HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-8-2, Page 6THE E ITE ER TINES LEGAle DICKSON 82 -7,41ZLING, nerrietene nelleitore. Eateries, Cenveieneers. Covinasslonena Eta Meese' toLoae, ae Per tweet, ends Ire °ant- OrirICE 1-PAX8ON'S BLOCK. EXETER., an. qinr•Pin. 1.11. OTOKSOX.• MeMber Of ate Arai' will be at ilieneall on %harsher ot seen week-, AtED40A,L. pit. J. Et. R1VRS. M B. TOB.ONTODM V11:11.9,1TY.14 Cral, Ttinttr Univer fase-Cmattore Out- .RROWNINO Gitaiiitiatte Voitotia Oniversity Mace and reelasuce, oeueonott falsora- tam Exernee. 1)R. kliNDMAN, coroner for the far mg o etutLN!' c'otNigv ()tiles/. oPetnite _ Tennent 84 ennen` craduatiteatte (Merle Veterlaarr giateenee doer hettli ef _ --- -- 1111EW TE RI. 0 0 MUTUAL.* .tvattx Visr114,Nrt en, Votahalet4 o d 1 1411.1a. F/AD OFFICE. WATt00, ONT irocu ri%v he -'i avoi' r to 435u.seatt?Eqi operitign ia elate:ere , thee-lentil:ties tot-ttnhertinet lett IT o rite. lierzlaa'a et.t.toeterieit cMti deirriiii,14.il $ tt c option ot into:inn, the MOOS* iota,: thiLr.3. rep . f *he vast tee, years title eouttiSay °nett-. oovering property to i -to ton, mit at 049,4%.”,oi al. -twirl la losecis aigao Alio* to, $176.100.1M. COIS6nqg 14 et.t, 019m:in:cot tett !Ise ,,NQtes :;,..44,4 no, 4 ' J. -IA at cal., ifttnteqt:, 4e el. !tree: Set BO arr •tl t e‘•!,..or . CHAS.. 1g /Ur, Alp re for Rueter an a vieinthe r EXETER. TimRi .UNREQUITED, Trr 1.11$s ¥g. BilADIX)N. $1****6 01E1AP1HR I hardly res.ola up to tlae table." Stella sarw no more of Lord Lash-' "Yes, clear, you were aawitya a. handy little thing, X will go on with a good mas. your education. You will almost al- ny visitorways find me at Itteinea* Would she ever be happy again, ebe Stella thanked hirn with all be enderedi Never, surelyunlesu he heart. cheered and eamforted by this er were to come back from that new light. antit the appearanee of a new admirer of etill ber rank afforded a sPurk- Otle kilid of consoletiem Zhe new admirer was Lord. Carmt- now, a margefe, and Otte et the Most • citssipated• young neva in, London. o Paris; a enung rid031 whoa year befor be 'net Otarioe, had the reputation o being industriously engaged m dritak log himself to death; but who was SL d to laave.pulled up, es were8 on the briokof the preetpace, and to be 14 a fair way to eeforre. Lewd CarinellOw fl Chlriee and. lion Onatly at Selma!, beeli, whither Alr. sod Mrs. Banebreolt lind taken their daiOiter with the idea that iron would rlre her hr0hou sprits. After three weeks aegnain- moehip he ?reposed to Olarme Dane - brook and wee ace.poed with akind haughte- oareleesness elle part e the young aa if she took, th:s coronei as her due and desansed the metlier. birt by the fal•be.r with cue - *giver; whiz repcure oa the part a tba siderabie and. even oulapacen reluct- mg-rooms, arrangiog draperies, fill- lag flower vaseepatting ni•knacks ..r and indenerilxtble elegancies in hest Taa.:t $1104:731:htehair:01111: 1171:41n6eIllellnluahY het rIght places. Stella spent mttele najh hes,st job hasehtnehil many a moraine this work when . anti unless you menu. your b tm mar. :though he stayed .at, the castle till alter ChriStratts .414 entertalued. mentry whither he had gone that she told Betsy everything, and night the house was bluest. IComfort of some kind waa nearer then sae ha.d thougbt. Coming through the little village street one dey she saw a familiar figure stand - lug at the gate of a cettage gerden gazing dreamily at the old church -el. nestling in a /whew just hes , yond tbet eltarp eurve and sudden 1 drop in the nerrovr road, where the village inn stood out conspieuensly, it as ora the loohout for aeolitente to horsee wheels. A bent •old figure, with bare bead Betsy managed Met by hook or by erook she should hare time ta ga on with ber edueation. AU she had to do was to satiety Aliddlebaza, and of hate her &Wing had been good enough even far Ulla exeeting personage, and she bad also ehown berself very deft and clever in putting the finishing touches to best bedroome and morn - SUMIER SMILES. %MMrel. thleelooleo44ki-ngilitow TahQe7.3° rill ::--tAatli°11:igr:blit3111 I blame it oh the ranges ProPoise/ Dorothy -It naignO neve Moro onnepletioasly tlian the alio ; iblen4n.e.rditton'Waa it hard for /aim to azerYtbug, but 11°-4e -ot the'le But you know I was with as°btteet* Tber° is a gr°witlg d Artist_Tval 4041 seem pie4seci mr„, allating some people to decline your portrait as a sunarser girl. Su:: ParreiriteSOIIIISaatud4stsOsttiu'llucaap• tho: 131:an naer GNo; you've made my shirt- edifices they, eoutemplate ere .wait stripes r11.11 the wrong Y. with their °WA lzaucia. Speeul di eviElyth:,1-oroXda:ux'• is3left,m.iyii: .w;;;t1t;rof4ttiglY0 way, and, ooasegaaatiy soma pec for ethleties / She -Oh, not at ft.ealt "'Pus" are the rebuit" builciere are particularly incliaed I Pa, please gimme 'nether nickel? au. mat 14 ow arm I Lt my shirt An ohaestablished spec:lea::: er recently ran up a row of 10- o modest cottages upon plans e "c 'hat for, homely? Well. ne. 1 .1 ho linahdelleune.„8:41,a 4,7105'4 413 t' jfehss'_pliesnsibeenxileilthusilise,4 ia:V;:ii.sti:er::::::::::,t. -5::: 4.4 • ."As r elf i tae Par: i !Wm' other 334 t' carry Eh' basket. .:1:irectbel,tes:.:1;11,Ttobthrealevhlavg7innialQu'ra eenl- eftora, ore- T"s-well. 1 34°1" saY" Tbeman suddenly discovered that. while 1 girls who graduated wit!* ber weulds/j 1 n't allow ber to figure in the coon.lopheatflaegZhianneye heti been built to tamale , poelte Photograph of the clines. ,_ ihrelnaen7:raatTent pittipothb401;e7 11;:,,I: blow is so superstition% be 1..f41.10h PP oversight could have beeri b1:37p;illw6,hre aelthay wearsvearhsehre'rleh%thrs.sehste:ledaltua_d_e it_is____dif_fic_u_lt itvoe ir.innatigimnea,dbout it 14n -ilea aeta ealaeoh scarf -pin and bier wieht-hane heir or- ,sftechie.thet a sorry one. the AP141+:,4trhott luxury came too meant i 41. very opposite sulatake waa Made WIllt Wealth we'd Ore. to buy ': by a lawyer' whu drew his OWA plan* for the house he contemplated build - 4 Pie eollPae. eholi day a nueu' ing. This gentleman provided for Thretenhout the Mime July1 / evered.baug tto an elaborate scale, •Wil°''''Yta" tutt g° to tit° °Itth tt/". eahcept time, in whieh connection be BMW, it Yon feel like it ile•tr Res - bind -4 40 ref,' like it, bur i etr't 4311"relY :1"ketl, ,t/len,_14,eaP4.1.1;? for ealmneys, a eact wn,On ate 'homer FREAK ROUSES, Fer Witten. storm Overambitious Am ArktInItecti: are itespouiltble. Amateurs aie enerYWhere a "SECOND TO NONE." Latent. Captured, Atiettilron AntOlig itritattes iljoae WODIOuS nt.1 in NO regiment hi the Raglish servie,g obine bears a prouder Motto than the Seof ateur on Dregoons, more comnionlY know* esire ea the Soote Greys, a. squadron o11 the which, consisting of about two 111111,-; pable dred and fifty inen4 wen, ceptared roe a or cently by the Boers. cting "Second' to none" they ha-ve truly ative been on Many of the hardest -fought this fields °where 13ritisla standarda 11,4Ve truer leaved in victory or in defeat. Their; record is so /011 of daring exploits that uild, the merest summery of them would r 'WIZ More than the spece taken by htbh: reethisrueitastireweraeri!ctrleo.operTsbeilryttec:erleasatc (mat fought ander Lira ideal rider of the North, the "Bluidy Claverbouse" at the Covenanter. anti tbe "Bonny Dim - /lee" of the Cavalier. They fought. tnru for Jattle't 11. and for William and hlary. and later under Maribor, ough and Blertheim an Rensilliee. At Dettingen they broke the spientlid Respell lloasehold eavalry, eapturing standard and many prisoners with:: out losing a meta. At -"'aratettaY and Vale they suffered heavily, cuutious ing Ittirlaegireur,ecuoirlidilofneirlevfafriebi:tutrtec:erorvut: kirk, Tourney, itud other mere or lee, menterable eonflieto. Their oimeging ory WeterloOf "kotland forever!" la enshrined among the great ;expreseione whirls Rnglated cherished in memory of the btu deeds thet inspired them, ft y be that Neptileon never exclaimed in unwilling; ediniration. ',.1..eok at tlwse heautiful grey homes," or that Wellington, when hardest nrenseth a- wished "Unit thare were more of the Greys." but Bnglishmen like ba - eve that both exprendons are gene lane. 