HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-8-23, Page 1niesa HURON IVII,DDLESEX GAZET1F TWENTYT-EIGHTH YEAR NO 1, ON EXETER COT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 23rd., 1900 H. BISHOP & SAN A .B*. SA00E100 .of Our its croCkpry sok NOW ON SUM mer Goods SAVE • SA4E r QIl• MONEY. 1.JIJJI,fl]AT CLEMIING SALE CQmMENCtNG SATURDAY 28TH, than carry .-,.av .. :lo v'c2+,'F' ► . -1 a leave the: i :reductions, rtr custoir we prefer to sacrifice the balance: of our -nods at thy' Ink over and g .end of the season rather r have out-of-date pods on our shelves, With the hottest kind of weather IS a big snap: Do not fail to examine these goads and note prices, t r i , p e are willing to as_.ng to any shrewd buyer's judgement. Blow we give ive a list of the few of the he many Ladies' Underwear Ladies Cotton vests, cream, reg. 7n for 4c. Ladies' ribbed cotton vests, short sleeves, reg 1z34 for 8e. .La,clies' ribbed cotton vests, extrafine quality, reg z3c for l:oc. Ladies' ribbed cotton vests, fancy trimming, reg r8e for 12 34 c, Ladies' fine vests, Lisle thread, fancy trimmed • with silk ribbon and lace, reg s I- for 19c. y Ladies Fast Black Hose Every pair stamped, Louis IRermsdorfand :and fully guaranteed. To clear 2 pr for 25c. m rats Gin Izams Mu li e >,r Ginghams, s ns, laccss,Goods, Ere;11 At prices that will cleartthernout at once. 1:).311 Pair left 5' Summer 6orset Aeg price 37:4c to clear x9c. A SNAP IN MIN'S; SUITS itlen's Sacque Suit is serge or tweed, regular now $4.29. it( `` $6.25. A Big Snap GI:WHAMS and AUJSLINS reg price 1234e, Tsc, rye. will go at 9c. rltiful new goods an exceptional bargain., Shirt Waists We shall also clear out the balance of these. Reg z 25 a beauty for 75c 75 instripes '3 5c1, 75 white lawn 35c 75 black sateen 35c ii Ladies' Sailor Hats in Tweeds, new effects " $S. oo In smooth and rough straw,very newest shapes reg 75c, soc, to clear 39C. ORIiMI 1 E r c K ms+ R R i E "T Have you seen the new one. We have a large stock at shall prices. t rP6E 1 t RER8 Buy the Best. Do not allow a cheap article to he sold you. -Tt R B&1-1 E R.8 8U PPLI E9 Special prices to threshers in Oils, Packing, Fittings, Mitts, Etc. IP , Cromarty • Ewers -Mr. and Mrs Chas. Baird .of Motherwell accompanied by Mr Baird's sister,Mrs Horn, from Wiscon- sin, visited amongst Cromarty and. :'Staffs friends Thursday and Friday of last week. -Archie Nesmith Jr., of Milverton, is holidaying amongst his many friends here. --Miss Mary Currie left here Monday morning for Toronto to .assist, her sister Mrs (Dr,) -Tuffard in nursing the Dr. who'is very ill with pleurisy. -The recent rains have delayed many of the farmers in finis nig harvesting tin but iiia the pasture lands assume a green •:again.-Mr. and Miss' Woods,of Logan, t sppent Sunday with their sister, MLTs. s McCullou gh here. -Mr. and Mrs. Jew- tit arrived Y rrived back Saturday so as to he l •ready to' open school on Monday.- g Mrs. D. Park, je. presented her bus-, t .band with a bouncing boy Friday' last.. o 'in Centralia .B.iaxne s.- Those who did through their harvest have b not ly thrown v been hooey t own behind by the recent rains,but never mind it will ;add much to the ploughing. John 'Hepburn has pur- chased' the one hundred acre farm from. Thos. Wilson,of the 4th,Stephen. He has also disposed of his dwelling out here to Mr. Wilson who will take possession as soon as the former leaves. John has been fitting himself for the farm life all the season and we wish him every success. --Wm, Down has recovered from the injuries he receive a short time ages -Wm. Hicks is o he mend