HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-7-5, Page 5MONEY TO LOAN, we bone onitreited private funds for invest- ment upon term or village property at lowest ataeof interest, DICKSON & Onatlittle Exeter.. ..ette GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott, & Gladtuar) Barite r ,Solioitori isiotuy ConVeyanOer, Eto. Money to loan on Emelt and village properties at Lowest rates of interest FFIOE alAIN STREET EXETBR ICINnantlen L. D. S. AND nen Int A.R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8. 1). IL Honor Greduate O f Toronto Unieereity, Denttit• Ineth ezireeted whhout pain or bail After elfeete, 011ie* an nate. on block. West eide of Main keen Exeter OR. Atiognsou, m.o. 8- L D. S.) Heiler ',Greduate of *be Toroido L'itivereity, .and Itoeal College of Dental nurgeone of Ontario.- An bridge work. Crown, az 4 Plate work done in the neateet ponible manner. It /zaniness anzesthetie torPaiute:es eetraettee, exari strieteet etteration .givea to tbe prescreen p of the natural teeth. °Mee onliosho Cou.1 Exeter. Ontarrie. e,ums-aarer•••sc,•wa.,paamre.....,..,rorguourre. CUT THIS OUT 4111114 Rad US Vaal 5.,(1.11tiS sliver. ant you eon get by return maila OnInne VOX On GOODS tint will Inieg you In Moon inenar. Jo one manth, nom anything enc. Anierien A. w. ICINNEV, In T.. nalemonnermoutb. N.8 W.* five Packs •of Cards Frog, One nock. 'May I. C. U. Home; Ozo e1 Escort, (Mennen Inirtatioe: °unpack eceliffht.' Ono pack "Otr Feta Just Bolds Twoe emoting et 2a other styles with ben: full of go - noon neve ace slicer for nonage, A. W. ICINNEY. T., :Salem -Yaw/sleuth. N. $ FTL.SALE IN PARK - Eue prorerty consietiug of 1 ne.. fruit trees, email fruit. two btoroy %slid; boven gent tarn and wear, «.13 In enceeerat meant. W. IIIEL,Atale, Paraliill, Ont. SM. :AX ED. Streyeal teem the parolees ef the untlereign- ednet Inez 1, nicince, CAI or abeut ntily L dawn nay tally feurneare,�d.sign: .frozat *lightly ereened, A reward for Ler reenvery :win be lend by PAIttiONa. Exeter In 0. ESTRAY C..N.TTLE. There eaneni f4V324 Of(h0 men to atoned lot a, nenth lanandaen U. en or about none the Mote beall of eatate.3 twoyear old Accra two of them dark red o ah how barns mad a little a late mister telly, the other ne a dart: TC311 a little eroalkr than the two red OW-, oiw eteer one )C3%! 01, nein red with 'white! net lega the other lea ar old heifer, light • to Aulet thi lic,,Va6; a hole punched in the I. :t car. Arty pereen returning eame or giving itdormatlen that will lead to their re - town e te snit ably rewanled, WM. DEARING, Entity P. O. getellf /0111W.IFS.. DIED STRAND -In Ewer. on th .t July, %lawn belovol wife of nohn :Aran% owl 10 3 -ewe. CHEST FELT RAW. cauebt a severe cold width mule isly e -best feel raw and tiglit. Itasca Dr. Weeds Norway Pine Syrup wb Leh looeen c d t oblenm. heated the lunge, and made rue perfeetly welln XeUatclinin ItIplenOnt, When Travelling Always take with you -a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry. The •cliange of food and 'teeter to which those who travol are subject, often pro- duces an attack of diarrhcea, winch is as unpleasant and dis- comforting as it may be dangerous. A bottle of Dr, Fowler's Extra.ct of Wild Strawberry in your grip is a guaran- tee of safety. On the first indi- cation of Cramps, Colic, Diarrhcea or Dysentery, a few doses will promptly check the further ad- vanre of these dis- cerns. An Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry is being widely and shamelessly imitated, your safety lies in seeing that the full name is on every bottle you buy. n . • __,, - • - . 