Exeter Times, 1900-8-30, Page 5TH4 EXHITEli Ti: IVIONEY 'TO LOAN. We leave uelimiteel private funds for izLycsi, rnt. woe, terra or value prePerte at lowest saes of lutexest. DICESOleete CARDING ,eeter. F GLA-DIVIAN (Successor to Elliott 4s °hobnail) 13%tri.gter erinvoYarlOers Etc. Memey to loan On Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest. orwox MAIN STREET EXETER ilePs.itIN.LAN'Atk-ie71 D. S. fl. D. S.ellomer Graduate of Townes theversity, Dentist. Teeth extracten without pain or bedsitter effects, Moe in Faze sena block. 'West eide of Main excel,. Exeter R. ANDERSON. (O. D., S. 1, D. S.) DENTIST. r••••••••• Hauer .Graduateof tae Toronto University. and Royal College et Dental Surgeons of ezetarie. All 'bridge work. Crowns, cud elate _work doimie the 'neatest passible maxim A naraleffee eueeetlifetle for winless extraetion. Tbestrzetest attention given to the preserwite on of tbe Batumi teeth. Olitee opposite Oen; teal Meet. aereter. Queue°. CUT THIS OUT with ceus Kneen tine YOU Vita ROt by return uzail SOPEN )30X Or 040DS thin brim with istonnYmmv. in °menorah. thee mate:arm else in America. w..KINNUY. N, ealem-eYarmoutte S Five Packs of Cards Free, Gee ?ace, "May I. V. U. Janne,* Geeepaek Reseet. Padt ViirtatIOA: OnOiglek: 4 40:14d, 201,Ight.' 0100 Vkiek eofa Jeer, Bolds Twee Beniples of el other styles wale beee fell or AO. Rena 5c. eilver ro ostage. Olero-Yamouth,N.S FARM FOR SALE. The uedereimiea offers foreale ha excellene lama of 75 acree e lot 0, con 13, Bay. On the premises is a good Immo house 22 x 2. kitchen .UTUI Woodshed, good be,* beta ee x se, and. ooi drivive boils° end other ouneulleirige. Itoolhouee Across the road ;netlike pertleof tee ilowieblug et nashweed. Foil need, wellwatercd,eeneee excellent. reasen for sell. felliugbaeltb, Daeli C11 Jely FARMFOR SL3 0 ee RENT. 100 acres of fireeclase tanil,In the toweShIP of Vsbargo. elow lot 10,11i Otle cone ediolizing be illageofWinchelsee. Good weter,wellfencol, seed mitidings, end the laud bsOret-eirtee state st eultivatien. Immediate peeeseeelen given. tear toms Ana condi tiOne write or ealt au T10,)$. COOK. Eliraville 11.0. 12.41 BORN S= In. Credtton, on Wedeeaday, . of Mott, chambers, etDtb a (twee- ter. In reberne. on the 201h inst., wife of Frank Davie, of twiniehothdaughtere. MARRIED DT -3R -0n 'Wednesday, Aug. 0'). ae thole:me of Melville's parente. Itev."'.41. Shaw, lien miller, Lewis Beltof serlin, (for- merly (it toieten,) to Miss los, third ilenglo ter or Mr, and Isere. Jacob Miller. 'EZIAL0WLEES-31CDONALD-.&t Brueeflehl. on Aug. es. by Rev. N. Sewers, Nell Yellow- ' et:tater Bownianville, to Bell, third daughter of Duncan McDonald. Locals AT THE. LoNnON N011enaTe . The W- oad term of the London Normal sclaool is under way, With eighty-eight stud- ents already at work, and ten or a doz- en more eu route. The stodents haU from uany poiote, with London and immediate vicinity well represented ; the number of lady students already in attendance for the present term. is 05; a gentlemen, 23. .AnnOtiget those inom this vicinity in attendance are Misses Fanoie Adams, Mitchell ; Mary O. Beim, Loean ; Eye. Bruce, Prospeet Hill ; Minnie E. Robinson, Gederieli ; Grace:Torrance, Zurich, and .Richard N. Creech, Exeter. DE.k.rn OV Mete. BeekTOEreolen,- The death of Mrs. George Blatchford, of the Xhames Road, occurred on Thurs- day lastea.fter an illness of siertn years duration, She had been suffering from a general decline, and while help- le.ss for %Mee thele, had been confined to bei bed but a few weeks. Deceased was born in Cornwall. England, and at the age of 14 years, einiorated to this couotry with her parents. who settled in Port Bope, where she lived until she wedded Oen. Blatchford, when with her htiebend she mite west and settled Pear Exeter., lig1rs. Blotch - ford was lcighly esteemed by a large circle of friends. Size was a member a the Methodist church, and her long illness was borne with christian resig- notion, She leaves a husband and two sone to survive. Mtn, Chas. Tom. Q f Exeter le a sister. DIVISION CoraT.