Exeter Times, 1900-7-19, Page 4°rattle,
TAK Z .14.1»aij;
e Moisons Bank Perth Pickings
Paid up Capite eteoseee
nest Feed - S1,625,000
Head Office. Mentreat
WOLeffRS'aAle TEVATAS, Esq.,
faximirtAr. MANAGER
ATfluer" advanced to good farmers on their
owanote with one or wore endorser at a per
octet. nerannune.
Fnieter Braneb.
Opeevere lavial day from 10 a, m. to 3 p.m
SATURDAYS, 10 a i. to 1 p, m.
eatrreet rates of interest allowed on deposits.
somerrons. ntetrannit
Ulster. Dee. 27th, VI
Calendar fo
SUNDAY...." ....
JULYe 1 900...
1 81622291
2 0 16 23 30 ,
3 10 17 21 31
4 11 IS 25
5 12 19 26
0 13 20 27
7 14 21 "Xi
:THURSDAY. JULY 19th, 1990,
We hear that a movement is on foot
South Huron Liberal circles t
Shelve John McMillan in favor a the
candidacy of M. Y. MaLeap. Just
how correct this rumor may be time
alone Call tell, lint there is no doubt
whatever that two-thirds ot the party
are tired of Honeet John and would.
Much prefer MeEwan, Snell or :Me -
Lean. UP to recently the first named
was supposed to be the favorite, but if
consents to go before the cou-
vention there will be a pretty fight for
the nomination. If Meleea,n takes the
Connuons the question of the regis-
trarship ought to be easily solyea,
Milton News Record.
This is aeeutoption. In the lime
place, Mr. McMillan has not retired,
uor is be likely to give up a got thing.
In the next place Air. George MeEtvan,
of Rensall, Las strong claims upon the
convention, and would doubtless carry
It against any new team But first re-
move Hottest John; then offer pre-
1 Mrs. Annett, of Nissouri, near the
village of Thorndale, found a, baby in
a basket ou her door step a few
days ago, There is no trace of the
The St. Marys lacrosse tealal played
a most exeiting game with London
Friday afternoou in the Stone Town,
and beld their fast opponents down to
a tie -5 goals to 3.
Daring tbe, week a petitiou has been
in circulation, in St. Alarys, asking the
License Commissioners to renew the
license of the Royal Hotel, to Mr. ara-
ham, The petition has beets largely
signed by eitizens.
Representativee of Stratford's dif-
ferent labor societies have formed a
Trades and Labor Council. It was de-
cided to again celebrate Labor Day.
Sept 4, in a. manner a good deal simi-
lar to the celebration last year. In
addition to the monster labor demon-
stration, there will be a re -union of
the Old Boys of Perth front all over
the provieee.
On Friday evening last an unfortun-
ate and serious accideut happened to
Wm. Snelling, at the farm of John
MeCultougli, on the Mitchell Wad,
Blansbard. Workroeu were engaged
in remodelling Air. McCullough's barn
when the head flew off a sledge ham-
mer which one of them was using at
be top of the building, descending it
struek lir. Sinelling on the head ren -
lm uneonertous.
Writing in the Queen's Quarterly
Priucipal (=rapt says
"The moral fife of the country suf-
fers from attempts at whitewashing
Mr. Lemieux ; but what language is
too strong to apply to the emergency
food scinadal ?
"It was bad enough, to 'end our e,c,
dier lads to Kingston in the depth of
winter miserably shod'bad enough to
keep others at Toronto for weeks with-
out rifle practise, the rifles having been
sent on to Halifax ; but to give them
as emergency food wbat was no better
than pea meal cates was like giving
deveynnig men sham life -preservers.
..-The offence deserves t ihe penitenti-
ary, as the Premier said, but thotigh
the cffence has been proved, will any-
cte te sent to prison ?
"De. Devlin has pronounced judg-
ment on himself ; but what of those
Wianse duty it was to guard the public
adcare fey the welfare of soldiers who
represent Cer.atle
et:tar-erg Hutton in such a case
were'd exa gels-, 'have been 'insubor-
dinate' : and nee fate has probably
warred. :deers against the crime of
wen -zeal."
wee fe';'1 marriages in Wind -
ger In ate past six months, at 137 of
which Rev,. Jas. Livingstone, of the
Windsr Avenue Methodist Church,
officiated. In the same period there
were 137 births and 07 deaths.
Just when a farmer had a nice crop
of grain with all the appearances of a
good yield, something pops up to
mystify them. The good farmers of
this district, says the Woodstock
Times,now have the Hessian fly to
contend with. A great many fields
which looked very profitable a week
ago, are now completely ruined by
this much dreaded insect, which is
getting hi very effective work in many
parts of the country.
Huron County Notes.
Beatty Bros., of Varna,inteed buile-
g a new store.
John Boyd, St. eseeiguetine. has
sent of his farm and cam to Win,
"erniban, The prive paid was $3ello.
