HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-6-21, Page 6TEE EXTE Ell TIMES
Notes and Comments. [THE GREAT coOUE
There are persona anti lovers ot hooke
at that who think that Caliph Omar
ashosald be canonized for orering ilia
deetruption of the great library at Rev Dr T I e .
to the scorn a mankind. Phteefess carry on, and will want the rignteous So at St. iie
treaeures ma- tioubt were lost. but Resurrection. t.tv:4, We know not what journeys m igt* Wife, "orlto i'leares Hts noptivny
Lena -tits Great Attaehmen
-earaterni tee *alerts to etaee film
reeetieg a wild bease, we =let clip:Ohl
trhullowatiody,ge, or somehow get out of,
eatehes atlyGilnaTan11°,0-7reRalS1BIroCitilthe re-- Qr His TINE ON THE VERANDA.
th etirrected body shall be mighty. God
tAlexaudria rather than be held up t a rnag Discourses on e alwaya have great projects, to can Talk Letgltsb Well, mot Iteeasee DI DO
what a burden of rubbish was lifted
from men's minds, and fouod vse the resurrected may have to take, or
evnat heavenly eaten/Tense they may A
A deeleateht from SO ousuPPese leaera correspondent who has vieited ttte
him best.'
Lorshes to iraitate CalipOmar. that
actor at whien sat two girls, Ye$ I
Telk to taint at Deadwood, and there is
the aarae essumption-it is not real
-e tlee ced-clevil-may-care spirit.
"'Next time I fight,' he says. ' it
sheet be on the side- of the British,'
but you feel instinctively inat if he
ever figlats again will be on, the side
In heating the city battle. Waehington says: before been heard. It may not be
Q11 a Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from have to carry . the the loud, but Ole the was will not Iaet onne
ie -
le the leritishi House of ' fallowing text ; h The hour ts coming IT WILL BE PENETRATING. beavellie" eke'', Le more busy than art in St. leeto be very eomlfortabte. Cronje eua reports their lot and he tells yotte; • that is, it omit thing
It passed to a seeond reading a
ds wrh
' shall hear his voiee. and shall come undisturbed
in tall he which athat are tee the graves, There are mausoleums ao deep that noonday is quiet eompared with the
earthly cthat ity and at Broadway! at hta wife and three members a ht.
' at Kr000stad; it will all be over in
kaPPereet If yeu beat the Boers wall
bill empowertng the trustees of the, silence has slept there buemess a beaven. yea, rt is notate state are in Kent cottage, perebed on
Rettish Museum, to disperse the sews- fortla; they that hare done good unto ever sae the day wheo the sleepers
itcollections may be seen, oo the oneskirta of many
the resurreti
eon of life, and they that were left in thday all the time, and all 'leaven is em. The great noise canon to of a hip, "just suck a eettage' 33 three „home
"Theo Jae will change his tune. The
pipers In a anti to de- . il i Th t t
aee 4 Doe evil unto alie xesurreetton ;Reap, strike through them. Among day nor nigh:, in the laze' sJ. preteatous two -storied dwelling
an Bug:hall village. Imagine an un- e,!eadie
tthy he will tell you teat
with assumed gayety passea away, and al-
tatrelz shell beelits and letmethlel"". as of daranationee-John v. gs, the eorals •of the sea, miles deep, restine, Tjley imeet have se, many , sea' roof and yellow-waehed walls t:ctintaarlteaalPpItviecleltZreta::111;ea:Iletahe:tt
vuttorlentebe l
t hey eh dee.n useless. Neettle-s Philosophic epeeulation has gone , where tea shipwrecked rest, the to celebrate! au 3:411n.7 S°11gS LO sing' staading out elearly from a lx(eite to roam the wand on parole. Yet all
to. say, ;keprept t metes With through heaven, iind tole us that sotts._
d will strike- No one win. itaisn so many high daYs to keep"- gTound of hillside. The window frames
-§"rogg oPPniition front Deena there is nu gold there; and through
Mr. &Taney Lee, who, as editor oil the: hen, end told us that there is no fire earthly
; taket it for thunder, or the blast of need no night, for their eyes are never and ebuttera are painted the Sallie that he nes been guilty a more at -
the time this insincere ereatureknowe
minietrelsy. There will be weary. Tiley need oo sleep. for there Geode of green that you rhay seeany
gaper "Dieticoaery of National Rete.• there; anti through Cbriet, and told
heard the voice of the uncounted mil- Le no call for physical reiteration. If temPts to escepe than any other of
day at a Dutch far bouse tbe
litraPbee.' haa hail ample experience of 1411 there is oo God there; and tions of the dead, who pome rushing they eft down unaler tbe tree of life. .e3 I
faele must be sought for. deeteres there is. no reeurrection; and lias lett
I he unthought-of dust heel"; where through the grave, and '101 us that
out of the gates of etern y t is not to restt some resur- „ r a -or distriet of the CaPe come% ea "Tbe Roar prisoners are being wee
fl I but m , ee the prisoners.
