HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-6, Page 8OUR
1.10..019t3tiOR .
cif " a :elle le el ;nag tl 1l a am Mit :ilia
GilSit OR 1i W UGl -- ONLY ONE E'RUGE,
We extend a hearty invitation to every lady who can
make it convenient to all and inspect our New Fall Stock.
The Big Store is full of new goods. CYolne whether you
want to buy or not and see the lovelv New Dress Goods.
Remember in Dress Goods we ale leaders.
We are showing a lovely -range of the New Soft Felt
I ilr ckabout Hats. They're very swell You'll like them,
Peel i inber you're always welcome to see all the new styles
fin of N.
For Marriage Licenses,
Waddling Rianlgs,
► WaR.1 ke ■ * arcus
Spcctaclgs, l kc
f'AL.I, ON
R. Ill iC KS
Watch .itch Repairing at, Spee><•alt•I-.
I300k Wm
A full stock of School I3o(al+s t 1
Public Schools. s
A full stock of Sunday School l
Library Books at wholesale prices
Family and Teachers' Bibles
Full Line.
Everything in Stationer.
wholesale and retail.
.EX TEJ •.
all Term Opens Sect. 4611
No ie;, than eight large beehive colleges
haves tppllea toys within the Iast six woke for
our graduates to take positions as teachers in
theirsehools. .as many a3 five business firms
bice applied to wile ane day for eel ie help.
This is surely the best school for you. It pass
to prepare for profitable, progressive and per-
manent employment. cot
p 3'na . f, : I '•
'a a o„uo free.
G' 1 Then
he copy for changes must be left
I notlatter than Tuesday noon, Casual
} adveci•iro323.out 0 oa.eelsttil ifp rt, ramie
wednesdav of each week.
Ligon for the Weersiw Assueexcn Cou-
e.t r, of Toronto; also for the FHou a.x Friar
rs lad f London,England G>•
[7 Y
?e LIA\t"8 INSURANCE COMPANY. 't,1`, Eng
Additional locals on fourth page.
Chris. Balsden, of iMelborne spent a
few days of this week visiting friends
Ed. Eacrett left on Monday for God-
erich, where he will attend Model
John Bissett and son, of London,
spent the forepart of this week with
friends in town.
W. MeNevin, who is spending a
short time at Kippen, was in town
this week 'calling on friends.
Rev. Mr. Martin has returned home
from Muskoka, where he Ms been
rusticating dnri,ag the past month.
Mrs. R. S. Lang and children re-
turned on Monday evening a few
months' visit withfriends in Manitoba. r
Mrs. F. J. Knight returned home on 1
Tuesday from a few days' visit with
Mr. and Mrs. WakeIand, of Wyoming.
The 'Misses Alford, who visited. Airs.
11+'. W. Gladman the past week, left on
Tuesday for their home in Peterboro'.
Misses May and Evelyn Gill returned
home Monday evening from an extend
ed yisit with friends he Cleveland and
elsewhere. ."�
P. Lamont, a member of the Bay
Township Council and a well-known
cattle drover, of Zurich, was ju• town
yesterday on business.
Absolutely pure
y reliable Baking
Powder. Try it once and you will
never use any other kind. Sold by C.
Lutz, druggist Exeter.
LosT. Ladies' black cape, . on Aug
20111, on the lake road, between Port
Blake and Exeter. Finder will oblige
by leaving same at the Tmzxs OFFICE,
Exeter. a'""'
Constable Creech should keep the
men and boys who are in the habit of
congregating on the corners, on the
move,' particularly on Saturday
lair. Harrison, who has been living on
the old Lewis' feria' south of
o th Exeter,
for some years, has disposed of the
property to his neighbor, William Rol -
fins. It contains 25 acres.
A6 Londono Wednesday last at
.' e
the residence of the brides faa.th ,i,Miss
Evelyn Clare, daughter of S. C.Hersey,
formerly of Exeter, was married to E.
