Exeter Times, 1900-7-5, Page 1r t.
i cents each, 3 for 25 Bents, 2 for 25 cents and 25 cents each
Our very low prices make them accessable to everybody.
2 pair forr,25 cents,
L.4adie ', 'C l•lldrenls and Meti's Straw Rats
Will be sold at a great reduction,
r TI`witie
Pure Sisal 8 cents pound.
Plymouth S ectal 11 cents a pound
Gold le dal 14 3ents ap ound.
'.PeteetoTiON Exaefs.--The following
ust gives the pupils names in order of
inerit, who were successful in passing
their examination art Kirkton .public
School: -Jr IV, I Stout, A Wiseman.
rM Hoskin, G Shier .; Jr III to Sr, F
.5111, I•l Rte. znson, It Switzer, A Doupe
A Leigh, R 3r own, M Ross, W Watson
I3. Doupe, Shier, R Davis ; Sr II to
III. I, w FRobinson,
Jr I , Ilauel codIto
Hoskin, V Roadhouse, C Marshall, V
Hazelwood. W Maize, 1MI Switzer. A
,Urquhart, F Brown, U Maize, W Vic -
leers, E Doupe, 0 Brown . Pt II to II,
H Tufts, (x Doupe, S Shier, W Urqu-
hart, P Doupe, U Moore, J Hannte,g E
Roadhouse, E Hazelwood, 3 Vickers ;
Se I to pt II. B Walkom,L Roadhouse,
M Bryans, It Davis,F Brown,E Millar,
N Doupe, It Hoskin, TI Kirk ; Jr I to
Sr I, M Shier; U Hazelwood. It Kirk,
A Duffield, 1` Tufts, T Hazelwood, A.
Doupe. Average attendance for the
month 70.
J. ILenenvEr,L, Teacher.
'13-a.ot+s.-A very successful straw-
berry festival was held at the residence
.of John MeGregor, on Friday evening
last, under the auspices of Corbett
Presbyterian church. Although it was
very cool and a heavy wind storm pre-
vailed, there was a large number pre -
.sent. The program was interesting,
but short and sweet, owing to the un-
leasant weather. ---0. M. Wilson,and
w t
wife, of Sarnia., are visiting heir
friends in this vicinity. -Miss Della
Baird and sister, spent several days
with Alex. and Carrie Wilson. Rev.
, J. W. Baird, B. A., is to preach to the
-Orangemen next Sunday at 2.30. -
Frank Wishart is visiting his brother,
Harry, this week. --Many hundreds of
people passed through here last Mon-
. day to spend the day at the lake. -W.
A. Wilson writes home to his parents
from Carman, Man., and says it is not
cold out there with the thermometer
,at 137° in the shade. They have had
--several good showers latelywhich has
,improved the crops, and that at least a
half yield is expected..
EliniNi le.
the sport. The grounds were gaily 1 Hay. '''M "area ''is
decorated with Sags and 1 nion Jacks. w# "— . 3
The flags are the property of R. T. o 2 Hay, rdJune. Roport for S. S.
No « a forJune, N es arein
s and after the dayes t w
.1"Iy.J am
clip Le e s sport was I.
order of merit: -Sr h 4t J RNorthcott
over about 25 were taken by aorsre one. ft F jolinston, Luella. Munn ; Jr 4th,
Mr. Johns kindly asks the flags to be DaisyDining, , 'Cora Munn. W' .$
returned or else paid for, as those O'Brin ;Sr 3rd. IV' J Russell, It T
articles all cost money. The proceeds Northcott, A GV Johnston ; Jr 3rd, W
for the day amounted to $133,00.-- J Gould, Mary Johnston,Fvelyn Gould;
Walter Andrew, of Denver, Colorado, 2nd, Edgar Munn ; Sr pt 2nd,. T Bail -
is spending a couple of weeks visiting ant ne, WW Northcott, Carrie North-
relativesa ie . It i13 a r s
and friends. s e r
v McMahon. Bata• Jr Pb 2nd Alva, It c Ialian. Clr.s
since he lett and looks as if the climate teL Harvey, Royyy Mellick ; lst Violet
of the Nest agreed with pini. -leer. Dining, Ruth \'V'ildfong,Bertha Munn.
