HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-9-6, Page 2MISR ADVANCE. Buller Captures Bergenald After Severe Hand-to=liand=Fighting. deepazee. from Leudon, says:-Tbe nee expeem that peace will be established ie a few weeks, although ther.e /eau inerease ie guerilla warfare in the Orange River Ceionowith the reaopearance Gen. De We ar brem commendaee are guttering at aekel axed General Hallerte capture of Berge*. dal wee ftnlowed by two days of severe lighting.. The Rears determinolly beld thelr gra-attn. Twe htnatired Rand .o - alt reekae wpe,Ood reqeired a b:o.rebartintena wite ditenail later '4 eborge by the Rifle ow:de eteneel. them to 1,ocate. Tioir ezzantendaet, nutted Mottetien- leen, v.as taheu prEemter. tIte .iteers contitette to hold nositiens eenth et the reinvey at Belfast. On Okeeday too heave gotta shelled the Britteit, veztettening their transport I4 retire. Gertorel French, le advancing slowly alone, tbe uorth parallel with Geraeral Beer. %Ilene General Boberts le awai tug developmente the centre. 1.011D ROBERTS' DES3ATC1i. Lod Roberts reporta from inel- fast. as fel/owe:- "Our loorements are elow ea ac- count of the extent and neture of the country. Today we wade a eatiefactory advaece, and met with decided suceeee. The wort; fe 1 e tireOy IN4 Belners treope aud resul ed -41 the eepture Bergential, a very etroug peeitioe owe canes north, west of Detananutlaa. 9 me! Beller at 13,rgentlel abort- ly efter it was reaelae,3 by our troops., 1 am Wad to fitel the oreueetion ceez !es than wee feered, on aceoun o2 tne approech teeing across an open glacie for et00) or 3.039 yards, awl the determine.] stated of the eteenae. The lenastttlingsaul Seeusut RiEleIii Ude forme! th at to- king perky. The latter eteffered meet. "I hope the casualties do nut exe oed fifty Fr elety. One officer was killed and two were wounded. A. ALMOST ANOTHER DISASTER Close Call Near Scene of Wreck of' Scotsman. A cleseotelt from St. John's Nfld.. ears -Dr. ttrenfell. superintendent of the, Deep Foe Mission to Labrador Fishermen, whit arrived here to -day reports that e large four -masted; tranteAttentic paesenger steamer marrow ly e.scaped becoming a total oteek ina fog in the Straits of Ilene lek within a few miles of the point where the British steamer :4'eatstnan was Wked Ftquember 23 test. good many Beers were killed, aud a pom-pom, queckefiring gem, was captured. "Inrenele advenced an the lett to Swarteleopjes on be Lyeleuburg road and prepared the way tor the meee- meot et Pole-Carew's division to- , morrow. "Baden-Powell reports that he oe- ; curled Nristroom witleout opposition. As the, country where he and Paget are operatiag is douse bush axed veldt it is net desira.ble at the present to preceed further north, an4 their treupe are retteratug to Pretoria." A despatch from Loudon saya :-The attempted British enveloping move- neent at Marhadoderp has apparently t not exzeceeded. atIl. Bettie bee gone north with the leydetthurg road open. Gu Freolth le nearest to Wne. with •better emehlats then be has bad bitb- erto Oa the canepaign, and tbere may be an excitiug pursuit. Tbe country difficult. aud fever is followlug the Botha claims to have 1e,009 whom 5,000..will fight until t Kruger is reported to be erLonev sacking to the rail- GE.Nt ERTS' DESPATCH. "I3uUev' edvauee occupied Mach - dodorp this afternoon. The enemy made a very or eland mad eetireel rorthward, follov.ed by Teendonald's motented troops who could not pro - ed beyond Ilelvetia on acetnent tbe difficult nature of the tenantry and the enemy tokbeg me a position boo 'strong to lie dislodged by the sited *reeve. It appears thet Bul- er's eaeualties were very few. " French continued the mtweineut to -day ae far as Elandefontene from which be tuened the enemy out with rot difficulty. The latter retired very vapkUy leaving cooked food behind, General. Beller's casualties Aug- ust 7 were one officer and 18 men; oountled, seven officers and 57 mere.