W. T, Mills, of Owen, Sound.
3 D.Gonraham; again; of Toronto,` came here
last week k to archive more horses
cavalry purposes, but was able to pur-
chase only a few. Light horses are a
scarce commodity in:this district, and
prices rule high."
John Hanna, of Usborne, advertises
in another column for lost hog.
The Toronto Exposition will close
Sept 861i ; the Western Fair at Lon-
don wili open Sept. 0th and continue
tin kith.
Aromatic extract of Brdele.berry is a
pleasant, safe and effectual cure for
Oiarrhoea,Dysentery,Cholera Morbus,
Colic, etc. For sale at Lutz's Drug
Store, only 25c a hot.tle.
Mr. and Airs. Hanson, of Fullerton,
visited Mrs. D. Mill yesterday. Mks.
Mill on. Monday, sustained a paralytic
stroke, which affected one side of her
body and her power of speech.
R. S. Lang has fitted up a neat and
convenient office in the premises ad-
joining Dr. Rollins' office, which he
will use in connection with his apple
business. He has engaged a lady type
writer and stenographer from Lon-
don to take charge of the same.
The financial district meeting of the
Exeter district was held in the Clande-
hoye Methodist church the other day.
Among other business transacted was
the passing of a resolution of condol-
ondolence to Rev. C. Q. Cousins, who has
been sick for about three weeks, and is
still under treatment in victoria hos-
pital., London.
A. VV. Robinson, son of Mr. Robin-
son, of the London road South, and at
one time a resident of Grand Bend,
accompanied by his sister, Miss Robin-
son, who have lately been in . the gold
fields of the Yukon, are expected here
this week to renew acquaintances.
Miss Robinson. will remain at home,
while A. W. will return to the Klon-
Recent amendments to the school
act permit rural school boards to
spend 3200 a year for promoting athle-
tics. Teachers retiring after 20 years'
service maybe gran tedisuperannuation,
not exceeding the salaries at the time
of retirement. The service required of
teachers and inspectors before volunt-
ary superannuation bas been shorten-
ed. from 35 to 30 years.
Smillie Bros., of Bruc fie
e id, have
been quite successful with theirClydes-
dales at the Toronto Exhibition. In
the three-year-old class they obtained
'1st for Pride IA Huron and 3rd for
Prince of Hnrlford. Messrs. Bawden
McDonell, of Exeter, . in the aged
Shire class, carried oft 1st prize and
sweepstakes for `Belshazzar" and Ist
prize for one of the three-year•old colts
in the same class.
School re -opened on Tuesday after
the holidays, with a large attendance,
and the following teachers in charge
Principal Boyd ; Misses vosper, :Gill,
Walrond, Pringle, Robertson and
Rusk, the latter being the new teacher
taking Miss Ball's place. Another
room has been opened in which will be
taught second class and University
Entrane work by Miss Robertson as
soon as a teacher can be procured to
take her room. This innovation
will be a great convenience to the com-
munity wishing to further their edu-!j
sa. in the expense ease of attend
g P
ing a high school at a distance, The
Trustees are to be commended f
their action in this matter, affording
such a' desirable privilege at a sm alai,
additional expenditure for; salary.
Aarrn,vrtax. --- Any person having
rims, clothing or any accoutrements,
t1:e property of No. (t Company, 33rd
Regiment, must band there into OL-
deny S'ergt., J. 'P. 3'M''estcott, before;
Saturday the St li clay of Sept. Any
person holding then. after thatt date
will be prosecuted. By order,, CApT,
IL Toms. R&xcE, conuurtncling No. 6
Co. 33rd Regiment,
E gu 1MeNIOTPare Co t cu...,Thew
council .net August 23rd, and passed
the following .acements. ; 3ohu Snell,.
streetwateriug $21,00 ; W. Trevethick,
do., 53.46. Adjourinent to Aug, n7',
The Board convened Awe. 27th, all
present except .1, Evans. A, deputa-
tion of residents on William S. wait-
ed on the council regarding a new
drain., The matte e was laid .aver till
Aug, 28th, to which date the Council
adjourned, Council again met accord-
ing to adjournment, all preseet, when
it was moved by L A.mstrong, second-
ed by J. Evans and resolved, that the
rate of taxation for 1900 be ,, J mills on
the dollar- On motion of J. Muir, sec-
onded by W. H, Levett, it was resol-
ved to procure the services of a sue-
veyor to, flake level for drain on Wit -
Haut street, Council then adjourned
to call of Reeve.