Waddell took, charge of Rev, Hazen's The best spellers in the monthly spell -
work at Wyoming on Sunday. -Rev,
Walden has commenced his duties for
the coniine year and is boarding at H.
Coultis°s,-Patterson & Ellis of St.
Marys, are makinga .large number of
the here to be used by the township.-
The abutments of the bridge are com-
tches were: -4th, Luella. Munn • Sr
3rd, Albert Johnston ; Jr Sed, Mary daughter, Miss Lizzie, was joined in
Johnston ; 2nd pt, Alva McMahon ; wedlock to Solon -toe Martin, of the
1st pt, Bertha. Munn, Babylon line, The ceremony was
W. H. JoiI.;STON. performed by Rev, eforlock is the
presents of a large number of invited
guests. The bridle was supported by
iss Katie Guenther, while the duties
of groomsman was ably performed by
Mr. W. Geiger. The young couple
go to live on Mr. Martin's fine farm,
and take with them the good wishes of
a host of friends.
$xiEs.-Our village is never in the
rear as with regards business and sport.
On Saturday our ''Greys" played the
Knox boys of London n game of base
bet ; the result of which \Win ecetie
of 11 to ,d in favor of thevisiting team.
Undoubtedly they are too much for
the Greys, but if they get down to
work they'll starch the Knox for as
the old poet Bobby says, "A man's a
roan for aa' that." On Monday of this
week the Greys dusted the _Medford
Seniors in a fore and afternoon game
evhichwas, played at 'l'hedfard, the
score being 4-10 and ti 18 in favor of
our boys,---Ou Monday night July 2nd
a strawberry festival was held by the
Methodists at this place. The adntis;-
s}ons and other sundries amounting
to $10. This was fair considering the
other surrounding amusements. Fol-
lowing the festival was a literary and
classical progcarnnne. The Revv, G, W.
Henderson, of St. Mddrys,•president of.
London Conference gave a very aline
able address on the subject "1.Vorkers,
Loafers and Croakers, --The picnic
on the Sanble Line also inet with fair
success. It ryas certainly apicnic to
watch the 1vys of this place playing
baseball with those Biddalpli farmers.
The Ivys averaged 10 while Llie ferniers
averaged 30 years of age. To see the
kids run bases and fan them out was
anlr;sing.- iu tial„ ship wound br
much pleased to see-.. Motherwell's
score card which she filled out against
Granton at the village of Kiricton-eh
Billy.-Lucanels at present offering
very high prices for grain.--- This
neighborhood has of late been favor-
ably Blessed with copilfus rains.
H e feral 1,
G, J.Suthorland ';atmry Public, -Convey
anger, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent
and Issurer of arriageLicenses. Legal docu-
ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates.
Money to loan den rest estate at low rates of in-
tercd. Office at the Post office. Hensall.
H. J. D- COO11Ji.
Solicitor,3Notary Pubbliv Hen al1.O Barrister
A. Sellery, L. D. S., D. D, S„Ronor Gradu-
ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth
extracted withoutpain or bad effects. Office
in Petty's Block, Heiman. At Zurich every
;ISonday,eommencinc Mav 30th.
It will pay you to visit the new dry
goods ;store at Ilensall. Sea= Boos,
Alex. McEwen raised a. fine large
barn on Tuesday. He is widening and
lengthening his barn. -Miss Sloan was
in the village on Monday renewing ac-
quaintances. --Rev. . Mr. Jewitt left this
week for Brussels. where he will spend
a few days renewing acquaintances.....