Miss Torrance who taught for one
term m the Central School, at (lode -
rich, has returned to her home at
Do •oti read what people say. about
Hood s Sarsaparilla? is cur mg all
forms of disease eaueed or promoted
by impure blood.
The hay yield is it good one this year.
Robert Colciough. Gederieh town'
ship, says he 1111,S t...) tans of hay otT
James Dewar, Stanley dispesea of
his farm to Sam Ilewsem. of Baylield
Read. We befieve Air. Dewar intexels
to live in town.
W. Parsons, of Oloderich townehip,
who was so severely injured in the w.
Went on the Beylield Road on Tuve-
day of last week., is yet in a. dangerous
eoudition, having made but slight im-
Wm. Lawrie, ot Wroxeter, one of
the early Jnoneers of 'Western Ontario,
died :et his home in that village on
Tuesday, the 3rd Wet., aged ill years,
and was buried on Thursday afternoon
n the Wronter cemetery.
Now that Mete is a vacancy at the
Central mal Model School, Goderiela
for a prmcipal, in place of the late S.
P. Halls, there is a fine opening for
some of our Huron young men who
want in time to join the clever Old
Boys of Huron.
Before Dungapnon sehool closed for
the holidays the pupils presented T.
-alien with a beautiful Morris chair
and a centre table accompanied by a
neatly worded address. Mr. Allen re-
signed his position to look after his
grocery business.
Erne Cooper, a former Clinton boy,
is now in .Montreal where be is acting
as editor of McLean & Co.'s publica-
tions. The post is an important one
for so young a inan and his appoint-
ment shows that his employers have
confidence in his ability to fill it.
Miss Alice Twitchell, who has been
teaching at Laurier, returned to her
home on Tuesday. She has severed
her connection with that school and
has also decided to abandon the pro-
fession. Before departure the pupils
presented their teacher with a beauti-
ful ring.
SefeiltiSpearire St. Marys, who for
dirapeat two years has been seeking
,lae.alMiglatas ;dollar in Klondike arriv-
•ed:hurtie on Monday.
•TATOttlk..ra with pale, colorless faces
VIM Seel weak and discouraged, will
Teneire both imei3tal and bodily vigor
uthig Carter's Iron Pills, which are
•=lade ler the blood, nerves and com-
Tbe many friends of Isaac Benton.
;of baseline. Blanshard, who was taken
suddenly IU with sunstroke recently,
will be pleased to learn that he is re-
Mrs. Wm. Gray, sister of Mrs. Fred
Sharp, St. Marys, died at her home at
Woodsteek on July a She bad been
ill for some time,.
Them le no one article in the line of
medicines that gives so large a return
fdr the money as a good parents
,strengtnerting plaster, such as Cartel. e
Smart Wned and Belladonna Backache
• A giiiet, wedding took place Wed nee -
day sitflining at the residence of Airs.
ja.mes Pena Clinton, when her young-
est liali4htf-r, Miss Jeanette axon
Fair, was united in marriage to R. J.
Maedanald of the firm of Greig & IVIac-
don.; Id of eleeforth. The honeymoon
will t,tt,,IP- a trip to Montreal and
Cape Breton.
,Waa the hall, that hit G. B. Stead-
man of Neeaark, Mich., in the Clive
INal; e:used I:terrible' Lleers thet,
no trea:i•;r4' tt r, helped for twenty vea.rs,
' Then li.lf8" Arnica 'Salve ettral
f!H Cats,Bruises, Burns, B. ale,
• Pele'' ',7r; tees, Skin 'Bruptions, Pao.
Pile 'artily 25 cts. a ht.,x. (ate"
eetuta.- Sold by all larugg.e.F.%,
Hope Springs Again, For Report-
ed Massacres Were an July 7. 1
tame: ceeee -4,18,0 Deuies. the Stars of
the Massneres-Chineee Fire ou Buse
Otani Steamers corryitne Ammunition i
-Allies' 'Victory At Tleu Tue-Whe
Caeualtica Were Heavy. But the Autes
now rrooNo anti Vorts,
11-asheiaten, Jety 17. -The text of the do-
epatela revel -cal tiy elleister Wo %les morn -
S as fellows:
-elate tamest elairte .hesee taee Made
protein: foreign utiutsters, who were wen
on the Joiltii ontintnee Va5eLtilar eorrespenii-
onn Jal$ le. If Tien Toil e3Zy
dessreyeil is would be tilt:want
O eeteri, the sante !ta leo years. Melees,:
e powers ni peeseeve it as, the
tine:tees unnee. CLitteso awl feretett
commeree. Ear: Li littng Chang is trans-
ferred to NO:1h elfad 44,i Were.): ott Chi ie.
rlease E.:tinsel:1: this de.enteen to the rani -
biters at. etnet: enninels.""