and it is to be hoped he wii oon be out again:--:Abraliain Welke one of e' Cr d t 1 oncenterprising b utcit e las forsaken the job of killig and i oing to commence rearing stock fo he rnarket, he having rented the far f Mr. Brown, of the Sauble line, a fe Iles east or here. Be sure andge our cook in our burg Ab, she will ac, DAM you with the place. -Tice annual ionic held at the Bend on Friday was argely attended by both children and agents. „ The weather and water were oth very calm and the picnickers did ally enjoy themselves. The sports' ere: delightful, consisting'of' bath - g, boating, courting o g and' racing.; here were a good many toads in the addle and also in the, lake. All .enjoy themselves to the fullest extent. There were also a number :of visitors any of whom remained over Sunday' mo ng those ' g who were t he e x we notic- the following, Miss Nettie Lewis d Miss Vance, who were here the uests of the former's sister, Mrs. F, vTeil, Miss Brawn, of London, Miss: uibert, of Lucan,: Miss Ida Abbott, of eter and George' Rogers, of Ohio. miss Mercy' Sweet, who has been here r some tinme'visititig her sister, Riclt- rd Hill, left last li'riday for her home his place. -Mr. Hazlewood,of Kirkton, had the misfortune of having his barn and all this season's crop destroyed by fire last Monday night, caused by light- ning. Kirkton Bi lsrs.—Rev. Ball and family have gone to Grand Bend rusticating for a couple of weeks. The reverend gent- leman needed the rest and change, of air. -The garden party under; the aus- pices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the. d Methodist church held on Tuesday evening eni u last was failure, e rendered Ted so l ? by the inclement weather. -W. R. r Carr who had the' misfortune to break butcher his right arm a little over two weeks agoimproving $ni scel - 1 Txe Kirkton r Y kt 0 n ✓ .Milling .CJo. purpose. operating their ,n mill daily from this time forward so ry that farmers may depend on getting d t their chopping done with despatch and qquality guaranteed. -The families of A. Brethour and R. Robinson spent Saturday and Sunday last at Grand Bend. -R. A. Bryans and family are spending a few days visiting Mr, and Mrs J. Ross and other friends in,Lon- desboro.--The brickwork of. the English church will be completed by the end of the week it is expected and the car- penters are' hurryin on their work as est as possible. -Win. Kirk's hoase is nearly completed ; it is an ornament to the farm anct. neighborhood. - The party or parties who deposited ' plate in a cart on Thunsda evening y :after the Woodham garden party -leaving only a faint idea of what it had held, -may obtain the same by calling at the Kirkton carriage shop. -a The harries from the burning of Thos. .Haz- lewood's barns at Sunshine were quite plainly seen frou?,:the village on Tues - dry evening. Some of the villagers wheeled out to see the fire. Goderich ;y BRinx s.- Angling is being mere ' p closely 'followed these days as bass are 1 coining down the river and perch • are' p nearing, the shore front: their deep watt- h ter resorts. --Just after midnight Fri- f day morning,; Mr. and Mrs. Olson, w South street, were aroused by a knock ia at the door and on Mr. Olson <opening T it he found a basket on the step.Thp basket being opened w ,s,'founto con_ d m ed an ...tem a baby boy, apparently about five days old, and the little one is .still held by Mr. and Mrs. Olson .who seem in - dined to keepit for the present. - A thresher who has been. at work for. -three weeks says the average= of his -threshingsis between 35 and 1Q' bushels of fall wheat -The G. T. R. 