Exeter Times, 1900-8-23, Page 7iRUGER HELD BY BOERS. Will Use Force if Necessary to Prevent His Escape „He wants Peace* A dept elt fronaeLandon says-. T.hey have ninety guns at Machado- derie. Tee co.rresponitent professes to kr.ow that wIten Enesident Kruger was at Macimenedorep he wanted to leave the country, pleading that his nealtla was bad. Tbe military leaders euggested that Watervelenden was a desirable and bealtbful plaete and they kimal- tawa-usfy proviled the President with a !siege guard a bonor, wbo were strueted net to lose. siget a him y or nignt. The leaderargue that the Presi- slent is respensibie for the war, and mast face the consequences. They will prevent, Ins lght orctbly iL neo- eetere. ocaneepondent of tbe 'Central Seems who wee lately released atter .ttodere Bente two months' captivity at Nooit- gedaclit has arrined at Beebe% Natal, ethence be cables conftrneing the ase eertion that President Kruger wants peace, but says that the fighting com- mandants want to continue the war, Teey are continent that they can hold the difficult N'oaltgedacht country or at lea t six montbs. They are n at all alarneed by tbe prospective stop - nage of eupplies impartexl by way Delagoe bay, as tiaey bare abundance ef Previeioas, a large part of wlaiela are eeried, JAPS' SPLENDID cHARGE, Resulted In the Capture of Ten Chinese Ottne. BOTHA'S LAST STAND. as 10,000 on and 00 OunS in Ilifileult Country, A despetch trent Sbaughan says:- A deapalch trona London, says The ----eThe font:ening despatcli bas been re- LsUan despateh from 're iia gives seived from the Associated Prf.SS core he lateet newe concerning the mew - S FROM IRE WIRES Newsy Items About Ourselves sad Our Neighbors -Something of Interest From Every Quar- ter of the Globe. CANADA. Typbold is prevalent at Winnipeg. Winnipeg is payiag $12,000 for crematory. Since June 15 over 930 Icelandic im- nalgrauts have arrived at Winnipeg. Parry Sound ratepayere have voted a §20,000 beams to the James Ray Railway Company. vat, Manitoba Goverpnaent is urg- ing the farnaers to kill the wheat de- stroying grasshopper. Three Chinamen were injured by the explceion of glaat powder under their cabin at For Steele, B. 0, It is reported at Kingston tbat Mac- kenzie & Mann will parcha.se the locomotive works there. Canada has beau awaeded at the Parisi Exposition the grand prize for heese, butter and egg e in eita sneer age. The Ottawa-Hste ull sociatiou ex. pecks to complete tbe relief distris bation this mantle Tne fuucl totals eecaped from him report that Ills 41.4 to al.2.50; and shorts, $14 to el4.50, nespandeuti with the anion forces, and mettle of Gm De Wet, and it Nimes $928,000. streugth is now '7,000 men. west. forwarded by mail to Chao() and jt a owe comment. . Devi -1 A. Adonee Ls under arreet at The Boers an the distrieta throngla. kibengletins. I Gen. Hunter, while moving north in Brennon, Men., for the attempted vhiela he passea take up arms again, Care, -Chicago prices were rether "The glory a Welly's& fighting be- the Orange River nolone, met. with_ op, weeder of la e' th saeriff %dams and thee ea) do not do so iiii 1 nester. legai prices were Meade 5 3, er, : , e w w ng y nge US the Japanese. They did all the position from Gen. Olivier, south ot of Dirtle. to roma, to yin thn raann cern- owing to ec Leong, .No. 1 Auter:cee herdeet Vitiating. The Americans were ileiihrous and though it is stated that Trinidad is favorable, though not mandant iitteetaltamp, who was wounds ) in"; 48e, en trjAnk anl w4ced be"; la resierre, and had no casualties. The he eaneed the Boers to retire, it does weantotoge, to reciprocity with Can. ed at Dornkop, and who subsequently at 47e. Pe.a.n-Quiet. New peas. ear tots J413alle" advallciPg 41°"63 Lbe plain* not seem that he inflicted a dasuaging ada accarding to atr. Tripp, the Da- took the oath or neutrality and. re - west, sell at5na• and east •at 56c' d no shelter, arid flanked. tho Chin- defeat. minion Goverrienent agent there. turned to hie home, is again figbt- ' ba 011 pees about all out, see from their strong mud walls awl Geo, Boller and Freeeh have teased Innen the teat aeselen of the Cow.