Exeter Times, 1900-9-6, Page 1TWENTY—EIGIITII YEAR NO, 3.
Anothi: chancc
We have still, saltie Summer goods left that will be cleared this week to snake room for
our Vali stock. These will go at extremely low prices. We list a few below.
7e Ladies' Vests for
121e Ladies' Vests for
15C Ladies' Vests for
DA Not Miss Tills
99e Oxford Shoes
Regular Price $1.50, $1.25.
Men's Rose, Fast Black
A Snap 3 for
'chose MUSLIM, and GINGIIA, Sat 9e. They are going rapidly.
to be missed,
chance 11
Remnants of Gingham Prints' &c><
T.S t nd :ataxy Public, CAnvey
andu livrla, .
er, Cowmiseioner, Fire Insurance agent
andIssercrga MarriageLicenses. Legaldocu-
rsents ea of ^ a drawn at reasonable rates.
Money to lode M a real estate atlow rates of in-
terest, Office at. the Post ofUce, Hensall,
Apple Parers
n ,
(Late with (lama* Proudfoott Barrister.
Solicitor. Rotary Public. Bensall, Ont.
Ta• A, Sellery, L. D. S., D. D. S.. onor Grade.-
ate of Termite University, Dentists. Teeth
extract -ed without ain or bad effects. Office
in Petty's Block, gensall, At Zurich every
on ay,00mencue
Jul and An-
gaet we will give one Ice Cream ticket
o a^ purchase,
SIIT a hies, O„ cora
]... 0 SON
G4, 8TANBUItr, Il. d., EXITER, ONT.
• a h et e Osier Co., Termen
t1., kor,xi tt c na'thY,
tea Barrister. Couvoynueer, Natery. Money
to loan. ()Ricci formerlyy oCCnpied by ColUns
etanbury over O'Nells 1 ank.
Borers.—Wm. 1V`ortheott bas sold
his grazing farm on the 4th concession
to a Mr. Gardner, of Fceter.—Wm.
Garrick, of Hamilton, who has been
visiting relatives in this vicinity for
some time, returned borne on friday
;test,—Wm. Warren jr., has purchased
a wheel. -.-Roger Northcott went on
the excursion to the Northwest on
Tuesday of last week. We wish him
nsafe return...W, H. Johnston, who
alas successfully taught school here for
a great many years, has secured a
better position, and intends leaving
leaving these parts shortly. We are
sorry to lose efe. Johnston and family
from our midst, but wish btu]. every
.success in his new field of labor. ,Mr.
Geddes, of London, is visiting .friends
here at present..
Uentralta n.
Sr. Joseph.
�`'` .Bnxnrs.--Fi111 wheat seeding is now
NO wasFreels caused. Preis—St.Great Jos excite- • the order Jet the day and by the rush
other y yat g Joseph the that is on it will be ell sown in a few
seem day be thereat force, oil, i g days.—Quite a number attended the
severed tot intin a air,r five
men, Epwnrth League honey and bun social
several feet the taking five P
with good cool heads all their time to on Monday evening, and report a first
brio it ander subjection. The horse class sticking time. --John Heywood
that was witness to this affair seems to
have been struck in the shoulder by
turpentine end he at once gave the
by-st'auders such a sample of a sand
jig that has been seldom. seen at the
striking of oil.
St Marys
't x io
rateof a at ix
• � — , Mary's
BI;vIDI+'.. St M
will be 21 mills tine year, That town
just inaugurated a systema of water-
harks which cost $40,000 to be paid by
debentures extendin; over 30 years,
The syeteiu is up-to-date "and well
founded. The water is raised from
three aah tesian wells and forced
throughout. the entire town, and into
a tank 80 feet high for fire protection.
