Exeter Times, 1900-7-19, Page 5EX4TER •TINIBB mONEY TO LOAN. Wo have unlimited 'private is for invest- ment -upon farm or village property at lowest ates of interest. DICKSON & CARDING Exeter. F W. MADMAN (Succeesor to Elliott & Gladman) Bani,5tor Se1ioitor, chty Public, Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan on Farm and village properties et Lowest retes a interest, FFICE MAIN STREET EXETER 11- bc is: sl.f.V. 'Ik4ISTAtiN12 $, D. D. Honor Graduate ' of Toronto University. Dentist. Teeth extracted *without pain or bad atter effeets, Ofdeet in Fan - eon's block. West side of Main levee Exeter DR- ANDERSON, (0, D• S.L D. 8, DENTIST. Honor :Graduate of the Toronto Tenivmeity, end Royal College ot Dental Sergeons of Oetario. All bridge work. Crowns. ex 4 Plate work demerit the neatest possible utemner. A baredese anmstitetie for patuless eXtraetkm. The serictese attention given to tile Ke2erv4k- ipn of the liatural teetb. °face oppqato Cane trea Hotel, Exeter. Ontario, CUT THIS OUT ..aud.seed is with Ovefats in silver. and yme will ket by Mean mall a GOLDEN BON. OF 3.10014 that will bring eou NORR, ZatWny, in one utenth. thateanetbing' else in America. .A. X1NNEV, 13. T.. Salern-)arinoutie N.S Five Packs of Cards Freer e vile pack, 'May I, ta U. raornea One_paca Bacert. One peek. Flirtation.Ono:a/telt %old - Wight,' One pack 'Ott' elefa Jest. Raids Two: Aampleen beet; full of ma etens, SOO, 5e. silver tor postage. A. W. KINNEY. E. T. _ Satem-Yaranctutie SALE IN' PARE,' Pine propo erty ust-stew of 1 a..fruit trees, Mall fruit, two Awes' briek bouse. gaud tarn .ned wate» all in excellent re_pair. WM, IRELAND, Parkhill, (Mt. TRAYED. Strayed frent the etenaista et the optimism. edlot le. on 1. littelten. on or about July lets st. dart; ray elly four eters old, right front, leg ilihtI1' molted. reward for her recovery I be raid Ity te, PARSONS. Exciee P. O. 13UBLIC NOTICE. Nutlet" itt Itereay given Mat the application 3tas been made for the trauster of the hotel license held by Marley & Cenufingham, at the village of Exeter. to lerieth Cnimingbant. All 31artivs interested are requeited to govern them ealves aceantingly. atORLEY CUNNINGHAM, Dll-LaWNo,..1A,.D.19001 OF THE • Follw VillagO of Do$11w00(1, IX VIE COUNTY OF BUJEO.N. Tla raise by debentures the sum, of • Eight Hundred. Dollar, for the Purebase of Vire Engine and other ap- pliancesfor the purOose of fire protec- tion and the supply of water therefor. WDEDgAS the Police Trustees desire to Anat. provisioes for Fire Protection ; AND WrIEDUAS tbe Pollee Trustees estimate the cost thereat atFes).(*), and they desire to purchase lire -engine and appliances, and to raise for that purpose the said sum of .$500.00, by deeentteres le slimmer and eayabie as here- inafter set forth : AND Wererteas under and in purseauee the powers vested in the Police -Village Tres; tees, under "The Alunicipal Ameedutent Acta 1904). Section Si, the said Trustees beve author- ity to lane debentures tor saict purposes, ex- tending over a peresd 9f 10 ears;y Alen Wareitaes the total amount required to be raised annually. by special rate, ou all the rateable property of ate said, pollee Village of Pasliwoodertar a periott of tea yeas, for the FeYine otr the said debt, and interest thereon, tbe enie of $103.60. asset forth iu the sche- dule hereieafter written ; Asto Wetenees the newel atuittal entente, payable for principal and interest in the reseee- t lye years are these resrectirely set out in ihe said seheduie; AN» Wnetfeas tee entoure, of the wbole rateable preeerty of the Enid l'onee Village of Paean -owls according to the valuetion, equal - =anon aa tt deleraturatien ot tile Assessere of the Townslars of Sea Len or.d Hay. is $74.Ki OG ; AND Wrieitaes aeetntling to ewes equalize - lion 11 will be necessary for the