HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-13, Page 6Buller'o Forces Jioki a Strong
A deseatcb frem Lendois, aayst-
fame Badfontein a yester-
day.% date ee.y that General Buller eta
g-ageel Ole Boars in the meneats.ins
averlaoking Leelenburg on Sept. 2.
Gl'eneral Botha commentled the enemy,
whiela Ie ld the -pass throughout the
day. The Boer eatillery fire wa
severe. Upward ot two thousead mea
comprised tae Boer force. The Brit -
L1 cevalry, with a horae battery, ap-
preacbed to within two miles of the
etuyes potation. The Beers then
tlxze$ "Leue Tome." whieh were
lecated one on either side a the pass
and one a.t a. drestanee to the right.
They also had anether gua of high
IutinvR tRwam pat WIRES
velocity mounted.
Tbe larititeht force:, oceuplea pea:
time in a basin ort the right• of ibe
pass, and were unable to retreat at
The Boer gime were accure.tely
rained, and were fired tontiau,ouely
all day, while tlet British, being un-
able to is their position for guu fire
effeetively, advanced their iufantry.
Between tbe line, and bidden in
aseas and tivergrown scrub, were nue
tnereus Boer sberpellooters. General
Buller ccettpial an. expeeed pee/elan
on. a eat the front. The beliavieur
of his troops meter Iteavy shell fire
wes excellent. Hie oesealties are not
QW Ili/idler's Dien Took the Beer
A. 4N:spate/a trent Belfeat Theie Utilebeau deeperate fighting tea
left a titz.!.. Baer peeitiort, about
el.* I:0.14Z we, of eLechtedadoree
tlensteel Sir Realvere Enaer made the
Stit,s1,elL 504 tiii.Nyugliout the :engage -
nears had u*tn Leforety
guns -ta tee -teen.
The BOs.irs were not :la the least dis-
=eyed at the fere:ridable diameter of
title etreeeeatglit, but fought with the ut-
most bravery,
1 have beet eentsortunaiee of seeing,
them tu.tske sevexii aram eta:n.48. wadi
era atenvi:acted tau tater teniteity
tints sucterantor vets not equailed even
ia Natal befere tire relief, of 1.ady-
emelt h.
Owe lee/lite earet beautiful,.
iy =11.'4Z have Inflieted belay bee -
+ea an Yew ratettes ou
tett (Seek beet:gat:Una iteroes winch
tee lett,as retired were Clearly in -
die it,' std.
The tiro of the navel guns was tea,
But the feattlree ef the !tattle waa
the magnificent wore a .the Rine
Rreirede, •assated tier
inv. and the We:41s.
• it fell to thens to take the Boer
pee:tarn an ta...31.4b. markt by lutge
tietideas and nuraorous trees, which
prove:led adz:aerate". shet er.
ttar guile ;e'en:tett away at, tilde
kt en, for ttve hears, aun 4hela lett
!see th trete of a pata-pom
never flincited.
Yee - teter ati -. given for ate
inf.:celery ter fix bayonets awl retarge.
It wee a netetafiatat au& that they
ni-tsle. The Beers caateeted every ineh,
ta weaned, but the tat" tare- prate. -
ed on. anti /m.mk th' po-it "Am.,
The Beer lose frotra the c herge was
eavta:e. i (teen:tea ten de td Ladies in
eine hear, ansi Ma karat wee asittrewn
wit k therty-five ve netted, whom, the
a it their h, td left b"hiuL
The Bette kinal included der cam-
ra.snlint 47.4 the J.ohannesbarg 'ranee,'
whe offered strenuous opposition to
the' ad vanee.
We talk thirty prisoners and a
Our Less in. killed was put at eleven.
It h. a substaettal vietary, cheap-
ly wan.
Dynamite Carried Off Near New -
despateh. from Pietermaritzburg,
eayse-The .Boer raiders in northern
Natal are toetesmiag increashagly dar-
ing and are causing unrest.
-Yesterday ta. party oe. the eneme
visited a colliery near Ine,agane and
carried off a hundred pounds of dyna-
mite, foe w.nat purpose may easily be
The general of communieations has
Issued a warning to the collieries only
to store sufficient explosives for their
immediate requirement&
Ingagane i sevea Miles south of '
Boers itepulsed by the Garrison at
• Kraaipan.
