HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-13, Page 1TWENTY—EIGHTH YEAR NO. 4.
Another C har. c
We have still some summer goods left that will be cleared this week to make room for
our Fall stock. These will goat extremely low prices. We list a few below.
7e ladies' Vests for
120 Ladies' Vests for
15c Ladies' ' Ves s for 10oMen's Hose, Fast Black
I o Not ni.ss `.'kis Sale.
99c Oxford Shoes
Regular Price $1.50, $1.25.
A Snap 3 for
Rues°!dale. St. Marys
BRi1 i .—The Epworth League of I Bztsira,—"Who is going tee be the
Mt. Pleasant will hold a social on the ' conning Conseryative candidate?' is
school grounds on Monday, the 17th. a now frequently heard on .tile street.
—There was picked the other day from :The conservatives have. so tliany good.
Jelin Cole's garden, a tomato weighing I men to bring out. any one of whom
2lbs 10 :oz, Who can beat it ?.- Quite would certainly carry the riding, that
a number from Russeldale Council C. it is at the present time almost Ina -
O. C. F. accompanied by Organizer S. possible to say which one of the many
would be the best. however, the
meeting ou the 20th of the month will.
decide the question. ---\Nord was re-
ceived a few days ago from Pte. Peart,.
in South Africa,ivritten at the Springs,
'acme, has rejoined the regiment and is
now in perfect health, weighing 185
pounds. His many friends are glad to
#earn of this We regret to reportthe
BRIE.—VVe are pleased to know serious illness of W. H. Tovell, who is
that Mrs Frank Allister is almost at present confined to his bed through
inflammation,—Miss Grace Hopi's, of
Chicago, is spending a few clays visit-
ing in town.—The .Road and Bridge
Committee are doing good work this
year,espeeially in, the way of laying
D. Barnes, visited Mitchell Council on
Monday evening. where a very social
time was spent. After which they all
repaired to the Hicks House, where ai+
sumptuous tench was. provided.
Grand Bend
well again after being on the sick list
for the past few weeks,—Mr. and Mrs.
13ossenherry reternea home Thursday
after spending the past week visiting
050. friends in Berlin and also the Toronto
— .Among those who at- amen new stelesvalks. Many streets
tended the London Fair was Rev. Mr are now graced with walks which
have never had one before in the his•
tory of lite town. ---The water tower is
now about completed, and when finish-
ed will he a pretty ornament to the
town. Standing;out prominently, 80
feet high, 'find covered with silvery
sheet steel, it caln be seen by any ap-
proach to the town. long before the
corporation is entered. ---The Conserva-
tive organizer was in town a day or so
ago and found everything in this part
of the riding in excellent stape. .'qr.
Wright says that arrangements have
been made to have the Hon. George
eater. eett other prominent, Causer-
public meeting tiers
illiatn Swallow, a
lives on
Talose MUSLINS .ncl GINGHA.MS at �c. They are going
to be missed.
rapidly, A chance n
Cemen i4+
vet t h
Z7 ,
O If L
G. J.Sutherland, Notary Publlo, Convey
ancor, Commissioner, Fire Iusuranco agent
end issureretMarriagealeenses, "realdoou-
ments ea otully drawn at reasonabe rates.
Money to Ioan on real estate at low rates of in-
terest. Office at tho Post office, l lonsa%
H. J. D. COOI+:E.
SoL 1t Barrister
lioit r Notary Public, Hansaall Ont. for
A. Sellers, L. D S., D. D. S.,Fionor Gradn-
ato o! Toronto tlnivorslty, Dentists. Teeth
.extraoteclwithout. pain or bad ofrccts. Oftico
in Potty's Block, Hansaa, At Zurich Avory
iilonda common in May3Oth.
y, a ¢11 v
'Bal Mrs. Wright and daughter
.of Niagara Falls, were the guests of
Mrs. G. C. Petty. L. Workman, of
Hills Green, has engaged with Mr.
Pope, of Rensall, in the tailoring busi-
ness.—Alonzo Ortwein, eldest son of
J. i'. Ortwein,Seaforthis laid up with
an attack of typhoid fever.— A, A.