--Tueeday was a busy day at the Divielon Court here as econe eleven cases were on the list to be tried, in addition to a number of Wooea eurinnono, Only two of the eases were of special interest,however, and these took up "rivet of the day. The first. Was an action brought up by Albert lilePhersoin who for some years haa been teacher ef S. S. No. 7,, Us. borne. against the school boerd for the amount of his ealary, which two of the three trustees refused to pay. These trustees had served him with notices to leave, but Mr, illePherson conteuded they were not legal notices tinder his eoutract and so refused, to net Irmo them. For months past the case has caused considerable excite- ment. in the section, practicolly the whole neighborhood turnieg out to ourt en Tuesday. Judge Doyle re- erved judgment, but the indications si that the teacher will succeed. T. earrOW, Q. C., (Godericinifor Plff. ; 4, If. Dicheon, for Defts. The secoud ase which also drew a very lerge vwd was tried by a jury. Last May Thee, Bissett, of Exeter, purchased a. mare from john Tow, of flaborne, for 450, upon the representation:I, as lie *toted, that she was quiet and not more than 10 years of age. The horse rued out, however, to be a kicker d evidence was given to show that Towl knew she was a kicker, when be sold her, The defendant, on the other hand, while admittiug that she was cranky, swore that he had not represented her to be quiet. After the addresses by the lawyers and Judge, the jury retired end after a half bour's deliberation returned a verdict for the plif for 880 and costs. 3. G. Stanbury for piff,, E. W. °tedium for deft. • Sexs m ith Bermes- W. J. johnetoo, who has taught the 401001 here for the past 11. years, with much acceptance,the other night tendered his resignation, to take effect as soon as another teacher can be procure& lir. Johnsten is one of the best teachers in the county, and results at scheel place hian.in the fore, Most rank. Not only as a teacher is be popular, but he is highly esteeined by his colleagues a the profession. It is to be deplored that Mr. Jehnston has decided to leaye us, but rather than submit to the annoyauce of petty jealousy of a few, he takes this course, The excuses advanced iu opposition to him are ill-founded and eontradictorY in Character, and cannot be borne out by fact. Ratepayers are too easily led astray by miscinefonakers, and ehould weigh matters in an impartial and reaSeelable manner, before allowing their minds to become biased. Our less will be Mr, johnsten's gain. ee Hay Council, ••••••••••••••••.11.1••••••••••rlricc6 Miss Pearl Levitt is 'welting friends aULLSON-WELLReGTON-At the recidence }Jennie of the briciree_eitirents, on Aug. 8. by Rey. J. 14vIngst0n, ee'teelsor, eselatekby thence, W. Coma of Lambeth, and Rev. W. IL Grab= of Sparta. tho Rev. W. 11. eaillson, of Geste, 'Colchester North, formerly of Exeter, to 311es Julia- Wotlingten, Carn'aelite, Plympten Townsbip, Zambian Co. DIED BwercuFoRD-In Exeter, on the 23r0 Inst., Jaeoba Greenaway, wife of George Blatehford, airce co years, n months. ' l‘fiens shoes all kinds at G. Manson's. George &unwell is visiting friends in Montreal this week. W. N. Manning, of Clinton, visited friends in town last week. Miss Grace Muir. of London, visited CULBERTSON-At Corinth, Miss., on the bet Mrs. M. J. White this week, inst. Charlotte IL beloved wire of Chas. 0. Culbertson, and second daughter of John ,e/130y's strong grain shoes at G. 1.11411a. Ellinville. 