HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-6, Page 4e M bisons 3art
aCIEEAllaaallatala B ? U4.ItEZ 1at55.;
1?e44 Alp Capita, aSen0,000
nest n's: sr t —
lleas1 Onnee; Ate str al.
WOLFEltanseN THOMAS, Este,
neeenea rifesseenat.
oney advaacea. to. good. farmers on their
aloe/ with one Or znore endorser at 7 pe,
tit. Der antrum.
Exeter Branch
Open every lawful (ley from 10a. at. t
SitTUIMAT. n',10 a, U. tot non.
nurrent rates en interest eilowed on deponts.
al:Kier:oat; at.i,XitfrEn,
rihtetei• Ve. nah, 'Pa
Calendar for September, 1 900.
9 10 23 30
M▪ eta DAT /0 17 24
Thnnene.Y L 11 1S 25
Warneasniaa• a 12 10 23
6 13 24 27
" 14 21 2.3
near, v
13 22 .44
reitessennesenesa- e.=eiwaseenareesnasite
srPTEMBER Cabala)°,
It laws his issIsseestline Zo recall tit
votes ells+ were taken in tbe several
rrovaacesft tevor i ma
Votes Pollea. alajoritiete
Yes. No. Yes. .No.
Ontario .. 151,1110 111,rata :0,41 „
Nova Scotia 31,0 5,102 :20,21 . •
vw Brtms-
what.. .. 20,911 taa7f1 17 taal
P. E. wand. 0,t6z 1,140 9,a15
Manitoba. .12,51t1 2.078 0.-111
Beitieit Col -
4„737 flat ....
melee „. saran
N . W. 'rerra.
tate'. • • taZaa Zatit 2.414 „
Que./ 2a,aia2. 122,011
2R477 20.7.22 1117,057 01,0a
very Province save Onebee was for
elatlon 'Ly a laege ruat'anity," but
ease etetal ir W11 -
ow other aiavireres count -
nothing ! Pretty brassy to On-
The t Donnaer Eaugi ss wee
owe sesa-ant feirl. Now we trader -
strata tar. net is where ehe serv-
ed bee epprentareatiip
The Totento Globe wants to knew
**Were you richer under the National
polieyr Vona all ;speak at oneta The
hensewita.nigbt. start it by telling;
tow much more he has to pay fot
eager. amt her coal oil, a few other
little necessities than he aid before
Fielding commer.cedjuggling with the
An at to amendthe :let eepaeting
interestapaiteed at the last session of
the Dominion Parliamentmarks an
epoeli in the financial world, in that it
enaltee a pee centper itunum the legel
eate of interast ias it is riroprrtyealletl
inst.ad of per cent. 11: the acetunren-
lation of capital increases as it has (tone
during the last quarter of a century,
the rate will soon he down to 4 per
Thai iea liot season in West Iluron
as eleevslierte anti if the enthusiasm of
the isolitical campaign is kept as high
as that which marked the Conservative
convention at Smith's. Hill on Frida.y,
the hot time is by no means over in
this riding. The attendance was large
including all the war horses and xnauy
of the lank and ille, and without, a
diesenting voice the 3- again endorsed
Robert McLean ns the party candidate.
Mr. :McLean, in a moderate speech ac-
cepted the hoebnand the two Bobs are
once more in the field.
Sir Richard Cartwright has beet
again esiminated for the South Riding
of Oxford, but he was plainly told that
the old Reformers. of that tounty are
not at all satisfied with the doings of
the "XIVIV Liberals" as represented, by
the Leerier Governraent. Me. Valen-
tine Fiteh, oee of the most prominent
Liberal workers in the county, and tt
man of toneiderable influence, was one
of those whose name was put in noriti-
elation. Mr. Fitch declined the honor
and in a speech withal showed hint
to he desperetely in earnest, and
which valved (piste a sensation in the
convention, told Sir Richard in plain
words that the interests of theelarm-
ers had been neglected by the Liberal
Government. He severely criticised
the Post Office Department, and said
that Hon. Mr. Mulock wished to make
a show of economy and take it mit of
the farmers, as indicated by tbe
Wretched mail service throughout the
country, by which the farmers got
their mail two or three days behind
Being interrupted, Mr. Fitch said ---
'It would be better if half of us turn-
ed Tories, and then we would. be better
• treated by the people at Ottawa." Mr.
Fitcb demanded tbat more attention
be paid to the farming community.