This despatnn, Jtny in,
sigtted Vrnnenys inn linta aas
ataree Citia Tees; es Nateerse. eat we
hat% respeerave;'.s. eeel case te- esieeg,
the direeter e.sas.a1 •11,egalaphs at
SLX.1-4;11:111. It tc'ts
Mai-sten'h and tee him :rens-
tatted 1,1 Minister Wn cn_ejnn teeelay's dente
reseeraeeee reeeeee eaereenee
the eatelegaeo. S;;;;.--7.er erited Strere.
a y Ilay to age n heotnee lieoV4Ik
Teel tbestrnetion,
.The seerenary's nnswee Cot!: :44:Id•
zalie. but aliutster We, fears time inte.
destruetion airineir Ete, enene,ni. re-
gards the cattle:era:a ae perfeetay atititentle.
Tee reported erreetere ,ef tee ferseeass
In Vela,' eel's:red en ,l'ay 7.
Tete story corroboratea.
Jetle Ptinittnel-Men-
gen, synp„ re, eltnel ietnle
mane -ea., frem esinee epee wilish te•
reeee tete tie leetat en to incialn
wan s:ill small:at Jan.- it. 01:4'
Li Meg el ent,t 'nen tntstliet this tatelnitt.r,
to tale., sevem.; reitita.
1.1 liong Chang lienlee the Story.
.1W.y Cetten:
Sluternef, tenntenells, ef J'ey
tea aeetel steesesee title e ea.
; :12,1 taiI4n 1^Val,j.:1 fe tae tee-
, eameena. esesee eat the fee:lee
lene7Z:eos t!ls Whitt
nen; 7 ny teT'- ra. Tee; "Tams
taftesih 111-'
nrA D^c ef srInnen fen:Ignore
A et ;:.;;n1 toieginen frnat. tare eensul. date
Went arrivel' tst the sante tea
or.4, giren tibeve.„ says Inat 1.5 linng
inning ineelee tii.e yen', anneting tn,4
eres Pettis..
1.1 SUllts Y411' Hong Hong'.
Wa--Ilitegtett, Jely 17.--Tite $tate b'4r'
leiletlited fitibtwing:
s...41-011,17 el State has .reveared
denpanen feen. Voustli ninWatle tninieu
info:Ming hint thnt the vieeney. 1.1 Hung
t',, i1lv1to.titty fee Hong IP
rete4ve.,1 an l',11,11:1*' itinitt. appointing Mal
lalarey at tea 1.1 anel anIbI hiA
tvdiate an. enter -
tallied tit Cautort time Me absence mar
lave oel';”4011 for dintorlianee of the pewee
Frenell glatiboate bar,. nrdye, aeauton."
An interesting little story cOmes
from Seaforth. Little Henry, the
eight year old son of Rev. F. H. Lar-
kin, lately called to Seaforth, got
homesick for Chatham, and. one day
while his father was away and his
mother down town. he got his father's
wheel and started to ride to that city.
He reached Hensel], about 18 miles
distant from Seaforth. There he
went into a farmer's to stay all night.
Henry told the farmer who he was and
that he was wheeling to Chatham to
see a, nice man a friend of his, named
Kenneth Urquhart. The farraer
thought that the distance was too long
for the little fellow to wheel, and com-
municated with his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Larkin had been searching high
and low for Henry, and the farmer's
message relieved them greatly.
Henry returned to Seaforth in the
Citizens have remarked with great
satisfaction that the genus hobo has
this summer almost disappeared from
the land. This is largely due to the
motion of the Legislature in requesting
magistrates to give all vagrants a
term. The tramps are zealously
avoiding Ontario, and Ontario:is very
, glad.
It is stated on pretty good authority
that lion. S. C. Patterson, Lieut.-Gov-
arnor cd Manitoba, whose term expires
at the end of Septetnber,bas pnrchased
the; fine property known as Reeebaelk:
t4f.rdon, near Amberstintrg, for
years the residence (if the
1:e .).1.!. J. H. Morgan. .r Patt eteen
ends once more taking up his resi
io Essex.
Much has appeared in the papers
themes:mite thi• etm:Itry lately. about
raising friers for the. teal ket, ,
ehatiee there is to wee.. eter, t,
shipping the belloe eaa,
large cities of clae
til ard is IN •
th;:o. 11^ &a
its; be iriftwftw
Reporter recently
Sr/.,p finer tiee4::..y ..17s; ,lpst;
wa ere he wte e,tt frr-..,s, i;;;; .r;
Mr. SiMitz Ls
Inc y •IT%
• oy:
:40 1 1'I.
ALLIese rearrest: TIEN TSIN.
Complete itont of Chinese- 800
tinted oi.a Wounded.
London, July it -The Shanghai eerrespom
dent et 'the 1.02p1ou Daily Mina telegraph-
ine invite. +late .1" July 17, says:
"The; allied treeps teed:sued the attatat op.
on the Chluese wafleI ity o TIM Wu tin
the morning id July 14. and sueeealeti In
bretielling the walls and eapturing ail tee
"The 1`11111o,o,, N;id',1* etimpletelY routed
end the allies teak possession of tee native
eity nnI lee aefelpee.