,Goetz, late lessee of the Commercial,
who spent the summer in Paris, re-
turned. to Canada last week and visit-
filen sin Hen Friday.—He
..ed d sill :on 1 a
is at present camping at Grand Bend
with his family. Mr. Goetz bad a de-
• lilit l
ft tripand spent a profitable
. g
•time inPaacis. Paris.—While riding his bicy
. cle the other day, Inkerniann Conte-
len, in some manner was thrown from
t.the wheel, and had one of his should -
,ere dislocated. He now carries that
member in a sling.— Over 200 tickets
'have been Sold at this station for the
London Fair. The attendance to the
Toronto fair this year from here was
;smaller than on former occasions.—
W. R. Hodgins on Friday last return
ed from Toronto Fair, accompanied
.by his bride, in the person of Mrs.
Perkins, of Chiselhurst, and they have
taken up their residence in Mr. Hod-
gins' dwelling adjoining the hotel.
They were married in Toronto. ' The
best wishes of the community go
:out for their future happiness and
,prosperity.—Miss Kate Hodgins, who
has been ill in Toronto for sonic time
evas brought home on Friday last.
Though in a weak state, her health is
improving and restoration to her for-
mer good health is looked for. -Miss
Campbell, of Chicago, who has been
visiting in Toronto for some time re-
turned to town this week.—Mr. and
Mrs. R. Pichtard, of Exeter, were in
the village Monday eyeuing.— How
about the are lights for the village ,
The nights hts will soon become dark, and
if'an grin is to be done a move
should be made at once. —The youths,
who,on Sunday eveningdiatu. bed
d y r
orhip in Carmel church by loud
talking, should be made an example
of. It is needless to say they should
be ashamed of themselves.—.7. E. Mc-
Donell was in Exeter on Sunday.—
Thomas Rope, the energetic and oblig-
ing lightning rod agent, has been busy
the past week selling those lightning
arresters. --'SV. Rivers on Saturday
received the sad intelligence by wire,
of the death of his brother, in Mani-
toba, who died of typhoid fever after
a short illness.—W. Moore, late clerk
with E. Ronnie, left on Saturday for
Minueapolis, Minn., where he has sec-
ured a lucrative situation as head sales-
man in the dress goods department
of a large Dry Goods store. Mr.
Moore is a steady young man, and
possessing amiable qualities,: will cer-
tain. make his mark in the western
wPrior his orad. to de artaxre some
thirty young men organized a banquet
and entertainedtheir young friend and
companion in right royal style, as well
as presenting him with a useful present
as a tangible recognition of the es-
teem in which heis held.The
sem v t t a good
i hes f the' en ire commuui
sys o t t o
with him. The Misses Bates, who have
conducted a dress -making business
here for a few weeks, ]eft Wednesday
for Seaforth, where they will open a
similar business. We wish them suc-i
cess. —Rev. Sarver, of Brucefield, occu-
pied the pulpit of Carmel church, Sun-
day evening last.—Miss Twitchell, of
Clinton, has taken, a situation with
John Pope, as tailoress. — The Misses
Welsh left this week for London,
where they have secured situations in
a tailoring establishment: Visitors to
the London Fair are so numerous that
we have not space to make individual
mention. -The apple evaporator has
commenced operations. There will be
abundance of fruit this year, twenty
cents per 100. ahs being the market
price.-Jautes Bon thron's broncho rau
away the other day. -The Zurich Fair
x. .-tSAL
-New Fall Dress Goods,
:New Opera Flannels
ct ct Si S
'New Fall Jackets and Capes,
Gents' Furnishings
takes place next Wednesday and
Thursday. It will be better than ever
this year.—Miss Bertha Hodgins visit-
ed friends.in Bruce!ield last week.—J.
McAdam and wife, of St. Marys, vis-
ited the Messrs. McDonell.last week.
A FAREWELL. - The Hensall Old
Boys gave a farewell entertainment
last Friday evening in the Forester's
Hall in honor of their departing mem
ber, Will Moore,who has been brought
up with the townandthe boys,having
lived here some twenty years, and for
a. number of years been manager in
Rannie's.dry goods store. Some nine-
teen sat down to,a well -spread table,
and after doing justice to the eatables,
the chairman proposed as a toast the
"success to our mutual friend. and
then there was a continuous round of
toasts and speeches, until the' chair-
man arose and read the address,wheh a
suitable present or token was present-
ed to Will, which was" ably responded
to. The boys then continued with an
impromptu programme of music, sing-
ing, dancing, recitations and speeches,
and in. the latter our old' friend Dave
took the lead. The music was furnish-
ed by the accomplished musicians, Dr.
Sellery`and Ambrose Srnith. The
party broke up in the wee sma' hours
of the morning, when they all depart-
ed in peace, singing "God Save the
Queen and ``Rule Brittannia.
