Exeter Times, 1900-8-23, Page 3RD!TW?JAL 4'0 7E3. For several reasene careful attention should be given to the article entitled "The Japanese View of the Situation," which is contributed by "1 etipaneee Dilaiornat" to the August number .of the North American Iteview. In the Nest place, Japan has taken pleading pare in The capture of Tientsin, and Le furnishing a larger contingent to. the expedition againt Pekin than is arty other treaty Power. To the sacri- fices thus made by her will rightfully be proportioned the part taken by Japan, in the solution of. .the problems which will present themselves after the relief of the legations has iieeti accomplished, Having accepted and even ,solicited the elikado's generous and probably decisive cooperation, the Western Powers cannot, with any Allow of decency, refuge to litre a largo IV measure of influence in the future s regulation of Chinese affairs. It is therefore, important to learez what fi Japans attitude will be, and, for that tt reason, we have noted with interest the views expressed by "k Japanese a' Diplomat," srh:i must know the drift to Of public. opinion in his country, and do should Haus lie able to forecast they ° ft iuteaetione of Nis (leverumeet, Jap:en 1 est la opposed to any further uzutil;ation et Vhanse a territorial integrity, an a +hilts exaet,:izig reparation for past i:n.. tli yuaaee ana'egareetees against a re> fa' petition of each e i saga, desires net neaken but to strengthen the sa>= St Keine authority in the Middle Bang- era dem ec, as to quaality- it better Per the at' maintenance of internal peace and fur order teed the enfor•eetuetu of treaty lab btigetions. out HINTS FOR THE FARMER,. CANNING FACTO One or the great needs mer in many sections is t meat of facteriee for pre: frust and vegetables by c serving and ezap^arating, these furnish a sure a steady n rket for the su but they can tape and wo that would not be suitable market. It is not alsvay that ;s most readily mar the market is distant, fruit and many kinds of vegetables must be t hared. U'a efo re they have reaohett aim for' eating, and the rip ng transportation, or wbil ale does got Thing Dart the or that conies from ripen; eld with the rays of the of the far he establish ervlag their anniag, pre, Nott only do nd usually rplus Drops, rk up mutat to send to s the best ketable. If musttheir best ening dux - e awaiting flav- ng in the sura upon Then there are the grades known e seconds, that are almost tao good throw away, yet this had better be ne than to niix them aznong the rets, aid in a season of plenty they freely pay for transportation, if eked by themselves. Yet at a nearby etory they might be worked up to profit of both grower and thane- cturer fn one forth or another. fn conte sections of the .'Northern ares the panning factories, by ooa- eti.ng with farmers near them to ow certain crops for them, have niched employment for land and or that would have been idle with-. them, and ,have paid fairly reanun* tiee prices for what they wanted, 1 the fanners, knowing they had re market nearby, have been re- d from the necessity of going e to sell their Izreducts, with no Witty of realizing fair pay for r labor. The corn yenning face es of Aldine and the tomato can - 'es of Maeeacbusetts are notable antes, while in the blueberry re- s there are thousandsa whe earn money or at least receive more ay for gatiteriilg the wild fruit ug the few weeks it is fit to pick they see In all the rest of the The cuerse Cur lby p era her late war with�Clina eho s that a e, the programme time aiutlined by "at. licca J.'ipanese Iliplereaatr' had their; already teal been adopted by the Tokio :authorities, cert No one doubts that, after the capture ilial al Port, ,Arthur ;and Weihaiuei, the tori keys of the (iatlf of Peritili, the ,lap- race^I eruese could have taken Pekin, and this Inst they would have done, lead they wished gion to undertake the stupendous task of auo�r substitutiog' a Jape:wee fora Alan. anon rhu dynasty in China. The Jupaanese, dur; however, were too well acquainted than with Chinese