Exeter Times, 1900-6-21, Page 71.1!HE EXTE1 ER TINES rried in one day at St. eos.ephe 81)11(.. FROkl Tia lig/11[S Michigan. The United States Agricultural De- • peril -tient will test dried be as arnee emergency ration, Kew*, Items About Otixsaves and A gas eenilosion killed foor men and _Our Neighbors---80mathing Interest From Every Qnar- ter of the Globe imprisoned 175 in a coal mine near elouster, Ohio, Friday. Secretary Norwell of the Brinen Embassy, arrived at New York with e2 trunes full of clothes. An American et New York just re- OOMIN P1 ThI\MEU Notes oe PreeeedingS in the Na.tion- al Legisla,ture. PLAINS OF ABRAHAM. Sir Wilfrid Leerier (teetered, in an- swer to Mr. efercote ,_ that he was not aware that, the battle between Wolfe and eIontealea was not fought an thot part of the Plains of A•bra- hara which, the Government eas .an - flounced its readiness to purehase. On the contrary, -tradition sale the bat- tle was fouglet on than •npot, REGIME"NTAL 13ANDS, Mr, Clarke asked: .minuteness, Saggestions were made that the agents should have the eiget not only to put their eignature on the envelopes bet to elfin eseal as well, and to have lime mere eacure mode of sealing tee boxes, Mr. Ingram %vented to have tee time a the return of the ballet, boxes to the returning officer definitely fixed, sug- gesting that in cities aud towns they should be returned the eame night. Where the returning officer was non, CANADA- . turned from Paris says the Expesttton rveslaiedee4lit he suggested they slemeld be ' Cliaudiere water power concerns at is "the worst fra•ud ever rerpetrated ia the ()ere of thePostmaster Ottawa eill retake imerovements vale on mankind." Mr. Fitzteitrick prefeieed the elastic ued at ellediett. . „ . • It la estimated that the loss in trade "forthwith" of ' the bill, and Sir Tee new Manitoba election bill dis- . - . : wag,es and by damage done, resulttng Matted Cartwright thcught tbey franchises Galivians 4" D°11khsh°rs from the St. Louis streee cite etrike should nave as few people as possible for seven years. amounts to e22,000,000. bandie the boxes. The proper thing Middeesex county reeeipta front jan. vapotiu ene M • J h r P.-1 o n . la, PS IV tO make the law for pu.nishing let to June 5th were tee2eitee and ex- tameering with the boxee more striu- e Weigel from Hackensack, N.Y., Bets the c ommanding aticer a a eack Roach* of Napanee bank rob- three months. 1 1 o - it.i.i0 it i militia regiment the authority under gent. Pinally "forthwith" was left as penditure 642,.,947, on ii coething trip, o etch is to last • • - bey uetoriety, is being tried a Mont- ALu4 " 4( e ler In es' , the Militia Act to order out tee merre thAe tleiMn;illaiymditi'scussion took place epee. Aimee l'homtfis.i. a, 1.7 -year-old irl g - it bers of the reginiental band to play real on a charge of robbing a cigar did the Joan o e t. o1 with %trine , eau. 1 a ane r n • • y the question a the best mains of dis- store there. at 't Louis aver 1 NO followine ' The townspeople at.Ermela counted 15 Eugineer Parry was killed by the. ers 6 ' ' ' - ' fUnetionr 4, If so orderee •out does l'i''ing " the eingled hails" in "dee to prevent them becorniug mixed, with guns' her iiiroueli the streets. She was ar- i tire deptrtment held thee the mem . hers of such regimental bands 4e -e tee. rejected ballots, tie had bean found Three letindeed Erse" taters re -eased explosion a a boiler at the Dominion rested. i • compelled to obey such orelerse from guarding Van Reenexes pass balm Iron anti Steel Company a quarrY. 3. eethe case in .one or two inetancee Tlit 'revertant aets uf this sessiou weer Sydney, .NOT MUCH, DAMAGED. Laing's Neer. Tunnel Can soon B Repaired. 