Exeter Times, 1900-8-2, Page 1f TWENTY—SEVENTH REAR NO. 47. HURON & MIDDLESEX .. 'SEX GAZ TT . EXETER! ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 2nd, 1900 N. B!SHOP & SON A Big Sacrifice of Summer COO:$iS ATOM GREAT OLT RING SALE M ENfriIili> Our big crockery sale NOW ON. IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. SATURDAY 28TH, As is our custom we prefer to sacrifice the balance of our goods at the end of the season ratheM than carry then[ over and have out-af date goods on our shelves. With the hottest kind of weather to come, this is a bigsnap. Do not fail to examine these goods and note .rices, We are willing to p goods f g leave the purchasing to any shrewd buyers judgement. Below we give a list of the few of the many reductions, Ladies' Underwear 'Ladies' Cotton vests, cream, reg, 7c for 4c. Ladies' ribbed cotton vests, short sleeves, reg rz 4 for $c. .Ladies' ribbed cotton vests, extrafine quality, reg xsc for trot. Ladles' ribbed cotton vests, fancy trimming, reg 8c for 1214e. Ladies' fine vests, Lisle thread, fancy trimmed with silk ribbon and lace, reg 25c for 19c. Remnants Ginghams, Muslins, Dress Goods, Etc. At prices that will clear them out at once. Ladies'Black Hose Fas.. Every pair stamped, Louis Uerinsdorf and and fully guaranteed. To clear 2 pr for 25c. Only a few pair left Ladies' Summer Garscts I3.eg price 3734c to. clear 19c. A Bim Snap GING.IAMS and IIC SL,INS reg price I2;Ae, 15e, 17c. will go at 9c. Beautiful new gods an exceptional bargain. AN ODD LOT AT LESS THAN COST. Nottingham Lace curtains Reg i 50 to clear at99c i 15 ,< , 79c 1 25 as 39c 65 39c' 25 :c I2=4c 't Waists We shall also clear out the balance of these. Reg 1 25 a beauty for 75c 75 in'stripes 35c 75 white lawn 35e 75 black sateen 35c Ladies' Sailor Hats EIimville. VOrema' LIST—The voters' list for this municipality, for this year has been issued, and contains a total of 76S names of persons entitled to vote at both Municipal elections and elec- tions to the Legislative Assembly ; iv"l who can only vote at municipal elec- tions, and 77 who can only vote Ateles- tions for the legislative. The number f persons qualified o Pers tt . qi . l fed to seise as jurors is 392. There are 5') widows on the list. Bracapa.--Tile fall whetit, wind barley h;.rvest is about:eeiaitpleta.d and thresh - ;rig is now the order of the day.. -Mr. Thoiupson, of Carnpbeliford, spent the past week yisiting with Rev, Waddell, at the parsonage,-- Mr.`Stuart a gratin- te of Toronto teniversity gave a stirr•- ing address an the Forward. Movement the Ep. wortti League on Thutsdaey evening last. ---l'. Waldenof Peterbor- ough, ap ent .,few days with his cousin Rev. ' V', Walden.— flan Dew ,And friend of Il.urpndale spent Sunday the guest of J. Hunter. --Mies Ella WWig- gins, of G. oderielt, spent, the past week the guest of the Misses !faits. ---R, T, Joints made a freezer of ice cream oa Saturday evening; but, it was soon thawed ettt by the Boys. --it is ahnitt tithe the Mayor was announcing Eleni vine's Civic aloliclay, What say, Fa - thee! Whalen r, ST.i,NI31.-ltl. lt, e...1%XarEle, ONT. •batt with eiccarthy, O10r a ., Toren - ter. t-onvcyat er.:Notary. Mover omo4btexilbyC.a Stan y sfy OLD V ETEtt l„\` L1F.ttl.. - ilrrt3. \:tion, aeteran of the Crimea and tete Indian tiny died Monday at, W balen,a few miles from Lucan, at the residence of John Morley, Nairn took the Queen's shilling at the ageof 17 and had beenin sixty-three battles, at one time during the /ndian :Mutiny righting for nine ays. He could point out his own place In tbe thin red line at Balaclava,. and served under Colin Campbell in Indica He was atprivate in the famous tiard Sutherland Highlanders, and was the possessor of four medals and six clasps. The old man was well acquaint- ed. with Field Marshal, Lord Roberts. haying served with hint in India. Ile was wounded a dozen times carne through an almost endless amount of sickness and fever, and finally died peacefullyinills bed in an out-of-the- watyvilluge iu Ontario. ,Curich In smooth and rough straw,very newest shapes — reg 75; Sot, to clear 39c, A FEW OF THOSE BOY S WASH SUITS LEFT, Reg 1 5o, 1 25, at 99c. INTERESTING NEWS FOR MEN MEN'S LINEN DUSTERS MEN'S FAST BLACK HOSE just the thing for dusty roads t 49 Reg price r2541c, a snapSc Pair MEN'S DUCK SUITS Nobby, cool, comfortable MEN'S NEGLIGE SHIRTS 2 Latest American pattern,regto,c clear 99 75 39c -A SNAP IN MEN'S SUITS Men's-Sacque Suit is serge or tweed, regular $5.56 now $4.29. " " " in Tweeds, new effects " $S.00 " $6.25. 