HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-7-19, Page 2TH311 TEER TIMES
Vareietere.Solicitme. Notaries, Coaveyaneers,
Commisk, -nem Etc.
Mere, to Loan at 41 per cent, 3.1015 per cent.
I. D. Cale l'SG, D. a. X.hi. DICKSON.
member of z be firm will be at, Hensel' on
sturtdayo each week.
VEReITY. 1?. c. at, Tautly Culver
0 I. face -Crediton, Ana.
W. BROWNINU 1I. 1)., 11. C.,
a P. $, aradeate Vletoela ouiversity
(Oleo cud rea;:deuce. Peon:Jule/a Labora,
Wry, Exeter.
4,„ RYNDMAN, coroner for the
ctetooF Ileiren. 00140. Qtve04,:bet
1..ixces„ etw.c,,Esetec,
ent & iennent
naelteralt. ONT.
(tredve-0 (tette einteeie Ve."--ir.naey come
Cfece-One doer ee eth cf Torre ROL
-i bF!NS/1'11,4:4CD CO.
,,s,:thataitte0.1n 4303
Ap OF WATtai 00, oia
'Hse(11.11 •44.N. 1)4`. bee': eve? C
?4,Tr:v7,4!lennMI eaesera
feu uee 9,:re. t'Ve7;;;;;eare'ea:14; 1
eraeacreee ens all 09 tJe7 .8 )!
h s,IC.1"3 rZ3,Pr)
4 option et mem leaea lee Prieneeca eaten
liurioe the vuit Aro yeereshia las I
!Oh( c157,,v-9, sycera34,' pr.:melee.: • tee 9
emcee; ,te 04/21vIir,% 4-414pakt in On, )10
*WO kVA'.
Aeneas. titT43.100.00 cor.enttieg
tro noventelent laceresal teed t.a;
411 ; mat -tee lasetis as; a, 1%
, VI A 1.4 I .11.. Preselent ; it M. le visa
act 9 arT Hz qui s, envr CELL%
eel Lt. Agetil for fillieter mat stelatty.
Entire Squadron of Scots Greys and
90 Lincoinshires With 2
Guns, Captured.
A despatch from Lendon says :-Th
Var Office has recehed the folloming
despatch freeti Gen. Ileberr
" Pretoria...lay 92. -The enenly hev
g itd ht ee vatempr. f".:.t't round
r righ: an:t Al 4 ur veer, raede at de -
la -lit -era itaisek ear Eaglet fienle
terday. 1 regret to eay they sztc.
Ceetled e No.ret's nek. frz,r-
sexted la a $1141,,getrk,It Si'11'
Greys. two gams et tee, Berea; liense
Aniliery. :Ate1 enaiienies tbe
leirecohodate 19e.eneet:• t sten*, in
:at etaer. 1:1 :a kiet a 41.Z.V.t%
at• id, ei9e. ksi. k emir,
tti tire' h. ecy
verging fire, - e eraie.O „rreeen.
>Strati's reek IN S Caine
here. neer al: P C v.
lRaittiwatylteauX., kfi.onzi-taeuulnitte ZkbeNtwooartnla LSIsitotrlee
IJOMllllONN Current and Sudbury, $211,200,
For a railway frem Bracebri4go to
al Legislature. Parry Sound to the Preach Biver,
Notes Cot' Procee I tne ).34FYOarvinik'',a8i:;°u"; from 20 miles
Q00or a railway from, a point 20 miles
1 in autsit.TI.t7.:k.4.tiN)::1;;.1txErjr: Blair f 1.0;east of lialibarton, via Whill103r. W-
eald that the total aineunts charged wu243 Mattawa, $128,000,
by the Intercolonial in connection Kingston & Pembroke Railway C4PIA-
mith the transpertation of the -Cana -pay. breach to Bedford iron mines,
e ered.1 (Ben contingents Strittheoutt $38,000.
"'Iles two guns and the greater por-
n oZ Szots Greys were eaptared.
kiaaar be their itorees being shot, and
item! 911 of the Lincolnshire&
"A Let c•I the tetsualties hes not yet
b.,€n reeeeived, liar. I feer they were
hoe vy.
easatteiltenesittely an at Lack was
mole aar ow -posts neer Dende-
der p, t1itOwn.
viet'els ;h. 7,th Dr igoon Guertis evere
engage .i- Re regiment, kthi.h %vas
AE -sI-!.? skill by
Letreeta -Le le ree, kept the enemy in
eiteete, ie. oe :red eta ha. supports.