4 despaten from Loneou, Thoesday says :-The • despatch from Lord. Roberts clearing up tbe situation at Pretoria anti aloug the oormennica- Hone stenes eeonan Miiitery ()beery- ers, noting, that eto mention is made of prisoners* assame that Gen. De Wel. got away with his tomes practionele intact. , General .Bulter entered, Volirsruee Wednesday, passed through Charlee- tort, and encamped near Lainees leek. The tunnel was not meoh elargaged• Both ends were blowa upt bet the ene gineers think that replies 'eau •be ef- fected ebou,t four days,' 'the ad, vauee troops of Genera). Buller saw the Boer rear -guard four Innen die - tent yesterday. it was estinaated that 8,000 Boers were witnarawing. e s gone to join lereeident Steyn's cone- conerese include • filling other then military engage,. ethers re-counte had beim lield• Mr. Waltere, axe inerinteeturer, of " telt tate Httli, has received a trial order for °I' giu'w141 1" and P"tu Itie° and talents, by welt auteority Aro melee Powell suggested Met the deputy re mend° in tiO 14aatOrll Parr of Orange tuning o ieets e regenret o It; Riv°r •C°1•°°v" • Ilawaiiau bilis. Appropriateme ' Ln to wear their military uniforins? 4. the hulled's- (itiesttaA hett" "esthg en?e,eeare. 1,Rat,11-‘earde''eehilarunsZts 1:11.1%11.yee'sntr0rteline- hers of regiment"' betide pernaitted Has the Minister of elintia received the hanut.Psx: o nlianber ()owe tor use te. tini rt. - ateney and navy. reech $760,0,I0e100. An attempt to poison tle heed of eat- Three mon named Rob wer .. n ugteitine, any correspondence as to tile neater • gingetor, Wan made by pattine Peen) Texas. as the restilt of a feud that referred to in theeabove queetiern ? ed b3111;14"1ul de,puty returubedg boeffZeratIlek!'t44 tebree 13131'ssrees::ennat' 1Kxvillugbeer:::::7:1411:egd. .10 tto g Triplets, two girte and a bey. were unit haat already provoked severei inure bave been given? min Dr. 13orden, repliet1 .1-1. Not unneet' te'reajzitesdughVilta,otini. stt17°tt..1„eu°:111:9,:loy:ei:awseithile:szhtaeahl:11:::°04:11,11:fet'ste'ttakreeelletepei has neeu be progress fete eorne time, o. from whom, and wbet auswers could be no etesaibility of their bein greeu iuto their salt. born to Aera. C. S. Moore, of Periva:e. tier& Manitoulin Tee hoe was D It •el d th t t der at once, their farras nand otbe,r G Get.es ener shot and killed at GENERAL. ho members of the regimentel lentil I- be Executive offices Of tete Govern - cheep might he draeted to meet the ' • I t th Imre et Mate- are re at the time subjeet to wintery ' f • • • • went, and le intends to leave named Pen() 1 a Lev e e u ion e rlapple 1..34 boon stanalo et tes o mernoers, if Lt we lt\ deemed eing ed out in A.rgentina. le w, as spacified in piragrapli 82 o'f _ • t.LOitorre. boou, and to eetab:ish the Wtniaipeg immigration returns fur Six new eases of plague arta two tho entitle Act. 2. Yes. it at tee time taluectees:ary to Provide the double guar- . . Trenevael capital, at Neispruit, in the ',oleic() huge, per out 6 50 Ms' total 0,000, out of wienh 1•433 eeatbs are repurted a.t Cairo. they were ordered out, the members , mountains, a flue defensive region: 1. Light b,iv, arer cwt. 550 were Genciante. Tetal returns thee American horse meat Ls beingsolU of sueb regiment:el bantl wore eub- • TO :4' - - - --. f ,- - •••• The ;elate printing preae is operating fleere bogs. nee Ow t. ' 600 UPPItESS LIOUOR INF] -171, Nen? peer ebow 17,000 Dew arrivala in the :. 0 e ell oweuen as stnoked reindeer meet. jeet to military hw. 3. Tbere is no • g la adzu a at el elm otiorp producing leuf ' elr Cas rain moved an a e 4-, i 1 ri lees LJie f li e • • • -it for clietributing • ' MARKETS TRE WELD mew Prices Of Cattle, chase. pruin, Ste, in the Leading Markete. 'e Toronto, June 19. -The receipts here were about fifty loads, na.clueing 750 cattle. 