HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-13, Page 4LONDON' TWO -PENNY TUBE 'ease Wild (13.er &Se ntioentreinait Electric* wine. In tu• rs Leaden unelerttro . et In east netvreek of eatetrie ritiweys, veleeh the Citizen may tel lientime treveling. eels tatetanewerle ttit oii the loac.,tro. PL whet tie'. huetting busin -es abiPeng awaiteel. For year ctren hts bien Fite an i byorattliees fr e, elle at When Reelt te bie dent, la I city, awl ovial ally t Ian -vetted a letst an 'a ,eta by :hie oat MA:S. of Iwo/notion. Ate the eater; by tte s • *viLitt Hi.- to Lts R V leen: h 1 1 h. et itee i t4) ewer itet any 111,111 by tht ;tear. et ;tee ti ie etbt 'eetiti of tht ceten al e.-eit , oe t allt tag been gat lag en them, •lay to dee awl tirater tie year. The leen-awe of th, kl) 1r4 a vast On the Farm. clean ot. Kane eubstantiel food, ike Johnny cake or eraokee "grain, and at the aam e time will observe em to tara abut anal be looking bugs awe worm. They always . e tiedr little eye e espeuefor a bug tr btte of grass, and they will keep uts the businees of feragina, anal their little -anew are distended. They are ill a Battle hungry. 'Ihe, fact of the mettee ie that there Ls a general raw tAtierved by all sue- etteatful poultrymen, and while .each will etevei las own. method, tvith flO we of them elite, it Would !seem thet there are army meth:ate e eepiug eihteke healthy awl tvell fee., The pitint es to kelt there heathy and ihneetinie The pereen who lecke maw eel will feed in. a bangling manner., 416,111AtolosiOnelshob-- -41witaiWize ABOUT IWILTLINQ. If there is any cane thing that re 'tree the dairymen's personal at ention mare than any other it is mliaing. More goad rows are spoil- ed every yeti: by careleas titan iu slily tither way. A very little naiik /eft in the metier at each niiU- !ng will can the best twee to de - 1 11 eventually tth eease entlettiy. ihe ual:einte saitald not only be tioue thereegitly, but ie.-114mM be dente qteekey. awl, unitise the operator ettiat. eitateiet he done ,quieily. In giving ail kinds taf improper foods zerien t ie is said that they pay geving no opportunity to met or en t' rv... twine to a ntiteer. eh•et etertge. Lug them a long rest. t load, Leteeetrous language seouldt .- b The *taw is a teerveue FAMINE SUFFERE' etianeet.iii arty undue excetement .if OmeTtuNa QUITE NEW— CHI! ON OREEN TEA me flavor as Japan, only more delicious, ONE SURE SIGN OF DEATH. nore ismsTheiteand rates. A. Iney4clan Who Say» Ele nai ]*'Zed 11 In The question of an aesolutely sure sign of death leas trouiaed !nauleind from anent times. It has been most varioesly answered,. bat never to en- tire sa.tisfactien The diffieulties we meet with are; First. Una not all or- gans of the iwely die in one moment; we1 second, that the action of soMe ol the vital organs may be so dim- inished that by ordinary means it ap- ewej yea can. figure out which it is rers alznoet haptasede to deeide that matte dance. etee the gateway and Quante of the wee Partake, are Me !Taunt aroehumate 114 whether the life in them is in fact ex- Even the general Halt never wins tneta. tinet or not. btb can beat teerue t 'mete reale rk- .113e: t suffe'el's bY the Keseatti The actual causes et phys-tW iological *ed la-eelweed. htare you driv- ftus'•ue liilite we'tli bY au deatb are three • First, eessetton of ba, g•tt ? aekeil Homewood. ele can • brides function; second, creation of beat a retreat. respiration or failure of the lungs; Mr. Henpeck -The doctor 'ays beetutely must go away wet week third, faiture tbe heart. e The fir- t, involving immelliate death or 3 rest. Nfc4. Good. slot the central or :animal nervous sys.. est 1 