HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-8-30, Page 81I1 EX.ETER TI11ES 8 TEWfARTS BIG GR31-1 STORE, GR811,011FRODUGE ONLY ONE PRIG. This week we place on view the first of our new fall dress goods. They'll interest you we're sure, as the change in style and effect from the past season is very marked- The newest and latest effects I are very quiet,yet rich and lull of style. Plain hornespuns, plain and fancy camel hair effects, and quiet,but rich . Tweed effects are going to be very popular. In black goods the rancre is more varied than ever, in the better class of black stuff, the sm:11 and medium fancy patterns, one very catchy and fiCha We the yard for a lovely range of new plain horeespuns. All the newest, tints in Greys. 13rowns, and Greens. Just the thing- for a nifty tailor-made skirt, snit or dress. $1.50 for the suit or dress end, of your choice of a fine range of new homespun camel hair effects, new Fawns, new Greys and new Browns. Style, quality and value in this bne. . . 'L. We the yard for a swell lot of new aOO the suit or dress end for tir swell homespun sttitings, all the new and t, lotror soft earnei ham anish, flake or popular tints in ereys„ Blues, Browns mottled effect. This is an entirely and Greens. This is a very special new and very catchy line. ine anil a money saver for you at We. 5 $5.50 the sat or dress end for our best homespun, new, notthy, and effee tive. All the newest and latest velor- ings in ereys,Browinaques and Black. 7,3e the yard for a special lot of high , elasshornespun sultinge, nice sett serge finish in the new Greys, and Heather 13rowns, correct in style and big value, 'Tha the yard for awry nifty range a: new fit inch tweed soltings,new colors, uew styles. Comet for skirt% suits. r or dres-i•e. 25e the yard for a choice range of fancy Plaid Gress Goode, very suitable for waists, and correct for children's wear. They're sear value as you'll not see again. Now Your qreiconm to drop in any tirne and look over our new dress goods. Come and study the new styles, you will not be ask- ed to buy. We take a pleasure in showing our new goods. Come and bring your friends with you, you're always welcome. J. A, STEWART Cirigg's Fur For Marriage Licenses, 500 StOr6 A full stock of School Books for Public Schools. A full stock of Sunday School Library Books at wholesale prices Imm.m...4111.09- .••••••••• Family and Peachers' Bibles Fun Line. ..1••••••111.11,•••••••• Everything in Stationery, wholesale and retail. wectialtig Ringo" iVertclec;rs, C1ock, ewelry, SpectetGles, tc e#,/,/, ON R. HIKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. all Term Opus Sea. 44 ,:ignraTirazi& STRATFORD. OET. No less than eight largo business colleges have applied to us witldu the last six weeks for our graduates to take position$ as teachers in their schoels. As many as five business ilrina have applied to as in one day for oftbe 'This is surely the best school for you. It pays toprepare for profitable, progressive and per- manent employment. Catalogue free. ELLIorr, Principal. TO ADVERTISERS. J 01111 6131011 T”ioTeiLiF4:1;a:t1=1;%sl,1)&elitilti advestisements actepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. exeirsR I Monday will be Liebor Day. INSURANCE. School reopen e next Tuesday. Dr. Holloway, of Winghara, visited friends here last week. ERNEST ELLIOT, Geo. Willis is visiting his brother Agen for the WESTERN .ASSURANCE COM- Frank, in Forest • rPANY, of Toronto; also for the P BHZX Fran S. Wood shipped a carload of cattle Rstreence Company, of Landon, England; to Montreal tins week let meson INSURANCE COMPANy, of Eng and W. N. Manning, of Clinton. called on friends in town last week. Mrs. Collins and Miss Bonthron are visiting friends iu Toronto. Miss Reta Young, of Seaforth, visit, ed Mrs. IL H- Collins this week, Wm. Hawksbaw, sr., of St. Marys, called on friends here on Monday. Fred. Rollins, merchant, of Rochesjobri Asphan has moved his family to Midland. 