'natiage O ment has decided to start putting up , the new statiol h ere` in September, Ex ' -- BISMARCK'S IRON NERVE fo ar the resalt of his splendid health. in Indomitable will and tremendous en- a ergy are not found where Stomach, da Liver, Kidney's and Bowels are out of order. If you •` want these qualities titres q andthe success they bring, use YD g ,r. lin ' New King'e Life Pills. ,.They develop every power of brain and body. Only :225 cents at Drug Store. Detroit. -Mrs. Richard 'Handford• nd Wilbur' Lane 'left last Santr- y for Manitoba to visit friends.- . <Olive Walker egturned to her Public school after spending n i n g her v a.ca- tion at her parents borne in London township. ---Wm, Cave, of :Eden, is erecting a new wind mill on his farm which adds much to the appearance of i have no equal asarom t a d p p n. pos- itive cure for,sick :headache bilious- ness, constipation, pain in the side, Y and all , liver't troubles. u les. (parte isI:i Little Pills, Try Liver ,i s 4 . thein. England's apple crop lids been ruin- ed by strong winds that have prevail- ed there. Grand Bend G,. TAXI,11,ItX,B., ., EXarr.R.oxr. (Bate with ereCar thy. OOder 8; Co.. Toren - to,) Darristcr. Conveyancer, Navvy. Mone to loan. °Dicesformerl occupied br Conine btaatburx ewer 4'ISeils,»nuk. k3)aa~rs r-.,. _ I-Iar Fey Bossextiorry met with what might have proved to be a, serious accident when rafting logs on Friday last. In some unaccountable way three logs rolled over hien leasing him ►xa a dl b u` y r ►seri and s! • - at time of writing is doing as well as can be expected. -,Tim. Mollard, of Grand Mardes, is at present visiting under the parental roof everybody; w..a igen rue Jiui hotnc.•-..?►fns. Reston, of iV'oluerine, Mich., accompanied by her fiends hereon Afploy $eOur summer friends are packing their trunks and leaving us one by one, which reminds us thai summer is almost gone, but are glad to know that they Are all pleased with their summer's outing And are looking forward to many such onttngs at Grand Bend.. -Rich. ton's new residence is Filinost;canrpleto eel and when completed will be a beaut- iful residence ---Miss Loan Cunningham has returned to the village and resutiu- ed her duties in the old selmool-room. ed eronpast six u theer spending p parental roofaP Albert. flonutit'S BUTTER Almis' lc tIC, On Saturday last, the patrans,dreawers and employes of A, Q.13obier's cream- ery, at Exeter, picnicked at Grand Bernd at the invitation of the proprie- tor, The weather was perfect and A large crowd was present, which,sweil- ed by the carrnpers,all composed a large nsserniblalge. The morning was spent in boating and bathing at Grand end's bairny beach, which were much enjoy- ed by all. After luncheon a program p of sports was eorratnenced on the flats near the village, All had apparently come out for a good time, as there was alo sc.;ar city of contestants in; the v,. ous rices and games, .,A large t, was procured on which the prizes to competed for, were displayed. Tb werehandsome.useftalanidvaluable a isles, and well worth the trouble one to run a couple hundred yard through. a tight barrel, or eat aan app yen if the cordd did follow, 1-1 email Q. J,Setherlaud, 1,, atary Public, C cm: Commissioner, loner, Fire Insurance and Insurer of lnfarriageLicensea, Legal Money to loan on realestatereasonable rates terest. O@Ice at the Post o$3ce. eousa?l. 1,H J. 73.COAi : (Late with Gamow BcProudtoot) parriefe solicitor, Notary Public, Remelt. Out, .A, Senery, L. D. 5.. D. D. S„$onor Cradu- •at e tTorouto University, Oculists. Teeth extracted without ppain or ba' erects. Office is Petty's Block, 14ensall. 