1,101) hogs, 400 sheep and lanabs, 170 spring eambes 20 eedves, and a. few milkers. ahe market was a- liYely one. Ex- port toad butcher eattle were ielling well act the, prices given below. Good demand dr :raatsti:riasrke. very firm, and the Stockers, feeders, and export bulls are about uriehangeet spOriungaleacilunustw:tre etaeheey. la g''3 sup' ply Sheep and yearlings were steady and unchanged. Hogs are firm at unaltered figures, leer preen) hogs, scaling froan lee to 203 tbs., the top price is 67-80; heavy bog% 6 leis; and iiglet nog% 6c Per lb. Following is the range of quota- tionse- Cantle ShiPPeree Per owe. . . t40 $5 Ilueclter, choke, .. 875 4,150 leuteeer, med. to good. 340 3U But eher, iriferior. . 00 330 Stoekers, per cwt. . 3150 37e Sleep and Lambs. neer., pe cwt. . 356 406 Yearling's, per ewt. 45(1 525 Sering lambs, each. . 25(1 450 lituire, per (woo . 800 825 Milkere and Calves. Cows, each. . . .2500 45 00 Calves, eaeh. . 200 10 00 nicest. Lord Curzon reports that 5.7711,0110 authority for their weering them un- en e nos e the Clue ee INN. Pro' eontaining nee nee,. Pram= Ker5(14 lahourereno ine sefferers in Judie are being les. 11147 are at the e time'subjeet to ri ' ding that no liquomay so r 1" ld ming 111 la'she Biers. it i.; again rito.reed r. , 4104 0 : and %voundre ed We wife, tben snot In- relieved. tielf probebly fatally at WIlentleed• The priee of soap in Germeny hate Titee quarrellee over pu' ling the 134 been inereaeed owing to the --bort to bee. yield of oil seed, tu An attelet to wreele an -(441(44° The Shah of Persia, who is making etreet cer on the reilillelllinry hill, 4 tour or Europa, was emu a big ye. " Ki gigSt On, WL1S made be• Placing a large ception at 'Warsaw. boulder on the track, The car wee de. At the racei at Auteuil, France, railed but no one was hurt, President Loubet was attended by A Montreal deepat eh says the Nobel Dynamite Trust Co., of London, has Pellee corpe WI bieyeles. eeettred a majority et the storm of Emperor William has decreed that the Hamilton Powder Company, wbicli tbe three new twee near Metz. shall bear the names (it the Crown Prince, has been doing, businesi in °amide alum the aixties, lemprese and Lot hringen. The Gevernment will unprove the Chinese pirates heee ue a steam - Int cm:denial . Railway with several. launch which was miring four junks, powerfui engines, Ills° cars of the, off Celle Surman, looted tee entire latest design. Over 20,000 tees of Be- convoy and stele the launch. 1 Pound rails will be ordered. to relay portions of the road. Hon. George A. Drummond, speek- eng at the annual meeting ot the Bank 6f Montreal, warned the bustuess I conmauun y 111.11 there was a danger of I over -production, und aver -stork' -ng by mere)aants tiwiug the present year. Hon, W. S. Fielding has received a communication. signed by Sir Caven- dish Boyle, Government Secretary of British Guiana, and Mr. J. H. De jonge, enclosing a draft for $600 as it first instalment to the Ottawa fire re- lief fund. G11E:tie BRIT AIN. All horse cars in Glasgow will be re- placed be electric oars by January next. A combine of the curtain manufac- turers of Nottingham and Seat -land is in process of organization. The Peninsular and Oriental Steam- ship. Company, of London, has donat- ed $25,000 to tbe indi•an famine fund. The Seeretoryeof State for India has just. purchased §2,500,000 worth of sin- e ver for coinage into rupees for cir- culation in India. A comelimentary dinner was given at the Savoy Hotel, London, to wel- come home Sir Henry Irving aftee his American tour. The statement of the British Board of Trade for Lle M011th. of May shows increeses of £2,999,000 in imports, and £1,685,700 in exports. Englioad is said to be gathering a fleet at Malta with a, view to land- ing troops at Tangier, Germany to give moral- backing in the move against Franoe. Lord. R.adnor, owner of one of tee finest mansions in England, who was Lor severe.1 years Treasurer of the Queen's Honasehold dead, aged 59. Veseount Folkest one succeeds to the title. - Earl