Municipal Council of the township or Stepben to issue de- bentures ter the eortion of Snell Police Village. satiate in the Township et Stephen, amountiug to 52 per cent.; and the Alumeipal -Council of the Town -hip of Roy, to issue octoutures for the portiou ni such Police Village as is situate in the Township a ,fin'. amounting to 413 per cent. of the totel amount of debentures and in- terest, whicla is more fully set forth ill the echettele hereinaater written. Attie Mammas tbere is no other existi ug De- benture debt of lite said .Police Vitioge et Dashweed. Be re TueuerOltE li:NACTED by the eQr3201:4- Mu of the Police Vaiage of Daehwised, and it is hereby enactedby the Police Village Trus- tees as f011OWS • rhea be lawful for the Reeve anti Trees nrer ot the Townshipotelephen. and they are hereby authorized and instructed to borrow Air the inirposes aforesaid, the sum of $11t1.001 and to testae ten deteuturce of tbe said Corporation each for OW SUM of $etae, parable at Alm eloa soles Rant. Exeter, and at the time set out In the said ticitratule to this Ity-Isev. Owl such de- beuteree shall represent ilk the reSPeetiSO years the amounts af princlpal and interest respect- ively, as shown in the *aid eebedule, %%high hi - ti reeloated on the uopeid principal at the rate of rive per cent. per annum annuity.) • ehalite lawful for tite Reeve alld Trees' urea of Ito Township of Hay, and they are berg EAotor Public Scb001. Minute. et Board meeting held in the TOWil Hall, Monday, July 17th, 1900. AR present, The following order of business duly submitted and approved. Per chairman minotes of previous !meeting. Per J. Senior and H. Huston that the repairs necessary to the doors and surroundings be effected by the repairs corn. Per 11, N. Rowe and J. Senior that the gravel required to place tbe grounds in a. satisfactory condon be secured and placed under the direc- tion of the Grounds endSanitary Com- mittee. Per II. Huston and 1 Senior that the Inspector's Report for the past term be accepted as read, Per B. N. Rowe and W. 3. Carling that the interior improvements es per specifications submitted by the Com- mittee be effected forthwith. Per 3. Senior and B. N. Rowe that notices be sent to theresident painters inviting their tenders for the work to be done. Per J. Senior and W. Trevetbick that the Repairs Committee be author- ized to have tbe required brickwork removed and the furnaces and connec- tions thoroughly examined and that a, report of such inspection be submitted at the next meeting of the board. Per R. N. Rowe and W. 3, Carling that the sum of $2700 he req uested from the villae,e council for school purposes for the ensuing year. Per R. N. Rowe and J. Senior that the well be cleaned under the direction of the Grounds and Sanitary Conn Per. H. Huston and J. Senior that the Secretary be directed to have five hundred notices printed and distribut- ed directing the attention of the par- ents and gaurdians to the urgent need of the Act respecting vaccination be- ing complied with forthwith. .Per W. J. Carling adjournment. 3. GRIGG, Sec'y. P. S. The items in the Inspector's report of public interest are the fol- lowing :-The desired repainting of the rooms and L lis; the satisfactory work of tbe Janitor; the excellent character and discipline of the .and the credie that is ascribed to both Trustees, Teachers and Pupils, for tbe present satisfactory standing of the echool. by authorized an4 ipstructett to borrow for the purposes aforesaid, the SUM ot Wee; and to iseue ten Detenrateee of the said Corporation, each for the blItIA of $19.73, A4Sh4e at the Molionat Benk, Exeter. and at &be time set out In the old nhettnie of this Bylaw, and, swell detenturee shall represent in the respective years the remounts of principal and interest re- errellvelr, as eltown in the seld echeditle.which interest is reckoned an The unpaid prinelpel itt the rate Or five per cent, perauuttln tanntlitral sball be lawful for the Reeves et the Townships et Stephen and Ilay. and' they are hereby authorized and iuetructe4 to sign tbe said debentures, hereby authorined to Ito issued and to Muse the same to be signed by the Trees mars of the respective Municipalities, and the Clerks at the respective Munich/010o are hereby authorized and instructed to attach Use seal of their Municipal Corporation to tile old Dot enteree. 