There are already nearly 2.00 takers
land the promoters. estimate that the
scheme will not only be self-sustaining
estni t,
•a iu inv en
i paying g
W. E. Kidd, Seafortb, left to take a
position on the Central Vermont Rail- I
0. Donaldson, of the Bronson line
Stanley,bad two horses killed bylight-'
ning during the storm of Sunday even 1
M. Stumpf, of Millway Ikis ren
the farm of the late Dun A fun range of simmer ;odds in -
demand, hear Zurich, for four eluding fancy insertions so much u
years, i demand,
G Sunamlet who bas been con-"
i d n>; 11itiY30th .SG Joseph has sold out lata stock and piece range � i
000L.—During Y
. free'''.
who bas been suffering for some btime
with every S Il t pu cli C II 11 1from gangrene in the foot, had the l
Fin .-..Saturday about noon, Welk- diseased member amputated on Satin.-
atur I.t, IS NGT. ENQDGII.- �`Thnt }y
BRIE ,. ,Miss Jennie Steinie, teach- i er'a} flutter factory at this place was day, 4 do a tt;eb°° as others
ei• at School No, 3, Haw, has been re
destroyed byAre, including as fair . Clintonwill be without its custom-!` 'U EN CTIr.
for next sear at ti large in- stock
yi, 1 01 R AIM IS T
engaged p; stoc?� of butter, together with file , ary fall fair this year, as the Huron
crease of salary, Miss Sinillie will at-
ducting a, blacksruithing business a7 ENGLISH PRINTS.A full a and COM.-
r e of DRY GOODS'
P o our CROCER�a STOC3
ears, removingeoanu ntrf s a Ass
c' R &
a.n al
'ne l
t in ever•1x y
Mrs. Duncan McCallum, of .Se;aforth, � in reple e y ,
Blunts.. ,Miss Fyfe, of Manitoba, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Nei1...H.
Anderson has bis barn about comi�let-
ed...Peter Whitlock has erected an
apple evatipor..atoe on his property. We
may expect busy tithes in our burg, as
a great many hands are usually em-
ployed in such an institution.
Hired. help wilinowbe in greatdemand.
We wisb Peter success.. , Geo. Coward,
while threshing for Jan Bell the other
day narrowly escaped losing his separ-
BnllLt s.— Elfja1. Co1w•i has
parr• ator. They were engaged. threshing
,chased the store of Mr. Bunt and also peas in the - ee']d, and being short of
his brick dwelling opposite the cream -
had decided to burn the straw
ery. Elijah intends in the near future as it came from the carriers. Things
to open up a general store, and his went well only for a few moments
many friends wish him every success. when the carriers caught fire, and it
—Miss Flora Lane who has been here was with difficulty that the machine
;for the summer the guest of Mrs. was saved.
Philip Lane, returned home to St.
Marys Saturday.—The fall wheat seed-
ing is nearly through in this vicinity
.and the threshing machine is busily
buzzing in around here, Miss Grace
and Lillian Salton left Monday for St.
Thomas to attend college another.
term.—Mrs. Gibson, of London, spent
a few days here the guest of Mrs. John
,Essery.-John Ppm, of St. Marys,
•spent Sunday here with his parents.—
Autumn has opened upon us nice and
:cool, and summer has come and gone
with its many charming features.
teed the 'rewriter Normal School this
fall, lher trustees having allowed her
to provide a suitable substitute...
J. D. Stewart and wife left here last
week. for Killarney, Manitoba... Mr,
Johnston, of St. Louis, Missouri, who
was in Hippen recently visiting his
sister, Mrs. Miller, and in Hensel'
spending a few day with relatives and
friends, has returned home to St.
Louis... W. R. Hodgins teas elected by
acclamation to 1111 the vacancy at the
Council Board, caused by the resigna-
tion. of James Beverley, who moved to
Exeter, the other two nominees haw-
ing withdrawn.:,Matt. Ellwood, of
Hensel', has purchased from Dr. Mac-
arthur, of London, one of Itansomest
ponies ever brought into this village.
—Rev. Mr, Deihl, of Aliso Craig, eta
changed duties with Rev. W. J. Do-
herty, of this place, andreached with
much acceptance in St. Paula church
Sunday evening, dispensing the sacra-
ment at the clow of the regular ser'
Vim—Schools reopened on Tuesday
last with a fair attendance. and all the
old teachers in charge.—Mr. and Mts. driver, climbed upon a load of gr,�axn
E. Rennie left Isere this week for Hanle
and covered himself tenth a blanket• a
thou and Toronto.—:)firs Constance it was raining slightly at the time.