1,4 I • a a:a 11' ate 5 im 49 14 LittiA Liver p o eet Sear Signeeture axe riventretto Virepeer recow. Teri amaZ1 ocad as easy' ea take as' mem:- %ARMS TTLt 1VER PI LLS. hick 2S cents „it FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIMNESS. DILIOLISRESSe FOR TORPID LIVED. feR CONTIPATION. FOR SALLOW;;KIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION amaroxstro MUST rIttraT TetrOtable• .0,11F6 "Z7V.MratorA, CURE SICK HEADACHE. THE EXETER TlivIEE. FROM SOUTH AFRICA, I nte re sting Letter From A Former Exeter Boy. The following is a letter received from J. J. Clarice, brother of Mrs. M. J. Waite, who went from his home in Celifornia, about seven months ago to join the British Army. M. Clarke in his boybood days Was a resident of Exeter: - After a somewbat pleasant voyage, of oyer six eveeks* antation, we i'eaeh- cd Ca,peaown. Everything was bustle in thie preparation for advance to the front, and soon the city was oractical- ly deserted -everybody joining the forces, 1 inlisted 'it1 the South A- rcon Light Horse Cavalry, width was gotten up by the tuilliemaires of Jo- banneeburg, and we fared exceptional- ly well. aleey own all the -mines around Jobannesburg. We receive our pay at the end of each mootb. I &a* nine pounds ten shillings a, mouth, which equals forty,Rve dollars • and sixty cents. We are fed very well when we are out on patrols; we go to farm bouses, are given the best to be Procured, for widelt our officers settle. When, in cantle we receive the ordinary rations, whiah, malliee some of the others, are 8t -class; e get a good *UV' of Jantacia rurn every secend Itight, This will Le a gaud country after the war is over. especially for the soldiers of the S. A, L. IL, whosbodld they cheese to remain here, will re- ceive as high as front one to pooncis per day operating the whits. Reaching Durban we remained there one day; 1 went all over the town in a rickshaw, which is a stuaU tart drawn by a, Zulu, The Zultte go about stark naked, Nine email breech clout they bate a large pair of limns and a big bunch of feather e faetetted to their head. They text tun as fast as a horse can trot. We left Durban and went by train to Estcoutt; the touritaa through, witich we passed is one of the finest I have ever travelled over. Front Dur- ban to Pietermaritzbura the country on either side of the railroad is coyer., cd with pineapple mot Nampa Planta- oenut There are thousands of acres of nom Pietormaritzleug to Estcourt it is all graziug land ; the country is overed with herds of cattle. Front Esteourt we travailed en our horses to Freels where we joined the rest of our regiment. We :left Freers and teavelled eat one day, taking a po- sition on the Tugela, river in the night, right aeroes from thelleer stronghold, the now celebrated Spam Kept and with hard work area hot fighting held tt, until the infantry, artillery, and some of the nava: fellows from the truism. 'Terrible, with their bimetal guns arrived. Our camp was called Petgierterai camp, under command of Sir Charles \Verret). We remained at Potgierter's camp about a week, and then the cavalry brigade Under cm - nand of Lord Dundonnald, went to Acton Homes. We had our camp be - bind a bill for two or three days, and we moved out (me morning to recon- noitre, and as we were crossing a val- ley were shelled, by the Boers. They did not do mucb damage,although shellswere falluig all around us; for they only killed one horse. We all re. tired into a Stoup. We charged up a bill called Bastion, and drove the Beets one while the other squadeons crossed over the valley to a clump of busbee, and peppered them as they ve- treated clown the other side. When the BOOTS were all alt the bill, they elicited it with one of their big guns which bad been placed on another hill: one of the shells buret in our midet, killingMajor .0hilds instantly and wounding five privates. That was the beginning of our six daysbattle °flat. gem. General Iluller was at Chievely fac- ing the Boer positions at Colons°, while Sir Chilies Warren was at Pot- gierter's camp, and Lord Dundonnald at Acton Homes. Our loss on Spion Kop was very heavy owing to the Boers bolding all the higbest hills, while our men bad to climb the steep hills, and drive them front the trenches. The cavalry regiments, while stubborn ly advancing on the Boer trenches, the Boers all stand up until Thorneycroft and the men were within two hundred yards of them. The front rank of the Boers bad thrown down their guns and held up a white flag, waiting until we were close enough ; then the front rank of Boers dropped down fiat and the rest of thein fired a murderous volley into our men, killing n large number. 