'When Ponsoubre brigade arged, the Seats Greys went f urth• than either the Inniskillings ort the Royals; they "rushed, upon every description ef force whieli Preeertted ' If; lencera and euiressiers were aUke overthrown and gut (Iowa- --nevem! hetteriee were carried, end tlie regiment penetrated the rel.e Of tbe enemy'e ieleition." Among tbe trophies thit fell to the Smits Greys the eagle of the Forty-fifth Ile- gintent, iebich Sergeant rotvert te‘AAJC'r Miter killing three or its defenders, • A FARMER RUNS AMUCK., and loug gray latir and dim- Pale eYes, tile tetatle Wale fun et- collet:hey anti herd egaruatuole, 44? une aged by poring over draha'elihs.t bl°k.--;*;,, hud won Nr:Adl'''blut.-4 grull7 3Pilr°"" 'mast uJt R' 11118',raiele wi.V..'S in LW1(1011.' yee it wee th 1. ' ' 1 thought you we're 4 Nots t'lel'it • CAI utqlow swore then bee habits; a leaf out or that loy'Ay P.1st. wh...?h the queen neither of 'lie hutrieilWd•-. fee Ine %%int -.here etteld be no fear or t her hem elfatteton standina' therel when 1 fi:rse, took' yttal in h a wl." so A ,i ready ru,141 ,d, lad p bat v, in h I.:levee contrasted so strongly with her paes,lelaiat 1 mute thy tbet a bt ve found yttu ' a . • s ,. tb t 41,Ittonal, unt411 ii,.. 4.4.ty LoNtonar a ent tieeolation. teaele tble beetle lit tie thine and re! 11).* Tii n't•dd;ng ;4'44: Placa m et,110e ptvertr. a,reri rove, The girl ren te him and ton "Mt 0,44 eleeve. whOt is more thee (ten isay,1 tt "hfr, Verner, (leer Mr. Verner, thase ovargrewn young women I "'"e "n'y gc°4-n.'itnti'd and he ni so glad 1" ebe breat front the village.'" haotteMan," site sl can aloe Tbe aihp (eerie] ha al !elle ni being .e•-,11 go reform very to talie pa8-. et,o zoiar fent to a Ice tny rbethe e t .1 do nii • hg tin,, steal Are you St:I/ at the t hus, eowimited by p tient. service. ever oriel her survey. 1 TheY tvid 3-°u bud. Wen , h itl }teen metle e.teier for Stella. higher er.,,,xa h a sca t b.- demi- WhY did you not even at the worst. th tit it had hPen. big io I- "Po t TIM 410 ratz1 to see me before I" :hooey by bay and f.V...ry (lay, as the • a, ere utalerteking." 414 plep:ne, forth in the b.,Ig,erows and:,tatulot.0101e, ox,sleitCi4 l'efOre Stt.ila liven bisr own life.. Leen (*el -wallow d beet 1 ;land learnt d,ilheently in the greet eel- el' dent:fag bans 2f "0 tie eh was not allowed to g0 nut t111 leaves untgdgled and tit,- fl'r.-4ers co"' 1. She endotred -broe Ind ,t h vrarse le eutilielied every 2 totessi.tr mar; .1 i '' went atvay. and 1 -Tiiiies Steaitt 1)rintliog itoit. , . ' not know you were hero. 'Clew r;a a tame:, neehe %Isolate tatteenieweie -; you lied Roue to LOradert," etinm.leheterenaa . ay .11.131.% WIIITE f.,, nt1Nd., Pr.raPieZar.4. maia..., or e.oreenisatte; e !crenate -1, lottr •.initt • - • .. 1- •, . • la Cows "it did 4:P 14 hind 4". 1 w" z settegece; neresten Per 4,M0 sere nacretee, eatteile.inau!,i attmd ia ueerly four months. .A t ,..unm ..'ot'ertiLln Wairteilsy ratveng• ....--,.. litIrtivinhar:y(41-; aorcuitee-ntel out va dis8u8t. Q the amateilftrt IAn experienced builder anti contr .Shir.P father -1 believe that hitud• ter says theta during the .10 odd years an. mime strang,er tale fallen in lore with he had been in the trade, he had had. you. my dear. Iletravagant, dalthbe mune most wonderful freeka ot ani ter -Da you? Why / Sberp father , tear arotataote put before bial. In tevin:vetee ,Itrimesgayeuiuneabetavdelyuant. that eh- outi case a two-story bowie was to b built without any for getting shlrIth-lt there is allYthihR 1 *lis- to the upper flown beyond au exterior ika it la a shallaw tarta, Jorles-HgUtter pipe; ne steireades whatever hate. tiut there is tine thing In hie CaY- iWer0 allowed in the ohms. Owing to .r. smith-ri'd like to know what 'an oversight ou tine OCCattiOn his ir is. Joreas-A alrillew suan doesn't ;workmen actually built a villa, stand- . regoire ae Iona. uv eiling, at a deep 'ing in its own grounds, without any fitation or gueters, with two fireplisces 31re. Arinn-1 am afraid. Mertha.;iln one room. and none hi another. And Pung Mr, Styles ie nat altogether ;all that had been done h3, following erreet in his belittle 011. you think the owner% plates too exactly. 