We a i pi, tely h eve euffered
ad n one e C‘i419, mistaken
ciatai Li ...ere- ie. ea; beistata fc•r oars.
°OeStre-Ill ;de 11 /I ttli a saeceasful
eng Faso. esh the, enemy eeeeerdety
rv. 1c,ep.
D se.
Beers vho
CA 1.1 t • 1:;r1 if the rtilway neer
Craeoelife oi I. 'i",.; in „le.
fswiler te V:: ,:.: 2 1.t1 r., . t'•e :e .-...e.o.•.,-
puNisLed every Thursday ritern..ng
thnem Steam Printing ampio
I *tree:, cenly oppopite Fit 41.1% Pome.ry 11';
Lneter. Oat.. oy
.101tli st)N11,.Praitc:.o:17a. -
; -
f a' t reacci ea, ac
zhioniy,/tnav: ey.
Irenie.t. ree, sees.
Me -Son etiee utereate-
.V11t1iTiy'S /le% 11! V al.
forcernen"s fz , Et.v,
re stet t %lore driven off ee ter
dty ei.ei ehtrt i- I44.
ieperes frane Heidelberg tie el
0. riP etercenterng of r%rier, And amanita,
t. -on 4in !hie dietr:ct."
Prices o Catt.5. C;ruan,
in the
214 r, eV APVelii;11*ANtii:
44.i4 a era tiea Fee lisle teem •
I teeecetam4 zurertien ate; ; 0 CM', C't,. 4'... 4- t Ni. .
1,4t4tAtl.v, in,..e.12.4n, aae;etleseia ...teat a . 0-, e, • . ..
It 'I'S Li 0 DO4 ,21te212init Weanegd t ' er,"7-;:gg, v • ' 1/4-7' •••'. 4"
e er .14 -at PI: LaieilNG
*L '.'2F t i.,,.Q.7 63':-'4.1 !:-'1
4,'J ,J a ,,e7grst and u•AD,ir ervaav.,!:.,,o :1.., c.4,,,,,..,-.. ',..--, ,..,. 4-L1,•-,..
co t:,i..11Dt., ..f.4 Weitia eat enatenee tl.. t6a. et' 4 L4,..EiikE
44,,V4 CIO' womps attenten,
- inectecoue Regarding "tott stoner,.
1/77 ,-,.= tvh, , In4c, a. 12,,per te''''.0ar4 . ttl%'.'f.'{r".VilV;v:
trem the to.s.,teifIco„ wheZher' ow-eted".,14 ms • ' "
Met 0e. usaJiberii,f)r wheltier 4icras wader:N. il: ;,i.• :•44.9.1. , ' • '
cal,or ei reprmioh.e lo^ D" -D...• ' • 11 a petNen ordera bis p4per ltinn ?. note 1 u Oil c'5"444 'r '' '' " '
"- • ^ • , .., o -see :,...-
Le c,„..az. i SI- AII .,:filr:Mrig Ortt IZab.IVggkIr :4' Iii ' -4-, A ,,,,e hg ,,,ii,,,,,I, , ,,t1.,;',
In iilitit flii sena unil rte. eit; WM". IR 1:I .i.e. . .
ere it va vth.ta the wroi.tt IIIIICRIAt• IV I.t,Z ;..e; . IA:. ;,21; ti.'eIN ,".- 2,7 I...,
41 e 4 aa- ,e itteera frene i tie eel 1; et• nee
. .'e rae aa 4E44 te tar kelteeOpz. one. the 1E. 1 114 l',za, ftveti,L-,,.., liit,.."i' 14 v., A v.. v'. v.
tloot ,...esa tr. r ;40 P.ds*LINIt/IM ale PlisIr ,,,, Vtil'r h;t;i•L`,414.4•••4 •
ist.eu, a 0:,,agh the ail iiiniiller tklAY `4!'1,-1.'i ,
tie irod,i el. trt...iel ci.witif .. , 1:ELere t'.,is 0 vlriefJe .1:
It Tto.- CC%rt,11-11.0 deoz ell Otte refu4- rig re .
