delegates in various parts of the island adopt, the same attitude. In the main the delegates are capa- ble men. Most of them, it is said, are in favor of imehediate and abso- lute independence, without the in- tervention of a protectorate. The de- feated Republicaes and Fusionists here have raiged the cry , of fraud, and have already held a mass meet- ing to protest against alleged illegal pracfices. THE BIAGI( PATVIT 01V TOP. Trovinee of Santiago, Cuba, Votes Against, the epublicans. Santiago de Cuba, Sept, 11. -The elections for delegates to the consti- tutional convention have resulted in fayor of the Black fanny throughout the entire Province. The whites rany openly, declare themselves to be an- nexationists, Ten thousand colored men worked themselves up almost to a frenzy, and, wearing badges con- taining a skull and crossbones, sip-d- i:Ono- death to the Repetilic party, paraded through the principal streats of the city last night, carrying tal- low candles and torches. A mock funeral of the •Republican party Was heed to -day, and was attended by 1,000 colored persons. 1 1 hood of locomotive Engineers, said Tim Thread Combine at Glasgow Puts haul anthracite coal niined by non - yesterday he did not think itlikely that the, engineers neoule refuse to tinion • Anthracite Coal a, Tep,in Toronto.- Toronto, Sept. 19. -As a result of the big strike the price of coal was raised in -Toronto yesterday to $6 a ton. `,11rOughout the summer the price of Anthracite ' has been $5.50, the raise being a clear jump of 50c • ' • P 1 CIesgow, •Sept. 19. -- The Central • Agency, conprisiii.., the • firms,'of the , Coates', the Clark'Compaily, „and tee 13toekse Company; yesterday advanced prices 3'cl-per pound' on l4iitting - mending and' tam:pouring cbttons., The increase equals 1...`41,6, to 151/2 per c'ent. The ' second. quality-, soft and- „ r glaSs' reel, Wag also ,advaliced at the rata of a shilling per” gross of 500-- -"TrOBSE.S. ° • HEAXY DReataIlle Brood mare, Dixon & Son, Geo Rutherford, Win Kernick ; Foal, Geo Rutherford, Wm Kenna, Dixon & Son ; three-year-old Dixon & Scrn 1st an 2n1 1 two-yeate old, Jim Pattmore Dixon et Son, R Williams ; one -Teter -old Josiah Oreery Menu & Son, Wm Dale; team, Dixon & Son, Alex Dow, Aeltleinternetele -- Breed mare, Thompson, Jasleloir, Wm Brock; foal, Wm Beock, Jim Thompson, Ohas God - bot; tbreetyeateold, W1)0111)1(1, N Jarrett, ; two-year-old, Robt Love, II Anderson. Jas Alien; one -year-old, Dixon & Son, Alex Buchanan, Jas Moir; team, JI10 Dale jr, Jim Oeeker, Jno Ilirney. GRemaae, runrosn. -- Brood mare, D Fotheringiutan, W Smith, Jas Moir; foal, J Harding, W Smith, D Fother. inghani ; three-yeateold, Jas Rime, Thos Shapton ; two-year-old, Richard Birch, Thos Enerington 2 and 8; one- year -old, Richard Birch, Thos riugton, W Smith; teauaJacob Rader, Jos Willard. CannIAM-Brood mare, Jos Rout- ley„ Jim Essery ; foal Frank O'Brieu. Wm Mitchell, Geo Monteith ; three year old, Jos Smillie, `Wes WIWI*, 3 L Routley ; two year old, A Bissett, A raene C Wolper ; one year old, Jno Reeery, I" O'Brien, 5 Parsons; pair horses, Jno .Broleenshire, C. Wolper ; single horses, 3 3 Merner, B 5 O'Nell, Byron & Hicks. lioensaants. - Brood mare. Jos Rinta A. Buebannan,Win Witzel; foal, Wm Witzel, Jos Rinn, Buchannan; three year old, Wm Kent, Wm Dale, Jas ; two year old, Win Kydcl, Richard 'Williams, Dan Wood ; one year old, Win Witzel, It Williams, 5 Parsons; pair roadsters. Wo) Kunz R N Rowe; single roadster, 0 Basker- ville, Scott McLaren, T E Handforti ; saddle horse, ;Tao Farmer, Jos Spenee ; lady delver, Miss Sproat, Wm Dale, 11110 Decker. There were two events in the speed- ing cordeste, a 3min:ire -4. 