HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-6-21, Page 8STEWAR'1"S
Wall Waller., Sauustions at WM MGM
12ie the yard for a. very- fine assort-
ment of printed (Vanities in all the
-new stripes and figured effects..
yard fora very fine zephyr
Oc the
in blues, bellies. pinks, and
heather elfects,jnst the thing for waist
or dresses,
15e the yard fora lovely lot of fancy
stripe ptgnea in they new blue, navy
• and black stripes,
170 the yard for a swell lot of new
fatncg ginghamQ, just the correct style l
for waists or summer dresses,
40c the yard for the finest lot of mer-
cerized gingham.£ that we have ever •
shown, in blues, pinks and hellos, they f
ars beaauties
lo, 12i and 15c ter a lovely range of i
of white dimities, very swell for hot
weather wear,
12f. 15 and 20c for the finest: lot of
fancy effects in white piques, :that t
you'll Lind.
ISe the yard fear Eighty pruttted tilka,=
teens,very ;a t .h
y n tic Ie fol waists or fires.
50e the yard for a fine range of black
figazredipoplins, very setitable for odd
skirts or full dresses, these are special
?5c th yard for a, lovely black
creppone, strictly up-to•dete
money saver—ask to see hem.
and a
$3, $5.50, and $0 the dress end for a
lovely lot of fancy black dresses, we
can save you money on Black Dress
Another lot of slightIy £oiled white
bed spreads, large size, regular value
1.54 white they last your chole for 9Sc,
7e, 1.0.0, 1,2-3, 1.50,1.550, 1.7e, and 2.25.
Have yen seen our special values in
new lane, enrtniws, They're meney
makers for yeti,
each for fancy parasols in the
new bine, cream or cerulinal, they're
swell geode at low prieee.
3t all c the pair fps• good bon
sun u er esarsets,cool aitcl good wearers.
pair for aur speeied fast black
greens and hellos, hose either ribbed or plain,
ses, the neav
�; they re the best value we know of.
e new blue
aists ar down•to•dtite dresses.
ibban effect, correct for
Remember we pay highest prices for butter and eggs.
Book Storci
A full stock of School Book
for Public Schools.
A full stock of Sunday School$
Library Booksat wholesale prices
Family and Peachecs' Bibles
Ful. Line -
Everything in Stationer,
Wholesale and retail.
For Martian Licenses,
Wcdctas i,Rirags,
Wa tclse:s, Cios'tt sr
Spectacles, etc
tela ]F pairing n SAa:t ialty.
The copy for changes must be left
uotlater than Tuesday noon. Casual
ativestisementa accepted up to noon
Weduesdav of each week.
Wheat having nicelyhe
beginning to turn. ailed out, is
23. Spackman purchased a driver iu
London last week,
art, awx nrrs. rntuow, vistt:eci rrtenos
in Hullett last week.
W. J. Heaman spent Sunday with
, his parents in London.
Rev. Joseph Follicle, of Kingston, is
visiting his brother, E. Follick.
Retinoid Samuel, t4 the Wilsons
bank, 'cli, ui .
p •ased L. N. Dickson's
pony and outfit.
Miss Charlotte Sweet is in. Seaforth
this week attending the Epworth.
League convention.
Geo. Samwell had new potatoes for
dinner on Monday, groin in his own
garden. He has also in his garden a
rose bush profuse with bloom, contain-
ing over 200 buds.
A young son of Joseph May, of the
London road, while playing around the
yard the other day, was kicked on the
bead by a horse, and knocked insensi-
ble, but sustained no serious wounds.
J. D. Grabaen, of Toronto, shipped
23 more horses front here on Friday,
for cavalry- purposes. They were the
finest lot sent from Exeter this season,
and contained some very superior ani-
The Independent Order of Foresters
attended Divine service is the Presby-
terian church on Sunday afternoon.
They formed in line at the hall, and
headed by the Exeter band, marched
to the church, where Rev. Mr. Martin
preached a most thoughtful and practi
cal sermon.
JON Griq,
Agen for the Wxsrioax &ssruNCE Cohn.
Talrr, of Toronto; also foCOMPANY, ar the Fsesiux rum
THURSDAY. JUNE 21sT, 1000. `
Fred. Miners has accepted a position
as carpenter in Clinton.
AIfred Sheere has gone to Blyth to
work, with Daniel Prier.
