HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-8-2, Page 7r , 9 I - I I - I � � I
- -- - � - I 11 � I I � IV
�� - I ljb��VA.� 0olam" enough extra price inmarw S I 1 r6_7 . . _ I - . -11-. I., V - I
--Ae%,� , a I 11 .. , - . '' I ,
. , � OMET1111140 QUITE N
. ". -1. � , . I RW- . .
I Interesting Items. � ; ' I 11 ket to prevent much loss even it the I . affFERS FOR TRE ]KONSIOUN EVER AT THE FRONT, Like the 860sh Army- . � 1. I � . � � 1, � ,.M
I ��_ , I # On the Farm. uedfex t,h&t has been meant tow the. I I . I I � I -M
�31?E AIKING IN, j>ARABLE $. � I - I 418417Y proves to be ,still better ild4pt- . � I _-1. . i . � �m
� 92 a E7-1& � M
0 11411 . HOUSE or PODUA : I �
W-hat sort Of a, table do they __ M. -.%%;"6 ed to tho sbaimbles, The only trouble I ONS REJOICES. OVE,R I , �m
** ,yo.", how"I apk.ed the prospootivo, TjjI; jM With these yetir ad beeves, is, In got- � NEWS FRON 11401A, , �.
j 'p.SE ER > Cl� I #_"s
I . . I � Ay IN H j _ ILA , , ," .. �� I
I ,;
I boarder. . . AA 0- good deal a modem . Ung t,hera tat euougn. I . -, Pouter of r4mine, to ouglitilo-crititisms ,L mum w N um&' I E L L A -_1
Table of %#94:ts and dalryijlg� I ... "I . .1111 1-1 - . 1. .
meagwes, said,. , , I *, ." I 01' the ludfau Press.-icaln iuxat Ve I
-I# 'rAskit QEYLON TEA I 0 its -ay to 00 ftat. I
� Asbw, . be*01aing'sPecialized, it may be said . BrIa contb2 4�wraakoftlffe't- and is ya*41-v targ g I
y Peppe�rs, ta reply. The first s Is, � f CEYLON GREEN TEA "Is 11i'111154 GOVeZillueat, Qtves NO Aid, ,.=I I .1 ...... ImEAR PA910(104 261 u, � I .
TOO MANY OF USk An't I vat � . , �__ - ,, 40I.AQ. it"gi "q� i
P -- --.-,-,., � . -
tong, and fil�-_ latter p1lort. 'that We Will $*on have speoial breeds 0-� 15i me flavor as Japan, only more, delicious. is ourenalt(Ing T.mutlon. I .11 � I 11
. -_ for certa,an, 1,m..e*. of dair ing. In a TbIs 3yorlit lr,% I;e '' I-. � I I ;�; � I'll, : ; 11 .. I.. The Itritiala H �
I .y co -115Z AltqzOlter T04), I . - I I ,ouso Of Commons the
� : � I
PR,kl�Ls IN COCOANUT$. ISMA4, the Arpey breed ropreselir other day, was go far roused from its I I , ".
, .ts just TIAXCM,w ov;lluteo. -I
lie QQ0 't . - 1,*u4 a speolalty, and she can do her -- , V T119RR'S NOTHINQ NEW. habitual a 1� 0 1%, I I , I
, Human 1),ings and wild arilmalo �p4thy when Indian a
In -t oana palm . . ffaj,x4 I
� . , I - a Of the Phu I . I -t I I �, 11 1% I , ;
, -
ippine islands small pearls have boon � bee-, Only When in her .proper plaeo� have, goo gre4t thin$ W common, the Nature 11its Fore.shadowod Alukost All were uAder discussion 4$ to receive tlle ______-
found, ,which, like the true e and every year that � ,Is Juventlons. 11formution, with 14 supoes4lou of I . � I
, , pearls, ar : 1 t t' , 4 mistake to thl-lik that the Jor� fight for life, - of lifulia I . A
I I �
composed of carbonate of lime, Opals ses, is the fancy daixymAn's oQsv and f19114 for life becomes haxdot and Almost all of ma'a's inventions have hea,rty cheers that tbo monsoon bad . . � . ;; 11�
I '' :
I I �
have alza been foAnd in tba joiuta -of for the wealthy farmer who goea, into harder in, proportion as, the, world be- beea. fores,hadoNved bY vaturo. The broken oa the parched sell of the I I I I 1!
. I - .
the bamboo. . .1 business largely for the pleasure of oomo� 34ore thickly populated with , famine district. Lord George Hamil- - I I I I
. , hypoderialo gyrimm with wbich the I � I I 11 I I
I - -
.. . . � IL Likewiss it is far from the truth people, ;ill striving after ton. the Seciret&ry of State for India -- - � I �
� I 1. .
, . � 11 the isume physician injects ra,cwpjjjue� into apa, .