• He warned to know why postmasters
in town got thousand of dollars year
• while those in the country got °ilea; $20
a month. -,
Mr. Pitch's speecb is.tbe talk of the
people this evening, and; it is evident
that, wbile his straight warning at the
tonvention has created surprise, he
correctly sumniecl up the views of 'a
large majority of the electors of this
riding. It has been apparent for some
tune that the Liberals of the county
have been dissatisfied with the con-
duct of the administration at Ottawa.
The pecple in this district are of a
high order of intelligence and honor,
and Increover close readers of the
newspapers, and the shady tricks of
Tarte, Sif boo, ete., as exposed by the
Conservatie-es, are inost tepeenant to
_ens be feesinfrom sick headache, bili-
'nusoesn, conetieatiose etc., use Carter's
Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable.
They gently stimulate the liver -and
,free the stomacb feoni bile,
The recent United States census will
snow a population of 80.000,000.
A. L. Shipley, station agent Grand
Trunk Railway at Granton left for the
west a few days ogo for two :se -ens in
COnnection with (he biesine4is arrange -
:merit with his bin then J. D. Shipleysill
the banking business.
Norman Creech has returned t
N. Dyer "{mama 1uu reeovered, "from
his receat
IV. Levitt visited. las parents in
Granton yesterday.
Mies Beers has secured eitaatioil
milliner in London.
Messrs. Kemp amt. 1.-otnag spent
La,bor day in. Lanaloa.
aaiss Neelande, a Seafoeth, visited
the Misses Kemp this week.
The open season for duct sltootiag
commenced last Saterday.
Ross Datums, of Fannsville, spent
Sunday visiting J. P. lines.
Miss I'Iruria, of Zuricb,was the guest.
of Miss Cora Cann this. week.
Exeter's at a taxation this year
will be 20 mills on the dollar.
al alter Poole has gone to London,
where he has secured a situation.
Mrs. no Blatchford spent the past
week ting her mother in Luean.
M. Y. McLean and A. Young, of
Se.afortli, were in town on Monday.
D. L. L. Folliek and E. R. Follicle.
SL :teravye, spent Sunday in town.
Hereeee of London, was in town
he paet week renewing acquaintaucee.
nevi's aLeers. alilyard awl Brown
eechanttea pulpits Sunday morning.
Mr. awl Mrs, G. A. 1.MeLeod have
returne,1 frona visitiug friends in Sea -
Will aleLanaablite of Brantford.
sspent Sunday visaing his 'parente tn
It, E. Manning, of Clinton. WAS in
Monday renewiug
A. 0. Dyer, has recovered from
brief illness. and is again able to g
The Milliners have returned to town
ua returnett their situations for the
all term.
jr. Barker, of Stratford, was the
guest of Perry Diguatathe fore part of
thts week.
Nearly 100 people went from thi
station this year to attend the Toronto
xhibit ion
Beverley Kett:Ilea, of Bnicefield,
pre:ailed in Caren church again on
Stualay Imen
Ea. Crocker is imprevIng nicely,
Lie has been suffering from a sevete
dank. of typhoid fever.
:Mee Edith Rellins left fee Lerea
this week to tate a vouzse in the 1e' -
est City alusiness College.
t"diesta Eva anti Lille Huston have
retvn1 from a. pleasant visit with
isa 'taa staway in Brautford.
Dr. J. E. Harrieon, of Detroit. was
here Ole weekatteading the funeral
of the tate Mas. M. A. Fauson.
Gem ge X. Buchariatalate of Toronto,
son of Dr. Duebanan, of Zurich, has
opened up a law office in Wiarton.
Harry Miley has resigned the lead-
ership of the Exeter band. and Georgie
Eacrett has been appointed in his
If you wish to cure scrofula or salt
rheum permanently, take Hood's Sar-
saparilla. It expels all impurities front
the blood,
Walkerton bakers under the law
there lose all tlie bread in theie wagons
or ehops if one loaf is fcamd under
A number of citizens yesterday at-
tended the Epworth League Conven-
tion in Crediton. The meeting was a
successfrd one.
Der. Mr, Brown, Mrs. BrOWn and
family have returned after spending
a few weeksvacation with friends at
thela former home.
Jabez Welsh, of Kalamazoo, Mich.,
after an abtence of several years, is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Welsh, William street.
a For sore, blistered, perspiring feet,
afed skin, prickly heat, nettle rasb,
/and applying after shaving, use Foot
Ease. For sale at Imes Drug Stine.
25c a box.
V.. I. Clarke, of Winnipeg, Wes-
tern Manager for the Manufacturer's
Insurance Co., accompanied by his
brother, Thonme, of Hampton, was
here this week visiting their father,
Thomas Clarke. The latter will re-
main for a. few days,
Peter McIntyre, one of the best
known and esteemed of the pioneers
of Lobo township, died. as his home,
con. 4, Lobo, last Wednesday. De-
-ceased had obtained the ad.yaneed age
of 88 years. He was a native of Scot -
]and, but early came to Canada. He
is survived by his wife and two sons..