0 trait pessilly nung' rt•tge. u-} get FLASHES OF FUN. Whet a strong face that Dlr. Aliannele.y has. Yee. Ile used to be the ironejewed man in a circes. IIu.ebanach-What I No ice this SV,-,elt- eriag weather? Didn't the iceman leave any Wife -Ile left plenty, but that new girl hae letea keeping the refriet•erator opea all day to cool eft the kItcben. First Heti-Yes; affliction has vis- ited our coke). My or sister is gon.e! Second leen-Sa sorry! DW she pass away wite a white man ce a colored! meae Cardinal Manning met one day a. drenkon irisbeonn on a Lenlon street and seteat Patrick, I have jiined tbe temperance ecciety. Pe.rhaps your • erence needed it, was Patricks re - Pte. Yau. seern to be very much iaterest- ed. in that couple in tbe middle of the Leone Yes; you leek aL them and -,r4feve ably. 2)4 wet atiow paireons or does, to -tit te- atere the eceees. Lleilitar.s that have eleitat aril hes envie! t111 re le t.e e.,refaLty end kindly bandied ather natarai and eatinital ellawa nerthweet of 1t• ltk t etty ee • inea ete.fitnatt tet maturtty eeidom de- 11:,2S al3t grew, empire, are the lea S-lkira,G, 4i teetieta t :nee kieleter.s, bat eecesioneily fartmeent Perieitsi or outeastest wit - het. dol,s, it is aiways autintien iteeettaing to a lete eetienet 4. ease, if tees- aae 484 WbostIts Sttlatiilliolk a away teen tit ea ie le er i LW:0e" eil etteetta. eteeele ,, I,- teeltie eatit a, waive ie. Tiao teats III3y nwpratilleatily es bad as enat slever id I 21!. 0t rt 4 i. S'IPIM El 41 IX. St're. -tv,k1 tender. An :kpilt::C.-.111:',A1 r,-.1srs wisieh tho Engdols rule is sup IcT: ",!' '4.4'''''''1:ttn'''''''4..,frt". t 1E mita:tee ter teed welt bring relief. posed to .113Ve redeemed them. A ent untie ay.. -- ati,e a dii•51,- i If th, ud,1,,q :,$ int:una ,a ,,,,,4 6w,1en, lean bait of them are le the peesid • T3'Ili Invitr.: u -t I frequent fiineratatiowt of hot water ency at eledrae; awl in wed abeam tit 1ich 00' e ',a".*InY ho' ° rtn1 an apieieetten tie either of the riy of Maras they lona outer/ear en above.-mara. d rt needles wul usually tor (+1 the litantiation- eirpeakta h 0 p -,1 e 4 ..1,'3,-. , .." 0.:-+ hlt l. '. 4 r r peeve hiehti, ii thi i The tete:At are enziatity arid in e ao aapier i, ,:e 4 ' ''''• '*-Zi ''' 1: '.' ..!' ." I Ann tate ea re „tempt,. at rat effect eel dust 1%14, L'y below the Suit:nit who ar the tie:metre, tt de ,i, a: , I a; ea:ea-eel 1 ......... .,„....ele it as mix eutetalt oi the te.Wia the tueest easen ',rho, 1,:ar:Ats ure 0 e annum. anti ie.. re ' • 7' ) ' '• r's ... 4.P.!.. 4 4..... ' ilr 41:11 h .11..j 6-. ' fi ilik) e'Vtt, '' ' 1. ind bNolie 110, plate., i tf a f :7r tivialenet ei a e lia a, true i, ea,- . i an aka a thin 12t 4neat t ,e iterne. Tee Ofledeit peneete, re atest tr ate! et the 2 • , and r v Tie Clo r: 1, n. 11., .1.,,,,"1.,„ ,!7 Or ffivt e tie.. e 31, ra.hally eree, only ree , Wiiie ;ie. f'ret i titanwnt ' X•3 tint tes ly. lbe Lew of ceetone teetteels the di ily awe:eine et lhe, 0 .'ew en ' "re ii meet' of tb ‘ as:Lin• ba:ng :n- to livf.• M siva:ditto lativeia we:sada Oka IIVfkr‘li:`,., 'ad Etlt'ZI 3: :• lz ,,: r• tem only isuot at ;Mee followed iny . 