Carroll-ivaas in Exeter this week visit The hired man in putting the fork W-
ing friends,—A, Materran has return- to the Load, drove eine of the tines
ed to Hensel' again, and is visiting his
sister, Mrs. James White. -Miss Nichol through the calf of the yo
; man
le;, causing s severe wound. The
of Londo% who hats been here for a Conservative Convention for South
machinery, The fire originated from
the smoke stack, and in a very short
time the bixilding:was a mass of flame,
It was wide diiliculty that his resit
dance was saved.. Mxs. Walker carried
lie dock of insurabutter was ce on the 'building
ul yi nsured..
The building caught fire only
a few days ago, and was after await
labor extinguished. We learn that
Mr. Walker will not rebuild.
1MM—e ,-m-Tohn P ncombe, of Tis•
borne, who has been ill for some time,
W11,3 able to do to town the other the
Central Agricultural Society leas so far;FU E D RIE-
xmade no arrangements for holding
; �
The other day awhile Mrs, W. C. i .tett t Ines of Farm Produee for trliieh'
Searle, of t'lintan, was standing on ,a: highest prices will be paid.
ladder, she fell and cut her nose, so se-
verely that it was necessary to call in
to sew upthe wound. 93 1> Ross*
a doctor
B..A Smillie, an old K ppen boy, is "
"'siting in Huron. Iz, milli , T. R. I. C,, e,Seafortb, teas very urt-
teas a most successful school teacher fortunate at the fire last week:. in lose
has abandoned. the profession and Is ing two valuable -horses. One was the
now studying medicine in .nn Arbor roan mare, which has stood mime' .t
College, Michigan. season's hard work, and the other',
Winghan Times.• -,Conductor Karl'.:- Tessio L. which bid tale to make a rep-
er, of South London happened to hear utatiou on the running track.
His massy friends hope for his speedy that it was proposed to build a new a ,an interesting event took plu ein St,
recovery. .T., A. Russell, of Toronto Methodist church in S'V'ingham, axed James church Seaford.), on Tuesday
spent tl a holiday with his father ou sent ward to have his name entered
morning,when Rev. Father McCabe
the t,Thaiues Road.--1'hos. Russell. din the subscription list for $ .P), united in the holy bonds. of matrimony
wbose barn was destroyed by fire last Mrs. Seannet Copp. formerly of Olio- Miss Molly Fortune, eldest daughter
week, will not rebuild until next ruin- ton. but late of St. Thomas, Dalt., says of Robert Fortune, of Tuekersnxith,
mer. He has the use of the barn on she wishes they had never left and Patrick Carpenter. of Duluth.
the hauiestead until next spring. --•Ono Clinton, The west it her opinion is a H. S, Robertson, zuathauxetieal Inas-
day last week Walter. son of Samuel fipe�ilac e.for some pa'ople, omit it aloes ter in the Seaford). Collegiate Institute
Madge, of L'sliorue, sustained a severe not Uegin to compere with °ataaria for telegraphed. to the secretary of the
accident. He had, unnoticed by the . •t' and health. board last twee , and_the board, ver,
A. P..Iuy nt,of Seaford), had a some- reluctantly, aceelited the resignatigx?.
what maple::xsaut experience on Stu). He has secured a position in stv,a,tfa rd
day afternoon hist. His Ihorse,a young Collegiate Inst tihte, at an inex-e..s" in
and spirited animal, became restive' saal'axy.
and commenced to kick, breaking the Mre , 1 eysaolde another of J.as. Rey
dashboard of the buggy and hitting ncalds, of the itis ccan., Hallett, is just
Mr. Joynt on the legs. passing into her :Hath year. and is a
On Sunday evening week during the wonderfully active :and troll-pzeterveil
number of weeks visiting her sister,
Mrs. D. Urquhart, returned home the
first part of this week.—Monday was
Labor Day, but it was not observed as
a holiday by our merchants, stores be-
'usual.—Miss Tyreman of
Perth will be held in Sc. Marys, an
Thursday, 20th Sept., at 1,00 p. in., for
the purpose of selecting a candidate to
conteet the election for the house of
Commons. A. meeting of the l:sborne
for Tuesday,19th
Sept, at 7.30, at the owns tip Hall,
steno, the house of Mae. Scott, on the tv .i. for one who Nes Fein so ixheny'
2nd con., Stanley, was struck by light- winters. She came to this country
ning. It Game in by way of the ch►ni- with her late husband some GO yeah
nog, which was destrtlyed, and knock- ago, and settled at once on the farm,
'� open as iisua ,-- i ed, the gable god out of the house ; on which the has since mewed,
xn„ er Sent
Association 3 is called the bed clothes in the room were also on Tllamseta morning 1' t, than
Goderich, is visiting the Misses Kaiser, b T 1 and sin •alar to sr. F Z, g
of this village. ---Workmen have cow- Ehnivine. Sea advt in another col- rolled tip in :a ball, fa y ;people of Rzsfleld were grieved to
ced excavatio for the foundation nothing took fire. hear that George W. Woods was call -
ti acarthut �� Co's and W. C. Davis' mu, Fred Kibler, of ? nrich has pureb;is•: eel away, Mr. e. Weeds wags u native of
new brick blocks. The former will _ - -�-- c in .� t, :t,.....r sboe .,__„_,., .,._r. . ,a �,., .c a � native s�,.