10" 6:11"%v'D'ii0`1 , or perm:lie:23 treat 1 - - Is aa‘e :' Wi'a".1'e
cite re eg amass -vim; end waving ;heat ancateet ' lee, sea toe, e tiv g et ..-
eta e- panet setae ceiden o 0 teeeettonat ,
fir•klifj. ; =-1:4•3;.II g+.:III" ef ra. tile Nett!, ellaiiir
rAltIleetlacbeandreeeve all the t roubles Ind "
dent to a bilious state of the eystene, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Draweiatese. nintress afar
eating. Pah; th the Side. &c Wilde them= ,t
rentareableauccess has bees shows; la vixen
liTendache. yet C1.7MILIel larrm trran PILLS
are equally valuable in constipation, curios;
and preventing this anneyingcamplaInt, whne
they also correct all disorders of the etomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Wvela if they only oured
Ache they would be almort priceleas to those
who suffer from this dMreMthg coin taint-
Lut fortunately their goodness cos not ond
here, and those who mice try there will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them
But after all sick head
be bane of so many lives that here where
rom make our great boast. our pins aure It
*While others do not.
CARTS:WS Llama raven Pius are very small
and very easy to take. one or two pills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them, Ia t'iabil at 25 cents;
nye for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mad.
) 0AETZ2, IINDIOINZ 00., New Toth
rttia11 EL koll
14.EatVE lit.4.1:3 are a
eovery that euro the Went ed.eke of
Nervous Debilits, Lost Vigor aid
Failing Manhood; restores the
weakness of body or mind caused
by' over -work, or the errors ores.
ceases of youth. This Remedy ab.
lolutely cures the Inott obstinate eases when all other
PRIM TETENT5 have failed evert to relieve. :Aid LEr drug.
rists $1 per pavkage, or six for 1)5, or scut by mail up
•eccirt, c.f priee by v lb•g9Pt1 1, .1.i NT ...I Mt'll
Liold at Browning's Drug Store E xeter
NEVER EMU; To Give Steetefeeatail
PAU!, tmni
During June 4,268 settlers register-
ed in Winnipeg, including 1,701 of Sla-
vonic origin. Total for half year is
The Ottawa City Council proposes to
adopt a by -laser regulating and licens-
•ing the manufacture and storage of
caleium carbide within the city.
Big quartz strikes are reported at
•Indian River, fifty mile.e from Daw-
•son. There is an extensive area, and
e. large etampede has taken place.
g e
Fil;me 1L44.'. 141 2 vtu Pat to
e; tne top mire is el-ev: thole
seate. 5 el-ai: *lad .th. i ge. l 1 -ie
pee lb.
leeeilea tug LS votie range of qta..il
14-. • cm ; „... Siete
enee_ ea ,('k" 4,j.4.5up
fie t it,ferber. :leer
keee per cwt... ... :toe
Sheep aim
pe. e t. . . 3.'i
.41 t". (01
eating lime& iamb.
pr. eccl. at 3 0,1
iers and l'alvf.s.
Cews, each. . . . 27)00
Caive,A, r.ern. . . :444
Char, 4,4, help', per • t 0i; 625
/eget h.-, per cwt. . 500 525
,tc.,1, 4 6. per ei. t. 5 92 1-2 .5 37 1-2,
am 3 25
Si Igo 2 et) Li 30
T‘,.rentt-,, July 17 -Wheat - Chic.igo
prices deriined About to -day, and
locai prieee were lower. al initoba
1 hard. g.i.t., sold a; ti5e; same, To-
ronto 4414 aest, at leee; and at upper
lake porta, at 89c. Ontarlos are quiet
at 70 to 71c, outeide.
Mil/feed-Dull. Bain $13 to e$13.7•0;
and ehores, $14 to $14.50, we.
Corn-ahaut stea.ty. No. 1 Ameri-
can yellow. 49 1-2e, on track here- and
mixed at 48 1-2e.
Peas -Quiet. Car lots are quoted
nominally at 60e, nortia and weet; and
61c east. '
Bark;y-Steady. No. 2, 40.., west;
and 41i; east; No. 3, 42 to 43c.
Rye -Quiet. Car lots, west, 54e;
and 55c east.
Oats -Dull. White oats, north and
west, 27c; and east, 28c.