12wy to .go IAN) you th,n, uou. - the inactivity of the peripheral nerv- peele-liewnil 1 guess the dector t * oue system, and its speeaal, so-atleel, imuet hive heerieu Ora. " ' vegetetive centres, as long ago W35 : Keith, e:gle-What is it the. pcet • demonetretel by Browradequard, 4z1ii-ar " Y"un:; nutn4'i f3nTh°4 -,Schiff anti others. So the langs may ; t44('' Sl"" liaeltwa.eil lover -Why - ' continue to contract and expand, the -er-reellyl-er-leave all that to e* heart 1113Y contineo to beat, even if :My parents Daly eirtne between us, Ofti) tnU et...ere. of le est 41,0;i1) rile teller, ye earew. e trite at direinlibed power. We faltered. gi /bey ete, ea, know f trailer tbrat the life of the ettin , te le, the -t h jretty emelt u is not eetinet; heir and uails eon -1 Ana he presiati her still el tser to his • tiaue to grow; the stornaeh continues meetly breeet. .7.4 telPater to secrete late. tee.: amette, whin a. letter anti-' from death you witile you were tlw ty 1 111,no it far a day et :att. What ,el .liet yeti gee i‘it on the aCt;:i t -at e I‘C.Ott:n 1:711r0. Wee tat, fr-t. tete • ?hi e wapitty ette preinti at teen ite net a ,20 1 eanditi ongat aa I fateree tie it Aleily araff:e. are, r 4 nee .ry t SW tRil EATS ut AZIOr.t141, atm. nods All A.11cial4s at t,:t:forralitatIon. ▪ fat 5.1V,A.:Iii1:1: 1. 'IV 3 to 10-4, at 8 4.4),-0A1) in telite,l 31_stio, and £21 3U4h3.KintiisZESS hot thrown upper eitaitea-even including the poor 2. -34innei2 itiVe 111.0111t of the away yven to an znfintstl. Orcasionaily and bard -worked and often starved etteeniei 2f4.3y a cow well rateditit in kicking in spite eiiielrainheiteve that thee ixn;n- 12 is a faet thet certainly app1j 4f'4t1 peewee:none. For :such I w a• ate the waiter. Ad the fo-untatua wen - tee, eateette eoltetteee2 ethieete eili! light ropt. with a Weak. at One, 1114 " or 3,1Iy contain the only pulAio or ac- t 1u2 fir Ave 3e5194.5,1 en41 a ..dean chain at 1110 Other. put eceteibie water within a considerable 12 1 beet, of th, Go,,,,noont11 41;su.I ths• cow just in front oV radius, this is a terrible hardship to „t3144,.„.iti,m etyillrihy, the udder; draw reel tight and hook the Pariahs, whereat, often obliged to in the 11zin heean eeareely lift her go several miles to got water, which teen., teentai eite,„ea 120 feet. and it eauttes her no pain unless •. then is very likely stagnant and an.- itte it. theme Riot ea,. enema.' itioi trita tii kiok.eitortetimes the dif-e•wholesome. The result is that dieease is pee tee'litil eted erten:nee. , ficuity 1.3 eattsea by a dwelled coneta is bred arming thcIll, 14 WWI Sometimes yet fee te.tei al thounswie tltue • tan from one farm to another, or a Ildect3 the whole- population. tenet of thouitenals are fonel eheutiei of ruitkere. Never change, This gives the Parialts a grievance . rent or leina, eonceelea witein in:Ike:re if it eitn be avoided. With which, they fancy, may compol the ehtlters. tante cows it cadres little differenee; govermint,nt of India to listen to their war elan, win. gele„ ,,nts a 1102.4 tiehere will tat stand at allafer a story of distress. In a general way, eartage ierSo • we, well i2303v thet reel eau,. tweet', for qte-te a while it tb br31 not aefeitteal anil tea culation 4 tyes not interrelated. And of lite third 2n44zy yen ante t for. • eauee, 1,ei beert failure, tlae eente arty i 1* •a rain -Have y t4'vir 11e be twicd. Wei we see thet we aney eteetate a lot tealtip when sew clat ir ;te- ed true, ai salute physielogieti death tilI•eti' Tit1 ahl,qualt-N('• . i . only after the c,-,..1-,s.ation of funetion 1*, the taJet the'dirlie4 eit 1 hunr".uive i of the three organs together, or at , ra,,awat :,,,u 4420 conoiv... ()h, I least ox two of them, the lungs and *, diet•ut knee, Ilevi% eilu ever '4' 'I/ a the heart without the life action of gclf eltll' ch31.114"11 get' re'' 1Y t° which the brain certainly eennot I tape Alive' Aren't you goi erate. ng to give any en- al eel tieteltir tbeit at atty il-11Wtr heanilereeti of si51,.4:$1va, rillt1 .2.041 wee ditiencie ttioeier wiley.s.. X1,41 V ,tuy ou- tra-de or agricuiturat t. lie .t ?t eitee irt nweir. aud V311 kSte.:}' Pe Tiedlik tee meet telattri- ma.... t• • eeteerieg