HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-7-19, Page 88TISINARTS 4.4447i• GfiSli OR HOME • 27c the pale for ladies' euot good weerieg coma • feet fir iingalitionee rev- eete, a :are bargain OM6Y ONE M16E. For --L anti m..Ist us::',fuZ bargain that v."e have ever ..:Tere,:. On Friday art,raing and ti okl your choice t,f orrcrcJ ad faucy DVOSS muslin ant; for ally e)!ozeti o: in O., i);., -.tore. This i.le:talcs r‘c • 25c g*.:.'0".:S. Ab11., f•Thrty pcs ta ccc from. 4.%,:ae .far:y if VO u want a first F„.,.er276).,:e 'att." f is a. bar. &rain at 10e, but s-%r.e are n't1:1 better tatt c44.4,..s P.2 i'tg. matte: of fact tTN," 77,:est t 1.4,1kst.t 7.! 24. t ant! .25c f.n• zez j A0 OfTFI IVRT as tenet -J:4 EL. EXET It 411 1V1 S Gannax PARTY. --The gerden party on Mrs. P. Johns' I:two on. Friday (wetting It under the ampices of: the Ladies' Aid of Main-st. church, was at deeided SUCCCSI. The. grounde were nit decorated, and illaininated with Chinese. htnterns„ while eeats coaven- i Weeny arranged afforded comfort. to it the guests. leo et eain and other Ii- ten..iee were abendantly served by ttz •. Lake:uti enjoyel by all, as Vas ttlso caotee music rendered by the bend. The proveeds amounted to hpward of egie Ainneeree tent nineteen. t ete t iv... NVeeleott 1.n S tzertbey arrested a • ei in the swamp south ef (r:d , Weed, on 14I).1 4.' being one It. E. Wlisee. alio werati :I al Galesville, fegeeese e aernitted abut Cg,31. Art* wht-se r.t1.3.1/43t. anti convie- den, ewe:el seS eat is offered. Ile is - now candried Vet. Police cells hew M. 'Wee:cote had, tiLa priAltref's phaot.agr ,ph •.: :anal forwarded t ) I t aptate -..nnbles the one sent. I.y f).-fwetive Agency, oae of i wit:eh flee e- :nee has his —Jon. 4,.ne &I/3V. 15 rears Of !,1! e4' M14tY 10:11;,EnZ y %eery tt".1011- ..1' 1:y aefee, • t'reeergeetii.- • We inalerstattil eliat t the fil7r,.-tcri 4 I r-liv:i4v,r reeletery peewee heyeee tiee Lew' pauchetee of' k -r four ,avir,ts„ pritperly •uf. :nod ".rttveyeti isnupoteut ttl it,we grazei,I. twos: plant p.tssible, t titt.y art" ais;tt desirous of tr,it; hug 44,1 t t tea part ter the vet well, and to snake the tax. tyre as whole ae beautiful awl I V4' lalielne ale. The prineipai i ea v. twice :e eatvying 4Ittt they MOM and 41E.Siral )inter lions, tlie weal of funds. Surely the general •igieie pied nit intoosled in the teudea ay wouldbe, tenting to iteeist the eaeetene g al.easinWayS and meant-, thiS gic.3'411 vok might he •ef- z eeettel. 'We would etiggest that the !I directors mill puiSie meeting of the eltareholeere and tit izens and be pre. rivedtu preeeet Uthe-facts mut data, at that ailt4,kd might consider tO the It •1i4 tli il eimiztier liar - game ha Trine-. and Leltee.pas. Crr 114011c) - CP 9 •••••••••••••••••••••••••-•4,s e fur: etoch oiSe:t- I 144. w Livia C )n 11. ; L Fore Elmrelage Lloonseep %%eat -Melee Feitegtee Seigatcleenat. Cleee /es, etioweetliree-, Ceeigeoce cue Sees, . fit EC Kg`, , Watknat tetiteing ;Seek:Stine. I)11*.tdrintU,NTAII. It:. RISSICILT.4,— ,c awl A .11 t ..4.111t*Atton Ihet tele:mete has timile Fail Term Oi)011,1 ai,Ipartlium. tills for Public Schools. A full stock of Sunday School Library Books at wholesale prices ••••1•••••••••••••Ple01. Family and Teachers' Bibles Full Line. Everything Stationery, wholesale and retail. STAY'-. O. - • 1111 :" Z 47.! ear 3 r eee, •teeireeteee nt.e.:7 tic., , have ) lit tay. 4; tr bop. The, i- ee-: hue yan. It . to preparo awl ler- ta.tneitt t W. J., ELLIOTT. Prineeeil, TO A DV ERTIseRs. ..._ ej0( 111 ri lint;17101?.felfttymmeriva.::1.1)((:,...sta Wednesdav of eaell week. EXETER 6 •••••••••11••••••••• . • W. I. liarrkon. of Loudon wa4 in - - , town last week oit Itnsiness. INSURANCE. •- . • -Ladies' line sh 14,1 RI, 33. ti1.75 :42.0F — „ , and .$2„:"0) at GH.L el eerie )x's. 'ERNEST ELLIOT, — L, Mies Tuckett. of 11 uniltnn, is vie:tin g c Agen for the Wenzel; Assenexce Cox. at M.T. II erveyee II ge t owilebip. twee of Toronto; also for the le:mem FIRB KtratI14 Th01111.4, !. St. 