front rues a veranda and there is a.
toward the tomb. crying, "Make way! recite'. sout of earth to telk over old engeety raised sheep: There is also
wro h perfect trete. lb tt "it is beyond banglog over all the fixture, one great,
treated. This 'now as a feet, and
as the reenet of personal enquiries
the capacity of the 12111030 intellect tweet London ay. 0 gr.tve, give us hack mar buds: We times and rehearse tbe battles In senate pretence ai a cower garden, but and ob.servation on the spot. nut, of
to eltseriminete eetweeu ether DS 5-1111- 111 were to call on vou to Ore the I gave it to you in corruption; surren- , wbuna the fou ht should t tt is sadly uegleetad. The garden i$
h course, tbere --
- be some objeetors.
temp hone is ee ineseihteethe %%verb to bave tatieeeed the greetest. The eon- hundreds of ePirits coraing dewn to once resurreeted, an eogel could not
a -meshed toti az a -castaway Pleillee and tbe first thapoleon. You mites on the sea
The seette is ei`ta' forth; and ilten be will make (Ammar.
route, a group of the angel, favoured Wins but eiaeob more etr:vcaolttiilte•retdrelea:d witti banana -sand Deleted to go oitt eleefeeing and so
Braish prisoners at Pretoria areper-
if foetid in tee honaeal Ilion fse !leg arid taltes no prisoners. fee digs that multitude -.-that ie where the ., thing AS 1.V S11. d t g • . ut the right-hand front corner of the ___ ____„______,.__. rs.
ep, flees, one lee they ocu 4iigg:ng up a trench across the hemispheres and Centre! America 1 NV001 .(10W.n. And :-, of heaven. They are eat ong, supple, garden. aud ilie ,Acadr tral" of '14htunee"1",014:1,ftitepel'irwewoiOtheroiulePirrl'A)ttlreem
a, deed tee their trineete ie Egypt II, filZst it with eareesses. Hatt no Gott yonder multittele.„-that is abere tbe unconquerable, immortal etbietes. • ketaki-elad eentries ea t - t
or Irnuttim tee i elele° illes 1•::' en an !! fifty times over, would have swilug That is where the city of Roston seuk, s ste much work to he done that I 110W :
1 1ift.1f.Si 11, 's• 1/ Of them are better fed and get
l'eveh 'Al Prearae511 IL'rw'ir'"P" nulY r) .1.;ing ill f',111:„11 ethii%tn;oanciat aheaorot.t ' oAue'til ?I'taaarielv• r stabieriPt reasilidgilt‘ItIts weenatydoonNelvenr. i rib:geelSasdagrey tb:ecbrh'euatriaonforl SsteLPlettala netts G154;in4Ct.:C4fio;11.netjfe,i'dob7:ioPrifaciretbeisionttgeeta,:lebeociabe;:vval:latb.
t Mure fre611' 131eul I hall 1 b°14. guards.
able oriel tviir.P vatuelle,s tn ape. F eiamee of the worm% greet conquer, ; der it now ingorroaPtioth” Froth shoulder. Jacob wrestled with t e enclosed by a black woodcut Paliog.
sue of bistorieet reseerehe A 4 ors, you would say*Caesar, Alexander. ; New York to Inverpool, at every tew angel, but was not thrown because Sehiel., for example. declares that the
and still further in front is a little
fkret 3C011og:yls ir is 01.4 eel querer is Death. He earries a black. the water to lraeet their bodies. See throw him. There would be no sueh pHeity itself. but for the bell tent isnua, But of *bit, bialeutont wohave
tin 4`0‘71.0.4viog the ptie: Mr:1pp loge hoP.1 (Tea t ing new 0100, the world. Pacific went down. Found at fast
That kind of a body I want There anti shatth, I. meat, and I do know as u Tact that
add ntve,ri C011101.Yafti
111VP a ate for three 0110 r.C.10e! " Drat
end ehouid therefere let ereeerved j e' a lithruentan et the wheel, or eerisited in the snow. Tilt. whole air , of preaching the novel tint I wiell grey. Hitt eyea are deep set, dark and
iong-benrded, and. with bau• turning 1 fora they loft the cape. The hut;
eeplein On deet, or a crew in Ina if full of sPirits-spirits flying earth, teat team the fiy6t day of JafittarY eerretenke am( lens. thetneanor is one however, are extremely melt eared for.