. gm�pw,y JUD101ous INVESTMENT. 'Ito _ . . , I
� say that the Jewsey is aulted to any th4ag-mQAoY I Ube world is every tient's xrm, is given the wel-
b, ls described as hilvin
� as it's coantarpart in the i . . :
: Angelina, you a". a", u4ing a big d;dry, The animal is aprilotical and Year becoming more crowded. ,IkXoro sting of a. bee. The tuaAel-borer is an come news in a voice of tremulous un- 11 I - I I �
lot of molmy on artistic dies, for your uAieful One in every dairy where goo,A people are Wrn in propoxtio se ida t certainty, and when the R - :
_ � ,13 to tho , , p ation, of tbf� Work of the tere- ,, ease solz
xtationery. I , - , 11
'food, good ca4e and scientific, treat" til" (Us" do. or map woxm, The principle of thp, ed the Impoirta
� -Well, what of it t It I over get to, r � I � . -Ace 01 the event it I - , 4 i
T.ho gave full expression to tbilooenae of xc� . , - -1 I-- -11
..ja-ult are ob�erve.Il. This. presupposes A-% a aet-blek against this pbeii0ra- ballwa is found in Certain flsbe4. ,, I * .
. the, Poor 110108 I'll have 00motliju
. , & to an Intelligent knowledge of thelleoOA olittl iO*reA4,e -of human, lit I - ,
. , o, however, pa r- . du ry
prove that I've seen better 4 . oe lj�Akjua In, st is paralleled III U04 wtklQh Ov"GaXOO it- It the xovoxta I
. , ays. . ! ' ' turn to China: 'The 01 � I - I �# I
1, of this Pa_-Uviular breed, The aninial ghpiesp, g - g of Persons, quite X00ently returned � : * 1,
, is, not a, .1 h=dy or rough on,% aud it tioll. dato buk ' _ g A rj;j the building 'of a, wa.,W,s riest. in the I'll-, #, . V 4
. � .1 "I .. - :It 0 �
% , I h ,,,.N 41., I
AVIRAPT IN T11OVOUT, , some, 5,000 yoa.ra. TAo, mi�cbaulsra 040, alall'$ body there are freak, India, are to be credited. a Biro- 1 $ .I,%"-. �
� will not stamil neglect and abuse. Take c0umtrY is five times the size of Get- jQlats and layers similar to those used cessful Monsoon may go a Iong way . �71.% .., :
Mhe best ease of abseut-axiadedu :,, ..;,..... � .,
.-01"5 40re xworIl�brvaWxnq J4rs,oy mil -or l-nau Ad arato andmoref-raLtful 14 engines, Irbe atat=atic, elling of to avert serioua trouble !a - � .., %% . ... .
A . , & - _y, a w r , � , that coon 11 - , � 1-1 ..
. . , I
't Nvblob we 11ave lately bearl* -sva,§; vad tur,u ]lox Oil; j.yAd a lIvin - .
tb4t Ot A, famqu% protoe . a.g.or. 's a ,t , to f, _g (M. 044 44lrQP0, VrQ440ing- i'a a groat surfaces which, rub togttligr in an eg, try. A man associ0tid. with One of 1, -- I . � .
WhIle'rlW.V,rA pastur �an , w r 44A parts two. b"Vow Ayear, Why gzae 1* 09 U0 same Pliku aa the lubri, the 1101101044rY R0010tics. M110 left In- - I
ke W,Rg oroasillig the street a Nyatering ,,hill , ae� d ,%he W F Qw 14 - :
. . and v4davorc;us, and gradually 0404. $A 01111496 Act peopled go deas . of 4
� ely qwtjQu, 'ginta in Our body. blau,s dia a few woe I
L, , ko age, has e I res ed I i
Wrt let It3 flow lease apoll him. The , , � X) a i ��
profWgor quietly rAised ,his Irm,bro4a de"'04sO her YIF414 Of rich milk, $,he is WAI (bera ja Aoaroe!7 breatbilig roona nervous is. ba, malutenanoo of I %_ I i 1
, ystgkin resembles the tele. tb4 PA311011 1, , t the � �
I I I lvl�l I "
and walked through two skrtiotg 4 i 1�__,/, I ,
. ,rf9ro not ;kd4jA,ed to such a life. neither for its iubOititato � J�or, tak -1 English rule out there depends now 11 �
, ,. !As Am� graph in its f w r 'L
, , mod4D 9 0, L ng. . ", It . . I
he f1lW,VPred tbat the stru was sbjri� will she 61wad expaiuro to a rough, eirica, as on §x4mplo, the .population Tbe ball boaring,% of a bicycle or au. ou an on)eaditure of money ar blood.. - - m
iag� .1
olira,41,te in any kind of Imther. She of Ch!" 4hould -now ho 8-Q9,559j93,- tomobile; axe not so very ilbiaimilar to UO 9"vo as lam reason for puttilig the, . � : I
'�,tUVX, nooda more pro, ection I ... 11 I . 4
NOT IRIS . V . and care. "We 100,709,670,190,,710,5'40, wbexcas, in reul� the 'ball joint,%' of huxuall, hips, and cage so atroAsly the fact that, even . I A
You m-wried mefiarnly mQW1*Wo!l1uVO ,PQWA,. that will eadare ,any kind 47 the OQUAtry is le. -A densely pQpu, 15110tilders. The principles of the lever it the raills are all that ure .1
_. � bood 11 �
4XCWmed, I of rough usago, food.444 weatbor, and 4404,� 94 AIR average, than i4jelglum, was foreshadowed i ��
. . in the long b 11 I
, - ejaes of for. the loss of liloughi,ig cattle A.
Ob. well,, be replied r,,Qmh fo Ad recedeated that the 1mv. I
,ingly, doll,t,AW 4f,�oxa to t4rive. They aro suited w 84xvay. The auaw,or is to be o UIA hum."L body- ,been 50 un,p � .
blame me. I coulda't got it a.11y o,t,h- - to the jArairlielifo, to tarm;.* where lit. in the fact that moug he Qb a I Poverished and enfeebled peasants, is I'll Itiommumm .