history to underrate the yeas. difficultly of euelt, au enterprizse, They \l i knew that success, while, perhaps, , torie attainable, would Involve an outpour of Wood and treasure for masa da of and that ,the resuureea of Japan, ate tg yet nutlevclo ted, might bo trained ' in a reverety in t ze process. tizeint Consequent- ly, the Tokio C'vnnerlucnd the advance against Peri ,a checked ed a .Williognees to kin, and the fare" of the,1anelttt dynasty, whose prestige would not, be (seriously shaken so long es the oda of Chine proper remained virtually intact. Thea pecuniary in- , demnity which they exacted was, aa the event (showed, a bagatelle com- pared with China'., borrowing capabili- tics, whiles the at bas been done by these face s might be done by many others her sections. 'There Is but little er of the busines:+ being overdone few years at least. We well re - ter ss•Ia0n not a grocery blare bad canned ]fruit$ and ,vegetables unlcane some venturesome one engaged a wo- man whom they thought skillful nt the business to put up n fear jars, and that was more frequently in the form of jam, preserve or marmalade, where the flavor of the fruit soarce- Iy was enough. to give a taste to the Now the shelves of the grocer lying as a1. does outaiUng Peninsula, j sugar. nail, could be coded without inflicting nay wound upon Chinese national pride. much Chlneso, moreover, have too as when when tspri so not to recognize that, teewh defeated people play a game of war, now tin It was withone must pray the piper. dons. that the y different feelings prates the murder of levo w Germany putii,;ta or the tries b " German mission-' nrofy the arbitrary seizure of the on one BayIliaocltou and the demand for The fa a "lease" of a considerable section of the Province of Shantung, and am he ,, endeared to Chinese especially est the birth lace sentiment as thea p el Canfuciaas. Germany,: al of th t~ Iiigh-handed, aot being followed by pet swill RoTalienwan, zts seizure of Port Arthur and feral th of pen an, by England's occupation courage sive movement on d t ao similar aggre� o'n e sonthcvest h part owls easy It is pot. Irontiex, it was easy capital s 'Chinese agitators to convince the a place conetwise population that their conn_ try was in danger of wholesale dis- money, membeeuent, ami thus to convert to erect what seemed at first an insignificant disturbance into a it shall lion. Just such a coda arc robs- it shall' heavai would have occurred all ovand er the they China five years a•goe but for th`e err- hair they p' titch and moderaticn evinced usually t by the Jopa;nese in, the terms of peace and man accepted by them at Shimonoseki, by What the Japanese hes do them, the p Fere willing to own hes now,oafter tee will be willing to do rarest of lie foreign legationns shall one" le ((lave been rescued through the oceu- pwtion of Pekin.. Once more they will who are try to "save ther.fac0e" of the :Manchu As the dynasty, believing it the best attain- ble instrument far. the,. restoration. of theirs adva in + der. It is, in truth, the only rument at hand. Let that in" cry and co 'toter' and Ohina will undergo be re- prodttict a ' renin period the g violent a tntegr�aLtion to wbichesheahasrbeen ouid cant fate la 'subjected; she will be split sorts, or m number of separate laing- o,r principalities, which, after malate, o ire or less brief term af,iu�depend- might see enice, and intestine wee, will be again baps' be a consolidated into a single unified -Pen, whlicb con pire. Takc u.ereast that could be a.c- aormgtishecl under the "sphere of in- thingst fluence plan would be far a parte, euler foreign peeler tot take under its CLEAN TH pErotection the ruler of a particular • coastwise province and .help him to There an make heed against bis neighboes..No in having commea tial privileges could be assur- roadside eel beyond the bo',t:nde of the we art and lxuslies In question, and the province' 55 artists often Profess come of a seats of interprovincial tial ibeetility Would be that bat �iit is n • rowers would sooner or later be exam, through their relations .to .to the eyes t elate proteges, into war, with one an- ;stn 5150 ass other. This `"A Japanese. 