040.0 10 P3','1:i a sr cont-tiats IA 1.4 t of two ye-irs, idd and. under, but this Crash! goes Weettninster Mani', as out pausing for food, or sleep. or rest.1
te preb tbly •lie lergeep et:tea-Pion or eeoneter terikes all ages Ge»ehie till its deed kluge, and. orators, and , 1 cenid tett men
lehlee in he wee H. Over :1446 3 0 D:11/044%,...- Kit. in hem five ntillions in tbe dust; pcets get up, Strange commingling. -Thanks be to EXTREME RESERVE
Go* Lor
and beaven,1 , L.
erel alfelli VaQU'r" 61 rfa ',I 4-2-^, 7 L2/71S. il NV 4 hi;,,, hun.lieds of thousands of of spirit:, searching among the ruios. G of a reeurreet ed ho ly t eattbsehalitritMe.eart ' ..„1,n4-o.s4te‘asC4'1Uvliell aeS4na u6y13' eaTkransnvga!aislehr aolf-
chtie not on- 1 y puree ,se hp i....F tie.' s; lined; hut %Lie Ling hes kept all the Pt-raw:ids, and the
ae,13 te. ee int.r.ng. :17 I, il"..37,,e ,,0 04::liorts Other hinge stenerraes fall William Witherfuree. them. 0 guz:11;bs and 14. :0-evaetry,onadne.1 for a service of rote) and Ariuleb ""acti"' but Y°4 31/4Y 13I'Y
eteett eaelinee a year. ve „thee...eerie ; bee; ern! eurrender territory onee ,Queen Ellzallete, the bad- Crash: go actIvity that shall never paerie and laln in "in witll rtnetnlcnA in Eng-
lieh, He positively refuses to speak
tic. Ai :411 of ree ee,,,p,...4,14t ti au un, 11 l',4' 51-011 ii..11;e Lezterue and Christ. The EgyPt tie(' out Of the heert of the , Jen, my text ;speaks of th* eeeneeeee anythiug but his native teat. and even
ee, o tie% 0.,•.-4.,0,,,, ef -eel pole- Peons -':.''', 0341(‘ etleohei leY Ottin:11,144tent Pm- Ek3.11.1 CiF.D' 01.11 of 1114' betrt Of the !' Han of damnation, The llible says then bl's' rep!ies are Utile mu" ibln
,,,t„ n, lo Ito , v. , 5,,;10 Luz irtre W.14 ar'1111 D'apsurall the mitilern N.:MAU. The venni ry ;; het gime about it, yin it is prohibit, monosyllables He has lit 1 le to say
ti o rehie te efeit,. heeette ; aittel went insi :to duel Whet a eruct: greveyard uill look lilae a, reegh 'r: that aa the wiehei are. in the last about 3.uyiwug, and is difficult to
" Velfortuttate'y, sickness had look-
•ing-a depopulated world -a ship 'eraire-that is here a traveller ; have ' g ot out. or ell Cita 111114T1g t114% Boer prisoners, be-
The "rouble ix rep Jet eleh s- .4. ;sag. fleroil of old slew only those spirits tieing east. spirits fiying west ' t tb eeeen 111113-, of As WrIte there are twenty in hos-
r ihteit„ thh ;ler itatoc:11eleeeltieeeei wile; 3 ttenete eller We plitugned feeld as the nomads lareak i; (ley. to be app0451e in eiriricier, tit, draw. Of course he fees his posi-
, tr,4, le0 are is .4 414t1 -,*i * - * they be. in =any respects. op, tion. You may ehe t at written
ten h osa (- 2 re • h;.4 f100 toren. Al: the hings of the eartio • .-
."•.1.1.i; rticae is h,41 114. Ian a11 the senator -it ell tlee real e
stanterete enree, ers ..114°.f4det " ' ' " g ,111 1' po.sire in holy. Are the bodies Of Ilse large 4/P*4 146 !"ea; but rt""ParY'
47112-4 .g 'VS thq' Of de.- att the bee:gars^ all the atunes-velors
raeta ttereee en' TV4Of the!. thei ' tirighleethe glorictoN-those of the to wheat ea many p..Acett:,s think he
pita out of the MO on -shore, and two
haFve died. These were aecorded Mili-
tary honors, and were hurled over ine
Lelia just beyond Cronje's new tamale."