, , a- t ,J. is�e __1._-__.-___1-_-___1_
or way, Son limow. �Alfl attt,fitiou is Nid to modern 10140 1400irr n THE WHOLE COUNTRY SINGS ITS PRAISE, �
I ,, ilarti- 1AIRIX" - jA f, ,aged by law, A, llouralgja% Persistent Agpny ivill, have rio means of oultivati g the �
k., ful meQod,% of dzaryiug. But it a terrible. mud yet. the 0olestials; will a*$ bat one, source of jr , ellet. Ner- land. The cattle have died I! � terally
� I
QHI.NrSI! NEWSBEARN1110. 11444 Jraa Only enough atook to occupy tell Sea, tbe� Only really 024 ve-pain cura-penotrates to by hundreds 6f thousands and cannot DOCTOR HAMPAOND-HALL'S ENGLISH TEETHING SYRUP I
�, I . s lblo, way vilia,3-uer I
I According to Use Ancient practicombd& time AID that b n give ait the to provide for thil natjoW,5 well tbolirritated nerves. soothes them lu� be replaced, according to the lowest COMFORTS CRYING r,HILDREN, .
4 4:4 , , be,
_ - , � torepme. ajadoffords
- relieE almoxt in- WhO OQUIA tboy 0
Of Oriental ratataroh% -the C.hjne§* "OAN44tloa needed to eavb animal the 14g. a eatifunte, under .�.5,00,000. Thou the - U ,!P ftvaidoirto4r, .
r .
� � taAtly. Th , :
.e whole range of medi- �Frqukzlaii 11404v tqui
gpilpemr rewards, tlimo -.vto brjag �Jtrse,7 W111 probably give bila, better It' the last 1QQ years Europe b4B clue affordo, Aio parallel to Nerviline Wretched people will need jood ulid Thfwai;o lies yftjS4q�1,agtWr,r0&* I
him good ftws, and panisbegi t , b000 I XQUIVUS Ill= any o�her brt�oil, doubled Its populaUen . we(,A 18�-)Q as a pain rollover. � Thim wbou thisy fwAbk-nii:
, r� I tibolter until the crQP3, suppoltag they It 1`44"Iy frolrents OWWA-1irlilatugif Surtio Stvuir�ar sorAphoft MN04 ArA 431,
who, bring bad umv-s_ 30t, :
� We muli't undor,stikad tha,t the ,Tar. and 1880 the Vgttrva rose from 20.000. --------- 401-- succeed tn getting the Bee h
. ad Into the TIKWWTX*4*10**'Rlthiiutor�%tim,="Tauipityluv,v�-u4l. tmcw*4 ittistowelftip.
A VIIOTOP4 ses aulmala bavo b4ea bred . ,to the 000 to 33040010001 nortwit-bata4diva the OLASS WINDOWS, ground, come to ulaturit,y. A cerrea- i3RITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY, stile proprietors,pi �
tl uAd(WSt=#1 10 bad the best of the , point wheme all of their hardy and Crimean end Frauco-Prasslari wars. V" Pendent of the Times of India depicts DR. HAMMOND-RALUS NERVO-HEART PILLS, .
ratlab qual4to have dit-appeare.4, and =1114", is ONE 24=011, . AUTO rsed Alt lou -011141a 11pase.1 Xonx their condition ia the followilig sell- I
ideba,te. wild out IstAtesmati. r Va their bigh slate of, developillout in the Over-POPulation theory that AVer Their Pt*covery. temoes * BABY'$ LAXATIVE TABLETS, ETC,, I
Tw. Ans,wered the other. Ra made th,ey ,Win give ,.bar best only mu3t W take'% , into Account, and The method, of ,preparing glaf�s Iva$ "Th';se Poor people; before they I
CV`0'r,VbOd,Y $0 oleeTy thoy couldn't talk' - through known long before it ,kvas thought of left their Vill- 8e,4" LONDON, ENG., NEW YORK, TORONTO.
4 care gad teed, .1. (rba mail Who 04-t 1% to be found in thei fact tha, t age bOra*,,$ ,or the far_ I ''I .
� back. �i 000 Whervas oartala na 111,�h Pao- off famisle works, had to sell overy- - - - __ I
. buys Q. Jemy and expecLs Ljo turn it , Lions increase on, m4king windows of it. ., - .
INTERINAL, FIVIDI NICE." � ill the field wUh tho rest of a, herd o`vmou�'113' O'.II6174 staud still, while Plu in R0100 JARd their windows, or thing to satisfy the gnawing eirayings 1�_ � --- q -,--- — _______� - -
I the QW11148 of their Will-). filled of hunger -, even the fbut,sy thaterials crisis in India, with nearly sixty mil- India rabber heels on oboes, �; :
I wishIl.-fiew what 'woman wroto � Which is allowed to forage for them- some palpably lessen. Yet, it towas with micQ OJL tralLs lions Of Pekoldo in the grill of hunger, creasing the fatigue of marobing, ivill, I
,.�t*s book. � � sclve4 will rind in the end that he has "D tO 90 Qa inor"44jig as London has ,PUOUL sioue, It of their buts were disposed of either, plague and chtilora. The Rugsian soup. ba adopted by, the French army, :
in supposed that glass was aajd Sall for fuel or.for grain. They are noiv 00vOrAMPUT speat close on 6120,00%. .