A despatch. from Vryburg, says
Yesterday the garrison at Kraalpan
attacked a Boer outpast on some hills
in the vicinity, and drove them off
with a'. loss of some killed. ane eight
emended. There was n•o lass on the
Entail -side. We captured eight horses
Occasional skirmishes happen to
the est of the railway between here
and l'ilefekiag, and in tete eceitese of
these recently a Cape policeman and a
soldier have been we -ended..
Krattipan is thirty-five miles south
of Neafelriag, and is mernotrable as th'e
means. of the first ,aotion of the war.
Newsy Items About Ourselvea and
Our Noiebbors--Something of
Interest From Every Quar-
ter of tie Globe.
T.he San joss scale has appe red in
London, Ora,
T.he Canadian Electrie Asetociation
in session. at Kingston,
0. Klotz has left Ottawa to locate
Vancouver, longitudinally.
W. L. B. Smytae, a well-known
Brockville citizen, is dead.
Over ee,000,000 bas been expended i
buildings in 'Winnipeg this year.
• Mr. Robert O'Hara, Mester in
• Cbeacery at Chi -ahem, ls dead.
; There may be a daily line ot atearee
ere between Ottawa and Iningeton
next year.
I/erectors of the Hamilton Art
• c' al Ireland
nehool bare engaged
George 'Irving, fo
. master of the G. T.
Montreal, aged 78.
Imecontaktion a lion,. :dr. March-
and, Premier of Quebec, le reported
it meal' improved,
Veseoe Tarte, bartender, has disap-
Peered from Kingston, leaving a wife
: and a baby a week old,
On December let the Merchants'
Bank of Halifax will assume its new
name, the Royal flank of Canada.
The, Department a Agrieulture has
' decided ta isms a directory a the:
Canadian breeders a live stoele.
Winuipeg heti two destructive Wee
of eupposed inoeudiary origin. Police
believe they have the firebug.
Thames Lizette, a yoath, a Moose
Creek. Oat., was run over by a train
at Corawall. A 1e.g had. to be
ta ted.
Firecaund e2,000 damage to the
home of D. 0. Chamberlain, account-
ant of tbe Howie of Commons, at Ot-
His liVarning to Inhabitants of the
Orange River colony.
A despa.telt from Pretoria, says
: -
Lord Roberts has issued a proclanla-
tion to the inhabitants a tbe Orange
River Colony, ia stance be says that in
caneequence. of annexation, they are
=ow saajects of the Queen, with the
exceptiom of thote -wee were attaehed
to commandoes prior to the issuenee
tre the annexattun proclamation, and
watt, aave saute peen continuously m
arras and attached to eoramandoes.
Theee, arben captured, will be treated
as preerners of war. Those nho have
talten the oath of submission, and who
bave bete/tea it, will 45 peulehed with
detah, imerietemesut, or fine. Bend -
Inge haraourbag the enemy are liable
to be razed. A farm or farms in the
vicinity of whicdz the railway is dam-
aged will be liable to be fined half a
crown per Juergen. The inhabitants
are warned to acquaint the British
,Jrce.s of tee presence of the enemy,
otherwise they will be regarded as
abetting them, and will he treated as
Declares He Will Fight Until Ile
Meets Death in Battle.
A. despatch. from London. says
Th Caps, Twinersrrespondent of the
1,111.21:0,1111/4412•T Ottardiah states that
De Wet hie inferattel frieude th ihe
will Vett to the eat His. ;cats have
be011 kUeI in elle user, and hie wife
has dial of a breken heart.
Offieed matures to, Sept. 1 Amer
th tt the B ears heve captu.red during
lee wee 261 offitters and 7,28s men,
whem, 235 officer -a earl 6.19d men
have est time or been. released,
One offtaer and eighty-five men'died
ceptivity. The number of British
em tieing in the hinds of the Thera
is 1,052,
Theron's Deliberate Murder of a
British Train Crew,
A despatch from London sayst-De-
tails en the successful raid of Thee-
cens smelts at Klip's river have reach-
ed Pretoria. It appears that after the
derailing by the Boers of the train
cenveying a company of the West
Riding Regiment the British train
crew earrendered and were shot
down after they had tbrown up their
hands. T woi or them were killed in
this .manner. The engine was blawn
up with dynamite, but the driver, who
had hidden in the firebox. somehow
escaped ankturt. A. body of Marshall's
Heatte parsued the raiders, killing
eleven Boers.
years pay,
is dead at
His Insolent Protest Against the
Burning of Farms.