"The tete' basee ef the allies In the en -
if TIIIIrselnY. Friday and sante
day were :diem NM) Wiled or wounded. The
easualtlee were greatest among the Itus
slant+ end Japanese."
aitnia Of Allies Did illuelt Damage
The gtut ef the uiliee did immense dam-
ap• to the native ehy. musing many large.
conflagration, and finally slieneed the ma-
jority of the enemy'e gains simultaneously.
Then 1310 Itusshens. assisted by small par-
ties of 41.emane and French, assaulted and
captured eight mins that were in position
on the ran 1,11,y embankment and the fort,
the magaztne of whir* the French suttee.
(Denny blew up.
Made a Sortie.
A body of Anterican, British. Japanese
and Russian troops then made a sortie
and attneked the west arsenal, which the
Chinese had re-ocrupied. After three hours
of the hardest fighting yet experienced, the
Chinese fled. When the arsenal had been
evacuatea by the Chinese, the Americans,
the French, the Japanese and the Welsh
Fusiliers advanced towards the native city
and. joined with .the other attacking forces.
The Japanese infantry and a mounted bat-
tery advanced to the foot of the walls, sup-
ported by the Aniericans and the Prencn.
Despite valiant attacks, the allies were
able only to hold the positions gained our
aide the walls preparatory to renewing the
assault in the morning.
Casuaitlem Heavy.
The casualties sustained by the eines
were exceedingly, heavy, especially thoee
of the Americans, the French and .the Ja-
Several explosions in the native city were
caused by the bombardment.
The Chinese appear to have exhausted
their supply of smokeless powder. They
are now using black powder.
Bight Chiuese Gnus Captured.
Tien Tsin, Friday, July 13. -In to -day's
combined attack upon the native city over
40 guns bombarded the Chinese position.
The lighting was most determined and the
allies' losses were heavy. Eight Chinese
guns were captured and the Chinese were
driven, out of the west arsenal after a
fierce cannonade.
A strong mixed force is now close to the
walls, and it is expected that an assault
will be made t? -morrow.
total loss reported, 210; about 40 were
marinee, but" number believed to be exag-
gerated. Have officer tut shore eenecialiy
to got authentie number and names, whieh
will be promptly telegraphed. City nun
norte-aow in the hands of allies. Admiral
ashoreie Admiral Alexijeff at Tien Ts111-
Seymour returned to fleet; ranking Offinet1
{Signed! Roney."
Tee, bimetal, was recovea at the N'aey
licpartment early this morning, and was
copied for distribution about 1.1. o'clock.
Before it was given out it was decided to
ake some change in the copy, toe nature
or which waS not dieelesed, and the above
copy was finally given to the pubile.
Sad Nowa Qerne That He 'aa
Been Killed in Aptien.
Lord,. Betterte Wired 'the Fact to Lord
Hinto. mid Sir Wilfrid Lander Brolee
lt lila Minister* Who Was. Come
pletely Over. Petite Col S lteti
ftelleved or His Comm:red ity Lord
itelifirts-WAIV News.
The Story at the German Voreiao -Office; .0au..vra, Jul), 18.„___wtteu a hero
pees :Not Suy All the Vot•In•
dies the 'whole country mourns. An -
aerate Juir 17.-411 .0f -dela) or the FSL"J other statue WaS yesterday added 10
elen °Mee to -day pointed out that Ger- the len Canadian heroes mu...
lelQef4;3 frela the at 71" 9•7111- ed in South Africa. A gloom p -
fell a
ea 'ally 13 was mere taveraele than the ea;
pens of the American admiral. Aclustral! On tile House Of CoMmons, a shadow
Beaten:en= bas reported that the attack up-ni,. Will felt upon Nova Scotia, and at
on the Chinese was suceessfiii, but not least one home is made discousolate,
Wholly se, ene fort reinaleleg uecaptered. .- At 5 o'clock Hon, Dr. Borden, set
in the House of Counuons .chattiass
truirea nieonAnus wAtt. • "-: genially with Hon. Charles Fitzpat-
rick. A few minutes later he was
velesitel gusetre Throw* leave mate el: callea out of tile Chamber to hear
vattle to nesse'. the saddest news that a father can
Lindon, July 18--(1 a.runneTire news or, hear.
itie Manehttrie dieturbancee 5 uot regantea ine soli eneeseee.
as le:ea:lying tile salon, view attrkbedent',
At half past four yesterday after -
ley The Daily Mailrs ne - Aimee the t;
lernaniary territory, bean-, !reit:ern zioon ills Ecelleuey. I4rd Mint?. Tee
iterla nutManelinnia.bas been, the enene ef Celled 111Ie fateNving cablegram-
af aietereaseee ger a toug thee, °wee; "Pretoria. July 17, 1900.--aSee
se the preveeatise coneeet of lase COSSlinS gret to inform lion. Dr. Borden tbat
-414',Is 2 re t hhtte emill'o;Pril inler 11 his son was Isilled in action yeeter-
s aeon ef the itlieseetteuelterian line day., teartaeo Roberts."
ports of Tien TRIO Aro in Hands
of 1111,
Washington, July 17.-AtirniraI Henley
this morning cabled the Navy Depart
meta that the city and torts or lien I'm
are in the hands of the awes, tits list or
killed and wounded Is senrnmat tulle
than yesterday's report, but Alit not en
tirely complete.