"afland will be� Nvilulows during the re,! -u of Titus,
not improved ma,ttor& rattob. It 1,s ast yearl$' 'r 000 of its spare r�-roarces to relieve �
k",�_ How do you k4ow a woman wrote it i done of P' W. P. C. 10;13M �
At 41tt I pw,5ib6 tha t the JeWsay will yield less yond doubt sooner or litter be coil- 'fragrao 'having been I I 11 - e _____.______ I
froated with a, very serious probleal � uts of glass plate the distress of Its moujiks, while th 41=11 111:111111".11111'. —
It's stylt is so hideously musellIllic, , milk and,o�roam under such oundlaora. , which the British Indian
. I than many of th-a other animals. We -4he want of "stretching room." found at Vompoll, which was Ile- T.11v* =XMI1111)"I giveii its starving ryots 0ALVERT'S I
nUXA'N BONES. . , The ortire globe measures some a0Q,_ stroyed in his reign, but the first Is takea. out. of their own taxation Or CaLrbolic Divinfectants. J!i*up*,. OU%* I
, . rall-A take tb#j Jemey and put her�aad certain mention of this use of glass = fa,ow liarrowingi whieh thoy will h I rnent� Tooth Powderg, ett%, bay* baoq
The bones of a human boing will � lw�p her in the riglit ptaee. $he mu -A 000,000,000,000 square yards, or, al- BACht. - V�l awaxiled 100 madals and diplomas for superlat :
is found in, writings of the third t of their future excellence. Their regular use prevent Infoott, .
bear three titues as great a pressure as have food. adapted Lo her bigh-strangi IoNving a yaxd as standing room for wtraingi, (be land rev on* d1seases. Aak four dealer to obtaill a
to m;xlw' good O"
. century, St. Jerome also speaica of it enue being the anyply.,,,Ltats mialtit free on appliegtion, I
WAL, and nearly, as mae, foar persons, there is room for .1,400,- 1 main source Olt the Indian Govern- �
It its wrought.,c4refully-bred riwture, she must re- as used A. D. 422, BenediA Biscop meat's income. F. 0. CALVERT & 00.v :
I iron, without being cru,3hed. 11 'Wive pru,eoi,lon groin rough or violt,ni; 000,000.000,000 peoll1c. The population Introduced glass wiudows in Britain AC H E The ladlanllre-.is. groNving bolder as 1101ANCHESTUR - - XNQLAND, �
- . w4mlher, and bile in u-st be treatod with at E.11914nd and Wales doubled be- A. D, 074, though they mayllave pre- the crisis incroases in gravity. furth- I I
A Im-wNuTION 01-N TD.RMS. I . I .
O her lieryLs 'a 1801 and 1851' At the ' ';Ame 'rate V10uslS' I ,leon hrought in by the Roar. ar points out tbat while the British �
Is,ome corupidexa!'i0a as t tweti
i I - O,Areult ,You going to gIve any eator_'find it 100 years England's population &A I& J& .
,physical strength. Surround the alls. The oldest glass windows at 9 GO-vernment gives no active aid to its M
t"!Wuent9 Of' anY-_ kind this summer f , j,ex,w.y ,,%,Itb the rigut. cirell Would multiply itself by four, in 200, 0 Indian sull,jects in th,oir extremity, it " W" I
said the visitor- lasta'aces by 16, in 1,000 by 1,000,000 and in 3,000 present existing are of the twelfth makes no rvinittAllec-s tq taxes, as wa ' Bras.'P PAnd 11
^,'�r- $0, answered Miss Cayenne .P and envirounionts, and .she wij1prove y4t!axs by something over 1,000,000,000 - century, and axe in the church of St. If you have Backache you have customary under the native rulers ins Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. �
Asa � a paying iuve.�tmein. tot at -sleet her ' Donis. They appeax to have boon Mdney Dlsease� Ifyou neglect times of distress, but vigorously ex -
800141 rale we don't give- Nve*ruarcly � 000,0110,00t), whieb. would mean t1a I
roc'eive. and .%he will prove a loss. atin aots the last fraetion of taxation due Every Town can have a Band �
8,000 yews to every u pire-served as ptirt of the old church, Backache it will dsvelop into by the inipirverishod ryats.. it like- i
.. . 02 which N, :omathi% worse -Bright s Dls� I Lowest prieft enr (W.OW, Mae "Wosue =,ulus
LOVE 01,1 C,HANGB. . __ lailid t,here would be 3,333 1-8 persons vas ex(JctOd before the year ;' Rso or iabetes. There is no W106 C(Ilatinae3 the drain of revenue to trAtivnimAlled1me. rita us for anytkiag in "
AIILX14NG 11sirin Ra. imstead of fouir, or in other words, the 1140 by the Abbot Sugex, a fil,vol,ite use rubbing and doctoring -your England to pay what iwo called the Music or IfusicaI Instruments. I
MilliZe-T-This, bat will last you sev. " home charg" " among them Buell a Whaley Boyce & 00.0 Toroutgm
of Louis le G-rom. W, ogt,, imd I i