11 41 bee rue,* he anal pe are sueh good, ;fiends; bat after we are tuarried hint.t to du with pi. mum. hall insist upon Charles having up. 1 44*1 were riahz, /014" 3 :a 4. Itta. 01.4,4%:4• h4ro. ever:7 1:147 74.4,10.1 b. v, nno „iy 1-; the old in n. h p.rafound the girl's 0.4re h tint metre I he (.141 fee chit; hir d tn- . stolent's life mere ph teen*, prorailent le %then Ity hos fellow eem- ore for eni forestalthhe hh; witnt5,, suP- entice. ebilthee fearful (4t,viding Ikr,„ v: mina wench rah"ta"" 1"1 °11`ur -741r 11'3 - tin /a t•ix 4 ri iardali4ara ue vf. istiugpr,04 !le heenzy yeti 424 trOrri raezento ma 'Mil Pe U4 receipt contreora to. fetegordlaw Neompapets. 1*111n wito lieges a, Pilinir regeknay staince. watneue anneal 1111 toe az:other 1.1- nat. Auh,erik re.p.p.sto.bp) tor f,i.,Yraenl, enovaezs jab) p Ante 0.0aut noue 4t ateeere or the pear 1.her d Vant .1 tee nie mem 44 mean t tbe amount, witetuer Son treat no OLT* or aut, ith,rr..p: *Pc. th00011 easy be tit ci ace mem, ehe poem 11 ptin, balled. a, bough tao •-•,1 ,4erthor may reilde ken rode f on.leta 4 1'4 court.liaveths, trfacug 10 %he w papmParper ao tro naga ¢$1Z,e. cr renum.ag and ea towa..e..1 far. 1. yrOrm 31410 0, ItIMI 0 01 lJ*41(j44 tt am?. CUR Sack Eteadachaandrelleas&Idie troubleetinel. dent to a bl11ous Kato of the system, suoh as Dizziness, NAlisen. Drowsiness_, Diane. atter eating, Pain fa the Side, dm While theirmost rerniu•keble success hike beeshown La outing SICK Tleadache, yet Cifittait's LIT= PILig aro equally yaloabie in ConstipationtralitC end preventing this annaying•complaint. while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, vinaulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Zven if they only cured HEA Ache they would be almost price/aim io me ihoauffer from this dish -wising complaint: 1,uts fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable In 10 1044447 ways that they will not be willing to do without therm But atter all sick head tithe bane of so many lives that here le whore o make our great boast. Our pilla cure It tvldie others do sot. CARTZ2e8 Lrrrmi LITER Pitts are 'vary small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are sitrictly vegetable and do Sot gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please ail who use them. In •ylais at 25 cents; eve for SI. Sold everywhere, or nent by mail. C1017111 1111101115 CO., liew York. lad Pa Email Dm aim NERVE BEANS If.Eutvz BEA„.•.vt, evr. r : cover), that card the Nervous Debility,fLest Vigor and Failing idarihood• restores the weakness of bOdy 'or mind tensed lw over -work, or the errors or ea. Mira emus of youth. This Remedy al). solutely cures the most obstinate cases wliten all othor Isaantraiva hare alio:recent° reflect. ...old bydrup. lists at di vn. nr pu for $1. ,,r).14.11 ,,,a1 4,9r ript ,2,I4••arra,11.; .1 , E•eld ai, htownine's Drug Steve Exeter ifEAB-filidErE 0 itr liEltEr RID' TO m.rves, ".4 • er..es • iftEPTIDIATED„ understand, sir, that you referred MO me as a dog. ; No, etal you; are raisinfornaecl. I consider a dog meal's truest and ieatiSt fstith.ful friend. ETERNAL VIGILANCE. ••-• On the tuoxxiirin oa ,the Picialon-Can I help pod Ma.rist Yes, I've dressed taionmay-enaw you keep kara olea.n • while I dre.se my,self and the two , gtris, ......---- - EX-RIVAIa •• Ten years ago New South Wales% and CiTiotorria ware about equal in papule.- . , htoo, but the former is now conaider- ably ahead of the sister colony-. :as 1 hyo. 4. tart* try Aoserf tor ; fra ndletee and pear. my clear." "lint your hook," faltetteol ne,1011er411 1 -hi oid in In's shrink , from the burden of celebrity. "t will win you new friends instead tho. gild friends who may have forg ten you." "No, Stella, there are no tr.ends , truing nowadays. I carried nutrript from publisher to p Lethet till 1 Ontne to thoNe that lau ed in my face when 1 mentioned Ai toile. I raight puhlieli the hook ownzny eoet if 1 liked, bet it wo involve an outlay of two or th t711g - 111 v:, l .1 'n!11 (yag hs ealllghon% raundiagi;.1:0h;oa,an(7rle.,, I _ 1148 ..hie° 144th 'En lun'lib'r" el. i'vmunlY ! al eehieneee ise Vernonow. wat; *a- I eY ' novo erel weteltfulnees. i Lr a ady Leslarnar nee in 1.411,1011.at't4.,4;yritt'alh114'4.111.,-11-1)":" Hall' i""diu" 4 ls. in Vienna. with adored S11. ? ag t l'i hr. 