4ter, Mich., 18 visiting his parents here. S If you wa.nt first-class seed wheat to Mit,S Georgie Elyndrnan has returned•, read C,obbledick &Sonas advertisement. 'c home from a pleasant visit with Rev. R. E. Pickard is in Toronto this Steele, Port Stanley. week attending the millinery open- o H. Stewart and wife, of Pittsburg, Pa., visited their niece, Mrs.. .Tames Inge. Abbott, last week. Mr. Stewart is a Chas. Witmer has re -opened his A millionaire oil dealer. evaporator in Exeter north for the i Mr. and airs. H. W.Jessey,of Elmira season. Mrs. A. Sheere has returned home is have been making their annual visit from Parkhill, where she visited a with relatives and. friends hereabouts. friends. Theyreturn home this week. Miss Gassie Holland has returned'tc h Beverley Ketchen, of:BrucefieId, a Blenheim, to resume her situation as student of Knox College, occupied the ,ixtilliner. pulpit of Caven church on Sunday. He is a forcible speaker, and is destined to! Miss Hattie White has returned to i Niagara -on -the -Lake to resume her become one of the foremost preachers situation. in the cherch. ' Alex. Dyer, met with a slight acci- 1 II. Smith shipped two thoro'bred cattle to Iowa this week, where he had dent to his face on Friday last by the • sold them, 0 bursting of .an cniory wheel in the Rey. J. A. Turnbull, B. D of Toronto ee factory. He was knocked to the floor visited his sister, Mrs. Gardiner, town, 0 insensible, and it was thought at first this week. his eye was injured. George Seldou, of Ingersoll visited Messrs. Eitiwden & McDonell on Wed- his gra,ndraother. Mrs. Geo. Sarnwell, rams DAY. AUGUST 30Tit, WOO, LOCAL HAPPENINGS Alta, Nash, of Sarnia; called on friends in town on Friday. jr. McLaren, of =elle% visited Dr. Anderson this week. Additional local news on Ofth page. Every item full of interest. /sIrs. Mcgay, of Ailsa Craig, is vieite ing her sister, Mrs, Henry Smith. Mrs. (Dr.) Harrison, of Detroit,. i visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Fan son, who is in, Ttw Misses Willis left for Marlette, Mich., on Tuesday, where they will in future reside. Thos. Cook advertises his farm at Winchelsea for sale or rent,in another column of this issue. George Charlton, of Ailsa, Craig, visited his brother, John Charlton, of Exeter North, over Sunday. L. A. \Wiper will reside in Shake- speare ward,Stratford,for a, fewweeks, having taken a house there. One buggy left. Now's your chance fora bargain, rtWeedae posts for sale. Apply to W. Q. Bissett, EXeter, J. 0, Lacey. Travelling Auditor for the Canada Life Assurance Co. was the guest of P. W. Madman lestweek. Mr. anClIrs. Edwin Spaekinau re- turned to their borne in Blenheim on Tnesday, after a. few weeks' visit, here. Rev. 3, Reimer. cf Mitehell, who supplied for Rev. Ur, Brown, on Sun- day was the guest a Mr. James Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. Charlton left this morning to visit friends in Toronto and Weston.- They will also take in the Toronto Fair. Excursion days on this line to the Toronto Exhibition naive been set for Aug. Wth, Sept. 4, and Sept. Oth, when the fare will be $2,70. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Spaekraan, Mr. and Birs. R. Bishop, Bliss White, and some 13 others left on Monday for Tcronte. Mrs, Trace and son John, while visit- ing with Arm Mouroe, received a hasty summons to their home in LOU - don, owing to the illness of Mr. Trace. Mrs. (Dr) Anderson,. who has been visiting at her home in Mitchell, re. turned to Exeter on Tuesday, ace= panted by leer sister, Miss Nettie Elliott. R. Ressel, an employe in th e Stave Factory, met with an =bleat the other day, by a. falling instru- ment, by which his arm was eeverely cut. The annual meeting of the Reform .Association of South 'lemon