Getraral Berney cabled the Navy Depnrt
mem : •
"Che Foe, July 17.--Toeitty hope to ge
Wounded front Tien Tsai, either in hos
pttals at 'raku or aboard Solace. Continual
cation very uncertain.
"Following casualtiesapparently • con
Marines -Captain Davis, killed; Captain
Lenity, Lieutenants ;Butler and Leonard
woonded. .
• "Army -Col. Llecum, killed; Majors Bee
gall and Lee, Captains Noyee, Brewste
ana 'Book:Miler, Lieutenants Naylor, Law
ton Hammond and Waldron weunded.
"Total killed and Munded reported, 775
ifitailtitan and Jeptlineae loss • hears. Ou
The 'message was sent to air Val-
ens Collisions Ilave Oceurred.
frid Laurier with the request that
tee eeriene collate:se have eecurree —
I be simnel. teretus tbe news to Iris Min,,•
totWEell Cosset -he and tile l'itinesey
treops. &Me happened: several assaa fop.; aeeer,
wet% two Itussinn efileere and 10 men were h 110 7,41.1 ;NOW
4411v4"Jit&e4;tee"ilse of the Iluxy 111°T'e'i air Wilfrid hurriedly left the House
*'tn z" .'Nt3nelnir13 Has re51114.444 4 great 1 when the cable was bawled to him,
ieeireetsei et tile railway, compellipa the •
eaaite; t witholtem tbele elate:ale.
lelesel on the, MIebnel.
Ths. thitesse tried te stop tae Itessian
nd in his priVate (Giese with 01.
Pineault and Col. Macdouald, Sir
Wilfrid feeling told Dr. Borden of
anter Miehael earring ammunition, aue ., Iiis great sorrow.
e steamer setereee with the Itiosteu Iron- / The floCter Was Onere01110 and was
t semetssem Ott board, front pasetng, up token to his home by Col. Pilleault•
t "'""z n: .41g1111- `11-1,7 fired se Ute II In the corridors of the House the
,".0 s ', I'''''"'1441 all; 441.frer "4 a 1011. uew'e was received with more than
thg., SICallielti rentiled illagoves- , nntjeav.N. uteiancivehe wawa a roes.
a• ' Ma* i,,NTAgil eidoese; e,annitaude.r at '1 "''' ' ' " . .. . : , It . to tho
::4-.:4tt :;.;ff'..ti.1411.4:1.41.411,1!10'ziiiitibt4::r..:.3.taelllit:411etill:;::'f.attri:511-311" a i 31"11stoetr's31‘11111P11;1:11 N\e::3''''sehla././' 41 wo
4 of ecnaloleetee were uttered.
Aeon -leas to o despatch !row Seenghel i .t. Proton -tee Volvo: 'um,
to 714' 1'4.4 M°51' 4113" Y"'"13,V, 11 The late Lieut. IL L. Barden was
..°141t.;)11:!,72;114!,; , tile"t;111:91!;:a°''al.'14',.14:111Z4' :12.?eit.ealirrs. ol Ito raeteu .a All trs4teer"olify AfsTilt i Par -
China linet Declared War. 1 Ire was ce third ;year student in
1 medicine at McGill Vativersity. anti
The lalks- Mail pualisleea it sensAintn114 11011 he heeOltie a doctor wonia have
41espetee trait sg, RulerMirg, *iatea Mena1 been the IOUrth phyeician in a direct
"alitats... welee eseerts that there is so ti Stilt Lea Ile Ned been several years in
IL3t "414144'4 d";31.1.4 '1,1V'1,1V 4'314'4 Thll'i'' the Militia. being at the tittle Or MS
: enlistment in the second eentingeat.
• SORE PROHIBITIONISTS, •$211,"I'rn otfileKstiego'szade4c"ouliiryiglets5ilers:as.
wont einiiiikred-Otlieetii Of the Current 1 'u •
•iielltellant or the fourth troop or ii
314ox Itc.om000,' 1.:44.04-11,0 Govern.
Inior ine-alected. Sadron :Ind an efficient officer.
•%, ',ratio.