J. 1I. Beek has disposed de his residence
to Geo. Wren, of Chiselhurst, who in-
tends retiring from farming and mov-
ing into town. ?Jr. Beek intends leav-
ing shortly for ?.Manitoba where his
sons reside, and where he will make
his future home. -Mrs. W. H. Thoinp-
son, ratio has been visiting her parents,
Mr'. and firs, IL Carlisle, has *tuned
to her home in Ingereell,;--1Iis Lard -
ship, I3isllnp of Heron, will preach in
1St. l? Col's cllnrel1 Dent Stinday after-
noon.- The S. S, of St. Paul's ciiurcla,
will bold their' annual pienic IleXt,
WgduesdAy, .1ulf 1lth, at B;tyfleitl.-
JohrostOaldwell, of the township of
Tuckei.•stnith, held .', barn raising on
Tuesday, being engaged ea;tending his
barns. -Our village presented a quiet
.1�Iashwood, , appearance on Dominion Day, the
majority of the citizens going to dif-
ferent BEI"I.S.-•-A hippy eaelee Brent points along the laze. It was
h e in -
took place at the residence of Mrs, a irervcst for Liverymen, C es# r,
Rebecca Warta, an '1itesday morning fent child of Wm, McDougall, who
when 1tev,Morlock tied the knot which, h been ill for some time, pressed away
madeCharles rite the popular shoe this week and the rex:mitts were in -
Clear a l poP h re in the Rod girdle ceneete on
merebaint, of Zurich, and :Mgrs. li'urtz Wednesday,- A gnuniber from this
man and wife, The weddinY' vas as village attended the funeral of the in-
quiet one onlythe more intimate
riends being pesent. The grooms- fent child of Rev, and Mrs. Gould, at
men were Messrs E. Bender, of Dash- 1£ippen, on Thursday last. Mr', and.
are from Formosa and
Urs. Gomm i r cin
`rood, aids Kibler' of Toronto, the have been visiting at IL Mettle'. --Mrs.
bridesmaids Misses Laura Kibler, of (Dr,) Hutton, of Forest, was in the
Zurch, aend. V•ina Cd ng breakfast
, of Lista-village last week. --Mr„ and Mrs. Wm,.
wel. Atter the wedding breakf est the 1I'arburn spent Dominion Day in Park-
couple drove to Exeter teed took the hill.-- Leslie Colwell who has been
train for a. trip to Buftalotanlllvew'S. ork teaching in Algoma, arrived home
IJpon their return they will o to this week to spend the summer
Zurich to reside. They are both high- vacation. -Miss McHugh was in Lon-
ly esteemed Hud a large circle of friends don this week visiting relatives, -Thos
join your correspondent in wishing the Bell who has been here the past few
couple much happiness through life,- weeks visiting his relatives and friends
On We nsday another nuptt'.tl event returned to Beaton this week. -Miss
was celebrated at the borne of Tobias O'Neil sent the past week visiti
Guenther, Brownson Line, when his her cotxs'ins. the Mises Iiodgins.-g
.0s _
plated and will soon be used for traffic
again. -Our blacksmith is kept extra Zion.
busy diose days and if his trade keeps
on growing he will have to get a lie.- Samoa REPORT. The following is a
correct report of the standing of the
pupils of S. S. No, 7, Usborne, the
names being in order of merit: -V,
class, Bertha Taylor ; Sr IV, Ethel
Gorvett, Effie Taylor, Lila Taylor,
Cromarty Perla Batten, Annie Squire, Thomas
Lingard; Se IV, Minnie Hern, Allen
Parkinson, Della Peart, Ida Hern, Roy
BIaIEFS. -Ills.; McKenzie, who has Coulters Russet Peart, Perla Hern ; III
been visiting friends here left for home Edna Taylor, Vera Batten, May Step-
in Parkhill on Tuesday, -G. T. Ham}l- hens, Orville Rowcliffe, Jeffery Jaques
ton was home for the lst.-Mrs. Dr. Mabel Parkinson,Roy Stephens,Myrtie
Tufford is spending a few weeks with Dennison, Bertha Batten, Clarence
her parents Mr. and Mrs.Hugh Currie.
-The Sunday
is s inconnec-
with the Presbyterian church
which was held in McKellar's grove on
Monday afternoon, was a decided suc-
cess. The weather was all that could
be desired and the speakers Revs. Do-
herty, Hensall, Acheson, Kippen,Saw-
yer, Brucefield, are sure of a warm
weclome if they ever come again.
per. -The hum of the mowing machine
will be the music that fills tie air for
the next couple of weeks.