'T 1f E'8HERS &UPPLIEaS Special prices to threshers in Oils, Packing, Fittings, Mitts, Etc. A large stock on han d -1. MEN'S FEDORA HATS, IN BLACK. AND BROWN, REG 75c TO CLEAR AT 39c. Hardware [3151-10P Se SON Fullarton BRIEFS. During one of the gales of , ;last week Mr. McCullough, teamster -vas suddenly caught with his sails ex- tended,aa,nd as aresult,the large cheese •box wagon was overthrown with over three 'hundre cl boxes. The captain is ;no novice in his line, even though he was caught with full sails up. It is a warning to beginners to be ready at i" nt for` `st Calls.The result anynsoneri u t was the breaking:of a mast andinjur- ang the hull so as to make it necessary. to put into dock for repair. No lives. ^- were lost—only a hurrying op in cir .culation of blood.—Wm. McFadgan,of ..St. Marys, has been in this .:locality boring au artesian well for;C.Reed,and struck abundance of water at' - depth ,:.of 80 feet., A number of farmers in. thilocality are about: to sink similar .wells. -Frank Phipps, who has been living in Arkona for Sonne time,is vis- iting here for afew days.—Fall wheat is all cut. and In the' barn. Dublin, BRIEFS.—A gang of men have been =working this week putting up poles for the, Bell Telephone Co., extending ;-from the Delaney corner to William's ,store, where the head office will be.— , John Murray has left for Detroit 'az).: better his prospects. - Miss Minnie Williams, of Detroit, is spending her vacation at°home.--Miss TeresaNichol- son, of Montreal, is spending her boli :clays with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace.—The -IR. C. church, -of Dublin, is progressing' , rapidly and the prospects' are that we will have a fine church in the near flit- •nre.—Dr.'Michell and his, young son, Beit have extended their visit in To. Irontafor 'another vveek. They are en joying themselves inrinensely,. ourtEDOF ciONSTIPATION, Miss Bessie 'anon, Clover Hill, N. S, says • "I gladly recommend ,,,axn•Liver P111e, ias they ,acureclme ooinelelely of ?pustillatiott ,before 1 ;had riniE heti the Russeldale. BRIEFS.— John Wilson and James Johnston, of Hamilton,were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt..Clarke, sr; last week in which they spent a most en- joyable time.— Miss Eva Cousins, of Detroit, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Cole for a few days.—. The Misses Annie and Jennie Gourlay,of Windsor Ful- lerton,' of the 32t1i concession of rut lerton, has been renewing acquaint- ances for about four weeks. --Charles Reid has had the well drillers and . has succeeded in getting a first class well at a depth of 80 ft. ,James Harmer is also drilling foe -water as is also Thos. Hanson, when laist heard from they were down 130 feet.—Quite a number of young people were entertained at Floral Bower on Monday evening, where a most enjoyfahle time was,spent. —Quite a number of our young people intend taking a trip .:to; the ' Bend on Saturdayevening.—The fou ndation of the new Methodist church is eonrplet- ed. ROBBED, TF1E GRAVE A startling incident, of which John. Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain: continually in back and sides, no appetite—gradually growing weaker day, by day. Three physicians had given hie up. Fortun- ately, afriend advised trying 'Electric. Bitters,' and to my great jov,and sur- prise, thefrrst aottle - made a decided improvement. continued their use for three weeks and;: am now a well '. nan I know they saved my. life, and robbed;the grave of another.victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 centsa bottle, every bottle guaran- tee , uaran-teed,at any rug store. Cromarty. BO,IEFS,—G. T. Hamilton is home on a two weeks holiday.