'Diplomat" ty is.not a foresees, and that- _ ie why, whfie de- farmer wont mending .tda�a t` due . ameeds shall be made for tee treatment of the foreign in which the legations, and that guarantees for emai:ically s better protection hereafter ,,s.hra11 be they curved given, " ,he pXratests against any fur- All have leo titer mutilation of China's national ,dpmain and against any measures cal- every hl. fair eulatecd: to damage irreparably the every one t prestige of the Manebu rulers in the buildings in eyes of 'their Ghirtese su.bjecte. every .one ca re covered with tin taxes, glass ,tars, tumblers of all sorts end sizes, and. some of, the fruits and vegetables in these packages are almost,a as good first gathered. The trade creases fsaeter than the su Scarcely a season but are marked up before the coming in of new supplies; product alone, but on ma rmers, gardeners, orchar all fruit growers should in salves ;in this. The withdr is surplus from the open .m tend to keep prices ,more rough the season, and yet the production of more. not necessary to wait f even »ply that close not ny. dints ter- aw- ay- en- or a t to come along seeking for and a business to invest his or for a "protnoter" to offer a building and furnish mac at a price about double what ld be. This has been done in se factories and creameries, have not been as profitable o the farmers as those built aged on the co-operative plan, each one .in working for his t interest works for the in all. " One for all and all for a good motto for any people united for any purpose. creameries and cheese fac- many cases have found it for .stage to have the machin- nvenienes for making. either s they See fit, or as the de- s for, so also a factory that. goods of any 01 the various ake jam, preserves or mar - r could evaporate fruits as m most desirable, would per - better Investment than. one ld do only One of these ROADS,1 a, SIDES OP THE ay be a picturesque beauty the of all sorts, even e -down buildings end ruins ot a beauty that appeals ert that- the line of beau - straight line," but what rows of plants are math- traight tba.,n one in which like the course of a snake.. t the ability to plow a row invariably, nor has he capital to put their good repair, but almost n eine time to catt down bushes and weeds alone the road and perhaps to seed them to grass. A day In a year would elean up a long stretch of road, and the time so spent would soon he saved by checking the supply of weed seed on the farm, e d- jeluinge Some of the bushes may be large enough to cut ep for summer wood, and some of the weeds may be fed to tbe bogs if eat before the seeds are formed, or they may be piled up and rotted, or :all the trashes and weeds tray be dried and burned on the ground, but the main point is put them were they will, not cu... her the grolxnd any longer, or be a eyesore to passersby, SOIJ4 G S "STE3f, The soiling system. possesses much intrinsic merit and deserves to be fa more extensively used than it is, even on breeding farms, not to the excite. skin Qr even limitation. of pastures, pent in aid of, as a reizatorcemen.t and support during the dry season et sum- mer and fall; bat no breeder of fine cattle, espeoially no breeder of Jer- sey cattle, who desires to maintain his herd in health and vigor. can ret-, soneble expect to do so, it be ;ate tempts to dispense with pastures, keep his calve tied up all the time, or at' greater part of the Hum. No improve ed breed of cattle ever was bred or reared in a liot-house, and the there; is fer distant when gave can diepense with these great natural teeters of health. Straight, fresh air, easy ex., ereiset geed grass. The pasture is des. tined to continuo for generations yet to Bowe, as it has been in all the generations gone by�-the mainstay, the foundation of cattle breeding. TttlNO Qt3ITe NEW log CEYLON et LEEN 'c'r a Sono Ivor axe Japan, only more dclicioue MS START IN LIVE, to Keen Playgirls.; away is the *drive or m, mai see *. Xq,ar a utilamater. The point is'� said a man wiato is worth a million or more, "" that ane t matter how black things may look, a pian wants to keep plugging away; be doesn't w T tart t 1'e o i down. y n. '� �o matter r how little be Ipay get for his `work that little is better than uotliing,and One thing leads, to another. If you are around. among people, whet@ things are bappeninR, why, yore ase ja eti as likely to be struck by lightning a anybody else. .As a matter of fact 1 got any own real start In life out 0f the poorest job I ever had, as far as pay was concerned, which i had tak- e on rather than sit etill and de troth- ; pug« I wa hout of work. tngs had ermed was youngster then of 20. I walked to town, and went into offices, and stopped where l; saw work going on in tbe street and asked for eemetbing to do, and Zane severed the advertisetnente in the newspapers;: and :finally: the ;rest thing I could do, apparently, as zs to take this jolt 'without any actual pay, tits inducement being, board, with a pros- petit of adraneernent. The job was bark.. log for a steamboat at a seaside sum- mer r'$eort, end the prospect of ad vaneement WAS to tete One of (leek, ART Or RRR .THING PROPERLY. Pet 1'eona'tO iMtie'rsis taea she Phiterephiy1 or rtR.xtatra,ttaaa, "It may seem strange enough," a said 9 a a doctor the other day, "but really ao over 00 per cent. of the population doll not know buss* to breathe, Nature a ktudly' enough adapts herself to ink., I perfect methods at respiration, as she a adapts herself to the unnatural quell- o ties of tea, coffee, or alcohol a roan ei Mode his system with during his a lifetime, but all the same she does not a approve, \V1*y, ono of the first things an actor or eieger bas to do is to be- ,. era gin to learn how to breathe bofbre Pr they can learu bow to produce the ha voice properly. The first point is to w fd1l the lungs. Very taw people take at the trouble to do that. sts a rule, they au di ,tend them until the Iungs aro about 1 La three-quarters full and then they stop, leaving the bass of the lungs all Unemployed, and naturally ready for any any mischief, like auost idle things or ` era persons the " If people would only take the trout.tba to breathe properly consumption 1 bait would no longer be heard of. Why is et exercise so beneficial S Simply .bueauate blu running, rowing or cycling people 1 day are obliged to fill their lungs to their all utmost capacity to bre .the—in short, ' any as nature meant them to breathe. I man have frequently recommended" those show whose business will not pevnnit of any elab outdoor exercise to practice) breathing • ed-- for tan hour tie th'e morning and at night; exercise is not a necessity onl t breathing properly is. How to go pe p about it: Watch an infant lying peop y g on anon its back if you want) to see breathing was done as it ought to be; or if you have boat got out of the habit of proper respire of th ation, one of the first points to re- mennber in learning to breathe is to and keep your shoulders down; they are girt inclined to go up long before the lungs goin are filled. Another $ moth part is to get:Con- befog trol over your lungs; fill them: slowly, lying on ydur back if possible and W feelnne them fait.. a.,,... .. ter a hand en the baa*. Nat a very pr ble Joh, but I took it, I lied t a point all ney life to keep a, -d nd I thoragbt I better do thio thl tg. "And ;#t wasn't a bad job, by Carts, as ,far �a simple comfort w got enough to eat and good and it was Healthy, celibate work, ass'. 