W 1110 retv4U4
Worth atee(Utue
am'J Roberta weighs a little more
in 1001b.
4.7cpre.s5 trains pass emit other at, a 1
vellority of ninety yards a second.
The Eng! sh tertetto trade employs I
toolay 121 wonten to every WO men.
Although Surprised by the Attack tratta•e,
dears Got lettoer cover ana reetureettile
the enemy's fere-Farm grouse Wax
Af. O. Donohue, a London Daily
Chronicle correspondent, in a recent
letter, described au incident in con_
neetton with a trap laid by the Boene
when might leave caimd disaster te
t be Canadians. He eitidi The Cana
dian Mounted Rifles included. in Ald-
erson's Corps located the enemy ine,
farm bouse to the east of Leetneekep.
With that clistingenuousness so eller-
acteristic of the Boer, a white flag
had been hoisted on the ebieaney to.
-Since the general amnesty every fer-
nier in the Free Seate who has laid
down Ms arms pereetuallar flies a
white flag or two instead of the tenet,
leur. Suspecting nothing, the Cana-
dians advanced towards the nearest
two farm nouses. Ver.:up:Hely they
bad taken be preeaution to dismount,
and were moving forward in extended
order. 'When within foar hundred
yards of their objeeiive, a volley was
poured into their front. A:thongla
somewhat sutprised by the sudden-
ess of the attack, they at once took
cover and returned he fire. The
fire directed upon them did not ae
ly came front the farmhouse itself,
but front an oreherd-garden at the
flew harmlessly by, but having got
their quarry isithin eas,y shooting
range the enemy lurking in the gar-
den abandoned volley firing for indi-
vidual sniping.
The Canadians were in a ticrish
pemition. It was their baptism of fire,
ti they stood it we, as beeame the
comrades of those who fought and
fe:1 at Paardeberg. Retire they couid.
not. and zu leave thein w -here they
were meant death or Pretoria,
one. Allieni101 Ditiftved the difficulty bx
making 0 4101111111D511.4 41011 in rear a
the farmhouse, elms eu thing those in
rant to retire. Behind the farmhouse
la n Hue of low hopjesoileieb connect
.eetretberg with a cW00841 lane of billet
the ea zd wtt rd. A '4Ierseen's eene °demon-
maieeurn ".4..,„,!!e; 4 httrteelisea,tett eteleteitees; the eleiteee tit aim een.leiehea; eel the atee-e-barberic % ei ein evening , .1 nit anew pea e ut or Any Tite fineet -looking people of Europe 6
14,4, " ,iteet .3 fleet ,ete t,f the roe skull Lie pleesure-loun- tint! h 41Z0-4 :111 1t4t..0 15101 0 ere amp- bow had passions ,flat ten t be shun kindness thnt is showo him, and, fuly are thy Tziganes, or gepiies, of Hun- r
ee*, 4 h h f eting tc.ts of a world or simmered in the ij and ,lappreei it ete the efforts that are made pry.
'fire, or ratted in dungeons; all the
i•er.1 t ..h PHILO-OPIIERS. 4. .DISFIGURE THE BODY. " to secure his comfeni. Beyond this he To he perfectly, proporteoned, a man fi
eapia ;wing lane P b et they fen guaakee et tee ;is !it • f the • There be comes! up nul of the greve-
a; erte e 0 infunre of a day ell the oetogenariens Ire is ati the Sphinx. should weigh 21t1b. for every foot of 1
Let hew will these ho.litte look? Th Ms hotly flaming out in a orse dis- Piet Cronje. Cbarges of terrible cruel-
ty have been laid a: his door and some -
t ration unmet ft Ilea a second dine of
iflemen un the hells en his left.
orttinately lie wes then a 'about big
un-., so la. tecened with a pont-pone
he fire of whieh served to cover the
vithilettwal of the 4,1.11:01 fttree he
tz.cut Anivard eu cellow the Cana.
ians t 0 retire. The whole force now
•Ithelrew to 1130 west side of tall,rug-
ed Leenw berg.
The 15110.0 tic 010 fOreeS 011gaged
ffe..ted a june..1110, and in the morn-
4.463nbui200t-eRr"Pli:lalas(:,10,118,ui!ler,1;:eitilte020!8'40.94111.'eleln kth iargtealiii,"gentCTel'ell-ceaasvtallt;w4liefaddsinPgazlirtdbue-
" ''741". not `1 Vit1LA' 'et11* fD13 ‘71;4"! DV.Ile. IT1'17 enettlituretli;
The fastest -flowing lever in the way.