'guys, is NSUItANCE COMPANY, Of London, England; Az MANCE INSURANCE: Comr.err, ne Eng : visithrt• at his unA -,*e, ea Mertin. e and. The lacroesee team play at Seaforth on Friday with the team of that town. THURSDAY, JULY 10TH, 1000. •• Alf. Daviderm. cif Mancelona, elich. - . is visiting his parents here for a few LOCAL HAPPENINGS weeks. . A number of tetizens attended the race meeting in Seaforth on Tuesday . and 'Wednesday. The Misses White visited friends in i Arthur Kemp has returned front his St. Marys over Sunday. • i vacation at Toronto, and is now at his Mrs. R. S.Lang left Friday for a visit !post in the Moleons bank. with friends in Winnipeg. Mrs. Janice Berryman, of London. Miss N. Bag -shave is visiting friends has returned home after a two weeks' in Fullartnn for a month. ; visit with Mrs. A. I. Tait. Harry „Browning of Markham, is i Samuel Gidley is still confined to his visiting his parental home. 1 bed from the etrects of a broken thigh —an injury he sustained some time Miss Quick, of London, is visiting ago. friends in and around Exeter. John Charlton is busy erecting hay Frank Sweet has returned home forks and tracks for the farmers in from a visit with friends in Detroit. this section, and they are giving satis- Mrs. A. Q Bobier and famiky are faction. camping at the Bend for a few weeks. Mrs. Fulton has taken a position as Joseph Davis is expected home from waitress in the dining hall at Grand the Old Country about the 20th prox. Bend, conducted by Chas. Wilson, also The Misses Moir, :of Toronto, spent of Exeter. Sunday the guests of Mrs. James W. J. Heaman has purchased from Dimaan. Dr. Kinsman, of Sarnia, a handsome Alfred Sheere, who has been work- bull -nose pointer, for which he paid a • ing in Blyth for some time returned good price. e , - home on Monday. The Royal Templars held. a very Miss Israel; of Seaforth, spent the Is e• leasant meeting on Monday evening, past few days visiting the Misses" at which the members weep treated to Sweet, Huron street. refreshments. T. L. Rogers, accompanied by his The Masonic excursion leas beeu de - daughter, of Parkhill, spent Sunday dared off for this season, satisfactory visiting his son,R. Roeers • chasha more horses in this *section for use in South Africa. He has already purchased over 400 horses for war pur- poses. tt, Miss Gussie Rolland, milliner, of • Blenheim, is visiting at her home here. Miss Addie Holland, hospital. nurse at • Niagara Falls, N. Y., is also 'visiting her parents. Rev. D. M. Ramsay, wife and fam- ily, of Ottawa, are visiting his parents • and other friends in town. Richard Hoskin, ot Kirkton, is build • ing a new bake shop on the property he bought from Miss Gilpin, of that place. The next band concert will be given in Victoria park on Friday evening, July 27th, when a special program will be rendered. arrangements not being obtainable from the Grand Trunk. Mr. Elliott of Wiugharn is visiting at A. Walter's. Mr. Elliott has com- pleted his brick -making machine, and sold a large number. . Dix Kidney Pills will relieve lame back, lumbago, muscular rheumatism, and all complications arising from •or- dinary diseases of kidney and bladder. ?rice 25c and 50c. Sold by 0. Lutz. James Hervey,tostler at the Com- ' Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Gladman, who eaercial, who was incapacitated from have been visiting aZ their former injuriesreceived by a, kick from a horse home in Peterboro' the past few weeks epme time ago, is rering, and was returned home on Tuesday. in. totem Saturday. coHe expects to be J. D. Graham, of Toronto, is pur- at his old post shortly. Chief Gill was on Monday sworn in, as deputy Game Warden for this dist trict. He has been instructed to bee vigilant, and prosecute all offende're The Chief says there are many black' crows in the business. Beware! The house and lot on Andrew street the property of the late James Gar- land was sold by auction to James ' L. Day has closed his butcher shop, Dennis, for the Sum of $700. The bid - having accepted a position in Wood's dingewas brisk and a good .price was Packing House. This leaves Exeter realized. Albert Hooper wielded the with two butcher shops, four having . • I hammer. Mr. Dennis, has since sold existed here at one time. , hie former residence on Simcoe street to A. en, for a good sum., 41; s eta t n- ir to Ciao e tahin,4 part inthe De- t mewl al exAmination.Inyears pa -t the past s,: licif candidates through - v. oat the hole province were publishe thd in a heap in e Mail and Empire and the fileih. villa, tilt' Will papers ecpietl therefvent the lists affecting thelocal mehools.