1 had goad lungs and it wa nab to nae ro at.tud on the wharf lout the name of the boat, and bout the round she made, and. ttructions; but it was clear to tem the start 1; wasn't guiug to emoted to deeltbaand. The de ncls were all husky young fello o liked their work. and they utak right at it through the seas d I stayed on the wharf; and r es I. coned sea RIGHT UP TO VIE LAST BAY, I was ,going to get out of it s board, plus the benefit of my ge 1 health 0f these months spent open air; and then on the last d at the boat ran this little the paned that set me up in life. It was in September, a wind eery sort of day, not math of to go sailing in, and pretty mut the folks brad gone trout aur plat way, and so thero were not s y people to go, and they didn e tbe gangplank out with just th orate care they commonly display they just ran the end of it u he stringpiece, because it woul stay there a miuute, for the to le that were going, and that wa gh. But with that wind they a little bit of a sea on there, the rolled a little, and pulled the end e .gangplank off the stringpiece dropped into the water a little about 8 or 10 years old that was g aboard with her father and, er enst for one last sail around e they went away. °lite Made oing, thea any entI food. :and and tell its sue get eek- ws alt ou as was n. in ay. n8 y, u h. 0, 0 e p d sv 8 e at will --sometimes quickly, sometimes and slowly. 'Unless tbe mind has control thing of the muscles, which distend and and empty (he lungs, tlaen it is no use watia trying to breathe An hour's practice „r, th daily will do you more good than all ae the gymnasiums in the world. Yet, been t breathing is undoubtedly a lost era but d and if we are to remain a healthy na- a feet looked Lion, it meet be recovered." toirl THE ART OE BED -MAKING. him tv Before 'making up the beds see to which, of course I do. And for a fact, el], TiO3r, I jumped into the Wa– nd held the little girl up till some could reach down frora the wharf get her. Really it wasn't any - to do; I was a good swimmer, strong bealthy chap, and it t anytelng more for me to pick at little girl than it would have o pick up a bundle in the street; o you know, the child's parents at it differently ? They did, for ; they thought it was a tine for me to do, and cif course the an wants me to come and see hen I come back tor the city, it that the rooras have been aired. Ou the re a clear, sunshiny day open the win- story b dows before breakfast and strip the Pal's"' bed, banging the clothing over chairs and yo near the windows. that I Allow the rooms to air for a couple for him of hours and shake the bed clothin started st was like what you read in ooks and in stories in the news - He was a good man, for sure; U can bet your bottom dollar did the very best I knew how ; and that was theavay I got free of dust. It the day is rainy 'do not open the beds while the room is airing. They will gather moisture if you do, on a damp day han.g the bedding, to air in the rooms with t windows closed, make up tee beds am air tee rooms again after tile be( The mostemportant part of bedroak bag is to get the sheets proper y ad jested. Wrinkles in a sheet are an abomination. Tile bottom sheet should be tucked in securely at the top so that it cannot be jerked down by the restlessness of the sleeper. The top sheet should be tucked in tightly at the bottom so that it can- not easily be drawn out of place. - It should be laid with th • e ern at the top and the rough side .of the hem turned uppermost, so that when it is folded_ back over the coverlet tile right side will b ex o " Now, there was what you call a chance, an opportunity ; but I never would have got that cbance if thadn't been amend where sornethi he ing, would I? That's the point, you rig was do - is something: Don't go off In the woods apd lie down where there won't any- _ body see you, but keep in the swirn I" Don't you know better than to tac- kle a man for a dime when he is talk- ing to ladies ? said the citizen on the street corner, fuhnbling in his pocket, and finding nothing less than a quar- ter; which be reluctantly banded out. Kebby yotr understand my business 15etter'n I do, an' rriebby you don't, keting the eoin and moving on with his greasy old het at a pronounced angle en the side of bis head. . TO BEAUTIFY TEE HANDS To increase the strength, symme- try and incidentally the beauty of the band, devote 10 minutes before you go to bed to muscle bending and en cbening, Extend betb arms at right angles to the body, the back of the hands turned upward. In this position the hand ie to be bent up- ward, downward and sideways, With