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barr, Toronto, are visiting their many friends in this vicinity.—Rev. Mr. Gauld who since 1802 has been laboring as Missionary with Dr. Mc- Kay, in North Formosa, and has been home on furlough for nearly a year occuPpied the pulpit oftheP Presbyterian an church here morning and evening also at-Roys station, in the afternoon and delivered fine addresses on their mis- sion work in North Formosa.—Miss Lillian Park Taft for ` Niagara Falls, New York,on Tuesday. Brucefield. BreeEFs.Rev. E. Sowers left Friday last to spend his' :vacation in Muskok —Mrs. Ross and daughter, Ella, of Auburn are visiting isit(n at the home ome of. g Mrs. W. Berry.—Miss M. Matheson, Sarnia, was ,last "week the guest of Mrs. J. Ketchen.—Mrs. Proudfoot,Algoma, is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. A, McKenzie. — Mr. Laidlaw, Westminster, >„ who. has been visiting at the manse, will preach in Clinton during Rev. Mr.;Stewart's vacation.— Miss Jessie Jamieson, who was .visitin t the home of her: sister, Mrs. Long, at of. London, has returned home. -Mrs. Laird, Clinton, is visiting at the, home of : her brother, Dr. Armstrong. --Mas- ter Ernest Rothwell, Goderich, is visit- ing at the home of Mrs. W. Ratten-. bury. — Applepackers are again on their ro.rnds buying early apples. -A. P. Ketchen will preach in Carmel church the next two Sundays. WHEEZE IN 2'.HE MEAT. Mrs. Wm.Youngg, k rome, Ont., stays "One year ago our littie'boy had an attack of croup •w ich.left bada wheeze in ehis chest. . used Dr Wood's orwayPine Syrup, Arid it completely cured 1*m." • VoTEn'bcLts7'.—The voter's list for this townshaip, for the current year, contains a total of 935 persons entitled to vote at both Municipal and Legisla- tive Elections 1100 who are entitled to vote at Municipal elections only, and 33 who are entitled to vote only at elec- tions in the Legislative Assembly. The number who may he called upon to serve their country as jurors is 192 and 40 are recorded as widows. 13ne Fs.—The Misses Otto, of Elmira and Miss I3artleib, of Zurich, are visit- ing their grand-pairents, Mr. and MS. E. Schmidt, at Sebringville.—Fred. Kibler, who recently went to Manitoba on a prospecting tour, returned home Tuesday evening. He lines Manitoba fairly well, but has not vet decided upon a location.—Chats. Fritz and hride,have arrived home after an ex- tended wedding tour. We welcome' then back. -Flax pulling is the order of the day, and the yield is fairly good. -The annual Children's Day celebra- tion was held on Sunday last. There were three services held in the Evan- gelical church, at which special servi- ces were conducted. The affair proved successful in every respect.—.Daniel McCormick, lateproprietor of the Coin. mercial hotel, passed away ,last week after a few months' illness, of con- sumption. He was highly esteemed. good nature being Iris worst enemy. He leaves a wife and family of small children to battle with the world.—G. Buchanan has returned from his trip to the Northwest. :He has not yet de- cided upon a location in which to prac- tice lime -Zurich is to have a news- paper, to be known as the Herald, run by Mr. Dyer, of Exeter. If he succeeds here, it is stated one will be started at St. Josephs.—Mr. - Louis Walper, of Stratford; called on friends here this week. He is out of the hotelusiness for the present.—Zurich fall fair will be field on Wednesday and Thursday, Sep. 19 and 20. -M. Kaercher, of the concession, has purchased' eMr 11th tour s. Mather's house, and intends moving to the village.— Goderich • BRIEFS.— On Saturday afternoon the Junior baseball.' teams of Clinton and Goderich played a game on the Agricultural Park grounds in this town, the result being in favor of the visitors by 15 to 12.