'IV al 4 n her ing P trr 11". i feliewl'ag hire lc 3 42"i 1"iil“ f°11"" ' firer! with her 41:ugh 00 and b al been ; ', ea rheal go ilbood. 2,1.1re. Danettroott i s (o• j a Phinet--not wil h him hut alw lye ) I ot- near him. He heti epeiten in the i let! very Wf4i c.ft 113- "1" ""nlsfrer* f House of horde, and hie speebad been to Ieh h od ; la , but Clarice was mist tees an ell thinge LYabout as a, wmatorfui spm.h for so nral.utleilitg tierself %limn :he greet Linty ii , a t ae tett attention'. ked . 1 nd a nnv teas 0" n v'417 grant13-1"' to 1 r • young an orator; and it bed bent said ' 1"""A. about uhf". 'full' Ways 81" gth i by 4401440 a his 0,trty that con, tit,411. ba4 heard so nitteh from Lady Lash. mar wee a young man who would nrir' There it. i make hie nut rk. lied beer no lesue a Oro un - 7 old ree hundred pounds, The publisb awakened nie, and now I know that CHAPTER X. happy union end a dietant cousin of Lind Carminon bid suet. -Med to prs t 1 am only a foolish old men learn in- t a world ton tete to be ofi use tot himself or otber peoPlet” "But you have your book still," s Stelle, in her grave, old -fashion este., and if xt a great book. ae Lo Laelimar sald it was, you must very proud of it." "I love it," faltered tbe old Man. "I love it as if it were a child. Perhape years hence, *hen I am in I he dust, a publisher may he found to print that book, But let us talk of it no more. Come indoors and rest youreelf, Stale; it is too mold to be standing here so lung." He led the way into a cottage par- lor. The owner of the cottage had given up the struggle for neatness and had allowed her eecentric lodger to heve things in his 011,111 way. "Have you been living here long?" asked Stella. "Only ,since last November. Lord Laslimar has been good enough to give rae a. small peahen, whioh I ac- cept without compunction, as I know that -nay pupil always intended to provide for my old age. And , child, how hes it fared with you sinc• e that fatal day?" , Stella was slow to answer. She struggled. with herself in silence for a little while; the dark brows eon- terteted in a frown; the crimson of pasaion kindling in the wan cheeks, and then she burst into tears. "My poor ebild! my poor chilol,"1 murmured, "death was very cruel t you and to me that Summer day." "Oh, if we had only died, tool Why did not God take us all together?" sob- bed Stella, and then in broken sent enees she told Gabriel Verner who, her life had been like since he lef the co.stle. "Sim took away my books, too,' Stella went on teaxfully; "the books • he gave me; ray Greek and Latin books; ray book about the stars, and Seott and Tennyson." • "Inexorable • tyrant, to stifle that budding intellect." , -But iletsy contrived to get some of them for me. And I have gone on learning my lessons and writing ex- ereises, though there has been no one to tell me •the faults." "That need be no longer, Stella. Come to me every day, if lhey will let you, and I will go on with your edueation. "Yes," eried the scholar with eudden enthusiasm, "it shall be the delight of my life to train this bright young mind. You shall help me to annotate my book." "I will!" said Stella, "and I will keep youx room tidy, if you will let EOM. .1 tided to tidy hie papers;wlien was very, very little, when I maid A. great ellange hal e•inie over La PO hi lithe dingle; Or e :1 In n the sev years tire 1144 liaised awe'. Hubert, Lard Leithmar, had been laid tn the family vault yearter under the old c,burch at ths end of the perk.. Lady lezahmers health had gtvon •away; a slow and gradual depreesion, in- dicative, as hex physimen blandly lotted, of some obsoure Inward in.1.