Tle first year a heifer is milked is efUlth, would be covered with man in Sager had sap- back. Cure the kidneys. There oh ge as $23,750,000, P". eted Ilona- wo, at" I
, lybigh, is only one kidney medicine but a117 11
erk, seasons, Miss r An important era in her life, fox upon oolumns, of 833 1-3 each, atauding phlires pounded up and mixed Nvit:b it cures Backache every titnem- V to Pay the cost of maintenanc -
M18 38 FlY,1111911-011, I don't want tha t on the glass to give it a blue tint. t& in Enal e MILLS, MILLS & HALES, �
Itind of a I bat , Lhe feed and oaxe',-aa receives during one 'another's beads! writer of the period iiiacounted it one and of the depots of regiments saveacterp. 4!t,^. "I
show me one that . serving in India. It is estimated that Romoved to Wetloy Buildings,
this Vane ,depends much bar future,. c bove is e42-, of the the total drain from India to Eng- LAW JtiabruoadSt�W.,Torouto, _ 4
WUO't be fit to baseen in about four _�, most striking instances of ' �
weeks, daxlacuies, for. troilking and her value ough to fill the -sauest man with bor- splendor whkb he mat in Vienna in r%rfl land tbim yearwill amulint to not less 'I'll
� '%; D%J%.1d9h9 than 480,000,000, for which no com- I I . I
-_ for the dairy. III must oa,-,es this ex- ro"r. What is to be tbe end of thi's ter- 1468, that mo'st of the houses had glass mereial return or equivalent in � . , t :_
FLAX INDUSTRY. tra. car -6 and feed are given, at a joes. rible increase I But the picture of life any I I �
. windows. Another authority, Fell- 07700 shape whatever will ix made; the. ti>- I I , A -1 I
Now Zealand's flax industxy laB re- The helfer',% tea.ts are small and need 3,000 yeaxs ahead, taking for granted blen, says tba,t in his time, 1600, round. 14 1 AM -'T-V tal similarly abstracted during the - ____ i 1-1--- I
CWW91Y, GW- I Z., __� .
F�', *ived and flourialled exe to be developed in size by much hand- that evolution will go an working as glass diew were set in the windows o ' .L.Ldw. last twenty years bz-ing put at the - -.--,- .,_______ - � - _ " -,. - I
. f ey. 4
ing to the war in the Philippinias bav- jing, even when milk cannot be ob- it has worked in thepost, Is appalling. stupendous figure OIL $21,500,000,000, it POULTRY, BUTTER, EPICS, APPLEDs 4
in Italy, and we find that in Qxanae is such stories as these that give poin t and otherPnODTiOM, to ensure btstreaulta cona! 116 4
9 shortened the Output of Manila Lained. Then the heifeir is, or ought What is to be the answer to the prob- th . ere w,ere glass windows in all the 04 to the complaints and protests -for The ffawgoq Goinmission go., LinjiTed,
� fibre. to be groxving, and thus requires for lem of over-,PopulmUou ? Sooner or lat- A,
___ � Willrohes in the sixteenth century, Pild"18 they are nothing more as yet -of the CQr.Wsst-Markst& Oalhorns &L, Torantih I
her own sustenance much of the or the world will be brought face to Indian press and Indian public speak- '*---- "'"' . ,- � 1. . A
I AN ACCOMVLISEII�D MUSICI;,kS. though there were few in dwelling :.== TORONTO 01ITTING 80HOOL age. spscial a4van. I
same kind of, ntLtr!Lion Lhat-in mature face with the 'Nvorking oat of .some -""-'a �, era on Indian affairs. to all I at an of at*qulrtuff N tborough Imaw.
-Aunt: "Ilow are you getting on wNV& goes44LO milk. So it is often soluition to it. , hoases, The manufacture of window quite worn out by constant and un- ---a- 11
, 104 0 of QlW
with your music V I said by farmers ,thwt it takes two - ' ' - glass tn. this countr.y was begun in familiar work, sustained only by, a POR OVER PIPTY YEARS r tot 113 Valise St., Toronto. 1i
Qrutcliod Friars, London, early in the MRS. WINSLOW6 SOOTHING SYMP h" be I
. . Nio,00: "NVGII, Of course, it wouldn't good belf6ral to equal one good tow, NOTHI'4�q LIKA, ARBITRATION. scanty diet. Their clothes, if any, are used by mothers for tholy chilaren vsathinq� itambeeno Booke. Flonarlas, Crib
. I
I be proper for ins to compliment my- ,go - t I . .11 sixteenth century. , . lbe obild, toftena the gums, r4likye P&IM. ourea wind Catholic Prayer ,lf[X,',, GoapuMm I
' , Wr aaffrotilt goea it often requires The boy ha,d been in thought for , . threadbare and hardly sufficient to vollo, and I; tho beso rome4r for tuar boula. IOUs Fleture4, statuary. and aaurah Ornimants- � 4
, but s I , - Sold by all, d gists tbrou�o Nh.n% fta.-I 'helis
self, olne of the neighbours have more. It the heifer is handled. I 1 336 mum MitionalWorLt. Mailorders receive provaDt--hazi.