THE FAIlmuotisE
%tee e hero :leech -at h (vs a A:ilia! Mork- leen:, but never dre trued that the hotly 7a111- yard -the drunkard. -‘ I I
Not tine straggler left be- • "It is a strange diameter, Ode his beight,
etietonter thiueen ,o( tte thee %%emelt pet up and join it. This idea
Inel ruction in the English lang- eh?'
eolith it, eeevest hey see the teeeetteiteie st-Seattetl. and beyond
nage fs Mew oblige ory in Russiau d
bodies of the righteous, in the firstt thriatneri;lih,1101 ananint;tionbght.thltiZtafettritjtiri r flInWt Nvilen you torefully regard hie
-b. 'i v.hee thee o t.,^ott:tig. .44.,6 enalegit•s eammerem I schools.
Pt ee -a f.,10,•3m.11,,"„...n.., da..; imp,r V4t1t .4s t 1;0 h0 ie put intettiO
Pei^sfa's army numbers seventy- g
qlreor: te,rt of pateerol erd mute, Up, ZDO Oil 1.
• battalions of Infantry, form -
11,!:71‘; nIoro-will" be rani" gel. r" there are•e!'tleP:'lltroff71:11:1411zirnegt113111tet tteirtill:1"enf ;tin
no dramshops in hell. There comes ermistice or firing on thek womin and
reeking wit b filth that nettle tum • --
i r ren4 tx....a.g..,eur;e1,setztst.,Itteerre eaxr:Ittrioiree.
ng aerozis ht.• 1.-eniet;1-11, elo"islattel when the Sire of net riot's= lights his
:.keletate tu what it would have been lu lb minui aud wret„bi
p e 3 D'
tie -e thin!: f:•st. tell. ...f the' isteliee. I vit y. if the alsitai entiie-
tog total force of (3J,900.
?. en 1 etetee h al nee .rft :y N. .n he V.L80 10111; pro -
had not sin value.
,0 des; roe, teat to dtsperee e but eerily, dui so our tleatl bodies
001,1's MODEL OF A. FA.C.H.,,, WW
Z.:1100.' 1141i. Ifefteren PxqUitsitp sta
. e1, and raore partieularly in the
. en fantehed, you should. take a (smite:ma t ibn of deribi• Here "re i homage paid to his wife. liel day long/
ehisel il Rill clip it, and clip it, and set !all the faces of the utipardoned dead. l, errs, Cronje in rusty Week dress and
I be statue in an GUL.Of.1100r eXpOMIreo t ed nth, and fee,
i The last line of at t reel ivenese IS an`h"i -black Boer ' topple,' is the defeated
IN 1/0:1013' would nearly all be gone. 1 (tele ie wild. Ilro lig**, General's elose companion. Others who
Yet the human body has been clipped, ant, fierce, internal. ih* heek nenamel are blood relations may emerge from
i the mouth thsturteci with blaeptiem-
and Idaeted, arid battered for tho - .. e ,
, ' Ine gl'in" " the fat'es al. Lhl'i while beneath the veranda, but there
the how** rind remain for a brief
riga, 0011S 103S like 3 new zno I'Illng. 1 18 ab0111 111001 the rest:essneati 1111d
t he Oa nee of 1 he faces of the lo -a -
JA .44 W 14: 11 ii, 1: -;1W 4tICPe!Viti ,i110 an 1 3:D it iitn, I tvley that there, is nu ha-
il .#41Wy '414i !OS% n 'Pq':1r10:,: tij 111 Q `5) 10.0 take 01i DI ‘114011D1/11 eX-
aeent iti 12.000 ft, in 180 miles. treacherous.), fired on was burnt, and
gi‘nitid rh-it they hietome ilierehe G teriteteunt or life berueen the eater -
aloft, and theft blow upward.
In biewing out a candle, hold it lhe eeeuider wa"' '4'11' a Priermer te
in -st.t.:.bili4* I' is tieggeeted 1 h it if epri 41" anii the hut ierfly ; and, there -
will prevent eve tteiens the fsretts„. been eitgaged in aelive hostilities. A
et • hi is !Heeled it noeld he better to fere. the 3114 otzy Las You say that
In Russia 14 is mot considered good rommando had route down f rom the
nes Bloemfontein. He had not, be .tid
1'010010 ,140 11:110/01.1i0:4 311c1 ruttiest- there is a pellet.: lyile of the resume --
form for a girl lo (fence a whole waltz hills nnd comet -Bed him to run up
13" 0'1s, D11 111e 3r110011111 To Stira0 111hor ion in the treee in spring-11rue. 1
r polka with one pe amen the white flag while they filled their
ho,bldng -,nd ta use 1110 sleeve wren reply that the tree doe-. not die in
Cremation is becoming papular tn, magezinee and lined the garden Iwo].