- !Ay, had crept ever that active mend, a oskieg slow and. subtle. ellangea, un- til little by Intlee with a gradukta Itranetoeination bardly p,rceived by these who were constantly about her the Ledy Laehmar cid the present. had beehme an eetirely different Woma'n trete Lb d L Itly Lashmer of the past The severe lines of that handsorae face. had softened, %We the premature wnitening of those soft massen of beir, Yet despite this softer aspect the woman was at heart the same; proud as Milton's Satan, 'but with the melancholy pride of a disappointed life. Seven years had gone by since Clarice Danetbrook had played tennis on the lawn under Lady Lashmars windows, and not htng hed come of her la-dyship's hopes in that direction. Clarice and Lord Lashmar had seen a good dettel of each/ other in the Lon- don season' which followed those quiet Autumn days at the castle'. They had waltzed ninny a waltz, had met in many aheruela upon the staircases of Belgravia and. aVlayfair. They had ridden side by side in the Row, hob e Danehrook jogging quietly beside o them on Ills weight -carrier, thinking of his latest improvements in mechi- nery or the possibility of a strike amongst his operetives. Lashmar _ Went back to the Continent without t having eorapromised himself by one t too tender word. Tbere land • been Looks Urn had thrilled the simple Mid- ( dleshire maiden but nothing came of those tender glences from 'kirk gray eyes, under heavy brown brows. ; • Lord Laslaranx had gone away, deem- ing that et was too soon for him to avow himself. He was not quite sure. ire wa.nted time. Ile went, and he left Clarice lanaent- mg, like Aenacine at Naxos; and, like Arindee, she found a consoler.. She had been very fond of Lord Lashmar in hee mild, aleaest infantine way, and she had set her heart u,pon being a peeress., rand new he was gone, and she felt heartbreken, disappoouted ernehed. J-4.±.• mother also w -as dis- appointed, and did not conceal her feelings. She toad Clarice tha t Lord Lashmar had 'behat.e.d .,,_ sham etul ly , and that he was newortny ef a taio- meet's thought. , Not wi thstt ',riding which Clarice, thought of him during almoSi erinery moment of eh� day and Many a Wakeful hear of the ni, ht retest' e. Anal non in theSe days tih tia hAr widowlinod, Clarice was agent atmos" as a daughter to Lady Lash - Ina r. who had meat need a eolace and secret y in her present depreesed n le of health. She lig! three slaves, whe were a ways in at ena thine upon her -Bar- ber, 'he pi t fent and homely netel of thirty yeers' service and Celestine, the expert A.bigail. Her third attendant occtipted nondescript, pos111011, 'It as rdly a servant. hough she was f rtlii0t1 as cavalierly as the lowest eervant and was not quite a com- panion. This was Stella BoldWood. now nineteen years of age, and pro. mated within the lest two years to the post of her ladyships reeder and ,omanuensis. The dootor suggested Stella, whom. he had seen very i often and conversed with in the cottage parlor, where he dropped in once or twice a week 101 chat with old Gaibriel Verner. He had attended the old raan every winter during sharp attacks of bronchitis, and he has seen holt Stella exoelled ae a nurse. To be Continued. g , THE GAIKWAR OF BARODA. 4,1e.4 An Indian Prince Whont the Evogiish Bold in High Esteem, The Gaikwar of Baroda, who is pay- ing his fourth visit to England, is known in India as "a model prince," and in :Europe as an enlightened ad- vocate of progress. Born in 1801, he has now ruled the important state of Baroda with conspicuous suoceas and advantage to his subjects during twenty years. In that period he has devoted his chief attention to works calculated to benefit his people, and to im,prove their oondition from the moral as well as the material stand- point. The Gaikwar is a great patron of education, having founded many schools and oolleges, and specially. in- terested himself in the thorny ques- thin, in India, of female education. He is now giving further proof of his tieal in educational matters by the decision he has formed of standing his eldest son to Oxford, and sortie of his younger aons to schools in England. This im a je startling decision on the pert of a nwir grinee of high caste a nd royal rank. His highness has sbown himself in another respect quite above the practice a meet Orien1 als in being a stela monogamist. The present 1VIeharani, mother of all his children except the des t , was a ncess of De.. vas, and acconipailies her husba,nd on his tour. eta bate him the wily pentiehn Pates Frees Om Meta