- ing. "Tbe feature a the battle watt the Gen. Botha is reeorted to be boldiug 1,,,totgls l stcout itstimetet ainee.bd haltwfloortyletratterisi Gen. De Wet's suecees in evading t be 11 s rtesseeQuiet, New, Nce 2, 3$0, tag a on.t , British is certein to bring large ac- oratile; old, No. 2. 40e. treeeltes extending five ranee. foreee suutli a Wonderfontein. n which resulted in the capture of tett to eonteet the British advance. It Is &Mere from Ohio and Indiaria. win) Small es.untaaandoea near Jobannes- uto?ts,...5tteafids and in lair demimd. cable to ceametat the United States directly witGermany wag base= on Satu.rdey morning from the Com- nearcial Cable Copapany'e station on Oen ey lisla:ad, near New Torn. Messenger Charles Lane of the Ade roe Earpreas Cot was found dead in a car at Columbus, Ohio, on Friday• night, naving been kelled be a 'settle wIlz traie rolanere, who looted tbe safe. A former employee et the cone. pany named R. g. Ferrell was a.rrested and confessed the crime, GENERAL. Over 4000 cal) drivers are on strike at Parks - Hamburg bas a case a pleguefrom Sonth America. Ample rains have brightened eroP proepeons in India. Over 50 suspected anarchists ere under arrest in, Rome. FLOCKING TO DE WET. Ri Ranks Are Being Constantly Augmented. se despatch from Pretoria says: Gen. De Wet, the Boer commander, wheat t Britisa have been unsite, ssfully trying to capture for a long time, has now retreated. northwest of Rustenburg. Eiglety prisoners who EX -PRESIDENT STEYN DEAD White 111, Tried to Reach Kruger, But Perished e Route -Badly Wounded in Recent Fight, fj. 4. despatele _from L434404 says ba Lorenzo Marques correspondent the Datly Mail says a report enn. natipn from the office of Mr. Pott, Consul of the Transvaal states that President Steyn, a the Orauge Free State, is deed. Tile 'correspondent add that he learns be died ou the road while trying to reacla President Kru- ger, Ile was previously reported, to be very &Bs but the correspeudeet says be isInformed that be died from the effeets of a severe 'wound. Ile states. however, that the details are not au- thenticated. MAIOIET8 OF THE WORLD seer Prices of Cattle, Cheese, Grata. &a. in the Leading Markets. 26e; No. I white, 24 8-4; No. 4 whit 23 3-1 to 24o; No. 2 relixed, 23 3-4c; No. mixed, 231-4e. Be rley -Geed malt- iendg, ;N405. et°, 04nrje'tvecityle,e57loNo. askiedrleq%eattsrk-r- Ctulet but firm. Detroit, Aug. 21.-WIteat elosed:-No. aronto, Aug. 21,-Wheitt-Cbleage, 1 winte, caste 76 3-4c; No. g red, cash, closed pff again, and local price's were 770: Aatenst, 770; September, 773-4c. dietinctlyt easier, been Manitobas and St. Louis, Aug. 21.-Wbeat closed:- Outariee eating off. Quotations are Casb, 10 3 -to; August, 70 1-4*; Sep- tolloW42-0Ota-a0. Mil and white, tember. 70 14e; December, 73e. '11, ontsine, 5e; and new, 66 tu 07e; • Minneapolis, Aug. ale -Close -Wheat big, outside, fites Manitoba, No. 1 ---In store, Minns% 73 1 -ac ; teptet*» lvud, ttel..t.1,1mItte;1411.1reatropt:11:30,enst, her, '73 l -e; Deeten.her, 75 IQ 75 inn; t ' on treek No 1 bard, 70 1-4e ; No. 31jelfeetneece3'ee and eteedy. Brae Northern, '74 1-4e; No. 3 Northern, 7 3-4c. Flour and nratt-Uuchanged. Duluth, Mg. 21.