3ZAGLIDSON-In Milton, North Dakota, Alit( MaDson's. 20th, Robert Eagiesoe, aged layout and 1 - Allen Jeekell left On Moodily for eas Eagieson. of Clinton. Regina, N. W. T.. where he will teach menthe, son o11. Eagleson and nephew of SCb001. A special meeting of the Hay 'Town. ship, Council was held !OA 'Saturtiv 2,:itlx hot, for the purpose of .apooint- log a Treasurer in plate of Mr. whe bee resig.ned. The members were all present. Thomas Johnson, trtieb, was appOnted Treasurer of eatery of $90.00 per annum. The followieg res- olution WaS.SUbmilled and eeeeed by the Coancibeelldoved by W.13. Battler seconded by .14. Lamont. that; Whereas, Fred Kibler, Who. oc- non °Mee . of Treasnree of 'the, Townsolp of Hay since January isx$, until this day, through circurustances over which there is no control,. boa seen, to resign the office .of .Treeser. er ; And whereas Mr. Kibler bus seen fit to dispose of his property and sever hia corinectioo with the MuoicipalitY, and intends to MOVe With his family to the town of Brampton, Ontario, "The members of the Municipal Commit of the Townehip Bay can- not but express their regret. at losing so valuable an officer, as well as a citi- zen. He bas proven to be 4 man of sterlioLqualities, an efficient. obliging and painstoking officer and will be greatly missed by all who came in con- tact with him. The Council of Hay wish, from the bottom of their hearts that He, "from whom all blessmgs I be folicm uag acct. An connection with flow" may guide the future doings of • the Davis and Heywood contract be Mr. Kibler end may bestow all • rteitinee, tow** and Hey. blessings and prosperity upon lent and welled) $14.03 ; A. Davis and C. Hey - Ins esteemed family in their futur. woad *ma lame. In conclusion. wo /nay as&nr° I Per R. N. RONNe and II. Hoeston the citizens of Brampton% that„ wha: , Let the following accts. be accepted : will be our loss, will be their gain." .I„ GLigg, nebool supplies *19.80 ; S. The Clerk is hereby instructed to sweet, on furnace acct„ s33.co. Sub. transmit a copy of this resolution to Jed to the approval of the 00=nittee. to Mr. Kibler end his family. Inspector's charge. Per W. j.`te-W.is FIIRD HESS. Sltoelerki Ing and H. Hueston that the repairs required to the roofs be effected under le direction of the repairs coon Per W, J. Carliug and U. Buestan that our pleasure mid that or the rate- payers in the euccess of our pupils at the recent exams. be voiced by the McLean will run in the Conseevative interests. In South Perth J. K. Erb, Board and. that a vote of thanks be M. P. has been nonunated by the Liberals, while it is expected NVm, Johnston will carry the Conservative banner. Valentine Raiz, M. P., was nominated at a Liberal convention held Tuesday to contest North Middle- sex. John Sherritt is his oppooent. '" I Mrs. Fisher+ and do:twitter, Miss _ - - - , _ - A Prim FOR SLB. -A square plane' r Vine. are visiting Mrs. W. Davis, at ..e su good order, for sale cheap. The adni , Hamilton. olvereiser has two. Can be seen at the - ,, /,, , if Metropolitan hotel ,.., We half sole all kinds:ed Ladies! # For sore, blistered, perspiring feet' e and Men's fine turned sole shoes . it , chafed skin, prickly beat. nettle rash, No tacks or nails to hurt the feet. and applying after shaving, use Foot. , . ase. For sale at Lutz's Drug Stote.V'Dring them along with you. a, box. GEO. MANSoN Aromatic extract of Blackberry is a •-- pleasant, safe and effectual cure for if A Boar frk Selbool. f. Diarrhoea,DySentery,Oholerat Morbus, News has reached wenianeeport, Pas. ' -Colic, etc. For sale at Lue'z Drug e of an adventure with a bear in the Store, only Zc a bottle. , ',, wilds of Brown Township recently. Turkish Scalp Fond prevents the ; Whlle Miss Lula Beaver was teaching 1 hair from falling off, restores greyor i the little eou.ntry sehool of twenty pu- „white hair to its original color. Being I idle, all were thrown in a state of pante delicately perfumed. it leaves