Peter'of con. 7, London township,an d
Nichol, who resides on the home-
Will Dye any Article of Clothing
From Feathers to Stockings.
The Only Package Dyes That
Make Fast and -Unfading
Co ors.
Feathers, ribbons, silk ties, dress
silks, shirt waists, dresses, costumes,
capes, jackets and shawls can be dyed
at home with Diamond Dyes so that
they -will look like new. •Try a pack-
age of the Diamond Dyes,and see whab.
a bright, beautiful, non fading color it
will make, with but little trouble.
Diamond Dyes are the greatest,
money- savers of the age, as ma,n y
woman with one or two ten cent pack-
ages of these dyes has dyed her old
dress a lovely and fashionable color
S o as to save t be expenee of a new ono.
Partly wornfrlothing can be made over
for the ones,and by dyeing itwith
Diamond Dyes no one would recognize
the t the citesses and snits were not
Diamond rik.:;$ are adapted to many
uses besides simply dyeing old clothing.
Diamond Dyes give aew life and ,jese.
fulness tis cute ants f urn iturer ceverings
draperies, carpets, etc. Beware of
imitation and connnon package dyes;
ask fer the "Diamond" and kee that
you get them.
r.jiii ir C - '' a ggeZ1114):11Qr ..'''154'1"4 bt'P '? Ilv"
i ceasseie.*
1.1 t ni 1..11 i is , an the imusportatioe nisi eiet: aSkoh
. , %-:',..4 set tin tlenoral Chaffee have been entice -
•retest by the deportment. and have been
----- • shipped, muelt oa it at 'rake, and the bal-
alma is duo there very $oma
They WOD'it Perrnit Foreign Mini-
sters t Tell Their Story,
That the Allies Dvacuate
1,1 Dung Chaug rromise usala Tlitee
analitt Provinces t 1..rosia cozt14
egVe I-awe/at:ale Temus or Peace Vrona
Om -rower.; and, Seenze the aavaeuation
ef Pelcina--roreigners in Treaty Ports
proteat AgAillSt theUiZes Leaviaga
Leadota, Sept. 5.--t4.15 s
despeteties from Sluing:au null awn 'Isla
refer to the hopeteas tanifastain and nas-
mileage:ewe or tee ClilUeSe V..wgraril sys-
tem, which may vas:Ably avettunt pan
for getting so news from Praia. An-
other ranistin tor the delay, doutittesa-, Is the
uhaiara of the, ellinese, autindati.a to pro -
ear, t.t vViteliati..in et tais
alrert is being apared by them to bring
this about. 'Their idea is that, seem
foreign alluistera M Petan by allowed Irce-
eolneaunieatiOnt nViti Rhea* titwyronwats,
the Itt:Z exteat ut The euiradtelty of tee
inane:es uoverusnon iu the atal-leramn oat -
rages woutal be revealed, ail,' wooli'l
the crilks to decide to remam tiato natl.
Inatiou had beau aa.acted. A.1 te.egiams
to ieeutra•ezred fay corr.er by tainaina
to Peliiit mid ploaahly su '.u'r aespateara
have been stoppal.
Avatatiling ao Shanghai advlees LI thing
elating wtriat. the Chinese attnister rnLoa-
flea. Sir ChM Chen Lorca:41AM, as toatetas 3
"Our St. l'eterabutg alutaater has per-
suraioa zo tear* Vain, lou are
tiae:eita If 3 -on eantai: per -made Lag:a:ad."
lz is asserted teat Earl Li Sas preen:703
thee alatteha pravinces it atm Fe-
Vares ate Nrithdrirwal et Inc from
retila and p *are iit.rili;4 tram the
varaera. Ite kaapreas Paivaiaea
it ittaMs t"tiatat aci. saes re be avialang
laimay 1..obiala these Olga-. a
The Expreaa flowager's anti4tivig5
elizy hi jinni, aeyerinng fit a Szweial de-
Spiatch fra,na tshaughat, was tiny tee
pri-i,antaitati to ter Uy rrmee 11:an af an
ultimatum*, wiatai la now anown to Dave
been forg,ed, In wlat•di the piswerts deuttina,
ad lair manta:Zion laver er eallarer
Iawaugsa, the rela.4:11t IJ1 tau seat of •itiv-
erinnelit front rcii-th, the I2 2-2,
finariees water rein:peen (entree
aud stititiaitaa
-61x ntentli.e r far Ea* !imam
force," s:iya tiw Tam Tata exrissriadent
f Standard, w:rieg Ang. 27, aiaa ue,
nia forwarded to l'alita."
