HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-8-23, Page 8I . I I _T)iwr:u or Miss Rorsoxz. - Miss - a- . . ..A.. . ...... M E I ; . . I � . ___ . ___ ___ _ � � ­ -1 'T ­ M. I . I &—R --T=-- -_ �===­ "�!�­�­--_­ ­­RE�i- -_., ­­ I I .. ra .a - — )O ". - I W I . I gW1,A& . sister-in-law of Thos� -.0 -M V _��M_iMq��_#,_­­ __ ___ N ��t ,zi !!R��-!-?!I!�!!!�!!!�--�!'!��.L...!p .... * ........ �";q * L, ! m, ! !!�Tj!*N�U" , I ­­­­ I RIM si-j!" __ ,qk"r 5 4 I � Crews. North, died in Detrolt -r "il " j*�iivni I ,10 4�,jk*4.qis._Pw..%0*.* I ......... 141 0 � i � I I , I � _ - 7_ W_*� Fle �.vA - B R . . "On the Wth inst, ab the age Of 2,2', — _1 (11' RLING . 51TE Wrrl RT'a 'Expo"toe'rl mp." .,� I ­ . I I I � - ­ I BIG Gfl8fi 6TORE� yeara,, $he bad been Ill but a short .��- ., -,%a ."I- � I 11 � t, . q. 4 = "911 .- I . 1. � . �� . me I I " a A F __._."� 1.1.11. I - . I Cil'Z.,'I,l��li"t!l.ili�ti;�ll�:it��ll��ll�:41�Al�11,11"lfi typliold rever� Deceased I I __1 1 �.. .11, ... . .1 ­­ I'll I 01 , ­ . . . �:11,�;it�lll,:.il;lt%tlll.il,tl!lki.t!ll,irjllilllt:,It:�iii,w . 7�1 ;,. , _.w;. I �* � � 11 I .1 .1 .1 . f lmowninExeter North.baving, vislt� KH ­ I I � * . . ad at AU, Orews!oa several occasions. — . 1*1 . ".- . ..31A# Big, Drop,, 1. andwas highly esteemed by ber ac- = Pit) A R �0�,'S '­ 1, Gil8ft OR, FRODUGS — ONLY ORE F111% IVA . . I . - quaintances. Uer remains were in- ,L:.�**. .1 . . . I I I .­T�­­ ­­­­­­;.­­ -1111.- I'll"... 1-111.1.11.- ­­­­ - 111-1 I-. ­­ i, I 1- ,, I I terred !it the Exeter cametery. I—. IF=% I � - I This wee� we place on view the first of our new fall dress goods. - � Z g1r..�.-4.!!T.A.- ... mm-nip..gf.. - V"­-A_!!2gg1._ ,!." M.pqgm. - � - JA i IN THF� PalCe Of- I t =­­ - - " ­ - 9- ig� "* �2�SM. - � .. .... � - - __­­_­_�=��S�R= - 1-MIURN M T - 71 7 =R. ... . .!Lq M =1_11"", W M __ � s TZ M. xZ0 �J. sxz"�-lt ?" _1 = � _� - _A - - 5 - - - - - __ �z� "�U_795 Dv4kTa ov ALo _1 ==_ . :77M7.1 � ­ =_ �= ­= ____ - �' - -2i P-* R.*).x A �i x4i ..... �Ii� � - � � xx OUX ."if.'*j* ........ They'll interest you we7re sure-, as the cbange in style and A . �� �� i r I .. , efiFect was a surprise to his many UP x � frout the past season is very niarkn�d- The ne . rid jatest effects -*Then It . ,friends,, . "" '4" i " �' It ' . �o . west a was learned N'Vednesday that - � � are vcry quiet.yet ricb and full of style. I A. J. Snell, bad passed away early ___0*_*_S�__._ ­ . - *_Q_0P1__ ReadymmademClothing 4 plain homespuns, plain and fancy camel hair effects, and qui et,bu thatmorniug. H.o bad been confined I I I � t to his rooin I .., ,. but tbw a days and few , It -mis ill, . Deceasecl. 310 I j-' 'r *-i'VER LOWER THAN NOW, We do not ..... , rich . Tweed effects are going to be very popular. In black goods pers nA kx: lj , jew 1. e, 00 & . I I I . son of Cha& Snell. gn. and wa5,, the range is more vatk4 tha black stuff, '" 0 w fi inim Goods They were j\ , � 'Z -n ever, ia the better -class of well and favorably known throughout, . , 11 , I Lnow ,whether "Laurie is the cause of it or not but the 1, ' I I ' the smalf and medium fancy patterns, one very.catchy and Ki I cb- , this section as. -Deacon" Snell. For fact remains w1lich makes us and our customers . . .11 I 11.11-1.- .1.11 . yearshe hascarriedona, successful We have ,,I(l vice from New York of sonic Yery large . tailoring business, and was one of the , b -appy- The variety is also harge. The reduc- , , � . . � We she yard for a lovely range of 1 $4.50 for the stilt or dress end, of best catterc, in Optario, He was 40 Shipments of . tion comes at all opportune time,, when ,,Lyaew plain 11omesputio. All the newest � your cholee of a fine range of new 'years of age andumnarried, -He was, tints in Greys. Browns,, ana Greens_., how . espun camel hair effecti, new the only child and his loss is keenly mothers are gettitli their boys ready I � Just the tbing for a nifty tallor,made � Pawns, new Greys and new Browns. felt by the bereaved parear. Thefou- I to start school and want to bL,v _ . skirt, .suit, , or dre,,zs. � Style, quality aud value in, this line. � eral will - taLe place t4ti-44y. (Thursday) Dress Coodsq, Silks, Laces, Unens�, * * , .. ­ I 11111- -1-1 1-110M.. "',_ � _ _,­ ....", ­..".", for the 13.xeter centetexy. ' Worsteds, Hosiery, Cloves and most for their mouey. We � V, I � " have a line of boys suits �11 09C tile yard for a! swell lot of rely,, $5100 the suitor 4ress end fora swell SVcvWs,Fu,LSTV,x)R.xTs.