vegostry,aterere gke the advice et one who knows, Christ. and do n.ot ea* tint offiee. You Among the clay* tablete from the will Gad It only an empty. barren record oliamber of the Assyrian Kings benor. Besides, slid the wily path diecovered by Sir •IIenry Layard, and cian, atter the young mart had thank- dating from about the eighth century B. C. -reproductions of which have re.. 4 hit% and lett, I wain that office sell. cently been Iniblished by the British Museum -there are tortilla passages Wife-lherl, we ought not to spend described as "written in unknown notch for g,ur stantiner trip this tongues," which may be a species of ur, auti I've thatneht of one way to cipher, espeelally as it appears from t down expenses. Ilusbanti-And other documents that "Interpreters" hat is that, my tteaell Wife-- We were attached. to the stuff of this nin risk the dootor this year if I anoteut library for the purpose of ted the trip; tbat will twee 35. deetpbecting, diplomatic connuanicai underetand vout mite ''he Lions. The Spoirtans are said, by La elated on drawing Vie plans her- Guilletiere, to have invented cipher for your /USW bowie, algsup- writing, 11 having been their practice, s, she's busy over there now. Ho - when sending out an officer of rank, wn-Oh, 1 thought taut had finished. to provide two wooden , cylindrical a told my wife she Irid all the staffs, exactly alike, one of which the osets laid out. higsup-Yea, but offie.er Look with hitn, while theother nee around them w she's gait to pat the rest of the they retained. 'When secret messages had to be sent, tha home authorities Client -I don't think you ought to wrapped a strip of parchment round arge so much for your services. You taw from the start that it would Impossible for you to win the cash wyer-And for that very reason'l ht to ba pad more tban I ask. It es talent to abstract naatter for ument from a case which' hes no - ng in 11. o you really think it's necessary have the emperor assassinated in asked a member of the Chinese perial family. I do, was the aris- e Well, you know we must eco- ize. Perlatips it Nvould be cheaper mploy a regular assassin and keep out vetoes for campers and to camping on the pay roll instead of having places in order that greater care may work done by the job, as here- be taken with fires. The rules are ore. as follows : Never build a fire where its Dames can coeumunicate to grass or brush or brew:hen Never buint a fire where the sparks eat be cagried Lo brush, trees, leaves Sa of India and Persia. One of the most malgervaeses.build afire without first not - that ancienatt otitIllyeadIan,diap sacred fires is ing the lay of the land, with respect near Bulaar, whioh to controlling it after it is kindled, consecrated 12 centuries ago in Never leave camp for the day witb cwoamainemoration of the voyage made the fire -to burn unattended. EXtin- by the Paasaes when they emigrated guish it thoroughly. arom Pexsia tee India. 'the fire is fed Under no eircumetancen when mole. five times every 24 bours with sandal- ing canal), leave the fire o• burn or wood and other fragrant materials, Lo smoulder. Put it out. combined with every day fuel. This To extinguish a fire built upon the seared fire is vielted by Paxsees in ground, where there la turf or the large numlaers during the natuaths al- roots of trees in the soil, our water lotted to the presiding genius of fire. &loon it until the ground is thoroughly In the peninsula of Abeheron, former- well eoud t;6iidheetnhedeigircaurtnouf:Itl.e':ebeof ttht ly belonging to Persia, hut now apart • row - of Russia, there is a sacred fire which ing the earth in toward the center, nown L9 have been burning for and then wet at ...down again. than 2,000 years. 11 rises from an irregular orifice of about 12 feet in depth and 190 feel ..are. The flames, which are conStant, reach a height of from 6.feet to 8 feet, wevipg backward and forward with the wind' like a field aof golden grain, and unac- companied by either emoke or dis: agreeable. smell. 