---The Department hcome to as c the conelwion that this method of au mis :nation results flouncing the exa not .ss ithout its unsatisfactory feat awes, giving rise to comparisons which are of- tensfrom ignorance of local conditions, quite erroneous and in many eases in- juriowl. So this year thepass list will not he handed paper;to the Toronto but there will instead be senttothe prineipal of each High School or Col- legiate Institute the list of sneeeested candidates at his own school. It will then rest with the prineipa to have the lists published in the loyal press. E. I. Follicle bite returned to fit, •51:u ye. Miss Ethel Armstrong is visiting reenit. Fritlif, London. Dr. L. Foliielt. of Si. Marys, spent Sunday Nvith his parents here. Carliug Bros. have- added nice new' waggon. for the delivery of parcels. The Mists Lorrity and Kenny, of ',maim', spent Wednesday in Exeter. Miss Susie Weekes, millinery, is home from Guelph for a short yaca- tion. e Servant girl wanted. Gond wages paid. Apply to H. Buckingham, Exeter. Mrs. Wolper, of London, is on IV visit to her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Etherington, of Bethesda. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Howard spent the forepart of the week visiting friends in St. Marys. Mrs. Reginald.Elliott and family, of Norwich is spending as few weeks with her mother, Nirs. Carling. Miss Edith Sanders who has spent. the past millinery season in Strathroy returned home Wednesday. Miss Lily Welsh, milliner at Small - man, Ingram & Co., is spending a few days under the parental roof. Mrs. Hicks and daughter, Mrs. A. Hick, of Centralia, -spent Wednesday the guests of Mrs. A. J. Rollins. Mrs. Brawn who has been visiting her brother, W. Grigg, and family, also her nurnerous friends in town for some weeks left Wednesday for her home in Wroxeter. We announced last Week that the results of the High School entrance exa.minatiors would be published this week, hut, the report had not been received at time of going to press. At the celebration of the 12th„ of July held at Seaforth, the prizes Sof $10.00 for the largest number of mem- bers in procession and lodge coining the farthest, and the one carrying the finest banner were all captured by the Lucien Orangemen. The Sunernerhill lodge carried off a; similar Prize for the best fife and drum band. There were about 1,000 Orangemen in the procese . sion, and over 8,000 people' assembled there that day. The speakers. were Revs. S. Salton, 'Centralia, Acheson, Kippen, Revs. Hodgins and :Larkin, Seaforth. • • ef Turkish Scalp food feeds the hadtere- stores the natural color, stops falling of the hair, removes the dandruff, re- stores faded and grey hair to its natu- ral color and vitality and it is also an excellent dressing for the hair. Turk- ish. Scalp Food is rapidly growing in public favor and ta.kesthe lead of all other preparations on the market. GiSie it a trial. For sale at Ce Lutz's Drug Store, only 50c a bottle. Don't let headache wear you out and render you unlit for business or pleasure.Milburn's sterling Headache Powders will cure you quickly,. and leave no bad after effects. They do not depress the heart. Prize 10 and 25c. Exete 2easona rY: --TS THE PLACE FOR Htisali ktriC) le 00111111 H 1/ 1111 /1111/ 11111141wiz ains BARGAIN r,!•0 50 shirt w -i -t 4 • ...It) 41. ranging in price from 75 to 1..5, your elroieg, mini°, they 1a..4 for BARGAIN 'NO 2 . 