HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-13, Page 8TE: EXEPE I TIMES # 3 TEWf k T^' i 5TORE, ` O tifel :Siillleteeeitia 163°`St}aL'.penie ileetail'.11ttenittele etteeettn. GBS. OR PRODU6 — ONLY t'. 11 °UR NEW Ff1LL STOOK 18 NOW COMPLETE, We extend a hearty invitation to every lady who can nate it convenient to call and inspect our New Fall Stock. The Big Store is full of new goods. Colne whether you want to buy or not and see the lovely New Dress Goods. Remember in Dress Goods we age leaders. OUR ruLLINERY and SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN. We are showing a lovely range of the New Solt Fell? Knoekah mt Hats. They're very swell. Yogi! l like them. Remember you're always welcome to see all the newstyles in Millinery. OUR SfIOW ROOMS l .Ril ftLWfWS OPEI , 4. A, STEWART Grigg IWedding I jugs, Weft tQs, Clocks, Book Jewelry, tore Spee.: t>scies, lite 03e. R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Speaialt e. ATTwrioN.. r Any person' having arils, clothing or any accoutrements, the property of No, 0 Company, 33rel Regiment, must hand them into Or-. derly Sergt„ J, T, Westcott, befor Saturday the 8th day of Sept. An person Bolding them after that date Rwzl 1 e •prosecuted. By order, , Tonle. . Raven, connivending 0 Co, 33r(1 Regiment. BLT$UFIR.us,--Bush fires have e. log the past few days destroyed a est timber i theswamps es amount of tl ul r n a s� t the town, Some person stard. a small tire to burn the stumps in iiblear- ing land, but the high winds ot Mon- day and Tuesday fanned the.' flames and spread the fire fox a considerable .distance, and until a heavy rain rails it will be impossible to check the fiarnes,' annoefsGnF4rPAIR. ---The biggest fall show of 1400 for this section will be the G. N. W. Exhibition at Code- rich, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The prize list is several hum- dred dollars in advance of last year, and the speed tests, roar in number, promise to develop lota or fun for lovers of good horses, The track is in No. 1 condition and the grand stand, rebuilt this summer,will accommodate eau inunense crowd. The poultry list is second only to that of the county win ter dhow, and the `chteken cranks" will be out in itch force, The fruit and met .crops pronrlse to Abate aa; display uueXeelled an the history or the fair. The popular Mariue Baud will furnish music each day and even- ing, and MOUS the ;attractions Will be Edison's Moving Pictures, including South "Liman battle scenes and other views just now of special interest, A visit to Goderich next week would be doubly enjoyable, Y0.l,,s,i4„Ya.Ya99a;pA.AA ip,}Yi ■ altreM iA Thos. Sweet is erecting a silo on his farm, ltr. Jermyn, of �i raaton, as a guest For Marriage Licenses, oat ieevitt's Fair, Wesley "Vale lhas returned to his home in Montreal. Dere Lydden, (if Iowa, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. A, Q. Bolder. Miss Cxertie Hicks is visiting Miss IL White, at Niagara Falls, Mr. and. Mrs. E. J. Simmons, of Port' Hope, are visiting at 5, Martin's. W. D. Yeo announces the arrival of his new fall goods, in another column.. Perry Dignan has secured a situation with R, 11, Sweet, town as harness - Maker. N. Dyer Hurdon is able to get around again though considerably lame. During the wind storm Tuesday the smoke stack on McCallum's tannery blew down, Miss Blair; of London has been en- gaged by R, S. Lenges typewriter and stenographer. J. N. Howard lost his entire bush in Ray township, Tuesday, the result of the raging bush fires. A meeting of the shareholders of the Exeter Cemetery Co. will be held in the Town hall on Friday evening, 21st Sept. If you wish to cure scrofula or salt rheum permanently, take Hood's Sar- saparilla. It expels all impurities from the blood. Miss Ethel Farmer left last week for the Sacral Heart School, London, where she will take a course in music and classies. The Diree tors of the Usborhe Hib- bert Co. have declared an assessment of 14 cents on the dollar. good for two years. T. M. Kay' last week ]eft at ibis of- fice a sample plum of the Prunis kuh- monia variety, which measured seven inches in circumference, James Darling and daughter, Mrs.A. Forseith, of Teeswater, are renewing acquaintances in town. They were former residents of Exeter. The License Commissioners for North. Perth have gcanted a license to Mr. Gordon, of the Albion hotel, re- cently conducted by