Lion DAY SI'oxTc, --. Labor Day
was observed as a holiday itere, In
the forenoon a baseball match between
the bachelors and itenedicts, was play-
ed. resulting in a victory foto the m,ar-
rie4 Wren by a score of 2d to . In the
afternoon a>Ic program, of advertised,
sports was carried out on the recreee
tion grounds. The first was. a lacrosse
match between Exeter and Clinton,
score 7 to 2 in favor of she hove team,
In fact the two Soils credited to the
visitors were virtually awarded
them by the carelessness of the Exeter
team, The foot -ball match between
Centralia, and Crediton was won by
Centralia by a score of 3-1. The 100 -
yard. foot race was won by Alex. Mar-
tin ; 2nd, Melville ldartin ; 3rd, A, R,
Kinsnaau, Standing broad jump,
Melville Martin 1st, 9 ft 11 in ; :>;. R,
Kinsman 2nd, 9 ft in. Running bop
step, Al. Martin. 1st, 1I1 ft 9 in ; Aa R.
Kiasuman 2nd, 38 ft 10 in ; Alex, ]Maar-
tin, :kS ft 1 in. Runnin long jump, A.
Martin, 19 ft ;�} in ; A. R, Kinsman, 19
ft 3 iu ; M. Martin, 18ft 10a in. The
w..atherwas tin(: and the crowd scented
to ;:horeughly enjoy the games.
TUE CE3IErEza On Monday the
Directors of the Exeter i.:nion C'ewe-
tery Co, visited the cemetery, accord-
ing to previous announcement, with
the expectation of meeting a largo
number of shareholders, but they
were greeted only by a few. The
object of the meeting was to devise
means of raisin; money to spend in
making the cemetery a credit to the
town and plot -holders, instead of a
disgrace, as it now certainly is. The
old grounds have become over -run
with all kinds of grasses, wild flowers
and weeds, while the walks are filled
avith grass, all of which should be re-
moved and the cemetery put in re-
spectable shape. The newly acquired
lrounds require to bo surveyed into
ots and seeded down and trees ialant-
ed—not left .as at presentee/arse tl,ail
a potter's bur>stnirerdund. To accoua-
plis1r hbe'necessary improvement re-
quires money, and this is why the
meeting was called. There are no
lawful means of raising funds. aninthe
directors wished to obtain the senti-
ments of the shareholders as to ai.
scheme to raise money to assist in.
waking the Exeter cemetery a credit
to the community. It is freely sug-
gested that the municipal councils of
Exeter, Usborne and Stephen each be
asked to grant a sum for this laudable
purpose. If the shareholders and pub
lic generally desire that something
should be done, action will have to be
taken at once. before the new ground
is seriously encroached upon, when it
will be impossible to lay the sante out
in a symmetrical manner. Our columns
are open for any persons wishing to
offer suggestions. a�
The angel of death has again stretched
forth his hand and removed from our
midst a much loved and respected
citizen. We refer to the death of
Mary A. Dinnin, relict of the late
Jas. Fanson- Her passing away took
place on Friday evening, Aug. 31st,
and her remains were interred in the
Exetercemetery the following Tuesday.
The deceased was born in Durham Co„
England, Dec. 19th, 1843 and at the
age of 4 years carne to Canada with
her parents who settled. in Lumley.