fere tatty tet•,.. knkts,, llIZIV:VdkiItIA Gild 333t12:31 li :I:I.:Vt./3 f'::ISkt kb! tee taiiier sittetad let m4ee4 ; Tile state of the Pariahs is przteti- -gait,' three or four Z.:414,k5 :hi- eaily that. tie 'the eh:end:tie, of wham ti.ate; unater no eiretainetatteee ebituel' el iseeid, hi tee /Hindu Lew ttf custom udder b-3 tali and distended ony .: thAt he ;"atiad 024 sle;s11111 within towa 1 . lontrit il time. :bes eitie weeith IfitiSt be in dogs and R:If'ift4'ii, fa:Fiancee end feariceseess 3v4fe5; 13.3 CitifileS LUSK C017O431 tat the an neeetairy qualatians in a good inlutles of deecanell persons; and his :.k.,r. On. v.:ho cannot central Isis ' dishes must be broken pots." • iett.r temper or is afraid a a ,eow t. The Paria.lts are probibittel from Wet e.,speet, ick breome a retecesee "drinking et the public fountains; the 44). ZMZialnrar) ot the ilnest teas obtathb1e guarantee o ratisty the most oarttoular to drinkers. Ceettenel.,01eT In Load Pacitat You Are Astonishi If you have noticed the dif- ference in the appearance of a building that needed paint- ing and after it had received a coat of paint, you've been astonished. RAMSAY'S PAINTS,. Paint does more to increase the value of a property than any other one thing. Makes it bright and handsome wears well and preserves it as only pure paint can. A. RAMSAY & SC E MONTRMALI Pant Makers. POWER OF THE PARIS BOURSE. While the Paris bourse is neither spiot nor hero, aside from saints and lzaress it is tho only power that the. iings and snolss of France could not ompei to express a sentiment eone trary to the law of commerce. When tite exchange expreeses an opinion it s In n language understood by all - that of trance and centimes. Napo- leon feared it. Rol espierre held it i execration and Prutthon had to cone fess that the eonrse in tritleal mo. ate was the Vaal reedoe et hottest views. stly. Frenchmen recall that the ntente between France and Russia Id its origin in tha efficacious ot- iveso bourse. Otte need not leave trty gray bailee to revert to that ing at the Peterhof -it wee in the of UP1J I nelieve, when the of Nieltolas I., the narrow, a et Alexander UL an ba- the Freneh revel- bie mind for ev,‘ry r3.t I in the Ut,orffrm..0 New amnia,- Welee tepitel, an. tweet 1POUleritt. it,s •11:, vine be, tn bee to but the Many pp.411::, often wonier why it tkIt yeir 1LXtr year the interest LO. irmitry k.p4 up to the sante olal staineard. Every other class of live stock has its ups and dowes. Hogs, iherees, eettle and sletep each have- etereeneed fritm iteeir nevel brigade- of depreesioa thut- eir ptriode , but po c*47Instal2t17 re-"I"V°r"itl" al." it bY try is on. ekeek every change of the canting -ants from the freela ithips er- , eateon, end the supply his never yet riv144 5011 113e' nurin' du -h- been known to exc„d the demend. Meats that are ia Jenne at i he One reason why poultry ratting is S ANN ivanewi to 11 etnte aetch in a e-uprente th ineh ea-aly effort to were one eo ilettree^ive a fee. The greatest diffieuity in c Intend - 's -eine; agalreet tho tate' attteeke is ex- wharven jitties and d ale war..h popular business is that there is al- ways a market for surplus stook; eggs are always in demand at low prices sometimes, but where prices are wet:An that there well neat to be a low the hen. le getting her own Waving perrannent establiehment mwattam-2 without any expense to her owner, ad by the Sydney autherities in order to rout the rats at entry attempted invasion. The liet of killee still goes en in this remarkable war ot a great in- duetadal peeple againet vermin, and ca there wIll have been in the prin- 1 ce Australia's cities notere