Exeter Times, 1900-7-5, Page 2Llt,GAL. *
narristers, Soecitors. Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commiesi 'nine Eta
Meney to Lean at & per centand 5 per cane
member of she arin win be at lieu -sail en
Inzirciay of each week.
Newoy Items About Ourselves and
Our Neighbors -Something of
Interest From Every Quar-
ter of the'Globe,
ERS1TY, M n. te M. Tiznity never
-Oeuditen, Oete. The patriotic, fund now totals $305,e
I 20
aanteea,V.tQit Uz rsity J..y.rwhitt, M.P., died at
retedetiee. dc"i'llc"1 LAbc41'' bis home in Bradford on Friday night.
NIAIAN, coroner for the
unty et 04e0. 014i•qni4e
an the operations of the intercolonial
Six officers and IR men of the 3rel
Dragoens. at Kingston, are serving
io Sowell Africa.
There will be a surplus a $100,000
nn'en lent RntilwaY f(q* the Past
Crailuate Ofthe 0iitatio Veterinary Col-
Cane-Ozie deer Kent of Town Haat
/yak: WATERLOO likr:ITAre,
143etts.440444etii01 tsca.
flEAC OFF/04 • WATU1i.00, ONT
2135 ec'EarEET 11,71ter.I:i CVO: k:vertay-eiete
lune Mt eeerttioe zte eeziere
(emanate cesitineet tetereanetot lessen
Pannee kten., nerneeetzeo,
old" titacitItts ar-tt il-ectli4tteda
st4IIni.',.c proves -0y. lrt‘mgnc 1p7;,.tre4s hoe
'Y 01 0Q naul;inge eretuttant s'ete ,e
heriett,-el;Ast ten e ears thie eetneany 4,43
Renee:tee F1.tg. 4:41 penmen 1,j ;11E/
T4A.11112° •Ca aroi pai,i ae1Hle
alseeze. azetetoo.00. meter:Fie or :ewe
.ene i veremeet c4.1 unasset.
td Pica:tan: tee 4:4.4 114400.
f`TP;i4rTir:; 4, A *Me rima
ett . • 1-. ere.e, e ?lerCRAL
L i; r.for ateterenctvicionty.
1E ExuER 1151$
p every Thursa ey immune; at
1 A new rifle range, costing aboot
i $35,000, has been purchesed in Monte
1 real by the ntluister of Militia.
IOver 25,00a etiSe4S -et lobsters have
- been ehipped green Ilalifax for Havre.
The ehipenent is worth .$e50,600. .
Hun. Air. Moloch, acting Minister of ,
Public.. Woxiee, bee math! arrange-
.. Merits ger cenetructitig a ceble to .
Emperor William has promieed to
vielt the St, Louis, Moe ProPesed
pommel, a possible.
There has been a large decrease
in the export of bananas from Jamaica
to the United States.
John Adana Mitchell, aged 79, is
seeking a divoroe from his wife, aged
72, tit Uniontown, Pa.
Every window on one side feta Bur-
lington train near Kansas My was
broken by hailstones.
ieeee ,
Notes of Proceedings In the Nation.:
al Legislattere,
The death of Col. Tyrwbitt formed
the subjeee of tonching eulogies by
Mr. Foster awl Sir Wilfrid Laurier. A
May Bruce, the (laughter of a non, handsome floral wreath on the desk
of the departed member from Seuth
pond by St. Louis etrikers, Simone 1111n It painful rem der of the
Most Chicago clergymen dieapprove tth'd gaP which the grij'n re4Per llaa
of forcible Christianizetion of Claii.
favoured by Blehop Craeston.
Tbe pest.oftEe.e. at S. clairsvme, azporrenalzet fizt,t•11; istacietLuso,wiareto6:1e
Ohio, was robe:eel of $600- The burg- . .
litre missed a strong liox containingie ate lieu m
s ane
p i e 5
excelleat qualniee.
An electie line with -rht41.-3-1ved
Profee,sor Robertson was a witness
C:4 TR, whieh will make the trip from before the
is talked ef. He showed tbet there baS been a great-
,A•griceliatral Committee.
New Yerk to Chicago in five hours,
develepluent ne detryiug in the North -
Wives e -f farmers in the, dietrie
made in the rank:, of the people's re-
presentatives this sessieto. 1/r.
IBelie /ale.