told me that they have stayed, awalrg�. I fed several minutes. At hist. he said - I . THE FIRE BILLS ' ensure decency much less to cover. ,ad ask . for AM winslow's O(2 be orrup." lion. __ - 0. & J. MUM & CO., Mantroal, A
� Father, it',% wrong to fight, isn't
, at night for hours listening, to my and cared for as she should be all that their bodies. In ibis condition, if they
. plgying.11 I . sbe,prodiloes wilt be requir I ed to pay it ?� 11 'Ring out an alarin and it is beeded. Q and Shoot Notaffork% . I
I - I I . I . ' " " ROOM ROOFING SLAMIC lnnlae�,
. are exposed to the inclemency of the Is she interested in any business I Red pr Green, SLATS BLAOKBOARDS. VZ
, . __ . , her owner for the food aad oare he Yes, my son, replidd' .the., fal.her, This is to notify you chat base substi- rains when they return to their vil- Ob, yea; everybody'44 Publia and High Schoo alt V
. I tp�
I ,Woronsol Roofing alt, to I
I ,,PTEi D. has givein her. . aged to see th,at,his lessons on that auxe-pop, cova cure is asked for. Pat- lages, they will simply die by their- -, ," I Coal Tar, oto. ROOFJR TM13 0'emew Oity SUI14-
. INVITATION96T TO BE ACQF Lution is practised when ,,the great, I
. I � , . .., 'Ple I I � ings, Toronto, done bl, our Arml. Metal Calling, COL,
. , Doesn't that look inviting 9 sfie ask, Y& because, a yauLng lielreir's teats - nam's Painless CoTn Extractor .never sands. All the endeavors of theGov- 1BOWaPe Of Ointments for Catarrh
I . subjeot had npt been wasted. nIGGS,etc- Nstimatis arnisked orworkoomple art
. � sh V th any %
errim-ont are directed Lilly toward that contaln Mercury. Torant%
Wig to take corns ofL It:niakes no iaartof theoaunt ' Ph 12
� It�&'wrong_tojry to tsettle diSpUtes 01111arl"In OH8,Ad Wds&Widmorl., "'
ei 49 S�e finishdd arrangbil'k.the sofa ' 1:1-OUTIA WO M
. ;1 . - axe small and it is difficult to strip .
Pillows. , - , � s9re'spots itiad gives no pain. Be sure kee alive -..---
I th , an, it�ia the. practice of care- by resorting to force, isn't it V . ping them I . Clothing fox them a mercury will surely destroy the sense of
, , em cle- ..and.get ".Futnam's." . .
,� . sinell and completely derange thewholas
well, I should th-ink.'At.did. be re- k in the '-It is indeed, returned the father. I is urgently required." wlian ent3ring it through the mucous Put ",ci. P
I ' . less milkers to Lea,ve some mil . - - Tstoin DYGA1110P I cleaullIg I
plied as he made a move. inibat dire- uddeir. This milk loft, at the last, id 'Tbe. whole tendency of modern civil- I . . - A large money grant by the Britisi Such articles E-hould never be used. exacpt on t3
tion.. � � - � - . . . � DEVIL'S BIRTHDAY., I Proscriptions front reputiable physician a. as tbe Yor 4bia verp bestsewt your vrork to tbo I
No,a, no, no, g1ways, the richest, and when not' maition is to do away withfighting of Government in order to start the In- 4-i1mage they will do isten told to tb" good rou -" BRIT181I AMERICAN OTE1119 GO."
" .
.,- ,,,, L t she interposed; you . � — - in the famine axes. Once . eon possibly derive from t1tem. Us I'R Catarrh Look for Tnt In. your town, or send direc6.
I mps� or an a.11 descriptions. . . *y Ch than peasant Care, rualirfacturod. by F.J. Chene,y & 0o.. To. 4
tdotb&t. It's only, one of those! die,Wn it is absorbed by the add d . it Ig ILeliglipusly CeWw.ited 1. Int'se, No
Aormal invitations, you know, that.!A' . , Mu-sele doesn't count for so much . more in life is, in'the opinion of.the ledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken In- ntreal, oronto, Ottawa, Quebec
I ever -to be accap � . 1 goes'io fatten the heifer. It dries UP I . I Who Fete 111t.; Sakfaide HaRsty. I .
,ted. I I . U ased to, does it? I man referred to, i eratively called taroully, acting directly upon the blood and ' . I
. ' a-" 1�' I The Chinese keep up the devil's � MP muooils'surfams of the system. In buying EASTERN TOWNSHIP NURSERY.
. (the milk supply. betore it should, be I 1. .. . . Land -owners and farmers desiring to grocure PRY I
- , I � No, my boy; physi-oal prowess does for. I ,If for want of such assistance 11all's Catarrh Cure be sure you. get the genn- M
.dried ,.tip, and MAZO.Vhffly 1656ati-13 tibe IT I
. � " I . �. . �. . bitthday and give hita grand presents. . Ins.. It is tAken Inbarnnily and made in T ledo, TIMES tar autum I * APP P I I
. . . Uk-prade,aing season all the rest of 'lot ran the unfavorable. season passes away TPEN, PL-UM-'I.'R�'719,"'P'Flh�!rR'�EP ,to,, I I �
I. NOT WORTH HAVING. k as high as mental ability in Superstition inakes some patients eat Ohio, by F. 1. Chaney 9 Co. TeStimoonials And here fireWlarA trees� strons and vigorous, tuid T, 4
- . .
I . .1 . free. I i'll:
.No; be, 11 never propose, she said with'I'm the world of to -day. 1. I without a crop being got :Into the 80 sdaPtect to the ollmateV the country, at an extraI3. � .
I i 6e oDw'�s life. 0a.r. practice while we the prescription rather thlan. buy the Ad b lstq, price 75c per bottle. low Price. Order direct from us. By this means 7o.4 . .
- I y 111ruff .