L. A. Walper. John Evans, at one time an esteem- ed resident of Exeter, but who has for years followed farming near Cen- tralia, died on Sunday, after many years' suffering from rheumatism. While working at his -trade, the cement business, last week. Master Walter Kerslake, Lumley, had the misfortune to have his little finger badly smashed and the flesh torn off. A full stock of School Books far Public Schools. A full stock of Sunday School Librarycar Books at wh les1e prices ces Family ^:iiri Peachers' Bibles Full Line. Everything in Stationery, wholesale and retail. John Grigg, EXETER grormormormirmormormi INSURANCE. E STELLIOT, dgt:a forthe WEs7ERN ASSURANCE Co11. ?ANT:, of Toronto ; also for the PacEasux N'lrsa NsuRANcit CosmaXy, of London, England; kL LIANCE assent:see Coallea , of Eng and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th,1900 LOCAL HAPPENINGS Miss Susie Tait is visiting friends in Sarnia. Hector Monroe, of London, spent Sunday in town. J. G. Stanbury was engaged at Mit- chell court on Friday. W. J. Ileaman has returned from a business trip to Chicago and St. Paul. Miss Cora Powell left on Saturday to spend a week with friends in Lon- don. all Term Opens Sept, 411 Central 2 STRI.TFORD. ONT. Noless than eight larS o bu6inC.s colleges C s have applied to us within the last eta weeks for our graduates to take po.iition.s as teachers in theirschools.. :is many as rive business firms have applied to us in one day- for oill;o help. Tails is surely the best school for you. It pays to prepare tor profitable, progressive and per- manent employment. Catalogue free, W. J. ELLTOTT. Principal, Mrs. David Mill continues very low, andhas not yetrecovered her:power of • speech. John McConnel, cooper of London, has been engaged to work in Gould's. cooper shop. Miss Shaw, milliner for the R. Pick- ard Co. at Hensel', is spending a few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond. and Mrs. John Dignan visited the Misses Fee, Zurichthis week, Rev. W. M. Martin, B. D., occupied his own pulpit last Sabbath after a months' vacation. The apple evaaporacireg plants are both in operation and are being load- ed up with fruit. Mrs, Gilchrist and children and Miss Ruby. Cowie, of AIlandale, are guests b at T. H. 1L,Callnm.c. Miss Irwin,f in ham been o W has engaged as jnior assistant in the Pub- Iic School in Exeter. Mrs. J. A.Stewart and children,lxave returned from a visit with friends in Toronto antotlier points. Thomas Darwin, of Seaforth, ' cele- brated his 91st birthda •o Thursday, and le andhearty. is"still hany < , Farmers are busy gettinR i'n fan wheat'and a large acreage is 'being- sown ,beingso n in this neighborhood ' The ;steam fire engine which . has lately'. gone under extensive'repairs, P was tested last week,, and is ; again in for e emerg enc y T. P. and Mrs, Ross, and. Miss Cald- will, Hay, are attending the marriage of Miss Effie White, and Mr.; Flint, of Pittsburg at Chatham. this -reek. A strong gale prevailed_ in this sec- tion Tuesday +! night. Electric ' light voles .%vete blown ever, • acid>: fruit ?on trees :rkncaeked' down to a , serious ex- tent. qeek ee taken R „Sur t has a taken osession of the bt siness-1he recentlyy purchased of John Treble,, He was formersy a resi- dent of Exeter and ' is well-kknown in And around town. See his announce- ssientin another column.. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be. Ieft not later than Tuesday noon. Casual a advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Peaches have • glutted the market here the past week. Miss 011ie McLaughlin visited friends in St. Marys the past week. Miss Rena Dodds, has retnrned from. a pleasant visit with friends in Peter- borough. The Parsons, Davis Co. have organ- ized, and opened business at Centralia, to carry on a produce business. Mrs. Collins and daughter, and Miss Bonthron, have returned from a pleas- ant visit among friends at Toronto. Tom Jeckell slipped on the pave- ment on Friday. and falling against a store front injured his face consider- ably. Mrs. Chas. Coates, of Pontiac,Mich., it visiting her mother, Mrs. John Gould, and friends in and around Exeter. Next Sunday evening in James st. church the pastor, Rev. C. W. Brown, will preach a special sermon to young women. Mrs. John E. Dignan and Miss Hazel have returned from. St. Joseph where they visited friends and also enjoyed the lake breezes. The Misses Gilpin, daughters