T..r.mi.„ July 18. ---The 0 ist aria ' iiiirki;v4aleelate4tTtel(al . NN;IdIse int -all!l'eriVil f141iNti.°ertnhrPe
14;:t"illinlis4:tit*I.1;;sitiesriltilit4Iti.11annil"plate tl,. reg‘elthawnadt i 81 ckeilli7litel! ninivis'elliekle?,11 tool C‘ctl:
at he 1 rael-Islitik iue.rt i:illifi sTe II 'el::: !A t$51 -11,8s, 0 -1841(7 wayal • la:n.1 maven; Leven lo'44tr 11111 e Trholel !Icel.,. a lal Was
Ill` itiluatuariZed.
Ile Was One of the handsomest men
. . eleasee.
' who went out with the second eon-
• The 14,1111111,131 oinennneut was
act prollihitiot. kiwi: until° eile-o-n- ildnitne'elgt1a8181.:.I
(1 stills(tileetl•svvsiagtrioleelselisepitxi8difnielgiostf
. t ie
censured for reillSing
tally government that failed to re- vaITatiftIlneradtteaCtattutldliziffr's:N.XISoi.elext leave
hibitionists were urged to oppose
cogniz-1.(,a to orgalline 10 secure the defeat for Calming this meriting.
cognize the demand of the 'movie,
The Ontario Executive was instrue-
of all ittelithers of Parliallient Who
haVe ignored the maialate of the
The Ontario Government will be
waited upon early eext sessionoavith
the domed that legislation be pass-
ed prohibiting the sale of Bailor 11
Ontario as jar as possible and
should the Opposition be returned to
power the same demand will be made
upon them
The sale of alcoholic beverages in
military canteens was roundly de-
The principle of woman suffrage
was again commanded.
Tile Finance Committee reported
.$127 on hand. The officers for the
current year were all re-elected, and
President, Rev. W. A. Mackay,
DM:: vice-presidents Hon. A.' Vidal,
Hon. J. C. Michas, Hon. G. W. Ross,
Mrs. A. 0 Rutherford, Hon. G. A.
Cox, George H. Lees and the provin-
cial heads of the W.C.T.IT., Sons of
Temperance, Good TemplarS and
Royal Temphirs; secretary, F. S.
Spence; treasurer, It. J. Fleming.
The following names were ,added to
the Executive Committee of 1399 in
place of an equal number who have
retired or left limits: Bev. S. S.
Bates, C. G. Scott, E. Coatsworth,
jr., C. G. Fraser, Mrs: E. S. Cum-
mer and 3. H. Carson.
A public meeting was held in the
pavilion last night, when strong
speeches -were made.
()Id lion ,Iltst, Two ll'oys.
Thamesville, Ont., July "B.—Yes-
terday afternoon the two sons of
Dr. Duncan of Chathain, who are on
a visit here, were shot by Samuel
Goderich, an old pensioner, and se-
verely wounded. The older one was
shot in the back and legs, while the
younger received wounds in the knee
and foot. The shooting is said to
have been without provocation.
Chief Twigg promptly arrested God-
larich and placed him behind the bars,
weer° he awaits his hearing this
rbetr .;
wes neon . 4 te cam aro?
It was rumored yesterday after-
noon that the son of Thomas Mae -
ale, M. la, had been wearaled in the
ame light as Lieut. Borden was kill-
ed in, Mr. Mackie, however, had re-
ceived no such news. The last, word
from his son was received last Mon-
day, when he was in excellent trim.
The Militia Department has no news
Of Capt. Mackie.
ee Nt.'41$ or..11OI
Xelatill,O, N 3.," July 18. -The
news of the death of Lieut. Borden
came as a shock here and in (.'an -
fling, his home. Everyone was anx-
ious to learn if it was confirmed.
His sister is now at home in Can-
ning, and is grief stricken. Mrs. Dr.
Ilo;den is his step -mother, but loved
him as a son. He was empular here,
and -was an ideal soldier. Ile com-
manded the King's County Hussars
at Aldershot one year, and INAS
complimented for his work: He held
a first class certificate of the Royal
School of Cavalry, and was qualified
ior high rank in the second conting-
ent. Ile left here with the best
wishes of all, and he said on leav-
ing: "I will not send those under
me any place that I will not go my-
1-i'lr icountry.
has done his duty to the credit
-.maw is lainnee.
Halifax, July 1S.—The sad tidings
of the death of Lieut. Borden was re-
ceived in this city with expressions
ceived in this city with universal ex-
pressions of sorrow and regret.
Lieut. Borden was very popular in
Halifax. . His work in connection
with the organization of the Mount-
ed Rifles had attracted much favor-
able attention; while his attractive
personality and sterling qualities
won him many friends.
1>4.ehor11e of Col, toani
toba Dragoons; No. 92 Pte Wil.
yard, missing since the 4th of May
last, is supposed to Le dead.
elnel Batt.—No. 78, rte. J. T. Boo-
lan, a prisoner, reported as missing
from the 5th, June, has arrived at
Strathcona's Horse—Missing. neer
Platloop, from the 7th lust. --No. 16,
Pte. A. IT. Daykine No. 18, Pte. G. P.