--NVe notice � hOmespuzi, suitings. all the new and � lot- of soft camel hair finish. flake Or by -the reports of the Departmental Mantles, Etc, that were $2.75 to $3.25 it populax . s �� inottle,d effect. This is an eu , , ,! tints In Grey.% Blues, Brown . 11 I tirely Ex, Eva Car ing� � . stilt which we offor at $1.50 to . . . aminatior.4s that, Miss I and Greens. This is a vjer�l SPetial � new, and very catchy line. daug , Uter, of T. B. Oarling, of Exeter. I j�oeandamoue,ys�%verforyoti-ttGOe-i ­ .11. M� I ­_ ­­­ _­�_ N% ho has been, attending tbo Brantford Which came via S,, S.'s 11 A-ii0iGria!' and "MY of Bre- clear,aud mally other lines proportion . I I VollegLite Insth."te I u , this week They will -tire rl . a ich Arrived itilNewYork ately low. We aISO clea ilig out Sum - I 11.1 01-�­ I *5150, the ;sultor dress end for our Obtainingafirst-ch certificate. mlsl� , 77�otbeyard foraspecial lot of 111911" best hORAM11% new, 110141% and effe4c' come to: balid in the course of a few days, aud in the mean- M,er goods, blouses worth 50c for 40c, 75o for I 1 Va -is been, � a ne st ufflug U, In , pt and successful ,C), M-hpinespun suitiug,% nice; softswyge'i tive. .4,11 t le we, and atest colpr- student in all her studies from the Mine we Shall offer a number of Summer Goods at ridiculous- 50, 1,00 for 75 e, muslins and a number of other lines � � iftnish in the new emys. and Heather� ings in. Groys..Br9was.Blueo aud Black. public svbool to the Collegiate. She Browns, gorrect instyle and big Value. j -"-1"*"_,_ _.___ __ I 1. was but 10 years old when she -Passed ly low prices, !n. order to make room for these large import-&- ,it ant good good at right - ­ I _ I your own price, If you w, .,_, 111- - - � 25c, the yard for a choice range of for the High scbool'aud not sevoutgen IOUs. prices we ,are with you, If you want shoddv , --,lie like yow . � _ I . f I floancy when she ,sent in, her ipplication to r,,x t b e yai-d to r a very n My ran W� Plaid, Dress agods, very. suitable � xiew 54 Wh tweed saltlug%new co r , aist4, and correct for '&Il4re111$ 'Write for 4; first, This is an excep- will have'to go elsewheto. , . I— ­ -_ . .1 I I new at,ylvs. Correct f0r6U1rtt.,. 1 s, wear. Tbey're euch value as you'l) tfevalrecord, and we would like to /,� bear froui,3,u I . .y town j - . .In w ordrvs�es. not see again. _ . bich it can be Give us a call. Ifighest prices paid for produce. ': / I beaten, Aliss Stella Gregory. who Ill$ 25 Ladies' shirt waists, new patterns and good 4tters ' 4, beenattenfUng, Oodericli Higlt School worth Doin 450 to 60e, ordinarily, your choice for...., 39C G-ARLING BF? ­108 ' ' has also passed the firs, art for first- ��.,-,� N�ow Your welcome to drop in any time and look overour now class certificate, while 11arvey Tlick9s Ladles'white pique skirts, trimmed with various Col- _______T_-_-___________.__ I , I It. dmss goods. Come and study the new styles, you will not be ask. of Centralia, a student of London Col- Ap,purmweD NVANTruo to learn *"re ,,a very sorry to heir of the llx�. I !_- V, _ , I 1 ;44 ed to buy� We take a pleasure in showing our new goods. Come leglate, 'has obtained a second elas�, ored piques, reggalar selling price $2j, special price .. 1.3!9 printing. Applyat'rixits ofact,;, ness of 0. Waguer,of Waguees corner, I , and being your friends wit4 you, you're always welcome, certificate. , -PIANO FOR SALR.-A Square P14130, IT&Y- ; I � Men's Crash hats, assorted kinds, re-ular price 50 for 215 .1 ` .i, PF_,,mjK OF Jomq V-A,T-]F.