erect as two storey buildfnl;, Uaak on Hvampton. Mr. Kibler h
has rented the fifty acre farm from his ccs above,cvhile
mother and has commenced to work Mound floor and offices
Mr. Davis wt11 build a block of two
on it. You'll need. a Housekeeper note "
John.*Riellard Hunter has the me-
teriai at home for the erection of a
silo.—A number of the Epworth
League members attended the annual
District Convention held at Crediton
on Wednesday.—Mrs. William Miners
Sr., wise taking seriouslyill on Tuesday
Dr. called in. --
and had to have the
Wm. Miners was taken quite ill last
week but is able to be around again.—
Several of the villagers and farmers of
the vicinity propose taking in the
London Baer next week.—The infant
child of Mr. and Mrs. D. Parkinson,
south of Winchelsea was buried at
Zion on Tuesday. -Word has been re-
ceived from Wm. Andrew, of Ham -
iota, Man., formerly of Elimville, an-
nouncing the death of two children
within a week, from dysen-
tery. One was an infant daughter
and the other a four year old son. His
many friends in 'Osborne will extend
their sympathy.
Cromarty Com:ext.—The council of the Town-
__ ship of Stephen, convened at the
BnIEFs.-A number of" young and Town Hall, Orediton,on Monday, Sept.
married folks took holiday last Wed- 3rd, at 1 p. ri. All members present.
nesday and drove to Bayfield, where i Minutes of previous meeting read and
— Hicks — That
' z r
•cit e
approved. wed,- Sec
'n verypleasant
theyreport spending a
P g p
of the
collector be accepted
day and a good. time.—Miss Katie Gil-
the bond P
lespie, who at present is visiting t Resolved and filed in
theat Clerk's
tuns tade. be Carried.
friends here gave a short address on commissioner
to expend a sung
the Northwest : pointed
Mission work amongstN w
Indians, Sunday evening, She being not exceeding $35.00 in graelling 4th
one of the•teachers, but now spending S. R. concession -11 and 12..Hicks—
her holidays in Ontario. Mr.and Mrs. vVillert—That the Clerk be instructed
Among the many not to be overlooked Jas,Hyslop left Monday for the Toron- to write to the different Tp. Clerks,
is a wedding• which took place on to exhibition.—The farmers are busy having Police Villages in the munici-
Monday evening of last week, Aug. sewing fall'wheat. Jas.' Walker, pality, inquiring as to the financial ar-
-27th, at the residence of Wm. Pym, Staffa, who has many patrons in this rangements of taxes between the
his youngest daughter, Miss section lost his fine, butter factory Sat- township councils and police trustees.
when y g Carried. The following orders were
Effie Ada, was happily prosperous
in wed-urday by fire. ' granted —S Davis, rep approach, to
lock to S.