BRIEFS. -Mr. and Mrs. C. Vail left
last Wednesday for their summer's
vacation to Detroit. -Miss Lilly Hill
of Stanley, is visiting friends and rela-
tives around here. --Rev. S. Salton
spent three days of last week at the St.
Catharines Ladies' College and with
him returned his two daughters,Misses
BRIEFS. -July the first and second Grace and Lillian Salton, who have
-were gala days for our little burg, it been there for the past six months.-
being the annual picnic. Excellent Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vail, of Newbury
sermons were preached on Sunday byand Mr. and Mrs. Itwin of London,
Rev. Hazen, of Wyoming. In the �, spent their holidays here with their Sweitzer, Minutes of previous meet-
morning the sermon was directed to parents and relatives. -Mrs. W. J. ing read and approved. A letter from
the old people, in the afternoon to the Clarke, of London, was the guest of the Canada Company, ria Fence View-
•hildreu and the evening to the young Miss M. Irwin on Sunday and Monday. er's Award. was ordered ,to be filed.
-ople. The church being full to the -Miss Amelia and Jane Campbell and After an amount of minor business
doors on each occasion to listen to brother Robert, of Varna, spent their was transacted the following orders
ach an able speaker as Rey. Hazen holidays here with their grandmother, were passed: -Angus McCormick, sta-
.iroved himself to be. On Monday the Mrs. Martha Evans. -Miss Jameson tute labor, $80.00 ; Frank McKeever,
strawberries and cream had to vanish
-gas if by magic by the large crowd
while the supply was equal to -the
.occasion. The program for the after-
noon was quite up-to-date, and one of
the best ever presented to the audience.
Rev. Hazen gave a splendid address on
the patriotism of our Canadian people,
.and fully explained the emblem of . the
.Union Jack from its earliest History,
; If> Edgar ar Gorvett, Gh
r Gor-
vett, e Allen Jaques, Loftus Hern
Smith, George Squires ; Sr pe IIMar,Ethel
Parkinson, May Squires, Wilbert Bat-
ten ; Jr pt II, Cora Batten, Archie
Peart, Willie Peart ; Sr pt I, Arnold.
Taylor, Elmer Rowcliffe,Girtie Jaques,
Elsie Squires, Mary Peart, Frank Lin-
gard, Olive Batten ; Jr pt I, Welling-
ton Batten, Chester Coultis, Walter
Stephens, Nelson Jaques.
• (Late with McCarthy, Oder & Co„ Toron-
to,) Barrister, Conveyancer, Notary. Money
to loan. Offices formerly occupied by Collins
Stanbury over O'Neils Bank.
COUNCIL. -The Council of township
of Stephen, convened at the Tows
Hall, Orediton, on Tuesday the 3rd
day of July at 1 p. m. All members
present with the exception of Samuel
has returned from College to spend
her vacation under the parental roof.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyle, of Ex-
eter, spent Monday here -with the for-
iner's mother. -Arthur Apps received
word on Monday from his parents in
England that his. brother, who went
to South Africa has died of dysentry.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Baker spent Mon-
day in London. -Miss Flora and Millie
and how the St. George's Cross, St. Lane, of St. Marys, spent the holiday
Andrew's Cross and St. Patrick's the guest of Mrs. Lane, of Fairfield. -
The fierce lightningand thunder storm
of last week caused fear in many. inincls.
A great deal of damage was done in
this vicinity but the rain was badly
Cross were entered into one and hence
it was called the Union Jack. Rev.
