HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-8-30, Page 7HOW PALACE WAS TAKEN PiIRC fiN111 Newsy items About Ourselves. and Our Neighbors—Something of Interest From Every Quo - ter of the Globe, Chinese Asked for an Armistice and Then Attacked Legations, deepatelt to the Loudon Morning Post from Pekin, via Chafes°, says that the Tsung-li-Yanten on August at that "'The Indian troops broke down an rualeed the gate and 1 entered with , cavalry and guas. I then sent other 12. requested a conference with the 0 cavalry and the Punjab Infanty to the I A./Misters, with the view to bringing Temple of Heaveu to seoure our left abnut peace, the rectneet was refused. flank and canaping ground, and with as there was achody on either *idol the other corpe pushed on towards the who was authorized to treat. That 1 Legatious. night there wee the longest fusillade ".&t 3 o'clock we got on the canal of the siege, the fng lasting twelve hears. On August 13 ties Tsun-lieYe- men begged, to be excused from hold- ing a conferenoe, saying the merabere opposite the water gate and were sig., aalled trent the wall held by the Le- gationees. "11 with aportion of the staff and were too busy. Later the board weote/aeventy Indiana, rusbed croes tie& al - that they bad forbidden farther fixing Ireast dry moat aati entered through on the 1,egations1 and. that thee would the water gate without loss. We found court-martial anyone who disobeyed, all well in the Legatione. Maedoaald trameaiately Meowed me aroaad the po- sitione with the view of further ae-, tione "la the meantime our tiehl artillery ektfg. IN and eantared am four had been brought up to bombard the courts. The American flag is fisiog 'oentral gate of the Tartar eity; but a en the Imperial granary. The Impel. - la) Bank has been looted. GEN. GASELEE'S REPORT. A despatch from Loadon sari Gaseiee1 the couttuender of the Bri- hal forces at Pekin, hes telegraphed to the "War Office as follows:— " At a conference. August 12, it was agreed that the r.iliee aleauld can- ventrate within five miles of Pekie, Anguet 14, and tbe assault sheuld be- gin .Atigust 15. The attackhawever natantenced, early in the morniog a August 14and our troop' had to make a forged march of 15 miles from Tang- ebow in great heat. "We were on the extreme left, and attuked the eatolt-ease gate of tbe Chinese city. Tbeee vets practically n 'ant that eveuing there was the sharp- est general 5dany shells fel/ th?eLeegation. Fifteen leendred orien,us attaekett the Imperial palace sortie by the Amerieatts and Rueetans f the garrison along the wall autieie d tbe bonabardmeot, and tbegate inee our hands, "Twe field guns were then bought nto the Legation, and tne reet were eent back to the *Temple of Heaven. At about five la the afternoon the Am- ericane, under Gen. Chaffee, entered t.haLegation, and. then we moved on towardce s the ntrga al to of tlie Tar, tar city for the night. 'tBy nightfall we had men in the Legation." Here apparently so missing. "During the 'eveeing at tbe Temple or /leaven we were engaged, and, aa. luflicting heavy loes. we ocoupled opposition, as we were not expected the eunth gate a tbe Chinese ctty.' r..— YUNG LIPS OATH F. P, Myles, who entered tile Roya four buedred wordare giv- -A prominent 3:v101,mi bee ebtatu. at the War Office as eoon as poesible. Swore 10 Mitrder All The Foreigners despateb from, Irsag. ir-0,w, =ye; epeotively, end. are to report for duty With, Aid of and csterehire regime BagerS. Military College in 1898, have boon • Leieats r en conmeissions In the West Yorkehire ed Irmo The 'Lamm runners a letter MORE TROOPS NECESSARY. from General Yung -Lu, commander- 4 despatch. from Cologne, aayse— in-ehlef of the Northern armies, to Seint-ofticial Berlin telegrams to the General Tung -Eli -Siam, commanding Clologue Gazette atrenuously dispute the Kan -Su troops, flayin:— the contention of the party opposed to Ais not. convenient to accomplish the Goveanment and. the army that my sesmet orders," and proceeding:— there es no need to sand fur tiler rein - "The foreign devils, collating their foreemoate to China. The correspon- euperim: etrengeh In warships and dentsays—'We have not to deal with „rune, have dared to exert aU their the local revolutionary elemeues ID power to rob and insult us, but their Pekin, but mut ivapose our terms on populations are small and entirely de- the whole Empire." pendent on the Chbaese productions. Shanghai are reassembling about, Peof China. now poseesses cannon and rifles itsang, after the advance the allies had thru.st them ttside. Possibly and plenty of well-trained troops. I there la still a considerable Chinese don't fear the foreigners. In the case o army in the flead between Pekin and Sen -Min, refused Italy, with the Tien-Tsin. If so, a portion of the result that nothing was taken. It •is - evident that the foreign devils are mixed contingents with the reinforce mente now hurrying from the coast cowards. 1 and. Prince Tuan recently will be required be again clear the obte.ined the help of millions of Boxers po•esessing magic boldness. Iswear to rcia4L murder all foreigners, with the assist - STEP .NEARER ST. HELENA. ance of the Boxers, who are supplied ;with arms." CANADA. The Hull -Ottawa relief fund has teen' closed. Killarney, 31est., had a deetruetive hailstorra Thureday. Hamilton bad a lively elearic storm Thursday mornale. Twenty-two delegates from Kansas are at• Regina, N. W. T. The eteamer Mayflower was barned Penetang yesterday. Cameros warehouse at. Brookville has been destroyed by fire. Harveetera are wanted at Hastuey, Delorabee and Carberry, Man - Leber cazaidates will figure en Ute munioipal eleotioae at London. Hoary Piper, proatrated by aeon - stroke at London last Friday, is dead. There bee been 24 basineas failures this week la Canada, against 26a peer "OM.. General Tung -Fu -Sian, in his reply, Paul Kruger's Proclamation Counter ;which was also obtained, says he is to That of Roberts. of the same opinion, and places the A despatch from London, says:— Kan-Su troops at General Yung-Lu's President Krugex, according to a despatch from Lorenzo Marques to the. Daily Express, has issued it pro- clamatiom cou.nter to the latest pro- clematiom issued by Lord Roberts, The Txansvaal President says "It will help you nothing to lay down. your arms or to leave the, com- mandoes. Every step homeward means a step nearer St. Helena." disposal. LIEUT. COMA GUILTY. Sentence on the Accused Postponed • for the Present. A deepateh froan Pretoria says:— The trial ef Lieut. Cordu,a, formerly of the Ilransvaal artillery, on the charge of being concerned in the plot to kidnap General Lard Reberts, was concluded to -day. The prisoner' was found guilty of all tb,e counts in the indictment against barn, but sentence was deferred until the findings of the °mixt should be confirmed by Lord. slightest difference in the regular de- itoberts. spatch of Russiantroops to the far Col. Godfrey, the judge, in summing- East;The military authorities con - up, caused a sensation by declaring tinue to charter extra troopships in that a violation of parole was • punish - every available quarter. Fifteen trans - able with death. • • A period -of 43 minutes was occups- ed in considering the verdict. •-WILL POUR IN TROOPS. Capture of Pekin Makes No Differ- • 'enee to Russia. A despatch from Odessa says :—The capture of Pekin will not make the Arthur Dewdetey, of Harvey township, was etrack by lightuiug and Nathaniel Parsons; a Jarvis, Out, was fatally injared by a threshing maebbee. Uirieli