-WIleat-No. 1 bar sh, 17 741e; September, 77 7,8e e De - ember, 78 3-8*; No. 1. Northern, cash '75 5-8o; September, 753,8o; December, 70 3-8e; No. 3 epriog. 70 '7-80. Corn - 39 lete. Oats -2e to 24 1.40. Toledo, Aug. an -Wheat -Spot, 76 3-4c; September, 76 7-8c; Octeber, 77 5-8c; 020ember. 78 7-8c. Cern-No. 2. cassia 43 1-2e; September, 41 1-2e. Clete cash, 22c; September, 22 -No. 2. ntelt. 51 1-2e. Clover 4-1898lute, 85.40; 189 prime, 5.75; Oetober. $6.05; No e. 0,25 to $5.40, 011-Unebenged. 51; NttLitateern'. 7A6u41:421-tr1777;t-ri; Nerthern, 74 1-2 to 75 1-4t. Rye - 'ono No. 1. 51 1-2e. Barley -Steady; No. 2, 50e; eample. 33 to 49. East Buffalo, Aug. 21.-cattle-D- maad moderate, feeling steady; veal calveslight supply, gcod &mend. and bigliern choice to extra. 37 to $7.25; good to choice. 0.50 to 67. Sheep and lexubs-Landre ishoice to extra. $5.75 te yeaelings and elieep were quo - 36; good to choice. $5.50 to 85.75; Itye.-New rye, 49e, (Amide; :tad old cessions to the Boer's fighting force, e magnificent Japanese eevalrY Charge, Betlaat in °Duskier:dee strength ready were sent out of Ottawa daily. Veld gnus. Tbe C141M-Se retreat was Meted, that be has p'enty of engines orderly, and they left but few deaden and rolling stock ready to traneport the field. Tito correspondent of the bis guns end Inert easteverd along the tweeted rreas counted S:00 dead or railroad when neceesary. wounded Japanese. The 13ritieh lose Tite reuntry where the Beers are was two men killed and a few wound- now prep iring to melte what is sup - ed. ped to bs their tint stand is the Britith naval brigade guns and Berbertort district. they having, it is twa big Russian guns hatt a duel with saii, bandonoti I.ydenburg owing to the Chinese guns, which resulted in ail- the hostility of the netives. The eencing tbe latter. The Ruseians fouue aro of the apparently impending the plaint eest of the river flooded, and. warfare le approximately 80 by 100 joined. the main artier west et It. Every tellen in length. It is extremely vehicle in Tien -Tele is bripressed for mountainous, anel much more diffi- the transport .servioe or tne allies, in- cult than the Tugela or Laing's nek nutting all weggoas aed rickebawe distelets. Sewn, by coolies." WILL RISK EVERYTHING. 1.14M41•••• t„ ,Britaln. Prepared to Put Forward, All • Her Strength in China. A deseratch treat). London, says:- Speaking at a Primrose League meet.- lug to.day, Mr. St. John, Brodriele Par- ' liamentary Secretary on the Foreign Office, referring to the landing, of British troops at Shanghai, said the Goverameub was prepared to land 'forces, if necessary, for the protection of British lives and. interests, adding, significantly: -.-"We all know that we are deterauned to risk everything, and to Tat forward all our strength enctresolution, before allowing British interests to go down in any part of the ea world." The appointment of Field Marshal Count von Weldereee, Mr. Brodriek said,was welcome, and he expressed the hope that it would strengthen the iiies between England and Oermany. Diecussing the general situation in . China, he declared that there was every reason to hope that the Viceroys in the Yang -tee valley would sincerely throw their influence aaainet insurrec- tion. ••• GERMANY'S CONTINGENT. 