2,5 Ouse. Following is the result 2.8,5 Coma. Marguerete, 3 Merrier, Zurich 1 1 1 Pat, T D Hodgins, Denfleld 2 2 2 Melba, W Cudinore, Seaforth 3 8 3 8 Mrecase OrAss. Crooje, 0 R Polloskey, Mitchell 1 1 1 Lady MeDone1i T D Hodgins 2 2 2 Sidney Pointer, A Dow, Exeter 8 3 8 CATTLE. Dunn...sat -Aged cow, II Smith Ist, 2nd and 3rd; three year old cow, Smith, 3 Roeder ; two year old 'heifer, Smith 1, 2 and 8 ; one year old 'heif- er, H Smith 12, J Roeder; heifer calf, 11 Smith 1 2 3 ; bull eilf, H Smith, Roeder, H Sion ; herd, H Smith 1 2, J Roeder. Gnants.-Aged cow, Robt Hicks, Silas Stanlake sr. ThosShapton ; three year old heifer, R Hicks, Silas Stan - lake ; two year old heifer, R Hicks, Thos Shapton, 3 Elliott; one year old heifer, Thos Shapton 1-23 ; heifer calf, Monteith Bros, W Westcott. SIMMERS CATTLE, -Two year old steer, Thos Shapton, R Hicks, Robt Brack ; one year old steer, T Shapton 1 and 2, R Brock; fat steer, Ino Wood 1 2 3 ; fat cow, Brock, R Hicks, J Wood; steer calf, It Brock, Thos Shapton. ATRSEIRES,--Ooty, Alex DOW I 2 ; one year old heifer, R • SEBSEY.-Cow, Tbos Prier, Arm- strong; two year -old -heifer; T Brock, A Dow; one year old heifer, T Prier, T Brock ; heifer caf, T Brock, A Dow. 1-1r4REVORDS. -Cow, Monteith Bros; one year old heifer, Monteith Bros 1 2; heifer calf, Monteith Bros 1 2. SHEEP. Seraoasetifinairiveis. - Aged ram, LINCOLN& -Aged riinaL F Goodwin; shearling ram, T Shapton, L 111 Good- win ; ram larnh,T Shapton. Win Duns - ford, L F Goodwin; ewes, L F Good- win, T Shapton; sbearlings, T Shap - ton, W Dunsford, L F Goodwin ; ewe lambs, W Dtinsford, T Shapton, L F Goodwin. LEICESTER. -Aged, ram, T Ourrelley & Son 1 and 2; thearling ram, T Cur- relly & Son 1 and 2, Geo Penhale ; ram lamb, T relly & Son 1 and 2; Geo Penhale ; ewes, T Currelley, G Pen - hale 2 and 3; .shearlinee,s, Geo Penhale, T Currelley & Son, Geo Penhale ; ewe lambs, T Currelley & Sop, Geo Peet - hale 2 and 3. - GRADE SHEEP. 7-- Ewe 1a,mb8 Wm Dunsford 1 and 2. HOGS. , YORKSHIRE. -Boar one year old, D A Graham ; spring boateli F Goodwin, D A Graham, L F Goodwin; aged sow,,D A Graham ; sow one year old, D A Graham ; springsow, Wm Mon- teith 1 and 2, L F Goodwin. Bannsman.--Aged boar, D A Gra- ha,ni • Foar one year. J Hord & SOT). 1) Douglas ; spi Leg boa,r, I) A G‘ bikISI I Mid 2; aged sow, D A Grahae. ; one year, D A Graliant ; spring tee . A Graham 1 and 2. - Temwonan.