­J0hu_,Nra1e, tl� J G, 44 good order', for sale cheap. The ad- George Pickett, of 01taton, had the I I I - ­ ­­­­­, I j.4'\-eter,�North,oia,Suudp,ymorui,ngI t 1. yerdser hwi two.. Can be seen at the misfortune to. lose a horse on Saturdar *35 Ladies! Vests, very special value at .5, 8, 10, 17 attil �Uuetropolitau hotel A I J. A. STEWART took his own life, by hanging himself 25C supposedly from the heat. I to a, beeeb tree. For seine tiale Ali.. . �, ='I!�!: 177:111": �! 11 1'::'-!'!�---'.--;��-!T!t!!"!M*T=.,=,—.----, ---T= valebad. been ill'the effects of a severe U knA Cool Summer Coats and vests, in nice, grey NVUAI Lamont. Hay, tireshud. a RUI Seale,0114011-90t & nasty cut illi , bealitifal crop of wheat from 15 aeres, the head, ou Friday; he was batlxlag� I attack of Ia grlp e. wbich affected his sbades, r%alar price $2,,Myou come and take your ith other boys In the river. . c , Iceftse's, brain, and his riends have kept tbe _ that yielded an ayerage of 40. bushels. W For Marriage Ll f .""I'iFor sore, blistered. perspiring feek. I Gri"O"', S That Is the result of good farming. . � K V-4 I Wi�-,d,dlng Rings, closest possible watch over him. fe='- choice, while they, last for .............. *44, .... 2.15 .. tbai be might do himself harm. �, Aratuatioextractof Blackberryisa c afed skin, prickly beat. nettle rM � - on I NVAP1chos, Clock", Mngnday worning the family arose at A lot. of odd Jules in Ladies! .-orsets, ranglug iu price �Ii)leaslnt, safe and effectual cure for and applying after sbaviv use i Jewclrx�, tile usual hour. and while Mrs. Vale 1, Dlarrhoea.l) senterf.0holeralMorbus. Base. Forsaleatl,utz7strug Stoxe. � I 8 a ( -1 box. spectescles, Etc breakfast, she left bor '15, � . 0 . 49 , 0,olle,,ele., I .,,�' 4. , � from 745 to I.% your choice for .......... � . . 'L " � ,Elor, sa e at LuVz Drug U 1, j w4is � *I ,. I � oil, a . � CALL QX buM31u*X'sNrt1t'q1gng In another room, ap- " - _ _ . bottle. -:;;W�_ ­ � ­ __­,�,� i BU^ok torol ane. appei . , . 50g N llalr5 . parently.quito a, Sometime after Ladies" print, wr( rs the regular 75o kind for, . . . Ole all M.nds!of Ladies' - --%'* , . * R- HIC-KS she asked h1m, a questiou, and failing . / 4 'e' BLACKSMITH'S � ____ ___ Watch Repairing a Specialtv. to get a reply, solight the cause, when f and Men's fine turned sole shoes. she diseovered that be had gone. We Avaut ,a large quantity of good butter and eggs f6l, No tacks or nails to hurt the feet. I A full stock of School Books fall Torto Opens Sopt. a Xcigbbors were aroused and a search 0 e Will pay highest prices. Brigg them along with you - ". I I made tat, the misstug man. The rall, Whi 11 W ATTENTION., for Public Schools. � GT -;o. m4kNSON; . 11 4.4n$ral waybridge and r1yerwere, carefully OV A "no over,NN-ithoutrei,eal-ing-,vnythin .1 �! Tarkisli Scalp F. -I prevents the I ��, i I I I thesearebing party went nort - N Ir ,� hair from fallincr 4.1. �#.-Stores grey or NV� 11. Parsons has sold out his ward on the track until they cauto to ,.., white hair to I inal color. Being blad'.8111itTli business and has 3 good �� . I '-.' O'Nell's woods, about a quarter wile IA,"ARD9S S010,111-1111)1W&r,V_W& A full stock of Sunday School STRATFORD, Ofir. I _I r'lle I tgben 9* F)IC w Y , 4031cateh, perftll�lil-elaf it leaves no un- auvils,,t bellows, *2 heavy vices,'Itre I -NOICsi than 01aht larao bushiess callegeS from town, Where the lifeliss body of fil pleapmil- odour. It is not it (lye. beader,tire tipsetter, tire platforni,and I � Library Books at wholesale prices haveapplied to Als within tile laq e,jv �veekj tor Mr. Vale hung suspended froin a tree. Direct Importers .1 $hoolil be in every household where it la lot of other tools whiell will be sold .. our Rraduate4 to taim positionj a,j te,tchers ill The body was cold; and life had appar- ��,` lv4ir runeNver is needed. Sold by C. oub very cheap. . . their schools. Al many- as five business fl=8 ently gone out without a struggle, An _k J_ Lutz, only Me a bottle. I TWO aPlilled to u3 in *tto day for amn help. inquestwus deemodunnec I .1 11 1 = Family and Peachers' Bibles F'xeteel* Hetisat I W. H. Parsons This Is surelr the best seltool for was the second attempt All'. ale had - I . .. XOU, It pays big lif., 1, I Full Line. to preparo for profitable, progrmsive and per- madt- upon aving a few B, X E T U R, ON T , I , 111411011t QMPIOYMent, Catalogue free. months ago arrangeator his h%oging ___ ____ - Bargains ­­ - '-"--'- ______ -'-'— ' I IN I ___­;� - . 