of John Gilpin, ofSt. Marys, and Miss Haines of the same place, visited at E. Fol Ilick's on Sunday. Up to Wednesday evening nearly ( 500 tickets were sold for the Western Fair, London. This is a record break- er for Exeter. Lovica Kelland, of Detroit, spent the past week visiting friends in town. Sbe carne to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Fanson. W. IL Wilkins, of Sarnia, spent the forepart of this week visiting friends in town. Mr. Wilkins was at one time a resident of Exeter, and bis many I friends were pleased to see him. ( Mrs. W. Levitt returned to the Lon- ' don haspital on Tuesday, where a few months ago she had undergone a surgical operation, which has not pro- moted the desired improvement in health. J. A. Mitchell, of Centralia, has: a Danish sugar beet, grown on his farm which measures 4 inches n he i circumfer- ence. ir r. c s n cumfe ence. He has a big crop, and says - it pays to grow this .varie=ty,especialy for feeding stock. The yield Mr. Mitchell can show is proof that this section of , country is well adapted for groW.ing sugar beets, for swear purposes, an in- dustry which is in its infancy in Ont- ario, though promises to become -valu- able.. This week we chronicle the death of Mrs. William Button, relict, of the late William Button, which sad event occurred on Aug 16th. The deceased, who was 75 years of age was born in Buckingham, England, and with her late husband came to this country 0 , h 4 years ago, settling., first in the 'town- ship of Tuckersmith. In, 1857' they settled on lot 20, concession 8, Morris, where she continued to reside until the time of her death.` Her husband ;pre- deceased her 21. :ears ago. o. She leaves 9 R' familyof four sons and five daugh- ters a u h- � g ters to mourn the. loss of a hind and, lovingmother. Atlpa Y0.�9Y4iYSR¢Y ICiAR a1Ytla1a„L•,�,!9p,aL,Aa RitYy} iaa,. FO ia41.1Yfi YNY ,ae f. AAA. „aaa qr9i #at9quR9u99lriAp49aaaa,:ua:asa Exeter Herisall OUR FfiLLf1ND WINTER STOGK Is Now GoO* hi all DeparGifints. We are showing the finest assortment of imported and domestic Dress Goods ever displayed in Exeter. We would call especial attention to our magnificent display of Gold Medal Bik Dress Goods, We show them at prices ranging from 750 to $3,50p er yard. W. S. diners, of Kincardine, George W. Miners, of Exeter, and Fred Miners, of Clinton, attended the fun- eral of their grancltnother, the late Mrs. William Miners, on Sunday last. • There were 23 applications for the position of electrician at Mitchell,made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Tai - lin. J. B. McCurby, near Detroit, was engaged, and is now attending to his duties. On Wednesday, about noon the mes- senger of death entered the quiet home of Mr. and:Mrs. Henry Weber, con.10, Elm a, and claimed their youngest child, a little boy, just three years old the day he died. • The little fellow was about two weeks ill withu i s m her cones plaint. At the Western Fair, London. Messrs. McDonell and Bawden, scored victory with their shire stallions. in the aged class "Belshazzar" took lst prize and the .Sweepstakes, in the draught classes, while for ti a three- year-old colts, they obtained Ist and 2nd prizes. • vi - T. H. Davide-pa, dson of the Bar , ns croft House, Saginaw, spent the past week visiting lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, Andrew street. Mr. Davidson is one of the many Exeter boys who are making •-. h i z markk in the business world,enjoying good situation in that city. On Saturday two parcels of land in. the first concession of; Colborne,' be- longing to the estate of the late Jas. Sands, were -sold by auction. , The first parcel containing 52 acres, with dwell- ing, etc., were purchased by T. Mc- Lean c -Lean. for 82,900. , The second parcel._of` 13 acres ,was sold to A. Sands for 300.; � lEADACHE.ALL GONE. Mrs, . 1elbourne Parker, Torbrooke, N. S.. writes "I have used Milburn's Sterling Head ache Powders, w and after taking one or two felt better at ,once, and as able to get up and go on with my work: Price 10c -and 26c., all dealers. M ... 