4- Far ihe aurflose Of V1111111: tIte said Delta' Lures, the atutuatsum at eeleetthall bo raised and levied in eacheear bv special rate suilleicet tberefor to be raised, levied ana collected at tee nem tinte as ordinary rates for the Municipal- ity in each year at the Raid period of ten Years, from Mid upon all rateable property in the Ilatillwood Police Village, Situate In the Toun- hhip of eteplien, itt addition to all other rates during the Currency of tho Said Debenture, 5 -For the fernier purpose of paying the said Debentures. tbe onnual sum of 449.73 shall be raised eud levied in efICII year by spatial rate euflielent therefor to be raised, levied and col. hated at, the NUM) time as ordinary retest foram MunieillalitY, in each year of the said period of ten leers from and upon all the rateable pro. Perty in the Dashwood Police Village, situate in tbe Township of Day, in addition to the other a•ato during 'the currency of the mkt deben- ture?. 6 -This liy-law talte effect on and from the date of the potslug thereof, widen date *hall be tee date of the -issue of the said beben- tures, The following is the schedule hereinbefore referred to :- Tone -mute Olt STEMEZZ. BEATS TRE THE KLONDIK.E. A. C. Thomas, of - Marysville, Tex., has, found a 'more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klon- dike. For years he suffered untold agony from consumption, accompanied by hemorrhages ; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. (ioughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little -value in comparison with this marvellous ,eure ; would have ie even if it cost a hundred della rs a bottle. Asthma, Bronchit is and all throat and lung ef- fections are /positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery. for Consump- tion. Sold at any Drug Store. Regu- lar size 50 cents and $1.00. Guam:Awl to cure or price refunded. , J. Hagan, principal, of Zurich school has gone on a trip to Nova Scotia, where he will stay till schoolie-opens, August 20th - -- ' ilia overheated, there Time Ara of Amt. of Payable Interest Principal. No, 1 -Dee la 1900 !e12.07 $11.60 No. 2 -Dee 35, 1901 12.27 ad) No. 3 -Dee 13, 1902 1227 11e0 ' No. 1 -Dee 15, 1903 12.27 41.60 No. 5 -Deo 15, lent 12.27 41.60 N . 6 -Dee 15. 1905 19.27 41.60 N .7 -Dee 15, 1006 3:127 41.60N . 8 -Dee 15. 1007 12.27 41.60 el . 9 -Dee 15. 1908 12.97 41.70 el .10-Dco 15, 1900 12.97 41.60 -- --- $122 70 $116.00 Total 053.87 53.87 53.87 -53.87 53.87 MST 53.87 53.87 53.87 53.87 8538.70 TOWIISDIP ITAY. Time Am t of Am of Payable Interest Principal Total No. 1 -Deo 15, 1900 9L1-33 531.40 549 73 No. 2 -Deo 15, Ma 11.33 38.10 49.73 No, 3 -Deo The 1002 11.36 38.40 19,73 No. 1 -Dee 15, 1903 11.33 38.40 49.71 No. 5 -Dee 15. 1901 11.33 38.40 49.73 No. 6 -Dee 15, 1905 11.33 38.40 40.73 No. 7 -Dee 15, 1006 11.33 38-40 49.73 No. 8 -Deo 15, 1907 11.33 33.40 10.73 No. 9 -Dee 15, 1508 11.33 38 40 49.73 No.10-Deo 15, 1909 11.31 38.40 49.73 5113.30 $381.00 $107.30 9 -The vol es of the duly qualified electors of the said Police Village of f)ashwood shall bo taken upoitthis By-law on the 4th clay August A. 1). 