Miss Caldwell, of Hay, visited with
Mrs. J. P. Ross oyer Sunday.
Miss Hattie Follick has returned
from visiting friends
in St. Marys.
MI's. Edward Jones Left on Monday
evening to visib her sons in IlIainitoha.
For derangements of the stomach
and liver, headache, etc., use Dix Little
Liver Pills.
Mr., and Mrs. P. L. Bishop have re-
turned from a two weeks' outing at
r Grand Bend.
The volunteers returned home on
Saturday evening from camp. They
report this season a pleasant one at
Messrs. Ross, Stevens and Hemming
wheeled to London Satnrday evening.
When at St. Johns, Mr. Stevens' wheel
broke down and he had to walk five
Saturday evening, Fred. Basvden
whenjumpingfrom a rig to the ground i
lit upon a large spike which penetrat- 1
ed his foot, causing an ugly and pain- c'•
ful wound. •
Fred. Treble, who has been working it
in St. Marys for some time, as black-
smith,is home nursing a sore arm,
havinghad it dislocated while working I
with a horse in the shop.
Miss Ball Inas resigned her position
as teacher in the Exeter Public School
to take effect at the close of the pres-
ent terns. She intends attending the
Normal College in Hamilton, Miss
Ball is an efficient teacher, and her
services in the school here will he
much missed.
Louise Aspden, a little girl, while
returning hone from school on Mon-
day,was tis run over by a buggy. She
undertook to cross the street in front
of the rig. when one of the wheels
knocked bet. down and passed over
her. She was not seriously injured,
but had to be driven home.
The jockey, Duncan Lamont, who
a vas recently kicked in the face by a
rorae in Haukshaw's stable, had sufti-
ientty recovered to leave for his home
n Montreal Saturday. Messrs. Gra-
mm and Hetherington, who at differ-
nt times owned the horse, each paid
hair the boy's expenses during his
The presiding examiners at the vari-
ous centers in West Huron for the
Iigh School Entrance, June 27th, 28th
Lnd 29th, are as follows :—Cxoderich, J.
Me. and Mrs. Chas. Abbott of Lon -cion •
axe visiting. friends in town: Mr. fD
Abbott intends leaving for the Old
. Country in a few days, Mrs, A. .re- • Gr
mnaining here during his absence.
Miss Retie Stanbur1 D
_ of y, of :Bayfield,. is
the guest Miss Martin, at the Manse p
for >a few days. 1st.:
She t
part i the
g •5
program in connection with the Straw
berry Festival in Cavell church on J: -
Tuesday evening. G
A number of c:itiz
Cho' ens Joined the
it of Cayen church on Monday and
attended the;: picnic' of the Kirkton
Presbyterian church, la Wis '
eman s
grove. The `weather was fine and a
pleasant afternoon was spent.
E. Tom, I. P. S.; Bayfield. E. J. Hagan
S. unganno?:i, Geo. ,s, bVoods ; Exeter,
eo. Bloomfield ; Crediton, Peter
owans ; ITintai], R. E. Brown; St.
Helens, Thos. G. Alien; Zurich, James
elgaty; Hensel], Geo. W, Holleran.
ubltc School Leaving, July i3rc1, 4th
and 5th: Junior nror a
M trrculatio
n July
h and 7th, presiding examiners
t oderieb, J. E. Tom, I. F. S.; Bayfield
ea. Baird, sr.; Dungannon, 3. H.
Tiger t : Exeter, Wm. McKay ay. ; Credi-
ton, S...3.' A. Boyd ; Zurich. W. H.
Johnston ; Reesall, W. B. Bagshaw
Kintei], Allan Bowies. The subjects
for part 1, Junior Matriculation are
English Grammar, Arithmetic and
is my,
berry festival under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid of Caren Presbyterian
church, on Tuesd yy evening was a de-
tided success After the .berries had
been done justice to, a program was
carried out in the auditorium of the
churelt. Those of Exeter- who gave
their 'valued services for the oceasion
were Misses hardy, Witite, Johns and
Ball, whose selections were highly ap,
Predated, Ifs Senior gave a solo and
With lalFessrs Martin, Vincent, Pople-:
stone and Dr. Kinstuan, took part•
sante well chosen cherusee.. The chi
part of the program, however, w
taken by Mss Rata Staubury, elocai
ionise, of Bayfield, who ;pleased t.
audience with her recitations, and IV
well received throughout. Proceed840.