4 doz Men's Crash and and Linen Hats, the regular 50 and 75e kint14, your choice of the lot for B RU N N A AI O. 49c, 2 2,0 LadiesTarasols and. 4." umbrellas, somewhat damaged regularpriees, range from 1.00 to 1.75, (gearing at BARGAIN NO., A Ladies' beaut Ifni white -It and cream Lace 'ries. very fashionable, regular 50e line for • • • • • • •••11411 pnitcE7s. liguarga=i=ccomarasaxmatcansaat Ladies' waists in all the desireablo fabrics and shades suitable for house and street wear. whitewear: in the newest and latest sgyles. Parasols full line and at prices that will please you. Laces and embroideries in endless variety. Colored dress goods in all the latest shades. In Black Dress Goods we hold the fort. Gloves from the.finest kid clown, just to hand, Hats and Ties, nobby goods. Summer corsets and linen skirts, just the thing for this hot weather. Ready-made Clothing in Afen':•, Youth's and boy's at very low figures. We make aspecialty in Ordered Clothing. See our blaek worsted suit at $15. Complete stock of groceries. always new nwl fresh. Try our 25e Japan tea, elegant flavor We are the sole agents for Tetley's teas, one trial of these teas would convince you that they have no equal, Give us a call. Highest prices paid for produce. O1MI.1NC) BROS is the guest of Mrs. R. IL Rogers. 1,0411ver hearts, beauty pin'-. belt pins Dig sale of Ilonts and Slime at Gal.? 2c. 31.,,Neenes'e. in St.. Marys. Miss Lena Howard is visiting friends ki-k Mr. Knight, of Detroit, is the guest of James Abbot. ' Children's '-hors all prices at Gm iti.txsox's. Woodstock Council has decided to 'Liss Kathleen Rogetee, of Parkhill ' reams u1 sugar% geld :and sterling' Berry setts and water :eats, china. trie Light Co, The first -and buckles, pulley ungs. pearl cuff braid. and pins,fancy 35o oft er S13,000 for the plant of the ra offer wasrit'ebackn; 1 altkpAtIt.144,13I eett mg back and pomp- ‘ purset, tooth brushes. etatp, etarch, B. 891A7d.rew Ingram, Seaforth, who ufts) raonwedeetre,. castor and machine oil, polish had charge cit the electric fight works See the new Khaki Mallet -wry and here for several yeare, has resigned British Hero plates, his position, and intends travertine! in Anyone 'wishing to buy Blackberries the Interests of an eleatrical appliance leave yi,tw order with us, we will have whine he bas invented. . a. nice stock in a, week. 4, Dix Little Liver P l: . ..re mild and! QR ANGES' ecient. The,y ceatee no sickness or; ) unpleasffiitneeees and. are most efileient 1 LEMONS, BANANAS. ,t in relie'v" - ', headache, indigestion and i , .Levitt's Fair dere e. .1:4 nts of the Liver. For salel/ AGENT PUR PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY, Laundry sent away every Thursday,. BARGAIN NO 5• Jadies' fine ' I May slAack Cashmere hose, good weight, regularly sold at 35e, bargain at.. 250. BEST QrALITY ROBBER. GEST RINGS, PER DOZ. 5e. 4.4.4.••••••••.....44444.11•10aill=a1•4.41....- We want a large quantity of good butter and eggs and will. pay highest prices for same. TN R. Piclaril Direct Importers APPRENTICE ' WANTED to learn .• Melfs fine tan elutes $2 50, $2.75 et. printing. Apply at TIMES Oth.013. Gm. aNIANsoN's. WANTED.— 500 pairs of boots and Reeve Arnold, of Hensall, was ilei shoes that need repairing, leave them town on Thursday. ‘' with Gto. ALticsox. Herman Heilman has returned frok_ FOR &aim—Three new and tw his vacation in Toronto. igsecond-hand buggies, two carts, one Mrs. J. D. Graham, of Toronto hi phteton, -one tWo-seated carriage, also visiting at John White's. a new waggon box, for sale at cost for e,casli. , Miss Jennie Crockett, of London, is • A shim. W. G. BisSETT. .. 'Visiting friends in Exeter and Eiim- D. French, Manager of the House of Refuge, was in town on Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Holman and family. of 13eyfield are holidaying in and around Exeter. 3. A. Gregory is spending a few days calling on old friends in Goderich Clinton -and Kinburn. A couple of growers of raspberries from Parkhill, were in town Tuesday selling 17 boxes berries for 81.00. Win. Johnston, of St. Marys, called on friends here last week. He intends visiting Scotland this fall. E. Harwood, wife and child, of Tor- onto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Pickard and other friends in Exeter. The several heavy rains of this week have deterred harvest. Considerable of the grain bas been knocked down. Miss Elsie Skinner, returned to her home in Mitchell this week, after a pleasaut week's visit with friends here. Word has been received from Jas. Walter and John Spackman, who re- cently left for the Old Country. They had a pleasant voyage. A test of the new water system will be made to -day or to -morrow. The pipes bave all been laid, and the en- gine is now being put in running order. There died Tuesday at his home, on lot 17, con. 7, Downie, Mr. Thos. George