'Such a position an be bet- ter imagined than described. Our troops retired across the river to Pot- gierter's camp, to await reinforce- rnents, and then we attacked the Boers at Vaal Krantz, driving them off Ow hills and killing quite a number. The Boers are very treacherous. end practise unfair methods of war, such as firinnr. on our hospitals and a mlon la tices. 1 was in the field hospital for two or three days with fever, and while there they shelled it vigorously, until it had to be moved to safer quar- ters. Onr gunners never did fire on the Boer's hospitals uutil we discover- ed that their big bospital tents were used only to shield their big guns, and their bosmtal ambulances to convey their small machine guns. They had •a big red cross flag on the tent where they kept the big guns, Such' ate -the tactics they employ. We could not force our way. through. their position without a great loss of life se we retired to our eatup. The cavalry. brigade made a flank mot -e - l:13 ent to the right onColenso, and crap. tured a hill from the Boers called Mon- te Cristo, and We held it until the big - naval guns could be mennted. The infantry soon followed, and together we soon drove the Boers from one hill to another, until we mil -at Oreil all their positions around Colenso and a strong fortification called Fort Wiley. We then mounted the guns on a nigh bluff on the south side of the river, across frona the Boer nositiou on Pieteros The 'cavalry was lower down en the side of the bill, right tinder the big guns, while the infantry got down into the bed of the river and cbarged up the hill On the •Other. It was a gland sight, and one never to be forgotten, to see our big. naval -guns, howitzers. and artillery, throwing lyddite , and shrapnel right in tea the Boer trenches, and the cavalry firitig amiss the river to corer the ad I -once of the infantry I The big guns kept on firing until. the ! infantry was close to the Boer trenches • and then they stopped for a tiroe, while the lofantra charged their trenclees: with the bayonet and drove them out, scatteriug them in every direction. Whea the infantry got close to the teenchea, the Beare had white rags tied to their elides ready to • surrender, but our officers gave the order to drive them out at tae pomt of the bayonet, for they fearedtreaelo ere,. The Weary Wok possession of Pieteine hill, winch was cousider ed the key to Ledyenalth, while ahe bowitzeta and n.aaitil gone sbelled the Boera asthey retreated. The .cavalry eroesed the river on a poOteon bridge the next day and etiptured about atal Boers in entail bodies. Aftme crossing the liver I .could see in the Bonr trenches the graves of scores of their dead soldiers-•eigoe where they had. fallen. nenavel gnus followed os op Pieter's hill front which they shelled the Boer positiou called Mt Bolwaue from one side, while the Ladysnath garrison shelled them .frora the otben killing, a greet number end capturing -more of their big guns and. transport wagons, while the rernainer retreated to Ilan Been - en's pass in the Drakenberg moon, tains, and to the Diggarsaerg. Our Jimmie. to Ladysmith wee now comparatively easy. The people there looked very thin, and they were as pleased to see us as one is a long absent federal, The re- ception Omit Meyer be forgotten. They had very little during the stelae. They bed to Lill and eat their cavalryeaertil. and transport mules ; they ate . te.