We have a line line of black Cash
mere Hose worth ssc of
anybody's money, which we are going to sell at 2$c a pair for lad-
les sizes and from r2,0e a pair up for children's and :misses sizes,
The qualities are suitable for present wear. When ycu see these
stockings yotz'11 be wanting several airs at this rice 2 . e.
p price, ,
WEDDINa BELLS. —A pretty home
wedding was celebrated at "Orchard
Villa." the residence of lire;, Isaac
Jewell, Bowwanyille, on Wednesday
evening, June 13, when Miss Irene 0.
B. ,lewell and Mr. Nelson B. Cobble -
dick. of ibis place, were united in mar-
riage, . The ceremony was performed
by Rex. J. A. Jewell, B. A., of Wel-
come, uncle of the bride, in the presen-
ce of about 50 invited, gaeete, The
bride looked era:inning in white organ-
die trimmed with chitfon ;and carried
white roses. ?Mss Velma Jewell, sis-
ter of the bride, made a pretty brides -
Maid. daintily gowned in white Organ-
die over bine, and parried in car-
ati+one, Mr. Frank Downs ably sup.
-meted the groom. An the bridal party
erect the parlor the Tredding tuareh
s played by '.hiss Daisy Jewell, of
elconte. The bride was giveu away
' — her uncle. David T. Walsh, Orono..
ter the ceremony the guests Pu-
nk of a cboice wedding dinner, the
table being decorated with ferns and
white rosea and ittdividttal boquets of
fargeti•nme-nom T,>*eae,st� list Include
ed friends from Izzeter, Welcom. e,
Outemee, Toronto, Orono and other
places. The gifts to the bride were
handsome and useful. The young
couple areespected in Exeter to -day.
We are pleased to see John COMM
hie to he around again.
Mrs. I., Thorne left on Monday for
er home in Los Angeles, CM,
Glean Elliot left last week for Sault
to Marie, where he will reside.
Mrs. Geo. M.MeIfay, Tuckersutitb, 1
this week for her bonne in Philade
Miss Battier Fitton left Tuesday t
visit; her sister, Mrs, Total, In British.
Rev, B. Aylward, of Parkhill. will
conduct the eerylces in Caven church
next Sunday.
Fred, Willis has returned to Mar-
lette, Mick., after a brief visit with his
parents here.
Miss Maggie McIntyre, of Varna.
who was serionaly ill as still confined
to her bed.
4. runaway horse or-. the Thames road
ort Monday, demolished a buggy and
killed some sheep.
Mrs. Hyndman on Wednesday had
to mess of green peas for dinner, grown
ha their own garden.
Cavan church Sunday School will
hold their annual picnic on July 2nd,
on the public school grounds.
Mrs. W. Levitt, who underwent a
surgical operation in. IL London hospi-
tal last week is progressing favorably.
Donald McInnes and wife have left,
the farm, and are visiting friends here
prior to leaving on their trip to the
The Seaforth and Exeter lacrosse
team will cross sticks in the league
championship I;anie to be held in Exe-
ter ou Friday.
The hog business is one of the best
for the fermiers these days, for $10,50
and over per cwt.. was paid for x car
load on Thursday last.
There will be as meeting of the Liber-
al Conservatives in Exeter this (Thurs-
day) everting, to ;select delegates to at-
tend the eonyention to be held in
Ailsa Craig on Tuesday next.
D. m on the
13 h con Hullet, orented eon�which he
is Iiving, has bought it from A. Sirrnth,
the proprietor. It contains 75 acres
with splindid buildings. Price paid
We are sorry to learn that Elliott
Spooner of near Constance had the mis-
fortune to have his leg broken Monday
morning by being kicked by a horse.
It appears that, he went out to fetch in
the horses from the field and when he
was watching
the other horses a
that was near by kicked at the horse
he was an and he received the Kick
just above the ankle.
Detective Rogers, of Toronto, and
three assistants, have been Visiting
Windsor, and the detectives are going
over the Gran' Trunk system rcund-
ing up trarnps caught upon the Com-
pany's propeity. Every tramp. gets
six months in the Central Prison, Tor-
onto, and the authorities believe that
in a short time the tramp nuisance in
Canada will be a thing of the past.
Strawberries are worth 7 cents per
box in Exeter.
The Royal 'Te:nplars will picnic
Grand Bencl July Otte
- . . .FOR
eii a l . �:d'OO
i s
Air ir / I,T PRICES.