7,000 Men to Commence Embark- ation on August 31. -g A despatch from Cologne saes Tee Cologne Gazette says the embark- a1/ion of the German East Asian ar- y brigade will begin on Aug. 31, and ill continue for eight days. Eight orth German Lloyd steamships and ome vessels of the Hamburg-Ameri- s an line will transport about 7,000 len and. a great amount of, war ma - i ail. Here, aocoriliug to the latest Bri- tish informit ion, Gen. Botha hats about 10,000 men and from 50 to 90 guns. GEN.. GASEL BE'S REPORT. British Carried First Line of De- fence in Fine Style. A despatch from London says :-The British Government received. from Chefoo, General Gaselee's brief de- spatches of recent date describing the capture of Pietsang and Yangtsung. Ile says the Japanese dislodged the enemy from Reitsang in gallant style. Describing the figlating at Yangtsung, General Gaselee says:- " After ascertaining that the enemy held the railway embankment, we went forward for the attack, with the Americans on our right and the Rus- sian battalion on our extreme left. After a rapid advance of nearly three miles, during which they were under a. hot shell and rifle fire, our troops carried the first line af defence in fine style. We are now encamped on the left bank of the Peiho, near the railway bridge over the Peiho. Casu- alties, about 50 killed." BIG WAR ORDER. Shells, Powder, and Projectiles for U. S. in China. A. aespatch froan New -r.ork, says: -A special despatch tot the Tribune, from Norfolk, Va., says: - What is 'regarded as one of the most empartant orders received at the Nor- folk navy Turd sbace the close of the Spanish ever was one to -day, direet- Sag the sending .at once to Ogden, Teeth, of seven carloads of shells, powder, and projeceilee. It is report- , DF.ATII FROM SMALLPDX. ed the ammunition it to be forwarded ...le:tauten' ii.:011813111S Pies tu M/14MM oartt al nt 4'0 ra -A despatch from Cornwall, Ont., says :-Alexamler Constans, the young man who was suffering from .5inallpox in the.iscla f hospital, died Thursday. ) Deceased, who was a son of Henri ponstans, East Cornwall, had been em - played on the (Mg Chieftain. He con- tracted the malady somewhere out- side, and when he became ill was put ashore at Cornwail. The local doc- tors, as soon -as they discov:ered the nature. of his ailment, at once isolat- ed the entire family, and later on oonveyed them all to the- 'contagious disease hospital, where they were giv- t o the A.medean wrshi Ps in Chin- en a medical attendant and nurse. None of the other members af the family. took the disease., Imi; they .will all be kept in qua,rantizic., for some time. Elie boat on \vbich, thc young ii . . , man .was employed ;has been quaran- '-ltned near Quelee. , . ese Nv,atetrs. Tbe run acroes the con- tinent must be made in Seven days, whieh is considered record-breakir g time far a freight train. 6,000 BOER HORSES Now Being Used Against Then Former Owners. A despatch from London, says :- The Baer 1,vornen and children at Johannesburg and elsuwhere are be- ing constantly sent by train to the BDenr The British in thl Fauriesburg dis- tiict neighbourhood found a thousand horses and cattle hidden jn a gorge. The British have captured now 6,000 Beer horses, 2,000 of which are in the pink of condition, and are being used against their farmer owners. are diasatisfied with North Denote anxieus to go to Alberta, N. \V. Lt the prospeota are eavorable. equiraelt. 14.C.. is impregnable as was altown by twits made recently. twe torpedo boats being made targeta Sar big gums; in efforts to get into the harbour. Lemene Brae., whose °trolls is now touring Canada, have been fined 41,200 by the Custonas Department for bring - burg drove in the Remelt outposts at Saeleswald yesterday. Gen. Vitjoeu, with 890 men, is direct- ly north of Imre. DROWNED Di A SPILL New. white -oats, west, sell at 43e; Qin white oats, north and west, 26e; and east, 27o. FluungeVery qui e .: and prices eaey. Lioldere tusk 52.80 Ler 9a per