-n D. Bengyie, hardware merchant, returned from 'a bosiness trip to Columbus, Ohio, on Monday. -A horse attached to a sulky Was frightened by the slash of a whip on Saturday evening, and, turning sud- denly around, upset the rig, throwing two youths named Prowse out. The animal started off, righted the vehicle around 'the ar and wentaquare at agood gait, but was stopped on a side street before it had alone much damage. The boys were shak en up but not hurt iuuch. —U. I. Strang, B. A., principal of the Collegiate Institute, is at the Education. Department, Toronto.—At the Judge's "Court of Revision, Bis Honor reduced the assessment on the Big Mill (Ogilvie's) from $60,000 to. $25,000, as the owners offer to sell the property for that sum. Pimples on the face are not only an- noying, but they indicate bad blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures them by pur- ifying the blood. Brantford Courier : Jry Wood, a St Marysfurniture dealer, as annoam4:ed Marys d 1 r h his intention of niovin - with'`liis, busi- .,i g ness to thi$ city.' H. ensall Q. J.Sutherlaiid, S Marg Pabiie. Convey anter. Cominissioner. lore Insurance agent andIs.nrerof MarriageLicenses. Legal decu- inents sarefutiy drawn at reasonable rites. Money to Joao on real estate at low rates of in- terest. OBice at the lost, oBice, Hensall. I. J. D. COOSI;, (Late with Harrow I Prnndfoot) Barriste Solic!tor. Notary Public. Henmli. Out. FA, eellery, L. D. S., 1). A. S..Honor Oradn- .ate of Toronto t. ntversity, Dentists. Teeth extracted without vain or bad effects. OBice in Petty's Brock, Eiensall. itt Zurich every Moneea,conemenctne afavalth. July- Shirt Waist Sale no on. Don'ts miss it. SMITH Bnos. Vo., Hensall. Baine s. --Our gunnel civic holiday etas been proclaimed for Monday. Aug list 6th.--'_1tr, anti Mrs. G. D. Arnold are camping At the Bend,—Mr. Dome, of Clinton, was in the village this week r combining business with plenum, the latter in the way of visiting xel<etives. Mr. Doan keeps wonderfully smart for his years.--atiss Ena.Stoneixran receiv- ed a nice presenttbis week in the way of a !cite bicycle, ---Miss Higgins, of London, is visiting leer cousins, Mr. and. Mrs. W. 0. Davis. --Root. John- ston, of Toronto, formerlyof dale gglace, is visiting hie sister, ;airs. Wm, touetitan, and relatives and Mende in the coentry.-The Church of England choir are camping at Grand Bend for a i.week or ea—laminas Murray' is in Iowa visitant -,his brother George, while his sister, Miss Jennie, is in Muskoka visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Moir. — M o - it . S ofe .fe b The annual S. S. cora the p dist church, which was field at Grand Bend last Friday, was very largely at- tended. and a most enjoyable time was spent by all, The day was most favor- able cinch everything` went as merrily as arearriage bell,—Miss Smitliof Exe- ter, accompanied by Miss Gram, of Toronto, is here visitin her sister, Miss C. la Snaith. --Rev. G. Jewitt. who bas been in Brussels for several. weeks, enjoying his mid -somber holi- days, has returned,and. on Sunday last occupied his own pulpit.-Jauies Bev -1 erley, who has conducted a fum'niture and undertaking business here for the past numberof years, iutends starting a similar business In Exeter, where he has leased the Oddfellow's block. Mr. Beverley has conducted a successful business here, and carries one of fire finest stocks north of London, while his Undertaking outtit, is very ltand- some. He Ieaves here in a few days. Me. Beverle has leased his store and dwelling to B. Sheffer, who in a few weeks will open a bakery and restaur- ant therein. The Misses Urquhart, daughters of D. 1'rgtthart, have joined. London friends in camp at the Bend. —Miss Hattie Sutherland was in Olin: ton yesterday. (Wednesday) attending doublewedding,ar: az dour le,the P I ties being Miss Bella .°hurray,. 'vrho wedded Dr. Lindsay, of Wheatley, and Miss Glary Murray to Thomas Lindsay, at prosperous young farmer, of near Clinton, The young ladies are daughters of George Murray, alio some years ago conducted a general store here, and a host of friends in the joininextending heals t con- village tc n con- gratulations.—Mr. Murray, dra ggist, of New York, accompanied by his sis- ter, of Clinton, spent Monday visiting Sutherland r' ds in town.