-Aged boar, J fiord & Son ; boar one year, J Hord & Son, D Douglas; •spring boar, D Douglas, J 1 -lord & SOD, D Douglas • aged sow, J t Hord & _Son, leotiglas ; sow one year, L F Goodwin,D Douglas; spring i sew, }lord & Son, L F Goodtvin, le Do • . el-- Pee of eon breed; Jr e „erne:neat eaa eatteateteateette an- Will IN . Officer I'. M. Arthur of the Brother - Herd & Son, D Douglas, D A Gra- ham. Inireelennelen, -Farm wagon, Chat- ham Xfg Go; too boggy, W Rune, Wen ' zel & Fritz • single piano box cut- ter, W GayttSan, McLeughlin & Go' cat and ca ter, W Gran $e San, Mc' aughlin & Go; road cart, Wenzel 4.C4 evitz 1 and 2 ; fanning mill, Otempbell Mfg Co; roller, °bath= Mfg Co ; lrainiog tile,jue Carr ; building brick, lea Carr. •SPeetal.-Oareent concrete mixer, A Hodgerte POW,111Y.--Lignt brabaros, °mein ros, II Grieve ; dark brabaras, Geo rwin. ; berred plyinouth rocks, Gar - mg Bros, A 13issett ; white plyneouth veke, A Doupe, D A Grahein ; buff lochine, Geo Irwin, j Moore; partridge !echins„ Wrn Newcombe; white phis, Geo Irwin; Lengthens, A. rn eraha, A Doupe; silver gray Dor- -ins, Geo Irwin ; black red game ban- ams, Time Brook; brown red ban - ams, Carliog Bros, W Westeott ; any tiler variety bantams, 3' Wore, T rock ; silver spangled hambarge, Wm 'eater, D A Graham ; golden spangled uunburge, Wm Carter ; black hone - surge', D Graham ; bowlines, J arleve, Wm Carter ; golden. polemist Senior. W Carter; any other variety Wands, Wm Carter ;white leghorns, eilel Bros, A Doupe; brown leghorns, A Bissette Medd Bros; brown leg. horns, rose ecimb, D A Graham; butt leghorne. J Elliott, 13 4. Geaham ; black Java, Geo Irwin ist and 2nd ; AnMoore, Jas Jewell; black. spanish, Brock ; black rniuoreas, A Doupe, T Prier; silver lace wyan- dottes, W Howard, C* Irwin; white wyandottes. A, Graham, jos Senior; olden wyandottes, D A Graben), A, oupe ; red caps, A Deavitt ; bronze turkeys, Geo Irwin ; Toulouse geese, A Grehion, . Do inglas ; wild geese, A Bissett ; Pekin docks, A. Graham, Geo Irwin; Rouen ducks, D Gra- ham. Geo Irwin ; Aylesbury ducks, Geo ; any other variety ducks, jive Elliott ; collection pigeons, Geo Samwell, W G Bissett ; •collection singlog birds, Geo &unwell, Mrs. Richardson ; Belgian rabbits, Thos Ellerington, Jos Senior ; guinea fowl, D A Graham, 11 iams OnioNs,-Light braharas, 3 Grieve, (Yarling Bros ; dark bralmoas, Ueo Irwin lst and. 2ant ; barred plymoutli rocks, Carling Bros, Geo Irwin ; white plyrnouth rocks, 3 Grieve, Jas Jewell; buff rocks, Jas Jewell; buff cochins, Geo Irwhe Juo Moore; partridge cochins, Geo Irwin 14and 2nd,; white cochins, Geo Irwin; Lengthens, A Doupe; silver gray dorkins, Geo Irwin; any other 'variety bautams, nos Brack; silver spangled bernburge, D A Graham, Wm Carter; golden spangled hamburgs 'Win Carter; houdans, I Grieve, 'Win Carter; polands, Wm Carter ; golden poleuds, 'Wm Carter ; white leghorns, I/ A Graham, Medd Bros, brown leghorns, Ueda Bros let end 2w1 ; white leg - horns, rose eontb, Win Clutter 1st and 2nd ; but leghorns, E Enke, N jar- rott ; black Java, Geo Irwin, ist and 2nd ; Andalusloti, Jas Jewell, Carling Bros, black spanislaJno Moore let and 2nd; black minorcas, Thos Prier, A. Doupe ; white minorcas. Medd Bros, J Jewel'; silver lam wyandottes, 'W Howard 1st and 2nd; white wyan- dottes, Jos Senior 1st and 2nd ; golden wyandotten A Doupe, Medd Bros ; buff wyeedottes, Medd Bros lse and 2nd; black wyandottes, Geo Irwin lst and 2nd ; bronze turkeys, D Douglas, Geo Irwin; white turkeys, Medd Boos; any other variety of turkeys, Geo