1900, commencing at 9 o'clock in the fore noon and closing at 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, and Me rolling booth for tho taking of the vote shalin e held in 'Messer's hall in the said Police ge.and John W.Graybeii shall, and is hereby authorised as the person to am as Returning- Officer, for the purpose of taking fho votes of the ratepayers. 10 -On the 41,11 day of August A. D., 1900, at the hour of 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the said Returning Officer shall at tend at, Messer's hall. in the said Pollee Village, and shall appoint, in writing, signed by him, vre• peteens to attend At . the tfinal summing up cif the votes given for and against this By-law ; ono Person on behalf cf the persons interested And desirous of pro- moting the passing of this By-law. and ono per Son on behalf of the persons i to cres.ed in and desirous of opposing the psi -sing J if this By-law which day and hour are hereby fixed for the said purposes. ' 11 -The Returning Officer shad attend at 1Vlosser's Ilan, in tin, said Police V ii Loge, on the 6th 'Auguati D., 1900. tif, i he hotly of i0 o'clock in the forenoon le slim op the 1111111+4.r of,votes given for and Aga insJ Ibis ity-law'width place day and hour Jilt hereby fixed for the purpose.. Provisionally passed .tuly lOth A. I). 1900, GEORGE eneerie 'MA*. Inspecting Trustee, I. Geowat Ketteatares. 1nel:eating- 'Mato of the Police Vi gs Dashwood. hereby cer- tify hat. thc above e • roc copy of a twoonsed By-law, whieh has beim raked' into considora tion by the Police Trustees of the Village of Dashwood, and witthli will he finally passed bY the Police Trustees lio tbe event &if I he assent of the electors beteg obtained there, o),after one month Ltant Lite first publication et the Exeter Times in the V illtage of Exeter. County of Huron, the date of the first nublioation heing on July 121,h, A.D.. 1900. and thea at the hour, date and Mace fixed in I lie above By-law. ill the nine and place for the taking o voteseo the electors, and the piece where the poll will be held.. GEORGE KELLERMAN. . Inspecting Trustee, follows a chill. then it severe cold. The (puck- 1 est and boat remedy for the worst kinds of coughs and colds is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine i Dated at the Village of Dashwood this 10th ..19yrup, Try- it. Price 25e. A dSy of July, 1900. an Entrce Examinations I We give below the names of those who succeeded m passing the recent Entrance Examinations in East Hur- on. Those who obtained 60% of the total nonaher of marks have been awarded honor standing. Pass cancliclatee must have obtained (50% of the total number a marks anda3S% of the marks on each sobject. Last year 14-% of those who wrote on this examination in East Enron passed. This year but 57r/,. The difficult, papers this year were spellinw arithmetic and, grammar. More faded this year on the total than for a number of years. This shows that the exernination, as a whole, was 'more diffieult than usual. Both lists are arranged alphabetically, CLINTON. lemons Rennet Elsie Scott Katie Cantelon Saida, Wallace May Cooper Edna Alexander Chas lioover Lelia Badour Edward Jackson Lillian Grigg Hugh Laois Hattie Stewart Robert McCaughey Hattie NI liken Karl Potts Eva PASS LIST. Amass Fred Mulholland Harvey Bregden Mary DInetardJ W Blake Nora Phuneteel Emma Boyce Arthur Petteeou George Campbell Dungan Ross Term e'eot Minnie Robinson Annie M ; 10(1 *at Frank laleD l'aylor Bella li Watts ertley West Maud Wise Pearl Imo s leeeeld Jackson Irene Keteben John Love Georg Lanxon tIary sAvoirr.u. noNone Burke Luella Freeman Wm Dickson Norma Livens Harry PASS Anderson Peed Sills Mona Cowan Phemia Watson Ida Carrochan Geri Wilson Helen Dickson Emma Watson Gretta Forbes Jennie F Archibald, Bertie Friel Mamie Ellison Lawrence Hodgins Matel 01.11111 Gordon Horan Mazie Hartry RU6$ell Holcombe Edna, McAllister Karl Hewitt Hannah A O'Counoe Archie John Lois Park Alex Kneehtel Lottie E Reid John reeele McClure OortathleaRoberts Jack Rose Hallter --ee" „Sproat GiCa Spain lilazie Su -Milers Tom orn.