Hazen is an able speaker and should
gravel ac, $6.40 ;Canada Company,
gravel account '96, $16.20 ; Henry
Roeder, rep culvert, $3.00 ; James At-
kinson, rep culvert, $4.30 (N. B.); Isaac
Tetreau, statute labor '09, $10 ; Isaac
Bastard, culvert con 19, $2.50 ; Hod-
gins et al, grading $7.50; M Ziler, grav-
el, $42.20 ; R Granville, culvert con 10,
$1 ; R Glanville, statute labor '99, $2.;
Albert Gower, ditch under award, $3
Henry Brinker, statute labor '99, $4
T Webb, statute labor '90 $8.83 ; J N
Howard, cedar lumber, $22.50 ; Joseph
,Lawson, pt .lumber account, .$20.00 ;
The Municipal World, municipal forms
•. ' again he X1.66 ; John Barry, gravel contrtuets,
he ever come to our village
will be warmly welcomed. -Rev. G. needed. -The Strawberry Festival and blocks 3, 4. 5, 6, S. B., $125 ; M miler,
. Jewitt, of Hensall, a former pastor also Concert held here last Monday: was a gravel, $3.60: Geo Orange,
, g ,
ave a very stirring and also c uite grand success. The crowd that atten $9.28 Wm Ford, rep bridge, $28.2.5;
g 1 ded the festival were highly pleased Jos Lawson,, 'lumber and rep bridge,
patriotic address which was well re- g y
p ii21.50 F W Parnconibe, Brinker
spedelved: Rev. "Walden the juniorpas- and enjoyed agood time. . The games
j echos and music was all that could award, $17:65 Newton Baker, rep
tor of the circuit for the coming year
was next introduced and made a very
good impression its being able to take
his part while he is amongst us. And
last but not least we roust congratulate
be desired and • everybody enjoyed
themselves. The concert was snore.
than anticipated and the views on the
war were most delightful. The follow-
, the choir for the very excellent sing- ing were the speakers:.- Rev. .Mir.
culvert, $1,25 ; Chester Prouty, Grat-
uity $20 :A Werner etal,statute labor
etc, $12. Connell adjourned Co meet
the 6th day of August next at 1 p.m.
ENRY EMBER, Clerk carob, I would meet my absent ones
ing rendered .during the afternoon, Brown, of Toronto, Rev.Long,Kippen, •. ' above, My husband was advised to
• seeral of lire selections beingquite and Dr. Lewis, of Crediton. Total Kirktou held a gala day Monday, get Dr. Dr. King's New Discovery for
v i y proceeds about $17o. -The Rev. Salton
gg s and Colds.. I
celebration ofConsumption, fJou h
patriotic.. and it is needless to say the i.;�� n v.,.,...;, ache occasion being the p t
Elimville choir is equal to most of our was in Watford last war r•-_ There --.._ a large _.---.. ita trial, took :....,r eight bottles,
citychoirs. IThe„sweets-for the child- ing expedition.
ren were many and the prizes ryell
BRIEI's.-Arthur Hicks has return-
ed from the old country and reports
having a fine passage both ways, -
James Doble leaves this week for
Manitoba and British Columbia on a
furniture selling trip. -Percy Davis, of
Detroit, is home for a few weeks to re-
cover his health once more. -Our will citi-
soon oou commenceto
Grand Bend once more especially- going
ally those
who like tamp life. --Horace Griffin
and wife, from Manitoba, visited. Wm.
Babb this week. Mrs. Griffin is the
youngest daughter of Thomas Babb. -
John Byers, a Mitchell young pian,
son of John Byers, and now in busi-
ness at Oakville, was married this
week to Miss Foster. The wedding
was attended by Mitchell friends. Mr
Byers is a fine young man and we hope
his married life may, be long and hap-
py. -Nelson Vromali and wife, from
Boissevain, Manitoba... carne to t own
on Wednesday evening_'for a few days'
visit. It is 17 years since Mr: Vrolna•n
left here and he has done well in Man-
itoba, he is glad to -be back to see old
friends. -The Goebel race horse got I
hurt at Hamilton so that she can-
not run at Stratford, which local sports
will regret. -Frank James who hits
been teaching on Manitoulin Island is
home for the summer holidays. -Tues-
day one of our young lady citizens
gave up business life for housekeeping
with the gentleman of her choice. Mr
Bartza and Miss McCullough, daugh
ter of W McCullough, were married
under the guidance of Rev. McAuley.
The young lady will make a good wife
and we hope their united pathway
through life may be happy and
smooth. -
Macartbur, of London, spent the .fore-
part of this week with his brother J.
Maearthur.-Miss Goetz and her sis-
ter, Miss Phalen were here part of last
week and this, visiting friends on their
way to Grand Bend, where they in-
tend spending the summer months. -
Mrs. Wm. Robertson, of Lambeth,
spent the past few clays visiting at J.