of Harney has refused to take his seat. in the 'House of Lorde because he believes that he has prov- ed conclusively a miscarriage of jus- tice against. the law advisers of the Queen. , Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman, in 'a 'speech in Glasgow,. said it wt' for the Goyerement. who had allowed the war to deal with the results. The members Of the Opposition were. only onlookers and critics. • UNIP22) STAT1?,S. Kansee Wheat crop will be over 80,000,000 bushels. Gen. Otis, now at Waslaingten, saya the Philippiee rebellion in over. The United States army in the Phil- ippines now numbere 62,000 men. . Cripple C,'reek, Col., mines have paid $13,821,99S in dieid.ende since 1893. A. Kansas City man has invented a machine to pick chickens by elec- Waal fans. Thirty -twee Chicago couples were BOTHA'S FORCE 12E1 REATED Roberts Finishes His Report of the Battle Near Pretoria. A despatch from London says : - Lord Roberts reporte to eh.: IN at Of - fire, unde relate of Pretoria, Weenies - fine, under date of Pretoria Wetimen day, as follows ;- " "Methuen udvanced to Honing startle. ,yesterday and found all quiet. Kroonstad is strongly held. Methuen returned to -day to Ithenoeter rriver, where the railroad is being repaired. We were engaged all yesterday with Botha's army. The enemy fought with considerable determination, and held our -cavalry on both flanks, but lan Hamilton assisted by the Guards Brigade of Pole-Carew's division, pushing forward, took the hill in his front, which caused the enemy to fall beck on their second position, to the eastward. This they are still holding. • et is slightly higher than the one we have captured. The great extent of country whice has to be covered un- der modern 'conditions of warfare ren- ders progress very slow. "Details of the casualties have not reached me, but I understand they are moderate in numbers. The only fur - thee casualties reported to date are two officers wounded," en the afternoon of the same day Lord Roberts cables:- " The enemy evacuated their streng position during the night, and have retired to the eastward. • "Bulter's force and mine have af- forded each other mutual _assistance - Our ecoapetion of Pretoria caused numbers a Boers to withdraw from Laing's nek, tend Buller's advanee to Volksrnst made them feel their rear would shortly be endangered." EIGHT MEN KILLED. e•••• -a 6 87 -2 600 6e5 325 50 a teete ,Clii.eo market was :stronat tbe T ' oronto June 19. -Wheat - The ,gtg militery law. 4. A. petition and a few ' tote, coast gummy or sole ma ,eta lee 411* at Lorenzo -Marquee tiett tie' but eased off toward the letters from the Toronto :Musical Pre-' the ‘lee• of, an ellections and. 111 allwr are ndvatlehltl. thruu°' S'17,,,:e11,,aelledr: ,clo.'le.1111.111nitobite were easier, and 011- I months of April anti Mee,. 1991 The sugges,ion, aiel brouglo up - h • m‘it.or ' through the Swain couatry, ' Quotations are lei::: terse sa-t ttl: ev a rirti"ke'en toll' AdizseiVuzateirl: teetive 45. 8(911101* re interpretation pewee ou elect/Am day and 11r4 Lily Lord Roberts, it appeare, ghen u) terms about eteady, wile belong to milli iry hewn: were tret3' es leasee Ie a twee!. ,. Stratheona's lietr•se laud ou ihe coast 0 .. - . 4 a e low, Sir Henry eleux aud "Cencego' north and west; east, 66 to leenetee, . the Marquee ef Winchester, Lord Lud- o the mama ,,eet as "garde weleors preemie% and iii it no commie teeeroom countermended the order 'as follows --Oni ario red end white .6e 1 eceivell in the den irtment in the ' Dr. $eroule been ily support:el tilts aud penetrate to the "ereneyeal i 1--' 1° "ea 66 1-2e; spring. east, 67e; 3Ianitobe..No. 57 of tbe Militia Act. , Mr. Fielding agreed wilt Mr. Cits- The total wealth of Europe, per- s.kur REOCTIATIONtil. grain's idea. Even it it feilea it Was U3l.hkd reel eeiater is estimated at reply %yes a quotation or peragraph - 0 eeeWiag off" election Proteets. . worth trying. He thought the centre- 6e35,009,000,000. (Front the po.nt ot The bill to amend. the Weights awl veried elee0Onn IOW was not every view,. of i he a beolute rithes a the eleasures aect was put through coin- world a he priutaip it Enropeon coun- t -toed piece of tnachinery. It watt more tries range in the toliouing order by. billious; Britain, 59; realm, 53; Ger- runny 40; Russia, 32; Ausirta, 22; Italy, - 15; Belguina 5; 'Holland, 1. A eingular Incident is repartee from New Becket:131e nee Norfolk. A. wonattn took her child to chureh to Oe christened, and had it named Jou- RON ENGLAND, WHAT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE ARE DOING, Record of Occurrences In the Land That Reigns Supreme 'in the Commercial World. The Northumberland eliattre' Ex, ecnteve have officially approved Sir Charles' Ditke'e bill prohibitms chil- dren uader thirteen years werkmg Mrs. Wills, aged a hundred arid three, rec.-putty died at &ult. she was born at East lineyle, Wiltshire, and Until recently could read witne out elapses. The restoration a tbe Bloody Tower in the Tower of London es now com- pleted all but a few repatrs to a tur- ret, and the repairs to the lieutenant a loigings are finished. It has been estemated that the food eunplyo Loodou would AO last out a week it its comutunitienious itb the country were broken, and the intlow of iirovfsions stopped by any eau:ie. The London Leneet says that large rtions of the stornaee, or even the whole; a it, retie be remOyed with no ve7 great mortality, and in succese- ful wens wItn wonderfully little et - feet on the patientei digeetione Mies Margaret elarIntyre leas been engaged (or the early part of Um sea - eon in, London at the Royal Opera, The Scottisn prima donne. has, since beir return erten). Russia, been alleging with the Carl Rosa Company, and ha. also taken part in concerts.. It is estimated that the Exchequer will get nearly two end tbree-quarter Mahone in death duties from the bard, Wm, Teronto and west, 81 12e, !g.i.t., lake and rail, and: 77 1-2e, Owen BULLER AW. STIPAIES. h'011:320(1., II '1 u -S eady; straight roller, in weerteie Explosion of kas lit Canniere Moe, Alberta. A. Canmore, Alberta, special says: - The most serious gas explosion teat ever occurred in Ortamore reale took place on Wednesday afternoon, re- sulting in the instant death of eight men a•xid several slightly injured. The names et the dead are ;-Prea- er Da,ye, Amend Regard, Tony Ba - lite., Peter Caulfield, and three others, ifoteignets, Whose names are not yet knoevre The first teree leave large eat -antes\ The explosion is supposed to have been due to one of the enlnere 'unlock- ing his safety lamp with a key orronge fully obtained. Cannot Advanee Far Until the Tun -i buyers' begs, freights, $2.55 per nal is Cleared. I bbl, bid. and $0.60 asked; istlieciel bear o. tag stetting egetiring balls of binder twine to , than to eneble one. to be held. A. dogettch from Inindon. Friday, 'brands, in wood, $3 to $3.10. and ehorte. $11 to $14.50. west. Plitt" after the ndenni°t1 of the cia"se likely 1.0 prevent the holding of 011; il •51111feed-Dull. Brien $13 to $13.50, the weight and ' heee4,1 the dee would eonte soma no, advanee further until he gets supplies., He bays:-Gtu. Buller will be unable to ' Corn-letrin. No. 2 .A.merican yellow, citizens of St. John, N. 13., who desires i ei 1.• s'eeee of a $1,000 dePosie betng requite Be will probable wait until the tunnel a has bean cteared. Nearly every fitrrit-; 45 1-2e, on. track here, and mix.ed at lenettio The bill was held for a third f A reading cm the telegraphie request of oil from. a proteeter; the Judeas would to be heard on t he el 111.50 requiring whIch anoen; men Light.tn mattiot'konnow.,trit 11(u4'hie troops passeil flew a white : 45e. The British took nothing NV 1111- : I eae-betiady and in fair demand; tion would be held. wae done le mine, ogee. bread, and to 59c, north and weet. and file-. - u els ° tee, *ufqr,4 guts,. 