Ladies' waists in all the desireable fabrics and shades
ry for 25c. u.itable for house and street wear.
Milliner.. tai
10 only Ladies new fashionable
trimmed hats ranging
from 2,50 to 3'.7:x, ;v,tnr
choice while they last for
Clothing Special
10 Meas.'s fine Tweed suits, well
made and trim.n3ed, very
swell goods,aa ortb i egitlar^
lg�Sti,.Sofor•,.,,..,•. . •..•- •,35f t
We have a few more parasols
than we desire at this time of the
year and in order to turn them
quickly into money, quote the
following interesting prices,
Ladies' everlasting cloth parasols, good strong frames,
ecialat..... . ••..•,. •,..,11••.•• .».•.• .»•,... .•11.•
Ladies' fine gloria covered parasols, paragon frames,
pecial at ..,.. .s»»,+ ,,.sea •,.a». .,...1 .•.•.. •... ••••
A large assortment of Ladies' black parasols with
black and fancy handles including a lot of samples, specal at
.. »,1••. •.•.., •.,. •,.. 1/1,1... 1.25, I.5Oand
"The Boulevard" ladles' white silk parasol, with white
1-lcelluloid handle, special at.. •»»» »,.» .,». » ..,•, •
Ladies' black and white striped silk parasol very new
and stylish, special.
Mrs. James Jeckell. Victoria; street,
is confined to her bed through illness.
The firemen picniced at Grand Bend
Thursday last end ~pent a pleasant
The South Ilurou Earrners' Institute,
held a picnic in liensall to -day, (Thurs-
A little daughter of 'Wxn 1'Vieke, of
Sebaringville, had her arm fractured
one day hist week by another young-
ster ster falling on her out of a tree.
A stranger carne to town 'Wednesday
and rode up Main Street sidewalk on
his wheel. He was accordingly fined
for violating one of the village by-laws.
The Woodstock Sentinel -Review has
it on good authority that Ingersoll is
in danger of losing the Nocton xmanu-
facturing concern. They may move
to Toronto.
T. P. Smith, eye specialist, will be at
the Commercial hotel, Exeter, on Fit-
day and Saturday, .lune 20th and 30th.
Persons suffering from defective sight'
should call early. Consultation fre.
• • • r • • • • • 1 • • , • • , • 1
1300eRIE26 18 G0MFLET
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' wllitewear in the newest and latest seyles.
Parasols full line and at pricesthat will please you.
Laces and embroideries in .endless variety.
Colored dressgoods in all the latest s
Black Dress Goods we hold the fort.
Gloves from the finest kid down, just to hand.
Hats andies. T goods.
, , Bobby foods,
Summer corsets and linen
skirts, just the thing for 1116
hot weather,
Ready-made made C,lotllin ' in Men's. Youth's
very low figures,
h sand boy's at
We make a spec.a.lt , in Ordered Clothing.
black I suit $15, See our
,`1� o- sted suit at $15,
Complete stock of groceries. always new and fresh.
Try our ?qac Japan tea, elegant flavor
We are the sole agents for Tetley's teas, one trial of
these teas would cons ince you that they have no equal,
Give us a call, 1 -highest prices paid for F produce.
T ��BI308
Publlo School Board.
.Minute$ of Board meeting held in
the Town Hall Monday June 13th, 1000.
Absent J. Senior,
The following is the busyness cluly�
sOmitted and approved,
,00 nt trnChairman minutes of previous 1
Per 1t• N. Rowe and H, Huston that I
an inspectorial visit of the Board be ##.
evade to the school, Tuesday, June 10, i
at 2 p. tn, to decile on the repairs and',
improvements to be effected durin ► �,
50 the eusuin holidays, b,'
1.35 1 '
'.75* 1
R •
and n
ethick FOR
We ran across some rare bargains in Ladies' Vests this week
and you shall have the benefit of fortunate buying.
Ladies' cotton Tests, half sleeves Ladies' fine macs cotton vests,
great value at......... ........ ...5c. short sleeves, full shaped, silk
Ladies' fine 'ladled shaped cotton trimmed nests, they are beauties
vests, the beet values we have ever , for lac.
offered , ....... 10c.
lestdies" tine bluin i:ea :rotten vests a Ladies'wltite cotton, eight gowns
half sleeves, silk ta'hunted, special i trimmed with fine embroidery and
for ti...,........ 15c.'insertion and tucks, specialfer....05e
PER DOZ. 5e.
want al
arc quantity of .•
li q t3 ,goad butter and eggs and will
ay highest prices for same,
The R. Pi6Kdr� Go.,
Direst Importers
Don't forget the laerosse match to i To day is the longest day of the
morrow. . year.