Wabasb. Ind., are rgeniztno
'e$t Territories. in Inn4 there was only
he fare a the women :one dair,y station in thun
at cotre; last
ndrance twel
iyeer -nein country. 42 stations and trilaatary
tione were in pelration, and the total
Willt Clarke at et tweesty-year !ratite of tht hinter produtha. was over
,*eereb bee teased Lie S.At Ander-4101o. Brefeesor Robertson also
The Creseesat, Indefateaable, To,
!ea the son when an infant.
Tree average arnmal agrIculttireVpart of the preeent year, tbet after
L.f. Y
imparts for the past ten years in e r
Psycie, and Quail; of the North
equadrore will ebertly ,
e guagietrate al Haniiitee, aae.
I dered a bustand to pay tia•-• wale. from
whom be 11,1$ separated after Macy
1 yearof wedded life, $3 14 week.
1 Japanese who were rt•fueed atimit.
Once to the Liaited. States ere flack-
, ing into BrItiele Colombia and hiring
fa ratere
see_ end„ eizieen there h se. sideptelstated rt.sptating tae trial sienna...tut
e$ Steam l'irlialuvg House •
alte etreet, nearlst oprenite 4.031.41 jAe%golgy
atore.,Lx4er. Vac.. oy
Alukiti 'it;tfua; to!,ti Pz•srd:40.5,4,
tie .17, Ot, 41,VtilaIS111.0i0
110,1 itentioti, ree eine - , • • Nene .•
7-4.! - trlerei
'tt 0014 tr,q Kirer to,gra.:4,, •
Cartnelienieleal l'AIEN te sue
t inIi20.,1 end cv,taipp:et-o t• -i, S., 9;044
tie L., ice A.. dit ;instdo re
lo‘, nir al,I001111).
S00.1.(10..011, neeteritteeeelsetemeie.
7.1ia a ti oat- 4 .e,i9litc.4
07;e: tvtiellwr do,74,„ttel ;44 0/01.
LOW e aneztase Noe wee:tier ir to, ••11b-. VI •
ed or ton, os teepeziane 19: eee, ensue
2- it4 r: r -e:5 his p ',pee teteee twee
a:, ,-irze,trs or the pt4+ sober to 4
tCLI.r.netust-s<4, ' OVII" 11 :O.
are tree ce tete n'e oat wi
E,x,f (st it' •
• - 0 I- ^ nr elan • ;en one; . t tea mey
in e. tined In tee pi A le waemi me per pen
Lane. an:vette tee ea • •erater rash i -C-3.4
husi rcrls m ittg tv.
4 Th, tour, it we .leci 'eil l'ettl,:n.1 CO
tn6:3 wyr411.,. .7," Or rer, OcA*0.-, t' 0.1 pen
ceVte or rot:a-vale; .trei ••%14:4U4C tIC•111 nu .ta.c
for. z, ton e et Wen ef 0I4C14101131
Ileaelache and relieve rottbetroueleminel.
tient to a bitioue state of the systein, el::11t as ,
eaflue. rIji1atas'aln th; Side, &a While their nein
s nes. isatss after
nimaritable success .has been shown in curing
Efeadaehe. yet (11.11Tgren LITITY: Limn rites
are equally valuable In Constipation, cur:4
and prevent ing th is annoying CO7aptaint.wse...
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and rekailato the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they waled be almost pretense to thorn
who suffer from tints distressing vimplaint:
but fortunately their goodnev,K d,es all', end
here, and these who once try them will Gni
these little pais valuable in no ninny ways that
they will rot ha willing to do withoul; them.
But after all sick head
Is The bane of :to mazy lives that her Is where
rt+ znake our great boast. Our pills gyro It
Tale others do not.
CARTER'S LITTLE LITER rues tire very srmal
and very easy to take. One or two pine ;nuke
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
rc.t gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at SO cents;
are for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail' .
• CARTE2 MEMOIRS CO., lisw 11r1t.
Em01 iloges gmall
Markt • •
tilat of
Nervous Debility. Lo4rt Vteer nud
EANSFailing Manhood; restores the
weaknesa of lx:dy or mind caused
by ovu-work, ur the errors or ez.
ceases of youth. This Remedy ab•
whitely cures the inost obstinate c•azel 30111„:1 all other
OtturantiTs have ft.iied even to relieic. drug.