11 " " 'L"Mip, I in his own barn. His medicallattendant Mrs. Amistrong, Huron. St., is very 4.1 Boy's strong grain sho Everything in Stationery, , Pri aI. bad warned his friends that such would low. es at . V I - T wholesale and retail. — __ _ be his fato if not carefully guarded. anson's. ITE Y - 6VE�T_I�j'�_S. - and they. had for months pist been . I t ' ' ­7�0 ,�' � _� - Rev. Milyardaud Mrs. WIYAT'd are t Cjz--1,5 LE"I 'S' vigilant in their watebfulness. Mr. visiting in St. Thomas this wC-ek. In -� �n I aspen Sunday visit- Bic V %;; " � a town. a", ' I The copy for changes must be left Vitle waqx native of Englandand com- R. S. L%ng has disposed,!"'of 20,000 , riends i 11 at present . I ��,., V.tnad.% some, years,ago, set- barrels of appleR to a Scotch firni, d, rocker is Very I We have a few second band not hater than Tuesday noon. Casual in I Avith ty phoid fever. F "A" I R -,), I adv��itisements aecepwd t ,,% ,% ,anson is conflned to her � Dr and Mrs Browning arespanding 1000 models J 011 0 6flau # , ip to noon fled in r. oter, since that time he bas Mrs. M. A. r A I � . ( ,espected resident. His room. with an al ack of typhoid fever - NVednesdav of (Anch week. Is( ,n it highly x U it few days at, the Bend. � widowandhtwily hAve, the heartfelt Rev. Benj. NV. Grigg is visiting bi; I Win. Westcott bas accepted a situa- 911 Lime)-, boxes and baskets, for school ,. � . E� X U rJr R a - sympathy in their sad bereaveineuL arents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Win. Girigg, � tion on the Seafoxth Sun. children also pencils and scribIblera, 11, � Clins. Senior _is vl�'itlng his Non bere .the remains were interred in the 'Un- p -1 eveland I _; at present. ion Ceinetexy, Exeter, on Wednosday, town. Mr. a Israel, of Seaforth, was the U1 etc. ose, all sizes, cheap. : INSUPUNCE. ) Rtir&l sebools opened on Monday a large concourse of people pitying 41 R. S. Lang- shipped several carloads gauest flHiss Ethel Sweet.over Sun- , of crab apples. fr6m this station this ,, , Parasols and'Umbrellas. — -.--,-. ­ 'last, Aug. 20tb, and the town schools last tribute of respect to the unfortun- week. t. Narys and Exeter lacrosse teams lldkfs for 2�c, a rare bar i ETIRNEST ELLIOT, on Tuesday Sept. 4tb. ate fellow citizeu. Bicycleso gain � Airs. R. Coates left for Dayton,Obio, will cross sticks here to -day (Thurs- Towels and Covers. Mr. and Mrs, E. Holmes for many * — Wednesday, where she Nvill visit day.) Fine hair, cloth and Tooth Agan for the'WES=RX ASSMuNci,, Cou- Vears residents of Clinton. celebrated Zion Civic Holiday August 2fth. Miss AVesteott and friend, of Sea,- I Only been used.% sboit time and brushes. I ;A ,_21TOMItO, friends. teed in first-class condition I _,3�L C_ ,00,dp Lthiea-!Pn-ENixgIaFnnd-; iheir golden wedding anniversary at R. N. Creech left for London on Mon- forth, were the guests of Thos. Prior gu ara , Flag and Maple Leaf Stick Pins. 11 , % k, 0" 'r. of Eng , Granthant Place Farm, St. Catharines, day. Mrs. Yule has been visiting her bro- . 11 . L,;C, L "a Co which%e will sell at Collar and Cu:U buttons, .. . and 06 A.4 . ther, Dr. Browning, t - I over Sunday., -.1-1. I -on Monday livit We wish our old X. G. Staubury was in Toronto this We are pleased to hear that Hen ry Friendship Hearts. � —== confrere:and estimable wife continued week on business. weeks. I IG uld, who has been very Ill with ty- BAKORIN FKIGES* Baby Rings, I . O' I TEEURSDA-Y, ArGrl ST 2aRD, 1900 7 good health ai�d happiness. The Misses Holland were in. London ,hold fever, is on the mend. . I . .. Mrs. Hamilton, of St. Varys, is visit- on Taosday,Xiss Addle baving return- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gowan spenta, Also a few other makes very cheap. The latest thing out -Gold and Silver I'll I _____ ___ 1 Newton A. Green,way. C- P- R. ing friends in town. ed to Niagara. , few days in Monkton last week, the Wishbone Broodhes. . a t at Deloraine, with his wife,visit- .