A despatch: from Krugersdorp, says:
Oommandent Van 'nye sent messages
'Arita a white flag to protest against
tele burning of farms and the bring-
ing el women and children to this
place as against the customs of civiliz-
ed warfare. As Vaa Zyl is one of tee
men who took the oath of beutrality,
and all (he fitians which have been
burned are L)ose of raen who, after
baking the oath, rejoined, their oom-
mandoes, nu answer woe reburned to
the insolent message. The two men
who brouglat the flag were informed
tali Gen. Barbosa declined to °onside/.
oommunicatlens of this sort from an
outlaw and a man wise had broken
his oath,
; .
Britain Intends to Have Plenty of
Troops on Hand.
A despatch from London says :-The
cancellation of the order holding back
the fourth Indian brigade, is regard-
ed ae important. It shows that, what-
eVer the oeiteerne of the Russian pol-
icy, the Bre ith Government is deter-
mined to have sufficient troops on the
• spot adegentely to motect" Britie,h in
• tereet
Russia Preparing for a Long Man-
churia Campaign.
A despatch, from Lond•ort, says :-The
Daily Graphic's Mosarer correspondent
says: -"The Russiart War Office has
made immense purebases of eurs to be
sent to the army clothing department,
which is hurriedly preparing to pea -
vide ehe army in Manatharia with win-
ter kits, „ that an • extensive
winter campaign is expected."
A demonstration was giveu at
Hamilton recently of Mr. Frasch's
aneteval ot refining copper and nickel
Major-General O'Grady-Haly in-
spected tbe Montreal Field Battery
yesterday, and lett in the evening for
Mx. Charles Mackenzie, exant.P.P.,
a brother of Rea. Alex, Mackenzie,
died at the family residence, Spring -
bank, Semite
There es a dispute between. members
of the syndicate at Hamilton which
owns the yacht Myrtle. The bailiff
Ms seized the yacht.
Employes of tbe Hamilton. quarry
have. struck beeattse the new time-
keeper is not a member ,at the Civic
Employes' Union.
The cherge of attempted murder
preferred against John Mann, of Ste.
Rose de Lima, by his wife, Iris been.
dismissed at Hull, Que.
Lightning caused the destruction of
three berm, with season's orops and
n.umber of cattle, property of W.
R. Stewart, near Sarnia.
Lacroix, the Montebello murderer,
has beenremoved. from Aylmer to the
Montreal jail. He has threatened sui-
cide. Ile murdered his wife and an
aged man.
There are now 93 bubonic plague
eases under observation in Glasgow,
and the diaea,se has made its appear -
same in Govan, a suburb of the city.
Geo. Greville, resident British Min-
ister at Bangkok since 1890, has been
appointed British Minister to Mexico.
He succeeds Sir Henry Dering, re-
cently appointed British Minister at
Rio Janeiro.
Forest fires in California have al-
ready covered ten square miles.
Over 300,000 persons saw the Grand
.krnay encampment, naval veterans
parade at Chicago.
San Francisco has a popu a on o
Herr Rochoil, the German battle
painter, has gone, to China.
Henry E. Butler, Viseouat
garrett„ is dead at London.
There is still a good rainfall la
India, but cholera still prevails in
many distriets,
a Pretoria despatob sayse-Gereral
on Saturday, started for Cape Town.
The British Steamer Liouterbill,
ashore off Cape • alaytien, has been
floated without serious (Ian -Lege.
A. summed accomplice of Luchent
in the assassination. of the Empress
of Austria is under arrest at Budapest.
A large trans-Atlantio steamer is
repartee, to ba.ve narrowly escaped
being wrecked, in tbe fog in tbe straits
of Belle neer the scene of the
sm':0 disaster.
ro Helen, Governor of Shanghai, has
sent a aneneorial to the throne asking
for a reward for ttavieg invited 52
toreignere 1,111UK .1114 protection and
!ter having afterwards killed them.