rent. pat tent, in buyers" begs, Weide+ freights; . leenani exemtere bid .8;1.75. Speseal •ACHT OAPSIZO AND ONLY TWO 1 "i', .6.'Pa Lwail.,- frora A to 2.00 wERs ..sApgp. • ;•-eve tbese figares, 1 DRESSED 11005 IND PROVISIONS. Lug a quantity ot priuted. ma.tter into eves en a rieasure 7.r111) From nnatinstie Mernet very firin for pork product Canade without paying duty. te Meer tett vete. awl demand very active. nupplies A Chlooutimi, Que., Lawyer, Mr. A despatch from 'River du Loup here getting short. Britieh Columbia with d straying wharf, eays;-nee yu e at. peenmis, demand has been very heavy lately. the register and epoiling the vote an . owned by la acquee Fester, Ste Dressed begs unchanged. At ferule able at, 34.50 to 34.75; tem - Bence, 14 chargedi a by-law to epend 325,000 oa raunici- Simeon, Cheglevoix counter, white one eao' waggons choice will bring 37.50 men to fair. $3 to 31.25. inn improvennente.platiaure trip from dousa.c to River to $8, acconaing tianuslity, for butcln Hogs -Mined. 35.40 1.0 35.45; heevy in Ta Superintendent Bedford, of Bran- du Loup tbis afternooa, WW1 caught in ene, one. light derna.nd, 45.35 to 35.40; yorkers, don's Experimental farm, has pre -la squall about 3 o'clock and. waa cape Quotations for provisions are as 35,55 to 45.60; pige. $5.60 to 35.05; • ' f anuroots and !sized eft White Island. follows: -Dry salted sluenders, 7 to troughs, $4.60 to 31.80; stags, $3.75 to pare a 1 s eseeds for the vaginas agricultural There were five persons on board ab1 71-2c; long clear bacon, car lots, shows ia Grea.b Britain. the Lis:net-Capt. Foster, A.delard Seer- 81-2c; ten lots, 81-20; case lots, 83-4 The Ottawa Governraent announces ard, Cousino Morin, -P. Morin, and one to 94.; shwa out ponk, 318.50; heavy a surplus of 310,000,000. One million Boucher, all of whom were thrown in... is to be applied in redwing the debt. to the Water. The revenue for July was 33,887,230, The yucleb Jamboree, with Wm. an increase of 3578,600 over July lasb nettle Tbe Manitoba August crop bulletin shows many thousand acres badly deranged or wholly destroyed. by drought, high winds and other calms -348,819 aores of wheat, 143,842 acres of oats and 24,414 acres of barley. GREAT BRITAIN. The Landon Times praises Canada for not receiving any more destitute immigrants. rt is proposed to fit English Chan- nel steamers with Marconi's system of wireless telegraphy. ,The Manchester Ship Canal Co., will °barge (Wes on ships after this year, will no longer best free porb. Lightning destroyed the faraou tower of St. Botolphn church, in Lin- colnshire. The congregation was at mass, but no one was injured. Sir Francis Plunkett succeeds Sir Howace Itumbold as British Ambassa- dor at Vienna, and Sir Henry M. Du- rand will succeed Sir Henry D. Wolff at Madrid. - UNITED STATES. 34; the general close was dull. Chltago, Aug. 21.-Cattle-Reeeipts, 16,000; good to extra prime steers, mese, $16,50. 34.60 to e5.60, poor to medium. 34.60 Smoked meats -Hems, heavy, 11. 1-20; to 35.40; selected feeders steady, 34 to malign, 12 lot to 13*; light, 13 1-90; 34.75; mixed steekers, e3.30 to 34; Price, of Quebec, on board, was pass- lereaktast bacon, 12 to le 1.20; picnic cowa, 39.90 to $ . , ene ' , . 3 t 90* ing ab the tine, end with much diffi- hams, 91.2e; roll bacon, 10 lelo; smoked cannere, 32 to 32.80; bulls, v.7.5 to culey Succeeded in .sa.viug Bouchard imoises 12 to 12 1-2.c.„ All meats out of 44.40; calves attettly. 34.50 to 30.75; Tex - and Adelard Savard, maltose pickle lakes than prices .quoted for ens, receipts, 1,200; Texas IMt tithe other three, Capt. Faster and smoked meets, steers, , 34.45 to e5; Texae grass steers. e3.40 the twa Morins, are messing, and were . Lard -Tierces, 81-4e; tubs, .8 1-2c; to e4.e5; Teras Innis, 32.50 to 33.35. 