will be held, et one o'Clock p. on Tuesday*, the 41h or September, at Dixon's hall, Brimfield. Miss Lillie Alford, nurse in one of the hospitals in Philadelphia, Pa. and her sister,Miss Itelena Alford,of Peter- borough, are the guests of Mrs. F. W. Gladman this week. Rev. J. B. Milyercl, of the Aforpeth circuit, son of Rev. W, Milyard, of Exeter, and Miss Clara B. 13igham, of Union, were married at the Union Methodist Church by the groonfs father on Wednesday. W. J. Vertt y, of Brantford, spent Sunday with his wife, who is visiting here. Mr. Verity left Monday on an extended business tour through Eur- ope; London, Edinburgh, Berlin and Paris being his objective points. The Chief Game Warden of the Province has called the attention of game dealers, commission merchants, store keepers and others engaged in buying and selling game in the prov- ince 110 t fact that it is necessary for them to prncure licenses to enable them to legally engage in the busi- ness. The directors of the Beeler cemetery invite the shareholders to meet them at the cemetery on Labor Day, Sept. 3rd, at the hour of 4 p. m. to consult with them in reference to the future welfare of the cemetery. A good sug- gestion will be that those having con- veyances will kindly take those who have none. "Maple Grove," a charming piece of V;oodland on the water, a little dis- tance up the lake froin Grand Bend, has been purchased by a company composed. of Messrs. D. N. MacLeoder. F. Roberts and Thos. Watson,of Park- hill, and Messrs. Lawson. Yates and ornerville, of London. They intend improve the grounds and build some oetages before next season. The Rev. 0. 0. Owen, B. A., rector f Memorial church, London, will D.V. reach anniversary and Harvest nniversary and Harvest Thanksgiv- ng sermons in TrivittMemorial church n Sunday next, Sept. 2nd. Mr.Owen widely known as a very godly man nd is a most earnest preacher. No oubt alt who may be privileged to ear hitu shall be greatly benfitted. T. B. Oaaling, e well-known and popular citizen of Exeter. was in Lon- don last Friday, and happened to fall in with a number of Liberals, who were good hinnoredly roasting him politically, ..he being well known as a pronounced Conserv-ative. Said Mr. arliug ; "111 tell you something hicle is unusual. 1 married into a onservative family of nine sisters • every one of thezn married a grit but me." He smiled wlien told he must be lonesome in such company... Clin- ton New Era. nesday shipped three of their entire r this week. horses to the Toronto Exhibition. r Smillie Bros. of Brncejeld also sent Mese-rs. W. Bawden and A.QBobier attended the Liberal Convention at one in the same cap. They will exhibit at Ailsa Craig Tuesday. theWestern Fair also. . The nembers of Jarnes-st; choir had The lacrosse match announced for day and Exeter teams did not materialize, Friday last, beteireen the St. Marys 33' nd yeaterda3,.; empleasant, for their picnic at the ' the St. Marys team failing to put in an Mrs Roger Crocker has returned to 4, her home in Toronto, a,ccompa,nied. by T appearance. The arrangements were her sister, Miss Olive Treble. a ne some manner imperfect. , Rolet,Sweet has rented the residence Henry Smith, of "Springhurst' Farm last week purchased at the stock fxior;_micesrliejl wowiriadmbirtrethete late Andrew sale of W. D. Flatt, at Chicaeo high 9 A. Sneere and A. Bowie left this Chas. Stewart and R. Murphy, who have been connected in Massey -Harris business here, have received an ap- ointrnent as district agents (jointly) f Exeter district for Massey Harris mplements, and left for that place on uesday to commence operations. hey will have a conveyance each, R. turphy having bought a driver, car - age, with harness from G. Layis. her rire hustling young men and will ake live agents fox the compalay. We congratulate them on this impor- tant busuneas promotion. -Clinton New