Newspaper e.erreiponaleras se:14'0aq::
anetteapped by the bast iirlatia'aqu'lit
tne toiegraplis. aleaaages have been de-
, Med mai tatiapet'ed with awl uerhIng
s been sate unless mallea to
'tlie prem.:lino of the fitaislans 211 arra
aresetil Petzin ere watelani wins sem"
auenny. The eituation ititwatens to 'ie.
vetep Imlay verapV.cattoaa. It is said Mat
the 14t7;',i.`ii,' hiti.10P.1 to tala. Stuinnal
Kwata ahoy have, asaalued complete Po.'"
of the Hal lin lint araeual at Tlell
'Pan, alai allow ratralasiou t. nano bat nos,
dza.a. The arsetriI1 strn triutaRtsa thousands
• p•oinds' worth u! g^tv,i nasi ;antwaintion,
"ate 11,15taz5 ace cda7,7.ed sena entities
nie este fantail, ao, pant aye ream. 4122-1
with committing varleus ether isettS Linn-
No Decision as Yet.
There Is no alias yet er aliy dealt:ion ail
the vart vf the power,: taataaiMg 11M'a
slan preip• seta. Tee amenose tiapars
sereadly cau team the lit.sa 44 eraeuatIng
relitu. and hint that there Is a seer -d
Maapaer between talerntany and Ituasia
the dfartment tiveat tas
ijp ,Nlo•-eidr emeapoildant Stan -
dant. referring to the tioriable aecounts
itaaaatu brutality at tuagreestereuse
are r the Lambarene:1n. sass : eft le ra
portal cos:tees mereilesny butobered men.
womets met elehtten in tee viltagos on the
Ausur Inver, and flung :Lair carpaes lato
the stream. s tor:es are emittrined
bY 05 oaler just Nimes:. eatialtea ta a Will
tone, admitting the masalarea, whit% me
deseribtal n yawed by exasperatlait
raminat the Chinese for beginning 11ai-1111-
fle8, awl throatentag the utinest seVeritY
Of martial law far any future violenve 50
unarmed peaveful Caluamen, ut the same
thee ordering the pollee Umlaut the Amur
dIstrlet eotuvel the town 1115.1 tiountry
paprdatIona isa drag Ina Chinose cariaios
out of the aver and bury or aura them, 3u
()later to prevem an outbreak af Maw.
The Correspondent adds 5 "ales erlior
rams nee a tea warrant Lir the tuaa.saere
of any Chinaman wham the Cossacks may
pravolte Into a qnnr,ro tar prove to las 111
pesiaataien at arms,'
Proof that Emperar lawaag
completely under the thumb of the Etapreas
Dowager is army:led by the seangual con
responsent or Tee Times, who wires : "An
Imperial faller, dated Aug. 19, whIly 22
Mite tor Tat Yuen Ion, addresSed tO 1.1
than; Chang tu .Empertar's Ulnae, ex-
plains that, in View of the enneors et e
foreign asamilt on Paain tha Emperor fen
it his firty eomply with the wishes or
the Eripress awl to ma-map:my tier WPSt-
ward after Instrratang now Lai. Esti
rtem,- and Tung Cal to remain in the eapi-
at and to Carry 011 the tiovernment.
"ow, fearing that the Powers mit' in-
censed, and unnaltiag to propose a peace-
ful settlement. the Emperor orders Li
Doug Chang to use every endeavor to open"
negotiatione. pralsep, Eari Ll's faith-
ful services In the dynasty, and assures
him of Imperial gratitude.'
Cinese Peace Corarnissfoners Are Alt ob-
• noxious .,Inti-larreign Agitators.
"thanglial, Sept. 4.-1,1 Idling Chang, Xing
Lu, Mu Tung and Prince Cuing. wnom tux
Imperial edict itas appoInted peace com-
raissiollera, constitute a radically anti -for-
eign commission. Hsu Tung, guardian in
the heir apparent. espeemuy °minions.
Three of the commissioners are mitnellus.
The American Ainslie Association WDOSe
membership it:eludes all the foremost busi-
ness men at. Sluingna1. met to-dny anti
adopted a protest again -1 the cv:sena(lon ar
Pekin untli a final smtiemeut um; been
reachel. The meeting also miolved to orge
President McKinley to Insist upon the ap-
pointment of satisfactory eamanssioners
and the reeognition of the Emperor tie
• What 1.5 11 LI Wants.