Flour -Business quiet. Ninety per
cent. patent, in buyers' bags, middle ,
freights, is quoted at a2.83 to $2.90;
and in wood at 3.15 to $3.20.
Detroit, July 17 -Wheat -Closed. -
No. 1 white, cash, 83c; No. 2 red, cash,
830; Jelly, 83e; August, 833-4o; Sep-
tember, 84 1-4e.
Chicago., July 17 -Wheat - Dropped
2 1-8c far the September option to-
day. Reported improvement to the
spring erop throughout the North-
West and unresponsive cables gave
the bears their innings. Corn and
oats ruled strong and closed practi-
cally unchanged. Provisions were
lifeless and weak. Pork closed at a
decline of 10 to 12 1-2e. Lard lost
5c, and ribs 5c. The Price Current
estimated the wheat crop at 550,000,-
000 bush. Chicago receipts were 60
ears, six of contract grade. Minnea-
polis and Dulutb got 158 carloads,
45 ger
- ,1
Be:eats Erasmus' Commando With
Considerable Loss. ,
A .i 4-p eh fitilli P. r ,,itrta. ?..,:sysi- A
G. 4:-: A,_, Lu t.1.,n .1.a.k -Ilatian Lad four 4
ti.y,` tigh...ig meat -le -ease of Pleaotaa, i
reset 'sag ,ti :tee defeat. Li k.:,,,,musii
•tide en at tans-dere:nu io s. I
(ti t for the same day
Veiet0;. n primery reeeipts
rket'v, agates; $ee,-
bate ea... -Le I e•ea
J 17.-W 0 ,,,, ugy
•!; 70
Na. 1 iterse. i-er
N • t,-,4;.!
- e Aor'.
. 6) 71-,.,e N
ee".- N.... 1,,
. --2.!4,"4"!ty. (7 to
••••• tee, laveltaase t•-•;- e -
N N e he c• -elle el '_4,,t,,.
Z;i-lt.; N..
• 44,- I ., `11,g‘ e vipt, ro.t„
`See (I
80,000 nussian Troops Advancing'
on Pekin.
/. .s e,,nf rrn• if 171 • pp 1 y
hy et,eae s h .; Bus -
bit 11 '• ere. a fP a.t.C.tag ftill Pekin
item .co rt. -4th.
!' fon, including onmen and eipraspplies, ezf
t :0,ereps.os,:d77 etmeitialteeosiouszt lotfi:TiS:usvleloldBmrrtaiesolcik.lvNiye4.00101;nrenalslIntsp000trYci
t ;
' sew-cave:lee SI $ault Ste. lifarie Railway, revoke,
Fielding, in anwer to Mr I 3°,400'
k or a eeillvay from Dyrreent to New
Riehardsint's question. said that re- .
o.eat information from aLuataba Ieleendthe mining deetreet, $22,400.
cauraged the-atelief that the shortage )osing 8z• ;Tames Bay Bailevao
of hay would not be as .seriems as ex.,' aGL'iutlanY' N"th Bay' towards Lake
ported. At any rate, no alteration 4'emagamiag, revote,
would be made in the lateff /hie se$-* °I lawa 6; New York RailwaY Ockni-
• P"RY, bridge over St. Lawrence,
$90 titei
Dr. 3..lorame infvereed 1dr. Wall -ice i;
that me more Oliter A AlUiPinent S would e'r""'ge uver Oltawa River conneete
requ..re4. .cht, hafft ale big Ottawa and Hull, $100,000,
ready parches:el •reteme 35.1100 of ,
them. Nee neport had 4S ee.e 'been EUROPEAN GUNNERS
re tele an theca. A. Britiab celonel,
a tieing from Soeth h 1`191c- Said to De Direeting the titins
the Chinese,
eflverx Itigh:y it this cettipmem, ;Anti
exptessed a 11, 4 bat 4t v. t'uld be
dop.eil for the army.