�,W�.____­ I . LOCAL HAPPENINGS %131 last week ht Dr.Rollins'.Theyleft . Mrs. Thomas, of St.Marys, visited at , �F. A. 0. Renshaw, of the ,MerchanVs 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. 11. Aferry- forbomeonSaturday. Theyhavehad * Martin'8tbis week. Bank,Toronto,spent last week visiting,1 field, In Second -band Pisnos, Organs and Nice assortment toile I a 5 months teip to Paris and Britain. Will Hawksbaw, of St. .Marys, spent at LevitVs Fair. i After Sept. 1, the Granton Presby- Eewin es, we are holding out, tro,ys, Sottp$ Polish and smallware. Fred Soutbcott, of Toronto, was I I a an c,gw'e".'%,"t!,n p e o p I a I o 6 k! i i g f o r gop d in Sun day visiting friends in tow n. town Saturday on his way to Gr N They travelled extensively all through H. Hooper, of Hensall, has been terian congregation will be separated 'in" British Isles and took hundrecis of from Lucan and 1"razer eongregatinns values - I A fall line of Granite, tin and wood- .. Bend. ' The Sunday School of Xatnes st, spending a week's holiday with his. th,whi I it is now corine � ­ - I views of all the most famous ruins and church picnicked at Shapton*s grove friends in Exeter. . 'W1 cli eted. I � an ware. I . Mrs. Hodgson has returned from scenes in Britain. I yesterday. Rev. D. M. Ranisay, wife and fauiilj�-" All kinds of Ladies' and Child- Our new goods are all right both in Palmerston, and is visiting Mrs. Geo. The directors of the Exeter cemetery James BLverley has moved-,bisfunifly 'retullned to Ottawa Wednesday, ren's shoes at Cy. Manson's, uality and price and are sure to please. . Levitt's Fair I., . Fisher,' afte' 10 �Ialland see them. No troublp to ex- AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEAM . .111� The . intend inviting the shareholders, both. intothe residence next door to Airs. .a pleasant visit in Exeter .and vicinity. I George Oarter, for a about 20 years ' plain to you their good qualities. . I., I recent heavy rains will "11,1?re of the Oountry and village to meet Harness, ou Main street.' Principal Boyd. of the Public school LAUNDRY. 'k W ,ch 1 respected resident of Clinton, died at . . . . the root crops, especially corn, them at, the cemetery, on Labor Diby, Mls. (Rev.) J. Holmes, of Brussels. and family have returned afte artin ( Laundry.sent away every Thursday. � . I it knocked down. � r spend- the home of his son, Samson Carter,in Sept. 3rd, for the pu se of a general East Wawanosb, on Wednesday, �t S, M a � ." . rpo er was visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Rol- ing vacation in the northern part of I . I . Misses Dickson and'Winifrod Hoop- consultation with ref ence to the lins for the last two weeks. the county. the age of 81 years. He has been in ­_ - _ ___ ___ - ,.,. I . I er, of London returned home Monday future management, improvement. a0d, . feeble health for some Lime, though . � - I . . I , I . � -f.er a short visit, here. welfare of the cemetery. Fu Fred Miners, of Cliuton,'and Geo. r Men's shoes all kinds at G k 8 . " 11 � � . rther par- - ?ot what might be called seriou ly I ' . ,. Miners. town, are attendinz the ,fun- . ft, Q1 I . Edwin Spackinan and, family, of ticulars as to the hour of meeting and I sick at any time, - ­ � � - ter and at Grand Bend. I . sk, of Gcderich LQST.—� Recently a counter check I * fore,, �,,� .� � Bleftbeim, arevisiting friends in Ex- etc., will be given next week. eral of their cousin, Miss c.ra, may �Xanson's. i . 