Irwin ; wild geese, .A. Bissett ; Pekin clucks, D Graben), G Irwin; Rouen ducks, Geo Irwin lst and 2nd ; calico - tion pigeons, Thos Brock; Belgian rabbits, Jos Senior Wm Snell ; guinea fowl, R. Wilhiams, Wrn Carter. Gnaw ieetle SEEDS,- Fall wheat, white, Josh Heywood,M .Brethour; fall wheat,red, X Brethour, Yes Patterson, any variety spring wheat,M Brethour, jas Airth ; 6 rowed barley, X Breth- our, Josh Heywood ; 2 rowed barley, M Brethour, Jae Patterson ; any other variety barley, Jacob .Rader; large oats, M Brethour, Josh Heywood; Common oats, M Brethour, Jas Patter- son; black oats, X Brethour ; large peas, M Brethour; small peas. X 13rethour ; timothy seed, M Brethour, A Biasett ; flax seed, M lirethour ; merchant's AOLD', Jos Co'bbledick ; white bean s,Jno Decker,Josh Heywood; clover seed, Josh Heywood, M Breth- our; grain in ear, Josn Heywood ;11 Brethour. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS. APPLES.—001 fall apples, W Chesney; winter apples, Jas Horton ; fall apples, Wm. Chesn,ey, 11 Chesney; Rhode Island Glreeleingsji Wm ObeAney, H Chesney ; Northern Spies, Wm Ches- ney S Brock ; RoxbOro Russets, • Theis Yellow. A McDonald; Spitzenborgs, A McPherson; Baldwins, T Ellering- • ton, Jacob Roeder ; Westfield Seek -no - further, A McDonald; P McTaggart; Snow apples, 11 Chesney, Thos Eller- in ton ; fall pippins, Win Ba,welen, 0 alper ; Xing of Tompkins, H Ches- ney, A Bissett; Alexanders, Jas Hor- ton ; Canada Red, -Jacob Roeder ; Rib - sten pippies, Wm Chesney, let Ches. ney Wagne,rs, Win Wilson, Thos -Ellerington „; Meid,en's blusb. Wm Cheseey, 0 Walper ; Golden Russets, J. Airth, II Chesney ; Ben Davis, S Brock; Wealthy, John Gill, A Mc- Pherson ; Duchess Oldenburg, Jae Herten, leirs. Nett; Blenheim pippins, A McDonald,Win Wilson; Carnberry, A Bissett. PEAR. -Varieties winter ,pears, Brock; varieties fall pears, Mrs 1? BaW- den ; Flemish beauty, Soo White ; Duchess Angoulinte, Thos Brock ; Bern's Clairgeau, Thos Brock, A Me - Thereon ; Vicar of . Wingfield, Thee Brock ; Bell Lucretive, Thos Brock ; Sheldon, Win Newcombe, Thies Brock; East Be uri e, A Deavitt,A. McPherson; Bur eu de Anion, Win ,Newcombe, Thos Brock ; Bartlett, jeer) Decker, Thos Yellow ; Beaur An De Anjourn, 1.1 Chesney. PEE/MS.-Lombards, Carling Bros, Tiles Brock ; any other variety, Car- ling tiros ; Pond's Seedibes, Trott, Carling Bros. GRAPES, ETC. -Niagara, Mrs. „Trio White, Mrs. 0. McIntyre; Concord, H. L. Kraft,- Win Newcombe ; Dele- vvain. Rev Martin, W1-1 Trott j Rogers' No le (Agawam,) Wm Newcombe; Rogers'19, (IVIeriinaca A MePherson,, Thos•Brock ; Rogers' No 4. (Wilder, Rev Marian ; Rogere' No 9' (Lind ley.) Rey ielitrtin ; Regain' No 22 (Saimaa Neweoln be ;Rogers' No 45,Wm Newcombe, 'Theis Brock ; any other Variety, Thos Brock, elieentneeenelen-Oareeed fruit, Brethour Ise and 3M; honey in ear, A McPherson ; home made wines, Jas Tom, Hanna Wise ; bottled pickles, • Mrs Richardson; canned vegetables, • Mrs. Richardson. VEGBTA13LES, - American Wonder • potatoes, Geo Schroeder, A Bissett • Bettilty of Helvetii. Josh Heywood, Miss Alcock; Pearl of Savoy, Josh Heywood, Thos Brock ; mpire State, Josh Heywood, A Bissett; Red Rle- a Pim, Geo Schroeder,. Jno Decker NQ.; Carmen o. M Brethour ; Rural New Yorkers, Geo Schroeder, A Bis- sett ; any variety potatoes, Geo • Schroeder, Jno Decker ; three new varienee, JOSil lierPOOd ; special, New Victor, S. Brock ; red pepper, Peon ; winter cabbage. 