1 probably drowned. The tug Duuntless ..es ge_ea 1 Hogs-Reeeipts, 24,000; mixed and went from) River du Loup, in /search of them, but cottld fled no trace of them, New York has a case of yellow fever, Buffalo, N.Y. now hes a population of 352,219, a gain of 96,600 in ten years. Capt. Jerome,. a San Francis's° sail- or, said to have saved over 1,000 lives, ;s dead there The United, States Government will ship 1,000,000 pomade of meat for the Am.erican armies in the Orient. Methodist church leaders and socie- ties in the IT.S are planning for world wide revival to over the first six months of the new century. The condition of the Kansas core crop is poor, and "half a crop" is the best that can be reasonably expected. Tne 'Ontario law prohibiting logs being bowed to the United States has caused .tbe closing down of the Eddy Breasaw mills ab Bay City, Mick. Marty American soldiers are reported to be dying in the Philippines, owing to lack of medical aid which Gen. lVfac. artnur has for weeks sought to ob- An omnibus containing 25 people eras struck by a train at Benningers Cros- sing, 'Pa., on Saturday. Eleven of the occupants were killed, and all the others t)robably fatally injured. BuRcling trades organizations of New York elty have amalgamated with the object of doing away cvith general strikes caused by rival organ- ization and for the adoption of gen- eral arbitration. The laying of the first telegraph CONSPIRATORS ON TRIAL. Gang Who Platen to Kidnap Roberts Arrainged. A despatch from Pretoria, says: - The trial a Cortina, one d,e the con- splro.tors recently arrested, began Friday. He first pleaded guilty, bat later withdrew that plea. The evi- dence against him is very strong. He broke hia paro:e and was eaught dressed in a British officer's uniform. The plan of the conspieution was to kill the Britiett offioars in Pretoria, seize. Gen. Roberts, anct to bring into the city 51 eommendo from Gen. Botha's force. -ISGUSTED WITH KRUGER. Generrl Prinsloo Says Boers Are Siek of War. A. despatch from. Cape Town says :--- Commandent Prinsloo, who surrend- ered to General Hunter, July 30, has arrived here. He says, he is heertilyi tired of the war, and weleonme the prospect of peace. Tbe commandant adds teat a majorrity- of the Boers are "'disgusted with President Kruger." Mr. James G. Stowe, the Dented States Cooeul-General, has returned here. Only :ten Beers were in the party which attacked his train. The remainder of tlte commando was com- posed of foretgners. Mr. Stowe saye tlae majority of the l3oeass de -sire a cessation of hostilities. ALL WANT PEACE. Only the Foreigners Want to Co :- tinue the Fight. A despatch /roma Cape Town says: -Mr. Stowe, the Amerieen Consul - General, who has been visiting the Transvaal, has returned here. He says that a vast majority of the Boers want .peace. There were only ten Boers in the coframando which attack- ed MS train as he was journeying north. AU the rest were foreigners. , 13atter-Market steady, and a little i ban:hers , 31.05 to 35.30; good to DAIRY MA.RKETS. better dernatel. The deliveries are fair. e,hoice, 35 to 35.:17 1-2; roughs, heavy, 34.75 to 34.95; light, 33.05 1.0 35.37 1-2; as follows :-Deiry, tubs, 17 to 18e for bulk of sales, 35.05 to 45.20. Sheep- teeth- Deale rs were selling eo retailers to -day Receipts, 13,000; good to choice sere. 34.e5 to 34.40; fair to 'choice mix- mall dairy, lb prints, 18 to 19e; cream- ebeien 14 'to 15e for second quality; ed, 53.63 to e4.15; Western sheepe4 ery, tubs and boxee, 20 to 21e; pounds, , to 34.35; Texas sheep, 33 to 3.1. native Cheese -Steady. Dealers here quote i 31414121.75bst.0345.2.855-t° Se; Western lambs, 21 to 22e. ing new ab 11c. CHEESE 11.11ARKETS. Kingston, Aug. 21.