Washington, Sept. 5.—Ars official com-
munication received here titre diplomatic
channels makes the .rather suspriaina
statement that IA Dung cbang is at pres-
ent using an his eitorts te bare one" or
more of the powers dissent from...ituaWa's
prevosition, believing that ruptures et, the
allies will be of greater advantage ro clams
than any agreement, even oa tile favorable
basis put forward by Russia.
laitOaf Gina Cla.A.P.Fliika
Says That }To NOV" RAS 5,000 Effeeti,ve
•• Troops in China.
Washington, Sept. 'followiag de-
epatebalvvas reeeived to-daY "ha the War
1)epattment from General • Chaffee
"rsltu (no clate).---WrItten report of oper-
atiOn.s.np to ;relief 'Of legations will be for-
-warded as soon„as possible. Present con-
ditions are that hoSlitities have practicany
ceased,. only occasional shots fired from
cover, small party ;repairing telegraph line,
and foraging, No cons' .emble body or
cliFace,e. troops (Pgtxurs).discovered here or
along hoe 01' OCOYLUItiviicuit.lon, . . \Vo
hear Li Hung Chang has full power but
he is net 110141. 'Will ',Tinted States heap
military force here net.' 'Prins of peace
are arranged? Now in Chbia about 0000
effect/ es . ttn t!., roe for United
Stal0,4, 1211.1e4141 pall; ;•;11 r•.1--aan n of; appa ren t
to me demands' largP fa Pe. 'Shall take
qtfor siipplles.
'If trorys Pi'41-,17 in tents. and
"-n"0111V1 j11
25120111 , t,1t1-)_,I,°1-,;t:
eso reface Conautts›ion.
'Leaden, Sept. 4.—The absence of news
regarding the actual Situation or ettairs at
conthreee as costlieste as the leek of
authentic -slaw:metiers eeearding the ani-
mate attithile, Of the PASN'el'S tOwards the
proposals now before the concert
rpportS that an Imperial 04*02
1.ssual :At Tol"Qtni appoints la !Ong
Chang, Yung L'Ig (II,ItOr of tile
heir -apparent) awl P▪ rince Chloe, comets-
stenere to negotiate peace.
Four nerman waralaipa Arrived at Woo
Suug yesterday (Sept, 1.11,
The unmistakable condemnation of tne
ProPasal to Withdraw Immediately from
-rent, valve is voleed, front all the f01e1en
ealimies la the far anst, is taaen in some
quarter:A as a forecast of the opinlan wan.;
Inae expeeted from tbe ainuaters 'wawa
their Views are obtainable, As already
suggested, the,Itussian proposals are op -
able of moditication, and. it Is theught 211.
wellaufortutal etreles that laird, Sanauury
is striving 10 rAuforia mesa eioseiy
to tha farina of thoaa flyS/ farmtdated by
tbe Government at Washhisteo.
THE rteursantats
'enemata Day nail Delightful 'Weather
Over 40,000 Paid admission.
Toronto. Sept. 3.---(lertnania Day
at elle Industrial Exposition was
lees:eel with delightful weather yes-
terday. and under the stuspices of all
the Weal stersuania socitiee, the title
sons frosts Berinany in Canada ansl
the border States, the slay dre*.v large
crowds 10 tha Fair all slay long. A.
S. Norillienner, consul -general for
Bernams , was, as the representative
if Gentian citinala, aPaehlUY hon-
ores1 guest of the dire:eons. There was
110 coucerted proceasion of the (ler'.
28121214 soviet len, but intlividualla-
they were well ra*presanted- lien* tind
there persons wearint a bangs' typi-
cal of their allegiance to a ilermania,
soeisty were to be 504111 OlOia the
Thi' peesenee of Hon. Sydney Fish -
Minister .A.griculture, gave a
tone to the day. He was shown
idiom the grounds by en -Alit. aeore,
F. An 11008011, and Jobe. 1. liobeon,
weige pelt/Hans aud persons (if lase
ileataa, alined in the parade of
The •witeln latirliing wag
apent by the party in looking over
tie* eehibits of the stock. witteh were
in the ring. 'Ir. Maher ex-
s..%si hie si *light ateoll he saw, and
slie-lored evere thing bore andante* Of
Canada's invreesing prosperity.