fingers first together and then ex- iled and witeetzt Cnoving the arm. bend the heads upward from the wrist as far as passible, then black to the originrel position, then downward as far as passible. For the sideways et*euzent tend aiiternately toward' tbe b teurob side and tbe e h little finger side. Continue this swinging of the hand upward, downward and sideways for some minutes. hand rotation next follows, this the armsare held as for tbe bend ixag and stretching exercise. With nveu and constant movement the hand eprfortee all the previous motions I at is, front the bending position up- st'd into the bending position side - 'aye, downward, sideways in the op - gusate direction and so on, First the fiagees aro held together and then xecrated. Finger banding end stretching come xt• With are extended the tin- s are slowly but vigourous.Iy bent ugh to form a fist ata are then petted forcibly. For finger spreading hold the tills of the fingers apart with arras extend. aid as before and perfectly straight. After the spread the extended fingers are brought together again or are tightly clenched, this latter action in- creasing the efleot of the exercise. l och the muscles of the hind and of the .forearm are exereieed by these movements, and after due time it a, a it nee notzceaehle gain in cul}tale. :wrist, contour of arm and bepeliness of the laid there is on;� sou for it—you uro loo1c1z g .for lee a little too soon. GOOD WINOS TO LEARN. better than medicine. Learn, to attend etrietly o your ow husineas. Very important point. Learn how to tell a 0047. A well - told story is as welcome as a. sunbeam eh* room, rtt to stop ereeking if you ean- e any good in this world, keep be bad to yourself. Learn to keep your own troublee to oureelf. The world is too buey to care • Learn to greet your frtends with . tnile. They carry too many frowns in heir own hearts to be bothered with any of yours. Learn to hide your acbee and pains under a pleasant smile. No one cares whether you have the edrache. head- ache or rheumatism. DISEASE Is the deadliest and most painful malady to which Kidney Pills will cure any cane of Bright's Disease. They have never failed in one single case. They are the only remedy that ever eas cured it, and they are the only remedy that can. There are imitations of Dodd's Kidney Pills—pill, box and name—but imita- tions are dangerous. The original and only genuine curefor Bright's Dile/tie is DODD'S IKIDNIDEIL(L Dodd's Kidney Pills are fifty cents a box at all SURE HE WAS atIGHT. A aboat tiane ago, at ,s school in the north of England, during a les- sen on the aninaal kingdora, the teach - ex put the following question. Can arty boy name to me an animal of the order hadentata; that is, a toot,hless entreat'? A boy whose face beamed with pleaeufre at the proepect of a good meek replied: I cell. Well, what is the entreat? My grandmother, replied the in great glee. VENTS AY COI'l? . AND. 00, ba high £baudsrrl q1 wave remain in ne°7�3. ,-. it never miss. In eoad Pacesta, 4, SO,ea, r0 :mae CHOLERA-INFAJ mosteetatdeetn r,li hop weigher, DR. HAMMONO_H, LLS ENGLISH ;lite PDeI lifILY PREVLNT Il", WIRES,, BOwnt, 00 1pt,AllITS, :tlira>f, dXD AI,l. TE[Tiltal0 ItaQttl}t Vii►, go°PM ES,RIE!Ad,TRtli9EMT= Til Sre 411 laregolst;a,, frit tt �5 Cry. $11ITiSk1 CHEMISTS SrQMPeiffi . eonies.k. ':HI., KEW Y9Rat TARQA4Yf.. PADTd ilsera*ve 'abet Very Yew Teeple Jae Peepeele, Verse "Love coveretit multitude at "Make eeeurattee doubly sure." "Make eesurance cioubbe sure." 'Mae- "fieuediet the merried man" should "Benediek the married man.' *Much Ado A.heut Nothiug." "Falleth as the gentle dew."