=rerviv ...apspo AT MITCHELL Vliz.p.crrpcob VenemLer Allen, 8 Logan Gordon Annis, 1 Illb and Log Fred Barnett, Mitehell Frank Chowen, Mitchell Frank W Kerr, Mitchell Thus King, Mittehell Malcolm meitellar, 0 Hibbert Arthur McLaren, Mitehell Thos Monty, 'Mitchell Win Mulheron, Mitchell Harry Speare, 0 Ilibbert. Gordon Thomson, Mitchell Lorraine Thomson, Mitchell Eddie Thorne, le.litehell ' Gordon Tuer, 0 Fullerton Harry Wills' Mitchell Leslie Wills 'Mitchell Ivy Wilson:3 Fullerton Edna Anderson, Mitchell de GertruBaker, 3 Fullerton Jennie Buttler, 0 Ilibbert Edna Buslitield, Mitchell Lucy Byers, 5 Fullerton Florence Davis, Mitchell Lizzie Dow, 5' Fullerton Maggie Drager, 2 Logan Violet Elliott, Mitchell Edith Gaffney, Mitebell Lizzie Graham, 6 Logau Kate Hazen, Mitchell I3elle Inglis, 0 Logan Edna King, Mitchell Maggie MeDonald, nitebell Aenie McDougall. Mitchell Jennie McKellar, 5 Hibbert Maggie Mc'Neill, 3 Fullerton Ethel Norris, 6 Ilibbert Elsie Pon3eroy, 3 Follarton Katie Reidy, 5 Logan Ethel Robinson, 1 Hibbert Frankie Scott, o Hibbert Florence Shillinglaw, Mitchell Emily Withal], Fnllarton Bertie Wurdel, Mitchell Reconnuended. Wm KlInkbamer, 2 Hibhert Verne McNaught, 7 Logan Muriel Hicks, Mitchell ft. tee& .............1.1••=roy•••••••••=1•1•••••1•••••••• 550 668 037 035 573 107 030 010 570 050 074 691 555 600 013 615 010 553 503 550 576 569 550 574 720 743 714 041 628 582 550 656 050 084 643 716 691 578 621 772 632 500 596 "The Least Hair Casts a Shadow." single drop or poison Blood vitt unless checked in time, make the whole impure. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great leader in blood purifiers. It cst no shadow, but brings sou. 014418 and health let° every household. Running Sore -"My mother Seat troubled settle rileereatism in her knee for /31Aleber of year, and It beokse mit into 4 running sore. She took three bottles re U004'3 Sarsaparilla and is now well. Hood's Olive Ointment helped to beat the eruption." Mete jolne Fetes, Cloverlawns, AtitfritsZtvia ' 08ttiem " Was badly afflicted with ociatie rheumatism. Consillted doc- tors without relief. Was persuaded to try Hooe,a Sarsaparilla,and fire bottles gave WrnereerreAlietellta.P33.41atecnna,bailerlargplaerettovirle,t9N.wrk.” giaahafif ses ritetenta fly liatthe norpirrritating And oal catiertic to retie with IleuastSasitteeffra. inestea-nesseseeeete ,aseesasessearesaeateaneer A MOTHERS OPiiciox. Snelling Underwood. Ont., say ehe has need Pr. lesta Pleasant Worm in her family for t o past Ogee yratre knees of pothieg els good tor eitielrea wh ter teem enema rup site seta MARRIED 'RICE -ROM %20N -At the renitence of the irides parents. on the 01101July by the, Bev. 10. Whiung. Alfred Price, Afiteeell, to *nide, daughter of ohn Robinson. Fullerton, KENNEDY- COCK ERLINE-On July rntl, at the methodist Teriionage, WingllaUl. by Ver. IL Hobe*, John O. C. Neu:icily tO Elirahtith Verb:cane Of Illyth, 74 ACDONALD-F.AIR-Itt Canton. July ilib. at the residence of bride% moiber. Miss Jeau. vette ineksen, yonugest daughter of airs. J3d Paw. to It. J. Macdonald. et Seatoree formerly of Cline:He reAt'ING-PENHALE- On Wednesday, Ju1y Ilth, iter. 1.