Dodd; No. 34, Pte, A. Robinson; No.
37, Pte. H. E. Sabine; No. 43, Pte.
E. Webb; No. 73, Pte. W. R. McLeod.
levalided in Beerentati.
Ottallra, July 18.—The following
men im.ve been invalided to Wool-
wich Hospital, England;
Pecoral Special Service Batt. Royal
Canadia.n Regiment—No. 7.183. Pte.
0. Donaldson, 41st Reghuent; No. 7,-
998, Pte. J. S, Walaer. 82tul Regi-
Canadian Mountea Rifles, :hid Batt.
—No. 324, Pte. R. IL Weir, N.W.M.
Pa No. 336, Pte, 11, T. Warette. N.W.
Ottawa, July •18.-001. Samuel
Hughes, M.P., has been ..discharged
from the command of the South Afri-
can Light Horse. Gen. Lord Roberts.
has done the deed in his accustomed
uncommunicative way. The world
willshe.ve to await Col. Hughes' fa-
cile pen to know full particulars.
Ottawa, July 18.—Sir Louis Da- • Yesterday Lord Minto received a
vies, Hon. W. S.. Fielding and Hon, cablegram from Gen. Hutton, an -
A. G. Blair did not wait for proro- flouncing, that Col. Hughes .had been
gation yesterdaY. but started off on reaeveci of his command by Lord
their European jaunt yesterday after- Roberts.
noon, leaving the finish of Parlia- No other information was convey-
ment to Sir Wilfrid.
In the House yesterday afternoon
neer Tok.;;• -.on, tit* Pay. • l'r. Si "oule asked if Col. Hughes' Te-
TorontoJuly 18.—The body 1'avt 1 had taken place.
Rupert L. Lovell, who disappeared -Wilfrid Laurier replied, ovacu-
, c I '
on Saturday last, was taken from lately; I have no official informa-
the Day yesterday at a point about tion whatever!
50 yards from where the empty boat Hon. Dr. Borden said: "I have no
was picked upofficial information on the subject."
. •
siere eon:Wiens Missioc.
WM 1 uk tit.n tit. Oki ekes Ottawa, .ruly 18.—The following
Otaawa, July 18.--P. C. Hare, ion casualties in the Canadian Special
of Rev. Dr. J. J. Hare of O.L.C., Service forces have occurred:
Whitby, Ont., has been appointed an- Canadian Mounted Rifles, 1st Batt.
perintendent of• the hennery depart- --Wounded slightly at Witklip on the
mut of the Experimental Farm. Sth inst., Lieut. II. V. Toung, Mani-
llarrIti4M 18 10.
Ottawa, July 18.—Major
ipan of D Battery, writing to Major
B. Brown of the Dragoons from De
Aar, June 11, reports that. Lieut.
Morrison had been sent to the hospi-
tal, culIering from a severe attack of
Rtkrelknier a untrue Victim.
Ot tawa, July 18. — 1.1eut --Col.
Herd:rater. who lies :hist returned from
South Africa, bail a long interview
with Pr. Borden. ile presented the
Minister of Militia with it report, iu
which les points OM the causes which
gare rise to his tilsentiSfaeti011 with
tile treatment aceorded itn1)S UM.
Hutton. lie was ready to resume
the command of Ids regunent. after
Isis nines's,. but Gen. Hutton would
net permit him to do so. Ifs' was
offerea. a position on the line of COM-
munication, or three Mouths' leaxe of
absence. lie accepted the letter, and
is now twanging to get • through
with the Militia Departanent, so that
he may return at once to Regina, to
his ol4 position as Conuatiesioner of
the Mounted Police. 1.ieut .-Col.
Herchmer also laid ids case before Sir
Wilfrid Laurier. The I/Wittier hoe
charge of the Mounted Police lepert-
Ilew our consign:alit Hee elarfered.
Toronto. July 18.—Itr, et -aerie
leg 11Yerson, writing to an officer of
the Queen's OWIt fr0111. Stititti Airiett.
Under dale of Jena 10, saya Unit only
325 men of the original 1.13d of the
first Canadian contingent are now
on active, elute. Ile says lite sitat
and wounded are being taken care
of in the most careful manner.
cure Aro Al4 1,14*Itoatn
Out.. July lea—John
Cartwright, who volunteered with
Canada's first contingent for service
18 South Africa. and was invalided
ems. readied here last. evening, and
ur Utile town went wild.
Windsor. tint, July 180---1'. 1.
reiteatee. who was wounded at
ardeberg, arriVell home let 2
o'clott yesterday afteraeon. JO WAS
reteived with cheers and enthuslese
tie greeting by friends. A large
CrONNII MO him at the station. lie
rode in a carriage with Col. Guillot.
Isis father und brother. Last uight
it reception was tendered him.