9% " 11 . e� Jobr.s, of Eliniville, to -day. 1114, Miss Ru I has been ap- I Puget The New, � I Mr. W.. U. Dalbridge, of TJsborne, - W. - 11: Wood, of lot 1% 4th con., Us- pointed one of 'the assisiant teachers,, ook was picked.up by mistake, with U 11 %0 . I Miss Ada McLaughlin bas returned clairus that few things are more pro- borne, has rented his farm for a term in the H xeter Publid School, vice Mis same : � , � � after several months? visit in fitableon a - . sotneparc0s. Anyone having same . ' . home. farm ,than bog raising. I Woodstock, Stratford and,Toronto. Within the past -year heraised 61 pigs of years to Wm.10ord,of Exeter North. Ball, resigned. have spen , we willthank them to return it. ) I I R. H. Sweet, of Dunnville, who, re- front 2 sows. Of these he sold 37, for Mr. Wood intends going to London to Tbe Misses White, who. CARLTXG� Bnos, � I ; I which be realized $408.07, and has rg-side. . I - the past two weeks at Woodrow beach, " L I ­ . . __ 1-1 DRY 60ODS dflg 6ROGERIES �. I cently purchased J. Treble's :busmess, Mrs. J. H.,Grieve has returned home and with friends in Windsor, have re-., - St. Marys I I I I 1. bas arrived in town together with his I reserved 4 of the large ones for his turned home. 1. 1. . � I . � . I wife and family. . own use, and has 20 other sinaller ones from Obatham, with bar son Latirder, Wm. Balkwill, jr., Robt, Sanders, __ ' � I . I 1U=WW90__ _�,�� - I I _r on. . few weeks ago. He ls,,improying I Mitchell to attend the funeral of the I � � o 'has been vis- late I . , I I [which will be fitted for the market who was prostrated with the beat * a 13nimps.-Thos. Ooupland -drove to - � I . 1. Miss Alice Haffey, wh John Bartner and a Mr. Amey, of' . . . I . - �, � ., I ing Miss 0ora, Powell. for the past � nicely. . Stephen, left on tbellarve&EXCursion,, late Mrs. Pender.1-Wes. Jameson, , ,� . monrli, returned to he home in Wood- The Game Department of Ontario . to Alanitobb, on Monday. - . Toronto, was in town the guest of Col.' 11 ,!, i � stock oniThursda.y. . reports that the grouse will. be very Messrs. MeDonell & Bawden arrived William and Wesley'Vale, of MOnt- White, last week. -The rural schools �VV w--% I . -.��.,�� . . I plentiful in Western Ontario tfiis Feiday,with L-leven. imported drAugbt real Are ,n tov� n. .They came to ,at- reopened f ',busi � ness onlMonday Aug. � ... . ­ I" � Rev. Walter D. , Millson, � who was o.r_ year.' In the neighborhood oe Sap- .bor 's rom Scotland. They are'a litip I I 0A . V V a ILY 0 IN/ E 0 0 1, ..:, �� s I . tena the f uneral of their father, - the, 20th. The. town school on Sept. : I � I ,!, I e. exhibited lateJohn'Vale. William Vale will re- 4th. -The Indians who beenen- I - . . I I . L , ­ dained at the. Methodist conference in nia$ they, will be particularly num- lot. Several of them will b I I . = . 11 I . , . I I ­ . �­ � , , August 8 �to Miss Julia WellingtoD, of in the , . I . . � � I ,. . St. alarya in June, was married. on erotis. The increase is attributed as at Toronto and London fairs, . main at horne. � ad pulling flax in this neighborhood 1. __Az74Mft9___, '_�� I . I . I � ; . , case of *partridge, to the'dry , Thos. Russell has leased the -home- Jarne�, Walterst Jos. Davis, Geo. 91, . , � I . I . jCaimlachi'je. Mr-Millsoniswell,kudwn for! the past 4 *eeks, corn�leted their - . I I .� � I I 11 I .1 -weather, which prevaRed during the stead farm on Thames Road to Albert Davis, John Spao.kinan., Jr., and . I I I , ' - . I . I I I ,� 4 1 1 � � 1. L ' in.Eieter. I .� I I . , I I . , _ -Alonday I contradt andpulledup stakes andde7 . ' ' I , ge., . ,�Ve I ' " . . I � 1 breeding seasons. The, season has Spencer, of Ontari6, Oounty,' late of Philip Roweliffe, return6d on campedfor other parts. -T. Robinsonj Produce talken in exchall want Butter,wid E S. I ' i � M Trick, Clinton, has bought fi-om b6di, 'particularly favorable, to the 'New York. State, Mr. Spencer comes fvom,fhe Old ,Country, where they of Milwaukee,. who has been spending I I I . " I 99S , I I - I I ., I Olias. Wilsan his house and -lot on. breeding of game -birds, none of the highly reconimcinded and will make, a .have spent several - weeks visiting the past.'few.Wpeks- vi . siting'i � n town, � I � Fi�st ,�hipA-ient �of I . � � I . Ratbanbury street, whi6h is coukder- Yc�tlng IiiiiVing -been droi�iied out by good �Wzen of tTsbo'rne. . . I � ftieDds. � .1 . . ' 11 1. I New goods ariving every week. � , 11 ' 1, ­'. , I . I I � I I returned home to stay.