Ituppreelet, a German, oora- mitted snicide on his wile's grave Norwich. G. T. R. plotare0 have been award- ed a gold medal al the Paris Ex-, pasition. The Canadian Horticultural Societe', ID "eh at atm:etre/a, will meet ueat year at London. Abraham Creamer, carpenter, was till by a tall while tet work at Port Hoe* on Titureday. French-Avaelbeas itt oonvention at Ariellet, C. B., sent a loyal message ID the Queen on Friday. Lt, -Cel. Stone, who has resigned the spectorship ot artillery for Canada, ails for England to -morrow. Tht eaventh annual meeting of the a lapel Council of \Vernon of Canada bas Weed at Victoria, B. 0. Bolton district farmer has, sold 11 mouths' old calf to E. S. Kelly of Yellow Soringe, Ohio, for 31.000. Thirty Icelandio emigrants from the Northevestern &etas, passed tlarough Winnipeg Saturday for Edmonton. jease il,Torriara, 18 years old, was struck by a L. E. oYe D. B. R. train at Blenheim, Ont., and fatally in- jured. Capt. William Wood, of the barge. Mese°, was fatally crushed by e, 'freight train at Point St. Charles, Que. Neepawa, Mane farmere expect 20 bushels to the aore. Receipts at the elevators there will reach 400,000 bushels, The Charge of murder preferred against three residents of ,Perkin's Mille, Que., has been dismissed at James Patton, Jr„ charged with personating at the palls at Hamilton, brought back from Buffalo, was dis- charged yesterday. Prof. Robertson, of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, is at Grimsby ID conbection with the cold storage export of fruit. Mrs. H. E. Hawkins, of Hamilton, is suing to have 13. A. Sprague of Winnipeg, removed as executor of her husband's estate, valued at $11,000. Rev. H. P. Whidden, late pastor of Galt Baptist Church. and. now a professor of 'Brandon College, was given a farewell and. presentation at Galt yesterday. N. De Struve, Russian Consul at Montreal, and A. Paikrt, Hungarian Agricultural Commissioner, are visit- ing the Brandon, Man., experimental faxm and district. A. yacht, with a party of five frem St. Simon, Qae., was capsized in the lower St. Lawrence yesterday and three of the party drowned, Capt. Foster, P. and. C. Marin. Dr. X. G. Evans, of Kingst9n, claims he discovered the use of bioxide of sodium as an absarbent of poisonous gases and which the French Academy is now making a furare over. - • The Ogilvie killing Campeau noev estimate Manitoba's wheat yield at 20,000,000 bushels. The full crop, with the acreage under cultivation this season, should have been 40,000,000. A Rochester woman, claiming to be the metheir of yening Marshall, drown- ed ot1 the steamer North•Tang, made demand for his wages and cloths ing' fat Kingston on Thursday:It was filiFTON SENT UP FOR TRIAL Formal ntnent . the ports are now in berth here, destined for the East. The suburban camps and city baxranles are • filled with troops arriving for embarkation. ,Troops from *a member of the central and northern Governments are ar- e tendon riving here on ecociunt of the conges- asurder"tese. time of military traffic on the Siber- A despatch from Louden; Ont., sa:Ysz ian railway. —Gerald Sifton and Walter Herbert ' were this afterineon committed for trial at the September assizes on the charge of murdering Jos. Sifter'. The proceedings were of a purely formal nature, and no statement was made nor aeguanent offered by the defence. • The 1,301 pages of testimony were •produced and verified.under oath by } the' stenographer. Counsel fov the de- ftenee waived thereading er the evi- dence, and SqUire Sanytla committed both prisoners for trial. Fhe assizes Open September 24. The evidence tak- en at the preliminary investigation is nearly 260,000 words, and lakes a very bulky volume. A e,able from the War Office ta-day states ,thate Cadets