!ion syainey E4ter„ 3E4 -lister of
:kg's iettlt re, his received
(141 notification 0h,41 Canada ba'
keen n warded ith.. erritnil Prize for
fores" ry. fish a hi wenn, 7t101 utinefal
d agr;ettlittrai old:laths 44) P trite The
ortivia;', tilUel,t111e4,:tivat • hew ever,
U o; yet been mote.. 'the jeleore
ex:sue:nal the exhibit, of an eduelia
ati entree-1er, ateat_ vetoes.% irtinke,
te-tr 1.C4. fearte-4 WIN a 'The
f ttielaide ccnoluelO, kr! 41414%44e
qloa . ive git
1 th suffie5ortt
finite Sam At a the ;marls a ill
1‘;'. Ecen =may, t coin Mae 10
2.en s th.1 the toweling
e enteoulice the Coetaiin esehillit%
isttota At: Et
AA 1 71.10
DI 11
;car A tolohe C,rot, referri▪ ng toilio
tlf Cat•es erci thine in Quolit,c.
4:1 1 that g tag bad
emi.etra t h • pt,o, tf-y u he fart
t DLO* ha 1 breh laInged, bile in
I cast. C *de., lb." 'lent tine ho Iwo)
I. 41,4114lid.“ tqtel mi hat
:he, revirt of the on these
ea, 117;.'frit1 144,4131-.1' replod !frit as
t1.0 Judge 4, nkv.: ect ;it tt
krit,0,,, ••••:i .Vt. ileen •tee. fa -
p. n, ,a rACI'Mitt•ild t un r at • t
Ur f:to nu exterin., tint; e,1 rum.
81 C te found.
.Statisiead, iorough; up
WOMtll Stafri goes? WU ',it the
reqUeril. he tf g4.'.t. Itula er ef
'14' wcroen f th ei matzo ry. .bei tic
sired St4t reraQVCIE 4r0111 a he eta 4414'
hook. II^. under' whieh aht
wesnea ef Czneda were laeourinee
3.1r. p444a gime int a me u; .; o
Gr.c•Itt'S t he. Queen
f Ircla ev.,ked pretotiged cheers. He
£i t/Z ;stunt heti been
agieated fn ;he Milled State& and had
beant trzed 41 0141 SUCCEISS in \A"y-
caning. ttah and Kensas. 'rhe results
tri N -W ZP ,h - n.1 were nfso highly
satisfeeory. He siusted the day Itioi
no: 244 cretent when. th: wunien of
Cinada waled be enaitled to rose in
Denairron eevions.
Sir Wilfrid Lturier-1 have juet one
word to 8417 and that ie re remind
Mr. Moore that the question of the
suffrage bee leen relegated by ibis
Parliament to the provinces. With-
out expressing any opinion on the
views whieh the honotetble gentleman
hrs presented to -day. I submit to him
th-at the proper sphere to propagate
them is in the Legislatures of tbe
several provinces.
The bill tO amend the Post -Office
Ant was taken up. This is the bill
to reduc.e the postage on newspapers
to one-eighth cent per pound with-
in the province where the paper is.
published. Mr. Mulotle said the rea-
sea the reduction was confined to the
eerculetian within the province was
beeause it would not pay to carry pa-
pers long distances for such a small
oft m.
Mr. Davin nee's:red that the bill be
given the six -months' hoist, which
was put and loeit by 70 to 27.
The following subsidies Were passed:
-;For tile building of a line from the
au.netion of (the Bancroft & Ottawa
with the Grand Trunk to the Village
of Minden, $38,400.
To the Stra,throy & Western Coun-
ties Railway, connecting the C. P. R.
with Stra.throy, $22,400.
For the extension ot the railway
from Golden Lake towards the Ban-
croft and Ottawa, $644000.
For the extension of the Al:gob:Ia.
Central frara Miehlpicoten towards
tbe C.P.R. main line, $160,000.
For the Central Ontario Railway for
a further exteataion tower& Whitney
Station, $64,000.
1344- uow 11 :cants affloaf in
t, VA
Severai aside; if -Dna I suspeek small-
ri! ;erlzi are reported oa Montreal
ihe Itasca of bread nes been in-
crease:I two cents a Lod in lIontreal
Last year 20,000 deer skins were ex-
ported from Bretisn Columbia.
Accerdiag to the new directory of t
Montvale' the population im 351,402.
Expert dairy inatruetors from ling-
:sea ;Atli teach a aucenter school at
Broeke Ile.
American investors are turning
their attention' to the iron ores of
anceuver Leland.
A. denaadon of a:20 bas been received
from Calcutta., India' , for the Ottawa
Fire Relle,a Fund.