Vully 10,001; persons paid for ad-
mission. At night the Grand Stand
W45 vonaltn'taltly
To-daY ought to be the banner day
Fair. aial from all time ;trances
Intrusesen Pay will neep up its repu-
tation as it Moneyaroiner for tne as -
nmentgefn OVain CO:ens/VI:011.
ilocese of Outarlu Again rens to C110080
Kitigaton, Ont., Sept. di-
rectors of the Se nod of 1 naterig met
in St. neorgen: Cethedrul bore s es-
terdee , for the purpoue seTerting
coadjuter bishop. nye hall ol s
were 'taken, and there was the same
deadloek as before between :area
Roper of New York and Prof. Wor-
rell. The former Intd 22. majority of
tbe elergy with him. while the King-
ston candidate had a preponderance
of the lay vote, Na election can
take place until a candidate bas a
majority of both orders, and thus
Iho matter stands at a deadlock,
At elidnight the Synod decided to
adjourn the conference, having failed
in reaching sow agreement, The
clergy eul»nitted the names of the
Bishop of Algoma, Archdeacon Mins
stud nee. Charles 13rent, but the laity
decieed to stand by Prof. Worrell,
asking for two more ballots. The
Synod resutnes .at 0 a. in.
etaney Get; Another plane
Montreal, Sept. 5.—An important
contract is about being given out by
the ilepartmeat of Railways and
anals. Some Vete ago the Gowan -
went invited tenders for the con-
s: ruction of what is known as the
Hillsboro brides'. near Charlotte-
town, P.E.T., a structure about
three-quarters of a mile in length,
and intended let unite the main line
with a -branch of the railway
system now bemg bunt by a local
contractor. Tenders' were to he in •
by the 10th, of last month, and as
ahe Work in question will embrace.
an outlay of well on to $1,000;000)
ths greatest interest • was mani-
fested amongst the contracting
fraternity. It is • learned, how-
ever, that • Mr. .21.. J. Haney
is the lowest tenderer, and
•that this genaleanan will sign the
contract hunted enely, if he has not
already done so The amount o the
.suocessful tender has not -yet trans-
The Shah's Noe Crusbett
• Moscow, Sept.. 5.—A report comes
front Teheran that, after Oa desperate
eght An "Mehomet Bey, the •rehel,
who, at the head of se few hundred.
ruffians has boon, trying'. to get pos-
session of the persian 'throne, has
been defeated by the Cossacks, 'haeti-
ly eumetneed 10 oppose his' march' on
the •capital, and has been thrown,
into an tindergilound dungeOn. When
capttired he emphatically denied that
he bad harbored an intention' of
usurping the Shath's throne.. '
Move Against IL S. Cotton.
11;Tatichester, Sept,. 5. — The Feder-
ation of Cotton Spinners, at a meet-
ing yesterday decided to invite all
the Lancashire ' svinricrs to attend a
conference on Friday, at which it
will' 1)e proposed, to discontinue 1)413,'-
411g Amara:1Ln spot cotton.
have the efiect o(aT 7710st stopping:,th0
mills until the -new (iiitton is market-
ed, as the mill stooks are low.
Crinadiati Ito: 513 fret filo Army.
Mo 1,reL, 1 , •fiol --1-T110 "r1, oTti •on
Line 6tcarner Cervona arrived in port
• last oy.-111))i): frce.•
..0115 •
elle T)e.P.. ,. e'; so.rvice.
Shewill eon froin here Icir South
. Africa 011 1U4p-',.,16 , with SO() Cana- ,
• dian horses' for • orial feraea
The Latest NewS•
On Sunday, Sept, 2, May Ellen
daughter of far. and Mrs, John Calla
ton, Ellice, passed enety at the age of
foorteen years. Cousamption was the
0111150 of death.
Obarles Maekenzip. exsai. P. 112, for
East Larobton and brother of the late
Hon. Alexander aleekeezie, died, at
Sprlegbank, mar Sarnia, the family
residence, at an early hour Moudity
morning after a, lingering illness,
Bildt afery Louise, the only daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Helmuth.
of Tavistock, paesed away on Aug, 22,
after a spell of illness of some three
months' duration, She bad just enter-
ed on leer sixteeath year.
Rolla alcLartea. of McLaren Bros.,
metabant tailors, St. Marys, has left
for Denver, Colorado, He expects to
spend some mouths there isr the Iiope
that his health may be benefited. Ile
suffers from a throat and bronchial at
At the Labor Day sports in Strat-
ford on Monday, the 33rci Regiment
Baud, Seaforth; won ist prize, 8100.
The hose reel race WIIS W01) byelitebela,
time, 1.00; second, St. Marys, time,
1.19 ; prizes Km and $73u The match-
ed bicycle race of ten miles between
Alex. MeIvor, ef Goderich, aud Peter
Cowan. of Rotbsay. resuitea in a vie
tory for alcIvon Time, 20.12.
Ex -Premier Greenway, of Manitoba
received a cablegram from Euglanat
last week offering him $3.0a0 for three
head of thoroughbred cattle which he
had on exhibition At the Winnipeg In -
(Install Fair recently.. This is the
highest price yet offerea for thorough-
bxed etoele2. theproyince of Mannoba.