114 Zurich e• ' endaescornmenciue Mar3Qth, KRF.P Goo.. -..During July and gust w e will give oneIc e Cream tic with every dollar purchase. Anderstari onvo_y Bn.fere 'Mr Wea•ry c+f I3 'aodstock, a uG ge who Inas been visiting Mrs. R. Wight, docu- during her ilir►ess, returned house last I o t; week. Mrs. Wight has greatly lin-' proved. She was stricken with paraiy, STs three weeks ago. -Norman Brooks, of Virginia, visited here (last week, -- Miss Lane, art student, of Clinton, Visited friends here last weei .. W,W. Einlech sod bis mother, of O> rk,hl s- souri are visiting at John Andersons. T'env vile Bicidu1p were former roto hips of Moores- `, ENGLISII pie. a range of in- GOODS.f l ;>tad cora- cLu- Toose and two sons, of Toronto, are it Also otnr GR{)G'I'.`11 STOCK c k isitin • friends in .tl ` - -xb I ” le#e in every Zinc and TO s y •ket Depot SUMMER ROODS. A full range of suntni►er good chiding fancy insertions so inure demand. fid Sum' Bnos, Can,, Bens as a et n r in re i It k on et fi d. ;Friss A. Robertson, teacher; has. re- `fresh:i tnirnled home frons. Essex. where she i visited friends. -School reopened Mon- i .,.,.,, .;....,0.MR„ all* day.--,A,lbert Pvin and Mark Santer' IT IS CETT IeNOi GH.•• 1 b €. we llsborne L AIM I (J E Cl'T Rates .-•The infant so o pFULItl Mrs. 4` n f MT, and DWR. Win, Johns died last week at - ••..E ,,..,,,.,., their Bonne, agetl.,yeaars. ,ilia a ery un it land of Farre will Inner for telniel were in#crier! in the lion cemetery on F ; T ursd y.-Wi i. a orison died in Tor-' est prices wi!! be paid. to y nh On slop-ar is remains were conveyed to his me on the towmine of BidduIlph, l _ w occupied by his soon, J. W."Hod. a and ; from thence they, were taken to Hey CiQta,it; !!. ex, - %dons cemetery fni' interment. Mi: uns la .Hodson was one of time pioneers of the : A 61 e, ia1 rucetiug tit tiie Iia t." y . township of Biddalph, taking up the cd was held an Wa:diaesdai ening n' farm whiel& hie son now acro ►es, lay the 1;ith inst., forr tlae purpose caf one ort- industry Ire a accumulated agoodlysharre sitlering;the .asivisa bilit of - .e y eleasnia„ of this world Q Dods. Soule three . out the l urish drain, .After= P. i . you years ago he moved to Toronto fir the ' t^arncoerilie, the engineer, 2vlio was bth,e urpose of edueatin lais two sons. present, had explained certairs matters took sick corral+ tiitie ago and gr.rtl in connection with the work the Cor r of trta117 grew worse unfit last 5nutlay cit. decided to have the drain .cleaned nghen when death e) ,:t3 his seinen:rg. He out ;le speedily as 11ossilyle' and instrite- leaves to T limn leis Ioss .A faitliftrl ti.'d , Tr..Faariicoxtilae to make ;tri exarut< its, pnrtrner iii hife aU1(l as nunal►er ref scans inaatltin ainad an :assesasncttt, atUti: l+e . rf; ,o• and daughters. alp. Htidstan was high. to the Gouueil at am eaarlp date' : be to IT 1erespected d known in 'mese t' meet .;i;ain at and I3ianshard. In religion lie w. ,k g as :e F. Iit.,a ,i lei,, Methodist and as liberal supporter of the eliureh.--+One day last week the youngest daughter of JolTn;f.'i ,art, was sitting on the barn floor when the (`.n vol- t nley Csmtiitcii ,nTei; ear wind :blew the barn door with great •;4(lodatY, Aug.,.i, iia the tsr>; i -.trip lta11, force against her foot and severer* Al! the naenrsbers were present. BPP jammed it. She is now unable to walk. haws were Passed levying thefofowini ran rates can the collector's roll :-county Granton rate. 1 i- mills ; tosvntiliij? rate, -a: Balsa's.