° nrE PURSUIT HOPELESS. ••••=•10 Cavalry Which Followed the Empress Has Returned. A despateh fram Rome says .-.Mar- quee Salvage Raggi. the Italian Min - aster to China. telegraphs from Pe- kin to the Minister of Foreign Affairs thatIichessian and Japanese eaval- try who were sent in pursuit of the nee-I:mg Empress Dowager have re- turned' to the capital. recognizing that Lt was impcssible to capture her. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. 7,•••••‘m St. Petersburg Despatch. Says They Have Been Begun. A despatch from London eays :-The Dtelly Telegraph prints a St. Peters- burg despatch saying that the Chin- ese Legation olaime to have received news that peace negotiations have cernraenced, and that a portion of the'. eJlied fame will leave Pekin for the meuth to ,clestroy completely the Towns of Boxers who have fled there. MAHON'5 LONG MARCH. of their dead were left on the field, One 'pern-pora was captured, The Perla Exposition may be pro - Inge d to Nofember 30. M. Gustave Cluseret, a famous mem- ber of dm Coramaine, LS dead at Tou- lon, The :United ,States Consul at Bean. - bey says, the faminedistress IS appal. ling. Cholera :is epreading. Took 12 Prisoners a Day for a ho e Month. IA despatch from Pretoria, says The force of Gen. Baden-Powell and Hiekrnan'e Mounted Infantry are hold- ing Warm Baths, 60 miles nerth of Pretoria. Gen Ian Hamilton and Col. 1Vlahlon bra arrived here with their troops. Oil. Mahon bad only two days' rest last. month, He made many long marches and took 12 prisoners a day on n average, In an ectioe yesterday near 14/fa.- ohs ciodorp the Boers lost heavily. Many DEMAND REDRESS. mamma* e man Papers Furl= Over Papal-. storm From South Africa. A eleepntele from Breraen, ova ;The ent ermine= of Gerraans from South .A.fritee makes the press furious. Denutnels fox Foreign Minister von Buelowee protection and investigation i are mode on all sides. The Hanover Ceeerier stye tbat if England can - net furreleh evidenee that the sus- , pleion. leading th the expulsion of the tt Germens was well founded she elenalt1 be made to take tb e coneequeni ves. The Weser Zeitung and Koine oche Zettung take the saran pesition, forgetting that Germany is almost weekly expelling American citizens witji little or no valid excuse. It is by no means impossiblet how - ver, that Germany will demand an explanation from Entgland. GERMANS WILL ENTER PROTEST. A despatch from Berlin says :-The Foreign. Office confirm" the news to the effect that a German deoutation from tbe Transvaal will be received. and. listened to. It was stated yester- day that the complaints of the depu- tation will receive careful attention and investigation. LONG GUERILLA WARFARE. Premier of Cape Colony Unable to Predict Early Peace. A despatch from Cape Town says : - Sir John Gordon Sprigg Premier of Cape Colony stead in Parliament yes- terday that he felt unable to _predict eessation of 'hostilities between England and the Transvaal for some tame to come. Ile feared that the guerilla warfare would drag along for a considerable period since tbe con- ditions in South Africa are wholly un- like those ot Europe. PLAGUE AT GLASGOW. Two Girls and A Boy Pall Victims to the Disease. .A. despatch from Glasgow says: - Two girls and a boy, members of isolated fa.railie,s, have fallen .victims to the bubonic plague. The medical authorities assert that tbe attacks