Usborne Tp.A~, I8 years of age she
married Jaen es Fanson and during the
sixteen years of a happy wedded life
7 children were bora to them. Since
the death of her husband 15 years ago
she has been a resident of Exeter, and
has displayed more than ordinary
ability in the management of her busi-
ness affairs and in providing for her
family. She had always been blessed
with good health up to the time when
a severe attack o£ typhoid fever laid
her low. She was of a genial, kindly
disposition, every ready to lend a help-
ing hand in time of need. During her
residence in Exeter she was a consist-
ent member of -the James St. Church,
taking a prominent part in all church
work and being particularly identified
with the "Ladies' Aid," and "Woman's
Foreign Missionary Societies." The
esteem and respect v ith which the de-
ceased was regarded was well attested
by the large funeral cortege, which at-
tended her remains to their last resting
place. She leaves to mourn bee. llcss
three. sons and two daughters : Albert
and Norman of Manitou ; Raymond of-
Winnipeg ; Mrs. (Dr.)Harrisen, of De-
troit, .and Mrs. Win. Balkwill, . of
Mervyn Hustoni son of H. E. Hus-
ton, left Tuesday for'Parkhill- where
he will go inso Robert's Drug Store.
He is a clever, reliable boy and ,will
doubtless make his mark.
A man named Walton, of London
township came to Exeter on Wednes-
day for a load of salt. While arrang-
ing a bag on the load, he slipped and'
fell to the ground, in some manner
striking his nose, and splitting it open
along the top, 11 is an ugly wound.
Turkish Scalp Food prevents the,
hair. from fallingoff,restores re . or
white hair to its original incl color.
delicately g Being
e icately perfumed. it leaven no un -
or, pleasant odour. It is not ` a • dye.
Should be in every household where a
hair renewer is needed. Sold by C.
aLutz, only 50c a bottle.
0 ala „ a8a 1 as pia a ■
j'.100' at■ats ti.4 aaiet■a0uaaan
00,4 gRPi Rah aa¢YJm¢Raagptapagpaaatramp., am
Sala ■ p_ a ppa P■■ ■ p"' g■p[a1�
a,fl aaplwAYaaaak yapipappp aii.0440445PasattvattiR0a#!
tam! ..p 0000! . p . t .. ai
11i,vc J
t passed into o stock a number
of lines of 1
New Goods, and have just received advice of
several more large consignments ilmt'nts from British
y ,an facturers per S. a Pnrnessig. Among these Now
Goods are
Dress .rods, -
Silks, and Satins
Ribbons and Laces,
Ties and Lace Curtains
Lineoleums and Oilcloths
Kid Cloves and Hosiery,
Millinery and ant es -
In addition to the above Lines we have just opened
up a very large lot of GOLD MEDAL DRESS GOODS..
These grads are the most elegant Black Dress Fabrics we
have ever shown. It will be a pleasure for us to have you.
examine them as we know you will be more than pleased
with the variety we are showing.
We want a large quantity of good butter and eggs or
which we will pay highest prices.
Direct Importers
illi;rasa!1!!IIlEl IIHIiI.IIiilliHliilTuW110tI1s1114111111111111
Exeter, which for quality, design and low selling price, will
be found equal to anything in the county. Our stock
is unsurpassed and rarely equalled outside the cities.
Upholstering neatly done. We also do picture
framing and have a choice selectionof
moulding;;. Curtain'poles at all prices
and put up. We are.also agents
for the Evans 8c Newcombe
pianos, and several makes
of sewing machines.
Get our prices
before you
We make a specialty of' this department and haveRas
fine a hearse., as in the county,. We buy our goods from the
guarantee best h
oases in the Dominion,.and.
in every department of our work. Prices will be found rea-
Arterial and Cavity Embalming done onscientific
principles, rendering it to preserve a body for.
many days before interment.
P. S.—
S.—Night and Sunday calls Snacois will be attended to at my
residence. nearly opposite Trivitt Memorial church.