Bitrt;rs. Thos. Brock lost a. valu-
able horse from inflammation. It was
sick but a few hours.— Chas. Peart
has been very sick the past week.—
John Horne has moved into the house
vacated by Richard Tones.—The Lea-
cgue s cial was a decided success. Pro-
eeds about $80.—The d storm
Tuesday evening blew down large
quantities of winter apples.— Farmers
have the fall wheat sowingalmost
completed. Now for the rots.—Vrs.
John Brock was taken seriously ill
Monday evening and is now conlined
to her bed.
BRIER'S.—Sickness is quite prevalent
at present. Mr. A. pestle has been
very ill for two or three weeks, but is
now gaining. He has sold the farm
lie bought from jetties Brooks a year
ago to Mr. Charles Hooper, of Blau -
shard, s and for 1x00. ,ohn Morleyhas
been laid up for two weeks or more
and is not much better. His hired
ma hadto ti work n home
n t t �v rl. canal 1 om
n g
about the same time. — Hired help is
very scarce around here this summer.
—John Brock & Sons aye rented the
Rayeraft farm for a term of five years.
R. Gunning who had the farm for the
past five years has rented.the n
e Knox
homestead on the 8th con., Blowhard.
—G. & A. Duffield are building a new
silo. -Dennis McGee has been appoint-
ed agent for the Globe Washer and is
now engaged in .its exhibition
and sale.—A young man working for
P. Brooks had his hand badly injured
by a kick from a horse lately.
BRIEFS,—Mr. Merlin who has been
at the electric light station for some
• time bas moved to Palmerston where
he will manage the works. Mrs. John
Grayson, of Moosejaw, is visiting her
brother, Win. Babb, for a fete weeks.
-John. Dawe, of Chicago, was in town
this week attending his father's funer-
al.—Mrs. David Williams and daugh-
ter,..from Collingwood, are in town
this week visiting friends. -The young
men of the Methodist church organized
a club on Thursday evening for de-
bates and lectures on one evening each
week.—The council at its last meeting
passed the tax by-law at the old rate,
2 cents on the dollar.—Mrs. Benning
from Carberry, Man., is in town this
i week visiting friends --T. S. Ford lost
one of his horses 011M -day ,afternoon
by one of the troubles- that take away
horses.—At • the Liberal Conservative
Convention at St. Marys tan Sept. 20th,
Messrs. E. F. Clarke, of Toronto and J.
Curran, of Montreal, will deliver ad-
' dresses.' Thirty will attend from Mit-
chell.-John.Roy and wife, from Witl-
chelsca, were in town seeing friends
ou Friday last. --Mrs. Stewart, who
lived here a few years ago, is now go-
ing' to California to .live. — George
Demon left for Port Arthur Monday,
where he has got a good position in a
barber shop.—Wm. McBride, a repre-.
sentative of the Galt Safe Works, was
in town Saturday fixing the vault
combination in the Merchant's Bank.
"I have tried Laza-Livor Pills, and find them
an excellent medicine for Indigestion and Bili-
ousness. ,TMC, McCallum, a lam .Ston vi
tI' llc,;Ont,
If you cant Sleep on -account' of a raging
toothache, Low's Toothache Bum will stop the
ache and give you ease. Price 10c., all medi-
cine dealers,
Bniirs.—Miss Mary Carpenter and
Miss May Williams spent all ` of last
week in Toronto with friends, = Kiss
Mabel Davis is spending • her holidays
at home with her parents.—Mrs.' (Dr.)
Michell spent Sunday in Mitchell with
riends. Miss Long,of Stratford,spent
Sunday with Mrs. (Dr.) Michell.—We
regret to announce the death of Miss
Annie Gallagher, third daughter of
Frank Gallagher, of Hibbert, at the
age of 17 years. She died on. Sunday
morning at 6 o'clock.—Lawyer Cough-
lin, of the Olassic City, spent Sunday
with friends in town.
and Mrs. Baird, John Mollard, Miss
Emma ltrellard, Mr. Smillie and Del-
bert Mollard.--:Hiss Attie ISfollaid left
on Tuesday for Stonewall, Manitoba,
where she will spend the next few
weeks visiting friends and relatives.
�tstlorne Council.
Council met Sept. 1st, 4.11 members
erc, t read and
Minutes of .Ta arieK n,
.the following rates were levies
the rateable property of the Municipal-
ity for the current year. viz: 1.2 milt an
the dollar for cour,.ty purposes ; 2 mills
for local _purposes and .87 mills for
General School rate, as per Sec, CO,
Public School's Act.