—Miss II fon is spending a few weeks the guest of ber uncle, A. Dent and family at the Grand Bend park. -3. Macarthur and G. McEwen leave in a fewdays for the Soo, where they are interested in pro- perty for which they have lately been offered fabulous prices above their in- vestment.—C. A. McDonell left here this week for Forest, where be intends spending a few days. Mrs. McDonell and children, who have been there for some weeks on a visit, will return with hint. --A, number of young hien attend- ed the open air band concert in Exeter on Friday evening last, and report a pleasant time.—John Coulter was in Exeter on Monday.—Mr. Baur. who has conducted a bakery and confection ery here for some time, failing to make ends meet, was closed out of business last week.—The weather has been fine for harvesting,and crops arewell saved Mrs. Shortt and children of Parkhill are visiting at Mr. and Mrs; A. John- ! stop's, London Road, Mrs, Shoat's parents.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White and family and Mr. and Mrs. Miller Edwards were recently visiting at Grand Bend.—The Rev. G. Long re- turns this week from Callender and vicinity near' Coltingwood where he has been spending his surmner vaca- tion.—The Rev. J. S. Henderson is spending a couple of week's holidays at Courtright. His pulpit will be supplied by Mr. Beverley Ketchen of r ld b is a student of Knox Brucefield, w o t College:—Miss McHugh is renewing acquaintances in London, and intends remaining a couple of weeks.—Miss Amy Murdock was in Lucan this week visiting relatives and friends. —Mr. gallhas rented John Finlayson's dwelling.— Mrs. Morrison of Sarnia, who WAS here for several weeks visit- ing her isit-ing.her niece, Mrs. James Carlisle, has returned home.—Dennis Brintnell, of tlancelona, Mich., formerly of Hensall was in the village this week renewing acquaintances.—John Zuefle'is in town on business. KEEP 000L.—During July and Au gust we will give one Ice Cream ticket with every dollar purchase. , Sierra Boos. Co.,' iiensall. Crecflton ketoDe a of John finer, .of Crediton East, strayed away from tome, on Tuesday' Iat Jaynasi and wasesSoifouncs'sd nearly hcon3 m„ Steiles pawhayen—,-., . The parents were nearly, (Helmeted, E AG thinking he roust have been drowned in the .river. --August t How the year is flying—Threshing has commenced in our vicinity. Oat harvest is infull saving.,. -Rev. Geo. Rivers. of Ravens- wood, ac+conipauied by itis mother and sister;, Visited his brother. Dr. Rivers, on Monde hist - ["s s rnn3hLewis is very sick at present with inflater/ea- tion, .,f the bowels. We trust sloe may soon recover,---MIrs. Ifnrepbre and children, of Di':rsoit, are spending ;IT IS NOT ENOUGH, —‘ a week. or sox guests of her sister, Mrs, dei as l" ar wear others. Rlonrnfield-- -Jtes. J t', Hussar iespend-1 (JI it Ain IS To BXGEL, ma this week with friettde near Lon-1 doat. -Tate 4eiaxteiry C%tilciril Hoof i, ate Crediton Circuit [net oto Mi udaay lastFULlo LINE OF illIRDWIIRE chureh here. Considerable II important business was transacted. 11 - , Sharon appointment having been 1.etn Linda of Farm Produce teawlaicle closed there: share of services have i highest prices will be paid.deet given to Ebenezer appointment, thus giving our Ebenezer friends preaching services ever Sunday- ['has, 'n oltzan and M • Matt. Gttinter are both laid uwith fever, Imre a i6.rt srijtk is sus.cooled at one of ldaiets'a brick yardsThey^ are carriers.— Pli vine. are visiting this week with their arunMrs !rv ers.