All goods delivered free in your house both in town
and country.
dames Dovorlcij
XETER Oddfellow'J3 Block
ig Drop!
They were 1 EWER LOWER THAN NOW. We do no&
know Whether "Laurier" is the cause of it .or not but the
factremains n 1 1 Lk
eS and 5our Cl1StQ1Il$1<S
happy. The variety is also large. The reduc-
tion comes at an opportune time, when
mothers are getting their- boys ready
to stark sohool and want to be
most for their money. We
have a line of boys shits
thatal Vere $2..75 to '3.25 Ear
suit which we offer at $1 50 to
clear,and many other lines proportion
ately low. We are also clearing out sum -
mel' goods, blouses worth 50e for 40e, 75o for
50,1,00 for muslius and a number of other lines
at your own price. If you want good good at right
prices we are with you. If you want shoddy or the like you
will have, to go elsewhere,
l Give us a call, Highest prices paid for produce.
14 2". Mw
AppjENTICE WANTED to learn
printing. Apply at Tines- Otiicn. ��..
PIANO Fou SATE.—A square pianol►,e
in good order, for sale cheap. The ad-
verciser has two. Can be seen at the
Metro o 'ta
p it n imatel.
Without Question
Thebe,st equipped Business and Shorthand
Scbool in Canada .14 the Forest ('it3 Direness te
Shorthand College. London. Ont. Largeenrol-
meetand strong family. Hundreds of students
in geed positions, Year, e.• r.ecllent work at
tie credit.
Catalogue of either eoai.rse free.. (`orae II
deuce Invi•c+t.
3. W \ ESTEi.v1i L.T,
We have a. few second hand
1000 models
Only been used a short time and
guaranteed in 6tete class condition
which we will sell at
Also a few other snakes veru cheap.
In Second-hand Pianos, Organs and
Sewing Machines, we are holding out
inducements to people looking for good
Our new goods are all right both in
quality and price and are sure to please.
Call and see them. No trouble to ex-
plain to you their good qualities.
R Gar of $i
nsas Red Seed
Anyone wishing Ya. new or second
hand buggy at' �i . IL Parsons cati
at applying m)a t t
n at shop, o n
o t •
Y t War.
11 3 g i+
Trevethick's, or S, Martin's, es the
proprietor will be away for sometime.
Now is the time to buy a good buggy
Books and accounts left with Me. a
W. 11.. Parsons
' X TEli, ONTrp,
Lunch boxes and baskets for school
children also pencils and scribblers,
Hose, all sizes, cheap.
Parasols and Umbrellas.
Hdkfs for 25c, a. rare bargain
Towels and Covers.
Fine hair, cloth and Tooth
Flag and Maple Leaf Stick Pins. ee
Collar and Cuff buttons.
Friendship 'Hearts.
Baby Rings.
The latest thing out -Gold and Silver
Wishbone Brooches.
Nice assortment toilet setts, jugs.
trays, soap, Polish and smallware.
A full line of Granite, tin and wood-
en ware.
Levitt's Fair
Martini( Laundry sent away every Thursday.,
Di,;Wt forget The New Store
. YEO.
takenin e�clai
e, e want � v Butter -and Eggs.
New goods ariving every week.First shipment of
fall goods in to -clay and more to .follow until stock is com-
plete. Oulrocerystock is: now complete, everything gp , Y g new
and fresh.
A full stock of canned Goods just „sod.., dust what you need for
warm, m weather cladsariout
g g' camping. Fresh salmon, sir-
dines.<kippered herrings,.. kippered Haddies, lunch tongue,
corned beef, bakedearl
b s in tomti;to'sauceicl�les andtolna>
to catsup.p
Onr teas have a le 1utatiol already.
Try.Tea, .our elioicc'Japan 1 cpm, 5 lbs for > 7
, ,o � 00.
We solicit a
share of
ti ourattro a
p n ge.
Remember the place first door north of post office.
+115 U r - 1
W. D. Y130