I Official returns for the week end-
ing eriguet slow nearly 8,000 deaths
from. cholera in India. This was a de,
masa) vorapared with the preceding
week, and tit; situation is reported as
hewing improvement
A lending Berlin. journal assert*
that Bameror William, while convers-
iliglviethveaulnv:;1:tiodf; claft.CIncedresr 14asot Sat-
caunst It c es shall we give up Peltin,
not, even if every army corps has to
he mobilized."
ti f
342,702, and Boston 560,852, according
Le the recent U. S. census.
Miss Etta Horner, with an uncon-
trolIablec g for mustard,
at Fiera, .leade after- eating a pint of
it. •
The Italian anarchist Guda was de-
ported yesterday from New York.
He was in the plot to kill President
Dr. Wright. is dead from her wounds
at Watseka, Ill. A riot followed her
attempted arrest for ana.lpractice at
Gilman, Ill. •
Wai How, a Chinetse girl, who came
all the way from. Canton to marry
laer lover, now Mourns his death at
San Francisca.
The United States transport Califor-
nia, carrying 8,500 tons of stores for
the army in the Philippines, is report-
ed long overdue.
• The new battleship Alabama, built
by the Cramps, at Philadelphia, is ex-
pected to make 17 knots or better on
her -titaa
A : Loois car and foundry com-
pany has been awarded a contract for
e onsi r acting 68 passenger e oa,ches for
the Government of New Zealeme
Olaudie and Clyde eVileon, twine, girl
and boy, aged four menthe, are dead
at Bowling Green,, Ohio, They died
from the eanae oause at the same time.
•Brave Little Garrison Withstood the
Repeated Onslaught of the Boers,
.A. de,,3p4ta. front Cape Town-, &a.ri;
!...."rge of lady/erase] h ts been
rat eat after etweral desperate at-
tempts to capture the town, and ite
little. garriam of 110 13rittela troops.
The. Beene wire etttatakel ladybrand
estiraated'ta hew, numbered over
:1,00 meal. Tb e fait -Leh were sem-
ay tied to surrender September 2e
•Sturlay, but refuted, and from. that
time, on were attbjected coatinuel
0.14141Q11 and rifle. fire. The leurgb-
ere twice tried to rush the Ilritieb.
pesition. Probably the approach of
n. relbf foree saved the little garri-
Russia. Defines Her Position More
Fu ly.
A despatch front St. Petereburge
4:teat-The Journal de St. Petersburg,
in a semi-official article, says that
militaryi 3 ri at taken a
Pekin Would be likely to lead to
' fresh compleeatione. It would not
lend to putefication. The witbdrawal
I eh f
Tan would be regarded by China as
showing that the powers remain true
, to the spirit of their original pro -
ammeter, eloweve'r great the just ba-
dignation which events in China has
provoked in all civilized countries, the
Resole= Governmeat adhers unalter-
ably to, the arinaipal farming the basis
of her policy, namely, the maintenance
of peace between all the powers.
Prices et Cattle. Cheese, Grain, Sze
in the Leading Markets.
All Manchuria for the Bear for Fa-
vorable Panne Terms.
A deeprateli from Shaughai, says: -
There is no recent, news from Pekin.
The postal and telegraph serviees are
in hopeless confusion. The American
esseciatiotn, at a meeting held here
bo -day, decided to telegraph to Wash-
ington protesting against the withe
drawal of the Ameriean troops from
It is empected here that LI -Hung -
Chong has promised all of Manchuria
to Russia in exceange for favourable
terms of peace. It is understood that
tlee Dowe er E r s 1 '
money with, a similar object.
despateh feora • Paris, says :-Ad-
viees from Ohlunking, state that ee.
cease of the presence of the Empress
there and of the Boxer a in the neigh-
bouring Shansi •villages, the anti -
foreign outbreaks are spreading in
Szehua.n province, and the authorities
fear they will be unable loager to con -
Leo/ Ahem.