-4.t a meeting of Frontenac cheese board to -day, there Lineh-We Has Made a Raid Into the Transvaal. A despatch from Pretorta. says.- Lviehierfatothe Transvaal as far as Pilagasburg, ellinto al which. 1,453 were coloured; balance e board to -day 2,470 noxes were noarded, Ienactieeeseree,t nbordiheeaf r, bus smitadr eaid white. There was very little business and has captured a number of cattle daae on the board, the salesmen and The Boeire are said to have been the buyers being 'apart in their idea of aggreesors. the price of ehee.ee; 10 7-8e was best got 300 white and 339 coloured; Web- lin a civilized manner. and is treating Linch We is reported to be fighting refer, and at this figure Derbyshire hes prisoners well. ster, 150 coloured ; and McGregor, 40 -nes cool° u red. large parchteses in Chicago have _A MOST TRYING MARCH. HIDES, SKINS, AND woor,, are likely to go up here rather than d pFiees Gaselee Says Troops Are Suffering strengthened the market, an Severely Faom Heat. lower, af i er the drop on Monday. Sir Alfred Gaselee, lsare , ,ea,sy and slow, and without GeneraA deepatch fram London,. says:- Woochangeng , Calfskins will probably go l. 'command - lower. Other line.s unchanged. lithe contingent of troops from Elitlee --Local cl ea lees India in China, has wired to the Gov - Down, 71-20; end etetsrs, Fie cured, 8c. ("mete green eminent from Matow, under date of August 11, via Chefoo, August 15, as Country hides ere quoted at 1-2c less, fall°\v1's to 31.40. Spring lambs -Dealers are efLer a most trying night Mareb. Tho "Arrived here early this morning, Sheepskins -Dealers quote from $1.25 paying 45 to 50c. troops of all nationalities are stiffen- Calf:Arius-Weak at 9c for No. 1, and tag severely from the heat. Ten of our .... Tallow --Local dealers are offering Itonses died yesterday from. sunstroke, Se for No. 2. 41-2 to 4 3-4, and asking 5 to 51 -ac. The enemy is believed to be entrench- ed north of Chang-ChianWan. There iN Wools -Fleece, 16c offered here,with no further news from the Legations." holders in conntry asking 2 to ec General Gaselee sends ptwo earlier higher, car lots, Pulled, extra, 20 to despatches repeating advices already 21e. and. topers, .18 to 19o, DESPATCHES FROM "BOBS." SteYA Confined in De Wets Camp Under SurVelliallee- 4. deepatob from Lend= Says1,4 ▪ Boberts reports to the War Of.. (ice, as follows:- "Kiteltener reperte frees. Seboate pleats, eight miles east of Vontera. dorp, that De Wet blew up three a /ale weggoes. "Six British priscanere wbo eecaped. from De Wet'e camp state tbat Mr. Steyn was being confined in the eerie)" under eurveillanee, and that De 'Wet was forced to abandon his ammunie and thirty borate, end they con - the report that Methuen nen- tutreti oee of De Wet's gueie and &belts eel the main convoy effectively." Another report frOro. Lord lieberte of the same date say:-. "Metauen. and Ritchenee, still bead. jag De Wet and Steele, yesterday eached Moddertontein, ten =nee et Ventersdorp. Methuen in in touch with De Wet's rear guard. "Sraith-Dorrien reports that the • reashires recentty mercbed forty» ett xnih n thirte--two beguile atet City of London Imperiel Volum- hirty miles In ten houra. hoping renew, UeWet from c•rosaing the , redorp-Potebefatroont railway. oreupatiozn of Ereuno is aving a goo a effects "A field cornet and oue hundred and, ightyetwo burghers of the eltarelere on 011,11343 ntia surrendered yesterilly Clery." KAFFIRS