% W. Browo, 13. Deed Exeter. * has. leading, of Green way.to Miss Emile Jo daughter of lite late John l'ettaale.of Stephen Tp. FonEnvit.t.E--WILso.N-At Jogicsiaa Sea- forit,. the residence of llte bride's father, .10)Y eth, by Rev. Cello Fletcher, M. A., Thames Mad, weisord ty Bev. itotertJobuston. D. te Loudon. and live. F. 11.Larithe of harles 'samereitte, 7,,,aucion tit ,.ta citri-tba, eldest daughter, of D. e erafertle ere,,,ww DIED CY- In 31. Mary4, July 11, mann,. voungeld son of Alex. and E.141'reacy, aged tU rears end 4 months. DOUPEseett the Gentetti Hospital, Toronto, July 4, 31"ess Eleanor liouve, foraterir of Blau- 1;hard. Twouto. July 111, Wire of A. Callender, Ireciserly of Clinton, aged about 311 years, ODD .10 ENTiON Setae mealthy inerchants of to -dui Might not have been so bad there been no such word as fall. The total amount received by the Red Cross Society as the result of the endless letter chain started during last summer by Miss Natalie Schenck, of Babylon, I. L, Is e20,000. She still re- ceives an occasional letter. An enormous pipe has Just been made for President Krueger by it Dub- lin firm. The bowl is of the finest briar root, the stem of cut vulcanite, and the ease of leather lined with chamois. On the front of the bowi and carved into the wood is the Transvaal coat of arms. Dr. Negro, of Turin, has succeeded in curing 100 ottt of 113 cases of sciat- ica by digital pressure over the painful part. The pressure Is applied with all possible force for fifteen or twenty eseconds, and is repeated for some length of time after an interval of a few, minutes. In many cases six treatments are all that is necessary. Through an error In the bill provid- ing a code of laws for Alaska, Albert D. Elliott, clerk of the District Court of Alaska, whose salary is fixed at $2,500, will receive in fees sufficient to make his total remuneration between $20,000 and $25,000 a year. This will 557 make the office the best paid of any 557 in the tTnited States Government with 557 the exception of that of the Presi- dent. "DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS" A small pimple on year face may seem of little consequence, but it shows you 1.• blood is impure, and impure blood is what causes most of the dis- causes from which *people suffer. Bet- ter heed the warning given by the pimple and purify your blood. at once by taking Rood's Sarsaparilla. This reed icinee eures all diseases due to bad Wood, including scrofula, and salt rhemn. The ti on-irri to Ling cathartic -Hood's . BORN SPEARE-Iu Lucau, on July ard, the wife of R. Speare of a eon. Exo er, on the 15thiiast., the wife of George Schrunim, of a son. THOMPSON-In Excitor, on tho 1611' inst., tho wife of eV. D. Thompson, of a son. DAVIS-In Exeter, en the 1511' lust,. the wife et Daniel Davis, of it daughter, (still born.) ANDBEW-3n Exeter, on the 18th inst., the the wife of Ira Andrew, of twine, son and. daughter. Don't Stop taking Scott's Emulsion be- cause Ws .warm weather. Keep taking it until you are cured. It will heal your Itsngs and give you rich blood in sum- mer as in winter. It's cod liver oil made easy. soc. snd $ 1. All druggists. Summer is a season of health when you take Our Native crbs Tablets Cool the blood, keep the vital organs fortified against summer diseases. 41.00 a box-onounta for 200 days. Rog- ioterod montout4o in each box. or WO mall it. 1' n4 0. litto Co., f".' • ;" ”.111.troot, ' can. ••• MARKETS. Exeter, J014Y 188h, 1900. bushel Wheat .. ........ gg .Ot.P. DelanicokskenTxirkeys *s. per „. 7 to 8 Wool..................PP1*, $6,5016 to1o6.5306 Porkdressed...........,.. d ."‘ 6 tA) 6 4. 0 v - LONDON bi41METS. J , oeloirrn " son, 51.1" • '' special feed Iritetidi' see lin.r. buying c's!.,, • A itt.C; •1, fo•r• • which Two floors PO • .70 to 71 27 , to 40 ...55 to 50 -16 to 16 11 to 11. 9 to 1." 5 to 0 7 London, JULY 1911', 1900, Wheel per bushel... .... .... 03 to 65 Oats.... .... - „...60 to 18 Barley ,- .... 38 to 42 Buckwheat. . . ...45 to 47 - . ...... ....51 to 06 . - 42 to 47 .., .... . - .... 65 to 70 ... 11 to 11 ..„15 to 16 50 to 70 10 to 19 9 to 10 „..,5C to 7,5 8 to 10 e Cot -n. Beans Butter . Eggs Ducks. Turkeys per lb.... Geese porIb Chicitens..,... Cheese Potatoes Per bag -.56 to 75 H .. Hay per tau . 