sire leee virulent than in eatsee -wttich have already proved fatal. ALL WERE 1VIASSACRED. Treaeheey of Yu, the Governor of Shenk. A despatch from Che,foo, says: -Yu, Governor of Shenei, is reported to have invited the foreigners in the pro- vinee to come to has protection. About August 21 fifty accepted the invita- tion, and all were naassaored. .1llRKET.8 OF. TER W.G111.1.D nriees of Cattle, Cheese, *Wen See. in the Leading ltiarketS, TORONTO STREET MORKET. Teronto Sept, 40-011 the street te- clay there were sold two hundred bush- els Ot white wheat at 69 1-2 to 70o Per btoollei 300 of red wheat at 70e per labshel, e00 of new. eats at 20 to. 80c per beeehel, and 100 bushels of old oats at 34e, per heeled; twenty-five loads ot hay sold at from 311 to 312.50 per ton, and one load tof straw sold for 810.50, Wheat white, straigbt $0.69 1-2 30.70 Wheat. red. , . MO 0.70 ti heat. goose.- , 0.00 0.681-'2, Wheat, spring. , 0.00 0.73 Oats, old. . 0.00 0.3t Oats. onting- 0.29 0.30 0.59 1-O Barley. , . 0.42. 0.421-2 Hay, old, per ton .„, OT.00 12$0 Ran, new, per ton. .11.60 12.50 Straw, per ton. . 0.00 10.50 Dreesed begs. 7.75 3.00 33uttere an lb. rolls, . 0 18 0.19 Eggs, nent laich . 0.13 0.14. Chickens, per pair. 0.50 0.80 Turkees. per lb. . 0.11 0.11 Decks. etich, 0.80 0.40 Potatoee, per bu1.. 0,20 0.30 Beef. hindquarters. 7.00 8.00 Beef, forequarters. , 4.60 5.50 Beef. carcase. . 0.50 7.50 Menton. . . . 5,00 7.00 Lomb, epriuo, per lb. 0.12 Quatations foe p000teions are as fol.. lewat-Dry gaited slyrulders, 7 to '7 1-2e.; long clear bacon, oar lots, 8 1,-2e; ton lots, 83-4e; ease lots, Qe; shert out perk, 31,3.50 to p9;. heia.r1 nT,ess, $16.50. qa.0/4.ed, mee,tise-aruns, UsaNY, 12o; rowitUnl,/ 1301.'144'4 13 1-20; breelefant beacon, 12 14 to layee pienio 10e; roll bevel; 10 1-2 to 11e; ernokeel hooka, 180. 411 meats met of pickle lo lees than prices rooted fox smoked meats. Lard -Tierces, 31-2e; tube, 83-4 to Pee pails. 9 to 9 1-4e, Buffale, Sept.. 4. -Spring wheat -No. 1 Northern, ear loade, 87 7-8c, Winter wheat -Red, 75e asked, white and mix- ed, 74 1-2 ti 74 3-4c. Oats-Firen, Not 2 wtote, 26e; No! 3,25e; No. 4 white, 240; No. 2euiteed, 23 3-44 bo 24e; It -o, 811xed. 23 1-2o. Oorn-Strong; 2yellow, to 45 1-4o; No. 3 eellow; 45 1-4e; No. 2 corn, 45e; No, 8 corn, 44 3-4e- BarlicY-r-- Ohio, malting, 44 to 46e. Bee-Noneineal- ly, 56e, Flour -Quiet. hut steady. Milwaukee, Sept. 4. -Wheat bigiter; Net 1Northern,. 77e; Not 2 Nerthern, 4 1-4 to 74 1-2e. Rye -Firm; No. 1, 5e.e. Barley -Firmer; No. 2, 51c; sample, 38 to 50e. Deluth, Sept. 4,-W/eat-No. 1 bard, oto 79 Uette; December, 79 7-8e; Nee 1. Aber% cook 77 54; ScitterobelO 77 DeoeMber. 77 7-8c; No. 2 North - n. 75 lege; epring, 71 8-4e. crorn--40) 8-8c. 0a-te-23 24e. 0.221-2 Detroit, Sept. 4.-W1eet Cloaed- No. 1 white, collo 76e; Me 2 red, '17 34e; September, 78 1e8c. • St. Louie, Sept, 4.-Wheet Ceeb, t , 71 3-40; Deeordher, 74 (11 Toledo, Sept. 4.-W2eat Ateguet • eand September, 77 14e; Ootober, 700; 1, December, 78 1-4e* Cern-No. 2 cosh, I RIDES, SEWS AND wooL. Ride market is quiet, but steady Calfskitle are still Weak, Mich deiug, and lambskins 3teady an fairly active, with offerings better Tallow is steady. The market for woo is slow and featureless. Offerings free ters are cautious buyers. ee-local dealers quote green roont. 72-2*; and *deers. 