The euna af $3,441.93 has been con-
; tributed by Hamilton citizens toward
the Indian. Fain:tine Fund.
The capital tali.' of $10ie on. Chinese
'immigration will hurt the C. P. Res
. business in the inaportation.
Smallpox is spreading in Montreal.
An hotel has been quarantined and the
Royat,Vietoria Hospital is closed.
'Ihe new steel bridge auxoss the St.
Lawrence river ai Quebec will be 4,-
000, feet long, and 150 feet above the
e Winnipeg smallpox quarantine
has been raised after seventy days,
during wiaech thirty-four cases were
ll'Vbre' After' Wood' Plospb.odhie,
he Great BraglIsli Rama*
Sold Mid recommended by an
dregeoste Canada. Only reit,
able Medicine discovered, filz
forme ali
o 68nefitei,"allrlte‘eitett)s coril
or exceea, Mental wet,,,ia &rt.:: age 01 loe
basso, Opium or Et4na, ea ect onie
efac core. Paine eta me to say ad Mats.
of price, one pang/SS , s $ tall
The 'Woo o entpany, windstot, ont.
Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter
by Browning dru t
A. despactelt from London says t -The
eterreeponelone tile liapreaS states
het I.:tiro/lanes ere til revel ;fig
1 Sie military operetioue. The carres-
volition; 8'4.401'18 0131 Cilptale Bailey.
of A gl rOrga: (11410(91y SOW 4
1,11,4 41 in Ettropeen garb directing the
Chit/eve ar..illery ilivratious ooteide of
TieneTein. Voreign refugee:4 from Tien
Teiu acrase, .1 •European offi-
cial whose nanie leaprees etIrres..
4O(M1efl1 4Ul.pr(*es, 441(1 Cul.
drill the ellillt*SE, tropes. of being per -
ties to a lolot to tirororts eseeepe of
Crelieral Cluing 411(1 themselves front
Tieit-r..on titu benitmedmeal.
leaciate, the other foreigners to their
tletizetate are in ell 4411.11.I011 in ,
sh.ang 114 accuNing the Russians of in-
diseritnina.e ,!,,.1.4ughter ef friendly- chi.:
nese mon-combalants. without regard
age Or
Company Ready To Handle All
England Will Send.
tiesp.,tch from Montreal says: -
lite Canadian. Pacific, Rallis ay Coln-,
ploy, in answer to th.• enquiries re- ,
ivt on Tuesday, has notified the
Itup..rial authorities that it is pre-
p.. reit Irani‘port trout Quebec to
Hong KOIIEC la.rge a body of troops
as the 'alter coasider aneeilary to
;tend to the sett of the pre.,,ent trots.-
ble in Chiva. Nu limit is piared upon
the member, the e• P. R. Ina uagetuent
feeling canfident that. it can handle
as many men its the British Govern -
01,14 £‘01...3 to via the Canadian
Fight Lasted Two Days and at No
the Town Was:British.
A despatch from Landon, says: -
Lord Robert:3 has tient the following
despetch to the War Office:
"Pretoria, Saturday.-Olements' and
Paget's forces entered Betide
hem on Saturday. The former, on
nearing the town, sent in a flag of
truce demanding it.s surrender, whieh
was released by Dewet, when Paget
making a wide turning movement,
succeeeded gettiag hobl Of the,
enemy's most important position coy-
ering the town. This was carried before
dark by the Munster Fusiliere elle/
Yorkshire Light Infantry. the follow -
g morning the attack was contiaued
and by noon the town eras in our pos-
eession and tile eueeny in full retreat• .
'Our casuahies were 4 off ioers ood 32
men of the Munsters wounded ; 1
aniesing; Captains Macpherson and
Weakee and Lieut. ColewaY Severely,
alai Lieut. rityd-Roettefert, Scottish
Ri(lesi ;MOWN' wounded; ?mon of the
Y411 k h'res wounded; 1 killed; 2 wound.
of the imperial Yeomanry.
"Paget reports that but tor the
eccuratte prateitee of the Thirty-eighl-h
Royal Artillery and the Fourth City
Imperial flatteries lhe easualties
nould have been many more.
"aide/a-Powell re,t4:-hed Rustentierg
The Doer War Das Cost Britain
48,188 011ieers and Men.