14..1•.6.91,04,,., ., •. •, s ,,,-., Special display of Naw FALL MILLINERY, MANTLES, DRESS GOODS, and FURS, as well as all other lines, on Monday and Tuesday next Sept. 17th and Mb, Everybody is eordivlly invited to inspect our stook Some Special Bargains. Sap yards of Cotton Huck Towelling, regularly sold at 6c yard, special price 6 yards for 10 doz White Cotton Fringed Towels, regular price 4c each, special per pair r o0 pairs Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, the regular price would be 35c., special price finest selected 'Valencia Raisins, regular price, 12;ac per lb, special price 3 lbs for 25c New season's Japan Tea, the regular 35c per lb kind, special 2$ c We are making arrangements to have a very large con- signment on-si nnent of Peaches, Plums and Grapes reach here Monday- next for Fair Days selling. They will be shipped to us direct from the orchards, and prices will be in your favor. ARCING BROS. A Big Drop IN 1 L PRIME OF Ready -made -Clothing They were N I VER LOWER THAN NOW. We do not know whether "Laurier” is the cause of it or not but the fact remains which makes us and our customers 1 variety alsolarge. reduc- tion The s ar a y is ge a . The redc- . tion comes at an opportune time, when mothers are getting their boys ready to start school and want to buy most for their* money. We have a line of boys suits that were $2.75 to $3,25 a suit which we offer at $1.50 to clear,and many other lines proportion ately low, We are also clearing out sum- mer goods, blouses worth 50c for 40e, 75e for e.0,1,00 for The muslius and a number of other lines at your own price, If you want good good at right riees we are with you. If you,want shoddy or the like yolx will have to go elsewhere. Give us a call, Highest prices paid for produce. APPRENTICE WANTED to learn printing. Apply at Teems Otiien, Prallo Von S a T.>a.- square piano, ► good order, for sale cheap. The ard- verciser does two. Can be seen et the Metropolitan hotel- CKARD'S Direct Importers 000 00.000.0000 0. 0000000000000v 000 SHOE CREDENTIALS On every "Slater Shoe " a coupon will be found giving the shoe's character. Tells of the leather in its make up, the wear it is adapted to and how to care for it. It gives the register number of the shoe by which the makers can trace back to its birth, and should it not Iive up to their promises, make good the guarantee. "Slater Shoes" may be identified by this coupon and by the name and price stamped on the sole. Every pair Goodyear welted. $3.50 and $5.00. 0 .00000 CGOCO 000.00000000 E. J. SP A CKMAN, SOLE T.0CALAGENT. R. Swantz, of Kansas, is visiting rel- i Miss Nellie Davidson is spending a atives in Hay. I few weeks in London. Miss Myrtle Madge, Osborne, has t;a Aromatic extract of Blackberry is a resumed her studies at the Collegiate ;''pleasant, safe and effectual cure foie Institute, St. Marys. d! Diarrhoea,Dysentery,Cholera Morbus, Absolutely pure •reliable Bakin- Colic, etc. For sale at Lutz's Drug Powder. Try it once and you win Store, only 25c a bottle. never nse any other kind. Sold by C. Chas• Harper, manager of the Mer - Lutz, druggist Exeter. :a chants' Bank at Lucan,bas been trans - The Ailsa Craig and Denfield Baptist ferred to the bank in London, and A. congregations have extended a call to bcaCampbell,accowitanb of the Lond a t the Rev. A.E.Park, of Forest + and that - nch has been appointed manager Lncan. gentleman has, accepted. r A pleasant event occurred at the For sore, blistered, perspiring feet,,) residence of Frederick Rossiter, Lou aF chafed skin, prickly heat, nettle rash, don. recently, when his daughter,MiEase. For sale at Lutz's Irug and. applying after shaving, nserFoot Lydia Faircioth Rossiter, • was unite in marriage to J. R. Boyee,bookkeepe • at Gerry's planing mill, formerly of'' Brucefield. • Without Question Thebest equipped Business ;ma Shorthand School In Canada Is the Forest City Business Shorthand College, London. Ont. Large enrol. went and strong :acuity. IN mireds of students ingood positions, Year , f excellent work at its credit. C;ltelague of either course free. f'orrespon- deace Ito vt.tat. .1. W. WESTEILVELT, Prineipai, Bargains 1N bicycles We have a few second bantI 1000 models Cleveland :icycIes. Only been used a shoat time and guaranteed in first-class condition which we will sell at BttKGfIIN f IGES. Also a few other makes very cheap, In Second-hand Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, we are holding out inducements to people looking for good values. Our new goods are all right both in quality and price and are sure to please. Call and see thein. No trouble to ex- ' lain to you their good qualities. fiRLING BRO EXETER ,,gOLLER MILLS JUST RFO.1 IV1 D i! Gar ai �t Kansas Red ,: 5eed WHEAT 3, COBBLEDIOK