Some ef these auhuals are the product
of "Springburet" Farm, Hay town.
Time, Willison, who lived for the
past fifty years on the tah conceesion
Hullett, died on the 12th of August,
aged 73 veers awl 3 months. lle 'a me
born irt Scotland, and came to
Canaaa with bis parents in 1$27. They
settlea in Galt, where the deceased
lived until he was 2t years From
there he moved into the township of
Hullett W1830, and settled on the farm
ou which he lived midi his death.
About half past three on Thursday
Afteracon of last Sleek fire WAS discos --
(lad in the stable. on West
street, helouging to ..arehibald Sean
of Scott Brathere, of Seaforth, and
used by T. IL F. Case. \\Ilea notieed
the fire had gained coneiderahlo head -
Ivey, arta before an alArm mild he giv-
en and the lireinen arrive the
buUtling WaS 12, mass of flames, and it
was impossible to get anything out.
Fire broke out Friday afternoon in
the cattle shed and stables of Nam-
gansett Part, at Providence, It.
where the grand Circuit race meeting
was held, mid before all the horses
could be talon out eight had been
either suffocated et. buraed to death,
including Ace. Mark A, and Ackmon
Jan„ all owned, by Canadians. .a.eltmou
Jim was jointly owned by P. Curtin.of
Centralia, and I. Rattenbury, of Clin-
ton, and valuscl at.aile300.
On Aug. 2-10, Paul Cleave, of Bav
flekl, was called to his )est home, dr,
cleave has beep a sufferer for several
years from a cancer in bis right. ear,
but has been going about attending to
his duties mil two months ego. Ho
was a native of Cornwell, Englantl,
and came to Canada about 47 years
ago and settled in the vicinity of Bay-
field, He served several yoers in the
village council. About 13 years ago
he went to Dakota, where he acemnu-
lated considerable property. Feilieg
health, however, missed bim to return
to Canada about two years ago, and
he had resided in Bayfield since that
time. lie leaves to etionrn bis loss a
widow, two sons and two daaghtera
Mrs. R. Bailey and Mrs. George Erwin
of Bayfield; Samuel Cleave of Stanley,
and Paul Cleave in Dakota. Mr.
Cleave was 81 years of age at the time
of his death.
Comes from Dr. D. B. .Careile, of
'Washita, T. T. He writes: "Four
bottles of Electric Bitters has
cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which
bad caused her great suffering for
years. Terrible sores would break out
on her bead and face, and the best
doctors could give no help bra, her
cure is complete and her health is ex-
cellent:" This shows what thousands
have proved, ---that Electric Bitters is
the best blood purifier known. It's
the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter,
salt rheum, ulcers, boil and running
sores. It stinrulates liver kidneys and
.,besvels, expelvpoisons„helps digestion
builds up the strength. Only 50 cents,
Sold by all Druggists, every bottle
guswan teed.
Get fat; get nice aud plump;
there is'Safety • in plumpness.
Slimmer ..haS tried ' you
; winter, is eoniin:::
.o tryyour breath -mill., Fall
he time to brace yourself
But weather is tricky; look
! Look out fpr colds eSpec-
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is the subtlest of
helps. • It is food, the easiest
..,Dd in the world; it is more
fool; it helps you digest
;-jr food, and get more nutri-
ment from it.
Don't get thin there is
safety • in plumpness. Man
oman and child
It you Imve not tried it, send for free sample
•its agreeable taste will surprise you
an. wale'
e 1' 3 0 fl
,... 1.
15 a. F. 55
and di"! .•
it WOW
Me reason? 1-1
eds help jos':
anything else chwo
times. The roots,
; s s
• h
.0 4 mstantI3,
lair. It
U. •
4-.'..andruf4' is removed.
.And the ori gin a
color of early life 1,..;
.sored to faded ox
ay ha ir. This is
Always the case.
$1.00 a laatille. 411 druggi; te,
"1 liave tiatd, aavevai Hair
• , 2 ma really aatoutilwit a. +tat
• - it hal done licapitay iny
;a from comirer wt. it ti•
• t eras tale fetal. :Ind 1
: .11 s,sosinee te rrecuancrel it to
taa Irtaude."
Menarin Kota.
. nearliesneueN.C.
It aco 'la not rtaa:n all Oa, ber.cfaa
95 en `M?.41 Dem the use t lie UAL.
ger. vilic the Maar abuit 0,
sire J. D. leavt Maas.
eriand Imes CO. LTD,
Apply to
E. Co Kessel,
Meat Market
The under.si led has opened up a
uew meat market one door
CIA 11Cr:11-.4 tior&
where he will keep the choicest of
•neats constantly ou hand.