4. de-pit:eh front London says t-Tbe
War Office Inv.. issued another casual.
- list front South Africa. showing
that during the wet k ending Saturday
there were killed, wounded 44r raptur-
ed fifteen officers and leo men; ac-
cidental deaths two west; died of
ease feta (^Meet's aud 194 men; in-
valided home, 72 (officers. and 1,306
non. rhe total casnaitie.s as a result
of the war are; 48.188 officers and
Eva.ouated Ail Their Positions
Around Senelcal.
A despaieh from .•Aotiekal. Orange
River Colony. Monday. .says :-An ex-
tended rectum:4'1.4404.1e to -day resulted
111 44244 ttlACOVery that the. lloets had
evacuated all their poeitions arOund
Senekal, Numbers of them appear to
have gone elm ards Vicksburg :t ati the
remainder in the direotion of Bethle-
hem. The British tommanders express
the upinima thae thr retirements of
the Boers foreehtedows a saeeds end
of the war in this section of the coma -
during the evennag Of Sunday Nettle -
out opposition. He foUted all quiet
there and publio coneidence entirely
saitseaetory, thanks to the prompt
and hcad grasp of the situation taken
by 3Iajor ilanburr.-Tracey.
"The distract west (et sonee-
whit utasettled awing to the small
foree - which attacked Restenburg
being still in the neighborhood. Mea,
sums' are being taken to meet. this.
"Further information regarding the
capture of laethiehem hits now beert
reeteivea from Clemente. He ates
that the country there is broken and
diffieale. Coeep quently his and
Pagel'a cavalry were; unable to make
any wide turning muvements. Cle-
ments attacked cmc position while Pa-
get attacked another.
"The position assailed by Clements
was gallantly captured by the Royal
Womanly, who eateured 4 gun, of
the Seventyeseventh, lost at Sloane,
berg, vte Bee er casualties has not
been issued, but Clements states they
are few considering the Mrength of
the positions assailed.
"Ronter'S c.tvalry under Broadwood
reached Bethielletil otil Sunday. tituae
ter, with tos mutt force, was within
nine miles of vow") when Clements
dropatched tils report,"
peelal Pollee to Patrol the Fraser
Diver in British Columbia.
A th'sp 11 elk flow Valletetiver.
15,4e.naus le:r a special ton -
aides WN:t+ sworn- in, on Wednesdaye
(1, deopitellor.a. S14'4'344)0, the cen-
tre of .ha seine fa‘baig industry on
the „t`g trier river, to elpe edit the
eon. t het Weeill Jape
attest; end Canadian .241- Inv men. Tim
J tps LI tro.AC KR r cent. ot
thy /is he ns -n. onset; Iv alai.. recent
IWIV7inimegralion, itud ars %%Ming
to Ito el0 crier. it.t. Leh. Wbile I
'QM e Sid bilbti ftshe men
a alit tei (-rile. lie rateagetra terganize
• d ,c .aan e '.1' teSrs 10 imtdar
to.e. to- Cutest:au /Isle m Itav • pte-
.p Mese Wit • 40Ing out, so
r. 444 11 tilueedit) the canners an-
analte ti 14.. 1,1 p, e 'al. tar them
%LI he ow I bet.* 11,04.. LC tbse Jape-
nree a ite111 )1. to ' •
trouule le leered. consequently Sputa -
at eoeulth,111,5‘ have Wen but rted to, the
stane limit Nee Westminster and
tins oi;y, and a fitiei of poke; patrol
boats baen otganizetl. The Cant:.
ners state that 411e4 %DI close down
tee canneries if the suen inelst, on 2.51
cone per fish, as they cannot coin-.
oe with tl
p. eatitie.ele cannelies at
that p2 lee. It 19 gediera,113. 00/10ufled
outside, the ftsbet Mena irillou that
Battery Arrives at Cape Town en
Route to China
A deepelch from Cape Town, says:
hioiLe.er but t ery has arrived here
from the front mad is in readiness to
embark for China, live hundred of
'Oilier', Horse, who have beeu serving.
' throughout the South African cam-
paign, beee volunteered tor service in
China. If their O2(C 144 aecepeed it is
believed that many more men will
Will be Roberts' Headquarters After
the War.