Tirta at SI Der p.eloge,tr six.far ry hy anvil or
teCtiptGf t,Itv d;;',T St, ; *•;',
CV •
field at Browning's Drug Store igxeter
HEYEr FAitt rir,t Utzler Irg4
Russians and Anglo-Americans Do
Not Get Along Together.
A despatch from London says :-An
undated despatch to the Central Newe
from Taku, sent by way of Ohefoo,
Tuesday says that the force which re-
lieved Tien-Tsin consisted of 2,000
men, commanded by Major AI alter, of
the American marines. The Chineee
111.1114307Lvo, salaneet1 by the artillery of
The relieving force, who then advance
ad upon the town. The British and
Americane were the first to enter, and
they were followed by the rest of the
force. The Retesians lost four killed
and thirty wounded. The other nation-
rattles suffered trifling loss.
neliculoite t 11.
•ato, . the mieeing eivie isfti-
of Mont eel. has been loeated
tee and en effort will be meite
ira him beck to en' wer cberges,
aley 3.730.711 acne f freight 1
re test the canal at 1.41 Olt
in the Veined aline% eide,
tous ou the Ciettedian
- r
. 4 P 0
°a' rtw''''l :431es al"initi in '41i1S-4". t'ellts' per pea was realize:I. el: reateue
C417-(1,e3P. .rt,k, total traporte of ell laude mend, 03,, cnundian fermer w
avereged $770.0(lantld. ter expertiun chicene, azz there is
Miss- Berher. teacher of getsgraphy rta.,ney in ih
*,ri ishieago Ip, -t i t tate, returned frnm
0111N.4,S1'. iltMleitATION BILL,
2 Inn, :ennead t be world, says the 1 Sr IVII;ret I. 1 are niov4,1 Oa ._, 4 CuPd
at'N't'S. 41r1.'iltg i` f'411 11'." IV 1%344"e• rel44114.114 Pq 'AP CUlneSt1 houtioretioo
CiOni if -sir- ' " I h V t. '
• . '
s., bil1. sef-ng he bed ne;hing to add to
cesahl eetiquee zitwerld.
, ena
ca 14"er C''' P"lat !"*.- !"1"et t-'1"7ed at he hid lready stated.
In ensinuitiee air. ,e',Ait.„ asked
..-tetee atm. I. ALS ero zlie, 10C1.11 “1“kal ,
Se zee Ef, teen tr In erne applicae
tit Iree
e- have been nt to alio:
p,,v31.acconts f- alit, gin zu 'Ins in the
Ntee Coen eit tiette. Ibe narat.s will
kl: ti 11is Excelleucy for
appi .,,vr.a 4.
tOes-b.e. ten -111011a .1111 11P G eve
eritnient 'mg in the notice of the
I' s' et:w
the:we the Lite that:
i e• el" .11.1 lumber
ceetied f.t t1n reratione after
t 1, e e„
:st, ter, hur Or ,ve 1. t.f Reniree, t
NV• V41 as alit tA1t:•1 tli" gbib
fogy, in 'le: Neleinee Lank te14-y
ti . euened It4o'S4t, eae .
ein:e inee if :Le Mamba:its' Beek
nut itig :be I ig Ora%
ills111PSWe lee :4 It, report ed
:long the roast of Let sa.lor and ex-
tereatee Ir eatattersi inn . .It 25 3101 likely tint tranesit-
,n-u• eeetimer 1.1 Lb- te go
t Lt e.segli • he St r,. t s of le' .. lele for
A10' 11.- in come.
Giand Trunk raey ilwbee ap-
cid •i1 to VU 011 ral lovd efa .t
tlaine. The firm will be knewn As the
Intern etie hirei-ed. from porteind
to CI:Reeve. The 'lie onto tfld3iorn -
real eerviet• will also be greatly i
The Queen hes returned to Windsor
frena seatland.
Eliem (ale of England's
weed mining 'engineer& is dead.
13 <run Let -h. former Governor of
Cap- Colony, is dead at London, aged
73 veers.
Int -to the present W5..000 has been
realizea from Ituelyard Kipling -s "Ab-
sent -Minded Beggar."
Practically all of the Duke of
Argyle's esTate, real and pears ;nal,
was left to the Merquis of Lorne.
Prinrese RadziwilL of Russia. was
meshed of jewellery worth $e0.603 at
a London, Eng., hotel as stte was
about to start for Paris.
Surtlipox has broken out in the
tbiekly and poorly settled dietriet of
the Bust End, London. Several cases
have been reported already.