V sigh. . I Nvere farming was to breed the Young The boy again relapsed into thought druss. In this wAy they say ',the ground, and the peogja have again to HaWs FM Pill"are tho best. will save ibe pruiits of umits and merchants. . .1
Why do you �say that ? asked her-, be,if � . It ri Onde . . � � a I - attendant con- ', -_ I . Post-paid Illustroad oatalogue of si r4gra, will& . I I
-or if possible when she was net for a� few rai.a" 6d aPPaVO UY P -r- v,6ry easence, is absorbed." In send- face 9 mine with its . 1111,001ions forgraparing rame(Ues for ths denructica, Of I
I .
I lest friend.- I . � . I . . I � 1, I . �� his fa I thf,ir's I'vor . (is. . . . ... I seque L nee$ of pl,aguo and pestilence -be- Int.a. an fral traes, rose-bnshes, etc., simt on reool$ . 1, I
. I ulte 6. yo%r old. tn twen -ha log . ing the Itit aper image . of 10 I
,I,q I ty M(mt I I I I I , ehen god --a pt - The average woman knows how to ns"reeUtS. THE RAXTBRX T0jV';V.Xj:P jN'U2SjCjtT, I . I �� ..
We went rowing in, � the. mooni ' 'The . 61008y0le, Qua. I . I.,
- ight , &Iie Would then half a calf by hex.�iide m, 61 ,ouirse"Ve're all for peace to heaven every year,... the Chinese cause tbe�British Gcovernment refused say No- Ohl, yes I She can make it ex- - I I I I 11
. I 11 I I .1 . I - I I I I
la'st evening,, and he ju:st rowed and, ' . homsekeeper has ,e I press all possible shades of meaning I . 1'.:
rowed and rowed 11, I , and she would. nNt be bred again for. �qow ? bee hnally,sald. . � I to burn it and let the the need d hoW, then he thinks it will -1 _111
. .
.1 1.
. ! � I
I . . I � . .. . , The Gaa da Permanent, I r.. "
I - six ow- eight months. In this time, . Of Gou,rse. Perfect peace is the ideal fujaq_�,s afit.ond. 'It reports on the good have. to make its had of India good . TE a . . 1,
Never.let the boat drift a ( all ? � l . � � I � � . I . . I 1. . . MONTRIIAL H6 L 01890TORY. I I..
-Never onoe.* 1�, , , - for wb;irah we 6triy,e. I I (lee(Is of the faAnily for tho-year and by1he expenditure of blood. . I � I I I V I 1� ��
� � I . .
I I . I wLth pleint�y ofjeed and mainly '911100u, I � eal' .. I .. I d' BRIMoral," Free BU u . . .
,. I . -
Oh� well, in that c,&se, I should say he bunt, the he,if' . Au,d we r,hauld strive'for,thai id bring 'good la k. 1�efore burning it Already Indian papexs are -contrast- The a AM. Plan. and We -stern Oanada - - I :1.
. ex's milk-giving'papacity I ., p .0 $t.50 & P. I
b,a, . . . I I -_ I
I �nit sense enotigh to be worth, hav_ , , 1. I fl- �
I . �
�ng anyway, , 11 11 will be developed ,,and ..'he will add in kivaite and pliblic affairs, ah�Duld- th ' ps her4inger in a ins the' action of, the Govex"Inent 0 AVENUE, HGUSE_Mcc,ill�college Avanu§ I I � . I
I I . I . I I I . I 11 I I I I I ... —_ Family Hotel rates $1.59 Mortgage Corpora Ion, I I : I.. �11
. . --- I maberially to her size., This yea'r abe ri"t'- WO ? , ' . jar of inalassea and smears the upper the Czar . durLng the Iasi great fam- per day. , . I I . t I I
I I I I I I I I I'� , I a . ' I , ' i—MES, OT9LOPPO%IteG1T.XDe- I I — . I . I :,
WORN BY QUEEN�ELIZABBTJII. [sbould be mdj&e^j�o give all, the milk Al -a -Y& I u.d lower lip of the idol, 8o that. when, ine in Russia Nvith the inactlon,o.t the iT. JA N ,at, � UXAD (;&IIACIR papfill . anent IBUJI � , L '' ,i .�,
� . I . two.blomkB frain.0. Pj . �
I I a wrjjman is; poss ' e ' Thait's what I thought, said Lhir boy, I., . T Railway. First-alassoommeretIlHouss. m6dernim. opFjOR din, -
. het arrives at, the pea ly CityL he may British Government in, 0` - ,�, .
It is not often - -that, ible, aind to ke. p - it up for a, full � I I I L118 SaPreme Vto,mm,enta-Rates modercte. . . I I �
I I I . I I vely. Dcia'L you� t. 'tell a #sweet talo an the family and I ': . . . TOP -ONTO ST- " T 0 RO HT0. I I � � �.