8a; cured. ge Vnuntry hides are quoted at 1-2* lees. Shoepens-ileelers goote from 31.25 tee $1,40. Spring lenette-Deale ers are peyote; 43 'to 55e. Calfsktze-Unehangtel at ge foe Noe 1, ate) 70 for No. 2. Tallew-leval dealers are offeringl 41-2 to 48-4*, and aektreg 5 to 51-4*. Wools -Fleece, 16c offered here, with helders intountry asking' 2 to ao higher, ear lots; pulled, extra, 20 to ; and Repave 18 to 19o. 42 1-8o, Septmber, 24 1-4o, Bye -No. 2caeli, 51 1-2o. Clovereeed 1898, 1899, 30.22' 1-2; Oetiaber, 4 80.60; No. 2 35,35. THE FRUIT MARKET. Toronto. Sept. 4. -The wholesale market was somewhat dull to -day. There was a brie& movement in peaches, and prices declined a little in, consequence. Quotations range Velment-Pears, 20 to 40e per leas - et ; tomitoee, 10 to 13* per basket; cucumbers, 10 to 15* per basket; ant - plea, 10 to 20* per basket; apples, choice, per Ixtrrel, 31 to 31.50; green corn, 3 to 3* per dozen; potatoes 30 to 35e per bu.sthe Cenadian peacbes, 5 to 400 par basket; choice peaches, 50 tell 75z par beekett Lawton berries, 6 to 8* per besket; plume, 25 to 300; muskraelene, 15 to 20e per basket, ant 35 to 50e per ease; celery, 35 to 40o per dozen; huckleberries, 75 to 90e per beek.et; Southern. grapes, 31.50 to 31.75 par crate; Can.adlen champions, 15 to 20c; Moorees early, 30 tto 350; and bananas, 31.25 to 32 per bunch. --- PRODUCE. Eggs -The deliveries to -day were free, and the merket easy at 12 to 13c for choice. No. 2 hot weather, eggs sell at 9 to 10e. Dealers here are buying choice eggs at 11e, 'de- livered. Potatoes -The market is easy, and street offerings very liberal. Market is well ouppl-ied and lower prices are Looked for. Dealers are buying here at about 25c per bushel and sell out of store at aboialc 30 to 35c per bushel. Beians-Cheiee hand-picked beans are worth from 41 7./ to 31.7. Honey -Good honey meets with active sale. Dealers are paying 6 to 7c, outside. Dealese quote from 8 to 9c per lb, for 5, 10, or 60 -lb tine. Comb honey sells here at $1.50 to 31.75 pet dozen sections. Baled hay -Buyers and sellers apart in their ideas, and very little is sell- ing. No. 1 timothy wi,11 bring 48.75 to go, crateid,e. Baled hay -Car lets are quoted at $5 to 45.50, on track. Hops---Ratja,e.r slow. Sell at about 13 to 14e for Canada, '99's. DAIRY MARKETS. Butter--Chotice dairy butter is a little scarce, and values firm. The de- liveries of emoted quality are more tree than dealers like. Creamery butter le active. Dealers were selling to retaillers to -clay as follows. - Dairy, tabs, 18 to 19c for choice; 15 to 16e for second quality, small dairy Ib prints, 19 to 20c; orea,mery, tubs and boxes, 20 to 22c; lbs, 22 to 23e. THE CHEESE MA.RKETS. Woodistook, Ont., Sep. 4. --At the re- gulair meeting of the local Cheese Bogerkl,'beld here, there were 19 Lac- toriett offered 3,677 boxes of cheese, 1,769 white and 1,908 coloured. The sales were 790 at 10 3-4. The sales- men are geeteng alarmed owing to the hot weather. DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Peovisione active and firm. Lard scaane. Smoked meats in tight supply here in some lineS. Dressed hews firm, At farmers' waggons choice will bring 37.50 to e8, aceoreing to cruality. for butctii,ers' use. NAMELESS ATROCIT tallS of the Beller Of Pekin Arriving. A ele,spatele 'from London eayte-Ace counts from Polein describe the wild etettruettatn which manlool the meeting between the besieged Xcxeignera and their relievers. `Me menand women cheered andebook bands with the aft- ettos. Feltner% comp followers -in fact ybody wbo aotonapanied the Once. Thefoodeapply had not failed, though the people in the Legations bad to eat horseflesh. The Tsung-lintramen promised to supply them with food, but only sent a few melons. When eked for fresh meat, the Obinese of - Betels replied tbat a state of war existed, and, it wee, tberefore, ine- poesible to grant the request. The Chtneee pushed their attacks fiendishly. Placards ' were posted througlt tut the (ay (teetering th