Era. Many farmers in this neighborhood have threshed their wheat, and the yield is even better than their anticip- ations led them to expect. From tvven- ty to thirty bus. per acre were expec- ted. An average of thirty bushels ap- pears within the mark. When the ex- cellent condition of all the other crops is taken into censideration, the farm- ers of this section certainly have good reason to congratulate themselves on the present season's harvest. With the farmer's barns filled to overflow - ng, all branches of trade should and oubtless will, be benefited. bred Durham cow, for which he paid 5700. Mr. Smith is bound. to be in the front row in the stock line, Zion's civic holiday was observed on Monday, when the neighborhood came ree• to Exeter to spend the day. The crewel Rain Salter is a delegate from the was very large and the hotels were local lodge to the High ()hurt' of L 0 F in session in Goderich this week. 3, D, Graham; of Toronto, arrived in town Wednesday to purchase more horses for the South African War. Prier & Armstrong intend shipping three car loads of hogs on Friday. They report the market on the slump. N. Dyer-Efurdon, Manager of the local branch of the Molsons bank is in- weelefor Gorrie, where they will work at their trade, as masons. Mrs. Mary S. Brown, (nee Hawkins) of Mills, Michigan, is visiting friends for two weeks in this vacinity. fully taxed. affording accoinmodation, not having received any previous Mation of the inflex. Among the number who went west on the Heine -Seekers' excursion on , Monday, we noticed the following per- sons:Thos. Clarke, W, 3, Sawyer, L Harvey, and Paul Madge and daughter iTehorne ; Roger Northcott, Hay ; W. H. Parsons and W. S. Lang and fann disposed, and unable to attend to his 'ly of town. Official duties d. raalelliaireeq-Zer-Meeeeeseeilineeeten-24 fee! -Z. _.4.--Mr143„Tee. .-eaea . ea . emeaseneereerameerei ..e.e.aerearevereiseark - kapeeelaire....e ISA1 Urs,h,mc mum," MOM 1/1,31.1 Alt,1,411 . • Kg" . . loor,urirrurryx.m.flokiriliTri****A x.oe.iter ‘if Hensall have just passed into stock a number of lines of New Goods, and have just received advice of several more large consignments from British Manufacturers per S. S. Furnessig. Among these New Goods 0,re Dress Coods, Silks, and Satins Ribbons and Laces, Ties and Lace Curtains Lineoleums and Oilcloths Kid Cloves and Hosleryi Millinery and Mantles. 'Pr ,-,••••• g•T •••, 'T•F In addition to the above Lines we have just opened up a. very large lot of GOLD MEDA.L DRESS GOODS. These goods are the most elegant Black Dress Fabrics we have ever shown. It will be a pleasure for us to have you examine them as we know you will be More than pleased with the variety we are showing. We want a large quantity of good butter and eggs for wbih we will pay highest prices. PICKARD S Direct Importers tJ THE NEW is IMRE EMPORIL uEaEIlslL JAMES BEVERLEY, HAS OPENED A STOCK OP FURNITURE IN THE ODDFELLOWS' BLOCK M Exeter, which for quality, design and low selling price, will be around equal to anything in the county. Our stock is unsurpassed and rarely equalled outside the cities. Upholstering neatly done. We also do picture framing and have a choice selection of mouldings. Curtain poles at all prices and put up. We are also agents for the Evans & Newcombe pianos, and several makes of sewing machines, Get our prices before you buy. Undertaking We make a specialty of this department and havelgas fine a hearse as in the county. We buy our goods from the best houses in the Dominion, and guarantee satisfaction in every department' of our work. Prices will be found rea- sonable. Arterial and Cavity Embalming done on scientificprinciples, principles, rendering it possible to preserve a body for many days before internient. P. S.