The various amounts required by
the different school sections were or-
dered. to ee levied and collected with
auear tt.--.
at e. y da�t
young married duan
Queen street fell off a'ea
Bartlett's new store and was Well
jured, sustaining a severe scalp won
and a fracture of his left arm.—Word
has just been received from Africa
the otheerates, that Will Moore, evho lately went out
No. 1, 1900, legalizing the there with a load. of horses, has en-
inrates as alisted as a private, and has already
rholevycoilgucrhoil, signedabove by levite rpeevessed andby gone to the front..
the Corporate Seal attached. _---»•-.
Orders] were granted in payment of Dashwood
accounts amounting to $140,2,5, and
council adjourned to tweet Saturday,
Oct. Oth, at one o'clock.
F. Monx,tr'1, Clerk.
WEDDING BEr,r,s.—On Wetinesi ay
evening, 120h inst., Hiss Jennie Me -
Curdy, daughter of Samuel McCurdy,
was married to Robt. Norris, school
teacher, formerly of Cromarty. Rey,
C. Fletcher performed theceremony
at the residence of the brice's parents,
in the presence of a large number of
invited guests. We join in wishing
the twain all happiness and prosper-
BRIEFS.—A case of considerable in-
terest in this section was tried at Mit-
chell on Friday, the parties being WiI-
liam Ward and James Gardiner. Last
fall Mr. Gardiner set a fire in a small
swamp and after clearing the portion
he desired, be put the fire out as he
thought ; but several weeks afterward
after smouldering in the ground, it
broke out afresh and got beyond his
control, As a result, the line Pence be-
tween him and Mr. Ward waslearned
down and some small trees overturned.
For this Mr. Ward claimed $32 in ad-
dition to 835 which Mr.Gat n
rdi er gave
him at the time of the fire, and which
the latter claimed was is full of all
damages. Mr. J. G. Stanbury of Ex-
eter, handled the case for Mr. Gardi-
ner, and produced a receipt signed by
Mr. Ward in full satisfaction of
loss by the fire and judge Barron held
this receipe binding on the plaintiff.
Mr. Thompson, of Mitchell acted for
Mr. Ward.—Duncan Hay has pur-
chased. a mercantile business atKippen
from James Canning.
I have purchased the business ce W. T. Bunt
at a rate on the dollar, and intend adding a
large stock of new goods, when I will be in a
position to supply the wants of the public in
every line, and as cheap as the cheapest.
of our aged ones bas passed beyond
pain and sickness,to the bright future,
in the person of John Evans, who,
after a long and intense illness of rheu-
matism, died"on Sunday morning.
Deceased was a person who was well
respected, and won a large number of
friends. When enjoying good health
he took an active part in many of the
social deparments.of this life ; he'was
a staurch member of the Royal 7.'emp-
lars and was a favorite amoug his ,au-
quaintances. He came to Centralia
from Exeter, where at one time be
conducted a bakery. The funeral took
place on Monday afternoon to the
Fairfield .cemetery and was followed
by a; large concourse of sorrowing
friends, who extend their deepest sym-
pathy to the sorrowing widow and
family. .
BRIn S !lies Lillie Hill' is visiting
friends and relatives here again. -Itis
rumored around here that Win. Col -
will, our hay merchant, is making pre-
parations for erecting 't new grain
store.—Our enterprising blacksmith J.
C. Sheardown has had a very attrac-
tive advertisement painted on the tip-
per front story of his, shop, but the
photo is, poorly taken.-- George Rook
and Thomas 1Vlitchell, of Eden,have
erected new cement silos on their
farms James Neil is haying one
erected also, and others are catching
the satire idea, all fol the purpose of
holding green feed coria - T.ios.Luker,
of Thedford, is visiting his father,
Robert Luker, who is very low.—.Miss
Freclrena and. Olive Down are spend-
ing this week in London with friends.
--Mrs. Alloway who has been spend-
ing a week over in Alma, Mich., with
her sons, returned home Monday.--
Wm Learoyd left for London Monday
to visit his mother, who is in a low
state of health.
(Late with ucCarthy. Osler Co., Toron- 1
ri •
to I Ba Iter•Ca ivo Is vizi , :tlo ie
to"loan. nOflicesformerlyocc tined by Colltais
$Banbury over O'lveils )lank.