—"Drop- petit as the gentle rata." "Merchant "The tongue is au unruly member. —"But the tongue can no men tem 13 an Unrely evil." Jentes Hie 8, Perhaps the commoneet of all 1043 in the Eaglielt lauguege "to the manor born," f rm. "to the manner bora. evert the ((speaker •.v will fled (some quotations in the hem then don- reby "A ma.. ocureineed against hie wEl ;11 held the .eexne opinion stela" ae ' hat complies against bin will let Own opinion MK" au(ilIN Part 111. Butler also vs au of intelligenee, AVENUE HO Xt. arid Mre..lieeee hereby wieb to 'ahem W110 40 kindly 35513t, beruing of their house last ovsk PIPIT Aim soorolso nu? flu be* 2401r obildroo. toothier,. eLewea lint which have bit ceueed elm to etumbie. The otatione come. first in this list. intelligence and did not Write 1130/3 - given notice that Pope Was a ma Criticiatn." Miaguoters aro he germs thing." Pepe, "Essay "—"A little learning is a UMBRELLAS IN LONDON, Ten xrellion dollars eanually is ex- pended Londoe for um/welt:is. The people there are aceustomeil to earry them in all sorts of weather. The Power of ElOotrieity. netrate to the naosi remote nerve— every bone, tubsele and ligament is Made to feel its beneficent powers. Nue:Ulna is a wonderful remedy, pleasant to even tbe youngest child, yet so powerfully far reaching in its work that the most agonizing inter. nal pain yields us if by magic. MAKING HIM Ilaieletne Zack—I would do anything for you darling. Jess—Would. you? Tack—Indeed I would. jess—All right Ge and raake love to that Allbriglet girl and then Iet out her out. SEVEN YEARS. Of suffering relieved in as many days. Conti cause in the aggregate as much suffering as any single disease. It Ls the magic solvent power of Putnam's Corn Extractor, that makes it speed- ily successeul in removing corns. Take no substitute, however highly recom- mended. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor is the best. Sure, safe, and TIMELY WARNING. Tommy. Can you swine Mr. Soft - Mr. Softertap. No, Tommy; I'm sor- ry to say, I can't swim. Tommy. Then you had better learn. I heard Clara say that she was go - ling to throw you overboard. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Doll -are Revrard for any Oase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. We, the undersigned, have known F. .7, Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all holiness transaoh ton.. and financially. able to carry out any obli• Mum & TanAx_,_ Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Drugelate, Toledo, O. Hales Catarrh Cure is taken internally, sob. Ing*direetly upon the blood and ratioeue faces of the system. Price, 76a. ner bottle Sold by all drugig sta. Testimonials free. Hairs Paraily Pills are the hese J. that is delight cad lad ter. ARELESS COMPLIMENTS. Sa you told Mrs. Cunningham he looked as young as her cr. I suppose that caught the es—but it lost me the +laugh - AU the girls were In white mull, and tom wbite duck. Wasn't there any color about the eddiug ant Yea. tbe grown had red hair. OA LvERrs oath," flielnfeotionte. IFFilalaa. 01 meet. Tooth Powdorok *tee beer b Awarded 100 meitals and date:eases tor saps gallows. Their regular me promo base ettesees. Ask zour dealer to Oka* isista tree an apple:Mani. ea eatery beat send Mar WO 10 al. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINO CO.M' Tack ler +Awls year iota, or soli dime, liontreaL Toronto, Ottawa, Quebet. tauerrietud Works. orders mob • prompt MUNN ran and instruments, Drum. Uniforms. Rte. Every Town can have a Band Lowest pricer ever quoted. Pine estalaroo iilep trationt mailed free. Write us for anything- is Moak) or Musical Instrumonts. Whaley Royce & Torovarpt.4.**4 MiLLS, MILLS & NM" sAniaterr, etc. Emoted 5021,4c/3y Belknap, Richmond et. W., Toronto. POULTRY, BUTTER, ECCII, APPLES. mitt otter PRODTTOX, to euntre beat remits eons Igo .. The Dawson Commission Co., Liatitsdi sw.neet-mareet&Ooliteme Tomato, LA LADIES SHOE - DRESSING MAIM Bit CKARD .s N R IVA LED EOR amen eon saws SROES TRY OUR tOnlioanto OP ctrums AO A 800 or Ewe IltrAtIOVIIDWCOVMetifitthr The All -Canada Show I AUG. 27th tO SEPT. 8th. 1900 Exposition and Greatest Industrial Fair The All the Latest No—velties. Marty direge from Europe. The Marvellous Resourcee of,oizr own Country 'Thoroughly Exploited. Brilliant and Realistic Battle Spectacle, tem SIEGE OF MAFEKIIII CR 3 AND AlLSO THE RELIEVI Entries otos° August 4th. EXCURSIONS ON ALL LINES OF, "'"finVISIL, For prize Bats entry forma, etc., address' Andrew Senith,P.B.O. KB. Hill,