A despatch front Cape TOW11, says:
-It is understood that at the close of
the war Bloemfontein will be the
headquarters of the commander-in-
chief, the seat of the South African
court of awes:Ls, and, eventually, the
federal capitol of South Africa. '
Owing to the Great Activity of the
A despatch from London, Friday,
says: -It is concurrently reported
from Greeetingstad that Gen. Clery
foaled it necessary Lo rettre to that
placei from Vlakfonteen awing to the
great activity af the Boers In des-
troying the railway and telegraphs
between Greylingstad and Stander-
ton. The newspapers here express
eansideaable disappointment over the
turn. affairs bave taken.
Despatched Overland From Russia
Within Ten Days.
A despatch from London, Friday,
says despatch to -the Standard
from Odessa says that more than 40,-
000 troops have been despatched dur-
ing the past 10 days from Moscow
overland to Khabarovsk. It. is added
• that it is intended to raise the army
in the Amur Government, ; Central
Asia, to e00,000 men.
An Army, With Moderntquipments,
Being Sent to China.
The CiOnese correspondent of The
London Express telegraphs on Tues-
111-' J ;panes ferce is equippe 1 a i h
36 heavy mortars and 120 field guns
and has pentoon and balloon sections.
It is expeeted either Mershall Nodzu
or Marshal Oyama will take mann:land.
The plan of oampaign contemplates
operations extending two or three
"A further force of 13,000 men will
be landed at Taku a week hence and
an additional 10,000 soon afterwards.
"Before the rainy season is well ad-
vanced Japan. hopes to have 63,000
troops in China."
She nee Appointed. )(tom LK Prime
31 blister.
A despateh from Shanghai. says
News from offieial sources was re-
ceived at 10 o'clock on Monday night
to the effeet that the Empress had
resumed the reins of government and
appointed Yung Lu Prime Minister,
It is said that she sent a despatoh to
Nanking by courier at, the rate of
100 miles per day, thanking the Vice-
roys of the Yangtsekiang provinces
for their loyalty, . and recommending
that they protect foreigners at any
,Sir Henry Blake Does Not Fear
Rebellion in South china.
A despatelafrom Hong Kong says :-
Sir Henry A. Blake, Governor of Hong
Kong, for the first time after a three
manna' absence on Tuesday address-
ed the Executive Counoil. His Excel-
lency expressed the belief that the
anti -foreign rebellion would not ex-
tend in any appreciable degree to the
southern provinces of China. He ex -
Presses the deepest condolence with
the widow of the unfortunate German
Mlualeter, Baron Von Ketteler.
20 cents is a feu: prunt if fish are tole'
erubly toeundaai.
Details of tha 1;eeapture of th6
.Arsenal by the Chinese.
A els-patch bean Laudon, Thurs-
day save :-The express publishes a
diepaech from Tien-Tsin, du.ted Friday
1as4, Vilt °haute saying; "Gen. Maims
defeated the allied troops and regecti-
pied the Chinese eastern arsenal, af-
ter inflieting great loss upun its. de-
fenders. The engagement keeted six
hours arid was fought with great de-
mi:a:Aim on bath sides. The Chinese
were eventually able to utilize the ef-
feative dune uf the fort abutting on
city MMUS, near the Taotai's Yemen,
the allied troops suffering severely
from leek of heavy gins and cavalry..
The Japanesse commander sent an ur-
gent appeal bo hurry reinforcements,
as the allies were in imminent danger
of general defeat.
New Governor Installed With. Im-
posing Ceremonies.
A despatch from London says ;-Gen-
eral Sir George Stewart White, ateleae
hero of the siege of Ladysmith and
soldier who was not afraid ta own up'
to it when he blundered, hats just been
installed in his new position as Govere
nor of Gibraltar. The general arrived
at the fanaous British fortress on Tues-
day, and was given a hearty reception
by the soldiers. Jje made several ad-
dresses, which were well received and
will assumes the duties of his post at
once. Gen. White is now in his eixtere
sixth yea,r, and has worn the Queen's
uniform since he was a lad. He has
a breastful of decorations, including
the rare Victorian crass, and is a
knight in three of Great Britain's
famous orders of honour. • For four
years Gen. White was commander in
chief of the British forces in India, to
which post he succeeded Lord Rebeete
in 1893