A; SON, BUCCIS Anyone wishinga new or seco band Buggy of nt>E V. II. Parsons can have it by applying at shop, or at Wzn. Trevethiek's, or S, Martin's, its the proprietor will be away for sometime. Now is the time to buy a. good buggy cheap. Books and accounts left with Mr. S. Martin.. W. H. Parsons EXt Tt:a., LEVITTS' FAIR Glass Jars, Veldt Fillers, Choppers Ricers, Raisin Seeders, Granite Kettle and Spoons, .rails, Pudding dishes etc. , A nice assortment of Vaces, B,lttles and Tooth Brush Boxes just arrived. Headquarters for wedding presents. Glass and China four -piece setts,anct Fruit Setts, Trays and Water Glasses. Fresh Fruit arrives nearly every day, Peaches, Plums, Grapes and Watermelons. AGENT Levitt's Fair FOR PARISIAN STEA LAUNDRY. 1 S. Martin. Laundry sent away every Thursda On Friday last a little e dau iter of Edward Hunt, of Seaforth was pic- nicing with•,anumbei of other child- ren near the dam iv Egmondville and had the misfortune to fall on a rusty nail which entered between the chin ' bride and grocm. and protruded through the tongue. On Saturday afternoon a farmer The wound was a very painful one. drove recklessly around the corner of Edward Ilunt was formerly of Exeter. Main and Market streets, Seaforth,anci Among the new Inland Revenue ran over a little daughter of. Samuel regulations is one that retail dealers Chesney. The child . was knocked can sell plug tobacco at retail from down and severely bruised and might caddies, half caddies, boxes or ` half have been seriously injured had not boxes five' cent chewing tobacco from her mother snatched her from beneath five to ten pound packages ; snuff from the wheels. • - .g s - five,ten and twentpound packages Turkish Scalp -Food prevents the Y P P ,•, , . but with the exception where snuff re- 'hair from falling off, restores grey 'or' quires to be dampened, dealers must�•• white hair to its original color. B ei ug not withdrawthe goods from :th delicately erfumed it leaves u n- stan ed packages untilactuall efferetf Pleasant odour. It is not a dye. for sale. it" :Should be in every household where. a Rev. Wm: MLDona h of Sbr•atford hair renewer is needed. ' Sold g � �w o by O. had a couple of falls during the lasrLutz,only 5Ota bottle. few which shookhim up sli htl brs.:James Lawrie, of f t a mondville tae a box. In Seafeirth on Wednesday noon, Tena, youngest daughter of Andrew Calder, and Thomas Miller, leader of the band, wereunited_in the bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was wit- nessed by about forty of the immedi- ate relatives and- intimate friends of VE`` GliSfl STORE GOODS dIIU 6RO6ERIE. YEO. is coming, isour newfall goods. CottOns, u. Fall i. cold, �, so (� n s, Cottol>E.�. Tweeds, Denims and Shirtin g's: (Special Sp ecial value in these lines.)- Flannels and Flannettes in all the popular prices. l p p Also special value in Men's Underwear,persuit 75 e, $1;00, 1.50 and $2.0O. Ladies Vests lona sleeves from 1 5c to $1.00, special value at 25c, 50c and 75c: Just received a,: and Men'sGa plainand fancy. choice lot of Boys a (1 s � a enc . 1 hese yCaps,3 . very ,. . r , latest are � el are'hnobby,1. oods theandalso several lines of 3 en's Brown and Black Tedoras Jue.t in,and the very lam est young Men's elS Stiffs, expected eCted this week, Ga11 and see {hem. Don't forget our groceries,theyand -• `' are. all new azd.fresh: ,°, � ay a ;,LSk, and an Ill S Best Coffee n We tee Chase �. h9 eo a d our Teas;are pr but otherwise did not seriously injure had a narrow'esea e front a serious ac= . ■ ..y 3 ;: P No 1 haul. The second fall oecu>*reel; Friday cadent. on, Thursday afternoon i.tist: ,, evening comngoat of -the Waterloo She got on thetrain to bid some fr i.nds st.:Itte hediscaused e who were going' a w t st cinch and was ood b w i we. and „g y , dis- ., . L 111 ,?.C,� •.ell �' Avant B Produce tal�ea c r, fie. i e �a t litter and E s. b has., missing a stR .. A ti ht iremained on ,the. train- until it had v. g� e 1 a 1 In getting off she fell oc tion.ot the shoulder ilder was the started: el on the... , h r .g g Y g p g. ., 1 rthe►1,.c first door. northpost •rll e �, c d o 0office. om h but it was set soon atter in', the same latform, and was somewhat ; shaken C'1 danger evening,.and a artfrom� the teal or- up, Xt as aver as cons thin to tr p P 11 y g g y train aryoreandget-ff a t nwhen i is in. soreness and gin., he;>$ all.ri ht , o t. pg again: motion.