than million. of rata slain. A HORSE▪ SHOE h Ignorant Elkiter.t or navistivon I'VE& With l'arieedtv. • ▪ days gone by there was a retie ning village of the name of I2Iavi- in, near Nairn, where the natives e thottgbt to be foolish folk. One ay one of the 'inhabitants found an old horsesboe on the shore, and, as they had never seen su,cla a thing be. fore, tto one kreew what it was, some one suggested that it was the new moon, bat the oldest and wisest fish- erman deolared that if that were so it wottlel be in the: eky. He hadi tong wondered, hewever, tvbat beinune of the old moons and he thought after is discovery the mystery was solv- ed, --that alter the old moons -were done with they feil to the earth and the heiseshoe was one of them. It was at firet thtaeht that th:s plague of railents woe' I be eventu- ally stampel otu, NIL tht fact appears a WELL, DID HE GET IT? Mairk-1 saw that little bow of yours to -day. " Ba-rreaughe-Did youl Tiiinit bees me? Mark -Very muc]a. fA.riyughs-Do you really? Mark -Yee, he asked me for some ALey. hence he can affor,a to sell at low prices. Fowls are more prolific than any other el tea of farm animas and reach meta:ley :SFr much mere quickly, awl these are advan.tages that attract many Davie. There hes been. no best way discov- ered tor feeding little chicks. One p,ersou will feed one way and have very good success and another will pessue another method of feeding, opposed to the first method and stilt heve as good suacess. One. will let the cbtaks get hungry occas,ioreally so they may relish their food, and another never permits them to become hungry. It is, not a good plan. to let ahieke get bangry. Ths great difficulty in. this will be indetermining what constitutes keep- ing, chicks a little hungry. One ehic,k may be a little huateery and an- other of 'the same broad very hun- gry. [1 18 all right te, have the.chicks comre to each meal with a good; appe- tite. To determine tele requires juel,gment and regularity in feeding. One, way to keep the appetite good is to bewe regularity enough in eeed- tag so that the interval between meals should be long enough to rest the digestive cagaicute and yet not so long that thee appetite may become an inardinate one, which will cause the chicks to gorge the,neseives at the next mea.I. The, feeder who employs good judg- ment will keep his chicks healthy and eau keep the appetite healthy by .giv- inn them; what they will eat up quick it Le no doubt true that the English rulers of India would help the Pariahs if they could; but they are unable to govern the vaet population of that eraptre without acceding to the 800101 arrangements and religious notions of the people. Nevertheless, there is no Indien law of customs against teaching Pariahs, and the English have tstabliehed three hundred primary schools for the bene- fit of their children. It iis not clea,r, however, in what way educatiou will help a people who are not allowed to live in villages, or travel with other people, or drink the water they drink, en. engage ba any trade or business. An educated out - caste would be a very unhappy out- oaate indeed. As matters are, the Pariahs are not -at least, when they can obtain food -an unhappy people. They are said to be very laborious in their menial way, frugal, pleasure -loving, and capable of performing much bard work. With regard to their diet, they have at least one privilege not posses- sed by Indians who belong to the castes; they can eat anything. A. Sudee. or an upper -caste man may starve belore he may eat beef; porter- house steaks plazed before him three times a day, during the famine, would not save him from starvation. The