et the foreigners must be exterminated in five days. It was only tbe towardice of the ChInese, who feared to meet the foreiguers in a hand-to-hand fight, which poevented their auccess. The. body of Bevan von Ketteler, thdi German. Minister, was found in a reetive coffin, under a beep of sand lase to the spot where he, was mur- dered, showing that the Tsung-li- Yaments story that it had blame earee fully deposited in. a house was false. One of the worst things was the checking desecration of the foreign eemetery out-4de the west wall. The details are too revolting for publica- tion. Every day details of Chinese atrocities accumulate, showing 'fleet only the severest pu.nishraent that will be felt by the whole people will be adequate. /The consensus ol opine iota is that unless the Imperial city is razed and the palace destroyed, the Chin.ese are likely to interpret the forbearnee of the allies as weakness. 30 PLOTTERS BEHEADED. They Were Armed With Old Illuzzle Loaders and Policeman's Whistle. A &Spate& from 11011:11.1011, eays :- It is reported iax Shanghai that Vice- roy Chang -dial -Tung has executed thirty reformers who were plotting to learn the city of Hankow. They each had an old mozzle-Ioadiog gun and three hundred policemen's whist- les. A few thousand placards which they had prepared were seized. FIGHTING AT BRANDWATER. Oen. Rundle Takes Some Prisoners and 700 Head of Cattle. et. despatch front, London, says Lord Roberts cables the War Office, as folio . "General Rundle rep,owes that he made a reconnaiezanee in the Brand - water basin on August 26, and suffer- ed Sable casualties. One Rocr.was kill- ed and 17 were captured, He also se- cured 700 head of cattlie." There have been 171 commercial fail- ures in the United States this week, 163 a year ago. Nome, Alaska, has been swept+. by a terrific storna over 100 steamers and barges being wrecked and many lives lost. The "Montreal flyer" on the Boston and Maine, ran intrea working train near Fitchburg yesterday. Engineer Hughes was killed. , 1500 CIIINESE WERE SLAIN. Another Fierce Battle at Tchchou in Which Allies Were Successful. A eleeneatele iron London, says:- Tltet Jawag gong correspenelent of the nollY Telegraele Says tbat Japan created the diglabed situation at Amoy Wale the pareoee of aggressien, A Japanese cruiser quickly landed Meta at Kulangsen tool Amoy, big that the Japaeeee subeeote there required proteetion. These subjeets belong to the Chinese criminal elaSeeS, who escape justice and register'ene Fern:eau as Japanese. It is reported from Shenghan (.bat the allies won a vietory nt Telechoo and that Prime Texan was killed in the battle. The Chinese lose was 1.- 500 men The Japanese _drove the xe- maioder of the eeezny into Chili. It is reported that Li-Efung-Oilang, finding the allies obdurate, has sent to the Dowager Empress a memorial to be elenvetred whenever elle le lowed, esleing her to appoiot Prince Ching - Lung -Tu, Prince ChaneChi-Toug, and Vioany blelewang joint peacemakers to treat with the pcovers. -rn adieu. Dragoons, according tea mill - N tars general order issued at Ottawa yeeterday, Mr. Daniel Perth proprietor of the Theatre Fret:teats at Montreal, IS ening Mr. W. E. Phillips, leseee, to 330,000 for alleged stagelesenees in allowing the buildiuo to be burned. Joshua Baega, at U.ohtreal from Barbadom, West Indies. says Canada consumes abaut half et the sugar eane erop of Barbadoee. Re impel a retnra trade will be built up, The Deportment of Joetice loto ask- ed for the evidence of outside doctere upon the physical eondition of aamee Baxtor of Bank Ville Marie faraenow confined in the hospital at St. Vincent : de Paul Peniteatiaxy. A ease of anthrax bacillus: caught from 4 eigur. has caused a sensation in medical oireles in Berlin. A belated despateli frown Pekin, dat. ed .