up "" 1.11vM f01' hooks. Should that winter. It le sium:y dormant; and,
London. In 188.3 only three bodies On :Monday afternoon the enemy were
peel. inetiffieitent it tooted be lr1SPE tbeTeinre, ':Ile an (logy Wis. The body
were cremated; in 1880, 240. met with egain, this time in the kop-
fo he Govertan,lat to keep on huyIng though eut up by dieseeting Imiees,
One million eight hundred and fifty ' jes westward of Paartlekrzial. The eav..
land for additions. but to keep tbe and learned in e furrince, ehall 00100
thousand square yards of looking- 'airy drew their fire and the artillery
nit- le .of Pile great library together. together.
The !eyeteeth (.1 a library hes In the The (objector etlYsi. SuPPose a man glass is manufaetured in Europe au- drove tbena out. It wes here that
cohfeierive of the community that it be .eaten up by eunnibals, how eau his
Every Frenchman mans, daily pay Bengal Lancers, but in command of
ItAia 11tbacie Lt e readers with any book
the Government one shilling and a Roberts' Horse was shot, while leading
nuttily. Colonel Brazier Creagh, or the lith
fhtenve is best justified at present
they neee on any subjeet. That eon -
halfpenny before he is free to eat his men into a kopje. Major Nichol -
Le, the iibraey of tbeRrituab Museum
end ey .he Nei itnlit i 141 brarY at Paris.
- 1 o 0 1:00b, by the waters of ' '
1 V1P1D.c., In unpardoned past, and instead ut a younger retaiive was extremely Offhand sheoting at 2r0 yards is sire t cher part y, . went forward to
his daily bread. son, R. A. ef. C., with a mounted
The prediearaent of the Museum eeerlast ingly iiist inet . But suppose
the major accompliehed his pur-
, death, has been wayhed the last traee t
1 of imaginary evi:s crawling over him , annoyed. He was a fine, tall young rensidered by the tuner:wan crack bring him in, and was fired on, but
trieeees u hen they shall have to de- i that a part of the body was absorbed
ee the pet ectel hand-th t knots on , frights, an pains, and woes of the 1abl.e slouch hat. As he caught sight marksmanship. pose. Two prisoners taken afterwards
it_t( tears .a.i.irtt etude.. Then you will I and flitting before him, finds the real !fellow in shirt -sleeves and the inevit- ehete es the best training to dereloP
elee it i23; min+ ed matter la useless : ' the knuelehte uf toil unte d e7 more 1
and wi,,,1 i,, ant is unitising to hang_ a substitute for the part that had f„itour.
of the shoulders 'fere. -bo ,Between these two styles of rising, I 4, flung his arme about and mutter- mated at 97,20.0 square miles, net in-; duct by eaying that the Red Cross
0 in another body -conk" not God make s
! resurreetion and damnation T 1 of the officers he gesticulated violent- The coal areas of Canada are esti- sought to justify ibis destardly mu-
ffle. They will nut trv -to decide for
an the eeoght of years; but
advance of the sit retcher party, which
t been absorbed in another body e The !bearing • d- ' m " ea- choose ye. I set. before you, in God's i ell in Dutch. Then he hurriedly en- eluding areas known but as yet lin_ . flag Wft•S borne In rear, and not in
may endeevor to think ft eentury
a thousand years from now, but they
: would rather have a eubstii uted por- :in all the zrame.
;all of us erect, elastic -the life of God radiant, glorious, Christ -like; the fa minute litter, if anything more rest- was u tenet- untrue.
- resu Treated par „,
t of a good man . name, two resurrected bodies. The one t tered the house, but may to emerge developed in the far north. le 1
' '
ahead. When brought face to fat' li tion of body given it than that part t
o The body will be immortal. The I other worn, b:ateted, infernal, from- . -e6S than ever. Cronje, however, and
with the que,elion, " Whith book, will .
t of the body which a canniba.1 had 1.
physical system is perpetually waste . mend you to the Lord of the reeurrec- i his wife have aequired, the art of sit-
! , ,
be leatet useful in the year 2000 r, we i eaten and digested. 1.
i tion. Confiding in him Death will be I ting Mill. His attachment to her is
guess that their victims will be found ir
stood on the top of the Catskills one ' i in the rue/ that the furnace
, to yo only the black servant that 1
But come, let us get out of this. I 1,,titt.ns,
very great. Talk to hien. on any sub-
. ing away. It is !only because we keep. ! ' ' i
rather in the domain of fiction and. i
! bright morning. On the top of the 'rnot go entirely out. Blood -vessels
opens the door, and the grave will be 1 ject and he will immediately make re-
doesputry and fLeology than among un-
! mountain was a crown of flashing .
are only canala to carry breadstuff's to i to you only the toilet -room where you i ference to her views and acts. Cronje,
literary work. Judging from the ex -
the different parts. If tbeee Supplies
; the devoted husband, and Cronje of
perience of the past can there be any !gold. while all beneath was rolling, lean, we h. . ... _
le Sickness and death lurk 1 • .