no un- by observing a good-sized bear enter- Apleasant odour. It is not a dye. nig the schooltoom. •Boys and girls 6 Should be in every household where a reake dashed through the windows, !hair renewer is needed. Sold by C. '11,,,b11e the bear stone 'nue aisle startled ' y the nommotion. Miss Beaver, the eaoher, hastened down one side of the clam and ran out, closing the door af- , er her. In the MaitantimO several woodsmen heard the commotion, and -Lutz only 500 a bottle. -- BEYOND A DOUBT. •TBOUSANDS 8 -ITE TBSTIMoNY. hastening to the seene wibh a rine Letter upon letter pours in from quickly dispatched 1410 animal. The every point in Canada testifying to ide will be oresenteilko the teacher. the marvelous power of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets to cure kid- ney and bladder troubles both of the • young, middle aged, and aged, and such other tronbles as find their origin THE HEALTH PROBLEM Winter Finds Oat hat De it spring, $ummer, autumn cr winter, someone in the family is "under the cureather" from troubte originating in impure btoQor tow conaltbn of the system. All these of whatever name, can be cured by 'the great blood purifier, Hood's 8arseparillanitnererdiscirpoinrs, 140113-"I trenhiert with boils for menthe, Wee Advised to tee* la:wee ear. sanaellie, and after Wing 4 feer bottles haye met since been bothered!' R. If. Or.snwni, Truro, N. 8. Conk:I Not $ieno--n1 red net balri, any appetite and could uOt sleep at Pigt$t. Wee so tired I could laardlY vi'alk. Bead about goerps seeeeparina, took four bottles and it restaged Me to perfect Izeidtb." Mess j*OSTS TURWBUT.Y., OraubrOOk, Ont. MARKETS. Exeter, A. DOI= 2iith.1900. per ...$5 to $5 wiE:utiete: .64. to 65 .. 55 to 58 .2560 26 " • ..1; .3. 4711 tote° 11.71. Etog8 •• • 14 t00, 16 ••• • • +.1, 00 ....7 .. 16 to 10 Taarkeye - Geealao • .6.. elkiekeW Wool Dried Apples_ PerltdrOsSed..... . • .... stso ta 7.60 LONDON MAREETS: London, AUOUST 2%11.1000. Wheat per eushee.-- -..63 ats. Peas ...- Barley Buckwheat By Corn • -.•• Bemis .......• 65 Better -. •.. 411 Ego Ducks - 60 to 65 re 35 to is 10 42, to 17 to 5e to 47 to 70 to It to 16 to 70 "leisutoilreese:ecey:. ...10 to 12 Geese per$4..... • ••• • V) la • • • • • • • tO 10 Potatoes*Per •••• • 10 75 FBaorykppeerrMewt0 ..1$ fee; * 7 -ea $7,60 $5.0o e• • ▪ ee to 75 THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN EXHIBITION' WILL BE HELD IN ODERI Tuesday and Wednesday COteill Or 18 (Sr, 19 PRIZE LIST AGGREGATES $2,t: Only Two Days, But They Will Both Be Hummers. No Waste Time. Everything begins at One o'clock on Tuesday. YOU ARE INVITED TO COME AND SEE The Leading County Fah. ofWestern ToRsnvz Ontario, held in the ea ies Prettiest Town. in Canada. It has the Oneet Fruit Display in Ontario. Alex Schreok„ fornierly of Clinton, , No other Couhty Fair basso good . brother of Tony behreule, has bought Track, ,or such well arranged and C'era- , the Klonkike hotel at Hornstein : :Roue Greuuds and Beildiegs, .... „ Alusie each day by -the fame* Gode-' * MA; the nen.irritating are" *lab Akre ,Saii*Suarills Exeter Public School Board. Meeting of the Board beirl 1;1 the Town Hall, Monday, .Aug, 20th, with ll members present. The following is the order of bus De5S duly submitted and approved, Per Chairman, minutes of previous meeeting. From the repairs cora. that the fur- naces had been duly examiried, placed in a proper state of repair end likely to remain satisfactory for some years. Per grounds corn, that the gravel re- quired had been procured and satisfac- torlly placed. Per Secretary that an acceptance had been received from Miss Rusk, of Goderich. the position vacated by Miss Ball. Per W. J. :Itrlingaod W Trevethick that the non resident fees for each term be required in advance. Per J. Senior and W. Trevethicl; :hat subject to the Iuspector's approval • • Is an ocli at in pler that n is sometimes iu a faulty kidney action, and they supposed Health depends chiefly u p- are many. Such a mese of evidence on perfect digestion ill) d pure blood, puts its power to cure these afflictions and the problem is solved readily by beyond at doubt, and 'SI-10*a that the Hood's Sarsapat ilia. .You may keep tablet is the right thing in the right weiLley taking it promptly for- any place. •stoinech or blood disorder. Its cures This is what Mrs. J. W. Hutchins, 82 of scrofula, salt rheern, catarrh, dys- Portland St.. Toronto, has to say, "1 pepsia, rhettmatism and other diseases • eannot,say too much for Dr. Pitcher's are 'cambered by the thousands. Backache Kiduey Tablets. Before us. • - ing thetri f had a gnewing pain in the .The -favorite family cathartic is • back all the time, and an acute lame- Heed's pins. ness dUross thelehis, , I had not so _ ...-----..---e.........._ Much aching -in my bead as between 1 ! 9 i•' IL ',/111 hca your lungs and , •IriV6 you dell blood In StOrP. i Don t Stop tag Scot cured. CIA= it's wsrrn weather. Keep taking it until you arc kin t's Emulsion he- t • • 1 Mgr " la Wirkter• It's c°6 I . , liver oil ma& easy. L50o.114 $ 1. All druggists. - -...allhedlilli • • -iny shouldersapd n the back of my , neck. Since using the ta.blets my back is as it', used to be. and the rheumatism in the shoeldershes disappeared. For- -eelhen I. did a washing I was • ntterly tired out, not having a;bit • oe'energy left ; this morning I did my washing in two, hours and did not -mind it. • I have no hesitation in re- commending 'Dr. Piteher's Bac 1.etche • Kidney Teblets, 1°1.1 efre-1` bad any; thing (Wale eseniich goad., '1 _Any readerne thee remelt. can test the Merits Of Dr. 'Pitcher's lea,ckeche Ki d - -ney Tablets free by ell clos i n g 2 'coi.te posl ege for triel -Teo:levee to the Pit - tiler Tablet Co., Toronto, Ont. Bogie Sithe 60e'par,hdttle. ;OA - pm- Robt. Holmes, M. P., has been nom'. noted by the Liberals to contest West Huron at the next election, whileRobt 'ME:MICE WANTED to lean. r tinting, Apply at Turns °Mon. Summer let a season of health. when you take Our Native Herbs Tablets Cool the blood, keep the vital organs fortified agaieist summer diseases. 411L00 s box-suough for 200days. lbw - issued guarantee its sash box. As druggists, or Ws mail U. The Manse 0. Miss Co., 211.2 St. rata. Street, Meistrsed, C. tendered to the teachers for their zeal itud fidelity, and pupils for their energy • and careful study, securing the follow- ing excellent showing : Applicants for Entrance 10, passed 10; Juuior L. 10, • passed 10 ; Matriculation 8, passed 8. Per W. S. Carl ;lig, adjoiwn went. NEM Meat Market The undersigned has opened up a. newaneat market one door e Soul]] of Carling's Store where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A 0 ALL, SOLICITED JOHN T. TIANNING Buy the Best and Ignore. the Rest In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc... GET SOMETHING We have it, you want, it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE and you will find what you are looking for S CIDLEY SON FURNITURE A ND .1.1:NDE RTAKERS. Opera Honse Block. FOR OVER FIFTX YR8R3 .4:-; Ora Asp wptrirama rs. WeeslowaSoothleg Syrup has been used for over elty years by miltimie of nsotbees for their ebildren whRe teethiog, with Perfect seem* F..00thg5tho eoftensthe.gtuns. ellees . Fem. sum wind ,celie, and le the beet remedy for Ditieracea. 