members et the Efin,du castes suffar from the great famine as the rearitt of other inherited notions be- sides the one that oompels them to eat only Certain epode. They are re- strained by superstitious fear from leaving their homes and travelling to the relief oesetree. The Indian gov- ernment distributee' great quanti- tie3 of rice, but it cermet carry it around to all the people, and if their strange scruples prevent them from canaregateng at certain centres, they mustdie. ' Here, too, the Parlah profits by his auteaste condition; he may go any- wh,exe he care He that has no taste is at least beyond the fear of losing it. , CHINESE DISCOVERED POWDER. The Chineee discovered gunpowder at least 800 years a" and made stone mortars that threw heavy stone ero- jetetilee. Now, as regards respiration, we have very simple means to detnonstrate its cessation. e1a) remains, in feet, as the only one to show it true death, the heart, This to prove indeed with ab- solute certainty is quite a difficult proitlent. Upon the abeence, therefore, of any anal all tram of circulation in the !only have been concentrated most experiments. And as regards the same we have to take. into coneid- eratiou that, by disease, the heat beats might be diminishel to but 30 few faint puleations per minute, might become so imperceptible; that without the aid et special instrtunents and long -continued observations noth- ing of their exietenee may be detect- ed. In the following I shall givo the simple means by whieh any person easily enough may convince himself of tbe absence or presence even of the slightest trace of circulation: If we ligate tight a member of the body, best for extenple, a finger be- tween the first and seeonal joint, in the living we will wren notice begin- ning almost at one, a reddish col- oration of the portion &love the liga- ture. It Lecomes dexter and darker red, and finally assumes a dark bluish , red color. The entire upper portion will be them affected and only direct- ly around the ligature there will be a small colorless white ring. Now as sure as tbis discoloration will be ob- served in the living being, as sure will all trews of it be absent in the dead. The bluish discoloration occasionally observed of and around the finger nails in some corpses is of no influ- ence upon, nor does it interfere in the slightest with the phenomenon and its correct interpretation. The phenomenon of course, ts easily enough explained in the living by the stagnation of the blood in the veins and the capillaries when a new sup- ply through the arteries and the back flow thropagh the veins is cut off by the ligature. Tbe white ring around the latter is prodemed by the partial arterial, partial venous anaemia. In plaze at a finger, if, as it at times may happen, the skin seems too thick and horny to show the phenbm- enon plainly --though this will but sel- dom occur -one may use the toes the earlaps, even tbe tip of the nose, if deaired. The member must be only thin enoagh in order to make the lig- ature as tight: and perfect as possible. I have used this means about 1,030 to 1,040 cases previous to post mor- tem examinations. In one case only I observed the men- tioned discoloration, though it was im- possible to notice any heart action by any means. 