Admiral Lord Charles secott, brother
of the Duke of Buccleuch, has been
appointed Naval Commander -in -Chief
at Plymouth, in succession to the late
Admiral Fairfax.
The City Council of Beth has placed
a tablet in the laouse used as the
English horne of the unfortunate
Major Andre, the young British offi-
cer, who, by the order of General
Washington, was hanged as a spy in
A. notice in the London Gazette
states that her Majesty has consent-
ed to the marriage between Princess
Marie of Brunswick and Prince Maxi-
milian, nephew of the Grand Duke
of Baden. The Princess Marie is the
eldest child of the Duke of Cumber-
land and was born at Graunden in
It is said that 6,000 Indians are
starving in Arizona because of fail-
ure of crops.
United States exports for the fiscal
year will be $150,000,000 greater than
ever before.
Increased postal facilities between
the 'United Stales and England are
talked of,
treat Sen Frareeeco t tb nu4 et rauen
W4 calleittg ease the mesbes itS
Feet Monroe. Ile fuud- of
Bri,t1h t suppbriet;•, qukAIng
t Gt-.% et ramt-te, :,uti has nce.s ven
r twee " • ' "V -
'pin clese oeutenem eon- . , ,
zegrepa h.- %Nettie fellow
eneiatte. 1.-on.er cetthelerefl
van •
ce grave pledge.
The ins reetion Bnle,,rig • thetight be i.vullt eatesfy
epreeding. Fif•v seteente n ere
tut,s ('uatuitty. 11 AV,4:6 1-00',5- herd to
edi• iee the inaitarY at EntraneLt.kaheeeisfy the expeetateloite of everyoue.
thet the Secretary of State for theHe never saw r,14,aatt 1,./i,,.4044i do it
as u"'"red " mill`1337 11)11., The tleVernmeno isteeeeding
6n1P143v at St- Kit t'S and „Ne'ence Cur ae it f0it 4t, 04)414 go ta 153v pre-
r'lt."11 every tetween C'4" " sot% conditiou U twitgs, zind (Ike
Chief Sitavory. the gr443X oblonent jeeillee cedermeel, menteere, wet,. 10
et the Freneh in West ArrIe." lttde'4 0,10 slme peeetint
et L. brevii le. w here ites• aet r nsport-
. Letitia wae not fiutti, as it was to teen-
V11..hfi:ireahifst eelfe.ittler:; ei1,1v:19,81.10 :evert ed liave eetenuneeloato edviee the
Is itel:le to re080re- military eer- l'ilvverornhuv further. views of
vie the people of Ileitieh C'olumbei were
Martial law Ime been prnelainied at ItePuliar tlaid were rite, ektred
Madrid. refraelery taxpayere ere theIee Whn S.14.: the rzeijori y le the
be jelled. and C.ITEV4iI1gIn nem...poe2-8 /louse. .filetre \tumid have to Le a.
euppressed. process of edutrition before all th
General Sir Heiler! lialdelph Gov- views e4Ju:11 he harnitimzed.
et 011' and CenutrInd,,r-in-teetter of 'het leUPPLIZIe:NTARY ESTI:the:1ES.
foieee attilisraltar, Al Li 10 ridiag in The euetp:euieniery esinuatee for
Spenieb terriU.ry reeently, was stone the ilia stilet5o'. yeer ending June 3,
4 td: ;MO hie still-dt•-eanipe. hlejer Mer. 101. were tabled by H.CPIL Mr. Fielding
gen, was severely eut in flay face isy They called for a tenni vote (if $7 211,-
1 teeing reek. The offenders were 134. of which 83,73i,639 is elravgleible
captured and will be ccurt-enartialled.! to cepital and $3,150,490 tu consult-
detaid Cued the balance of S3.1404t)
being le cover She exeense oi orgeniz-
CANADIANS CAPTURE GUNS. ing end nanntaining the Ilalifux pro-
le ieune I garrison.
ForQUESTIONS ANSWERED.ced Enemy to Abandon Them andl
111 reply to ler. Foster. IIon. Mr.
Brought Them Into Pretoria.
Fielding said that he did not. think
A deep( cb from Pretoria, says
the Solicitor -General intended to pru-
I ceeti tine year with his bill, " an eat
Mounted Rifles has come in for high
praime from the Commander -in -Chief. SPe"1.° ilnif"321 Condition` P(111-
cies of fire insurance."