Toronto, Sept. 1.1.--Oue hundred
bushele of white wheat were sold on
the street to -day for We per bushel;
one handred of red at 63 to 09e, oue
letentired and fifty buthels of barley
ht 43 1-2 to el 1,-2c per baebel. Two
hundred bushels of, law oats sold, at
29 to 30e, and. one load, df rye, at 5a
leac" aer busbel Hay brought $12.5a
to $13,50 per ton, and one load of straw
said for $11.
'Wheat, white,straight,$e.00, n0,69
Wheat, red. . . . 0,68 0.69
Wheat, goose, . 0.e0 0.6e 1-2
Wheat, . . 0.00 0,73
Oats, oa. . O.0 0•53
Oats, nesv. . 0.29 0.30
Peas,..,,.,0.00 0401-2
Barley. . -0.431-2 0.441-2
Ry 0.52 0,53 1-3
Hay, old, per ton. 13.00 13.110
Hay, new, per ton, , 11.00 12.50
Straw, per ton. 0,00 11,00
Daenaed boas, , 7.50 7.75
Butte; in ib. rolls. , 040 0,21
Eggs, new laid. , • 0,13 0.14
eleekene, per pair. . 0.50
Turkey; per Ib. 0.11, 0.11
Beek*, eaoh. . , 0.30 0,40
Votatoes, per bush. . 0.25 0,30
Beef, hindquarters, . 7000 0.00
Beef, forequarters. . 4.00 5,50
Beef, carcase. , 5.50 7,50
?gut top, 5.00 7.00
Lamb, spring, per lb.. 0.12 0.121-2
What Britain Pays for Holding
German Vessels.
A despetce aeon Berlin. says :---The
aeoistion of the Anglo -German Com-
mission re,spec.).9ig, the indemnities
to be paid to theOwnerr4 of German
'vessels seized byBritish warships in
South African waters is as follows :-
For the deteutien of t.129 Buneeseeth
and thel General and Herzog, the Af-
,ritten. line, receive's 210,000, tied d5,000
will be paid tp the owner of the 'scads.
The 0 W110 r of the btrque Hans
Wagner will receive £4,437, and the
teasers ef the It trque Melee aliat
Bete Governments agree to accept
the. deoisioa.
But ter -- et IS flare, and good,
netive demand. Dairy stook is still
scarce in the ohoice lines. Creamery
unchanged, Dealers svere selling t
retailers to. -day as follows :-Dalry,
tu.bs, 17 to 19 1-2e for oboice; 14 to
10e Ior seemed quality; small dairy,
lb. prints, 10 to 20e; ereamery, tubs
ad 'boxes, 21 to 22a; lbs. 2e to 24o.
Clmese-Dealers here quothag new at
11 to 11 1-2o.
Toronto, Sept 11.-A fetal of 45
loads of live stook was received at the
weetere coatle yards, tbie morning,
including 800 cattle, '700 bogs, '750
lambs and sheep, and a few calves and
mulch cows.
There was little business doing, and
quotations all round were practically
There wee no demand at all for eleip-
ping cattle to -day.
In alateher cattle we had. sctu:cely
any trade; a few lots at choice stuff
changed hands at from 33-4 to 411-2o
per peanut, but tor anything else a de.-
mand soarcelY existed, and prices were
merely nominal.
Much of the cattle was unsold, and
it is to be hoped. the ran will be light
toienorrow. Friday.
"Small stuff" is easier, but not quo-
tably changed.
In other lines we had no change.
The cattle cameng in tiles morning
was usually ott mosb interior kind.
Hogs are steady and, uncheriged.
For prime hap sealing from 100 to
200 lbs,, the top price is 6o; thick fat
and light hops, 5 1-4e per lb; and corn
fed _hogs, 53-80 per lb.
Folk wing is the range of quota-
Shippers, per ewe. . . . e 4 25 $ 500
Butcher, choice do. . . 00 425
13utehet, medi., to good. 3 25 350
Butcher, inferior. . . 275 3 15
Stockers, per cwt. . . 276 300
Export bulls. per cwt. .. 3.00 4.00
Sheep and Lambs.
Sheep, per cwt. . . 325 375
Spring lambs, each. . . 300 4 tO
Bucks, per cwt. . . 200 300
Milkers an.d Calves.