R. ,McLareta and THE MANITOBA HARVEST. wtn Yield Notch 'Higher Than VE11,4 EN pee Led. • despatch from 'Winnipeg, says' The Maniteba harvest is now well ad- vanced, and • reports from. all sources state that' wheat will yield • much higher than wae , expected. Cutting will .be over ia abou.t. ten days throu,ghout 'Southern Manitoba, On the Ein.arsoLi branch cutting is re- pealed as completed. It ie estimat- ed that, '75 pee cent. on,tee, NvIleaf; has, now been cut in Manitoba, while about 50 per cent. of the crop has beenhar- veeted in the Territories, Wheat tbe WhIte Pass's Railway frOM, rsYea 1 YAWN OF TEE WORLD t°Lrtenet2L* t Gotodou B. Johnson, ewe Royal Engineer, son °f XaYQr '3-°114" Prices of cattle, cheese, Grain, 4c - Son, of BelleVille, bas been ordered by in the Leaning. Market% cable 4Porn. the Adjelant-Geoeral 9f the army, London, to join his reit- meat at Chatham, Bnglaad, on Toronto, A,ag. L'8. -4t the Western September it. Cattle yards to -day there was, a total UNIT)) STATES, 47 loads, inelading 200 cattle, WO Propceed improvements to Inhcoie bogs, and, 254 atte,ep and lambs, Park, Chicego, will eost over $1,000,- .The Market was 401, and 'Prima re - 000. • =hied unelearneed. The majority of AU Chloage is being decorated for OA offerings were left nver- vtheenttera.nd Army of the Repablie con- wetm:ft:r13,:di,cebuitotetttero: wearlovretrycalittttilue Over 320,000,0110 in geld wee gbipped treding. Prices remained steady at ID Eur.ope, frone the United States $4i4240 btolAtnelier5,12s.1-0a2 tnetier etwhist-supply was st week, • equal to the demand, Choice seleetions Students 041d. professors of the Thai- vereity of Ohicago, favou,r the shirt were quoted at 34.35 to 34.50 per *wt, waist far men. Ieferior grades were prautleally un - Over 1,000 horses were shipped from'sari: bosblea.pe and iatabe the eitexiligs New Orleans yesterday for the Bra - nee array in south mdcar, were moderate, and the demand slew, The Liberty (ogress of the Am- eioleit export*bee P wero clooted at xflidetaannaf?.,eaatiague 0y1.441Atenrt4i-alropey, till:stars:at P34 t* $4.25 Per onct• The hog taarket was steady, the balk Bryan. of the arrivals being beld:ver. Folio/vine ie the range of quota_ Judge Taft, Wet of the United States Philippine Gel:tee:41,554M, eeparta ttan5:"' a "satisfaotory condition, Of thigge qn ehippere, per snide , ,4 4 50 $ 512 1-2 the whine." Butcher, chniee 4e . 40(1 450 The year ending 'Ilene 30 wee the Butcher, atedie to. good. 324 3 t0 banner year for all western railroads 13uteher, weriee, 80 accar4ing to President Hill. of the Stocker:4 per cwt. . 200 27 leTortiaern Pacific, Cattle* Sheep and Lambs. 'taxies Geiger, it painter, was run ShoepP, Per ewt, , •874 over and killed, by a train At Locke So/Irlellg laralx5* rael'• • 00 Port, N.Y., Thursday. The step ef t.'1/44' Per nwt', 2Z9 wQalves. a oar struok the lecider whieh Gel-lmatoceili.lieere al • 25 00 ger was at work. Calves, ode . GREAT BRITAIN. The Prince and Princess of Wales nieeice bop, .pe have leet London for Elombarg near Light hem pe Frank1ort-on-the4falee to returnn .Sit,3eg't • Sept. 1st,• The court at Grand R • eplete, nlieln, Te_114,67."la umix•ex. is being tteleed to dieselve the partnere 4" nalut,re4t by:111'15 of tit wbea. t1" 3311/31e'r a 11141/13S 14111" streetedet atoedud eyw.tbiti37% ‘1)70erTel:-p4e1r retebteb *1 ber Compeny, of Mani.ster. T3tzemoin.totioer., or tont of barley Feld for 41 1-2e per e.4:414113117g1"/Y4Y1113:Q11114"tbertotni""tn in bu.we5rhet4s9;t1:11,vtite old bruieing 32e and hundred bushele at wee the new eee per Istitel. A,3aother GH-NE11411, lave hey market prevalle 1 to -day, toLraantoecom egEoatiNaotirtri:ucf,orag,utillion •ttowesnit3)..wheep,tice eetonen.xa New et stem us, Ex -Premier Crispi says Italy should who,t, wht tr I4 0 711.2 ses-reb for new fields in tbe Orient.' Wheat, reel.: 0 70 071 1-21 Ilegian capitalists intend ter build‘IsIV411:ittt: g6veoein.ring: 001)0 00 93 at, Antwerp the largest shipyard on. alto, etl. . 