Wright; e. prosperous young bridge $3.50 ; M Winer; work on 0 R
farmer of this place. The loving link W inch e l sea
and binding words were spoken and
joined by the Rev. S. Salton. The Dsi.TR of nits. Bnoozc.—'.she death- . al: World, Municipal forms 51.71;
bride was becomingly attired in a silk of Martha Slee, relict of the late Wil- Jud : Barry, gravel contracts, S B,
and velvet costume and with other liarn f3rock, occurred" on Monday of $17.80 W Ziler, gra vel $5.90 • Jno
admiring arrays presented a charming this week, after a 'grief illness, of dys- Lawson, burying sheep 50c. ; R Hans. the conventiou in Brucefield on Tues
figure. After the ceremony was oyer entery, although for some years her ford, gravel contracts, S B, $39.00 ; R
Tues -
all sat down to a sumptuous repast health had not been first-class. De- when John McMillan was again
,:and then with some enjoyment the cowed was born in Devonshire,' Eu Handford; gravel between Biddnlph selected as the candidate,
Eng- Stephen $10,00 ;' R Handford, —
band, WilliamPincombe, In the year gave has iv, roe o 5 nets. SMITH Buns, Co., Hensall,
Geiser, drawing' gravel C R $5,10 ; G
75c ; Part Kilgallen, S L 1899 $3.00 ; 0
Beaver, cedar .lumber $96.08 ; Munici-
stores, two storeys high,. one for him-
self and one for J. C. Stoneman. The
other persons who suffered the Ioss of
their buildings have decided not to re-
build this, season.—H. Arnold recently
disposed of his driving horse to Dr.
Macartllur, of London, for a good
figure, --Mr. and Mrs, D. S. McLean,
and son Alex., are in Toronto visiting
friends.—Mrs, C. Ballantyne was iu
Stratford and vicinity this. week visit-
ing friends.—Wm Oolwill has had the
metal roof of his dwelling painted dur-
ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs, J. H.
Beek, and daughter, Mary, left here
this week for their new home in Cm, -
berry, Man. They were among the
pioneer residents of Hensall, and will
be much missed by their. relatives and.
friends here.—D. 1'V. ICarn, manager
of the Molsons bank, was in Wood:
stock this week spending a day or so
with relatives. -Mrs. Abray, of Toronto
spent the past week visiting Mrs
Arnold.—The Milliners have returned
to town and resumed their respective
situations, --The attendance at the
Toronto Exhibition from this neigh-
borhood this year is much smaller
than it was last year.—D, McEwen
and the Misses Bonthron of Hay, at-
tended the picnic of the upper -ten
young men of Kippers, under the held at
pices of the foot fall team,
Bayfield on Sept. 1st, and report hav-
ing a pleasant time.—Miss Edith Fair,
who was visiting here has returned to
at the
s m
e he
to ren
Robertson has
Normal. --Duncan
his dwelling nicely re-painted.—Bolton
Bros. of Farquhar, were in town on
Saturday last on their way to attend
the young men's picnic at Hayfield,
having accepted the invitation given
by W. J. McLean, of Aryling Honkie,
Kippen.—G. C. Petty is erecting a
large open shed at the rear of his brick
block, to he used by the members of
the Methodist church for tying their
horses. -Miss Tena Swan has returned
to London to resume her studies.—
Geo. Smith has returned from Goder-
ich, where he spent last - week.—A
number of the local Liberals attended
3. W. Irwin intends to take his sons
into the grocery business in Clinton.
The annum fall fair of the Stanley
Agtisaltural Society will be held in
Bayfield, Oe.t;2 and 3.
f `eearty dismissed with every good wish land where she married her first hos- and b f $4 0 • W B LATEST FOIL FitLL. New opera flan
' or the prosperity and success of the
happy couple. THE TIMES: joins in
wishing the young ;couple every hap-
piness through life.
1815 they set out for Canada, settling Mawhinney, ravel $3-81 S . Rend -
the 4th concession — the farm now . Russeldale.
owned b her son John Pincombe. McKeever, gravel. $10.08 ;,J Dalziel,
y gravel $15.76 Chas Watson, bridges BPI FS.—Bert Hod„ert who is work -
Mr coming
o this died a few years after cons 18 and 19 20.7o ; Wen Baker,
$ ing with Ford & Co., of Mitchell, is
Prompt relief in sick headache, diz- :coming to ' country, and in the clearing $3 00 ; Gotleib T'a,huec, the sick listwith a bad attack
Phome on
,thea side, nausea, constipation, pain in years 1857, the deceased married v4•i1- etas, riding S R $7.50 home mea complaint. G
.the guaranteed to those using hank P burying sheep ms recovering. --Mrs.