&tigost 14, SaySir Claude Mac- . &amid, the British Minister, is ill. The British steamer Indra, from Passtiroang for the United States, is a wreck off Cape Guardafai. Northern Africa. Meat ef the crew were res- cued. Newsy Items About Ourselves and Our Noighboro-Somothing of Tittered Ivory 94firm ter of the Globe,. 0.A.NADA. DU.riag jelly 7,040 acme of attito be lands were sold for 318„048. Auotleter inventliary fire occurred. at Brockville last night. An allesged clergyman named RPSO UndeM arrest at Brandon, Man. George Bollook, Injured in a "a" away accident near Guelph, is dead. The body of Bobert Weaw, drowne tell:uret Wucineegipeeig,4,,Ima eweblel-eiceencoreevuovieirile. rld ilton citizen, is dead there, aged 95. The eteareer Drie is at Verb Town - *end witle a ton of gold from l'AVWSQ11. Over 7,990 ,ereate and daughters of Scotland met at Belleville on Friday. Buninoss failures in Valletta tide we number 29, againet 19 laet ear. omoc.o.F.rin.ixo 0.4t, Fclreuerbecez. et•aeentneerdrya.ylowdeet.rooy30e.d john Fliok was killed by a fall from a load ef ha at Cainsville, nea Brnutford. The Le Boy mine at Reettlawl wil have a now motor axed hetet to vos 329,000; I Johan Ilannu, a Swede, is said to rnnrdtrs in Stockholm, and, altar serving twelve years in prison, was deported from that country. Hanna boarded the steamer Assyrian, but an her arrival b at Halifax last night was prevented t: from landing by Dominion officers. GREAT BRITAIN. Mir. J. Kew of St. Catinerinee we found deo.d 1. hie bedroom at an Ot tawa hotel. Cool dealers front many .pointa in Ontario met at Brantford to form protective association. lirockville'e firebug is thought to be a one -eyed. etonenrason named Riche of St. Albans Vt. now in jail. Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the arrival of the first, expedition. at. Port Garry, now Winnipeg. Chiefly for lack of sbipping facill- ties, Montreal is behind last year's ree coed in. tbe export of grain. Gunner Meter, a deserter of ".A." Buttery, Kingston, has been sentenced to. 84 days in jail et hard labor. All the members a the Northwest Mounted Polite on service in 1885 will receive the Northwest medal. All the new railway lines under con- etrtietion p3.- the C. P. R„ in the Northwest will be operated this fall, Three striking brass finishers at Hamilton are tender arrest, for "watching and besetting"' the works. • letr. Henry indeca_on of Belfountain 'was killed in a quarry at Credit lurks by the earth caving in upon him. Mr. John Flick, near Cainsville, was fatally injured by slipping off a load of straw on a piece of machinery in his barn. Mrs. Felix. Labelle of Montreal was burnecno death at her eummer resi- dence at Ste. li.ose by the upsetting of 3 At the meeting of the bar iron as- sociation at Birminghain, Eng., the high price or iron was attributed to the action of English coal miners. a J Dr. Clarke, Radical M.P. for Caith- ness, wile wrote a letter IX? Zrnger before the outbreak of the war, is eozderancel by the British papers, irre- )ective of party. Last evening he Was mobbed by his constituents, and was only saved from a worse fate by one bis supporters, who held the furious crowd at bay with a revolver. UNITED STATES. a lamp. Meade Shaw, adopted daughter of John Forbes, Star Lake, fell from a hay lift and fractured her skull. She died in, great pain. Prof. Hopkins, Of Illinois, Prof. Smith, of Kent, Eng., and other not- ed scientists are visiting the experi- mental farm at Ottawa. A party qf the deeoendants of the poet Longfellow had