C. Stonemau's.-Rev. E. Long left
here this week for his home in Owen
Sound, where he will spend several
weeks, His work on the Kippen cir-
cuit will be taken .by Davi Wren.
-Miss Amy Murdock gave a piano
recital in the Methodist church on
Friday evening. The program was
rendered in first class style by tier
pupils assisted by Mrs. J. B. Hoover,
of Clinton, and Miss Phalen, of Hen-
sall, Addresses were delivered by
Revs, Messrs. Jewitt, Long and Hen-
derson. The affair was a success and
• d The
was much enjoyed.
were rendered by the pupils ;n man-
ner alike reflecting on themselves and
their painstaking teacher, Miss Mur-
dock. -Mrs. Shortt was in Seaforth
the past few days visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. - T. Ortwein. - Mrs.
Doherty, of London, is here this week
visiting her son, Rev. J. W. Doherty,
of St. Paul's church. -A number of
the farmers, one and a grtarter miles
west and north of Hensall, enjoyed a
picnic to Bayfield on Saturday last. -
Mr. Ortwein, merchant of Seaforth,
was in the village on Tuesday on busi-
ness. -miss Allison,
of London, was
here this week visiting her friends, the
.Misses Petty and Mrs. Murdock. -Miss
Lovina Cook is in Goderich this week
visiting friend. -.-Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Forsyth, of near Seaforth spent Doin-
inion Day with Mr. and Mrs. Chesney.
- Mrs. T. Swan was in London and
Westminster part of last week. Her
daughter, Miss Tena, who bas been in
London attending Business College re-
turned home with her. -Miss Hatton
has returned to her home in Owen
Sound to spend the summer yacation.
-We notice by the Watford Advocate
that Miss Lillian, youngest daughter
of Robert Baskett, merchant of that
town, and formerly of Hensall, was on
Wednesday afternoon of last week
happily united in marriage to George
Chalmers, a popular and well-to-do
young farrier, of Warwick. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. S. Sal-
ton of Centralia, the bridesmaid. be-
ing her sister, Miss Violet. The many
friends of Miss Haskett here will join
in wishing her /pitch happiness. -Our
machine shops are kept busy filling
orders for repairs. -Miss Hilda Beek
has' returned home from visiting
friends in St. Marys and Anderson.
John Murray, of Wingham, spent
Dominion Day here with his parents.
- The teamsters gave a picnic to
Taylor's grove on Thursday last, and
invited the council. A pleasant day
was spent. --The Hensall and Dash-
wood football teams played the return
my lungs ; cough set in and finally -1 match lust week which resulted in a
tc:r•nnu.atedi in Consumption. Four , draw. The return match between the
doctors gave me up, saying I could Brucefield and Hensall teams takes
live hut 140 short time. I gave myself place to -day (Thursday.) -
up to the Saviour, determined If I The new dry goods store at Hensall
could not stay with .my friend's on carries an up-to-date stock.. SAUTE
Bator, & Co, .
W. G. Kruspe, who is the only Odd -
fellow in Sebringville, turned out at
the Decoration Day 'service last Fri-
day. He has been an Oddfellow since
1872. -
On Monday July 2ad, Emily Grace
Laing, passed away at the residence
of her father, J. T. Laing, Stratford,
at the age of sixteen years and eight
Thankful words written by Mrs.
Ada. E amt. of Groton, S. D., "Was
taken wiIli •a had cold which settled on
Saturday evening orOa
Sunday morning the hrdware store
of Davis & Rowland was burglarized,
and a large amount of cutlery ,carried
off, The Thieves first bored an auger
hole in the cellar window at the rear
of the store, but they struck sheet iron
and were compelled. to abandon the
scheme, Next they climbed up to the
office window at the rear of the store,
nd pushed the shutters openanar
nough to get their band in,loosenhe
fastener, so that the shutters could go
wide open, thus making the entrance
quite easy. After they had got all
he knives and razors they wanted,
hey adjourned to the bads door of
he gent's furnishings establishment
f Holloway & Morrish. Here again
he auger was brought into service
and a hole large enough to insert
heir hand was bored. and just below
he lock,apprrently with the intention
f turniiig the }ley, which they hoped •
o find inserted in the lock inside the
door. illi. Mc'rrish however-, in clui-
ng leis store Saturday, put the key la
is pocket, as was his usual custom,
coesequeatly, this means of access
ailed, Mrs, William Moore,who lives
close by, Was awakened about 3 a. M.