11 L Kraft. Geo Anderson; blood beets, Mrs. J Heywood, A. Deavitt ; globe beets.Mrs P Bawden, 0 Wolper; sugar beets, A Peak), Geo Schroeder; long rams - golds, P Hartman, A. Biasette U. Bele oey ; globe mangolds ; H Passmore, • Samwell, josh -Heywood ; inter- mediate marigolds, II Passinore, Jos Bawden, .Ino Hunter ; early born car. rots, Jno Decker, .Tos Bawden„ A Deavitt ; Nantes carrots, Wm New- eoinbe, Jno Homey ; long orange or red carrots. Geo Schroeder, II E. Hues - ton ; field carrots, 0 Wolper, Airth ; sweet. corn, M Brethour, Geo Sclarae- der ; Indian corn, Mrs Tom, A Bissett; water melons, 0 1Valper, A Perkins ; toilet melons, 0 Walpe;,A PetitittS Sweed turnips, Jim Decker, 3 Roeder, Thos Brock; turnips any other variety; Roeder. Josh Heywood ; primpleios, A Bissett, Airth ; equasb. 0 tvm, Weekes Bros. ; red onions, JOSli Bey - wood. R Williams ; yellow ODiODS Geo Anderson; tometoes, Ti E Huston, .8. Perkins; celery, Geo .Anderson, Rev, •Martin ; citrons, Jos Damien, Pym; parstups, II Bustem, M Brain= ; eolleetiou vegetables, Weekes Bros, Geo Anderson, Mrs. j Richardson. AI •DRY P.110EVCTS,-ElY0 1h$, butter, JasIlorton, jno Blateliford, Jno Decker, Tlios Shapton ; ten lbs butter, Jas Horton, P McTageart, dna Decker; rolls or prints; P. McTaggart, Jas Horton, Irvine Armstrong ; Special - most neatly arranged plate of butter fotatable use, Win \l'ilson,Jasilorton, Irreuee Armstrong; creaxaery butter, A Q Bobier. M.I.NVeeeeTVIMe.-IIonte made quilt, Hanna Wise. Airs G Nott; domestic cloth, mr$ G Nett. Wm Chesney; flannel, all wool. Maggie Jamieson, Wm Chesney; blankets, all wool, Hanna, Wise, M ereigliton ; home made horse blankets, M Creighton, M Brethour, Wm Chesney; woollen yarn, (Continued on First page) • ADVANCES COTTONS • , oda, We live by our blood, and on it, We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by, When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re- freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body, and mind, with con- tinual flow of rich blood, This is health, When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutri- ment in it. Back of the,blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again—man woman and child. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, Es agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & 13OWNE, Chemists Toronto, Soe, and $Loo; All druggists. :X -•- ^ '�u Make Mist k iatie If you you have Pale, Greenish, or Sallow Complexion, Cold Hands and Feet, Loss of Ap- petite, Dyspepsia, Lack of Energy or Stomach Troubles, You Make A Mistake When you do not use Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills to counter- act these conditions. Why? 13e.. cause they contain all the natural elements' necessary to build up the human SySteri. • The way to a cure lies along the road from the stomach to the blood and nerves. All food is acted on bythe stomach alid pre- pared for absorption into the system. Dr. Ward's Pills give just the pro- per help to a tired system, and dif- fuse a glow ot health through the whole human fraine. - You feel yourself getting well when you take Dr. 