—oke o read he latest religious novel, ''Redemption of David Corson," by Frederick Goes It is at. hook worth reading, ;et it and read it wlowly,'twill do you good. A full range of stun ter goods in - eluding fancy insertions so much in demand. ENGLISH! FI LINTS. .A, full and coin- ' pieta range of DRY GOODS. Also our GROCERY STOCK in replete in every line and always z^,t sses Carrie and Fto Levis, of Holines- Mrs. Theo. Litt, of Seb.ringville, has suffered a severe paralytic stroke and is in a very precarious condition. Metubers of the family are being call- ed home. At the civic banquet at Winnipeg, Man., Friday night to the visiting civil officials, Mayor Johnson, of Fargo, presented a large United States flag to the citizens of Winnipeg. The trustees of Sebringville Public I School are in receipt of a diploma, which has been awarded• the school by the Education Department, for the excellent condition of the school house furniture and equipments. This is a credit to all those, young mai incl, who have bad any connection with the school." St;. Marys Bte.Ine:a' .The pries paid for liultiu. to $0,00 aw eonsic.er.able increase over foist year. The 'wavy crops in. this cons muuity are accountable .ble for the ad- va,nce,--Chas Cathcart is home from Toronto, where he has been spending his vacation.. -Atlee M. Stewart, of f'o runte,Ps holidaying under the parental roof. — R. S. Box's new residence, Church -street, is now nearing rumple - tion, When ready for occupation it will huve cost in the neighborhood of ,1 $7,000.—The Indians, who are, at pre- sent located in this vicinity pulling , flax are very desirous of meeting any one of our two lacrosse teams iu at friendly game of l:acrosst in the near' future Maniilel Ilerlet.t's new block, ! corner of Church and Queen streets, is being rapidly built, rend will shortly* I be ready for occupation. — Douglas Coupeland is spending his vacation at Grand Bend. -,Che flax mills in town will soon be under full operation. These places are very hives of industry and furuish work for many persons.-. J. Graham made a shipment of bories to Toronto Friday. Among the load were' some high price) st,ruilara brat animals, whicli were only secured at a good price. — Wednesday afternoon list ai severe thunder storm passed' over the town. At tunes the peals of thunder were terrific. The R. C. church was struck but fortunately very little damage was done, only n few slate of the spire being torn off by the electric fluid an its downward career.—T. T. Carner;furnitnrc dealer a e• in this vicinity ranges from S j P Ro 31sr esenc trine. at to hie D. alcaNivert has purchased the Ileery business 1 i r Iattl run J, Medd '. fed . S., R of Dutagannon. During the Seefoxth races, Mr. F. Bossenbery , of Zurich, weld to Mr. Kelly, of Listowel, Itis three•yeae-old gray% colt, for the nice round stem of Sake J. Foy, who, , ,rttunber of years lived[ in the township of Hullett,now of New York, has come bask to the friends of his bnyitooai days. after an absence of over 20 years. Niles More -Ape of Myth, ha, the vine palate. cf every one this week in the death of /dewily sister, Miss til:rtbenia J., which said event took place at the residence of henry Oovier.m Mist Wa,- wanosh, en Thursday evening Iast af- ter a few days' illnese i)r.:Ialackall, government veterinary. inspector, was ordered by tbe Minister of Agriculture to inspect a herd of cattle owned by'i. Cantelon, Tucker, smith, which the owner thought might be effectea by tuberculosis. Aecoin- pa;,nied by I)r. C. McGregor, they made at very careful and thorough inspection on Monday and. Tuesday, and were able to report that the eaettle had nothing whatever more than a little cough, and gave Mr. Cantelon n clean bill of Health. 'CESTIMONI.tLOF MR. TRIOS. Iwt3 SELL Tae TIAL '1 1.Lt;E OP ENGLISH MOCK FOOD. This is to certify that I have used English Stock Food for calves which were fed on separated milk. They aid remarkable' well on the food. I think it in excellent food for young calves and would recommend its use to stock rtisets. '1't1it MAS I'.L`SSEIL • Ifyou make any purchase at this store which proves unsatisfactory. bri ng it back and your money will be elieerfnlIy refunded. Graniteware Everything my Graniteware for the preserving season AWAY A DOWNPRICES. r wive. Our Twine is giving the best of satisfaction and customers are getting the benefit of the recent drop in price. k T. r ash r e Leather Belting, Lace Leather, Gauge Glasses, Mitts (all sizes) Packing of every description. tion. ,a.i Harves taWhips EMENTS PORTLAND and OJEENSTON AA ,i t-3i. T S. A LARGE ° STOCK ON HAND) J. EJCETER. ,„l.,{" ,•fel=ti ,ua , s';S q 4 y 4 x 'i%n ..