1 ,...4r1St Ian art , After the ceremony the elergye the geese weight to bta st'onPed ort h t . 4, i t it . oter paving ler it, and a briht btwinrss ear lots are quoted uominally at 58 .,,,,,,11° lIon. Wmn'-------------------------- uee vonsidered by Mr. Fitzpatrick. ' and 410 east; No. 1, 42 to 43e. k d the mother her reesort tor barrels or bags of salt. is comp eine an. a U investIgn-. " , TWO -CENT STAMP 1300KS. err. Caserabin amendmetet wflt be chickens hY4 liniftY h"u'eNeiees w ' n . . • . . 110 i ez"teriee-nteady ; tem. 2, 40c west, eere pleased to get $o much English money. One woman, whose husband Rye -Steady; ear lots. west, 52c and name. whereupon she replied, "Why, 53e eaet, I thought bow nice it would be to name him after one of our big lenge . hell generals." Lest -mice of what w111 ho known as 'Phe entire bill INNIS gone through, two-eent stamp books." Each book me" of the clauses being allowed to and two sons have been fighting, consiste of two pages of six stamps ° stand for further Consideration. each, interleaved witb waxed. pe.per to 1 CHINESE IMMIGRATION. preveut their sleeking together, and is , The pen -tax upon Chinese immig- of a size convenient to carry in the "rants entering British Columbia will pnettet or p ocket-book. The book is be increased from $50 to $100, and a ing to have my men come home at neatly bound in stiff covers, and in' oommission will be appoiated to hi- neee.„ - the inner side si set forth in con- • quire into the euestion of Japanese chased form useful information eel:a- immigration. Tit:Oa were tile sellout Usually tlie first question. a Boer '1 • • 1 - b f •h ' woman puts ie: -"Will any husband be ' said : - 'You British are unlike our eeople. They took my homes in exehange for sheep, and made me make butter, welch they never paid for. Tale send- Buckwhealte-Quoted at 50c weste A cure:Ate mishap has befallen Mr. Master of the Wycomie Oats -Quiet ; white oats, north and veet, 26 1-2e; and east, e7 1-2e. ' Senic°x* Buffalo, June 19. -Spring whea•t- Union Warleb* ouse. Ai the close of the tend 1 Northern; round Mt% 78 5-80. Win- efst.mee.ting of the Board he Was sit. 'Ling in his office, when two guardetna 510 east. ' tel.: wheat -No. legeete 78e asked; No. entere.d One of them struck a lucifor metal to lignt a cigar, and a spark a the burning brimstone flew on the No. 1 Northern ear loads, 77 5-8o ; .No. 'With a laugh the masters face. features of - of the statement. made by 2, white and mixed, 77 1-2c asked. ehot if he is captured?" postal servite. The, price at which the the Premier in introdueing the prom- stamp.books are to be issued to the ised Chinese immigration restiestion . One young Man was pulled from un- Corn -Easier ; No. 2, yellow, a 1-2c; Postmasters, and sold by them to the 1, eel public is 25 cents emit, one Gent in I excess of the lace value of the stamps being "charged for each book, to cover the cost of binding etc. The smallest quantity of these books that eau be issued is four. . PRINTING OF VOTERS' LISTS. Dr. Montague wanted to know how the printing of the voters' iists was CHINA DEFIES THE POWERS. 