by the continued barking and growi-
ng of their little dog, and itis suppos-
ed they heard the noise and de-
camped for no further attempt was
made upon the store to gain au en-
trallce, Sundq lllornillry file news.
soon spread; at;:! every' person was l
caching his brains trying to figure vlat, i
who the thieves could be. The Chief
of Police and Constable Welsh imnied- ,.
lately started out to look for then, '
and also a couple of citizens got their i
bicycles and travelled nearly all day in
as circuitous route in the hope t•hart;
they might spot somebody u onwhorn
they might lay the blame. Vp to the
present time no clue has been discover -1
ed to lead to the arrest of the midnight 1,
marauder'. --On Friday afternoon the
senior baseball team from Goderich'
conte down to Clinton, to play a league ,
game. The game was not a very brill -
taut exhibition of baseball, as the score
itself will show. , The home team seer-
i 17 sirs while le tiro visitors i
rs on
ma to -- ie'
c $. Si illi Kilt t
Kitty, who ice ir, act
last week from Calumet, Mich.. went ,
down on Saturday evening to Hills- '
green, to visit his sister.
crowd on the grounds. Athletic sports
of various kinds were indulged in dar-
ing the afternoon, the many prizes
being worth
It has cured e, and thank God I am
saved :and now a healthy woman.„
contested for,. even the older ones tak- Stratford's rate of taxation is23inills Sold by all druggists, 50 cls. and $1;00,
ing quite eaa,ctive:part,and enjoying on the dollar. : th competing for Guaranteed or price refunded.
A full and complete 1-
of canned goods on had
I have sold a large number of the
celebrated Brockville buggies this sea-
son, still afew are left for sale and.
special inducements are now being of-
Intending purchasers will do well t o
see those buggies and get prices before
buying elsewhere.
Also a few good seemed hand buggies
which I am offering very cheap.
W. H. Parsons
Two doors south of Tt, wn Hall.
Women witb pale, colorless faces,
who feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, .which
are made for the blood, nerves and
. (i
The best in the market. -
All kinds of Verne Produce for whirr/
highest prices will be paid.
Will often cause • .r
Scald, Cut of 13
Arnica Salvor '._�
t'rdiriri, *111 kill the o ..id promptly
heal ft. Cures Old ee Fever Sores
Ulcers, Baits, l:'elons, Corns, all Skin
Eruptions. Best file cure on earth,
Only 25 cts ,a box. Cure guaranteed,
,old by all Druggists.
kir We•
•wan ,+
tin .i rim
Pieene.- . most successful gxt;her-
ing took place at Dublin nlonday,wben
a picnic was held in aid of the new
Rosman Catholic chin'ch,whieh is being
erected, and of whicle she Rev. Father
Fogarty has charg . "he attendance
was remarkably la. • •, end a very band
some slim was real In the morn-
ingthere were s
and in the
trnoon dancing and games. The
contest for the mast popular young
lady on the grounds was won by. Miss
Carroll, of Dublin, the prize being a
htindsonme gold watch, $1137 being real-
ized from the voting tickets sold. A
tug of war, between the single and
quarried men,resttlting in ,t victory for
the latter,
To Tilt L' ALrIk OP
This is to certify that I have used
English Stock Food manufactured by
C. Lutz, Exeter, for young calves for
ayear past. They never refuse to take
food along in summer and when grass
conies,. It is an excellent food gives
full value for the money, and have no
hesitation in recommending it to stock
ka- Ifyou make any purchase at this store which proves unsatisfactory, bring
it back and your money will be cheerfully refunded.
'-,---'ALSO A CAR
New Brtniswi6K Plaster Paris
I? 944
Deering, eeriess and Engine
Iner Twine
Now is the time to idace your order for Twine. Call and
get prices
W. J. HI3AfiAN.