Li,rd Roberts, for the ,gallitut manner
in witieh. they captured two Of the Mr. Geerge Taylor asked the Miniee
ter of Mites ia concenning t be ply due
Beare' 12 -pounder guns at Rustfon-
s soldier e itt South Africa, reading a
tein, between Pretoria and Rusten-
!weer from a Mr. A. K. Sweet state
Lurg. The 'guns were defended stiffly
by the enemy. and when defeat stared ' ingtbas the amount of pay assigned
the Deerin the face they hill the
varied frem month to mouth. lion. Dr.
Burden promieed to examine into the
guns in a native kraal prier to their
die tppettring in the nig.ht. There the : znat ter.
To Mr, McNeill, lion. Dr. Borden
guns were found by the Canadians .• C
tine brought to camp. an exploit stated that ex -General Ilutten had re -
which Lord Roberts recognizes by cenneemied the appointment of civi-
spAial mention in general order.- on as hntlwrarY Colonels'
In eommittee on the militia esti-
While at Itustfontein the Mounted
' ma tes, Hon. Dr. Borden said that the
allies joined h ,nds, much to their de -
annual cost of the mi lie ia t t ainsug 15 as
light, with "C" B ittery, which was
abeut $425,000 to $450,000. About 35,-
present ne the relief of Mafeking and
01.0 would be drilled witnin the year.
has since marehed acmes eountry
In the matter of the transportation
under Ma jor-Genera 1 Ba den -Powell.
of troops, a low rate was always ar-
ranged. Often as much as fifty per
cent. of the men who went to camp
did not go out a second time.
Mr. Blalock introduced the biU to
aid in the settlement of trades dis-
putes an,d the publication of industrial
information. One of the objects, he
said, was by the aid of
Boards of Conciliation, to pro-
naote the eettlement . of disputes
which arose between employes and
employersJ It was hoped it would
prevent many strikes and look -outs,
and even if these occurred, that it
would promote a better understand-
ings and tend do bring the parties ;toe
gather, The department would pub-
lish a Labour Gazette which would
fulfil the functions of the Board a
A,griculture's report. It would not
contain opinions, but statistics and
fads. With more' information on
the whole field of labor both parties
would be better able to understand
each °times position. As to the ma-
chinery, it was an eolto oe the Con-
ciliation Aot which had bean in
Relieving Column Now in Com-
munication With Him.
A despatela from London, Wednes-
day, says despatch to the Central
News from Chefoo, dated Tuesday,
says that the steamer Tung -Chow
brings news from Taku up to five
o'clock Monday to the effect that it
is officially stated that communica-
tion has been established with Ad-
miral Seymour, who wee within nine
miles of Tien-Tsin.
He was being hard pressed by the
Chinese, and was much hampered by
his sick and wounded. A few of his
force have been killed.
Troops are being rapidly forwarded
from Taku. It is estimated that there
are 10,000 troops between Taku and
Tlen-Tsin. Most of these are Japa-
nese, who continue to pour in.
It is reported that all foreigners
were sent from Pekin with a weak
Chinese guard, and it is assumed that
they are with Adnairal Seymour.
free he Great Britain or f°
These boards were at first voluntary
in England, but in 18911 the Govern-
ment passed an Act eonsfltuting them
tie part of the Board of Trade, In
Canada the Minister might appoint
conciliators if requested, but there
was nothing of a coercive nature in
the Ant. Representatives of the mas-
ters and men were conciliators. It
was different from arbitration, where
tlae dispute was referred to a third
party. There would be no casteirou
rules, as one method mip,dat be Wee -
tire in 0110 case and another in an-
other. In the reports of the Comilla -
tion Boards in England tlit,.re was
ample justification for its adoption!
in Canada, as three-seventhe of the s
disputewere amicably settled. Withl
reference to the Labor Gazette, Can-
ada was long behind other -Mine
How the Highlanders With a C011 -
VW Were Capttired.
A despateli from London says zee -The
Why the Russian Losses Were
Heaviest at TieneTsin. ,
A, despatch front LOndon, Thursday,
saysi-The last steamer at Chef%
dated Tien-Tsin, Monday:-
from Taku brought this message,
"The Russian general in command
of the relief force had deeided, in vlew
of Saturday's heavy fighting and
marching,, that one day's rest for tale
troops was essential, and that the ad-
vance should not be resumed until
to -day.