1 at once resorted to venesection, and, mere enough, the blood. flowed and. after a short time faint heartbeats up to seven per minute could be distinguished.. Everything was done to start respiration. Yet it was too late and the heart -beats with- in half an hour gradually diminished. The corpse had bean laying for dead for over two hours. , Dr. Theodore Deecke. nteratinments of any kinl tbit sum - mew t eve tar. No, auseered Maas (initiate,. As a salted title we don't give. We merely reeelve. Alre. Iliallue-lhat want' 1 yen like, it If I c.putt cc srly every evening in kW. IVe *IC '11 a meeting of sane, see ref SO- , ci“t y / Mr. 1311 his -It c-,-tul het be a -4*5* exam y, ;ria, if you belonged to 11. OrataXeltratelleleatterrOZOIt:7,k s a, vivant! of Kidney Disease A well-known tomer 1 as said, "1 never yet Merle rt.past-mOrteln dX- aminationmacase of death from Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys wereatfault." TheKidney medicine which was first on the market, most success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, and most widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills FORCED HMI INTO CRIME. I began the career of crime, sak the famous, arirainal, when I married the secant' time. Did youir second wife lead you astray? asked the sympathetic visi- tor. Not so rau.ch as the first one. It was be whe preferred the bigamy charge. "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy." Nervilin.e is a joy also. No rem- edy in the world equals it. Neural- gia and rheumtaitierte are relieved al - meet instantly and minor ea -hes and pains are canie,d by a single applica- tion, New iSi sure to cure. fgeeiimierri TO HELP THE PARROT. -- .Tones-How talkative Henpeque is getting leteiy Smith -Yes; Ids wife has just beught a parrot She lets' Herapeque talk all he wants to nowadays, so as to encourage the parrot. ant 4 1342,, ALSO TFIE HORSE. I don't like the looks of your horse, id man, said the wrson in tbe bag. y. He has a tanaehentes eye. Ile n ant, think, of a. Hazer. \Vefl, admitted the owaer of the nitoal lee doei bale. sir sometimes, eteeenteetINTileet. HOT2 W1WCOPY. The "Balmoral," s NIC$1: AVENUE flOUSE---E.03–rev:ath11113 pu i'„ C. CALVERT'S Caraelle Eliainfvotantis. 8044tss Clint rnent, Tcota aowdene, eta,. lave batea element' ea utediels aival diplomas for en pet aav eeeelleaca. lenteregutir USS preveat intern. atesee cue die. &ea your ;teeter to elnain eerie. edetai naiad free co application. P. C. CALVERT & 00.$ MAMOHEZTHR ZNGLAND. 01161M0 - lutienn-o a euilden e arid contented to bear, kat ell, 111 "Marseilaiee," the hymn proscribed the night before by the chief of roe lies. Russia wanted naoney and want- ed it badly. She bad made a tour of Europe and found her credit disabled verywhere save in the Freneh cap- tal, and here the fulfilment of the ap- plieation was made eontingent upon a certain martial reeiproeity whieh culminated in tho extant Franco -Rats - siert alliance ANIMALS WITHOUT FOOD. A horse wall live 25 days without solid food, merely drinking water. A bear will go for six xnonths white a viper can exist 10 Inonths without food, .6. serpent .in confinement has been known to refuse food. for 21 months. Aekington-lerieldeemith is a very vereatle, chap, isn't he? Teller -Oh. yes! Ho litotes a differ- ent kind of fool at himself almost every day in the week. FOR THE Y.EAR 1900 No better resolution can be made, than to retied buying any of the substi- tutes offereil as "just as good" as the great only sure -pup corn cure- -Putnamn Patietless Cara Extractor. It .never failto give satiefactim. tieware of lei:tenons', flesh eating sub- etitates. eitha-'Two weeks seems suah a short vacation. He -That depends on where you apene it. 1 struck a place where it seemed long. FOR OYER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by mothers for their children teething. 