FIGHTING. ••••••••• were 585 white and 532 coloured cheese boarded, and 357 sold al 10 3-4e. Brockville, Lug. 21. -At 4 he cheese Buffalo, Aug. 21. -Spring wheat. --No. 1 hard, spot, carloads, 82 7-8c ;.No. 1 Northern, snot, carloads, 80 7-8c. Win- ter wheat -,No. 2 red, 74 1,2c; No. 1 white, 73 1-20 bid. -Corn----Dull; No. 2 yellow, 44 1-4*.; No. 3 yellow, .1.4c ; No. 4 yellow; 42*.; No. 2 corn, 43 ; No..,,3 corn, 43 1-2*.; No. I corn, 41 1-2c. Oats -Steady; No. 1 white, 25 3-4 to received by the' British GOvernment, ViCtROY YJ -LU KILLED.' Was One of the ,Leaders in, an g- tsting `eight. A despatch frmt Shanghai, says According to a native report, 44 FOUGHT FOR BOERS. When pretoritqelt They •Left• Africa and Cameact United States. despatels from, New Tern, &aye tee. nketthew Kane aud Peter E. Oata, wise were offirers int the Beer army. arrive ed here to -day on the Veen -eh line steamer Le Bretagne. 'Wheu Pre - Lorna SUrnerdered they determinel to, Afriset for goon. Oetete isani lie sew Veesiderit Kruger jnet before he tett. Ile wae in good Itealth ann bed bis lieedquerters in a railroad carriage. Thew officers bay thee the war IA South Africa has be- come guerilla in its. aattire. They wail teettle in this eautatry, and say thee many uthene win do ast ieeen as they an get away frone South Africa,. BOE.R.S RELLIA.SE. A. CANADIAN. Loudon. :tug. 16. -It beg been re- verted to the Wo.r Office that Inn. M. L. Itebseter, fairmerly oe the 13t1t Field Bettery, C. 4., and who was taken a pi:leaner by the 136ers while serving with the -Canadian Artidery in Staudt Africa, was released SOIne time ago and has a.rrived at Lorenzo Marques. COL. HOARE SAFE. Only a Few of Ills Men Were Wounded. 4. desps.teh from. Luntion says -The Daily News' Pretoria correspondent inekes tbe surprising 314 t e men t t tet t Col. Iloaren column, and convoy, which were reported to hive been captured by the Beers at Elands river, ar4 safe, with the exception of a few men who were wou.nded. LEFT 500 DEAD. Chinese Suffered Severely in Fight- ing at Chang -Chia -Wan. A. despatch from Ilerlin says :-A. despatch reete tied here from Tien-Tsin, dated Astigust 14, announces that the allies have captured Chang -Chia -Wan with slight loss. The Chinese left 500 dead on the field. The remainder fled, some to Tung-chau and. some to Pe- kin. ON THE COVER. Our cover design this month is a toilette of pastel blue lawn. The skirt is trimmed with bands of embroidered lawn at each side of the narrow front gore. The corsage is trimmed diagon- ally with embroidery and is mounted on a yoke of tucked plain lawn finish - eta with stock collar to match. The sleeves are of ail -aver lawn. Material required, lawn, 30 inchee wide, nine yards. EASIER. Don't youthink every man is master of his own destiny? Oh, 1 don't know; he gets out of a lot of blame by lofting* somebody elee boss things. GETTING HER REVENGE. I've frequently noticed one thing. Whales that When a woman bas had a first hu.. band Whom she couldn't manage she generally turtle in and marries one younger than hereelf whom she can manage. eneseenseesesneetstereemeneensertentee Poen. Aiun Nktootlys Phosphoeino, The Greets English. Bemeilti• Sold a*5 recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered.. Six packages . guaranteed to crtze ail forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental' Worry. Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1. alt, $5. One wig please§ six will tun. Pamphlets free to any. address. Tho Wood Coriepany, Windsor Out. en -Viceroy of Chili, was killed in the gromes peosphodiee is sold in Exeter fighting at 11-a n g 1,y .r, W. Browning, druggist. ; .net