"Meanwhile came Admiral Sey-
mour's heliograph that his positzon
was rendered desperate, and that he
could only hold out two days The
relief started at dawn to -day, Mon-
Saturday's fighting began l't day-
break. The allied forces opened -Mtn
enveral of the T'errible s 4.7 navalguns
six field guns, and nut/lea-sous metentoe
guns, the firing guns at long range,
They continued to advance steadily,
the Chinese artillery replying. Tile
guns 'of the elites were more skilfully
official report of the caRtUre of a con- . handled and put the guns of the`Chine
voy of fifty waggons, escorted bytese out et action one lay one.
alleigiihblraonad.e,Trsu,nebe4t,e‘v:,aesnoryernee:etievredanond /
rePeesentatives of the various nations
There WaS keen rivalry among the
1 uesday. Lave Rome eepeeee that las to which should eater Tiers -Tsui
I the eonvoy was surrounded and sent 1 r--"tand the ettnecleans and )3°0°'
went in neelt and mole. The Russians
termed Lite arsenal, thereby sustain-
ing the largest losses.
Several thousand Japanese have left
Talett from TieueTein, and altogether
113,000 Japanese have landed. Tim in-
teroetional troops now aggregate
nearly 20,000, and Japan le preparing
to eend 20,000 more, with British. Aill,
lean,' and other troops ordered to
go. Probably 60,000 men will be
vailable Lit a mouth. .
The Tong Shang refugees and the
foreign engineers at Chefoo estimate
the Minim troops now in the field as
• 25,000 drilled troops at Lutai, 25,000
Meneengere to the nearest past est: -
ling for 4$49istarice. But reinforce -
=Vets were unable to reach tbe con-
voy, and 150 Highlanders, iP reply to
a flag of truce from General Christian
De Wet, *surrendered during the
morning of June 4.
The Boers ebarply attacked General
Rundle'ri transports near Senekal,
June 23, but were repulsed.
Large quentitie.s of bar gold reev-
b merehants in the western part
; of the Transvaal from President Kru-
• ger, osteuelbly in payment of requisi-
tioned goods, have been seized by the
Britieb. If the genuineness of the ay-
counte ean be proved, the gold will
probably be repaid.
British and American Forces 1ist
in Tien-Tsin,
A despatch from Cbefoo, sayst-The
efficels of the British firsi-elass erets-
er Tetritsic atisert that discord exiets
between the Russians and Anglo-
Americans, end say they believe the
Ituseiane are plentting to break the
concert, and take possess.ion of Pekin
indopendently. They assert ihat
VirceAdruiral Seymour's ecriunand
Looked wagon, the foreigner', sulking
eettuee tbey were under British lead-
erehip. They bitterly denounce the
geeteral conduct of the Russians as
uneivilized and barbarous and charge
heti the slaughter a peaceful Chiant-
i -um ot Taku bits aroused the other-
wise passive natives 'against the for-
EnktnIter(1 it3; atilik,euiDyttslime 040)fn.l'or7c the
A ileepateh from London, says :-The
Khedive of Egypt arrived in London
at noon on Wednesday, from Port
Victoria, o here he had been sines he
.retteedh England from Flushing, June
al. He showed few signs of his recent
illness. The traveller was received on
the platform of the Cbaring Cross rail-
way station by the Duke of York, the
Turkieh Ambassador, Anthopulo
Pasha, and suite, a guard of botaour
'front. the Coldetream Guards, and a
'band, whiclt played the Khcdivial
hymn. The Duke of York embraced his
flightless. .e.fter inspecting the guard
of honour, the lele•dive entered a royal
carriage, accompanied by the Duke of
pulaoe, escorted by a 1. e
'Horse Guards, and cheered by the spec..
tat ors. 4
York and Wan driven to Buckingham
Ineeintock 'Workman Polio Into 21 Vsst ol
Rotting; Water.
A despatch from Woodstock, Ont.,
says :-Gersham Chance, a y oung man
employed at the James Hay Co. works,
was fatally scalded while at work in
the factory on Wedne.sday. Chance
was engaged with other workmen in
rolling logs into the vat. A log was
rolled in, and to avoid the splash,
Cih.ancer stepped back, and was precip-
itated into a second opening. He was
at ewe completely immersed in boil-
ing water. Workmen quickly took him
from the water, hut he was terribly
scaleleid. He was taken to the hospit-
al, where his death took place. Chance
came here from Stratford, and had
only been weeking in the faetory
about threenweeks.