03.i 0112 the continent. 4 Oats, spring. , . 00 0..8 The troubles of Italy's new king Bexley, . . . 0 00 041 le have commenoed with a differenee Hay. 012, per ton, . U00 3350 with hisMinisters. new. p.n. ton.. . 12 00 1350 Straw, pr ton. . . 000 10 00 felall 13 under arreet at Deipste Dressed begs.. . . 7.73 $0I! who admit a having conspired to kill Butter, in lb. rolls: . 0 Id 019 Xing Albert of Saxony. Eggs, nOW 110.. • • 013 014 050 The foreign population of Shanghai 0111°1`"s4 perplUr.020 Turkeys, per lb. . 011 011. ID May, 13 said, to have been 6,714, of Ducks, each. 030 04(1 whieb ses were Araericans. Pate toes, new, per bu. 033 04(1 The Cape Colony Assembly has Beef, hindquarters. . 700 900 granted leave of absence to Cecil RT,Lkrfe foregIntrtnra• • e4,9,,a 550 Ithodes for the session. He is in poor "e2'!" 6111/a56' " • "u" • %"" Mutton. . . . 5 00 ‚700 health. Lamb, spring, per lb. . 012 012 1-2 The illness of the Empress Frederick DAIRY MARKETS. a 2,00 4 26 375 a%) 5000 800 ewte 000 625 e wt. 5 12 1-2 5 ST n 300 30El 200 225 Aid. J. B. Oke, of Peterboro', will go, to England for the Dominion Gov- ernment, to investigate the com- plaints regarding the • condition in which fruit shipped in .cold storage reaches the British market. • The Department • of Trade and Commerce has just issued another part -of itS report for June, covering the unrevised returns of imports and exports for the past year, tariff changes in other cou.ntries, etc. The Railway Committee of the Brit- ish Columbia Legislature has thrown out: the application of the Lake Ben- net , Railway Company for d char- ter to build an opposition road to is proving very serious according to a despatch from Frankfort. mile Anglo-American. Society of Lane Honey—Firm. Dealers are paying 6' to 7e, outside. Dealers •quote from 8 to 90 per lb. for 5, 10, or Melia tins. Ocnab honey gene here at 31.59 to 31.75 per dozen geetioria. Baled hay—Very tattle being brought hem No. 1 timothy will bring 38.75 te e0, outside. • Bated Straw—Car lot 35 to 35.50, on traelr. Haps—Sell et about Cauada, Butter—There is it bettor move- ment, and values are steady. Dealere were selting to retailers to -day as fel- don says "overthrow the Sultan and towel—Dairy, tubs, 17 to 18e for choice, stop the massacres in Armenia.." 1.4 to 15u for second quality; small Sir A. B. Hardinge, British Consul- dairy, lb prints, 18 to 10e; creamery, General at Zanzibar, has been ap- pointed. British Minister at Teheran. The Japanese Government ha e final- ly agreed to allow foreigners to hold stock in railways within the Empire. Over 5,000 firemen from all parte of the world participated in the contests Cheese Board to -day 2,402 boxes were ID the international exhibition of fire boarded, of which 1,320 were colour - a.pperatus at Paris yesterday. ea' balance whitBusiness Was not Vice -Admiral Fournier reports to the lai very brisk; 10 1-2o being the best or - tubs and boxes, 20 to 21e; lb., 21. to 22c. Cheese—Dealers here quoting new. at 11c. THE CHEESE MARKETS. Brockville. Ont., Aug. 28.—At the are quoted at 2 to 1.6o for FIGHTING IN ASHANTI-, Flying column Succeeds In Reaching Kurnasel., de--pate,la fowl. Bekwai, says The column under Lisui...0el. Bur- roughs, coweisting of 740 raeu, whieh started for Mr:avast caa the 4th, re- te, mad beto yeeterday, having rein - forma the Xuatreset garrison and re - victualled it for two menthe. Three otd stockades erected by the enemy neer Kumaesi were attateeen and deatroyeel. Tlee enemy fought desperately, and waited to meet the bayonet charge. On the night Ot Alla. 7, Lieut.