; May the God of Peace, litho brought ; Potchefstroom, of Mafeking, and of
; dress for glory.
reruparison of the+ value a hundreePi writhing, contorted cloud. But af- ,
ter a while the arrows of light ehot ;around to see if they cannot iv ; again from the dead our Lord Jesus, i Kimberley! You c,oine away feeling
years laence, for instance, between a I
pry under the tenement., and g at
aa ; the Great Shepherd of the sheep, I that the conjunction is incongruous.
London City Directory of this year, i from heaven, began to make tbe ;
;slight push we tumble off the, throtigh the blood of Everlasting Coe- I "Quite a different man is (Unman -
or between a volume of patent re- I gloonae of the valley strike tent. The I
- ba nkmen 1 of thegrave. • But
etre, - ' enant, make us perfect in every good dant Schiel. Here you hap one who 1
ports and a criticisra by Mr. Le Gal -1 mists went skurrying up and down 1 ."ar che work to do his wi .
Menne? Whatever they mark for de like horsemen in wild retreat. . The, S a ave an Ina -
righteous, arisen h 11 h • 'Ill
martal body.. It will be inoapable of
disease. You will hear no cough or
groan. Tihere wilt be no miasma or
fever in the air. There will be no
rough etecp. down svhieh to fall, no
fracturing a limb. People cross the
sea for their health; buethat voyage
over the sea of death will cure the
last Christian invalid. There grows
an herb' on that hill that will oure.
the last snake -bite of earthly poison.
NO hospital there, no dispensary, no
medicines, no ambulances, no invalid
chair, no crutclaes, no emaciation, no
spectacles for poor sight, no listing
•of windows to keep out the cold
blasts, . but heal th immortal for the
resurrected . bodies' of the' righteous.,
Again: The body will be powerful.
Walking ten or 'fifteen miles, we are
weary. Lifting. -a few hundred
pounds makes us pant. Unarmed,
world the Sutlej, in India. Its de- whence the Canadians bad beers.
eambapf yettes. Physival dorms have
'wee bawled down from generation 10
generation for six thouaand years end
'tie have inherited all the bodily in-'
e like anceher night failing
" when under restraint. When, for in -
starlet!, I was at Kent Cottage, there
mime within a hundred and fifty
yards, just outside the cordon of sett-
. le exha ust ed, and horrified wit b a 1 tries,
review of his past* or rouses up in de -1
lien= 'tremens, and sees serpents ; TWO YOUNG SUBALTERNS
erawanh „.er mins or devils dancing. with field glasses awl snapshot cam-
eras. Of coarse they were inquisitive.
The General and his wile were screen-
ed. by the closed end of the veranda;
u ) of the younger Boer
graves, lie will refaehion, and improve, ' •
. i l Itr. of all the past. But wben God a meat h tiebeueh. a man gels ;
midnight, ff. after the elate of
takee the righteous out of their 1 _ _ -
up and sfts on thee aid; of the bed....
and adorn riecortiiiee to the original
model, until the difference between a
geTanast and the emaciated wretch in
bode- be brought baek? I enswee, 1 the lazaretto is ):10t so great as that
here is no proof that the earthly part 1 between our present bodily structures about bim-what wi.11 he the feeling
of the human , body ever cart be ab- i
land ear glorious resurreeted forins of a man who gets up out of his bed
sorbed in another body. I suppose illesre eou will see the perfected., oft the last morning of earth, and re -
God has power to keep thes.e bodies ''' ' •
structeon, some historian of the next
century will be sure. to brand them
as vandals. Perhaps, if (hey are wise,
they wili leave the whole matter to
nature. Scientific men tell ue that
the wood paper we use will crumble
away, obliterating the good and the
less good alike. It may be, too, that
some twentieth centary 0.axar may
arise to sweep away the burden. of
the past and leave his followers free
to think only oe the fixture. The duty
of the British IVIuseum trustees, how/ -
ever, seems plain. It is to keep on
gathering everything, good and bad,
that is printed, into their great lib-
rary. - ; , ,„ ,
'eta" el.