6.00to 740 Pork per cwt- S1.50 to $5.00 SEVERE '1'00THACELE. "I have used two bottles of Dr. Low's Toothache (ium and find it splendid. It cured me of the worst toothache I ever bad." Eivina E Iva. Mau. Laxa-Liver Pills cure Biliontmess, Sick Head- achy, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach. ater Brash, Sallow (.'omplexton, etc. They do not grip weaken or sicken. Small and easy to wit Price 25e. 1). Swanson, of the Downie and Blaushard townline, cut severe! acres of fall wheat on July 9 and 10. The crop was a fairly good Que. HAG YARD'S YELLOW OIL east be used externally or taken internally. It eurp8 eats, burns, bruises. ceneracted cords. stilt' Joints. painful swellings. quinsy. sore throat, etc, -It is a regular family medicine obese Price:fee (bite a Fad accident, happened ou the farm of Norman Kernahan, Col- borne, when his father, John Keroa- ban, being up on the loft he fell about 20 feet, breakiug his leg. FOR OVER FIFTY YEA.IIS Ae; Oen ANA WELL -TRW -II ReSierre-Mrs, Winslowatiotabing Syrup bee been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething. with perfect success It so otbes the child, fattens Gee gum% relays al pain, cures wind cella and le the last remedy for DiarrItree. It is pleasant to the tate. $old by druggists in every part at the world. 25 crane a bottle. Its value ie luralculeble. Ile Egre and. art for Mrs Winslow's SeetbIng Syrup toad take no other kind, ri,nnlier of the ere ee 1 his Sea - sole and s, ••• rw iwing of- qr. in do well to • ,•• prices before • eeeen d hand buggies choap• Parsonc-; "114 see 'Rale ONT To TUE DEF. -A ricb lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Bar Drums has sent X1,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Bar Drums may have them free. Ap7 ply to Dept. A, S. V. the Institute, 7K/ 1?,ighth Avenue, New York,U. S. A. - at- - C1 ot hing UESTO Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range. of Black Worsted•in twills, von e- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show ct big range at moderate prices in Scocch and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and well as- sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A. large stock of' the lat- est goods V oa oercfor singt from $10 up. GIVE US A CALL and see what we can do for you. J. H. Crieve. MERCHANT TAILOR. • Remember that you cannot possibly be happy or successful unless you sleep soundly, eat heartily, and digest what you eat. Remember that if your nervous system needs toping you wi.1 rreser- able yourself and ree.... e those you come in contact with Mis- erable. Remember The 'Slater Shoe.- for • Boys Made with the knowledge that most foot distortions are the result Of - wearing ill -shaped shoes irt youtla, -when the bones of the foot are passing through the developing stage. Boys who wear Slater Shoes" never be troubled with foot ills in after life. S. Just made as carefully as father's, same elected material, same expert workman- ee Catalegtie ship, saline perfected machinery. Sine, " Little Gents'" 8 to eV?: Youths, x to Boys' • 3 toe ere. Prices $2.50 and $5.00, stamped on tbe Goodyear welted sole in it slate frame. B. J'. SPACKIVI N, SOL 004 AGF T. Meat Market Meat Market °ALT AT MEAN THE FAMILY For first claes CORNED BEEF, PRESSED ToNouE, BOLOGNA and SAVSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS A fine selection of 13BEP, 14A MB, FRESH PORK, and all kinds of Fre511 arid .