1118 pleesent to the Weer. Wed by drogelste ever* eart. of tale world, . yenta*, bottle, De value is Meal:eatable, eta sure ,and oek for fere Wluelow's Seething Syrup -and teee no otter elude A. epecial meeting of the Board was i beld n the Town Hall, on Friday, Aug. Zith, with the following' mem- bers absent: -W. Trevethick and W. 3. Carling. The following is the order of busi- ness duly submittted and approved. Por H. Huston and J. Senior that with tho aim of covering the course required for second class stending and university entrance, an additional ro orn be opened and an assistant qual- ified in Latin and Moderns, .procured, (W. Trevethick coucurring by letter). Per H. Huston and R. N. Rowe that the position be offered to Miss Rob- ertson. Per It N. Rowe and H. Huston that the prospective vacancy caused by the promotion of Miss Robertson be filled by the teacher's Supply committee. Per H. Huston and R. N. Rowe that H. Huston, the Repair's Committee and the chairman be a committee to see that the room is properly furnish- ed and placed in order forthwith. Per R. N. Rowe and J. Senior that 100 notices of the proposed change be printed and carefully distributed forth with. J. GRIGG, See'y. BEATS THE KLONDIKE To TUB Thr. ..-4. rieh beiy eured of her Deafness aod Noises in the Bead by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Bar Drums; has seot 1,000 to his Institute, 30 that deaf people linable to procure the Bar Drums may have them free. Alln the Justitute, 78(1 Vgiti t'1/1)4.1ktette 8. ei "lecep the bend cool and the bowels opeu ie sensible advice to Mitow claring the warm weether. If the bowels do not move regularly once a day use Taxa -Liver Vale. 'They are easy to take. and de nut gripe, weelanz or eleeeo. Ielee MP, COVIR1US and. Colds that ether reuneive seem powerless torelieve aroPromotly: cured by Dr. WoOd's Norway riUD Etrup. '.rry ire and le will amino eau of ite effleecy by caring you. Pelee eee. Mr. A. C. Thomas. of Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable dis- covery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suffered un- told ageny from consumption, accom- panied by hemorrhages; and was ab solutely cured by Dr, King's New Dis- covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of lit- tle value in comparison with this mar- velous; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and a 1 throat and ludg af- fections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion. Sold at any Drug Store. Regu- lar size 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. A FAMILY MEDICINE. Dirs. D. Williams Gooderbam, P 0. Ont., writes "I have -used Hagyarcrs Yellow 011 for buries, scalds. spa:ulna and bruises, and it bus alwaya given satisfaction. It is a splendid family medieine,it can be put to so many dif- ferent uses." Price 260. SPEC1Ai LOT OF TWEEDS At Cost Price, erland SCO RB PREF4.BED TO PURCHASE itliBLER . 9 .errHBR STANDING OR IN THE LOGS, Apply to E. C. Kesself POREMAN, 13XETElt, ONT rlr He- el° thitig QUEST! N The Great Farmers' Trot or Pace. Prizes $30, $20, and $10. WEDNESDAY 20 Pace and 2410 Trot, Prizes *175.00. 2 30 Pace and 2.W Trot, Prazes $40.00. rich. Marine Band. 2 40 Pace and 442 Trot, The Rest Speedinp-, Program offered Prizes $ in the County. ries (except for speeding) close Sept, Ifith. Drop a card for St Prize List. JAMES JUTCflELL5 Secretary. win Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are ableto avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavyadvance m price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show d, big range at moderate prices itt Scocch and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and well as- sorted stock_ Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- est goods voa oercfor singt from $10 up. GIVE US A CALL and see what we can da for you. J. H. Grieve. MERCHANT TAILOR. FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS. A good Assortment ALSO HEAVY PAN1'INGS ATCOST. We want to clear these lines at ce W JOHNS, The Tailor Cern:fine a rter s Little LIT,Fe Pills. tifX.ist Bear Sisnature of _44,-2vP-z2P See Wrsapper Below. Yon:, etnion azia az teittlice as raft mew& FOS DIZZINESS.., TON BILIOUSNESS:. FOR mom