-o thousand bores end mutes. lett they wpm stilt in geed spiritseeneiderneg the ba hips they had te:as throt4-131. Mt- Thalmann, the position the Boers iteld wbzrhveto- mantled Ladyemitie is a very bigla hill about .three tones Item the towel. They did little tannage to speak of to the town with their hig.gette efor there were only a few inoldittge Amok with hells. General Baer is a flue leaking Ian and a brave :soldier, and las de- portment and Generalehip instil de. teritilleatiOn ;end eonrago into tbo ranks. We had a, big time celebrating e relief of Ladyemith, with horse. acing, footeraelm jumping. tug-of-- war, being cOnteste and 'bieeetittek, 'wreetlinge Liberal prizes were oiler - ed. In the tugeofovar contest, for witieh the hugest prize was offered or squadron won the lallreia. The gift 'from the Q,U0t•I'. In Li e tamp° of a box of vitocolate, 1 mien most highly, end would not part witO it for anything, as I •consider it a gota 4 f am enjoying excellent health. Ia. i. Cosnoo 1••••••10wwwesmomme.. arr- '.rLi.T THROBBING HEADACHE Would quickly leaVe you, if you used De. King'sNew Life Pills. Thou- sands of stifferers bave proved their matebless merit for Siek and Nervous Headaches. They . make pure blood ana strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them Only '25 cents. Money back if not. cured. Sohl by all Druggists Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm syrup IS SUM death to the worms every thniebut barmlese to the most (linnet° obild. It contains its own cathartie, be there is need of giving moor oil or toner purgative atterwerale. ieu Alb BR1C.A-BrIAC In Germany a clock has been made that is warranted to go for 9,000 years. Australian rabbit skins aro being converted into sealskins for the A.merie can market. -Since 1841 the cultivated area, of Ire- land has dwindled from about 4,000,000 acres to 2,000,000. The per capita money circulation of the United States is $2,542, the highest In the history Of the nation. Secretaxy Alger's middle initial A. may stand fox. Asbestos, and perhaps signifies he is not afraid of being fired. There are now 15 beet sugar factor- ies in the United States, Germany bas 460 in the Magdeburg district. The beet sugar of Germany equals In amount the product of cane sugar in all the rest of the world. The most costly leather in the world IS known to the trade as piano leather. The secrecy of tanning this leather is known only to a family of tanners in Germany, though the skins from which it is tanned comes almost entirely from America. The French mint coined last year $68,900,000 in new money. Of this $43,- 665,800 was in French coin, $4.965,000 was silver and bronze for Indo-China, $4,000,000 silver coin for Russia, and §600,000 gold coin for Tunic. Small amounts were coined for Ethiopia, Morocco and Lichtenstein. Labouchere, of London Truth, In his latest attack on theHouse of Lords di- vides its members into the "mentals," the "ornamentals," and the "detri- mentals," and thinks that if the latter two classes were dispensed with room raight be found for the "Inmate's" in the House of Commons. British "brewery shares" have de- clined heavily in recent months. In February, the ordinary stock of All- sopp & Sonn sold 20 points below the price of a year ago, and 89 points be. low that of 1896., Guinness & Co. or.. dinary shares showed loss of 30 points from 1898, and of 114 points from ‘1896. • A Beat. In Callao'. News has reached Williamsport, Pa.. of an adventure with a bear in, tbni wilds of Brown Township recently. While Miss Lula Beaver was teaching the little country School of twenty pu- pils, all were thrown in a state of paelle by elbeerving a good-sized bear enter. ing the schoolmate. Boys and gifin alike dashed through the windows, ‘while the bear stood innate aisle entrain' • by the commotion. Miss Beaver, nitalf teacher, hastened down_ ono sideatt'Ma room and ran out, closing the doos afe ter her. In the actetentinve woad woodsmen heard the commotion, luta hastening to the scene With it Ai% quickly dispatched inn animal. The hie e well he oreeenteCto the teacher. ..f;-04, Word to the Wise is Sufficient." But some stubborn people wait onta "down „sick." he-,, • fore trying toward off itiness or cure it. The wise mew. nize in the word "Hoof assurance' of heath. For all blooa troubles, eerofula, pirco oles, AS well as diseases et