$olteel Meat 914. Note the address, one door north The R. Pickard Co's store. LOUIS DAY, PRoP) Buy the Best and Ignore the Be In the end you will find it ehea.pest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our The unclers!gned has opezwd up a new meat market one door aut of Ceiling% Store where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T. TIANNINQ Sntherland innesl,Co., LTD. RE PREPARED TO PURCHASE ELM !OTHER TIMBER t EITHER STANDING OR IN TI1F. 1.005, Apply to E. C. Kessel, FonEmAN, Exwmt, 07T 1FURNITURE AND UNDERTAXERS. A geod AGeosi me Ile ALSO HEAVY PANTINGS Opera House Block. AT CO,...11'. • • " ' ----- ---- We want to Oen. theee Ike:- at once. ••••••ff*.I• Bed Room Setts, Tables Chairs, Etc. I SPECIAL LOT OF TWEEDS OET SCHTIIING NICE...0 ' ! FURNITURE and you ' will1. At Cost Price We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line o/i il find what you are looking for: FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS. S CIDLEY SOW - - - that in Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills you have a remedy that has never yet failed to cure any disease cauSed by im- poverished blood, such as Pale Greenish or Sallow Complexion, Nervous Prostration, Weakness, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, and Stomach Disorders, Head- ache, Depression of Spirits, Lack of Energy, Puffiness and Dark Circles under the Eyes, Pain in the 13aek, Kidney and Liver Disorders, and Catarrh. Iwo. rim box. dve Wizen foe SI All druggists, or soot %%auto & oo., Tomato. Ont. The Old Reliable Remedy for Diarrho3a and Dysentery. Grandmap r yorrs,.0Thn to: rSe he eenr Itoi; k, wrote:Arn Used It. ‘‘ My little girl, three years el age, was taken very bad with diarrhoea. and we thought we were going to lose her, when I remembered that my grandmother always used Dr. Fowler's Extact ef Wild Strawberry, and often said that it saved ber life. I got a bottle and gave it to my child, and after the third dose she began to get better and slept well that night. She im- proved right along and was soon com- pletely cured." ABSOLUTE SE 111. Oen u: !me Cailer9 Little Liver Pills. , .Must Bear Saanature of See Pae-Sinitia Wrapper Below. 'Very siets11 axia te easy to take as sa,:ar, s FOR HEADACHE. CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. Ina FOR BILIOUSNESS. IVER FOR TORPID LIVER. PILLSFOR CONSTIPATION. . FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION outgrow= gut mvit_olonumnit__ 21%7 I012 rural' Yeletable. CURE SICK' HEADACHE. W, JOHNS:, Tele Tailor - EXETER ROLLER MILLS ALWAYS READY WOOD WANTED. HIGHEST I1ARKET PRICES Paid for Good Clean Wheat. --- In-- • Mill Feed and Cern CONSTANTLY KEPT IN STOCK. J. COBBLEDICK & SON. Dressmakers DutieS 1110•11•11e1111111111111 Are Such as to Cause Backache minnomonmSONI A Toronto Dressmaker has Found a Positive Cure and Gladly Tells About it. Those who follow the arduous occu- pation of dress- making or sewing have troubles of their own, littering sewing melee ues all day •• bolding over that requirea s :greatest of care, ke• • • ese aro the things Jr, • 4 i.'., 1,44 have made niairy a won't an cti..lairA "(Ivory time I ;pa' ke st.Ach with my medic it seems as though I am piercing nay own back" But those who stiffer from backache, headache, pain in the side or any derange- ment of the kidneys will be glad to know that there is a remedy that never fails even in the worst oases. Its is Doan's Sidney Pills. Mrs. P: Coyler, the well-known dress- maker, 224 Bathurst St., Toronto, Ont., gave the following statement of her experi- ence with it: "For some time I suffered a good deed from weak back, a tired feeling, and pains and aches in *various parts of ray body. Since I have used Doan's Kidney Pills the pains have left me, my back basset stronger and the kidney troubles have been corrected. That tired, dull, drowsy fettlingthst lased to come on me has now gone, and I am happy to may 1 have not felt so well in years em at present." Doan's Kidney Pills ours backache, lame or weak back, Bright's disease, diabetes, dropsy, mist before the ayes, loss of memory, sheumatism, gravel and urinary troubles of young or old. Th. Dow Kidney PHI Co., Toronto, Ont. • *-3c-,-,P 19:4 7.;4