Inisurnd Calmat:me,
Montreal, July 18. — The Star's
special cable front Loudon Says: Sir
Charles Tupper, who is ilOW in Eng-
land. rentIestO the publication of the
To mere nad friends nt ;nowhere of
karst Canadian Contingent LIDA
and wounded in Waal'. Afrlert:
Those tanking appileation for the. In-
surance effected with the OMR Acct.
dent kn. Guarantee Company, weoee
head Canadian OMIT is in Montreal, 'will
facilitate settleuient of claims by hav-
ing their Identity fully establislied as the
rheitful receivers of tlw lusurance,
ta tne ties precaution and furnisblim
authentic descriptions of those killea
end wounded delays will be avoided.
atinit it nt 0V11,31 BHT IS 0'1.
Calmat:me aro In the nuast of the 'Work
East and Refit of rretorin.
Montreal, July 18.—The Star pub-
lishes the following special cable:
Pretoria, July 16.—A. general move-
ment of the troops is on the lapis.
The column under General Hamil-
ton advanced to Donderboom, west
of Pretoria, this morning, and drove
the Boers front Pyramid Hills. The
column bivouacked at Watervaal.
D Battery of the second Canadian
contingent is with the force.
General French's cavalry advanced
from the camp at Derdepoort, north
of the town, and engaged the Boers,
who retired. The enemy had several
pieces of artillery.
General Hutton's mounted infantry
division is at Bronchoest Spruit,
some distance to the east of Pre-
The Hospital Ittgalt7;.
London, july 18.—In the House of
Commons !yesterday, Mr. A. S. Bal-
four, the First Lord of the Treasury,
announced as additional members of
the Committee of Inquiry on South
African hospitals, David Richmond,
Lord Provost of Glasgow, and Mr.
F. Harrison, general manager of the
London and Northwestern Railroad.
COODIAS,IE IS ItE1.11:111111).
!Walsh Column 'Under Willeocks Ha.
Accomplished Its Mission.
July 17.-0oomassie has
been relieved by the column under
command of Col. Willcocks.
et, Jul, te.
• London, July 17.—The Colonial
Office tennoances the receipt of a ca-
blegram from Col, Stout, from Cape
Coast Castle, saying that an ap-
parenely authentic Message confirnis
the reported relief of Coomassie on
July 15.
D o s
trate your
And are N.
you war -
rid for
fear you
are soon to be bald? k
Then cease worry- EI4
for help is at .
hand. You need
something that will
put xlew life into the
hair bulbs.
L hair
• Deitch t Pulp 1M01111 clerame.
Montreal, July I8,—The coming of
the English papermakers to Canada
has a,iready produced • good results.
Ma Marsden has, it was stated here
yesterday, purchased • 500 ions of
chemical pulp from 'the Clergue Com-
pany at Sault Ste. 'Marie,' and this
sale will no doubt be followed by
many others• .
• en Ed ter shelved.
• Ottawa, July 18.—Editor Daly of
The Catholic Freemen, laingston, has
been made Collector of Tolls in Can-
ada, to succeed Collector Battle,
lately deceased.
a s
it brings -
hair, and th Fc
It _always restores
color to gray hair,.
You need' not look, at
thirty as if you were
fifty, for your gray
hair may have again
all the dark, rich color
of youth.
S.C*)abottle. All ofraggiale.
44.1.axe a 'Weber by trade .and helr
bada, glen& deal te de wait ynne
Hair Vigor, 1 have found tnatt it
will do everything that yeti vbitu
ler it. It tae _gram um the mat
cerepre aavametion bug
my bu- ,
liasea J. Oxowkr.
Max eh Kaninta City& NO-
Write the fleeter.
iryon do not obtain ell the benenle
et eapeeled front the me of tne
teen write the hector anent 8.
Go To
Rowe s
Tells HowMilburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills Cured Her Ner-
vous Troubles and Strength,.
ened Her Weak System.
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are an•
inestimable boon to anyone suffiering from
any disease or derangement of the heart
or nerves or whose blood is thin and watery.
Mrs. E. Horning, of its George Street,
Sarnia, Ont., is one of those whose experi-
ence with this remedy is well worth con-
It is as follows :-" I am pleased to re-
commend Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills •
to anyone suffering from nerve trouble, no
matter how severe or of how long standing.
"For years my nerves have been in a.
terribly weak condition, but Milburn's •
Heart and Nerve Pills, which I got at
Geary's Pharmacy, have strengthened
them greatly and invigorated my system,.
leaving me no excuse for not making known
their virtues.
"1 cannot refrain from recommending
these pills to all sufferers as a splendid curer'
for nervousness and weakness.
A Severe case Permanently -
Cured by
"I had Salt Rheum in my face and halides;
for three years and could not get anything::
to cursme till kused Burdock Blood Bitters. -
"On taking the first bottle there was as
treat change for the better and by the •
Sine the second bottle was finished I was
completely cured and have had no return
of the damage since-
" I have great faith in B.B.B. as a cure
Rtr blood and skin diseases." Miss Maud -
Bruce, Shelburne, N.S.