Hiawatha play- ed for them by the Ojibway Indians neat: Vesbarats, Ont., recently. Over 8600,000 in gold arrived the other day at Port Townsend, Wash., &era the Yukon. Wme Keenan, ef New York deal and seriously wound- ed Angus McDonald, 01 Davveon, on the steamer, while on route, The New England Real Estate Com- pany refused to sell Rev. R. "Hatchett of Hamilton a lot at Union Park an account of hie bein,g colored. Mr. George Bullack of 13ullock's Corners, the young farmer who was injured in a _runaway accident on his way to Guelph, died from tile injuries. Laneee0orporal Rae, of Oshawa, one. 9,f the fisret invalided home from South Africa has been _appointed in the Civil Service Department at Ot- tawa. Dr: and Nix's. Maleelm are at Galt from China. The, doctor hae filed a claim. for O1,000 for the loss he sus- tained. Nei the r 6uffered person al injury. The Canadian Mounted Rifles will n future be designated Royal Can- The Sun Jose settle has appeared at Brooklyn, N.Y. G.A.R. veterans tendered a recep- tion to President McKinley at Chicago Monday. PRISON FOR LIFE. Bresci, theAssassin of King Humbert, Sentenced. A deSpatob* from Milan, says: -The trial of Idresei, the bnarthist who shot and killed Xing (Humbert of Italy, opened here. An immense oroved• of people gathered about the oourt from early morning seeking admission to tbe outlet -room, where only a few plates were reserved for the ticket - holding public. 5re.sei sat in the dock, calro, a,nd al- most indifferent. He calmed, Sigaor Martell', head ot tine Milan bar, and the Amerchiet writer, Signor Merlin°, made requests on various grounds for an adjournment, which' were refused, wa.s said that Bresci had written to- the judges declaring he wiould not reply eo tea interrogatory. Soldiersand gentle rua es were plentifully stationed about the court, While the indictment, wbich Wail; very long, was being ,read, Breed warned the faces of the audience without any sign of fear or effrontery. The indictment showed that the as - 'n lsad indulged in incessant tar- get practice and that hie had prepar- ed bullets so as to -render them more dangerotte, The witnesses were then introduced. ' There were, eleven for the ipreeeettlian ,and five fee the defence. The examiaation of Breeci followed. !He declared he had decided, to kill King Humbert after the events in Milan and Sicily "to avenge the mis- I ery of bhe people and my town" Ile added :-"f acted without advice Orr accomplice.'' Ewes& was pronounced guilty, and sem Len° ed to Lino ris onm clat far life. 1Nritth absolute indifference Bresci received the verdict, and vvas led away bo his cell, where, hencefOrth, he will see no one and hear no one; not even hie ga oler. Not,willstia riding .13is stateMent in the cloinse of his examination that he h,ad no el a i ions wi th Anarchists Nvhen he idriiiltid he te'eeived ,iso hre at Genoa from Paterso N J • ' • ALLIES AGAIN FIGHTIN“ They itaVe Taken tbe District * of Pekin. A despatch frera London. says: -Tb allies, resumieg aggreseive operatiout have taken the distriet west of Pekin, This statement, based on Chinese ate, therity, is eahled freen Shanghai. Fron: the settee lape comes the furthez statement that Li-Hen:IR-0mpg hat wired the Empress Dowager at Retell- fo, recpae.sting the arrest of Prince Town and the ditearnmeneot et toe Boxers, in order teo give him 44 open. ing for negotiating with the powers. The illuntintetious projected at Shang - hal in celebratioa of the relik of Pe- kin, have been abandoned, leist they. sbould cause a native outbreak, Shanghai advices to tlae Daily News say that Consular opinion there looks on tbe- action in landing troops at Amoy, despite the protest e of the Coro sells, as similar to that of Russia at New Chwang, the whole indicating a tendeuey to the partition of the Fee., pire. "Russian put -nets, agree." says tbe lileSCOW correspondent qe the Stan.