Burnes.—Miss M. Morrison, of Mani-
toba, formerly teacher of S. S. No. S,
was in town last week,—Viss Eliza
Shetler who leas been. visiting her
parents in town has again, re-
turned ed to Buff tlo.—bliss �. own blot
of Reuse% is a: guest at Rev. G. 0.
Morlock's,—Jno Fried, of London, was
in town on. Sunday, visiting las moth-
er who is still very low, ---Mrs. Jno
Rhode, Sr., is again confined to her
bed.—Mrs. Montgomery, of Walker-
ton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fried.
—Mrs. and Miss J. Hall are visiting
friends in Toronto,—A quiet wedding
took place at the parsonage last week,
when Ezra Bender and Miss Emma
Wagner, were made roan and wife.
May the young; couple enjoy at long
arid. happy life.—A large number of
our citizens are attending the Western
Fair.—Mrs. J. Routledge and family
were visiting friends in and around
ld r n.--ohn Pope,of Hensel], id.
I eco Ja
our town a visit last week.—Miss.
Pearl Nicholson has again returned to
G erieli to pursue her studies. -It is
with deep regret we this week record
e e
the sad news of the death of Mrs.
John Ehlers, 14th con., Stephen,whieh
occurred on Tuesday. Deceased had
the misfortune to step on a nail about
a week ago and the injnry did not
by ,
seem very injurious, until on Friday
of last week when the effects of the
sore foot caused locked jaw, from
which the deceased suffered until Tues -
lay noon. The departed has always
been of a healthy, robust nature and
her loss will be keenly felt in the
neighborhood and by her many
friends. The funeral will take plaee
to -morrow, (Friday.) The stricken
family.have the heartfelt sympathy
of their many friends.
ceI NT - - ue da venin wile
�. Ian- T s a g h
Saun'1 Essery, of Stephen, was deliver-
ing apples at the Centralia, station. his
horses took fright, and in malting
hold of them, one of the animals kick -
d Mr. Eesery on the knee, dislocating
the knee -cap.
NOTICE, --The meeting of the Con- ENGLISH PRINTS. i A full and Conti-
servative Association of the tow nship i plete range of DRY GOODS.
of 1. sborne, announced to be held on h Also our GROCERY STOCK
Tuesday, Sept, 18th, has been changed 1 in replete in every line and always
to Monday evening 17th inst.; a full 'fresh.
attendance requested. ..,
Market Depot
A full range of summer goods
eluding fancy insertions so much in
Alae ERserx.--A, correspondent from ( IS ,G ENOUGH. ;That oma
I amiota, Man., writer t --Mr.. Andrew do
ITs well" O n E O.
and wife acre s�rely experienei:ng their, , well AIM IS TO ,t;10ET-e
share .of adversity: Their infant ebikl,
Ada Elizabeth, died on Aug. I:ath,after
only ak few week's illness of cholera, in- ; FULL LINE OF f e llfRE
€antutn, and on Aug. 17th their only
son, a bright little tellew of 4 years,
was taken sic.., and despite the itt',t ef-' All kinds of Farm Produce for which
forts of two doctors. the little fellow' l ighet.t prices veill be paid.
succumbed on Aug. 27th, of cholera in-
tantum. Mi. Andrew's crop has been ` $s
damaged by two bail storms of late d
and during the storm of Aug. 2Sth one
of his stables was demolished lay wind. `children, the following members s,w
hlr. Andrew is at present suffering sive : William and John of Elintvilleie
from an attack of rheumatism. He is . Charles, of London. awl Thomas, of
ss -ell known ie Exeter and vicinity, Crandeles. Man., and Mei. 8E1as Johns,
being a son of the late Philip Andrew, of I lineeille. The funeral on ,e unday
of Eliaiville. Mi'. Andrew worked for was largely attended, the remains be -
P. Frayne, of Exeter, at harnessmak- ing interred in the Btlnevillecernetery.
ing about 12 years ago. Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew have the sympathy of the en -
tire community in their titre of trial. -,:.-e
DB.tTIi or ,alias. WILra4ax :1iu sus' The record of Hood's Sarsuparille, is
St*.—dendrite Jonas, relict of the late literally written in the blood of millions
'William Miners, departed this life an ° of people to whom it bus given good
Saturday last, at the advanced age of health. Itis all the tune curing die-
s() years. Deceased was one of the eases of tate stomach. nerves, kidneys
••+vers of 1'sborne. haling been a and blood, and it is doing good ever
of the township for upwards day to Mammals who are taking it fo
She wan born itt Corn- poor appetite.tired feeling and gene
^+igland. in tine debility. Itis the best anediehw ion
red Wit- rlan buy.