A CATI g. -C1.1( ITEI)
the Best
Ignore th Rest
in the end you wig find
it cheapest. Furnish that va,
cant room with one of our
Bed Room Setts, Tables
Chairs, Etc,
OIVEIMEG 1116F-00,
We have it, you waut,t.
a look. at our full hue of
'MEE aud von Wil!
find What you are laking for
Opera lIcuse Mod:.
Meestet Mathieson alcIaulzen, svoll
&mores base. qnite an experience
putting down a well ott the faxen of
Thos. Hanson, of Fellarten. They puts
down -a hole to the deatb of 23.a when
the tools got fast, and had to be aban-
doned. A eecond hale was mink to tt
depth of 163 feet, when more tools
were lost. They are now working .on
a 'third well and expect to beta to eta
It to a depth of a about ::00 feet.
When Travelli
Always take with you a bottle of Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Straw-
The change of food
and water to wbich
flume who travel are
subject, often pro-
duces an attack of
diarrlitea, which is as
enpleasant and ells -
comforting ae it may
be dangerous.
A bottle of Dr.
Fowler's Extract of
'Wild Strawberry in
your grip is a guaran-
tee of safety.
On the first indi-
cation of Cramps,
Colic, Diarrhcea or
Dysentery, a few
doses will promptly
check the further ad-
vance of these dis-
As Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry is being -widely and shamelessly
imitated, your safety lies in seeing that the
full name 15 00 every bottle you buy.
amstantly pursues a man
it is easy enough of solution,
though when you are able to
avail yourself of our offer. We
are showing a fine range of
Black Worated
dans and clays (bought 'before
the heavy advance in price
and selling at the old prices.)
Nice suits for $14 in fancy
worsted suiting. We show et
big range at moderate prices
in Seocoh and Canadian tweeds
we eau a large and well as-
sorted stock. PriPes to suit
all. A. large stock of the lat-
est goods voa ocrefor singt
from $10 up.
what we can do for you.
J. H. Grieve.,
A Dressmakers Duties
Are Such as to Cause Backache •
A Toronto Dressmaker has Found a -
Positive Cure and G.actly Tells
About it. • -
Those who follow
the arduous occu-
petion of dress.
eet,„ making or sewing
hir4 troubles of
their own.
"Snn nsene- 1: u eniug aewing
gi iovair
is that requires
t I. e t.,4rt etcstof care,
these anetbe things:
Butt have made
1115217 15 woman
exelaina " ever y
• time.' take a, stitch
• with my needle -
seems as though 1 ana piercing my ow -n
headache,Bckl ti thOpsaei nWi nl a othseusf fiedre ofrromanybdaceltraanclgtee:
meth of the kidneys will be glad to know
that there is ss remedy that never fails even
in the worst cases.
It is Doan's Kidney Pills.
MM. P. Coylor, the Well-known dress....•
maker, 224 •liathurst St., Toronto, Ont.,
gave the following statement of her experi-
ence with it :
"For some time I suffered a good deal'
from weak back, SI tired feeling, and pains -
and nohea in various parts of my body.
Since 1 have used Doan' s Kidney Pills the
pains have left me, my back has got stronger
and thekidney troubles have been corrected.
"That tired; dull, drowsy feeling that used
to chine on me has now gone, and I am happy
tporess4eYnti21plave not felt sO 10 Yoar3 as at'-
tidney Pillsiuro backache, lame -
or weak back, Bright's disease, diabetes,
dropsy,mist before the eyes, lose of menaora
mntgravel and urinary trots • :1)10E4,ot'
young or old. The Doan lilting Pill Coq,
Al)OUT . . .
Dr. Ward's—
Blood and Nerve Pills
No remedy ever introduced in
Canada has gained so many words of
praise from sufferers all over the coun-
tr, as these thoraaughly effective pills.
• Because theypositively cure all dis.
eases brought on by impoverished
blood,. such as heart trouble, nena
onsness, rheumatism, dyspepsia., etc,
Because they induce sotind, healthy
sleep, and restore VIM, VIGOUla,
and VITALITY to the body,
Bec,ause their use enables the
system to successfully resist attacks
eef dolds and the inseparable re-
sults, viz., aing and kidney troubles.,
a fact Of especial importance at this
season of the year.
Cherukts, 50 cents irir box. Aye boxes $2.00. All drugglat,s,
Toronto. or Sam William, k Co., Toronto, OM,
sot. and $1:06; all dniggist.