CONVM, each. . . . . . 25 00 5.) 00
Calves, eact, • . . 200 10 50
•'Hogs. ,
°twice hogs, per owe. . 576 6 GO
Light hogs per cwt 500 520
Heavy hogs, per cwt. . 500 525
Sows 300 3 25
Stage. . . . . 2 00 2 25
A firm market, with local dealers
talking leg ear prices. Lard sheet and
strong,. Smoked mimes in light supply.
Dressed bugs 'steady. tAt farmers'
\waggons choice will being 37.50 to
$7,75. according • be quality, for
butehere' ase.
Quotations for provisious are V.,8
follows :-Dry salted thauldexs, 7 to 7
1-2c; lens. clear bacon, car Iota 8 1-20;
ben lots, 83-40; awe lots, 9c; start cut
peek, 318.50 to 319; heavy metes, 310.50
to 317. •
Smoked tamale -Hems, heavy, 12o;
medium, 13c; liaise 13 1-2c; breakfest
bacon, 32 1-200 lac; picnic hems, 10e;
roll bacon, 10 1-2 to 11c; 'smoked backs,
13e. Ail meats out of pickle lc lesa
nein prices quoted for smoked meats.
eeted-Tierees, 9e; tubs, 9 1-4c; pails,
9 1-2e.
• Eggs---11ct weather is ca.using
heavier lass than ever in the egg -8 ar-
riving. There are very few real fancy
eggs corning in. Prices hold about
steady. at 12 to 13e for choice. No.
2 het weather eggs sell at 7 to 10c.
Real fancy selected eggs will bring
14e. Dealers here are buying choice
eggs at Ile, delivered.
Polatoels-The deliveries are free,
and a lot of thetstoek earning in is off
Dealera are buying here
at aboat 20 to aie per beg, one sail
t cif store at about 39 io i3 pc'
.leatt as -Ch ho ad ei i eked beans
are 'swarth from $1.70 to$ L.75.
- • ,
Honey-, Ueoleauged. Dealers are
payine 6 to 7o oubside, Dealere
quote fecal 8 to ao per lb for 5,, 10 or
60 -lb tins. Comb honey sells here at
$1.50 to $1.75 ter dozen sectione.
Baled bay -Not 3. timothy will 'Lulea
.58.75 to, $9, cerstele.
Baird ehraw-Oar lots are quoted at
35 to 35,50 an back ,
Holes- Meehan -ed. Sell at abut 13
to 140 ter Canada, '99'e.
Kilagston, Ont., Sept, 11. -At tlee
meeting ot the Cliee.sta Board to -day
there were 369 oalauxed and 3.051
white cheese bearded, and 434 sad at
.51ontaneal. Sept. lit -There were
about 400 heads set !Poachers' oat -
tie, 60 valves, euta 500 ebeee and
iambs offered tor sale at the east end
abattoir to -day. Tbere were very
few cattle offeeed today that could
be ca.len prima, and tleese sold at from
e 1-2 to 4 5-lat per lbe pretty good
beasts sold trete a 11-2 to 4
and the ecenneou stook at
faxen 2 1-2 to 3 1-4o per lb, Trade
was fairly brisk anti prices were
ahem the same as 011 Xenday'S mar-
ket. but devidedly better than on
last week's marketa . Calves sold
4rom 33 'to 410 each or front
3 1-2 to e 1,-2e Per lb, Shippers paid
from 3 1-2 to 3 3-4e per lb for good
large sheep, and the hatellera pad
from 2 1-2 to 3 1-2e per lb for the
others, Lambs were dearer to -day,
and sold at trout 4 84 to nearly 41-2e
pCP lb. Fat hogs sold at from 35 to
35.90 per 100 lbs, we.etted off the ears.
Wheat -.Western markets NV • all
weak to -day. and loaal precee ed
ft in eympetley; white, oil, nozth
ansi west, Oa, and new, 011-2e; swing
wheat, east, 001-2e; Manitoba, No. 1
Isainl, alt., 381-2e; Toronto and wesa,
85 1-2e; same, upper lake ports, 83 1-2.
aliffeed,--Seacas. Ton lots at tee
rani dear sell as tollowst-Bran, $1
312,50; and shorts, 414 to $14.50,
Aberat steady, No. 1 Arnett -
y 48e, on track here; and
Axed, 470,
Peati-Ja good dement*, at firm
prices. Now peas, oar lots, west ins-
medle.te sine/meet, 59a; and east at
Berley--Priees are firmer, No. 3 is
quoted at 32e, aril No. 2 at 4.0c; feed
barley, outside, 35e,
Rye-Quiel. New res, 48c west;
and 49e east.