Nutrnegs are .slight stiniulants, and
when administered in warm weier
they make a gentle nervous sedative
and a fair otontachia..
fogs were lifted, and dashed, and
whirled. Then the whole valley be-
came one grand illumination ; and
there were horses of fire, and chariots
of fire, and thrones of fire, and the
flapping wings of angels of fire. Gra-
dually, without sound of trumpet or
roll of wheel, they moved off. The
green valleys looked up. Than the
long flash of the Hudson unsheathed
itself, and there were the white flocks
of viliagee lying amid the riek pas-
tures, golden grain -fields, and the
soft, radiant cradle of the valley, in
which a young enapicernight sleep.
Various' scriptural accounts say
that the work of grave -breaking will
begin with the blast of trumpets and
shoutings ; eviaence I take it that the
first intimation of the day will' be a
sound from heaven such as has never
of High Re
A Special Formula of a Creat Physician Is Br. Chase's Nerve Food-,
The Croat Blood Builder.
i has receased training in European There are iMitators of Dr. A. W.
1 military schools. There is much of he Cease, but none who dare' to repro -
soldier of fortune about him • • but duce his poirtrait and signature, which
there is much that is superficial and
'What do you think ? Charlie White Ineincere. When f last saw Comman-
and Mabel Perkasie are engaged again dant Sehiel he was a prisoner on
atter their engagement had been I board her Majesty's ship Penelope at
broken off and they had become noth- Shrion'e. Town. To -day he has recov-
lug to each other
Charlie surrendered again, did he?
Yes. •
, et: sort of re-capitalation, en ?
Maw, what's de difference between
er politician and er statesman? Well,
honey, a mushroom's good, ain't It•t
Yes, 'um, And a toadetool is pizen,
ain't It Yes, 'um. 'And dey bof look
alike? Yes, 'um, Des same differ-
ence from a :statesman to a noliti-
eie from has wound and occupies a
tent standing alone and :within sight
of the house in which Napoleon lived
and died. But it is the same Schiel.
At Simon's Town, alas sight of ladies
in a boat approaching ilia prison,
ship sent him into an ectasy of de-
light, and he would chatter away with
fervor -about "flie dear ladies.' Almost
he soon as I stepped ashore at St.
Helena there was placed in my hands
a photograph of Sehiel being driven
along the waty to main street on his
ed leader among the Lady Maocabeee,
Fovesters and other fraternal senile -
t' , , is weel known throughout
a -re found on every box of his the State for her ex te , ill rand
tune reniediee. seaate qualities. Mrs. Young has re-%; :ere
eerie:et Tecovered from nervous dieor:.
Nor are there -any preparations that dews, ethileh she describes ea t.h f '
. i e. . e marvellous cures . eyeing wordee-
c d
brought.about by this great physician "My eocialernd other duties in doe -
of recipe book fame. Here Is a sample neolion with several fraternal socie-
of the letters deity received from ; ties hhd drawn so much upon my
grateful cured ones:- I strength that I found mysett all run
Mr. A. T. P. Laliame, railway agent I down in heiaath, was very nervotie.
at Clarencetelle, Que., writes:--• For , had no appetite, could get no real
twelies. years f heve been ruxt down , rest from sleep and Was, troubled very
with nee.vous debilliy. Isuffered much ' much with pains in the head and
and consulted doctors, and used med- back. I tried many sorts of tonics,
&eines in vain. Some months ago I but cou.lti ,eaet no permanent heilp un-
heard of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, used ell T ueed Dr. Chase's Nerre Food. I
two boxes, and my heeith improved so took two boxes as directed and found
rapidly that I ordered twelve more. a perfect cure for my trouble. Their
"I can say frankly that this treat- action wan ver y mild and effective,
meant hoe no equat in the medieal and I be-lieve 'hem to be the best
world. While ue.ing Dr. Charte's Nerve medicine for nervous troulales that I
Food I could feel my system being know of."
built up until now I strong an insist an heving the genuine and
healthy. I cannot recommend it too you can be absolutely sure of great
way to Deadwood Camp. Hie eyes were highly, for Weak, nervous people." benefit. Dr. Clhose's Nerve Food, 50
raised, and you followed their three- Mrs. E. IT. Young, of 214 Greenvvood , (tents a box, at all dealers, or Edmam
hen to an open window en an tipper avenue, Jackson, in a recogniz-1 eon; Bates, & Co., TOTorito..
. ,