Europeans in Feign Thought to be
A despatch from Paris says: - The
Clainese Minister has communicated to
Foreign Minister Deleasse a telegram
which he received on Tuesday an-
nouncing that the Europeans in Pekin
were safe and well when the message
was despatched, but tlae date is not
Melina ted.
The Minister also informed M. Del-
casse that the French residents of
Yunnan -Sen started Sunday for Ton-
quin, under a Chinese military escort.
at Shan -Hai -Wan. 15,000 driven off
from Tien-Tsin, and 51,000 at Pekin,
eneral Botha lincOmmonly Active:
as of Pretoria.
A deepatch from London, Wednee-
dey, Hoer cutuntandoes 111
,the eastern part uf the Orange River
Colony eppeee to have been broken up
by their Waders for the time into
email punnet thnt barese large
columns of tbe Blitish incessentiy,
cutting off tamts, extiping piekets,
and making it show of farce here and
there Commandant ehrietistn De
Wet, Gen. ittleyn`s principal ententand.
er, is the genius of these guerilla
operations. ' is the hero ou the
Boer side in theee last days or hostili-
Lord Roberts' coluntes are steadily
core raeting the circle of their ethane°.
Transvaal officials who were inter-
viewed yesterday et Itlathadodorp by it
correepondent of the Daily Exprees as-
eerted an intention to bold out to the
leen President Kruger will probably
retire to Waterval or Nelepruit. His
-ethyl:401m thinks his condition of
health will not allow him to go to the
high yottle.
The British prisoners at Noott C d
tteht are now more cotnfortable. Large
quantities af food and blankets have
been forwarded to them, and their en..
closure is lighted b5 electricity.
Pretoria telegrams say that supplies
of waren clothing are reaching Lord
Roberts' infantry, who heel been rag-
ged and had suffered froni the cold.
Commaosiant-General Botha is un-
commonly active east of Pretoria.
The Canadians are doing splendid
outpost work.
Boers Are Entrenching There in
Considerable Force.
,A despatch from London, Thursday,
says :-The Lorenzo Marques corres-
pondent of the Times, telegraphing
'Wednesday, says: - "According to
Transvaal advices the Boers are en-
trenching in considerable force in the
Middleberg hills. The Irish, Hol-
lander, and It:alien c.oxpe are getting
uncontrollable. They are looting
stores and farms..
"Bar gold is a drug in the local
market, owing to a suspicion that it is
of an inferior quality. A large quant-
ity of stoleaa gold is wolfing to be
smuggled out of the Transvaal."
Kruger's Grandson and 110 Others
Reach the Island.
A despatch from Jamestown, St.
Helena, says :-Sarel Eloff, President
Kruger's grandson, who was captured
by the British at Mafeking, landed
here oh Wednesday with eleven offi-
cers and 98 troopers, mostly foreign-.
ers. The prisoners, who tere clean
and of respectable appearance. were
irntnecliately sent on to Deadwood,
the prison camp.
Most of the Boers at Deadwood are
in good health, and thus far there
has been but one death tram enteric
Prices of Cattle, Cheese, Grain,
in the Leading Markets.
Toronto, July a - Wheat. -
elose the market showed a net e
2o.the dhia3a, oi tleav ibnags ttavetruee NNviree/at 0;e1x.,6
Chicago; but at the close the tone wee
strong again. nntaeine sold. to 4
ers at 7he west, but exporters cen
not bid loom than 70e. quotations :es
as follows i -Ontario, red end w
75te,, north and west; east, 76o; sena
east, 76e; Manitoba Nee Inertia
Toronto and 'west; 97o, g.i,te and 9
Upper lake ports,
Millfeed, Dull, Bean, $18 to $1
and shorts, $14 to 814.50, west.
Corn -Strong, ip sympathy with
strong Chicego market. No, 1 Awe*
can, yellow, 38e, on track here; aiOr
mixed at 471-30. .
Pene-Firmer. Car lots are quote
nominally at Me, north and west; an
62c, east.
klerleY-Otooden No. 2t 40et' west(
and 440 eaet; 'No. 3, 43 to 430.
Rye. -Quiet and steady. Oar letae
west,Q4atlz, west,
r ;a7dnlyd,..;), 05;15ei e aniedtaes:.
a 15,
aost , .2 8 t
end. Offerings email.