- � . . �� I . I � ,,e,cl.verydE!si'rableprope.rty. Theprice rains. I . 11 1. The bairn on the farm of Thos.Hazel. .Mrs, Dt�vis. who has been. visiting I �2 , _ , � � . �'_ - � fall goods in, to -day afid 'more to follow until stook is, coln - I I . I � � ­ I . 1. I , 1: , paid was $1,100. ', Mr. Wilson expects There joined the silent maj 1, near Sunshine, TJsborDe, I was her inother,Ars. Pratt Fisher, lef b. for , HIS LIFE, WAS SAV'gD. . I .. I ority oil wool , ur grocevy S -ng u : , : : . � � , j to go to the Saalt-shortly,'and if things Thursday last. Atxgi�st 8tb, at, the struckby lighthing-on Monday last , London ,on Tu6sdayd She Intends __ � � plete, 0 tock,is noNv complete , 6verytbi e.w , ' I � . . � , : , xvvill move there. boxnje of her son, D. I Taylor, con. 10, and butned to the gro�jnd,. together . 'Mr. J. U. Lilly, a prominent, citizen alld fresli. I . : I I ... I I � ,�. 1� I I I I look promisinL bavitig their household effects moved I I L I I I � I t Ashfield M I rs. Margaret Taylor -Bruce, w *' I tents, Wbich belonged to froni London to Harbilton, Where , Mr, of,11a.rinibal, Mo., lately hada wonder- , . 1. ­ �t ou need for I I ... I .1 1; � . , John Willis,' wife and family, lef ' assed quietly D ing, the lesp-ee� The barn I I . ful de � . 0 of,can'.ned goods, just wh, � 1i � I" 01 ance from a fL'ightf a] death. . A full sto k . i I El xeter this week for Mmlette, cb., an early' .qettle�,,who p, ,,,,,I Vu I'd I Mvis hap, ft good,situati6p, liVer, I y , � where tbey will in future reside. Thq away at the old Ladd repecte a age. of 89 was insured� � � I I 1. Negotiation shav'e been gr,ing! on be- In, telling of it Ways : "I was t�iken warin,weather al�d gohig�,out eampiDg. ' Fresh sahii6n` sar- , 1. - I I .1 � . 1. � I I Years. . She was not ill, but feeble, old .Anotber ,of Huron's .pioneers has, twoon.J. 0. Miller, Clinton, and Jas., With Typhoid fever, that ran bito . I . ) I ��� . I I I -i s i I . : intend jojuing ,Fred Willis,, wbo is I , � McGuire, of Bell&vllle, for an exclift'n ge ,Pneumonia. My lungs. became. bar.den- dines. ,16pper6d herrii - 16 ered- Haddlesi larich :toii�rue, "I ,� I I I fa�rniinghearthatplace. - Mr. Willis age was,the cause of, her-deatb.' De- gone to big reward,.. in the person of � . 'the Hotel Clarendon. T � . I .t ' � Q I I ,� 11.1 9 , IPP . I I 1) . . ,�s a native of Sedtland, � orn Thom ipe of i�d. I was so wda,'k I couldn't P.yen si . Corr, ns -ill tomato Sauce, 'picklos� alid toui,,� I "I somq YeArs Ago rati .the; farm now cea�ed w,. I b . as Johnston, Stanley, at ther­ o naake it I � 'I, , -, , I I I I own- in the parish of Moneeklie, Forfarshire, age of 91 years and four hionths. De- A Case of go Or dt-()P a slim Of $1010. w,ts �p'in bed. Nothing: help�d ine., J ex- � I �. I 1.�'. . . I I � I ed b�� Mrs. Ellworthy,' ow I Haroll in 181. , deposit,ed as a forfeit. ' The new man- pec.,.ted to soon"die oE Consumption', to catsup. : ''I" . . .1 I - , � . I � , 11 street � 1 . I I 1. She tanie to this country ceased had been' ,iffing for about ­ I . I I - I � :" 1: _1_ * . � I - . I " I -1 I " r'i . 1. I . about fort I . 4 . ager is to . be here this ,v�eek and the *ban I heard,bf Dr., King's Now Pis- . Onr teas bavo. axeputa I �11 . I �� � , , I - � . y years ago, and sebtl4cj in � y0ar, and passed peacefally away on . -is valuation covery. On4 bottle g,tve grq�at relief. ­ tiou already� . 1� -1 I I . 11 . �_ . A h6rsp faminel is predicted id, the Huron township, Bruce county, Fkom - deal will be closi�.d as soon, . I I � � 1) I , � I I I � I '.. . ,. Thurs(lay, morning last at the resi . I , ,.; , ' ' Eastern part of Ontario, owing to 4fh6 Uiis place they removed to Windsor de I nee ,of James Ar s been �ettled,.: 'The transferof h- T continued to use it, and now arn well , Try our ehoic,ej,iipan T6a, 5 lbs for,$1.00. . '­ 1. 1, I I � mstron Varna., 4a I I . , I , I I I I ,, � :, I I � o I Jarge number of,auimili pti:rchased for wherehewasa pointq!