'Carter's Little Pills,
One' a
1 dose.Small
Small price. , S
in Usborne, on the, St. Mary road, near emu, . culvert con. 4, $12,00 ; Frank
The residence of Mrs. Wm. Scott,
2nd concession of Stanley, was struck
by lightning and slightly minced.
W. H. Whitely, of Londesboro after
a severe illness of over seven. months,
passed -quietly away on Monday morn-
ing early.
The two Bobs are again in the field
in West Huron, but after the election
the front Bob, having become worn,
will be placed at the rear,
Some vile miscreant, who should be
behind prison bars, deliberately cut
the tails off three of Mr.Bailey's horses
one night last week in his pasture field
near Bayfield.
Not one in twenty are free from
some little ailment caused by inaction
of the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver
Pills. The result will be a pleasant
surprise. They give positive relief
While in Montreal last week the
Brock,who also re -deceased her
• ago. Mrs Brock was
some few
y g.
highly respected as a' neighbor" and
friend, as the attendance at the fun-
remier conferred, with a. number of eral on Wednesday testifield ; her re
P mains were interred in the Zion 'ceme-
;this leading men, and the question of tery. Seven children are left to mourn
dis a date of the elections was„under the death of a kind mother. 0f the
. discussion. The general opinion first family Johns Pinconibe and Mrs.
,.among Montreal Liberals' is that the • Y
lections will be held at an early date Stephens, of Woodham ; of the second
e family Elizabeth, (Mrs. Rowcliffe,
and November is now regarded as the W'll'
likely date.
Ann, (Mrs. Penwarden) ; i iam, whatever they eat has to be °'forced weak of the new church at Mt. Pleas- wheat, 100 bushels of peas and -w'
Samuel and Thomas, all of the town- down'' 'Choir is, of course, soiiaething.� ant is' nearingcompletion.—Fred Ilan-
P bushels of barley:
'; Jno Baird,of lad' to sayhe
50c ; Robert. Adair, repBrown of the llth
con -an
gravel lose
00� note
andB 1,foatu
culverts A ; g he mts
$had t
• n.has h,
tracts to the amount of $299.50 were other of her family,a promising young;
Mrs. Simon Bedard, St. Joseph, was
taken ill on Sunday eyening and the
doctor's being summoned regarded her
Bless. She remain -
c almost �t
C- P
r e or
' ion for the
• udtt
i ictal o
..1�crt c
ed ii a
in inis life change for
I omeet againpassed flu char.
We this week record the death of
Mrs. George Stothers, of Dungannon,
which occurred on Sunday from con-
finement. Deceased was formerly
Miss TreIeay en .
Miss L. Andrews, of the Bayfield
road, has been engaged to teach at
Zurich, and Miss G. Graham, daughter
has n.
Graham, Goposi-
tionE. tics
on the Public School staff at
J. L. Hogg, B. A., late of Orange-
ville, has been appointed mathmeti-
cal piaster of the Seaforth High
school. 13. S. Robinson resigned - the
position to accept a similar one at
W. Hardy, who has been living on
ane of Robert Millers farms, on the
base line, Goderich township, has
bought the 50 -acre farm of Thomas
Moore, on the London Road, i mile
south of Clinton. , Price $3,300.
A bright, promising. young woman
who was born in Clinton, died sudden-
ly at her home in Charles City, Iowa,
last week. We refer to Miss Lillian•
Wilson, only daughter of Samuel Wil-
son, and grand -daughter of Peter
A very quiet wedding took place on
Monday, .Aug. 27th, at the home of
Mrs. John 3faliough, sr., of Dungan
non, when her youngest .daughter,
Julia, was united.in marriage to Rev.
A. A. Thompson, B. A., of Reston,
been- a resident of Zurieth for a good time and his death was not altogether
Loany wears, : tad is not only a gond unexpected. Mr. Woods bee lived
business uuin, but also ai mighty good the most of his life in Hayfield. }Ie
fellow. His removal will be a loss to i served a number of years in the vii-
the business co)nnhunity, :roti also to lags council, after which he was elect-
the Liberal paray*, he h.tis in(; been an ed reeve three Fears in succession,
The countyeboard of Examiners met when he retired item the office as his
in Seaforth recently. The work of the personal business required all his at -
board was to apportion the Mode' ., tendon. He leaves a widow and three
school.pupils upils between the schools at children to mourn the loss of a1. loving
Goderteh and Clinton. The hoard is husband and father. He was only 44
composed of Inspectors Robb and Tom years of age at his death.
and IL Cameron. of Brussels, and Se.