—Night and Sunday calls will be attended to at - nay residence. nearly opposite Trivitt Memorial church. All goods delivered free in your house both in town and country. A CALL SOLICITED. EXETER. • • ' ' •eveaminee ARLING __ .131g .Drop l • IN THE PRICE QF ReadymadeClothin They were :N. MYER LOWER TLIAN NOW. We do not know whether "Lauriee is the cause of it or not but the fact remains which makes us and our customers happy. The variety is also large. The reduc- tion comes at an opportune time, when mothers are getting their boys ready to start school and want to boy most for their money. We have a line of boys suits that. were $2.75 to $3.25 a suit 3vhicb we offer at $1.50 to dear,and many Other lines proportion ately low. We are also clearing out sum- mer goods, blouses worth Mc for iio, 75o for "1.00 for 75e, muslins and a number of other lines at your own price. If you want good good at right r.- prices we are with you. If' you want shoddy or the like you will luwo to go elsewhere. Give us a call. Highest prices paid for produce. ORKLINO E3R08 EXETER NrcF. WORM MEDICINE, Wm. OKaham, Shenpardten, Can, writes havegiven my hos Pr, 'Aries Worm Syrupt and find it an excellent worm medicine. It ei ince to take. and daes not make the eland. RoLL.ER M1141_,„5 Priceeece _im'aiimoaalsageeien'esssommooesn. Witilout Q11081i011 JUST RECEIVED 11 Gar of $1 d'Kansas Red Seed 43"r. Thebest equipped Ineduess and Shorthand erbecl in Canada is the Forest OW Business Shorthand College, Loudon. Ont. Large enrol,. ment andjitrang faculty. limulreds of students in good porsitions, Years at excellent work at its green. Cateloeue of either cf,in‘,7,41 free. correreron. deuce invited. .1. W. WESTERVELT, Prrnelpat. Bargains Bicycles We Have a few second. hand 1000 models Cleveland !cycles. Only been used a, short tirne and. guaranteed in first-class condition which we will sell at BARGAIN PRIGES. Also a few other makes very cheap. In Second-hand Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, we are holding out inducements to people looking for good values. ______ Our new goods are all right both in quality and price and are sure to please. Call and see them. No trouble to ex- plain to you their good qualities. Sa urinal WHEAT J. COBBLEDIOIC & SON. 1 UCC1ES Anyone wishing a new or second band buggy of W. IL Parsons can have it by upplyingat shop, or at Wm,. Trevethick's, or S. Bream's, the proprietor will be away for eornetime.. Now is the time to buy a good. buggy cheap. Books and accounts left, with Mr. Martin. I W. H Parsons EXETER, ON' 1,4; 11 LEVI TTS' eke IR Lintel% boxes and basketr for school children also pencils and scribblers, etc. Hose, all sizes, cheap. Parasols and Umbrellas. lidlrfs for 23e, fir rare bargain. Towels and Covers. Fine hair, cloth and Tooth brushes. Flag and, Maple Leaf Stick Pins. Collar and Guff buttons. Friendship Hearts. Baby Rings. The latest thing out -Gold and. Sneer Wishbone Brooches, • Nice assortment toilet setts, jnge, trays, soap, Polish and smallwa,re. A full line of Granite, tin and wood. - en ware. • Levitt's Fair AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Laundry sent away every Thursday. Don't Fir. et The New Store DRY GOODS HO GROCERIES -r.rotIMBStroz- Produce taken in exchange. A%re want Butter and Egg,s. New goods ariving every week. First shipment, of fall goods in to -day and more to follow until stock is com- plete. Our grocery stock is now complete, everything new and fresh., A full stock of canned 0.00d,e, just What yoit need for . warm weather and b o'oin 0. out camp6' inco Fresh salmon, sar-. dines. kippered herrings, kippered Iladdies, lunch tongue, corned beef baked beans in tomato sauce, pickles and toma- to catsu Onr teas haveYa reputation already. j Ameic clitop 0 Try our choice Japan Tea, 5 11.-) for $1 00. u I HUO t) If 01 0 U RemLii°1eircittha.e sil,1`,'1,1'ee `firr:t°culoropraitiroorntlalgoei post office. Oddle!llow's Block , . '•-• • "", 1,11-Q; W. 13. VE0