of 45 years.
wall, near ,Glades
Year 1c . In 1s1'2 she Sita
liana Miner% and in 155. with a.
f four sons, Case, \William, t"iia
and. George, they •emigrated to C'
.da. They remained at Dnrlingto
fur a year, when they moved west, to on seawa • af..
the township of t'shorne,;:tied settled dearth took mea. Thu _..
in con. ;. at various
times "curling ite-. Deceased alae been Staling
lots 1, 5 and 0, on the letter the deceaa'.
ed spent the greater part of her life. dtuennelypast anis deatha carate yr
where also she died. Her husband Wilson of Prospect Hill, 1i
predeceased her 12 years sago.. Mrs.
Miners enjoyed a robust constitution. shill his farm to Arthur Gregory. of
until a few e s ago, when the. in- East Missouri, for the sum. of $t 00 .
e y ar l; Mr. Gregory obtains possession on Dee. \
herfir. tieh of alta age began to wa'alzen 1. This stale will involve the retntivnl.
her. She was an estimable lady, kind ,. ,.
vend secIf•saci'Ificing. stud 138(1 soon :t h :air. «Asha from that neighbor -
wide circle of friends b her kindly hand.
i o
homes tt
..9 Irl t
s. s on
The two race Vela
Tr t
R a
acts anti deeds. Of a family of eight E. Swart% Hingham, were winners: in:
the races at Wellceiville, N. Y., ]arse'. •
A. TirottSA.NI1 TONGCES week. Both Harold II. tend Waiter K.
won their races in three straight heats.
Could not express the rapture of '\S bile at \'irellesville Ntr. Sw arts bad r,
Annie E. Springer, of I125 Howard st„ handsome offer for Harold .I. air
Philadelphia, I'ae.,when she found that horses go at Hornelsville. N. Y.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-
sumption had completely cured her of TESTIMONIAL OF M1 GEO. DICKa hacking cough that for many years! INSo - . TOWNSHIP OF O. AN -
remedies and doctors could give her
had made Iife •t burden. Ali other SlI A1tD.
no help,but she says of this Iteynl 'ro'riii ti'.LLtt> OP
Cure—"It soon removed the pain iii
my chest and I can now Sleep soundly, -� —,
somethingI can. namely remember • ENGLISH SIOCK FOOD.
doing before. I feel like soundin its
c Stock Maui ci fo
English o r
a• .t.a.nas �
have e tt I
illri :ars* siva.-irritating t. 1!
tt of
Bnxnss.—The work on C. Lorhner's ;
house is nearing completion, and now l
ranks with the best.—James Hannan
has put a varandah around his hotel,
which adds greatly to its appearance.
—H. Wing was in Toronto one day
last week,—Miss Maggie Murray, of
Chicago, is a guest at the Shipka hotel.
—•Cid'er and apple-hutterlmaking is the
order of the day.—Michael Lynch, of
Vancouver, B. O., is a guest at Shipka
SPOBTS,-Shipka is never behind in
this line. Ou Tuesday Evg last Big.
Tom and Little Tom met in what was
to have been a 20 round go, but .was
stopped in the 3rd round by the re-
feree, and Little Toni declared the win-
ner. Round (1.) They met in the
centre of the ring and sparred very
carefully, and the little fellow com-
mences by swinging his right for the
head, but failed to land it,. The big
fellow then got wild and swung right
and left for the head but the little fel-
low clucked cleverly and sent a bard
right to the wind, which made the
big fellow shake from head to foot.
This was the little man's rouud. 2nd.
Theycatme up and the .'lig fellow goes
in to finish liis man, but is met with
stinging right over the eye. Big Tom
then sent a ;right aid left to the little
fellow's face coloring it considerably.
'.Cliey both swung right and left to the
head and clinched and are found that
way at the bell. 3rd and last round.
Isere was where little Tommie did his
work,: The hie. fellow swung a left for
t e head, but little Toni blocked it and
senna. hard right to the heart, which
put the big Haan down, where he lay.
while the referee counted off eight of
ten seconds, but be managed to stager'
to his feet, and they clinch here. The
referee stopped the fight and declared ,
the little titan the winner asbe
that the big man was unable to con-
tinue and wished to save hirci from a
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