Oat -et -New white oats, west, sell a
25c, and cost at 20e.
Flour -Steady. Holders ask $1.80
for 90 per cent. "reheats; in, buyers'
bas, mieldie freights; teed experters
bia 32.70; spacial helmets sell lecally
foam 10 to elk) above theta figures,
atinneapolits, Sept. 1t -Wheat elos-
ed;-September, 72 3-4P; December,
733-8 te; 74e; on t,raok, No 1 hare, 76
1-ete Na. 1 Norlatern, 72 1-2e; No. 2
Northern„ 72 1-40. Fleur and bran-
tramhan geld.
Milwaultee, Sept. 11.-Waeat-Low-
er; Nen 1. Northern, '75 1-8c; No. 3
Notrthern, 73 1-2 to '740. Rye -Low -
or; No. 1 53e. Berloy-Viern; No. 2,
51o; sample, 41 to 50e.
Duluth. Sept. 11.-IVbeat cloreed;-
No. 1 Jaierd, cash, 77 1-2a; September,
77 1-2c; December, 771-80; No. 1
Nartbeam, cash, 751-eo; September,
751-80; December, 705-80; No. 2
Net -them, 71 1-2e; No. 3 spring, 68 1-2o,
Oorn-39 1-40. Oats -22 to 221-1c.
Buffalo, Sent. 1L -Spring whe,at-
No, 1 hard, carloads', 841-4c; No. 1
Nerthern, carloads, 81.1 -ea Winter
weteat-Ite.d offered at 75 1-2e; Ne. 1
white, '741-80; mixed; 74e. Gera. -
Stating; No. e 45c; No. 0 yea -
leer, 443-40; No. 2 cam, 441-20; No. 3
corn, 441-4e. Oats -No. 2 wblite, 25
3-40; No. 3 %bite. 24 to 241-2o; No. 4
malt& 23 1-2c; Na. • 2 mixed, • 231-2c;
No. 3 mixed, 23e. Barley -.Western
malting, 47 to '49c asked. Rye -No 1,
on, truck, 55 1 -ea, Flour -Quiet,
Toledo, Sept. IL -Wheat -Spot and
Septembee, 751-80; October, 761-20;
Decembe,r, 78e -8e. Cern-aro. 2, casth
and September, 41 1-2c; Deeember, 34
Oats -No. 2, cash, 22e; Septem-
ber, 22c; Decem.ber, 23 3-1c. Bye -
No. 2, castle 51 1-2c. °lover seed t and
Another Bateh of Boer Commanders
F hipped.
A slaseateh from Pretoria •says:-
• A la;rge, number 04 undesirable per-
sonages and Priteonetee of tem' are
_being deported daily. The bateh to-
day inoludee MajOir Eritealus, Field
Cornet Melt • Meseta tend Lieue
Dutoit, who arrived in Pretoria in
connection wiOb tiie Cerelete cueeptr-
acy. It its believed that these etre
all being seat to Oeylone Solornoe
Gellisigham, the notartheas concession
hunter., Ds iten,ongst those sent away
Dean the town to -day.
A •d,e,spit Leh from .13anneford se.yse-
Woad la.'ps been rezeiveri ia the city
tilisi Cape. C. SI. Neltee will be Gent
f L oiib Afros to • Gsyi orti„ 351
vtlb of 5,000 '13:)ar prisoners. Pen
zwun.-ip,pri..., r0 requites, and titres
tete "tele \et it eecoeupany them.