---C1eo, 13ezt4ora has been en- .nn ll ; general school rate, 114; mills; . to I, I-85 mills: No. 3. I 1 -Id mins; gaged h $the Deering Manufacturing No, 4,1-5 mill ; N. a. 1 o.io trills • o. At present located at Blyth. t;, ; mills : N. 7, 7-10 :Till ; No. 11);17- -Charles Cook, rvho left here some Ill mills ; No. 1:i, ;T-.1tf mill.; No. 11,1 t1 - weeks ago, was employees immediate. 10 mills : No, I union, ` 1 - mills No.d ly on his arrival at Ilaupliia at $3MJ is union, 4I•;i mills ; separate 2 :>' day. and board at mason wort:. ---The Thos. Wiley was again appointed many friends of William Cook will be lector. Next meeting; of ('ouncil. on t lad,to learn of his rapid recovery after Monday, Sept. 17. undergoing an open. tion._ L..II. aantr S. T. ,illa,i , C'lerl:, lead a ):arrow escape from serious in- jury recently caused by not having ............-.r.........,......smi proper hold of time reins when the horse Sexsaxa itb started. Although the buggy was BitIE•.rs. Mrs. James Gould spent. overturned and the doctor thrown out, a week or so with friends .'ttthe Bend fortunatehy there was no darnage done. lately, ---Air. and Mrs. I'ranee. of I'ark- -- Messrs. R. II. Radcliffe and .Toseph i' hill. called on friend here and in lien• (Grant attended a special meeting of 1 sell last week. Rev, Waddell, of the the Stratford Presbytery, held m St. Etitnville circuit preached .!Here last. Andrew's. church on Puesdaay of last'Sunday,.-Mr. and .sirs. Nelson North - week in the interests of the (Granton I colt visited friends at Bayfield over congregation, the business being the ' Sunday, -Mrs. Eacrett and daughter, separation of Granton from the Linen of London spent a few days with C. and Frazer congregations. Althc;agli Eacrett recently, - Harvesting will the matter originated with the Pres- soon be over in these parts. bytcry, it seemed to be the unanimous......,..• -...-..,....-....-,.....-......-.- opinion of salt present that it would be TESTIMONIAL OP Mil. W,II,DEAR to thy, best interests of Presbyterian- I' 'Cr ism that separation should be effected. September lst was named as the date - '"- that the change should take place. I To Ts vaLns e My friend, Tool.- ]sere i you know ! ENGLISH S1OOK FOOD. how weak and nervous your wife is. r, and you know that Carter's Iron Pills 1 I am using English Stook Food man - will relieve her, now why not be fair ,+ ufactured by C. Lutz, and find that it about., it and buy her a box f i improves the condition of milcir, cows The new purnphoase of the Winni- and increases the flow and richness of peg waterworks system is in danger of I the milk. 1Vould highly recommend falling clown, as the pumps have suck- I stock raisers to give it n. trial. ed away the quicksand foundation. W. H. 1)n rena. Bxxses.---MissWilliams, of Zaricb, was the guest of Miss i auugbhit this week,. -Bruce Ellis, formerly station agent here, who has for some tante held the important position of Seers. teary of the Bureau of Transportation at Buffalo, has been appointed Super- intendent of the Freight Department of the Bureau, a. yery important post. Una, 'tire congratulate 1tIr. Ellis. - Miss Nichols, of London, is the guest of her sister, Infra, 1), Blrquhart,•--Miss Jennie Smillie left Monday for the Toronto Normal school,. -Mr+s. George Moir and Miss H. Craig Hensall, a Miss Maggie. eldest daughter of Al Buchanan, Tuckers.:nitro, left nature for Moasejaw, N. W. T --Mr. .1"oh stop. of St-. Louis, Aro.. is visiting latives here.---Adaro \ hiteford left Monday for Virden, anon.. -Two yo sons of Alex, Adamson, whe have 7 b,, visiting their grandnnotlrer, Mrs Re: for some time, left for \