3. A, Boyd, of Exeter, with. George TESTIMONIAL OF MR, GEO. DICK -
Baird, of Stanley, as secretary. - 1NSON, TOWNSHIP OF I3LAN-
Tt) TIU 1 ,.Li'E OF
Ts envied by all poor dyspeptics
whose stomach and liver are out of
order. All such should know that Dr.
King's New Life Pills the wonderful
Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a
splendid appetite, sound digestion and
a regular bodily habit that insures per-
fect health and great energy. Only '25
cents at any Drug Store.
"I have used English Stock Food for
calves and think it a good food. They
have done remarkably well under its
use. I have also found it a valuable
food for horses.
ear If you make any purchase at this store which proves unsatisfactory:, bring
it back and your money will be cheerfully refunded,
adwhoshe g
let. Con a gyears,s but
. 21three a
j an o lire
mt ,
man e
Oct. 1st”wer
Town Hall,_Crediton, onon Friday last. His remains ,�. the better.
at 1 P. uh. _Roy's cemetery ori Stinda•y. is a threshing which was done_
tared in Here b
— �' �' the Zed. . The bereaved mother t>,na on the farm of Angus and Jas McLeod,
o i
mhave tUe.fiill sympathy f the Maitland c.on,, Goderioh.townsh p, by
`f3Urroula is TatE BEST S1UCE, coenifariilyunity'in wliicli they ;resid.— Fletcher McCartney. Starting at
I Austin Ne he '
has talion a trip to 12,30 and finishing" up before dark t
Yet soune people are never Hungry. 'I Hmll's,near k lint, Michigan. —The hrick arnottnt threshed was 400 bushels of
ship of U b Th another f wrong with these people. By taking �V•
us ono ler o
f, son, St•eavart and .Fred Ross are A serious accident happened Mon- "I
pioneers to .whom we should feel a scilla a short tirue they' r at •.Toronto this be brickyard of Eli'
Hoods Sarsaparilla taking in the fair diay evening at t Y filer
grateful forthetransformationof the are',ii,en an appetite and then they knear Bluer ale The bo'
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of forest into this,p Elliott,Cli tt
eating ex ITh
en o shaft g
Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 1 y b b e t+ g
'Westtint;nt, 1
months from Rectal Fistula, he would
. die unless a costly operation was ..per-
formed ; but he cured himself 'with five
boxes of Buckler's arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on earth, and a .
' the con-
week. 10
the garden
of t i • '-•nom. •and food hrourishes thein •' everything in the
011 CD[
bring g vicinity and seriously scalding Eli
has. to her reward. failing, justoften gone If you find your •appetite fail ng, I worms are dangerous, of
try a bottle of hood's. , It is a true signs and death. iE your' child is suffering, ad-
DACHP ALE GONE. minister Dr: ,;liotivs Pleasant WOran, Synip Elliott,. jr,; son 'of the, proprietor.
ngA stomach tonic and every dose does s effectual Price zoo •-
Safe arid Galway 11hosP svho h`agc visited the scene of
Mrs. Alelbourno ,Parker, Torbrooke, N. Sr which is Sae a
- If you ctan't steal ori account of a raging the a icident• regard it as almost mira-
will stop Gum ��
ti• t
Toothache P a
— '� Too � men
t i
LOW'S e otiae
Iy'j tl [1 best ache. Powders, and after taking one or two felt If Lo lou Ghat none of th
-salve ;in the world. 25 cents : ^a box, better at once, and was able to get up and go.
on with my work." '.Price foe and 250.,' all
fold by all Druggists, Beaters.
writes : `•I have used Hilburn's Sterling Head rood•
The best familycathartic is Hood's ache' and give you ease. Price 10c., all ire
Pills, cine dealers.
work were injured.
res ,
Rubber Packing
Asbestos Packing
Candlewick Packing
Rubber Belting'
Leather Belting
Claws and Mitts
Machine Oils
Rabbit Metal
Everything For