�Lfirst engineer He Was. highly, respected. �ir. John. cense will be rnad'6 by the c(*.j1nn1fss10M- and strong, I can't �aytoo'much inits I We S,01i6it % sUile of yo�r 1)atronagye. I I .� 11 - I �, war purpos". Well known dealers , of tba�stimwer Isia, Beatty Linej and ston I was born in.the countyof Fer- ers and will fake -effectab6ut the 2-1th praise4l' This marvellous niedicineis � I . ' I , � . I I I I I � there will, be, a difficulty to supply who, with his wife and children, were ,, rnanagb� Ireland, but has been a con- . inst, Itis the intention of Mv.,, Miller the snrest ancl qLlickest ,eirre in the Remeanbell tbu I)Iaee first door 1101th of Post office", ,� I I I I 1� . ard�(save. two) 6n tinuous resident of the tow I I I I I I . . I � I � I � M 'market with horses for soine years 1)9st ,with all,on bo, i)ship of, .and' E . . .. . � I :2�11 I � � , I , unily to still reside in Clinton� world forall Throat andLung Trouble I I I I I I I � I . I I I . �'4�,`.� �,�.� � �. � �: &MI'thaf the prices ot tb(I'anitnal that ill-fated �teanier in the Georgian , Stanley for , 61�er 60 year,9. enduring all Mr. ,Miller, 'will contirtue the. River 60 cents and $1.00 at any Drug Store ; . , � I I . I I . I I I I I . � 11 I I I I I . �: ., �,'�,-,I� I . 11 1� I I I I ievery bottle g.aaranteed, - I � I I I W, - D. YIBO� , �1.110C_ I I greatly increase. : 11 , Bay� , I I , , of the early settlers, , .1 I I : , , . � I I , � I I the hardslilp'. -house, at Bayfield. , I 0�1 � ; 4 ' I . I , � I , . I I . I I I . . I I I � �,,,I I I . I I � I . I . I : . I I . . . I I . I I I � � I � � . I � I I I I I I � . I I . I I I . ­ �- " �' '. " I I � , I . - I , I . I � I I I . . , . I I . r - I � I � . I . � o 4 1 1 11;! I I I . . . I ,"i , , I � . I I I . I I � ! � I � . � I I I . I . I . I I . "!""L ' " � I I I . , I I I I . . I I � . � I , .1 . I I . I � I I I I � � I I I . I I I I I I I I . I . I . 11 . I "I . I I .1 � � , I I I . I � I I � , � k,u I ­-M-­W� ge, 0 IQ s su t - I I % , I I I G). I I I , . ;1�b D S � r, � , I I �, , I m,�,,-': ­ ,� I I- I I . I . ;,, ,�* '­� I. I I I . I I . .1 I'll, � �N".I',�;�;�,�v, I I � 11 I I I I . " I I I p I "I � I I I �� I I � I 11 I I I .11, I I I � _ 11, _� � I I . ­ � I � I I., I . � . �. ., I ­?,,.,��_­ I- . � .1 I � I I ��::, , � I I . I I �� I ­ .. I 11 .1, I I .11 I I . I � , I . I .11. I I �, , ­ . ­1�i�i� :,!_ �: '' I '. . � I I ­ _ I �''. I ­ � � . '91, , � I I .1 I I � . . , � 1: _ - At 1',_Ni�;:. � ,: I 11 I ­ I I I 1. � . I I . 11 ,, ''.1 11 . .� I I .� 1, I ,. I I 1: � ­ 11 . " I , � ,:� �­ k � . I � � I I I � 11 I I I I � I . . I � I , ., 4 4 iA� 11 'i ` I . � � I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I _1 I I � . I . I I I . � . I �, I � � 1. : 1. � . I I I I . I , , , , . . . . . . . , "; I � ." �� , "I � I I I I , , , I � I I I I I I I I I I � . , . I . 11 I I I ! I I I I . , I 11 . I I I . . I , I I I � I � � . . � , : � , , � � I , � . I I �v � 1. I ��, , I . I I . I I � I . . I , I I I I I � . . � I i � I 11 I I � . , � , I I I I , �, I I I I . � I I I � , I I " , ; , I � I r � , � �, I I I I I I � I . � I I . . . � I I I I I I I I . I . . I 11 I . , I � I I I � I I � I I . � I I I I ,� . I � I � � I I , � �11 , I , I . i �,'-1� �, � �: , � , � , I . I � � I 11 I I I , , � � I I I � I � I I . . � I .,', � � I : 4 " I I , I I I I I �, 1� I I 1, I 11 I � I I I I : t , I . , '..,.�,!� i , I I I I 1 I : , , - , I I I I I I I I I . I . I I , I I I I I I I I I � I , I � . : : ; . 11 � , : , � � :, ;: I I I. ,_'� � ,� �, v , � . : , : , . � . . : r � " � , � , I I : % I . I �, , . I I ; I I I � I I . , I I I . I , ; : , I I . I I 1� I , , I I � I I I I , I I I I . I . I I � I I . I I . � � . �,,, r I , , � I . � . I I I I I I , I I 1 , I I , I � , � I I � I I . � ". I I 1. , I 1. I . I , , , " , , , .. , , 4, ' , . I :T 1, ,, � ". I , � � � , 'k 11. , I � I I , - .,. . - � � �,, ,� ���,� � ; " -, , , ,� .; ,�� :�,,, �,'�' , , , l�, � , , ,; �, . :, " ,. � . 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