Baeked by Russia Ile is Insulting to
Other Powers.
despatelt from Shaughat says:-,
Repents received Imre trom the, treaty
ports show that the opposition, to the
lied forces evamating Pekin before
a Dual settlement with the Chinese
is arrivedat is II-Inversel and inteme
anio'zsg the fereignerse The conuner,
cial and missionary bodies are cabling
protests to their Goveraments. The
diplomatie and milieu officers, ex*
Dept the Rteesians, share *hie feeling-,
Li Hang Chang, since bis under.
stated:lag with leuesia, has eltanged
front towards the representatives of
other pbwers an bas been insolent,
and almost insulting in his taterview4
with titan'.
id Ineag Mating has Teems -trawled
tbe Dowager Empress to appoint tate
two southern Viceroys, who made the
agreement with tlo* Consuls* to keep
order in, their territor as - and the
president of the Teungellearamee, as
00.111011sSlen to treat with tile powers.
fit starts from Tienasin hi a week
on a Chinese ship, convoyed by a dap.
alleS0 warship.
31r., W. W. Rocishill, tlie United
States cormnissioner. tsnts torPekin
kvid;te ovn lee eked Front a Gun Thee
Can Be Carele4t Alvan.
Nearly every natioat nowadays aast
its favorite bigleexploelve or fultnin,
aUng force, intended for the eharg-,
g of shells, the composition of which
bs supposod to be A secret The ob-
jetet fs to obtain an eXpllaSiVe atich
vita bare the meat deadly effeete. but
a be handled without danger of -
blowing slp the people who use it and
Ute artillery in whileh it is /ed.
Such an explestve was taken by tilt
mericans in a limited quantity te
Cuba, to be used in the so-called
y amite guns." These guns wort
pkuined to throw shell* containing
Jsigh explosi;es, but the explosives
us a nut nye mat' they It ul a grea et
exp)oi.Wo foree then dynamiter and
e substarre used In them was eete-
te handle than Ordittare gunpawki
This substance was said to ba pia()
tioally the same as the explosive in-
troduced by the French army, and
yenta' meltuite, from the name th4
venter. But the Engelt have mane
e most aucoessful venture yet res
corded in title field with their lytitlitt
piswder which has cDctrIXIOLIS eat -
plosive force. and can bo fired front1
a gun which is easily carried about,'
Lyddite does not take its name' from
a man, as ts scatetimes supposed,
but from An ancient town near Oat
coast ot Kea, 'hi England -the LOWie
at Lydd, where there is a government
artillery range.
Here the tests were made which re -
suited in the preparation of tiles ex-
plosive; and the name of .the peaceful
Kentish village is now heralded all
over the world in connection with a
substance which has dealt death te
hundreds of Boers and Sudanese. It
has other odious qualities besides its
explesive farce, since Its fumes aim se
suffocating as sometimes. to 4:rive
even the bravest and most obedient
soldiers from their trenches.
Lydd. therefore 'shares the inter-
national notoelety which attache,s to
the name of Ditnedu.m-that other
peaceful village in diotant Bengal,
where are manufactured the expand:
bag bullets which Great Britain hae
demanded and retained the right to
use against 'barbarians."
The laddite projectile used by the
Brie:fah naval brigade weighs tarty -
five pounds, and is fired from a gun
with a ealthre of four an•d seven -
tenths inches. The weight of the
projectile includes the five and a half
pounds of cordite, another potvernil
explosive, which is required to throw
it.. The weight of the lyddite in the -
head of the projectile is, ten pounlie-
quite enough to break the project' e
into fragments and hurl them si h
frightful force.
The whole projectile looks -like,
cartridge for a sporting rifle -ma
times magnified, of course. Tsvent
nine and one-half pounds of metal a
hurled about by the explosien of t
lya.dite, which also oasts abroad si
enteag reales, suggesting the Tea of 1
smelling liquid which used to' be an
offensive adjunct of the operations
the Chinese infantry.
The South African Boers have in
their reporte, ridiculed the effects of
the lyddite, declaring that the 13ritish
gunners were able to do very hale
damage with it. However, isitele can
be no doubt that it helped to render
the position of G-enertil CI onje uneta-
able after he was surrounded.; and it
mast bean important aid in beleaguer:"
ing operations.
Nan -I was just thinking e -hat,
queer thing Na tare 30, .Now, of ,sylamt
use is that Lail to the nOw in tvieetel
time, ,when there are 110 flies itboitti
Fan-lt alley be of no use to. the
°ow, hut what: would we do for oxtail