tite iddrieys, aver and. bowels, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the effective and faultiest) cure. Mood. Purifier-" I have taken Hotel's Eateeparilia, and find It beneticial for My - elf and baby. It parities the bloodand strengthens the :Otero," Man anzara nneen, Clinton, Ont. Strength: Ealider-" nlyeeln wife and nildren nave taken Hood's Sareaparilla and it etrengtbened as. It relieved. Me of la large leant." DAM nleGamtere ceretaner. colt Inelitotea Ont. Ont, gliSaPa4 e'00 40er the ee_sle!LOYIkIna to tVee wnli !toad's saiieraz;24.. g The legit -Wive grant to the Pubtie Schools of Middlesex for the Present Year has been received by County Treasurer McEvoy from the gover- ment. The grent amounts to ao,a06, The death is chrouielea of Robert, &tees, in the Sard year of his age. De- ceased was a. reeldent of Seaforth for as, Pars and was a native of eeplon, Surrey, England, and came to this country in his boyhood, sett- ling at Torouto, Dyspeps:a bit ets worst, forme will leld to the use of carter's Little Nerve PbIJs aided by Canter's Little Liver Pala, They not only relieve Mesent distress bot strengthen the stomach and digestive apparatus. Yu;' best frietal can give you no Her advice than this °For .tetpure looed, bad stomarb aril weak tierves ahe Hood's Sarsaparilla." James Beattie, a well known farmer, el Westritioster, drove to Melbourne to visit his eon time. The day being ery Lot and the reads dusty, Ne. Beattie tirntit‘ lei -mere along, and the day STAN t0leavallotly well spent wben be 110Aled, t Maui eo. At this time a passer-by ot.ie%d ikat air, Beattie was appateutly ;Weep in his buggy. The botee was still jogging slowly along. wow, the bora- stopped, the cliscov. ry IN as made that the occupant of the boggy mi.:. &tail. Life had lied elute doom -co njoying the ride, awl must hone :owe as, peacefully as it was sudden, Pat alysis of the heart was the muse of dentio WORK IVIULI YOr elLEn.P. If Pat Mkt' LaNn-lat t r Phi midget. before renitunft. wi. I oink elide yen elect) 'without o grille orient), canter llleu.uts, net; anon, ezyspepste ud Men Ile attache. end wane you feel better in the mining. Dicycline mei elven eteamelly will Mid Dare Yellue 4 11144%L etreeti% eremt dy for:limbering up thets nut c antanlea '1 he bon thine ter etaa weutide et any land. l'riee23e. PAINFUL PICRIOlas. Weauen who mitten al. nein. pain ON'crs month can find ready relief by ueing Milburn's neer. lmg lic,..tatChe POWtlerA. '1'10y contain no morpitine or opium. mil leave tau bad after (Irene lin Thr, Inlet accept cone num laa,lael,e eowdero eurely din appolutn • _ kloiumatiter Health Is easy to attain, easy to • retain if you use seceoseasoesseaaaireotoceeetneeenageass 1 NATIVE HERBS I CernorinaL Linnakeleen Kis neeoteeeeetzessootoseeezzerezeeoeocieen Prevents and cures all summer com- plaints; regulates and tones the stomach; keeps all the organs healthy. 200 tablets $1.00- cure guaranteed or sooner back. _AA druggists orb). mail. THE ALONZO 0. BLISS CO. 282 St, Paul Street, Montreal, Can lleai. lluiibu It is fashionable to -day to have a new heart scare every 24 hours. The commonest symptoms of dys- pepsia or nerve trouble, such as pal- pitation, weak spells, loss of appe- tite, and poor circulation, are magni- fied and distorted into serious signs of heart trouble, with the object of frightening the public into taking this or that heart remedy. If a hundredth part of the heart trouble we hear about were real, the ceme- teries would be filled in a month. A Wrong construction is put upon com- mon ailments in order to humbug the people into the belief that heart disease is prevalent, whereas real heart trouble, which is so sadly and suddenly fatal when it does occur, is a rare disease. Lopsided arguments cannot convince an intelligent people. Iron is the vital element of the blood. Too little iron means weakness, lack of spirit, pallid cheeks, shortness of breath, sleeplessness, nervousness, loss of vital force, ending in general break -down. The iron in Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills is in the solu-, ble form you need, in combination with other curative agents in such a manner that disease can't resist their action. You feel yourself well when you take Dr. Blood and Nerve Pills. 