- Theeroughe made 44 etteets «rz t Anhenti weer vamp, one mile from X metset. Theenemy were sexprisel, an arge narabere were killed with the met and aword. No firing took lee. The map awl stockades e. ere destreyed, The eneeey defeated by '1„.1,,)or Eted- noes on. jeely 30 moved eguth, and were eurprieed by levies from. Inetteim, wlao eeptured their women. and children. Thelater a.re now under the protee- tion of a British officer. The Dee - era levies, 3,000 etroug, are bolting theine1vea on, the Ashanti fame torth'4 Bekwal. They are aecom- eled by an esoart the West Af- n Frontier force, The nuniahment which. is beingdealt the ealern,y, though gradual, ot soon be forgotten by them A MON tlying rolumas start this k far a destination unknown. Admiralty that the loss of the torpedo boat destroyer Framee, off Cape St. Vincent, in collision with the battle- ship Brennus, was due to the defective working of ber helm. WILL REATTEST THEM. Militia Department's Instructions to Col. Otter. A despatch from Ottawa, says:—The period of Servioe of the first eontin- gent will terminate in Oetober, and in reply to Col. Otter's request for in- structions, he will doubtless be advised ID reattest the -men for further short term. in the field shoold they be required.In 6fficial eircles it is not considered any of the men—much as their friends would like to see them in Canada again—will a,k for their dis- charge, albhongh they would be en- titled to it. There is just a passibil- ity that the regiment will be ordered home before October. Lieut. Ecolestone, in charge of the Canadian postal corps in South Africa, writing to Dr. Coulter, Deputy Post- master -General, state's that Sergt. 8. Johnston, of Winnipeg, a • member Of the postal staff, has been invalided to Nebley efter a severe attack of enteric fever. Murray, of the London divi:- sten, has been detailed for duty with the Canadian -Mounted Rifles, and has rendered such good service that he has been recomraended for promotion to the rank of sergeant -major. India has sent a pastel contingent of four dusky natives to South AfrietCto look after the India work. The Australian postal men • quit sorting lettere to get into the fighting line, with the reeult that they haJ. to be xeplaced with an- other postal staff from Australia. The Canadian postal corps stands as the pioneer contingent from the colonies and their good work is warmly com- mended. • CHINESE POLIGENEN. meet or tile celestial OMR goad • In eastonaeTeheCtrbiDn'teeefil".poileeman is something between a eirou4 eitawle and football player. Iiis breecbee ars always baggy a,nd very well wedded— so areculn4d7nY YtQ/aue:-paQudejtic;t°a7lybo witeeutl, as is otten the case, be wears a coat, alsa thick •and clumsy, conaieg welt below the knee,s. Dark bine is the • prevailing color, set off and accented with bands aad facings of lightee bitten red, green, maroon and brawn, bilh never yellow. That' is the saered or xoyal hue, permitted to nobody below, the rank of a VieeroY. tbIosen thep%tar414:3rfoPro:igt7itnhfaltwetees.to 44,4111 commeree—the pollee force hi lergell. made ep, of Sikhs from Northern Ind* The reason, perhaps, la that the Chinos eee themeelvee are tne essentiallY -arlike; they ha've it proverb to thiii effect that "no good /MAYA la ever ascii-0. Ao men in the ply of the Chilean* Government, weether natives or not/ ptiereosyellantvterQtaableleesee awn cacutwiv:. part in OA The rani offloially a* geedere merle. In Veltio elle bead et them, ist heaps, a flarteint. P0110401114 VIAL30 box ntier than blatne-berriee in the eee capital. The sacred. or Imperial 0 ed pity lever, between 15,009 and miles eget:4144re, •ItilbsT4tww4ttollge4reeptitygai4tee"vi: • well lace, half a mile from the aoti a ‘4110 froze each. other4 etreete etretelt ttreight frenge another, thue cuttlug theepace mato' A big ninenbloclu. Belize are ecettered along the nine Kearns, espeeially arouad their liter Ogee, wition face upon the pagaway ileeide the wall. Tar. IIBAD Qh` IIIB POUCH. bas Charge, et all the city gates. Then re nine iu nureher—onace tbe Aide next tbe palace has an extra. gate in the act. middle ef the two-mile wane licemen. in this, the Tartar City, long to what le known as the Bight, Recent fighting provers that the re- aratir‘ne:r°x135.,0uob,e1,. Tbe 4soefeciedoesntohtc'ir e haltrortX bel forces have not quieted the viol- oe a eleeneen officer, bat, ;Leek /metros rttrYyQltoEilmilac.44t: tou'autteiro,"tlel-loboer sari:3; ogtuaustiwasan.daneduttplaaweke5a14rusrbacflallor InGfre defeats before the oountryeouth mere when time, bear tbe sigual gun. of Lite Ashanti capitel can be consid- noels fired by an officer whose -medal 'eel °deer otrebelL After thie part charge it la, eithier upon orders or it of tile ommtry hue been cleared it la, in his covet judgment it is necessavy/ probable that the. rebel forces will The penalty for firing it at the wrong), tease heatilitiete. time is severe—it may be degradation 4 telegram from Colonel Willeoeks and banishment or simple etraugulee. received at the Colonial Of rice, state. time- tbat Lieut. -Col. Burroughs' eol.. Upon parades and. reviews tbe untn can/fished of 750 native soldiers.. teen are alwo.ye armed, especially ie Describing his night attack on the foreign devile are to witness the re- ockadee and the rebel camp, the of- view or the parade. The weapons are cial account eays:—"Before the en- curious looking, but wicked in the ex- oult.the anthem, dtheyetrebeleeamaputhetlytreme — the three -hooked. epeare theY columning was all carry in partioular make eagget kIlled a large number, all with the and ghastly wounds. Besides the 20,000 bayonet and the award. The sebei . within the wail Pekin maintains a force of 14,000 witlr which to regulate affairs in the outer city. They are under command of the same general officer and governed by the same regulations, though there are aerie-. for. At this price McGregor bought 390 coloured and 90 white; Derby- shire, 340 coloured and 250 white; Webster, 185. Kingston, .aug, 28.—Special—At the Elieese Board. 399 boxes of white and 445 boxes of coloured cheese were bearded. The buyers were Messrs. Scott, Murphy, Alexander, Thompson, Bissell and Crawford. Mr. Alexander bought 210 boxes of cheese tit 10 5-8c a lb. The bidding started at 10c; many salesmen refused 10 1-2o. DRESSED HOGS ANT) PROVISIONS. Market -firm on all provisions, dres- sed hogs unoleanged. Lard very firm. A.t farmers' waggons phoice will bring $7.50 to $8, according to quality, for butchers' use, PRODUCE. Quotations for provisions are as fol- lows :—Dry salted shbulders, 7 to 7 1-.2o; long lear bacon, oar lots, 8 1-2c; ton lots, 8 1-2c; case lots, 83 -to to 9e; short euti. pork, 318.50; heavy mess, $16,50. Smoked 13:teats—Hams, heavy, 1i1 -2o; medium; 13e; light, 13 1-20; breakfast bacon, 12 to 12 1-2e; picnic hems, 100; roll bacon, 10 1-2e; smoked. backs, 13a. All meats out of pickle le less than prices quoted for smoked meats. Lard—Tierces, 8 1-4 to 8 1-2e; tubs, 8 1-2 to 8 3-40 ; pails, 83-4 to 9c. Eggs --Offering free, and market without much change. Some real phoice eggs -are briuging -13c, but the neual rune is. from. 12 to` 12 1-2e. No. 2 hot weather eggs sell at 9 to 10e. Dealers here, are buying choice, eggs at 11c &livered. • ; Potatoes—An easy market, and lower prices looked. for. At farmers' waggons dealers here are buying at 30 to 35o, and sell out of store at abetut 40 to 45c per bush. Beans—Cho'cehand-picked bea are worth frain 6130 to 31.75. ns foroea were