% der& "tied it is leapoeeible to deal with China in the spirit of revenge as euggeeted by Emperor William, They believe that metnocie less (Irate tie Pan better accomplish the elide of Russia in Mancheria. The question would be satiefaetorily nettled to RIM:, Sian minds by the seizure of the north- ern provinces." ALL DE WET'S WAGGONS. Together IWO, Three enn 'Frairt3 Captured, A despatch from Pretoria, says; - General De Wet has been prevented from joi-aing hs ((woes with those of General In,tlea. General Baelea-Powell has headed off and vaptured all his waggons. The Boom are reported to be la con- , siderable numbers and forming eon.- mandoes at Ikaittentatrg and the Western distxlet,s, but they are said to. be short of arras anti ammunition. Generals Paget and Baden -rowel, attacked the forces of General De Saturday, and released 100 Britt prisonere. They captured 50 and took three gun trains. The Boors a.reasetreating to orth. The British garrison at flanks a was confronted by a Doer for w.ho commanded them to surrender The go:relent:I declined, *ad. the Beet failed to attack. The deraa.nd is b lieved to have been a ruse, tia.r.oe Commandant De Wet's return to t Orange River Colony,. WILL REMAIN IN PEKIN. .11••••••11. Foreign Ministers Not to Leave the Capital, A despateh from Laudon, says: -It is semi -officially stated that the Mini- te.rs will remain in Pekin. The Ohin- e.se Arabaseader is constantly visit- ing the Foreign Office and vainly en- deavouring to induce the Government lo accept Li-Hung-Chaegas mediation. He declares that all the prox statesmen have been murdered except BLACK FLAGS MARCH NORTH Devastating 'Villages on. Their W --Disorder in South Continues. A. despatch from Hong Kong says: -Outrages in the southern provinces continue. The Cbristian station at Yungtak was destroyed on Aug, 21, and the native Christians were made prisoners and tortured. The mob de- manded a ransom of 214 tales for oath prisoner. Several English-speaking na- tives who were prisouers were behead- ed because the ransom wasnot forth- coming. The Black Flags are marelcing on Pekin, and are devastating the dis- tricts on -their way. Li-Huing-Cha n g. ANIMAL uDDITIES. Among the animals of Australia species of hog not much larger th rat. Bumblebees, butterflies and beetles habitual drunkards. In some southern states these insects orig certain plants, drink heartily from blossoms and fall to the ground stupefied: .W Rats have exterminated a colony of 48 prairie dogs in Lincoln park, Chicago. At least their disappearance is thus explain- ed by the keepers, who found 48 eleaele tragedy. Tho mute evelenee of the The sea horse alone, with one other ex- isting fish, the gar pike of our western rivers, possesses the power Ilhich was common t� n3any of the older fishes, that of turning its head independently of itS body. 'The sea horse can al.V.,* turn its eyes in almost kny direction. EXCLUSION. The Chinese etnbassaclor does not like the _spirit ill WhICIl Commissioner ,Pow- derly approaches llic atimistration of the provisions of the act. What \VII Ting Fang, really tvairts is an exclusieal esettxhai that idnoeers not exclude, . -San Jfrujcs oE Our treaties with Japan must be. so modified as to aainit of a japahee ex- clusion act similar to that by whiCis Chinese are excludc.ch The of the treaty with China SO t.1.8 to POP' mit the Chinese exclusiou leet furnishes a precedent nor action, in this case. -San Francisco Call.