'Nerd's Blood _ and Nerve PHIS. - sO ctx. per box. See boxes for $:.00, All drug* gists, or' Sa,ro Williams & Co.. Toronto, Ont. - ^ • hair a week you wish. guesswork it's sure eve To re - tore color to fgray hair . use ung After it for two or three weeks notice how much younger you ap- pear, ten years younger • at least. Ayees Hair Vigor also ▪ cures dandruff, prevents ▪ Wing a the haw, makes hair grow, and is a splen- ' did hair dressing. • It cannot help but do these things, for it's a hair -food. When the hair Al is well fed, it cannot help butrow, It makes the scalp • healthy and this cures the disease that causes dandruff. Look in your mirror today. Take a last look at your gray hair. It sure- ly may be the last if you want it so; you needn'tkeep your gray ionger than There's no about this; ry time. 51.03a bottle. Ail druggists, Wit. was coming out Wally, int Apra Katt "Vgiarsto„pped ttke fallingand bus matte my Mir very thick and mutt; darker titan before. I think there la nothip.g lik0 it for She hair." eon.. 1L ZnA, Awn :3,1sa 1:arrows mato as Doctor, 117c41.40 pet obtain all the benefits Son dente frem tha use et the Vigeri rEe Ole doctor alxalt It, Addreli Pn.e. C. A17.31, Ma.4, MEM Meat Market The undersignell has opened up a new meat market one door South of Garlingis Store - where he will keep thechoiceet of meats constantly an hand A CALL SOLI( iTED JOHN T. MANNING A SARNIA LADY Tells HowMilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Cured Her Ner- vous Troubles and Strength. • ened Her Weak System, , Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are an inestimable boon to anyone suffering from any disease or derangement of the heart or ;serves or whose blood is thin and watery. Mrs. E. Horning, of us George Street, Sarnia, Ont., is one of thosewhose experi- ence with this remedy is well weatti con- • sidering. it is as follows :-" I am pleased to re- commend 1Vilibuois Heart and Nerve to anyone suffering from nerve trouble, no • matter hew severe or o fhow long standing. t uner years my nerves have been la a. terribly weak condition, but Millinrn'si /lead and Nerve Pills, which I got at - Geary's Pharmacy, have strengthened-' them greatly and invigorated ray systetin leaving me no excuse for notmakingknoevni their virtues. ''I cannot refrain from recommending these pills to all sufferers as a splendid curse for nervousness and weakness.' THB Clothing QUESTION Constantly pursues a mai_ it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to, avail yourself of our offer.' We are showing a fine range of s Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays (bought before - the heavy advance price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for $14 in fancy, worsted suiting. We show et big range at moderate .prices,, in Scotch and Canadian tweeds, " we cary a large ' and well as -- sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- est goods voa oercfor Singt, from $10 pp. - GIVE ITS A CALL and sea hat we eaii do for Toll J. H. Crieve. Pii ERCIIA NT TAiLott ' „nee-