Flour -Strong, arid in better (
Bockwheat-Quoted at 55et
d Ste east,
zits bid $3 for Straight roller, he
buyers' bags, middle freights; i".74
holders ask 83.10..
BUffalo, July 3. -Wheat --Nee 1 hard*
round lots, 921-8e; No, 1 Northern,
routtd lots, '90 1-80. Winter wined-,
No. el red, no; No. 3. white, 87o.; Cora
-Dull; No. 2 yellow. 481-4e; No. 3 ytle
low, 48e; No. 4 $0110We 1,470; No. 1.00A14
t2e,01 .7910.,e;No.4 ‘
. Oat
Quiet. No. 2 white, 301-1c; No,
2 mixed, 27e; No. 3 mixed. 201-2e. I
."-tt:irientr3.411111yal It-6.5uVatel'altuileiro-sel-4""Nnt
1 white, riteb. 87 1-2o; No. 2 red tee
1-2e; July, 87 3-4v; September, 89
Minneapells, July 3. -Flour- Eiret
fPiarlf4C1' a 4:::9$04;.,5947:37edunidlitetre:talTa', :174!
Bran -Higher; in talk, 811.30, to
t11)3f11.11b. July 8.-Wbeet-Ceeb.
hard, 80 3-4c July, 81.1 3-4e; Sept'
ber, 85 3 -tie; December, 88 3-ir ;
1 Northern, gash. 81 8 -le; July. $3 .4c;
September. ea 3.4e; cember, 863-4e;
Nu. 2 Northern, 83e; No. 3 spring, 70
3-4e. Oate-37 1-2 to ate Corn -42 Ate
Toledo, July 3. -Wheat -Spot. ette;
July, 88 1-tc; Auguse, 88 3-8.s; c'ep-
tember tie 3-84:. Corn -No. 2, eo‘h.
45e; September, 43 1-2. 00t8 -Ni. 2
eneb, 26c ; September, 23 1-2e. lte-
No.2, easb 61. Clover seed -Mhz. Pei
$5.10; Mit, pri1110, 35.33; °atom
5.97 1-2; No. 2, $1.80 nominal. Oil -U
(Ilicago, July 3. -Wheat was so
and firm, elosing 1 5 -Ea over yea
day. The recovery wine due principal-,
ly: to it ceesetion, of liquidation. A v.
rash business helped corn fu.
July finishing the session 1 3.et- im-
proved. Otts closed it aliside higher,
toad provisions strong; July potk, 52
1-2(e. July lard, 22 1-2o, and July eitn
22 11-2e better. Clearance:eat the sea-
board in wheat and, flour, were equal
to 30.1,0011 bushels. Primary receipts
were 433,0J0 bushels, compared with
97.2,000 bushels last year. Mintiest
polis and Dalutb reported 24.4 ears,
aganast 351 last week, and 491 aster
ago. Receipts here were 90 care,
three of contract grade. Estimated
to-moreaste-Wheat, 105 ears; corn,
ah6e9cars; oats, 850; cars; hogs, 30,000
Surrender of De Villiers' Commando
of 220 Men is Confirmed.
A. despatch from London says: -The
War Oefice has received the fed:Iowans
despatch. from Lord -Roberts: -
'Pretoria Resideney, Tuesday. -
Sir Charles Warre,n reports that. the
rebellion in Cope Colony, noeth of
the. 0.-ange river,. is DOW over. The
last formidable body, under Comment -
ant. De Villiers, surrendered an Mon-
day, consisting of about 220 men,
280.euerses, 18 waggons, 260 rifles, and -
100,000 rounds of ammunition'.
"General Baden-Powell reporiatehdat
pattifesatiow Lt going on satiseae't -
in the Rustenberg district.'
Citizens of Dawson City have
scribed $8,678 to the Hull-OLtawa r
lief fund.
The Ontario Government will spare".
some of its thousand beavers in Al--
gonquin Park to stock a new park
which is being established by th'i)
Minnesota Legislature;
wore. Apr. Toon phosishoaiue,
The Great English. Rentegy.
Sold and recommended by all '
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine oiscovered.
paakages guaranteed to cute all
forms of Sexual Weakness. all effects Of abliso
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one -package $1, el x, 15. One toittPleaSe,
Sim will cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Wood's Phoephodine i eole. in &Mar
by J. W. &owning, druggist.