1 Rev. Jas. Snell preached in Main' St.
iirMlrTo sJr the Dignan'aiv'siting friends rchurch last Sunday- morning.
Miss Enlnia Howard, of London, bas
Valentine Ratz, M. P. and wife, of
returned home. Iiiriva, were in town on Saturday.
J. E. Tom public School Inspector, is
in his section in Isis
official David Jacques was in London on a capacity.
Tuesday on business. Mr. Blasdel has taken the position.
Miss Nettie Fulton has taken at post- l of head miller in the Exeter Roller
tion in Dyer's store. ! M'lls.
A number of citizens are this week Mrs. Stevens, of Exeter North, is
attending the London races. visiting friends in Drysdale and Bay -
The sound of, . y'
Lhe mower is now held.
heard. The bay crop is short. I Miss Ball spent Saturday and Sun -
Have your eyes tested byT.P.Smith, day visiting Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers, Credi-
eye specialist, at the Commercial hotel, ton.
June 29th and 30t1, I Use Dix Little Liver Pills for head..
Don't forget the lacrosse match in + the and biliousness. Solei by 0. Lutz
Exeter on Friday between the Exeter Exeter.
teams. Ball faced at 5 7 Alf, Coffin wheeled to Parkhill on
o'clock. Saturday, returning on Monday. E.°
Are your feet tired, weary and sore 'sited friends.
during this hot weather, if so, try I • Miss Loraine Hooper returned home
Foot. Ease. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.
at -
Price 25 c a box.. + London, whereoni a has been
�• tending school, on Friday.
Jas. Willis: drily: liorse`ran'away at 11 Ira H. Spicer, of Denver,Col.,is vi
the depot twice last week. It created (icing his mother here, whis illlir.
considerable excitement in breaking • S. was a former resident of Exeter.
oft the scrniaphore pets and overturn- : Mr. Rem/ming of the Molsons Bank
ing rigs in the yard. , • left Tuesday for Toronto. His posi-
Duncan McKay, of Exeter north,' is tion here has been taken by a Mr.
ahead with new potatoes. Yesterday Young, of Aylmer.
.11e presented Tem Trails with a large 0. Lutz has received an order from
mess, the tubers averaging 7 inches in the Agricultural College, Guelph, for
•circumference. They ,were of good `200 pounds of his English Stock Food
quality also.
Elijah Jory, of the 2nd con. Stephen
while leading a horse the other day,
the animal reared, and knocking hirer
down, came upon his breast• with both
fore feet, crushing in several ribs. He
is recovering nicely.
Messrs. E. Christie and ,L II. Greive
were in Ilensall Monday attending the
meeting of the directors of the South
Huron Agricultural Society, • for the
revision of the prize list. Save a few
minor chap es the list remains nal
ns •.
as be-
fore. This is to be regretted, as it
certainly requires a thorough over
haulingin uian
departments, I
is esp
y in the Arts and Ladies'classes.
New ideas sh.ould'be given a chance to
develop. •
Will often cause a .horrible
. burn,
Scald, Cut or Bruise. .13ucklen'a Arni-
ca Salve, the best in the world, will
kill the pain and prompt''.y heal it.
Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Iileers,
Boils, Felons,Corns,all Skin Eruptions,
Only 25cts a box. Cure guaranteed.:
Sold by all Druggists, •
to be delivered at once,
I Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Tow and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Yeo, late of London,
moved to town on Thursday last. Mr.
Yeo intends opening a general.store
W. McNevin and Wes. Huston left.
on Tuesday for British Columbia,
where they will spend a few weeks
prospecting if pleased with the efu1n-
try they will locate there.
Turkish Scalp Foodrestores
iatr'9 relieves ''
itching hire
�r of
the scalp, remove, dandruff, Promotes
hair growth, and is an elegant dressing
for the hair. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.
Price 500 per bottle.
James Stewart,of
U. S. S. No 5,
, a,rtnn, Ellice and Logen, lags been
engaged as principal of the public.
school at Sebringville in successmon to
Geo. Hamilton. who watts recently eta
pointed County Treasurer' of Perth.