114* ye cu Wr in sel do 118 el ho oh kn be La ons tak arg t hi to aga im wer nom to e him the tof their staff spirally, wrote their com- munication across the edges this form- ed, unrolled the parchment and dis- patched it. The recipient applied -it in the same way to his staff, thus bringing the broken characters, other - Vies unreadable, into proper sequence. RULES FOR CAMP l'IRES.e Ontario tiovcrninent 154l4e4 Some Sound Advice to Peophe Who Gimping. The Ontario Government has sent • SACRED FIRES. Stitt Exist to Some Paris of the Old World. ered fires still exist in some parts We hear the rain fail, but not the 8110w. Bitter grief is lend, calm grief ia silent.---Alierbach. CORAL ROADS. The coral roads of Bermuda are, the finest in the- World for cycliag, are as -,smooth as a dancing floor and are never dirty., , SHE UlLED No LOVE ,I.,14.1TTBS. ' I wrote to ask 11/Liss Jim> to returr nly bove letters. What did she do aboue iti She replied that •i.ihe would gladly steel them back if She could find them. TfIE T(c.1.13tiail " PgIL6sOrErt,a, • ‘17.hen .ivonaan..s,a,ys she- ,',,marry 1, man if 'hp- will give un hts'• cigars, says the Oornled PhuIosopher, that nacqais, She is, gong 't o marry bun SnY. %, ga or no cigars, • ete 4aheolien, Village Ontherliof 1ti PriMett Made Shambles tor a Rejected never. One et the moist terrible tragedies ;which have happened in France in recent years took place at the village • a GOUtt l'Univers, near Aviguoti, reoently. For some months pest 0 man nam- ed ;lean Alleinand a farmer of that nelgilebotarhooci, 27 years of age, bait 'e' been paying *court to Marie W. Gre- goire, the daugliter at Haarlem Gregoire, the hleyor of tbe village. The Young lady, however, refused to have aseything lir do with htra. About nine eaelchk on a recent Saturday evening the people of the village were assembled in the pulatio %guar* hatening to the mum a the band when Allemond, a.rme4 with a long butcher knife, suddenly threw him - sett into the midst of the crowd, and began stabbing right and tat like a - m Oman. The first victim was 3111e. IGregoire, who received a stab in the Ief 1 breast and, another in the cheek, and nine' intlie abodinen. Death ryas almotat instantaneous. The murderer then -turned on her norther and Se:Valid the jitgular vein with a single bleneof the knife. Greg - °ire, who tried to go to the assistatnoe of his wife, recefvedsewo fatal wounde in the abdomen. ' Allemand then turned on a Mlle. Ripert, who was stnlabbed to the heart with a single blow. His next victim WAS a lit tle girl 12 geese old, %A texamdeaneiGniskaM, whom he wounded finally. He then stabbed, though less severely, Mane. Pit, the wife of it loom] sebecianasier; Mlle. Hoirtense Roux, Cemille Aup- bent, and Franenis Sylvester. A.1.1e- mand then gave himself no fewer than •fourteen stabs and dropped on the steps of the Town 'hall, which was coivared with the' blood of liis victims., and died twelve hours later. In reply to the questions ot the Proteurator of the Republic ha de- clared he wanted to revenge him, self on BillenGregoire and on a Mlle, Blodie Donnaucl to, whom' lie had also paid court ae one time, It WaS in trying to reach 11111e4 Donrtaud that he stabbed Mile. Ripert, A. MEDULTIVI'S ADVICE. Spiritaalists in Australia posses queer powers on the advice of a Mel - hoe r ne reed i um. cfertr*an people of Drysdale, Victoria, are sinking an ex- pensive shaft near Clifton Springs. it le already down 100 feet,' and is backed to land on alnioat solid gold at 150, SO that the lucky shereholders are al- ready within less than 17 yards of volaat-fortune or disillusion? Their neighboure luckily have no doubt that 11 will be the last. .....etnee-ne.hane ...e.....seennehhheteaseene. P(/bre. Afler TrOod's Phosit.o4ine, 'The Great Bngtish'itenzedy. Sold and reconmended by all druggists In Canada. Only reli- able medicine diSCOvered.50* wkages guaranteed to cure all forma of Soual Weakness, all effeets p1 abuse or excess, 'Mental Worry, neceesive 114e of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulauts. Mailed on receipt of price; one'package 03, six, $5. One Will, Preaset six wi1t cure. Pamphlets free to any address. • • Tho Wood' Company, WindSor Ona , Wood's I.'hosphodine is eold ifi Fxator by a. W. /Browning, •dreiggist. "