50o. per box, five boxes for $2 00. ep prniallsts„ or Bong WHBattie k Co., Toronto, Oat. MARKETS.. - • _ Exeter, JULY 403,1 Wheat per buehel Oate 1.1.• Bar4eY*. A I.". Peas.. .... ... ..... •55 co 45 Butter...„ • la to 15 Eggs...,. It te 12 Torkeys ... 0 to 10 Geese . 5 LQ ChiCkePS perTh ....., 6 tO 7 Ducks._ .. ... 7 to 8 15 to 10 Dried Apples.. 6 ea 06 perk dressed-- n1.0e to nee .04 10 a .2610 27 aa to el LONDON InAztEETS. Loodon. JULY 4:b, 1000. Vi'beOatsat per buhen„ 04 Peas .....60 Barley ..... -.38 Buenteheat Rre .••••• 61 .... .42 Beaus - .65 Butter ..14 Eggs •. 15 Duette Turkeys per ie. .10 Geese per n...... 0 Chickens 61 Oheom e Potatoes per sag ... Hay per ten . 6.00., , ; to 5780 Porn per cwt... -. ante to e.5,00 to 66 to 33 7 zo 42 to 48 to 55 to 47 to 70 to lt to 16 to 70 to le tO 10 tO to 14 10 76 SALE REGISTER. FRIDAY. JI,LY 2:311I. -Sale by peblie auction, on the premises, at 2 p. House and Lot, corner of Andrew and Laogball streets, Exeter, the property of the late JAW'S Garlatal. A. Hooper, awl ioneer. The death took place en June 20, of Rebecca, wife of Frank S. Emery, of Denveneolorado,and youngest dataglo ter of Joshua, Lewis, North aatemoutb. Site was Aged 37 years, A sister, Alt's. Boodle, lives in Goderiele Tho,se unhappy pet -sous who sutfer from uervousuess and dyspepsia should ue.e Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are made cep eesly for sleepless, ner- vous, dyspeptic eutaerere. Price aa coots, If there is a caelay Itt e -our aching teeth, plune it with a piece of Dr. Law's Toothache limn it will stop the ache promptly, and act ae a tem- porary Minna Priee FOR OYER FIFTY l'EAVIS An Den AN -o Wg1.1,TAIFIk Daelinztee-Mre, Winnownneething nyailo bas Nam wed to veer Jinn years by mil:meet metbere ler tbei clailciren while teething, with nerfottsuronn it soothes the child. Kat:nee tbe gums. ottani al pain. cures wied eolle. and Isaac best remedy tor monriunnt ri, is oleaeatat to the mete: Sold by druggists in every* ran of the world, 25 ennte a bottle. Ite vahte is icealculable. Be mire aunt an: ter ZiirS 'Win:Alert SOUVoing Faro and talieuo otherniud. To Tun DEAF, -A rich lady cured, of her Deafness Dud Noises in the Head by Da Nieholsons Artificial Ear Drums bas seut 1:1,000 to bis Imaitute, 80 that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have thent ee. Att. ply to Dept, A. S. V. the Institute, 7$0 Eigbth Avenue, New York,U, S. A. Cloth ;fig Slater Shoe Catalogue Send your name and address on a postai, or call and get the new 44 -page eatelogete "CGre,s."tetlielaes li5ticsiut shapes and stylee in. "Slater Shoes," illustrates Damn in all tneir varieties, tells of the leathers iu their mane - up, _full of whelesonee advice on shoes and feet. By its means you can order shoes lee mail and get the exact size, witltio elaape. color and leather you want. "Slater Shoes" are made in le sieves. 6 ;slants, eleen and nalf sizes, reliabio lee:kers arid fashionable colors. Every pair Goodyear welted, bearing the trade mark, aline and price 3f makers stamped ott the sole in a slate frame. evn.reeeeeeen E. 3. SPACKMAN, SOLE LOOAL AGENT. CALL AT late await Poet iSeuitural So- . e THE FAMILY clety bas appointed 'arum% seere- tarye to take the pl. of W. X. Me- t Market ea For firse caws CORNED BEEF, PRESSED. TONGUZ. BOLOGNA and SetlaSAG LARD and SMOKED MEATS n selection of F, LAMA .all kinds of Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of s.olution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of 131aek 'Worsted in twills, VOWS- Cian'S (bought before the heavy advance M price and selling at the old prices.) Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted. suiting. We show big range at moderate prices resigned. • '1 Two young boys from St. Marys a tapped the -cash }o at tbe ereentery FRESH PORE, .S11 at VW .atoltonl 1Nlienetose band. he AtitireSS,, ore door north of lze R. ickard Co's store. LOWS D4Y PROP: , The undeisigned bas open ci up a, new meat enavitet cno door there one 117 1a week. The ones who did the trick were discovered, Toe wife of John Snuele• of the Oth Eibbert, dicd at ber boom early Thinaday morning, after an Melees of • about a week, a be deceased was ally in the prime of life, 42 years and la months old. Alt's. Senate leaves be hind her a t'arnfly of sin LO mourn the loss of a kind ansi altectionate mother, Meat Market EXETER OLLER MILLS Aa'S READY STAR FLOUR Reduced to $1.80 Lili Feed and Cern IA CONSTANTLY KEPT IN' STOCK. J. COBBLEDICK & SON'. Bu the Best 10THER TIMBER EITHER STANDING OR IN THE and LOGS, Apply to ignore the Rest' E. C. Kesse , FoaEztvg, 4011til 01 01 (1',8 gam where be will keep the cboieest of eats constantly en bard. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T. riANNINa 4 heriand innes LTD. PREPARED TO Pla ASE ELM I1) the end you will find • it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant rem with one of our , Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs,, Etc. GET SOMETHING NIOE__.-A, We have it, you want it, Take a look at our full hne Id FUNITURE and von will find what you are looking for rice. FOR TEE NEXT 15 r'AYS. A geed .Atoorinieot, ALSO II ISAA'Y PANTIN.GS AT cosrr. in t•leocch and Canadian tweeds S CIDLrf SOH wemartto wo eary a large and well as- FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKER. • sorted stock. Prices to Alin Opera Utilise Block. A large stock of the lat- est goods voa oercfor singt from $10 up. GIVE ITS A CALL and see what we can do for you. J. H. Grieve. MERCHANT TAILOR .... • Tired Housekeepers. I .1 I 1:1111S711•110 Disordered Kidneys bring them a niultitude of parns and aches. How often women give out before the day's work is fairly begun and sink into a chair utterly worn out. But the houeework must be done even though the back does ache, and the head feels ready to burst. • These women can't understand why they are never strong, why the night does not brieg rest, why they are always tired, have no appetite and seem to be pains and lichee all over. • As a rule the real cause of the trouble is the last one thought of. 15 all comes from the nidneye. These delicate little filters of the blood get out of order, and as a result the urio acid and other poisons thab they ought to carry off are sent back into the system. There's no use trying to get relief until the kidoeys are restored to health. The easiest, safest, quickest Way to RC- complish this is to take Doan's Kidney Fills -natures' own remedy for all kidney diseases and derangenaents. Mrs. Martha S. Frost, Little Inver, Digby Co., N.S., recently wrote as follows: t. I have much pleasure in stating. that Doan's Kidney Pills have wonderfully Improved my health. I had been suffering with lame baok for a number of years ann at the time I began taking Doan's Fills I was almost nimble to do any honeework. "I have nsed three nozes and must say lhey have taken the pain out of my beat find restored my strength. I don't think there is any other medieine coulter Dome's Kidney Billa for kidney troubles." (near thine lilies at once. W. JOHNS, ['rile Tailor attaaaaaMeentoneeeeeneeeeoeneene. . What -• eele.aaWaltatEa as Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine' nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by IVIillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natitral sleep. Castoria is the Children's • Panacea -The Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castorin iS an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dn. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Man. THE FAC -SIMILE Castoria,. "ca. -toile Is so welt adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me." H. A. ARCHER, M. D. Brooklyn, tV. V' SIGNATURE OF . APPEARS ON EVERY. T -RAPPER. Tllct1.,r, ,T MURRAY wrZtzs-r. P.1W vonK wry,.