The salary is $4,75 Per annum.
Tea common symptom of worms in children.
arothers who suspect their child is troubled
with worms should administer Dr. Lows Pleas-
ant Worin Syrun. It is simple, sale and
effectual, Price 25c.
thatthe revaluation of school property
and additional insurance of clever -11 CANADIAN FARMERS.
hundred dollars effected on the saute
and ineretiair the total carried to' We use the best, high grade coiled wire
eight thousanddollar., be approved. Per iF J. Catling and �V' r•evethick J. r ,STIZ�IaoN CO.,
that the Board regretfully accept the' Kirkton, Osnt,
resignation of Miss A :s'. Bali, rind!
that the vacancy thn� e•; •I ed be filled '
by. the Te;aehers' Ste e,;, ,tom. _ ._ , ._,._ <_� . _-.. _�
I'er R. N. Rowe and U..Iluston that I
the request t•: the Presbyterian S. 8, S Buggies Buggies • Bugles!!
for the iso- of the school grounds be Spring is here andour buggies are
gran'..,1 tonditional to their arrange- selling lively.
nient with the Janitor for.lias attend- • If you are desirous of securing a
a oe, supervision nnci proper rfinuner. g
Per W, J. Carling and R. N. Rowe First.- Cies
that the following accounts be paid ,— tBuggy
W.J. Heitman, pulley 23c ; IL Bishop 1 cheap age is the r and We haven large number and differ
ban, iron pipes g,lu. a0 , �� . I3.iT„ will, ent styles to select from.
labor S4.00.
Per Ii', Iinston and W. T. t ;sting. LARGEST DEALER IN TOWN.
that the parents and guardians be res-'
pectfuliy notified thou the School Act Pars
empowers the Board to require cParsonsficatea
of van • .
ccrnationr from the nupils
before being permitted to return Two doors south of Twavn Hall.
school, and that it is desirable that all EXETER, ONT,
unvaccinated children should be vac- ---
secudilated early in the holiday season [0
their return to school uuclel• the
must favorable conditions.
Per II. Roston and R. N. Rowe that
the satiny of the Principal for the en-
suing year he ($750.00,) seven hundred
and fifty dollars. Adjournment per
W. J. Carling.
J. Gino°, Secy.
W. C. Landesboro and wife visited
in Blyth this week.
APPRE:rrecE Weesann to learn
printing. -Apply at Teams OFFICE.
Goad general servant wanted by'20tt1
inst. Good wages. Apply by letter
or in person. •',+R.S. L. H. ScivernitETr,
303 King St,. London, Ont
Aid of the .fames street Churel, of Ex-
eter, will bold their annus] strawberry
festival, on Monday evening, June 25.
Everybody cordially invited.
NOTICE.—The Tri -Annual Meeting.
of the Exeter Union Burial Ground
will be held in the Town Hall, on the
evening of June the 27th al. 7.80 p. in.
;All lot holders vire requested in attend
this meeting.
W. D. WEENEs, Setae-.
Is yet in its youth. If you.
need recreation or rest from
business, care and worry no-
thing will benefit you in mind
and body so much as a spm
into the cnuiitry with its
wealth of beauty in bill and
vale,- field and wood, and the
ideal wheel to. make Lite trip
Ois • the easy running 'illzl�' ct��P
1 d
a9 '' ' ^, v
\ Tufa'
Gall and seii them and lei.
us show you their beauty- and
talk of theirexcellmit qualities.
always in: stock.
S Martin.
A second' band square is
1 piano
for 850 in good ccndition,
'We have a handsome assortment
of opal ware, Including handkerchief,
collar and cuff boxes, plates, vases,
water bottles, and glass smoking settee
Are you looking for a present ? You
will save time and money by buying
here. We carry a first class stock.
No Seconds Remember
Granite and Tinware, Fruit Fillers,
Strainers, Wire Covers, Glass Sealers,
Picnic Baskets and Lunch Pails.
Fresh F Strnavl 1
erri e.4
ananas, Candy and Ice Cream.
Levitt's Fair
Laundry sent away every Thursday.
We are snaking a speciality of • the
above and would-be' pleased to hale
part of yeti r trade.
Our faci::ties for,bnying are equal to
those , •g
tr .oaf our t nei Libor^ end shop
n 1 our.
expensee are much less than those .
1 o..e of
a any otlir2: concern" in town.
W. T'revethkkk..