aaverely puniehed." DE WET BURIES HIS GUNS. Gets Back In Orange River Colony With 300 Men. time arising from the differences of situation. Men and officers alike 1 ur- despatth trent Landon, .says:— yeah their own uniforms, but are arm - The War Office has received trona ed by the state, and receive a monthly Lord Roberts the fallowing:— rice allowance in addition to their "Paget reports from Hanaraanskraal pay. The Chief gets a fair salary, but that Baden-Powell engaged. Grobler'a the men and subordinate officers are seer guard all day yesterday. Grobler .meagerly paid. Notwithstanding, they, was driven back east of Pienaar's make and save money enough to re- viver. Baden-Powell oecupied the tire after moderate terms of service, railway station of that name. During "Influence" in the.sbape of cleld cash the prisoner's friend. in China thfotroce anfigdhtthBadat oetn-thPeoteen'elle'ms y gaaduvoapenede estavenndsmare than anywhere else in the world. In fade, but for the "presents" beta each other, the Rhodesians lasing Colonel Sprekley and four men killed the force is allowed to squeeze out of and seven wounded. Many of the natives and foreigners alike, there Boers were killed orr wounded. They might be difficulty in getting men for were at Cyferkull Uiia the service, though humanity is chap!. er than dirt oheap all over the Cates; plaune,r and Hickman were closely dal Empire. pursuiug them. "It seems certain. that De Wet, finding it hopeless to Make his way BOERS ARE MOBILIZING. eastward, has recrossed the Magalies- -- berg with a few wounded, with the Botha, With 8,000 Burghers, is at in.tention of returning to the Orange NaelladOdorp. River Colony. He is in a very clif- • despatch from Twyfelaar, says;— ferent condition from that when be Through secret intelligence agents the lett 13ethlehemi with six or eight guns British authorities tear!: that Gen, and 2,090 men. His guns have most - Louis Botha., _the cammiander-in-chiell ly been buried and his personal fol - of the Boar forces; Gen. Lucas Meyer, lowing cannot be. moret,lfan 300. the commander of the Orange Free "It is stated that Steve with a small bodyguard has crossed Pie- State farces; and Gen. Schalkburger, near's river on his way i‘e join Kru.- Vice -President of the Transvaal Re - ger at 1VIachadodorp." public, with eight thousand Boers, have assembled at Maohadocicrp, gen- erally understood to be the headquar- ters of President Kruger, on the Pre- taria-Delagoa bay railroad, with the 'a-hele Beet artillery, en:eluding the heavy pieces formerly at Pretoria. • 7,000 SINCE JANUARY, Boer Losses Fave Been Heavy the • Past Few Months. A despatch from, Middelburg, says: —From some official papers which have been found it appea,rs that the Transvaal Boere •suffered losses be- tween'January 2 and June 20 tol the total of over 7,000. Of these the deaths numbered 1;000. CHANGE OF FRONT. Success of The Allies Has Brought Manda,rins to Time. k deepetch froim London says :—A despatch from Hong Kohg to the Cen- tral News says the news of the sue - 0696 of the allies has spread rapidly in South China, and has caused a won- dereul change in the attitude of the Mandarins, who are now very enen- getie in protecting foreigners. TIIE POPE'S, PENS. The Pope does his private writing with a gold pen, but his Pontifical signature is always given with a white -feathered quill, which is be- lieved, to came from the wing of at dove, although persons who have seen it say it must have come front a large en bird. The same quill has been ise use , more than 40 years. It onlY serves for important signatures, Ls kept in an ivory ease. NEEDED, SOME X -11,4Y5. 01e, could we but peek in Pekin, Through that dumb old Chinese wP-11. And let a little light leak in, IN'Ould our spirits rise or fall