11 800 he tho child, softens tho gums, allays pain, curer.trind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhce.t. 26a,a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout Ole world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs, Winsootv's Soothing Syrup," I am thinking of sending some of my new electric few to Mina. Don't do it. Why not? There are too ; many revolations there already. There is more Catarrh in this section of tho iountry than all other diseases put together, And until thelast few' years was supposed to be incurable. For &groat many years doctors pro. flounced it a meal dise es e, and tuosoribed local remedies, and by co. dandy ttiling to cut e with local treatment, pronounced it inourable. Sci- ence has proven catarrh to be a constautionat diseeee, end thereforerequires constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Cy., Toledo, 01110, 18 the only constitutional cure on tbe market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teespoon- ted. It acts directly on the blood and mucous eurfaces of the system. They offer one hund- rea do tars fen, any case it ens to cure. Send for circulars and testim marls. Address, We. CHENEY& Co., Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggists. 70e. Hall's Family Pills are the best: You say. he has adopted art as prrofession? Yes; he has adopted it But he treats itlike a cruel step- father in a story book, er4_41., /6 //en, trev ift-a4 el-f-fr ige/ 4-4rt 4,4444 fl32fUiIieflt8, 0.r Wry Town can Leman pr:rea over qu:iind. fen oiliest:a traause nettled fro. ilr.te 55 tor anything in MUMS or Mouton! (natruments. Whaiey Royoo & Co., ToronV,V431, eausose Casings.- :stew inweentitne 81104 Railltah kikr,wp rd Arneriron Hvg t*.sinre irtiairlr gesda at PAR If. WIf1.1. 4 CO . Toronto, Oit SALE -CHOICE Peitette ntreee etie -1 ein Out Write for particulars, Janos K. stewart• hematite, Ont. MILLS, MILLS eit HALE% •Barriqrly,tir.. Iteurwod to WoL, Readinas, Inehourelat, W., tronaue. POULTRY,, BUTTER, ECOS, APPLES,' lad other PRODTRJR, 20 2002242 beet matte consign to The Dawson Commission Co., Limited, tier. wesameeket & eetborna St., Toronto, Catholic Prayer 80.1417,8=11°Z: Religious Pictures, &steam and Church OrtiamentS- Eduocional Works. 3lil order's motto prompt attn. Con. 0, &11. SADLISR & 00., Montreal. Dyeing I, Cleaning I For Inc very best send your work tJ the 1, BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look for agent In your town, or send direct. montreal,,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, RF 113 and Shoot metalwork.. ROOFING SLATE in Bleak. Re4 or Green, SLATE BE,A0EBOJaRDS. Okra supply Pula} and High Schoo13,Toronto) Rooting oh, Pitebt Coal Tar, eta. ROOFING TILE (8-a Nor Oity Mrs, TorAto, dna by our aro). Metal Ceilin. gs Car. 019(0,020. Estimates furnished for work a omplateor for matcrialasit sped to any part of thoeountry. roue nu C. DUTHIE& SONZ, adolaltigawicoorste.,Toroota, THE Num° and HARBISON CUSDIESSansi 61i011111A1D COLLEG 1. 0. 0. F. BuVdTvz, Toronto. Gives a montiorough course of individual instruction in all BusInees and Olvli Service Subjects, Shorthand, Typewriting, Eto. Expert experience45 teachers, equipment and' adventagis unsurpassed, opon entire year., Circulars Fro°, ENGLISH rEETHIP4.0 SYRUP .dkargest Sa.la IN THE WORLP. •. The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation. Oe- 1-1C- fil3AD Canada Permanent Buhldingl 1,71-0 TORONTO Sr,, TORONTO. BR2N011 OLITIC Winnipeg, Man., Vanoouver, St, John, MIL CapItal Paid Up, $6,000,090 , Reserve F gulp 1,590,000 President - George Gooderham. bot irice,President and Chairman of Executive Committee - J. Norbert 'Mason. 2n4 Vice -President - Beatty. General Manager - Walter S. Leo. Money to Loan, Deposits Received and Interest Allowed Debentures Issued in Sterling and Cure reney.