3.),000 _Troops at ,Pekin's (at ei to Oppose the Marines. A special despatch to London from Shanghai says the position of the Le - getting along. The session and the go tions at Pekin:is meet eritical. Ac-• year ,were both passing, and there was 'cording to this despatch 30,090:Min- a tamer thet the lists raight soon be needed.. Sir Wilfrid Laurier -My hen. friend shows his wise diligence, but I cannot satisfy his curiosity at this moment. I will enquire. Dr..Montague-But met righl hon. friend forgets to tell me when he has euquireile Sir Wilfrid Laurier -Then my hen. friend will not forget to enquire again, Laughter. QUARANTINE ON CLUNESE. Mr. Fisher announced .that instruc- tions had been given to quarantine all Chinese arriving at Victoria from San Francisco for the full period of ,11 days. • BRITISH COLUMBIA AFFAIRS-. Mr. Prior asked' if, in view of the overwhelming .defeat of the Govern- ment of British Columbia, the Govern - _meat had sent any instructions to the Lieutencent-Governor as to the course he should pursue, so that the uneer- tainty nett now prevails should be set et 'rest at the eiirliest possible mo- ment. Sie Wilfrid Laurier replied that the Goveinment did not peopos.e to issue an instructions to the Lieutenant_ Governor of British Columbia, who had 'chosen to aUveal to the people of the Province, and the answer was in their hands lenECTION, ACT. 'AMENDMENTS. The House went into committee 'mon the bill to consolidate and amend the election law.. elie clauses re,specting the sealing of ballot papers and 'ballot boxes after the °aunt were discu.seed with great ese troops are cleiewn up- oUteide the gates of tlie city le oppose the re- lief force, and guns are trained on the American, British, and Japanese Legations. • The American, Russian. and Japan- ese Ministers have gent couriers to Tienersin't esking for 2,000 troops of es.ch nationality. The United States gunboats, York- town and Sastine left on Thursday for Tong Ku. There is no foreign warship now here. . It has been learned in official quar- ters that, although it is expected the Government at Pekin will show no further resistance as soon as it shall perceive the powers are determined, the commander et, the international forces has been iuistructed to inflict a sharp lesson in the event of any resistance, and not to brook any de- lay in re -opening the gates of Pekin if he finds thetn. elosed. FIGHTING IN ASHANTI, K ttttt asst Better Column Again Engaged With the Rebels. The Landon Daily Express has the following from Prashu, dated Thurs- day ;- "Theee has been another fight. 'on the line of communication of the Ku- nuessi relief expedition. No details have been officially supplied. There are 10,000 A.shantis surround- ing Kumassi, and 5,000 facing the re- lief force. The leaders of the rebel- lion include Anhantuah, Queen of Ole 541 der the bed, aod he went on hie knees 'begging ithe.B.ritieh petrol not to shoot him. KRUGER'S PAPER MONEY. - Notes Are Being Manufactured in His Railroad Car. A despatch from London, Friday, ,says desplitch from Lorenzo Mar- e ques, dated yeeterdey,. says; -"Preen dent Kruger' ie holding put* his gold and issuing paper notes from a press in his Executive car.' The Boer Ooy-. ernment's coin stock is exhausted; and the officials are bOW Doyeng out gold, discs unsiamped.. Some . west have declined to accept notes heve. taken their salaries in gold bars. The Boer Government is still paying out much gala in that way." BOERS AGGRESSIVE. President Steyn Is In Personal Com- ' 'nand, despe tee to the Leaden Tele- graph from Sheeper's nek says that the Boers are aggressive along tee whole length of the Senekal-Fiks- burg line; A. strong force menaced Pieksburg Wednesday, and Lhe Bri- tish outposts retired to thee village. The 13.ritish guns then opened fire on the berghers, who retreated. The Boers are also active to the west- ward of Seneka-1. President Steyn is at .Teit kop with the main laager. His presence doubt- less accounts for the activity of the burghers. STILL DRAWING SUPPLIES. Two, Steamers Arrive With 4,000 , Tons of Cargo for Boers. , A.: dee-patch to the London Timee frcen Lorenzo _Marques says that the Boers continue to draw substantial supplies from Delagoa. by, T,wo steamers have arrived there with 4,- 000 tons of cargo destined for tile Transvael. • No.3 ellow, 48 1-4e e Ne. 4 yellow, 42e; No. 2 corn, 42 3-4o; No. 3:corn, 42 1-2e. Oats -Quiet, but firma No. 2 White* 27 3-4e ; No. 3 white, 27 1-4c; Nu. 4 white, 26 I-2 to 26 3-4o; No. 2 mixed, 95 3-4o; No. 3 white, 25c. Rye ,Flenteelnion; good de- TilCiEnhdic'ago, June'14.