Thompson, at the age of 72 years, 11 months. Many friends will regret to hear of hie demise. Fall wheat cutting mis beeome gen. eral. Although the crop is not very heavy the V3 ample is good, but in . some fields the Hessian fly has been doing considerable damage. • J. B. Martin, of •Seafortb, was in ,own on Sunday visiting at Hugh pke's. Miss Eliza Oke returned with ingine and will spend a few weeks visit - her sister, Mrs. Martin On Wednesday, July llth, Charles t Reding, a popular young man of Greenway and Miss. -Emily J., -daugh- ter of the late John Penhale, of the Lake RoadAStephen,yeere joined in the bonds of to,atrimony. The ceremony was performed at James street par- sonage by the pastor, Rev. C. W. •Brown. Many friends of the bride in this section join in wishing the young couple a happy wedded life. Percy Tom, of Goderich, is visiting friends inItown. Miss A. M. Bickle, of Port Hope, is visiting at S. Martin's. ' Beriy-picking is now in order. The yield is light this year. Mr. and Mrs. C. :Hodgson, of Toronto are guests tit Richard Young's. Miss Mary Friend, of London, is visiting at I. Armstrong's this week. Miss Vera Hawkshaw is visiting at her uncle's, Wm. Hawkshaw, St. • Marys: Mrs. W. S. Lang leaves shortly for Manitoba, where she will spend a few months visiting friends. Mail -Carrier James McGee, running between Seaforth and Bayfield. has had bis contract renewed. Mrs. Kershaw, of Detroit, aceompan- ied by Miss Emma, elebbott, of London, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Davis. Mrs. H. Arnold, of Hensel], and her sister, Miss Robson, of London, are spending a few days with Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Miss Stella Poplestone, of Detroit, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Poplestone, and grand parent, -Mr. Wiudsor, returned home on Monday. Messrs. Morley & Cunningham, who have been conducting the Mansion House for some time, have dissolved partnership, Mr. Cunningham continu- ing the business.. • A. E. Hodgert is at present building a large cement silo for James Mein- Tosh, of McKillop, the size is 15x30 ft. He is building it with eight corners it is much stronger -t-ha,u a square one. Dr. R. Stanbury, Of Bayeald, paid a, visit to his son, J. O. Stanbury„ on Monday, and renewed old acquain- tances in town. He was accompanied by his son, Dr. John Sticabury, of Toronto. ' Rev. Robert Hicks, the junior pastor - of the Methodist church • arrived, last week. On Sunday -be preached very acceptable sermons. Mr., Hicks is a Very clever speaker and has' already made a large number of friends.— Ful- lerton correspondent. ' A happy event was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N., Dietrich, Goderich, on Wednesday, July 4th, when their eldest daughter, Miss Mary Dietrich was united in wedlock to A. Ruggle, of the firm of A. Rugglo & Sons, Floradale. • This Week we Offer, You a Snap in IW ETU icyc We have secured a limited number of those wheels which we will offer you ht, a remarkably low figure for cash. It will be to your advantage to seize the opportunity while It is avail- able. We also have the easy running and stylish CLEVELAND VERY REASONABLE PRICES Don't forget our PIANOS and OR- GANS. SEWING MACHINES CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,•• S. Marlin. FOR FINE GROCERIES 1 FLOUR AND POTA.TOES CORN MEAL ROLLED AND STANDARD OATMEAL OIL CAKE LINSEED MEAL AND FLAX- SEED GARDEN Am) FIELD SEEDS TRY US. .--------- We are making a' specialty of the above and would be pleased to have part of your trade. Our facilities for buying are equal to those of our neighbors and our shop expenses are much less than those of any other concern in town. TRY US —:o: — BEST JAPAN TEA 1Sc. er! Trevethick it,•••••••=,..C- New Ca wr,••••••••,.....1 t•re Dry Good6 and Or6ceries To the people of Exeter and vicinity. Wo have just opened up with a brand new stock of Dry Goods and Groceries bought from the best wholesales M Western Ontario. We are now in a position to wait upon you'.; will not quote classes or prices of good at present, but SOLICIT A. CALL. It will be a pleasure to us .tti show you our goods. Remember the place first door north of post office. Produce taken in exchange. 66, •