LpiER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIL FOR THECOMPLEXION ,amennessii swarms; sisasssts.:_;., 10t107 Tiettrtzeile. Boo OUT. • 8ft.LE. & Shoes Harness, Trunks, tips, Robes, Express Wagons, Baby Carriages and ev thing in the large and well assorted stock. Having disposed ofmy business to R. II, Sweet, of Dunnvllle, who takes possossion ABOUT SEPTEMBER 1ST. I will hold a clearing out sale of the above Ems until that date% Ltvthing will be offered at and under cost in order to reduce tIlle‘stAM and those in want of anything in my line will do well to take iVkantage of this Barnum Sale. J o rit eble TOtrietitang 1 DAYS. F u rnitur Mrs. Fred Nedden,Eel River Crossing, N.B.. e .y."1 had toothache for dopk, and could got nothing to atop it until 1 got Low's Tooth. ache Gunn, -which quickly cured um" Price 100. ••cc..e•ceo.woccc* "I Can Eat What I LikeiP Many people suffer terribly with pain in the stomach after every mouthful they eat. Dyspepsia and indigestion keep them in constant misery. After trying the hundred and one new-fa.ngled remedies without much benefit, why not use the old reliable Burdock Blood Bitters and obtain a perfect and permanent cure? Here is a case in point "I was troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia for three or fouryears, and tried almost every doctor round here and • 'ffer- gilt dyspepsia remedies, but got little relief. "I then started using Burdock Blood Bliterseand when 1 had finished the second bottle I was almost well, but continued taking it until I had completed the third bottle, when I was perfectly well. Before taking B.B.B. I could scarcely eat any- thing without having a pain in my stomach. Now I eat whatever 1 likewith- out causing me the least discomfort." - MRS. THOMAS CLARK, Brussels, Ont. Another large ear just unlodded at R. N. Rowe's. We were fortunate in securing this large car load before another advance in price, so it will be to your interest to buy from uswbere you ran get first- class goods at REASONABLE PRICES. Undertaking Undertaking up-to-date,in aU °rancho at the old store venue everybody is ; inade welcome, whether you ' buy or not. Rowe's DO YOU FEEL TIRED IN THE MORNING? Does Sleep not bring Refreshment? Do you feel wretched, mean and miser., able in ;the mornings -as tired as when you went to bed? It's a serious condition -too serious to neglect, and unless you • have the heart and nervous system strengthened and the blood enriched by II c ieyartobnille ttionY fled caimiltfauwhat he tli° n slt isWebit3s for ev. Especially. is this necessary when a matter el health is involved. There are so many imitations Of boan's Kidney Pinson thettarket-some of them' absolutely worthless -that we ask you to be particular to seethat4he full name arid the tra.de mark of the Maple Leaf are on every box you buy. Without this you arc not getting the original Kidney Pill, which has cured so many severe cases of kidney complaint in the United States, Australia, • I The Doan Kidney ria Co., Toronto. and England, as well as here- in Canada. • Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, collapse is almott certain toensuro. Mr. Fred. It. Graham, a we .-knovnt young man oi 'Barrie, Ont., says z --' I have had a great deal of trouble with My heart for four , years. 1 was easily agitated and my ex., enemata caused tnyheartto throb violently. I had dizziness and shortnest of breath, and often arose in the moralegafeeling as tired as when I went ti bed. I was terribly nervous. Minutia's Mead ard, Nerve. Pills have done wonders for me. They have restored my heart to regular healthy action, . giving Ina back sound restful sleep, and making my nervous sys, tem strong and vigorous." , Milburn's Heart a.nd Nerve Pills are eor. a box or 3 tor "1,33 at ah ukruggtsts ary mail. The T, Milburn Co. Limited To- ronto, Ora.