, -
.able to ' mtil the , -1-P of the foettw ,If- nAlpeati hink that I , - I I I 1� I I
, , I array herself ira any- fabric ' yeart 0'r 11'. I %i - I I thus insure benedictions. Afamily, . =_=!__ ==n===1t_ . . I RRAItc.0 OV,V10Es__ � I � : 1, . I . ,
whitdh 300 yeax�§ a�go was t I ha property 1 tet :iheAfals ,been, bred again ruakes w,e have a. good oppootunity to apply � . I I � i � I Witinipog, Mam, Vancouver, 8:0., St. John, 14.11. . . .11.1
I . . I ,
I I I I , ilk gr,od . a, drain on It now � when ganabling, wIll.cover the eye's of - . . I I . I � .. —_ , . I - i - 1. � 11 . " i, �
of 'a que�n 9f 8figland. The Count'- � m avdan too severe . I ,� I - . I I I . ,:�,
I It I : '�_ '� � " �.:��
I'll I I I 1. I I C ' I � . � Capital Paid Up, SO,iG00,000 I I � ,: "
I I heT 8�,Sltem- ., I - � I " the Wol unLii Lhe ard-j�laying� is
, , ,�s of Pembroke bad, how6ver, this I � � In whait woy, ray boy ? t . . I I I f I I
�fl -13 . ,f through. -A-. woman in Luhob City I I � . I I : ,�-,, ,�'.��.'. � �`111!
I pralld priv a Solne beitexa , have, nakaraily the Why, Idt , alrbitrate the,'4uf tim 0 . I , - & Ala_�J 150810.00 : ,, �� �, ,1�
� Rage at I 're,r,snt drawing I � : I I 1 5� -, 44-CO-V-C� 4-Ot"" Roserve Fund, I -
ro�,4 N�h n h-ar nl;lgnili�etlt w I hite and j" " beefy " form;' f.hlok set, with � br Ithat'11,6kilpi that v.on'l axe going to give I went to the t6ni, . - � I .
I 11 I I . pdoto pray for the re- , . � I I � I ;; :, ',�
I , �a I . � V�y gown and"light 11 I ". . Md 11 I �9, covory of her son froln sina4ox,jie . . 11 I . —_ , 1. , . I � , . . ..
I'll ;_ - pea.ch velvet , I I I I ,`L�r�
- � , � c1hemit and ex6ra th-ick neck. A judge me after ilki-ner. Everybody arbitrates . I I ,. I ,
-,6" tX1 -ate triinme"d with`,�Old point . I . I xex,overed, but wm inarked with1he ef- I I 4A,.,�, _�Jh 4� L � Frosident- Money to Loan, � , � �� � � :, � "
, �34 W . ' I I I , � J, � . _4 . ..,
"#(- ' landr .polaf I ,. . . I neorks ctoodarham. � I
, , of dairy _% will "ndermn th4ese�to T'Oiw' . . - : � � � �,� ��i�
� , F .e, which had,. once belonged I I ,� I � 1. arbitraLed.; , -s of the di.sease. Sh I . I . I I 1 1, i'"i
� I -chor the tirst I It WP -S � .. foo t e teturned to ab Vioo-Pmiden� and L Deposits eceived I � 1. 1, , ".;,.
- . . I R 1 �
to and h4d'baea worn by.(�aeen'Eliza- tphe but,",, year' o�ne- year , I I I 1�- Ubafivauoffteau�iTe I , I , I , , .1,
th , _'Tt is i n a I , , , . 0 - . ,reat irage, put a coil' . I I 06mxnictae� -Allumed I ,l ?�,.'
be, � I I � I I the temple in a L) I I - and Interest I c .
- dinirable pt%serva'- oj�d' beefleAbler from heifer, s�eer or I I � I . I I I ,, , , - ,
Ir � � . J. Herb#)rt Maeon. 11 . ,6:1
I .
. - ; ipy � tender, an4 , ex�-. I � RUSSIA'S TREBS. I of rc,pe ar I ound the, idol's neck and � I -_ I - . .1 . - ''�
I I � I 00*0-0--al..." President- I
. .n -sists of deep -ft0iiuce'i, b.1A �Ilways ju - 044V
tiol),' a' d con, , 9A,t- I I � ,
I partly, �Lnd: i's - I
. also dis- InIl. r .1 I �
1 of flo,ral deslin, I , )1*1 � 1. Russia in 14;urope has a forest airea soused it Sol,pr,11 [.jine'S in ,the river, . I I , 2acl VU0. Dcbenttires Issued I I I , � . -, I I . , , , � . I "
I ,'Ployi -a- walk with'birds on Ga ,IL is the"*,ery'be,st that eve: . . I W. N. aqvMy. �� ,� I
mg a to I . 11- � I .11 ,�'
r pade-stals-quaj)ut. and curiou�,s. 1 C,Gmeor to ma,Tkelt� 'wii 86-�' daY Wil .1 I ' � I �L - _/yo ia SterVng and Cur- l� r�� �11 1, I , ��
� , I . � I � � I ". ,,� � �,
1 .% � � , I � r , 0 f ffie ,country i!i forest,. � b"ign inbuence, you rascal." � I I I Walter 1�, Lee. I rency. 2,' Lt
� . - .. I I � . r 11 , I I ,� 1, I - I . I L I I � I . I . ,�:. L � "!:'!,��
�, I I _ I - I .� I I es. One f;hird aaying: �,'1111 tp ach you to lo '4�, ') '4'r I /� I . 7 lf� I I , I I � I I
I d � of about 500,000,000 acr , Se your 4 lec" Z4,4 .. . I 0 Ranagipp Dinaor-
I 11 r �': 1, . - L '' r . � �. I 'L 11. , . 1� I I I I � I . I I 11 I j . I I I I . . I � I I I . . I . I � I I , .1 I I I . . . I I I I I . I I 1. I .. L I 11 I : I , , ,.
I I - �,,�, I . ��, . 11. I . � . I . I I I I I I .1 I I ''. � I I I I � I :,: ,,
I I . . 11 I � . I . I " � I � I -
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