-eThe wheat mar- ket was depressed to -day by rains in the North-West, and the weather of - flee prediction of ehowers for the Dakotas and Minnesota; July (dosed 5-8c under yesterday; corn closed 1-4c lower; and oats 3-8 to 1-2n, improved; the provision market closed 21-2 to 50 down. NZ1V York reported 44 leads taken at the seaboard for export; elearoncee in wheat and flour were equal to 245,1,00 hushels; primary re- ceipts were •611,000 bushels, compared with, 794,000 biisheis last year. Min- neapolis end Duluth reported 43,8 cars against 438 test week. and 417 a year ego. Local receipts were 79 cars, three of contract grade. &lomate receipts lo-moretay-Wheet, 94 cars, oorn, 600 cars; oats, 250 ears; hogs, e4,000. head , annneapolis, June ie. -Wheat -in s t oree-•No. t No r rn, 7e 8-4c; ,7u I ye 71c; September, 71 7-8e. :On track - No. 1 hard, 73 8-1c; No, 1 Northern, 71 3-4c; No. 2 Northern, 70 1-4c. Flour- Uncbanged, Bran, in belk-411 to 'June 19.-Whe•at-No. 1 hard cash, 74 1-8e; July. 74 5-8e; September, 75 1-2e; No. 1 Northern, oaeh; 72 1-4c; hely, 74 5-8c; Septem-ber„ 75 1-ec; rico. 1 Nartherre'cesh, 72 1-4c; July, 72 3-4e; September, 73 5-8c; No. 1Northera, 70 1-20; No. 3 :seeing, 67 3-1o. 'Oats-, 22 1-2 to 23c; -Corn -37 7-8. e *„ The eapenese Crowe Prince, during his visit to Constantinople, tivoided all diphena Ls except the British Am- bassedoelevnich is *aid to show that Englatal and Japan are albesr• The increased industrial: and co mercial prosperity of Germany, has 4e - creased its emigration from 120,089 itt tp 20,740 last year, 19,106 of the I•atter goeng .to the United States, Swint brushed the sulphur off his beerd, end tee incident was apparent- ly forgoetem hut in the evening his face begin to ewen. and he spent the night in great agony. Erysipelas of' a very serious eharacte.r had set in Me. Sememe became very ill, and. at one tune the worst result was feared, but he is now slowly recovering, General Cronje has, "M. A. P.' says a nephew living in Kennington, who, like many another young Boer of good preepects, is studying for it profes- sional career. He does not inherit the family instincts, and considers the war, en his own. phrase, "all rot.' He holds strong views about Kruger and Joubert, act hopes that they will "speedily be wiped out." His uncle is a fairty rich ,man, and, if he has any choice about .his place of exile, will probably eleet for England, where he could im.y up some farming property and set tie dawn. During a recent run of foxhound, a fox, which had been unearthed near Eythroee, In Buckinghamshire, ran reght away into Ayleabury, where it took refuge in St. Mary's ohurelayard. The exile:tat was in a very exhausted stale, and too teeble apparently to jump the wall. The heun,ds evidently lost scent, as they did iaiot appear on the scene_ Reynerti was noticed among Om tombstones by the Rev. 11. C. Staveley, ‘03.0 succeedei in capturing et by enveloping it in a wrap. He sabsequeintly took it down' the Hartwell roa.d and released it. General Sir 11. Chermside, who ewe succeeded General Gaitacee, was pre - vi DIIS I y in 00151110 04 oi t he 11 h Brigade in South Aerica. The second son of the Rev, Seymour Chermeittle, he wan bo•rn in 18e0, and entered) [be aimy in 1868. He has had a large tal Laney ex-pet:lents in ]4gypt, Includ- ing bbs Egyptian expedition tei 18e2 eennection with ethieh he eeecived o reecial and sear. He also reeetved a ttcdaI Re'it mUltasy attache in the. Turko-Ituesien war, 1877-78. e'rana 2280 to 1896 he was military attaehe *1 Constantinople, and British Mei- 11 y COMM ISSI MI6 I` and rommanding her Majeety's troops,, Crete, to IS9.